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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investigating the viability of rural housing finance as a vehicle for the creation of sustainable human settlement in Moletlane village – Lepelle Nkumpi municipality

Mthethwa, Zamukuhle William 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The need for sustainable human settlements, particularly for the poor, is crucial in South Africa (SA). This is because of the apartheid spatial constructs that segregated the black population groups from white minority and denied them equal access to economic opportunities, housing, as well as basic and social services (Smeddle-Thompson, 2012). Many South Africans remain without basic services in the many informal settlements. Even those who have jobs and a consistent salary find it difficult to sustain a decent quality of life, as they fall outside of the subsidy bracket but at the same time are unable to afford and access the mortgage products available from commercial banks (Department of Human Settlement, 2009). Consequently, the South African government is faced with the task of developing sustainable human settlements and improving quality of household life. For this reason, many initiatives such as legislative frameworks, policies and programmes to drive housing delivery have been established since 1994 and millions of rands have been used to implement such initiatives. However, housing delivery remains a challenge. Thus, the researcher sought to investigate the viability of rural housing finance in creating sustainable human settlement in rural areas, with special focus on Moletlane Village as a case study. Like many rural areas in SA, Moletlane village is still faced with a challenge of housing delivery. This study was conducted within the interpretive qualitative paradigm. Techniques to collect data focused on questionnaires and interviews for validity purposes and to counter subjectivity. For the survey, 100 participants were purposefully selected based on their knowledge and their expertise in rural housing finance. The survey was followed by in-depth interviews with key personnel of Moletlane Village and a few ordinary community members to verify and complete some answers. The researcher used data collected to draw findings and made recommendations. The foremost findings revealed that rural housing finance plays a major role in rural development as it provides people with the opportunity of improving their houses and rescues them from living in substandard conditions. The overall sentiments from the respondents are that rural housing finance has led to an increase in the economic activity and job creation which is a solid foundation for the creation of sustainable human settlements. This study has established a link between rural housing finance and rural development. It is clear from the findings that participants believe in rural housing finance and value it. They see it as a good strategy to liberate their lives and of realising sustainable human settlement. However, they all acknowledged that institutions that provide housing finance are not doing much to assist rural households and that there is a gap in as far as rural housing finance is concerned. Almost all of them indicated their wish to see rural housing finance across the country. Moreover, they are of the opinion that a paradigm shift is required to tackle the rural housing finance shortfall. Hence, the study present to policy makers and government a set of recommendations discussed in full in chapter 6. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Volhoubare menslike nedersettings veral vir die armes, is van deurslaggewende belang in Suid-Afrika. Dit is as gevolg die ruimtelike afbakenings van apartheid dat die swart bevolkingsgroepe van die wit minderheid gesegregeer is en hulle gelyke toegang tot ekonomiese geleenthede, behuising, asook basiese en maatskaplike dienste ontneem is (Smeddle-Thompson, 2012). Die meeste huishoudings kan nie bekostig om in ordentlike huise te woon of bekostig om goedgeleë grond te besit nie. Gevolglik staar die taak van behuisingsverskaffing die regering in die gesig. Vele wetgewende raamwerke, beleide en programme om aan behuisingsverskaffing te voldoen, is sedert 1994 in die lewe geroep. Miljoene rand is gebruik om behuisingverskaffing te implementeer, tog bly behuisingsverskaffing ’n uitdaging. Hierdie navorsing ondersoek die haalbaarheid van landelike behuisingsfinansiering deur volhoubare menslike nedersettings in landelike gebiede te skep, met spesiale fokus op Moletlane Village as ’n gevalle-studie. Hierdie studie is ’n gevalle-studie wat binne die interpretatiewe kwalitatiewe paradigma uitgevoer is. Tegnieke wat gebruik is om data in te samel het op vraelyste en onderhoude gefokus vir die doel van geldigheid en om subjektiwiteit teen te werk. Vir die opname is 100 deelnemers doelbewus gekies, gebaseer op hulle kennis en sommiges vanweë hulle kundigheid in landelike behuisingsfinansiering. Die opname is gevolg deur deurdringende onderhoude met sleutelpersoneel van Moletlane Village en ’n paar gewone gemeenskapslede te voer om sommige antwoorde te kontroleer en te voltooi. Data wat ingesamel is, is gebruik vir bevindinge en om voorstelle te maak. Bevindinge het openbaar dat daar ’n groot aanvraag vir landelike behuisingsfinansiering is. Dit speel ’n belangrike rol in landelike ontwikkeling, want dit plaas landelike mense op dieselfde vlak as diegene in townships en voorstede. Dit maak dit moontlik vir landelike mense om kwaliteit behuising met spoeltoilette, lopende water, warmwatersilinders, sanitasie en ander geriewe te hê wat as vreemd vir landelike gebiede voorkom. Die algehele sentimente van die respondente is dat landelike behuisingsfinansiering tot ’n toename in ekonomiese aktiwiteit en werkverskaffing gelei het, wat as ’n vaste grondslag dien vir die skepping van volhoubare menslike nedersettings. Oor die algemeen het landelike behuising lewens verander, mense van die vernedering gespaar wat onder gesubstandaardiseerde omstandighede lewe en sodoende die waardigheid van die mense herstel. Dit word bewys dat instellings wat behuisingsfinansiering verskaf, nie veel doen om landelike huishoudings te help nie, maar indien hulle hul daartoe verbind, kan hulle die behuisingsfinansiële mark uitbrei. Deur hierdie navorsing, is ’n skakel tussen landelike behuisingsfinansiering en landelike ontwikkeling teweeggebring. As gevolg hiervan, is ’n aantal aanbevelings in hierdie studie gemaak wat breedvoerig in hoofstuk 6 bespreek word.

Análise da organização coletiva no processo de construção da habitação rural: caso Assentamento Rural Sepé Tiaraju, Serra Azul - SP / Analyses of collective organization in the rural housing building process: case rural Settlement Sepé Tiaraju, Serra Azul - SP

Tavares, Simone Fernandes 12 September 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho de pesquisa tem como objeto central a questão do provimento da habitação social para a população do campo através de organizações coletivas, em projetos que buscam além da construção de casas. Para tanto, parte da análise de um projeto de grande complexidade, denominado Projeto Sepé Tiaraju - Construção das Casas , no qual foi experimentado um processo participativo, desde a escolha da habitação, a organização para a construção e a gestão das obras. Com o desenrolar das construções, no entanto, toda a organização idealizada inicialmente se perdeu, e foi substituída pelos mais variados conflitos, e por diversas paralisações de obra. Neste contexto, este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a organização coletiva das famílias do assentamento rural Sepé Tiaraju, Serra Azul - SP, na construção de 67 habitações, partindo do pressuposto de que existiram diferentes racionalidades que influenciaram e interferiram na organização coletiva no processo de construção das habitações, as quais se referem às características das famílias que compuseram o grupo; à atuação da assessoria técnica; às características do programa de financiamento; e às características de um canteiro de obras em meio rural. A estratégia da pesquisa está baseada em duas metodologias, a pesquisa-ação e o estudo de caso, e se desenvolve a partir da descrição do histórico de construção das casas. A importância da pesquisa está em apontar as distorções decorrentes de projetos como este, os quais, esbarrando em interesses divergentes, e num programa habitacional rígido, acabam por promover processos bastante desgastantes para os todos os envolvidos, comprometendo os seus resultados esperados. / This search work has as its central object the provision of social housing to rural population across collective organizations, in projects that claim for re sults beyond housing construction. For both, it sets off from a complex project called \"Sepé Tiaraju Project - house building\", in which was experienced a participatory process, from the choice of the house, the organization to the construction, until the managements of the construction. With the progress of the constructions, however, the entire organization that was initially conceived was lost, and it was replaced by many conflicts and several work stoppages. In this context, this dissertation has as its objective to analyze the families\' collective organization of the rural settlement Sepé Tiaraju, Serra Azul - SP, in the process of building 67 houses. The search work has as its presupposition that different rationalities have influenced and interfered in the process building across the collective organization, which refer to the characteristics of families that composed the group; the performance of technical assistance; the characteristics of the financing program; and the characteristics of a construction site in rural areas. The research strategy is based on two methodologies, the \"action research\" and the \"case study research\", and it develops from the description of the historical house construction. The importance of the research is to point out the distortions arising from projects like this, which, running into conflicting interests, and a rigid housing program, ends up promoting a very stressful process for all involved, and affecting their results.

Propuesta de construcción de una vivienda modular rural con instalaciones sostenibles en el distrito de Sondorillo – Piura

Ccorisapra Casavilca, André Giomar, Mora Cassiano, Jonathan Eduardo 21 October 2019 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación es parte de un proyecto de construcción de una vivienda rural modular con instalaciones sostenibles basadas en la realidad de la Provincia de Huancabamba, distrito de Sondorillo, Piura. El aporte del presente trabajo está sustentado en el tratamiento de data confiable y existente del lugar en estudio para determinar la oferta de los recursos renovables de mayor predominancia, como es el recurso solar, eólico y agua de lluvia; con la finalidad de realizar el diseño de las instalaciones eléctricas y sanitarias de la vivienda modular propuesta teniendo en cuenta la realidad de sus necesidades que ellos demandan. La presente tesis se realizó en base a la metodología de análisis con información de diferentes fuentes e investigaciones a fines. Con ello, se realiza el tratamiento y análisis de la data existente tomando como base data proporcionada en la página oficial de la NASA, SENAMHI y la ANA. Se determinó la estimación de la energía solar global mediante el método de Bristow – Campbell, resultando un valor rentable de 4.98 kW/m2. El valor promedio de velocidad de viento del lugar se realizó mediante la distribución de Weilbull, resultando un valor de 6.32 m/s a una altura de 6 m. Asimismo, se desarrolla la propuesta de captación de agua de lluvia para ser derivada solo al inodoro de la vivienda, donde las aguas domésticas serán tratadas por medio de un biodigestor de 600 L de capacidad, obteniendo con ello una mejor calidad del servicio higiénico para el poblador en la zona rural. Los resultados fueron aprovechados para realizar el diseño de las instalaciones eléctricas y sanitarias, donde se determinó que mediante la demanda eléctrica de la vivienda es necesario contar con solo 1 panel solar de 150 Wp para abastecer a todos los aparatos eléctricos. Asimismo, se evidencia que el aerogenerador puede abastecer hasta 11 viviendas con la demanda eléctrica calculada. Por lo que se concluye, que a pesar que el lugar en estudio cuenta con una notoria carencia de los servicios de luz, agua y desagüe, queda sustentado que son afortunados por contar con recursos renovables altamente viables para su aprovechamiento e inversión. / The present research is part of a construction project of a modular rural housing with sustainable installations based on the reality of the Province of Huancabamba, district of Sondorillo, Piura. The contribution of this work is based on the treatment of reliable and existing data from the place under study to determine the supply of renewable resources of greater predominance, such as solar, wind and rainwater resources; with the purpose of carrying out the design of the electrical and sanitary installations of the modular housing proposed taking into account the reality of their needs that they demand. The present thesis was carried out based on the analysis methodology with information from different sources such as research at ends. With this, the treatment and analysis of the existing data is done taking as a base data provided in the official page of NASA, SENAMHI and the ANA. The estimation of global solar energy was determined by the Bristow - Campbell method, resulting in a profitable value of 4.98 kW/m2. The average value of wind speed of the place was made by the distribution of Weilbull, resulting in a value of 6.32 m/s at a height of 6 m. Also, the rainwater collection proposal is developed to be derived only to the toilet of the house where it will be treated by means of a biodigester of 600 L of capacity, obtaining with it a better quality of the hygienic service for the resident in the rural area. The results were used to design the electrical and sanitary installations, where it was determined that by means of the electrical demand of the house it is necessary to have only one solar panel of 150 Wp to supply all the electrical appliances. Likewise, it is evident that the wind turbine can supply up to 11 homes with the calculated electrical demand. So it is concluded that despite the fact that the place under study has a notorious lack of electricity, water and sewage services, it is supported that they are fortunate to have highly viable renewable resources for their use and investment. / Tesis

Soil conservation, land use and property rights in northern Ethiopia : understanding environmental change in smallholder farming systems /

Beyene, Atakilte, January 2003 (has links)
Diss. Uppsala : Sveriges lantbruksuniv., 2003.

Análise da organização coletiva no processo de construção da habitação rural: caso Assentamento Rural Sepé Tiaraju, Serra Azul - SP / Analyses of collective organization in the rural housing building process: case rural Settlement Sepé Tiaraju, Serra Azul - SP

Simone Fernandes Tavares 12 September 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho de pesquisa tem como objeto central a questão do provimento da habitação social para a população do campo através de organizações coletivas, em projetos que buscam além da construção de casas. Para tanto, parte da análise de um projeto de grande complexidade, denominado Projeto Sepé Tiaraju - Construção das Casas , no qual foi experimentado um processo participativo, desde a escolha da habitação, a organização para a construção e a gestão das obras. Com o desenrolar das construções, no entanto, toda a organização idealizada inicialmente se perdeu, e foi substituída pelos mais variados conflitos, e por diversas paralisações de obra. Neste contexto, este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a organização coletiva das famílias do assentamento rural Sepé Tiaraju, Serra Azul - SP, na construção de 67 habitações, partindo do pressuposto de que existiram diferentes racionalidades que influenciaram e interferiram na organização coletiva no processo de construção das habitações, as quais se referem às características das famílias que compuseram o grupo; à atuação da assessoria técnica; às características do programa de financiamento; e às características de um canteiro de obras em meio rural. A estratégia da pesquisa está baseada em duas metodologias, a pesquisa-ação e o estudo de caso, e se desenvolve a partir da descrição do histórico de construção das casas. A importância da pesquisa está em apontar as distorções decorrentes de projetos como este, os quais, esbarrando em interesses divergentes, e num programa habitacional rígido, acabam por promover processos bastante desgastantes para os todos os envolvidos, comprometendo os seus resultados esperados. / This search work has as its central object the provision of social housing to rural population across collective organizations, in projects that claim for re sults beyond housing construction. For both, it sets off from a complex project called \"Sepé Tiaraju Project - house building\", in which was experienced a participatory process, from the choice of the house, the organization to the construction, until the managements of the construction. With the progress of the constructions, however, the entire organization that was initially conceived was lost, and it was replaced by many conflicts and several work stoppages. In this context, this dissertation has as its objective to analyze the families\' collective organization of the rural settlement Sepé Tiaraju, Serra Azul - SP, in the process of building 67 houses. The search work has as its presupposition that different rationalities have influenced and interfered in the process building across the collective organization, which refer to the characteristics of families that composed the group; the performance of technical assistance; the characteristics of the financing program; and the characteristics of a construction site in rural areas. The research strategy is based on two methodologies, the \"action research\" and the \"case study research\", and it develops from the description of the historical house construction. The importance of the research is to point out the distortions arising from projects like this, which, running into conflicting interests, and a rigid housing program, ends up promoting a very stressful process for all involved, and affecting their results.

Småhusbyggande i marknadssvaga Götalandskommuner : En studie i hur mycket det byggs och hur det finansieras / Building of single-family houses in weak markets in southern Sweden : A study of how many single-family houses are built and how they are financed

Elmersson, Åsa, Grafström, Joel January 2017 (has links)
Sverige räknas till blandekonomierna. Blandekonomin har sin utgångspunkt i marknadsekonomin men staten reglerar marknaden till viss del. Detta gäller också för bostadsmarknaden. Så utgångspunkten är således att marknaden ska styra priset på småhus genom tillgång och efterfrågan. Det är ena sidan. Den andra sidan är regleringarna. När det kommer till bostäder är det till exempel bolånetaket och amorteringskravet. Bolånetaket utgår från bedömt marknadsvärde. Är det ett begagnat hus räknas som regel försäljningspriset som marknadsvärde medan det i de fall det är ett helt nytt hus görs en förhandsvärdering inför byggnationen. Maximalt kan 85 procent av marknadsvärdet belånas, med fastigheten som säkerhet, för att finansiera ett husköp eller en nybyggnation. På attraktiva marknader är detta sällan något problem eftersom marknadsvärdet på nybyggnationerna oftast är högre än kostnaderna för att bygga huset. Men hur är det då i områden där det inte är så, utan där produktionskostnaderna istället ofta är högre än det förväntade marknadsvärdet? Rent teoretiskt borde det inte kunna byggas småhus i dessa områden med annat än att de som bygger satsar eget kapital och/eller lägger ner mycket eget arbete. Är det så verkligheten ser ut eller lånar bankerna trots allt ut pengar? Och byggs det några småhus överhuvudtaget i dessa områden? Med breda penseldrag har detta undersökts. Urvalet för studien är de femton kommuner i Götaland med lägst Tobins q-värde, det vill säga hade sämst relation i kvoten marknadspris på en befintlig bostad genom den totala produktionskostnaden för en likartad bostad ur Boverkets lista för år 2012. I studien har bygglovsstatistiken i undersökningskommunerna och jämförelsekommunerna studerats. Rapporten visar att det relativt sett byggs färre småhus i de undersökta kommunerna. I de femton undersökta kommunerna med svaga bostadsmarknader är medianvärdet 0,20 beviljade bygglov per tusen invånare. Motsvarande siffra för de tio mest folkrikaste kommunerna i Götaland är 0,69, nästan 3,5 gånger mer under samma år. Studien har också undersökt den teoretiska lönsamheten på de platser där bygglov utfärdats i de studerade kommunerna. En teoretisk produktionskostnad har antagits och en modell skapats för att kunna massvärdera samtliga bygglov med hjälp av taxeringsvärden. Resultatet med den här modellen ger att i 87 procent av fallen går det inte med säkerhet att säga att nybyggnationen är ekonomiskt lönsam vid färdigställandet. Slutligen har studien även undersökt hur nybyggnationerna finansieras genom att inteckningsbeloppen för varje nybyggt småhus har granskats. Av de nybyggnationer där interimistiskt slutbesked eller slutbesked har erhållits visar det sig att 20 procent av nybyggnationerna inte har några inteckningar alls och således har finansierats på annat sätt än genom lån med huset som säkerhet. Bedöms istället, utifrån datamaterialet, den teoretiska produktionskostnaden i förhållande till ett uppskattat marknadsvärde är knappt 50 procent av dessa nybyggnationer helt bankfinansierade. Således är cirka 30 procent av nybyggnationerna sannolikt delvis bankfinansierade. Även tecken på övervärdering av nya bostäder har uppmärksammats.

A Study of Housing Conditions of Selected Rural Families in Howard County, Texas

Christie, Margaret L. 01 1900 (has links)
"The purpose of this study was to make a housing survey in the rural areas of Howard County to determine the needs of the farm families in order that a more adequate program for the improvement of housing conditions could be planned by the county home demonstration council with the help of the county home demonstration agent." -- leaf 10.

A habitação camponesa no programa MCMV / The peasant´s housing in the MCMV program

Lenzi, Cecilia Corrêa 11 September 2017 (has links)
Junto ao lançamento do programa Minha Casa Minha Vida (MCMV) em 2009 pelo governo Lula, foi relançado, como parte deste, o Programa Nacional de Habitação Rural (PNHR). Contrariando a curva histórica e em nome da redução do déficit habitacional rural, esta nova versão do PNHR ofereceu um montante de subsídios a fundo perdido nunca antes visto chegando a ser sete vezes maior do que os programas anteriormente disponíveis e apresentou uma meta física inicial de 120.000 unidades correspondente a aproximadamente 12% do déficit total rural. Porém, do ponto de vista do processo produtivo da habitação, o programa pode ser questionado sob diversos aspectos. O objetivo principal deste trabalho é analisar a produção habitacional camponesa no âmbito do programa MCMV com base na experiência de uma organização sindical em Santa Catarina. Para isso, procuramos caracterizar a luta do campesinato catarinense pela sua permanência ao longo do tempo e a trajetória dos movimentos sindicais do campo no Brasil. Também apresentamos as especificidades da versão não urbana do programa MCMV frente ao modo de vida camponês, apontando os principais aspectos do processo produtivo da casa observados em campo. O trabalho de campo, juntamente ao referencial teórico estudado, permitiu a compreensão de que a produção da casa camponesa não pode ser analisada sob os mesmos referenciais que a habitação social urbana, pois acontece sob outra lógica. Com o suporte do referencial teórico que defende a criação e recriação do campesinato no seio do capitalismo, procuramos compreender algumas das contradições que provocam a oscilação da submissão do campesinato ao capital com base no caso estudado. / Together with the launch of the program My House, My Life (Minha Casa, Minha Vida MCMV) in 2009 by the Lula government, the National Rural Housing Program (Programa Nacional de Habitação Rural - PNHR) was re-launched as part of that program. Contrary to the historical curve and with the aim of reducing the rural housing deficit, this new version of the PNHR offered an unprecedented amount of non-recoverable subsidies - up to seven times greater than previously available programs - and presented an initial physical target of 120,000 units - corresponding to approximately 12% of the total rural deficit. However, from the perspective of the housing productive process, the program can be questioned in several aspects. The main objective of this work is to analyze the peasant housing production under the MCMV program based on the experience of a labor union organization in Santa Catarina. For this, we try to characterize the struggle of the peasantry in Santa Catarina regarding its permanence over time and the trajectory of the labor union movements in rural Brazil. We also present the specificities of the non-urban version of the MCMV program towards the peasant lifestyle, pointing out the main aspects of the house production process observed in the countryside. The fieldwork, together with the theoretical framework studied, allowed the understanding that the production of the peasant house can not be analyzed under a framework for urban social housing, given that it happens under a different logic. With the support of the theoretical framework that advocates the creation and re-creation of the peasantry within capitalism, we seek to comprehend some of the contradictions that cause the oscillation of peasantry submission to capital based on the case examined.

Omsorgsfylld landsbygd : Rumsliga perspektiv på åldrande och omsorg på den svenska landsbygden

Bygdell, Cecilia January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to study the intersection of rural areas, ageing and care. It is  based on interviews with elderly and caregivers carried out in the municipality of Heby in the middle of Sweden. Care is given a broad definition and includes help with many daily activities given by family members, the public sector, the private sector, voluntary organisations and neighbours. The studied rural area is described as filled with care, as there exist people with care needs and caregivers from several sectors. Together the elderly and their caregivers create a landscape of care which they strive to describe as characterized by mutual dependency and carefulness, as well as created between formal and informal relationships. The different care givers are dependent on, complement and sometimes exclude each other. With an increasing trend with ageing in place, the own home is becoming more Important for the rural aged. This creates special careneeds, and reshapes the home physically and gives it and the local community a specific meaning. The own home and its surroundings are seen as consisting of physical features, social relationships and memories of the lived life. The own home is both seen as a place where the elderly can be independent and as a place where they are dependent, which defines the home as a contradictory place. The study wants to contribute to a more developed theoretical understanding of the rural with an age and care perspective. Above all it is stressed that the rural is filled with care relations. Also it is stated that the elderly live in a constantly changing rural society and that the rural is placed between a material and social understanding respectively between the concepts of periphery and center.

A habitação camponesa no programa MCMV / The peasant´s housing in the MCMV program

Cecilia Corrêa Lenzi 11 September 2017 (has links)
Junto ao lançamento do programa Minha Casa Minha Vida (MCMV) em 2009 pelo governo Lula, foi relançado, como parte deste, o Programa Nacional de Habitação Rural (PNHR). Contrariando a curva histórica e em nome da redução do déficit habitacional rural, esta nova versão do PNHR ofereceu um montante de subsídios a fundo perdido nunca antes visto chegando a ser sete vezes maior do que os programas anteriormente disponíveis e apresentou uma meta física inicial de 120.000 unidades correspondente a aproximadamente 12% do déficit total rural. Porém, do ponto de vista do processo produtivo da habitação, o programa pode ser questionado sob diversos aspectos. O objetivo principal deste trabalho é analisar a produção habitacional camponesa no âmbito do programa MCMV com base na experiência de uma organização sindical em Santa Catarina. Para isso, procuramos caracterizar a luta do campesinato catarinense pela sua permanência ao longo do tempo e a trajetória dos movimentos sindicais do campo no Brasil. Também apresentamos as especificidades da versão não urbana do programa MCMV frente ao modo de vida camponês, apontando os principais aspectos do processo produtivo da casa observados em campo. O trabalho de campo, juntamente ao referencial teórico estudado, permitiu a compreensão de que a produção da casa camponesa não pode ser analisada sob os mesmos referenciais que a habitação social urbana, pois acontece sob outra lógica. Com o suporte do referencial teórico que defende a criação e recriação do campesinato no seio do capitalismo, procuramos compreender algumas das contradições que provocam a oscilação da submissão do campesinato ao capital com base no caso estudado. / Together with the launch of the program My House, My Life (Minha Casa, Minha Vida MCMV) in 2009 by the Lula government, the National Rural Housing Program (Programa Nacional de Habitação Rural - PNHR) was re-launched as part of that program. Contrary to the historical curve and with the aim of reducing the rural housing deficit, this new version of the PNHR offered an unprecedented amount of non-recoverable subsidies - up to seven times greater than previously available programs - and presented an initial physical target of 120,000 units - corresponding to approximately 12% of the total rural deficit. However, from the perspective of the housing productive process, the program can be questioned in several aspects. The main objective of this work is to analyze the peasant housing production under the MCMV program based on the experience of a labor union organization in Santa Catarina. For this, we try to characterize the struggle of the peasantry in Santa Catarina regarding its permanence over time and the trajectory of the labor union movements in rural Brazil. We also present the specificities of the non-urban version of the MCMV program towards the peasant lifestyle, pointing out the main aspects of the house production process observed in the countryside. The fieldwork, together with the theoretical framework studied, allowed the understanding that the production of the peasant house can not be analyzed under a framework for urban social housing, given that it happens under a different logic. With the support of the theoretical framework that advocates the creation and re-creation of the peasantry within capitalism, we seek to comprehend some of the contradictions that cause the oscillation of peasantry submission to capital based on the case examined.

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