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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Faut-il mourir pour que vive le roi ? La mort tragique face à la succession monarchique dans le théâtre du XVIIe siècle (1637-1691) / Should the King die to live long? Death and monarchic succession in Seventeenth Century French Tragic Drama (1637-1691)

Labrune, Caroline 06 July 2018 (has links)
Ce travail s'applique à éclairer les rapports qu'entretiennent la mort et la succession monarchique dans le théâtre tragique français du XVIIe siècle. Telle qu'elle est présentée par les textes théoriques et juridiques de l'époque moderne, la succession monarchique ne semble guère se prêter à la scène tragique. Dès lors, pourquoi et comment les dramaturges la représentent-ils ? C'est ce paradoxe que nous éclairons en adoptant une démarche pluridisciplinaire. Dans un premier temps, nous montrons que les dramaturges tragiques rejettent la mystique que la théorie politique contemporaine présente comme acquise, en particulier la fiction mystique des deux corps du roi. Cela ouvre la porte à toutes sortes de crises, ce qui ne signifie pas pour autant que la mort se produise toujours dans notre corpus. Selon les circonstances, un même motif (ambition, amour, liens du sang) peut mener à des issues strictement contraires. Aussi les dramaturges créent-ils des tragiques divers, qui vont du spectacle pathétique de la ruine des uns à la générosité sublime des autres. Il font donc preuve d'une grande liberté dans le traitement de la succession monarchique, ce qui pose problème. À une époque où le pouvoir royal s'absolutise, il peut sembler périlleux de présenter de tels désordres sur scène. C'est pourquoi nous nous attachons, dans un dernier temps, à prendre la mesure du potentiel subversif de notre corpus et à expliquer comment les dramaturges ont pu traiter un sujet aussi délicat de façon aussi variée. / This PhD dissertation focuses on the links between death and monarchic succession in Seventeenth Century French tragedies, tragi-comedies and heroic comedies. Since political philosophers and legal scholars of the Early Modern Era always present the monarch's death as natural and serene, succession did not seem to be of particular interest for tragic playwrights. One can therefore wonder why and how they staged succession crises. This is the question this dissertation answers in an interdisciplinary perspective. First, this dissertation shows that their plays did not present the mystical doctrine of the King's two bodies as valid. That is why playwrights could elaborate on all sorts of succession crises. This does not mean howewer that death always occurs in Seventeenth Century French Tragic Drama, even though it is often the case. Depending on the situations, similar patterns (ambition, love, blood ties) can lead to completely opposite endings. That is why playwrights sometimes aroused pity, horror, but also admiration in the spectator, which means they had great liberty when they staged succession. That can appear odd, as it is well-known that the Seventeenth Century saw the rising of absolutism in France. Why would the authorities allow such a fundamental issue to be questioned publicly? This is why this dissertation finally studies to what extent the French Tragic Drama of this period was subversive, and how playwrights could manage to stage such a delicate question as monarchic succession.

L'influence occidentale sur le développement du théâtre moderne siamois : le cas du Roi Vajiravudh (1910-1925) / Occidental influences on the development of Siamese modern theater : a case study of King Vajiravudh (1910-1925)

Inthano, Theeraphong 24 June 2013 (has links)
Le Siam – l’actuelle Thaïlande – est le produit d’un métissage, encore dynamique de nos jours, qu’il s’agisse de son peuplement, de sa culture ou de sa littérature. L’influence occidentale, apparue avec les Européens au début du XVIième siècle, s’est accélérée au XIXième, quand ses rois se sont préparés à faire face aux appétits coloniaux français et britannique. Le roi Vajiravudh (1910-1925), éduqué en Grande-Bretagne, a tenté de faire connaître à ses compatriotes le théâtre à l’occidentale, d’abord par des traductions d’œuvres françaises et anglaises, puis par des adaptations et des œuvres originales. Contrairement à ce qui est généralement admis, son action ne représente pas une rupture dans l’histoire littéraire du Siam : il se place dans une continuité littéraire ininterrompue et n’a jamais rejeté les thèmes anciens. Ses pièces de théâtre ont surtout apporté des techniques dramatiques et scénographiques, dont le développement s’est poursuivi tout au long du siècle passé. Plus que l’acteur d’une révolution dans la dramaturgie siamoise, il est le marqueur de son évolution continue depuis des siècles. / Siam – Thailand as it has been known for several decades – is the result of a mix of people, cultures and literatures, which is still dynamic nowadays. Western influence appeared there at the beginning of the 16th century and increased very quickly during the 19th century when its kings had to prepare the kingdom to face the British and Frenchcolonial greed. King Vajiravudh (1910-1925), who studied about ten years in Great Britain, tried to make Occidental-style drama become well-known with his compatriots through translations, adaptations and, later, original works. Contrary to what has generally been affirmed, his action did not mark a break in the history of Thai literature : it was placed in an uninterrupted literary continuity and never rejected the traditional topics : his plays especially brought western dramatic and scenographic techniques, which have been developed through the last century. More than being the actor of a revolution in Thaidrama, King Vajiravudh marked out an evolution which has been continuous for centuries.

Le système de santé en Thaïlande et l'origine des inégalités en matière de santé : une analyse politico-économique / Health system in Thailand and origin of health inequalities : a political economy analysis

Saengkanokkul, Pakpoom 22 May 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objet l’analyse du système de santé et des inégalités en matière de santé en Thaïlande. Il s’agit d’abord d’identifier les acteurs politiques du système de santé et les idéologies sur lesquelles ils se fondent, et sur cette base, d’examiner la manière dont les politiques mises en œuvre ont affecté la santé et la distribution de santé. En Thaïlande, la triade nationale "Nation-Bouddhisme-Roi" a imprégné toute la société, y compris le système de santé. Elle a également influencé les acteurs et les décideurs politiques qui ont conçu le système de protection sociale thaïlandais. Influencé par l'utilitarisme-nationalisme, le ministère de la Santé a privilégié l'efficacité plutôt que l'égalité, et a amélioré la santé de la population afin d'augmenter la croissance économique. Influencés par le bouddhisme, certains technocrates ont lancé des politiques de promotion de la santé, basées sur le concept de Karma, qui renforcent la responsabilité individuelle, mais ignorent les inégalités sociales. Les organisations caritatives royales ont fourni des soins de santé pour des groupes marginalisés, mais de nombreux patients n'ont toujours pas été traités. Grâce à ces acteurs, de nombreux indicateurs de santé de la population ont été améliorés, mais parallèlement les disparités de santé ont été renforcées. La réforme de la santé, lancée en 2001 par le parti Thai Rak Thai, a mis en place un nouveau programme d'assurance maladie qui fournit des soins de base à tous les Thaïlandais. Bien que de nombreux bilans aient confirmé la réduction des inégalités et l'amélioration de l'accès aux soins, certains groupes d'intérêts ont largement protesté. Ce nouveau programme, fondé sur l'égalité des chances et le droit à la santé, a involontairement défié les anciens acteurs et les anciennes idéologies. En conséquence, les conflits dans le système de santé et l'instabilité politique ont entravé le développement de nouvelles politiques de santé. / This thesis uses a political economy frame to analyze Thailand’s health system and its inequalities in health. After identifying the political actors of the health care system and the ideologies on which they are based, it examines the way in which the policies put in work have affected the health and the distribution of health. In Thailand, national trilogy "Nation-Buddhism-King" impregnated the whole political pattern, including health system. It also influenced political agents and political decision-makers in building the Thai social protection system. Influenced by utilitarianism and nationalism, the Ministry of Health had prioritized efficiency, rather than equality, and improved population health in order to increase economic growth. Due to Buddhism, some technocrats have launched health promotion policies based on the concept of Karma that reinforced individual responsibility for health, but ignored social inequalities that affected health-risk behaviors. Royal charities have provided health care for marginalized groups for long times, but many patients still were left untreated. Thanks to these actors, many health indicators were improved, but, at the same time, it increased health disparities between rich and poor, rural areas and urban areas, as between Bangkok and the poorest regions, North and Northeast. In 2001, Thai Rak Thai party launched a new health insurance program providing basic health care for all Thais. Although many reports confirmed the good results of a policy that reduced some inequalities and improved health care access for the poor, it raised the opposition from several stake-holders groups. This new program, based on equal opportunities and the right to health, unintentionally challenged the old policies and the old ideologies in health care justice. As a result, conflicts in health system as well as political instability as a whole constrained the development of new health policies for the next generations.

Medidas de rentabilidade da empresa

Mota, Haroldo Moura Vale 25 November 1992 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2010-04-20T20:14:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 1992-11-25T00:00:00Z / Faz uma avaliação da medida de retorno contábil da corporação (return on investment - ROI) à luz da verdadeira medida de retorno econômico (taxa interna de retorno - TIR). Apresenta modelo para cálculo da taxa interna de retorno da empresa, o qual é submetido à testes para aferir o seu valor informativo. Utilizando o conceito de taxa interna de retorno da corporação, é criado um modelo denominado de Modelo de Avaliação Econômica Base Caixa, aplicável a uma empresa brasileira de telecomunicações.

L'image de Louis XV et Louis XVI entre tradition et création : statégies figuratives et inscription dans l'espace public, 1715-1793 / The Image of Louis XV and Louis XVI, between Tradition and Creation : strategies of Representation and Inscription in the Public Space, 1715-1793

Chéry, Aurore 30 November 2015 (has links)
L'intérêt scientifique pour l'image de Louis XV et Louis XVI a été jusqu'ici bien moindre que celui manifesté pour celle de leur glorieux ancêtre, Louis XIV. Cette situation a pu être encouragée par une historiographie inclinant à l'hypothèse de la désacralisation de la monarchie au XVIIIe siècle. Il en aurait résulté une dégradation de l'image royale, la monarchie étant incapable de faire face au rôle de plus en plus déterminant joué par la sphère publique. Or, ce travail cherche à montrer que c'est précisément en raison de la prise en compte de l'opinion que cette image royale se redéfinit à cette période, une redéfinition qui apparaissait d'autant plus nécessaire après la défaite dans la Guerre de Sept Ans. C'est bientôt la représentation d'un roi simple et bienfaisant, inspirée par Stanislas Leszczynski, qui s'impose et qui contribue à la popularité de Louis XVI pendant son règne. Ainsi, la représentation royale évolue en se donnant de nouveaux modèles. Elle tire en outre parti d'une multiplicité de supports de diffusion dont la démocratisation permet de toucher un large public. Enfin, cette image ne se conçoit plus sans un nouvel acteur : la presse qui sert à la fois à promouvoir l'iconographie royale, à préciser son sens et à lui donner consistance. / Up to now, scholarly studies have shown less interest in the image of Louis XV and Louis XVI than in the one of their glorious ancestor, Louis XIV. This situation may have been encouraged by a historiography fostering the hypothesis of the desacralization of the monarchy in the 18th century. It would have led to a degradation of the royal image, with the monarchy being unable to face up to the growing influence of the public sphere. Yet, this dissertation tries to show that it precisely was because public opinion was taken into account that the royal image was redifined at the period. It appeared all the more necessary after the defeat in the Seven Years War. Soon afterwards, the representation of a simple and benevolent king, inspired by Stanislas Leszczynski, began to prevail and contributed much to the popularity of Louis XVI during his reign. Thus, the royal representation evolved and refered to new models. It also made good use of the democratization of multiple diffusion mediums enabling it to reach a larger public. Finally, the royal image could not be contemplated without paying attention to a major new actor: the press. It was used to promote the new royal iconography but it also precised its meaning and gave it some intellectual substance.

Automated Camera Placement using Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization / Automated Camera Placement using Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization

Amiri, Mohammad Reza Shams, Rohani, Sarmad January 2014 (has links)
Context. Automatic placement of surveillance cameras' 3D models in an arbitrary floor plan containing obstacles is a challenging task. The problem becomes more complex when different types of region of interest (RoI) and minimum resolution are considered. An automatic camera placement decision support system (ACP-DSS) integrated into a 3D CAD environment could assist the surveillance system designers with the process of finding good camera settings considering multiple constraints. Objectives. In this study we designed and implemented two subsystems: a camera toolset in SketchUp (CTSS) and a decision support system using an enhanced Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm (HPSO-DSS). The objective for the proposed algorithm was to have a good computational performance in order to quickly generate a solution for the automatic camera placement (ACP) problem. The new algorithm benefited from different aspects of other heuristics such as hill-climbing and greedy algorithms as well as a number of new enhancements. Methods. Both CTSS and ACP-DSS were designed and constructed using the information technology (IT) research framework. A state-of-the-art evolutionary optimization method, Hybrid PSO (HPSO), implemented to solve the ACP problem, was the core of our decision support system. Results. The CTSS is evaluated by some of its potential users after employing it and later answering a conducted survey. The evaluation of CTSS confirmed an outstanding satisfactory level of the respondents. Various aspects of the HPSO algorithm were compared to two other algorithms (PSO and Genetic Algorithm), all implemented to solve our ACP problem. Conclusions. The HPSO algorithm provided an efficient mechanism to solve the ACP problem in a timely manner. The integration of ACP-DSS into CTSS might aid the surveillance designers to adequately and more easily plan and validate the design of their security systems. The quality of CTSS as well as the solutions offered by ACP-DSS were confirmed by a number of field experts. / Sarmad Rohani: 004670606805 Reza Shams: 0046704030897

Circadian Rhythms in the Brain - A first step

Dadi, Kamalaker Reddy January 2013 (has links)
Circadian Rhythms (CR) are driven by a biological clock called as suprachiasmaticnucleus (SCN), located in a brain region called the hypothalamus. These rhythms are very much necessary in maintaining the sleep and wake cycle at appropriate times in a day. As a starting step towards non-invasive investigation of CR, aim is to study changes in the physiological processes of two Regions of Interest (ROI), the hypothalamus and the visual cortex. This was studied using a functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) technique to investigate for any changes or differences in the Blood Oxygen Level Dependent (BOLD)signals extracted from the ROI during a visual stimulation. We acquired and processed fMRI data to extract BOLD signals from ROI and the extracted signals are again further used to study the correlation with the experimental ON-OFF design paradigm. The extracted BOLD signals varied a lot between the two specified brain regions within the same subject and between three types of fMRI data. These variations were found in terms of number of activated voxels and also Signal to Noise ratio(SNR) level present in the signals. The number of activated voxels and SNR werehigh in visual cortex whereas low number of activated voxels and low SNR were found in hypothalamus. The correlation between BOLD responses from primaryvisual cortex were shown as positive with the experimental stimulation whereas BOLD responses extracted from hypothalamus have shown a negative correlation in time with the experimental stimulation. As a start up of the project, these BOLD responses can provide references for a future use in research studies, especially to further study about change in phase of the BOLD signal extracted exactly from the SCN. These phase responses can then be used to study physiological processing in subjects affected by sleep disorders.

Biometrics : Attitudes and factors influencing a breakthrough in Sweden / Biometri : Attityder och faktorer som påverkar ett genombrott i Sverige

Brobeck, Stefan, Folkman, Tobias January 2005 (has links)
Biometrics is a collection of methods for identifying and authorizing individuals with something they are, or do. It is considered to be one of the most secure technologies for security, both physical and logical. Security is something very important for organizations today, but yet there has been a low interest in investing in biometrics for security in Sweden. The purpose of this thesis has been to establish factors to why biometrics has not been implementedto any large extent, even though the technology has been around for long. We have evaluated the attitudes and views of individuals, as well as company leaders. Problem and questions with biometrics that often are discussed are privacy concerns, costs and ROI (return on investment) and user acceptance. Foremost there is a concern about the costs of implementing such a solution, although some claim that money can be saved by avoiding the costs in more traditional security methods, such as password administration and in security cards. There is a range of different technologies to use, such as facial-scan, voice-scan and the most mature and well known technique, finger-scan which has been around for a long time, especially for identifying criminals. All these techniques have there positive and negative sides, often measured in different levels of universality, uniqueness, permanence and collectability, e.g. eye-scan has a high uniqueness, facial-scan has a high universability and signature-scan has a low permanence level. We have collected our data through interviews with companies and suppliers of biometric systems as well as a questionnaire given to private persons. By interpreting the data in a qualitative way we have made our analysis and reached a conclusion. Our result shows that a cost related to biometric solutions is the largest reason why investments have been absent. This verifies the results of other authors, that the cost is the largest obstacle. Another important factor is that companies believe that biometrics is for organizations with a very high security need. Further our result show that individuals are positive towards biometrics. / Biometri är ett samlingsnamn för tekniker som identifierar och auktoriserar individer, antingen något de är eller gör. Biometri anses vara en av de säkraste teknologierna för säkerhet, både fysisk och logisk. Säkerhet är något som är mycket viktigt för organisationer i dagens läge, men än så länge så har investeringar i biometriska säkerhetslösningar i Sverige uteblivit. Syftet med denna magisteruppsats har varit att fastställa faktorer som bidrar till att biometriska lösningar inte har blivit implementerade i någon större utsträckning, trots att teknologin har funnits länge. Vi har utvärderat individers samt företagsledares attityder och synsätt angående biometri. Frågor och problem som ofta relateras till biometri är personligintegritet, kostnader och avkastning på investering samt användaracceptans. Framförallt är det osäkerheten kring kostnaderna av en implementering av en biometrisklösning. Det finns även de som hävdar att biometriska lösningar kan spara pengar jämfört med traditionella system därför att man undviker till exempel lösenordsadministration och passerkort. Det finns en rad olika tekniker att använda, exempelvis ansiktsavläsning, röstigenkänning och den mest mogna och kända tekniken, fingeravtrycksläsning som har existerat en längre tid, framförallt för att identifiera kriminella. Det finns positiva och negativa sidor med alla dessa tekniker, de mäts oftast i olika nivåer av hur många som kan använda det, hur unikt biometrin är, beständighet och hur biometrin samlas in. Genom intervjuer med företag och leverantörer av biometriska lösningar samt en utdelad enkät till privat personer har vi samlat in data. Vi har sedan tolkat data kvalitativt och utfört vår analys och slutligen kommit fram till ett resultat. Vårt resultat har visat att kostnader relaterade till biometriska system är det största skälet till varför investeringar har uteblivit. Detta bekräftar vad många andra författare tidigare har funnit, att kostnaderna är det största hindret. En annan viktig faktor är att företag anser att biometri är något för verksamheter som kräver den allra högsta säkerheten. Vidare har individer en positiv inställning till biometri.

L'exécution capitale à la fin de la Renaissance : discours et représentations / Capital punishment at the end of the Renaissance period : writings and representations

Esnault, Claire 28 November 2015 (has links)
Ce travail a pour objectif d’étudier certaines représentations – écrites et imagées – des exécutions capitales en France, dans la seconde moitié du XVIe siècle et les premières décennies du XVIIe siècle. Ces exécutions sont nombreuses à une époque marquée par d’importants troubles politiques et religieux. Elles ont lieu en place publique, se veulent édifiantes et exemplaires pour les spectateurs, et affirment l’autorité du souverain, qui restaure l’ordre dans le royaume.Cette étude s’organise autour des trois figures fondamentales de la punition : le roi, le peuple et le condamné. La punition entretient toujours un lien très étroit avec l’autorité qui châtie. Nous verrons que les réflexions de Foucault autour du supplice se vérifient dans certaines sources, mais que les écrits et les images ne font pas obligatoirement de ce spectacle une affirmation de l’autorité royale, ni de la justice divine, parfois problématiques. Dans les sources écrites, les spectateurs réagissent souvent à l’exécution capitale et il arrive que les auteurs expliquent les violences populaires dans un cadre extra-judiciaire, comme une tentative de rétablir l'ordre et la justice. Le condamné, lui, est à la fois « acteur » du supplice à travers son comportement sur l’échafaud et « victime ». Ce travail, qui envisage des contextes politiques et religieux différents et compare des sources très diverses, entend montrer que la littérature et l’iconographie construisent une image complexe du spectacle de l’exécution capitale, en particulier à travers les motifs de l’ordre et du désordre qui les traversent. / Our thesis focuses on the representations – textual as well as illustrated – of capital punishments in France, during the second half of the 16th century and the first decades of the 17th century. This period, marked by significant political and religious troubles, saw a large number of public executions, aimed to be edifying and admonitory examples for the audience and to assert the sovereign’s authority to restore order in the realm. This study is centered around the three crucial characters of the punishment: the king, the public and the convicted person. The punishment is always closely linked to the authority which chastises. We’ll see that Foucault’s thoughts about capital punishment are relevant for some sources, but that the writings and the images do not necessarily present this spectacle as an assertion of royal authority, nor of divine justice, sometimes problematical. In the written sources, the audience often react to the execution and authors also attempt to re-establish justice and order during the descriptions of violent popular actions. As for the convicted, they are both “actors” of the executions, through their behaviour on the scaffold, and “victims”. Some traits appear in the convicted’s representations, considering their sex, their age, the religious beliefs of the authors and the different types of texts and images where the convicted are depicted. This study, which considers different political and religious situations and compares very diverse sources, aims to show that literature and images give a complex image of capital punishments’ spectacle, especially through the motifs of order and disorder.

Master Data Management, Integrace zákaznických dat a hodnota pro business / Master Data Management, Customer Data Integration and value for business

Rais, Filip January 2009 (has links)
This thesis is focused on Master Data Management (MDM), Customer Data Integration (CDI) area and its main domains. It is also a reference to a various theoretical directions that can be found in this area of expertise. It summarizes main aspects, domains and presents different perspectives to referenced principles. It is an exhaustive background research in area of Master Data Management with emphasis on practical use with references on authors experience and opinions. Secondary focus is directed to the field of business value of Master Data Management initiatives. Thesis presents a thought concept for initiations of MDM project. The reason for such a concept is based on current trend, where companies are struggling to determine actual benefits of MDM initiatives. There is overall accord on the subject of necessity of such initiatives, but the struggle is in area of determining actual measureable impact on company's revenue or profit. Since the MDM initiative is more of an enabling function, rather than direct revenue function, the benefit is less straight forward and therefore harder to determine. This work describes different layers and mapping of business requirements through layers for transparent linkage between enabling functions to revenue generating ones. The emphasis is given to financial benefit calculation, measurability and responsibility of business and IT departments. To underline certain conclusions thesis also presents real world interviews with possible stakeholders of MDM initiative within the company. These representatives were selected as key drivers for such an initiative. Interviews map their recognition of MDM and related terms. It also focus on their reasons and expectations from MDM. The representatives were also selected to equally represent business and IT departments, which presents interesting clash of views and expectations.

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