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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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O Programa Nacional de Habitação Rural (PNHR) : agentes, ações e desafios no Território da Cidadania Meio Oeste Contestado - SC /

Konrad, Joice January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Rosângela Aparecida de Medeiros Hespanhol / Resumo: O Programa Nacional de Habitação Rural (PNHR) foi criado pelo Governo Lula no âmbito do Programa Minha Casa Minha Vida (PMCMV), tendo como finalidade possibilitar o acesso a moradia digna aos agricultores familiares, trabalhadores rurais e as comunidades tradicionais. Temos como objetivo analisar a (re)produção do espaço rural, a partir do PNHR no Território da Cidadania Meio Oeste Contestado – SC, identificando os diferentes agentes, suas ações e desafios. Selecionamos entre as entidades organizadoras a CCA de Santa Catarina, a COOPERHAF e a FETAESC, que respectivamente, atuaram em Abelardo Luz, Ipuaçu e Xaxim, municípios com maior quantidade de unidades habitacionais contratadas pelo PNHR-Grupo 1 no Território. Assim, realizamos revisão bibliográfica, pesquisa documental, coleta de dados e trabalhos de campo. Entrevistamos servidores da Secretaria Nacional de Habitação e da Caixa Econômica Federal; representantes entidades organizadoras e sindicatos municipais, arquitetos e assistente social; e beneficiários. Constatamos, que o PNHR contribuiu para a (re)produção do espaço rural analisado, permitiu o surgimento de novos agentes na representação do espaço; possibilitou um novo diálogo e reflexão sobre a relação campo-cidade, gerou novas dinâmicas sociais e econômicas em diferentes escalas. Os beneficiários tiveram melhorias na qualidade de vida da família, assegurou sua permanência e reprodução social. / Abstract: The National Rural Housing Program (PNHR) was created by Lula's Government, within the scope of the Minha Casa Minha Vida Program (PMCMV), with the purpose of providing decent housing to family farmers, rural workers and traditional communities. We aim to analyze the (re)production of rural space, based on the PNHR in the Territory of Citizenship Midwest Contestado - SC, identifying the different agents, their actions and challenges. We selected the Central Cooperative of Santa Catarina State's Agrarian Reform, COOPERHAF and FETAESC, which respectively operated in the Abelardo Luz, Ipuaçu and Xaxim, municipalities with the largest number of housing units contracted by PNHR-Group 1 in the Territory. Thus, we performed a literature review, documentary research, secondary source data collection and fieldwork. Thus, we performed employees of the National Housing Secretariat and Caixa Econômica Federal; representatives of organizing entities and municipal unions, architects and social workers, and Program's beneficiaries. We found that the PNHR contributed to the (re)production of the rural space, allowed the emergence of new agents in the representation of the space; it enabled a new dialogue and reflection on the field-city relationship, generated new social and economic dynamics at different scales. The beneficiaries had improvements in housing, consequently, in the family's quality of life, ensured their permanence and social reproduction. / Doutor

Rural housing and rural development in Northern Namibia

Wienecke, Martin Andreas 11 1900 (has links)
When Namibia became independent in March 1990, the new government pledged to alleviate poverty, unemployment and to improve the living standards of the formerly disadvantaged groups in the country. Rural development was presented as one of the priorities because the majority of the people live in or still have strong ties to the rural areas. Rural housing and rural development consist of a number of components. Both have similar objectives, inter alia, the improvement of living standards. Development efforts are often impeded by an urban bias in government policies and projects. In the case of Namibia, certain areas do not even have a formulated policy to guide developments, especially in communal areas with a high population concentration. This study explores to what extent the government has realised rural development policies and in particular rural housing in Northern Namibia as a means to improve living standards. / Public Administration and Management / M.A. (Development Administration)

Modelo de unidade habitacional rural unifamiliar autossuficiente em geração e consumo de energia elétrica / HOUSING UNIT MODEL RURAL UNIFAMILIAR SELF-SUFFICIENT IN GENERATION AND ELECTRICITY CONSUMPTION

Mota, Victor Nogueira Teixeira 31 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Rosivalda Pereira (mrs.pereira@ufma.br) on 2017-06-01T19:08:36Z No. of bitstreams: 1 VictorNogueiraTeixeiraMota.pdf: 10378249 bytes, checksum: 880b9599e08ab5e5f7a0bd7c97ddcb71 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-01T19:08:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 VictorNogueiraTeixeiraMota.pdf: 10378249 bytes, checksum: 880b9599e08ab5e5f7a0bd7c97ddcb71 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-31 / Housing with dignity in Brazil still does not reach the entire population. There are people who live in properties in precarious situations of safety and health. Besides not having a comfortable shelter to live, many people have no access to electricity and precious to the sustainable development of the population. This work is discussed and developed a rural housing model that meets low cost criteria, environmental comfort for users and energy efficiency. The National Program for Rural Housing the federal government aims to eradicate substandard housing, but housing conditions the granting of the prior existence of electricity in the community, which in many cases is isolated and does not have a utility power network. This work is raising questions about the rural electrification through a comparative analysis of models and incentive policies for PV solar energy in Brazil and worldwide, identifying strengths and to improve the energy matrix of the country, serving isolated households in urban centers and ensuring quality of life for these citizens. The main motivation is to give an indication for rural housing policies, in order to facilitate the extension of this benefit to under served rural sectors by electrification programs, whose condition is mandatory for eligibility of rural housing programs. The results encourage the spread of solar PV technology as an alternative and promising renewable source in Brazil. / Habitação com dignidade no Brasil ainda não atinge a totalidade da população. Há pessoas que habitam imóveis em situações precárias de segurança e salubridade. Além de não terem um abrigo confortável para residir, muitas pessoas não tem acesso a energia eletrica, bem precioso para o desenvolvimento sustentável da população. Neste trabalho é discutido e desenvolvido um modelo de habitação rural que atende critérios de baixo custo, de conforto ambiental para os usuários e de eficiência energética. O Programa Nacional de Habitação Rural do governo federal visa a erradicação de habitações precárias, porém, condiciona a concessão da moradia a existência prévia de energia elétrica na comunidade, a qual em muitos casos e isolada e não possui rede de energia da concessionária. Este trabalho vem levantar questões acerca da eletrificação rural, através de uma análise comparativa dos modelos e políticas de incentivo a energia solar fotovoltaica no Brasil e no mundo, identificando pontos positivos e a melhorar a matriz elétrica do país, atendendo domicílios isolados dos centros urbanos e garantindo qualidade de vida a estes cidadãos. A principal motivação é dar um indicativo para as políticas de habitação rural, de forma a viabilizar a extensão deste beneficio para setores rurais desassistidos por programas de eletrificação, cuja condição é mandatória para elegibilidade de programas de habitação rural. Os resultados obtidos fomentam a disseminação da tecnologia de energia solar fotovoltaica como fonte renovável alternativa e bastante promissora no Brasil.

Rural housing and rural development in Northern Namibia

Wienecke, Martin Andreas 11 1900 (has links)
When Namibia became independent in March 1990, the new government pledged to alleviate poverty, unemployment and to improve the living standards of the formerly disadvantaged groups in the country. Rural development was presented as one of the priorities because the majority of the people live in or still have strong ties to the rural areas. Rural housing and rural development consist of a number of components. Both have similar objectives, inter alia, the improvement of living standards. Development efforts are often impeded by an urban bias in government policies and projects. In the case of Namibia, certain areas do not even have a formulated policy to guide developments, especially in communal areas with a high population concentration. This study explores to what extent the government has realised rural development policies and in particular rural housing in Northern Namibia as a means to improve living standards. / Public Administration and Management / M.A. (Development Administration)

Factibilidad constructiva de viviendas con muros portantes de fardos de paja energéticamente eficientes y sismo resistentes en la zona andina del Ecuador

Viera Arroba, Luisa Paulina 01 September 2023 (has links)
[ES] La Constitución del Ecuador establece que el acceso a una vivienda digna es un derecho fundamental. Sin embargo, muchos ciudadanos viven en situaciones de riesgo, ya que las edificaciones que habitan no tienen características físicas y/o estructurales adecuadas. Esto se acentúa en la zona rural, en donde la necesidad de casas que cumplan estándares de calidad es en promedio 71, 2% más que las ciudades. En la mayoría de construcciones que se realizan en Ecuador, se usan materiales convencionales como el hormigón, bloques y ladrillos. Por lo que, cubrir la totalidad del déficit de vivienda (665 612 unidades) requiere una gran inversión económica; además, del alto costo ambiental que representaría; ya que, los materiales mencionados tienen consumos energéticos altos desde su producción hasta su puesta en obra. Es evidente entonces que la dotación de vivienda debe hacerse con materiales sustentables y accesibles a la mayoría de la población. Una alternativa es la paja, que es natural, renovable, sumidero de CO2 y biodegradable. En Ecuador se obtienen anualmente 28 754,492 toneladas de paja de trigo y cebada. Con este desecho de la cosecha, se podrían hacer fardos, con los cuales construir casas. Sin embargo, en el país existe muy poco conocimiento de este material y el sistema constructivo que se requiere para edificar de forma técnica y segura. La presente investigación aborda la caracterización física y mecánica de los fardos producidos localmente para determinar su posibilidad de su uso como material de construcción. Además, se realizaron ensayos pseudo-dinámicos a muros portantes realizados con fardos y recubiertos con dos alternativas de mortero. Con los resultados obtenidos, se realizó la modelación estructural de una vivienda tipo, determinando que el desplazamiento lateral relativo de la misma, cumple los estándares de la Norma Ecuatoriana de la Construcción para edificaciones sismo resistentes. También se realizó un análisis económico, determinando que el costo de la vivienda tipo es inferior al valor establecido para casas de interés social en el país. Lo que determina su accesibilidad al segmento poblacional más pobre. Además, se elaboró un manual, que detalla el procedimiento constructivo de la casa tipo, de forma clara y sencilla para hacerlo de fácil entendimiento. / [CA] La Constitució de l'Equador estableix que l'accés a un habitatge digne és un dret fonamental. No obstant això, molts ciutadans viuen en situacions de risc, ja que les edificacions que habiten no tenen característiques físiques i/o estructurals adequades. Això s'accentua en la zona rural, on la necessitat de cases que complisquen estàndards de qualitat és en mitjana 71,2% més que les ciutats. En la majoria de construccions que es realitzen a l'Equador, s'usen materials convencionals com el formigó, blocs i rajoles. Pel que, cobrir la totalitat del dèficit d'habitatge (665 612 unitats) requereix una gran inversió econòmica; a més, de l'alt cost ambiental que representaria; ja que, els materials esmentats tenen consums energètics alts des de la seua producció fins a la seua posada en obra. És evident llavors que la dotació d'habitatge ha de fer-se amb materials sustentables i accessibles a la majoria de la població. Una alternativa és la palla, que és natural, renovable, embornal de CO2 i biodegradable. A l'Equador s'obtenen anualment 28 754,492 tones de palla de blat i ordi. Amb aquesta deixalla de la collita, es podrien fer fardells, amb els quals construir cases. No obstinate això, al país existed molt poc coneixement d'aquest material I el sistema construction que es required per an edificar de manera tècnica I Segura. La present investigació aborda la caracterització física i mecànica dels fardells produïts localment per a determinar la seua possibilitat del seu ús com a material de construcció. A més, es van realitzar assajos pseudo-dinàmics a murs portants realitzats amb fardells i recoberts amb dues alternatives de morter. Amb els resultats obtinguts, es va realitzar el modelatge estructural d'un habitatge tipus, determinant que el desplaçament lateral relatiu d'aquesta, compleix els estàndards de la Norma Equatoriana de la Construcció per a edificacions sisme resistents. També es va realitzar una anàlisi econòmica, determinant que el cost de l'habitatge tipus és inferior al valor establit per a cases d'interés social al país. El que determina la seua accessibilitat al segment poblacional més pobre. A més, es va elaborar un manual, que detalla el procediment constructiu de la casa tipus, de manera clara i senzilla per a fer-ho de fàcil enteniment. / [EN] The Constitution of Ecuador establishes that access to decent housing is a fundamental right. However, many citizens live in risky situations since their buildings do not have adequate physical and structural characteristics. This is accentuated in rural areas, where the need for houses that meet quality standards is, on average, 71.2% higher than in the cities. In most constructions in Ecuador, conventional materials such as concrete, blocks, and bricks are used. Therefore, covering the entire housing deficit (665 612 units) requires a significant economic investment, in addition to the high environmental cost, since the materials have high energy consumption from production to installation. It is evident then that housing must be built with sustainable materials accessible to most of the population. One alternative is straw, which is natural, renewable, a CO2, and biodegradable. In Ecuador, 28 754.492 tons of wheat and barley straw are obtained annually. With this waste from the harvest, bales could be made with which to build houses. However, there needs to be more knowledge of this material and the construction system required to build technically and safely in the country. The present research addresses the physical and mechanical characterization of locally produced bales to determine the possibility of their use as a construction material. In addition, pseudo-dynamic tests were carried out on load-bearing walls made with bales. An economic analysis was also carried out, determining that the cost of the house type is lower than the value established for houses of social interest in the country. This determines its accessibility to the poorest segment of the population. In addition, a manual was prepared detailing the construction procedure of the house type clearly and straightforwardly to make it easy to understand. / Viera Arroba, LP. (2023). Factibilidad constructiva de viviendas con muros portantes de fardos de paja energéticamente eficientes y sismo resistentes en la zona andina del Ecuador [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/196654

An assessment of the progress made in the broadening of access to finance to low-income earners (1994-2007)

07 June 2012 (has links)
M.Comm. / The purpose of this dissertation is to assess the progress that has been made in the provision of housing finance to low-income earners. In 1994, housing affordability was constrained, as around 86% of households earned below R3 500. The focus, therefore, is on the role played by both government and the four major banks in broadening access to housing finance for these households and also those who earn less than R7 500. Frameworks that brought about certain initiatives aimed at addressing this problem are explored. On the side of government, the housing subsidy scheme and the role played by the government housing finance institutions (i.e. the National Housing Finance Corporation and the Rural Housing Loan Fund) are explored. On the banking sector side, the provisioning of housing finance prior to and after the implementation of the Financial Sector Charter (FSC) in 2004 is investigated. The dissertation concludes by looking the challenges that exist in the low-cost housing finance environment. The paper notes that, although some considerable progress has been made in the broadening of access to housing finance, there is a huge gap between the number of subsidies approved and the number of households that have benefited from the government subsidy scheme, possibly resulting from, among other things, capacity constraints at local government level. In respect of the banking sector, data analysed shows that bank involvement in the low-income market was very minimal before the implementation of the FSC. However, as much as some progress has been made, there are some serious challenges in this market that could have possibly prevented the role players from extending this access to the rest of the target group.

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