Spelling suggestions: "subject:"found"" "subject:"sound""
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Best Practices for Volume Flow Rate Measurements Using PIV at the Exit of a Turbulent Round JetSchaap, Robert 01 August 2017 (has links)
Particle image velocimetry (PIV) is an optical flow measurement technique that is used to measure volume flow rate at the exit of a turbulent, round nozzle. The objective of this thesis is to determine how to best make this measurement. The quality of the measurement is affected by a range of data acquisition parameters and how data are processed. Measurements are made over a range of different flows using the two main types of PIV: Two Component (2C), which uses one camera, and Stereo, which uses two cameras, similar to human eyes. Previous work done for data acquisition and processing of PIV in general is found to apply. Different parameters are tested, evaluated, and discussed. Both 2C PIV and Stereo PIV were found to underestimate flow by approximately 2%.
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Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av en sjuksköterskeledd omvårdnadsrond : En allmän litteraturstudie / Nurses´experience of a nurse-led nursing round : A general literature reviewNyman, Pontus, Atas, Anna, Nilsson, Isabelle January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Den traditionella läkarledda ronden har länge varit uppbyggd på samma sätt och inneburit att läkare rundvandrat till patienter för att följa upp deras medicinska behandling och resultat. Enligt en holistisk utgångspunkt bör ett ohälsotillstånd vårdas utifrån ett flerdimensionellt synsätt, där det medicinska perspektivet och omvårdnadsperspektivet kompletterar varandra. Sjuksköterskans omvårdnadsperspektiv under ronden beskrivs historiskt varit undergivet läkarens, vilket i forskning visat sig påverka patientsäkerheten negativt. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av en sjuksköterskeledd omvårdnadsrond. Metod: En allmän litteraturstudie där 13 vetenskapliga artiklar granskades på ett strukturerat sätt. Resultat: Resultatet kunde delas in i tre kategorier: Omvårdnadsrond som ett sätt att öka patientsäkerheten, omvårdnadsronden för en personcentrerad vård samt omvårdnadsronden bidrar till kunskapsutveckling. Konklusion: Litteraturstudien visar att en sjuksköterskeledd omvårdnadsrond har potential att öka patientsäkerheten. Omvårdnadsronden ökar huvudsakligen inte den personcentrerade vården. Omvårdnadsronden kan med fördel användas för kunskapsutveckling. Erfarenheterna av omvårdnadsronden skiljer sig beroende på informationen som givits innan interventionen och tidsaspekten i hur frekvent ronden genomförts samt tidsåtgången. Ökad delaktighet och ökad struktur lyfts som positivt. / Background: The traditional doctor-led round has long been structured in the same way and meant that a doctor has been walking around to patients to follow up on their medical condition and treatment. According to a holistic starting point, an ill health condition should be cared for based on a multidimensional approach, where the medical perspective and the nursing perspective complement each other. The nurse's nursing perspective during the round is described as historically being subordinated to the doctor´s, which in research has been shown to negatively affect patient safety. Purpose: The aim was to investigate nurses´ experiences of nurse-led nursing rounds. Method: A general literature study where 13 articles were reviewed. Results: The result could be divided into different categories: Nursing round as a way to increase patient safety, the nursing round for a person-centered care and the nursing round contributes to knowledge. Conclusion: The literature study shows that a nurse-led nursing round has the potential to increase patient safety. The nursing round does not mainly increase person-centered care. The nursing round can be advantageously used for knowledge development. The experiences of the nursing round seem to differ depending on the information the nurses received before the intervention and the time aspect in how often the round was carried out and the time consumption. Increased participation and increased structure were highlighted as positive
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Bound by the Pentecostal oath : chivalric performance and the round table in Malory's Morte Darthur / 聖霊降臨祭の誓い : マロリーの『アーサー王の死』における騎士的行為と円卓 / セイレイ コウリンサイ ノ チカイ : マロリー ノ『アーサーオウ ノ シ』ニオケル キシテキ コウイ ト エンタク小宮 真樹子, Makiko Komiya 06 March 2014 (has links)
本論文はトマス・マロリーの『アーサー王の死』における「円卓」の役割を、三つの定義を通じて考察するものである。中世において「ラウンド・テーブル」は「(1)アーサー王の騎士組織(2)彼らの集う場である家具(3)アーサー王伝説を模倣して行われた見世物」を意味した。本研究では特に円卓の形状と意味の変化、模擬戦と誓約による理想の提示、円卓が騎士たちの間に生み出す友愛と敵対、誓いにより結ばれた義兄弟と実の兄弟の差異、偽証による円卓の崩壊を取り上げる。 / This dissertation presents a more comprehensive study of Thomas Malory's Morte Darthur from the three aspects of the Round Table. I focus on the following elements especially: the evolution of the shape and significance of the Round Table; visual and verbal representations of the Round-Table ideal by means of tournaments and the Pentecostal Oath; the conflicts the table creates between fellowship and rivalry; the chasm between brothers bound by oath and those tied by blood; and its fall due to the violation of the Pentecostal Oath. Through these perspectives, I would like to reveal the functions of the Round Table and capture the essence of Le Morte Darthur. / 博士(英文学) / Doctor of Philosophy in English Literature / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University
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Stakeholder Beliefs, Satisfaction and Assessments of School Climate after Implementation of a Year-Round Calendar.Adams, Robin Lee 01 December 2001 (has links) (PDF)
Year-Round Schooling (YRS), a calendar or scheduling concept, has become quite common in this country over the past thirty years. Generally schools have adopted YRS scheduling in an effort to: (1) increase efficiency in the operation of the schools and (2) enhance student development and learning.
The University School at East Tennessee State University (ETSU), a public K-12 school located on the ETSU campus, implemented a YRS calendar in the Summer of 1996. Over a period of six years data were collected to assess the effectiveness of YRS at University School. Study participants (students, parents and teachers) were surveyed initially in the early spring (Phase 1) and early summer (Phase 2) of 1996 (prior to implementation of YRS) to establish a baseline for data collection. Identical Phase 1 and 2 surveys were conducted in 1997, 1999, 2000, and 2001. A final Phase 3 survey consisted of a series of interviews conducted at the end of the 2000-2001 school year.
During the spring a series of standardized surveys developed by the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP) were used to assess the school climate and stakeholder satisfaction. The summer survey, locally developed by the College of Education (COE), focused on the reactions to YRS. The final survey consisted of structured interviews with the stakeholder groups. During each year of the study, over 92% of the students, 80% of the teachers, and 39% of the parents responded. A select group of teachers, parents and students participated in the final interviews.
The data analysis conducted for Phases 1 and 2 consisted of a comparison of each pair of yearly results, 96, 97, 99, 2000 and 2001 using an Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). Phase 1 comparisons indicated that satisfaction levels increased after the implementation of YRS and school climate improved. Phase 2 surveys indicated stakeholders were more positive in their beliefs about teaching and learning and opinions of YRS after implementation. The results of the personal interviews reinforced the beliefs and opinions reported in Phases 1 and 2. Additional comparisons of students by grade levels and cohorts indicate a positive acceptance of YRS.
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Merry-Go-Round.Carter, Lydia Allois 01 May 2002 (has links) (PDF)
Merry-Go-Round is a realistic adolescent novella that looks at true problems young adults can face.
The protagonist, Amy, is ten-year-old girl who meets a boy, Ben, of the same age at the hotel where her mother works. Amy and Ben become fast friends. Amy's mother is involved in an abusive relationship and Ben's mother is dying of cancer. Through the relationship formed between the children, they learn how to survive by sharing their difficulties and working them out.
The realistic, troublesome situations faced by the main characters of Merry-Go-Round will help readers graduate smoothly on the next level of reading.
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Year-Round School Calendars Versus Traditional School Calendars: Parents' and Teachers' Opinions.Rule, Jennifer Y. 19 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study was to determine if there was a difference of opinions of teachers and parents of students who attend year-round calendar schools from those of teachers and parents of students who attend traditional calendar schools. A random sampling was taken from teachers and parents from schools in both Blount and Sevier Counties. The surveys were given to teachers who worked in a traditional school setting, teachers who worked in the year-round school setting, parents who had children attending a traditional school, and parents who had children attending a year-round school. A 3-point scale was used on the survey to measure each question.
The findings from this study conclude that teachers and parents of students who attend year-round calendar schools tend to have more favorable opinions about their school setting as opposed to teachers and parents of students who attend traditional calendar schools. Parents' and teachers' perceptions were analyzed regarding academic performance, and opinions on school calendars.
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Sequence Stratigraphy of the Lower Pennsylvanian (Bashkirian, Morrowan) Round Valley Limestone, Split Mountain Anticline (Dinosaur National Monument) and in the Eastern Uinta Mountains, UtahDavis, Nathan Robert 16 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The Early Pennsylvanian (Bashkirian/Morrowan) Round Valley Limestone of northeastern Utah was deposited on the Wyoming shelf, a slowly subsiding depositional surface located between the Eagle and Oquirrh basins. The 311-foot-thick Round Valley Limestone displays a distinct cyclicity formed by stacked, meter-scale parasequences, comprised of a limited suite of open- to restricted-marine limestones with minor interbeds of siltstone and shale. Open-marine deposits are characterized by mudstone and heterozoan wackestone-packstone microfacies (MF1-4) and comprise the lower portions of parasequences. Rocks of these microfacies were deposited during maximum high-order transgression of the shelf. As sediment filled the limited accommodation, the shelf became restricted, leading to deposition of mollusk-peloid dominated wackestone microfacies (MF6). Grainstones (MF5) microfacies are volumetrically limited in the Round Valley and represent deposition on isolated sand shoals that populated the shallow shelf. The complete Round Valley section at Split Mountain in Dinosaur National Monument is comprised of 5 intermediate-order sequences and 48 higher-order parasquences. Twenty-one of the shallowing-upward cycles are bounded by exposure surfaces as indicated by the occurrence of rhizoliths, glaebules, autobreccia and alveolar structures. Four of these that also indicate a significant drop in sea level (abnormal subaerial exposure surfaces and surfaces with erosional relief) constitute candidate sequence boundaries. The high percentage of cycles capped by exposure surfaces indicates that deposition of the Round Valley took place intermittently and that the Wyoming shelf was exposed during a significant portion of the Bashkirian epoch. Intermittency of deposition is confirmed by comparing the thickness and sequence architecture of the Round Valley Limestone with coeval strata in the eastern Oquirrh basin (Bridal Veil Limestone). The Bridal Veil Limestone is four times thicker and contains 24 cycles not represented on the Wyoming shelf.
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Round Hollow Structural Sections Subjected to Inelastic Strain ReversalsChidiac, Magdi Antoine 03 1900 (has links)
<p> A research programme is presented to more fully understand the behaviour of Round Hollow Structural Sections subjected to inelastic strain reversals. An attempt is made to establish a preliminary guideline for choosing a reasonable value for the slenderness ratio (D/t) that qualifies the Round HSS for cyclic loading. </p> <p> An experimental programme on nine sections was performed to evaluate the loss in load capacity due to inelastic cyclic loading and to construct the load-deflection hysteresis loops. </p> <p> Three different limiting cyclic deflections were imposed to the smallest D/t section and a comparison was made between the performance of the tube in each case. </p> <p> Prasad's computer program was used to select the strain value at which local buckling will appear and to calculate the half buckle wave-length. The results were compared to the experimental results obtained by the author. </p> <p> A comparison is made between two Round HSS having different diameters and thicknesses but the same D/t ratio. </p> <p> A comparison is made between the behaviour of Round HSS and Square HSS subjected to the same cyclic loading programme. </p> <p> An attempt is made to suggest a reasonable curve relating the number of cycles to failure and the D/t ratio. </p> / Thesis / Master of Engineering (ME)
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Petrology and Geochemistry at the Contact of the Round Lake Batholith in Robillard Township, Northeastern OntarioGood, David J. 04 1900 (has links)
The Round Lake Batholith is a composite granitic intrusion into the Archean metavolcanics of the Abitibi Greenstone Belt, Superior Province. The mafic metavolcanics are mainly high iron tholeiitic basalts of ocean floor origin. The intrusion of the batholith has metamorphosed the metavolcanics to amphibolite grade. Moving towards the contact there is no change in the metavolcanics grain size, but mineralogy changes quickly from the actinolite zone with relict pumpellyite to the hornblende zone. Field evidence as well as thin section and chemical
analyses have shown that the dioritic appearing hybrid rock, near the contact, is a product of the mafic meta volcanics assimilation into the batholith. / Thesis / Bachelor of Science (BSc)
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Thermal, morpholine, and radiation stressor effects on the embryonic development of lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) and round whitefish (Prosopium cylindraceum) / Environmental stressor effects on whitefish embryogenesisLim, Michael January 2016 (has links)
Lake and round whitefish are cold-adapted freshwater species with similar life
histories and spawning behaviours. There have been several studies on the embryonic
development of both species (particularly for lake whitefish), most utilizing constant
temperatures. However, temperatures fluctuate in the field due to natural (e.g. seasonal
changes) and anthropogenic (e.g. water discharged from once-through cooling processes)
effects. Releases from once-through cooling processes may contain low levels of
chemicals (e.g. morpholine) and radiation (e.g. tritium). This thesis examined and
compared the impacts of thermal, morpholine, and radiation stressors on lake and round
whitefish embryogenesis.
To examine the effects of fluctuating incubation temperatures, lake and round
whitefish were reared at constant temperatures, with seasonal temperature
declines/inclines, transient temperature spikes, or seasonal temperature changes combined
with temperature spikes. Round whitefish embryos had significantly higher mortality
when reared at 8°C compared to lake whitefish, and seasonal temperature changes
impacted development rate, growth, and hatch dynamics for both species. Temperature
spikes had relatively little effect on development.
The effects on embryonic development of chronic morpholine and low-dose
radiation exposures were examined in round whitefish to compare with existing data in
lake whitefish. Round whitefish embryos were more impacted by morpholine than lake
whitefish (larger effects on growth and mortality at relatively lower concentrations) and
less impacted by low-dose radiation (little effect on growth or hatch dynamics). Post
hatch, round whitefish embryos reared at 8°C, with rapid seasonal inclines, or with 500
mg L-1 morpholine had elevated mortality. All irradiated embryos had decreased mortality
post-hatch compared to non-irradiated embryos. Thus, embryonic exposure to all stressors
examined appears to alter post-hatch survival.
This thesis better defines the effects of fluctuating incubation temperatures,
chronic morpholine, and chronic radiation exposures on the embryonic development of
lake and round whitefish. It also suggests that embryonic incubation conditions are
important beyond hatching. / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc) / Lake and round whitefish are cold-adapted freshwater species. Both species
play important ecological roles, with lake whitefish generally perceived as more
economically and culturally important. Many studies have detailed lake whitefish
embryonic development under constant stressors (e.g. temperature) but there are
relatively few studies on round whitefish embryonic development. Both species
experience seasonal temperature fluctuations in nature and may experience
additional anthropogenic temperature, chemical, and radiation stress due to
discharge from once-through cooling processes at thermal power plants, which may
contain low levels of morpholine and radiation. Our study suggests that round
whitefish embryos are more sensitive to elevated temperature and morpholine
levels, but less impacted by chronic low-dose irradiation relative to lake whitefish
embryos. The growth and development of both species are significantly affected by
seasonal temperature changes.
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