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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Untersuchungen zu psychologischen Prozessen im Lebensverlauf von Kindersoldaten

Biedermann, Jürgen. January 2007 (has links)
Konstanz, Univ., Diplomarbeit, 2007.

Verbesserung der Oberflächenqualität von Giessrollen für das Dünnbandgiessen nach dem Zwei-Rollen-Verfahren /

Lauscher, Jörg. January 2008 (has links)
Zugl.: Aachen, Techn. Hochsch., Diss., 2008.

Wer verdient denn nun die Brötchen?! : Jugendliche planen ihre Familienrollen

Artmann, Michaela January 2007 (has links)
Zugl.: Köln, Univ., Diss., 2006

Bewertung ausgewählter Kontextfaktoren von Erstelternschaft in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Konsequenzen des sozialen Wandels

Napieralla, Nicole January 2008 (has links)
Zugl.: Rostock, Univ., Diss., 2008

Untersuchungen zur Eigenspannungsentstehung bei der Wärmebehandlung von Wälzlagerkomponenten

Burtchen, Marco January 2008 (has links)
Zugl.: Bremen, Univ., Diss., 2008

Die Theorie der Affektsteuerung als allgemeine Theorie der sozialen Interaktion /

Schröder, Tobias. January 2009 (has links)
Zugl.: Berlin, Humboldt-Universiẗat, Diss., 2009.

Spiller yrkesbakgrunn og rolle en rolle? : En kvalitativ studie om kommunikasjon i det tverrfaglige folkehelsearbeidet. / Professional background and roles : A qualitative study of communication in the interprofessional collaboration of public health

Tysland, Kjersti Høibø January 2012 (has links)
Bakgrunn: Forskning viser at tverrfaglig samarbeid er vanskelig. Folkehelsearbeid er sektorovergripene og krever ofte at ulike fag og sektorer samarbeider. Hensikt:Formålet med denne studien er å få større innsikt i hva roller og yrkesbakgrunn betyr for kommunikasjonen i samarbeideti folkehelse. Metode:Studien har benyttet triangulering som strategi med dokumentgranskning, tre teamobservasjoner og 12 individuelle semistrukturerte intervju. Det er benyttet en fenomenografisk tilnærming til analyse av intervjuene. Resultat: Dokumentgranskningen ga forståelse for sammensetningen i de observerte teamene.Observasjonen ga rom for å analysere den muntlige kommunikasjonen og metakommunikasjonen, mens intervjuene ga innblikk i kommunikasjonen som helhet og dens kompeksitet. Intervjuanalysen ga de fire hovedkategoriene; Representasjon av yrker og sektorer,Deltakere som samarbeider i team, Person og menneske i samarbeidet og Betydning av helhet. I analysen kom det fram at yrkesbakgrunn har betydning for kommunikasjon og samarbeid. En er preget av faget som yrkesutøver. Ulik kompetanse og bredde i representasjon bidrar til en rikere diskusjon og et breiere grunnlag for løsninger. Mange av faktorene var ellers uavhengig av yrke og kunne heller relateres til egenskaper hos den enkelte. Evne til å se utover eget fag og ha forståelse for betydningen av andre yrkesgrupper er vesentlig. Konklusjon: Studien viser tverrfaglig samarbeid og kommunikasjon som fungerer og synliggjorde betydningen av trygge fagpersoner med blikk for helhet og evne til refleksjon. Funnenepeker på ulike faktorer av betydning for roller og kommunikasjon slik som tillit, respekt, likeverd, læring og åpenhet. Rollen og hvordan den bekles harbetydning for kommunikasjonen. Yrkesbagrunnen får betydning gjennom den enkelte deltaker og dennes rolle,men da som en del av hele personenmed sine egenskaper, sin personlighet og innstilling. Folkehelsearbeid er et område ingen eier men alle har del i og ansvar for. / Background:Research shows that interdisciplinary collaboration is difficult. Public health work spansmany sectors and demands collaboration among different professionsand sectors. Purpose:This study aimed to gain greater insight into the impact of roles and professional backgrounds on communication in the collaborative process of public health. Method:This study used a triangulation strategy involving document analysis, three observations and 12 semi-structured interviews. A phenomenographic approach was used to analyze the interviews. Result: Document analysis enhanced understanding of the composition of the teams observedin this study. The observations allowed for analysis of verbal communication as wellas meta-communication, and the interviews offeredinsight into communication both as an entiretyandinits complexities. Interviewanalysis produced four main categories:representationof professionals and sectors, participants who collaborate in teams, the individual and the human in collaboration,and the meaning of the whole. Analysis showed that professional background plays a significantrole incommunication and collaboration (i.e.aperson is characterized by his/her profession). Differences in competence and breadth ofrepresentation contribute to richer discussion and a wider ground forsolutions. Many of the factors that emerged were otherwise independent ofprofession and related instead to individual characteristics.The ability to see beyond one`sown profession and understand the importance of other professional groups is essential. Conclusion: The study shows functionality of interprofessional collaboration and communication,it’s revealingthe meaning of confidentprofessionals who areable to see the big pictureand reflect upon its meaning. The findings point to various factors that are important for roles and communication such astrust, respect, dignity, learning and openness. Roles and their interpretation are important incommunication. Professional background derivesmeaningnot only through the individual participant andhis/herrole, but also through his/her properties, personality and perspectives. Public health is an area no one owns but everyone takes part in and has responsibility fo / <p>ISBN 978-91-86739-39-3</p>

Starke Kommunen in leistungsfähigen Ländern : der Beitrag von Funktional- und Territorialreformen

January 2013 (has links)
Der demografische Wandel und die Budgetkrise stellen Leistungsfähigkeit, Strukturen und territoriale Größe kommunaler Verwaltungseinheiten sowohl auf Gemeinde- als auch auf Kreisebene erneut auf den Prüfstand. In vielen deutschen Bundesländern werden daher Gebiets- und Funktionalreformen unterschiedlicher Form diskutiert, vorbereitet oder durchgeführt. Zukunftsfähige bürgerfreundliche, effiziente und kostengünstige kommunale Strukturen erfordern eine politisch durchdachte vertikale und horizontale Aufgabenverteilung zwischen Land, Landkreisen und Gemeinden. Darauf aufbauend müssen die zur Verfügung stehenden Personal- und Finanzmittel auf die verschiedenen kommunalen Ebenen verteilt werden. Gebietsreformen erfordern somit immer auch Funktionalreformen. Entscheidungen über den künftigen Umfang der Daseinsvorsorge müssen gefällt werden. Die Alternativen zwischen verbesserter interkommunaler Kooperation und Fusion sind auf Gemeinde- und Kreisebene ebenso abzuwägen wie die Konsequenzen der verschiedenen Modelle für die Verteilung der Finanzmittel an die und zwischen den Gebietskörperschaften. Die Stärkung der lokalen Demokratie und der bürgerschaftlichen Teilhabe spielen bei der Zukunftssicherung der Kommunen eine immer größere Rolle. Insbesondere bei kommunalen Gebietsreformen sollten diese Fragen stärker Berücksichtigung finden. Die 18. Fachtagung des Kommunalwissenschaftlichen Institutes (KWI) diskutiert interdisziplinär Fragen der Leistungsfähigkeit kommunaler Strukturen. Dabei werden rechts-, finanz-, politik- und verwaltungswissenschaftliche Aspekte einbezogen.

Sobre l'ordenació de les arrels reals de les derivades de polinomis a coeficients reals.

Rubió Massegú, Josep 10 February 2005 (has links)
Alguns problemes clàssics sobre teoria analítica de polinomis estan relacionats amb un problema més general: determinar com estan ordenades les arrels reals d'un polinomi a coeficients reals i les arrels reals de totes les seves derivades. Si ens restringim a l'ordenació entre arrels de derivades consecutives d'un polinomi, aquest problema pot formular-se de la següent manera. Sigui n un nombre natural no nul. Per a cada j=0,1,.,n-1 considerem variables indeterminades xj,1,xj,2,...,xj,m(j), que anomenarem variables de derivació j, i que considerarem lligades per les desigualtats xj,1<xj,2<···<xj,m(j). Definir un ordre entre variables de derivacions consecutives significa especificar, per a dues variables qualssevol de derivacions consecutives, diguem xj,k i xj+1,s, una de les tres ordenacions següents: (i) xj,k<xj+1,s, (ii) xj,k=xj+1,s, o (iii) xj,k>xj+1,s. Llavors, el problema consisteix en determinar per a quines ordenacions entre variables de derivacions consecutives existeix un polinomi P(x), de grau n, de manera que si les arrels reals de cada derivada P(j), 0&#8804;j&#8804;n-1, són els nombres yj,1<yj,2<···<yj,r(j), aleshores r(j)=m(j) i entre arrels de derivades consecutives es verifiquen els lligams proposats. És a dir, si (i) xj,k<xj+1,s, (ii) xj,k=xj+1,s, o (iii) xj,k>xj+1,s, aleshores s'ha de complir (a) yj,k<yj+1,s, (b) yj,k=yj+1,s, o (c) yj,k>yj+1,s respectivament. Si tal polinomi existeix aleshores es diu que l'ordenació proposada és representable per un polinomi. El teorema de Rolle imposa restriccions a l'ordenació de les variables en el cas que aquesta ordenació sigui representable per polinomis. Concretament, si xj,k<xj,k' són dues variables de derivació j, aleshores ha d'existir una variable de derivació j+1, xj+1,s, tal que xj,k<xj+1,s<xj,k'. No obstant, les restriccions imposades pel teorema de Rolle no són suficients per a que una ordenació de les variables sigui representable per un polinomi.En aquest sentit, ens proposem assolir els tres objectius següents:(1) Caracteritzar les ordenacions entre variables de derivacions consecutives que són representables per polinomis.(2) Classificar els polinomis en base a l'ordenació de les arrels de derivades consecutives i trobar certs nombres d'interès relacionats amb aquesta classificació, com per exemple el nombre de classes en que queden classificats els polinomis de grau n i el nombre de classes obertes de grau n (classes estables per pertorbacions).(3) Estudiar què succeeix quan es consideren ordenacions que inclouen lligams entre variables de derivacions no consecutives.L'objectiu (1) s'ha assolit establint que les ordenacions entre variables de derivacions consecutives representables per polinomis coincideixen amb les ordenacions que satisfan les restriccions imposades per un resultat que generalitza el teorema de Rolle. Essencialment, s'ha obtingut el recíproc del teorema que diu que entre cada dues arrels reals consecutives d'un polinomi hi ha un nombre senar d'arrels de la derivada comptant multiplicitats.L'objectiu (2) s'ha assolit classificant els polinomis segons l'ordenació que presenten les arrels de les seves derivades consecutives. Els nombres d'interès relacionats amb aquesta classificació s'han obtingut a partir de fórmules recurrents.L'objectiu (3) s'ha assolit determinant els nombres n per als quals la mencionada generalització del teorema de Rolle és suficient per a que una ordenació de les variables que inclogui lligams entre variables de derivacions no consecutives sigui representable per un polinomi. / Some classical problems in analytic theory of polynomials are related to a more general one that consists in determining how the real roots of a real polynomial and the roots of all its derivatives are ordered.If we restrict our attention to the ordering amongst the roots of consecutive derivatives of a polynomial, this problem can be stated as follows: Let n be a nonzero natural number. For each j=0,1,.,n-1 we consider some indeterminate variables xj,1,xj,2,...,xj,m(j), called variables of derivative j, which will be linked by the inequalities xj,1<xj,2<···<xj,m(j). To define an order amongst variables of consecutive derivatives means to specify, for any two variables of consecutive derivatives, say xj,k and xj+1,s, one of the following three relations: (i) xj,k<xj+1,s, (ii) xj,k=xj+1,s, or (iii) xj,k>xj+1,s. Then, the problem consists in determining for which of those orderings amongst variables of consecutive derivatives there exists a polynomial of degree n, say P(x), so that if the real roots of each derivative P(j), 0&#8804;j&#8804;n-1, are the numbers yj,1<yj,2<···<yj,r(j), then r(j)=m(j) and between roots of consecutive derivatives the suggested connections hold. That is, if (i) xj,k<xj+1,s, (ii) xj,k=xj+1,s, or (iii) xj,k>xj+1,s, then (a) yj,k<yj+1,s, (b) yj,k=yj+1,s, or (c) yj,k>yj+1,s must hold respectively. If such a polynomial exists, then we say that the suggested ordering is represented by a polynomial.Rolle's theorem sets up restrictions to the ordering of the variables in the case when this ordering is represented by polynomials. More precisely, if xj,k<xj,k+1 are two consecutive variables of the same derivative j, then there must exist a variable of derivative j+1, namely xj+1,s, such that xj,k<xj+1,s<xj,k+1. However, the restrictions imposed by Rolle's theorem are not sufficient to ensure that an ordering of the variables is represented by a polynomial.In this sense, we intend to achieve the following goals:(1) To characterize the orderings amongst variables of consecutive derivatives that are represented by polynomials.(2) To classify the polynomials according to the ordering of the roots of consecutive derivatives and to find certain numbers of interest related to this classification, such as the number of classes of equivalence in which polynomials of degree n are classified and the number of classes of equivalence which are open as subsets of the space of polynomials of degree at most n.(3) To study what happens when we consider orderings that include connections between variables of non-consecutive derivatives.Goal (1) has been achieved by showing that the orderings amongst variables of consecutive derivatives that are represented by polynomials coincide with the orderings that satisfy the restrictions imposed by a result which generalizes Rolle's theorem. Essentially, we have obtained the inverse of the theorem that states that between every two consecutive real roots of a polynomial, there is an odd number of roots of its derivative counting their multiplicities.Goal (2) has been attained by classifying the polynomials according to the ordering of the roots of their consecutive derivatives. The numbers of interest related to this classification have been obtained by means of recurrent formulae.Goal (3) has been attained by determining all numbers n for which Rolle's theorem generalization, mentioned above, is sufficient to ensure that an ordering of the variables that include connections between variables of non-consecutive derivatives, be represented by a polynomial.

Henry Suso and Richard Rolle: Devotional Mobility and Translation in Late-Medieval England and Germany

Rozenski, Steven Peter January 2012 (has links)
Henry Suso (c. 1295-1366) and Richard Rolle (c. 1300-1349) were two of the most popular authors in late-medieval England and Germany: their Latin works survive in hundreds of manuscripts owned by both lay and religious readers across Europe. Authority and exemplarity are central to their works, both writers present themselves as eponymous characters in their works, creating "pseudo-autobiographies" which offer their author-characters to the reader as ideal exemplars for imitation. Also central to their authorial strategy is their attention to feminine aspects of both divinity and audience; both imagine themselves as brides of Christ even as they pledge their devotion to Wisdom, a (female) combination of the Old Testament Goddess and Christ incarnate. The imagery of courtly love is employed both as an enticement for readers and as a natural extension of their internalization of the allegorical interpretation of the Song of Songs; their claims to bear the name of Jesus on their heart lead to iconographic crossover in representations of Rolle in English manuscripts. Music and aurality are repeatedly employed as a fundamental aspect of their descriptions of mystical experience. Suso was read widely in late-medieval England, both in Latin and in English translation; as his popularity grew, so too did his influence on English literature and theology. The chapters of the Horologium Sapientiae on the Eucharist and the art of dying well proved especially popular. Two Carthusians, Nicholas Love and the author of the Speculum Devotorum, for instance, both drew on Suso's treatment of the Eucharist in reinforcing orthodox beliefs surrounding the sacrament of the altar – yet a recently-discovered independent translation of the same text is found in a manuscript otherwise containing Lollard tracts. Suso's liturgy in honor of Eternal Wisdom proved his most popular and enduring contribution to English literature: it entered Sarum Use Books of Hours by the end of the fifteenth century and was printed in English translation towards the end of the sixteenth.

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