Spelling suggestions: "subject:"rural environments"" "subject:"aural environments""
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Testing behavioural and developmental models of migration : a re-evaluation of 'migration patterns among the elderly' and 'why older people move'Burholt, Vanessa January 1998 (has links)
No description available.
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Mass, Composition, Source Identification and Impact Assessment for Fine and Coarse Atmospheric Particles in the Desert SouthwestClements, Andrea 05 June 2013 (has links)
A year-long study was conducted in Pinal County, Arizona to characterize fine and coarse particulate matter as a means of furthering our understanding of ambient concentrations and composition in rural, arid environments. Detailed measurement of ambient fine and coarse mass, ion, metal, and carbon concentrations at one-in-six day resolution was conducted at three sites from February 2009 to February 2010. Detailed organic carbon speciation was collected at 5-week resolution.
A series of samples representing native soil, agricultural soil, road dust, and cattle feed lot material was collected, resuspended in the laboratory, and analyzed to provide a chemical source profile for each soil type yielding insights into unique source signatures.
Observations within the chemical speciation data and subsequent modeling analysis show a strong impact from local sources at the Cowtown site where mass concentrations are highest. Source apportionment results confirm the significant impact from the cattle feedlot adjacent to the site. Chemical analysis of ambient particles and local feedlot material shows the presence of chemical marker species including phosphate which is unique to this source.
Fugitive dust is a significant contributor to ambient particulate matter concentrations at all monitoring locations. Seasonal observations show higher concentrations during tilling and harvesting indicating the large role agricultural sources play on particle concentrations in this area. Chemical characterization and modeling show that re-entrained road dust is a significant factor.
Fine particle modeling results indicate that concentrations are influenced significantly by motor vehicles including impacts from direct emissions including brake wear and indirect emissions including resuspended road dust. A significant fraction is also associated with crustal sources while about 5 g/m3 appears to be transported into the region from beyond the air shed.
Detailed analysis of the local monsoon season indicates that monsoon rains serve to clean the atmosphere resulting in a marked decrease in ambient coarse mass and resulted in a period where local coarse PM concentrations measured at all sites became more uniform. The monsoon season also featured localized high wind events which severely increased coarse PM concentrations and often caused exceedences of the PM National Ambient Air Quality Standard.
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Mass, Composition, Source Identification and Impact Assessment for Fine and Coarse Atmospheric Particles in the Desert SouthwestClements, Andrea 05 June 2013 (has links)
A year-long study was conducted in Pinal County, Arizona to characterize fine and coarse particulate matter as a means of furthering our understanding of ambient concentrations and composition in rural, arid environments. Detailed measurement of ambient fine and coarse mass, ion, metal, and carbon concentrations at one-in-six day resolution was conducted at three sites from February 2009 to February 2010. Detailed organic carbon speciation was collected at 5-week resolution.
A series of samples representing native soil, agricultural soil, road dust, and cattle feed lot material was collected, resuspended in the laboratory, and analyzed to provide a chemical source profile for each soil type yielding insights into unique source signatures.
Observations within the chemical speciation data and subsequent modeling analysis show a strong impact from local sources at the Cowtown site where mass concentrations are highest. Source apportionment results confirm the significant impact from the cattle feedlot adjacent to the site. Chemical analysis of ambient particles and local feedlot material shows the presence of chemical marker species including phosphate which is unique to this source.
Fugitive dust is a significant contributor to ambient particulate matter concentrations at all monitoring locations. Seasonal observations show higher concentrations during tilling and harvesting indicating the large role agricultural sources play on particle concentrations in this area. Chemical characterization and modeling show that re-entrained road dust is a significant factor.
Fine particle modeling results indicate that concentrations are influenced significantly by motor vehicles including impacts from direct emissions including brake wear and indirect emissions including resuspended road dust. A significant fraction is also associated with crustal sources while about 5 g/m3 appears to be transported into the region from beyond the air shed.
Detailed analysis of the local monsoon season indicates that monsoon rains serve to clean the atmosphere resulting in a marked decrease in ambient coarse mass and resulted in a period where local coarse PM concentrations measured at all sites became more uniform. The monsoon season also featured localized high wind events which severely increased coarse PM concentrations and often caused exceedences of the PM National Ambient Air Quality Standard.
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Improved Site-Specific Millimeter-Wave Channel Modeling and Simulation for Suburban and Rural EnvironmentsYaguang Zhang (11198685) 28 July 2021 (has links)
<div>Millimeter-wave (mmWave) bands have become the most promising candidate for enlarging the usable radio spectrum in future wireless networks such as 5G. Since frequent and location-specific blockages are expected for mmWaves, the challenge is understanding the propagation characteristics of mmWave signals and accordingly predicting the channel state information. This research direction has garnered great attention worldwide from industry, academia, and government. However, the majority of current research on mmWave communications has focused on urban areas with high population densities, with very few measurement campaigns in suburban and rural environments. These environments are extremely important for future wireless applications in areas including residential welfare, digital agriculture, and transportation. To fill in this research gap, we developed broadband mmWave channel sounding systems and carried out intensive measurement campaigns at 28 GHz, covering clear line-of-sight as well as non-line-of-sight scenarios over buildings and foliage clutters, to fully characterize the mmWave propagation in suburban and rural environments.</div><div><br></div><div>Moreover, the accuracy provided by traditional statistical models is insufficient for next-generation wireless networks with higher-frequency carriers, because they are unable to predict abrupt channel changes caused by site-specific blockages. To overcome this issue, we explored the possibility of utilizing site-specific geographic features such as buildings and trees in improving mmWave propagation models. A new channel modeling methodology highlighting site-specific parameter evaluation based on easily obtainable data sources (e.g., LiDAR) was proposed for accurate, fast, and automated channel state predictions. Accordingly, an overall root mean square error (RMSE) improvement of 11.79 dB was achieved in a one-building blockage scenario and a regional RMSE improvement of over 20 dB was observed in a coniferous forest. This approach also enables channel simulations for large-scale system performance evaluation, demonstrating a powerful and promising approach for planning and tuning future wide-area wireless networks. The simulation results showed that network densification alone is not enough for closing the digital gap, especially with mmWaves because of the impractical number of required towers. They also backed up supplementary solutions including private data relays, e.g., via drones and portable towers.</div>
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Jovens assentados: história de vida e projetos de futuro em um assentamento no litoral do Ceará / Young settlers: life stories and future projects in a settlement on the coast of CearáZakabi, Denise 05 October 2018 (has links)
Esta pesquisa foi realizada em um assentamento no litoral do Ceará. Este tem sido local de conflitos pela terra desde a sua formação, nos anos oitenta. Foi conquistado a partir da luta de trabalhadores, com apoio das Comunidades Eclesiais de Base. Atualmente, por se tratar de uma região litorânea, os conflitos têm ocorrido contra grandes empreendedores do turismo e a implantação de indústrias eólicas. Para se fortalecer, a comunidade tem recebido apoio de organizações religiosas, não-governamentais e do Movimento Sem-Terra.Elaborou-se esta pesquisa com o objetivo de conhecer a história devida dos jovens desse assentamento e de comunidades ao redor. Esse objetivo foi buscado através de observação participante de atividades comunitárias,entrevistas semiestruturadase intervenções como rodas de conversa e plantões psicológicos.Essasatividades ocorreram principalmente na escola do campo. A existência dessa escola favoreceque os jovens continuem os estudos até o ensino médio.As disciplinas específicas voltadas para agroecologia foram valorizadas pelos estudantes, como forma de melhorar seu cultivo. Foram observados conflitos entre estudantes, funcionários, corpo docente e direção,pela dificuldade em superar relações hierárquicas e estabelecer relações horizontais,apesar de haver espaços na escola para discussão democrática, situação a qual reflete a sociedade capitalista na qual a escola está inserida.Também se observou que as relações de gênero remetem à masculinidade e à feminilidade hegemônicas e definem de forma rígida os valores e papéis associados ao homem e à mulher. Essas relações podem ser opressivas tanto para homens como para mulheres, e gerar sofrimento e discriminação para quem se diferencia dos padrões definidos.Todos os jovens com os quais se conversou demonstraram um sentimento de enraizamento à sua comunidade. Pensar sobre o futuro pode ser angustiante diante de condições instáveis e imprevisíveis devido à falta de políticas públicas voltadas para garantia de direitos desta população. Lamentam-se por precisarem se deslocar para outra cidade para ampliar sua formação com uma graduação. Quase todos desejam que sejaum deslocamento temporário, pois pretendem voltar para a comunidade, considerada continuidade de suas casas.Os jovens do assentamento relataram maior união da comunidade e mobilização contra a entrada de grandes empresas de turismo e de outros empreendimentos, comparados a jovens de comunidades vizinhas.Mesmo com essas diferenças, os jovens do assentamento também relatam transformações nas relações dentro da comunidade, de trocas de produtos e serviços por generosidade para trocas comerciais por dinheiro.Por fim, esta tese mostrou os benefícios de uma pesquisa-intervenção para uma comunidade e uma instituição, quando alguém se disponibiliza a uma escuta atenta para refletir sobre questões pessoais e comunitárias. Apresentou possibilidades de uma comunidade com uma organização coletiva que, apesar dos conflitos e dificuldades enfrentados, luta para superar a desigualdade e as injustiças inerentes ao capitalismo. Registrou a importância de políticas públicas voltadas para as pessoas do campo, particularmente a juventude,no caso específico deste assentamento, para enriquecer sua formação profissional e política / This research was carried out in a settlement on the coast of Ceará, located in Northeast region of Brazil. This place has been the site of conflicts over land since its formation in the 1980s. It was conquered through the struggle of workers, with the support of the Base Ecclesial Communities. Nowadays, because it is a coastal region, conflicts have occurred against great entrepreneurs in tourism industry and the implantation of wind energy industries. In order to strengthen itself, the community has received support from religious, non-governmental organizations and the Brazils Landless Workers Movement. This research was developed with the purpose of knowing the life history of the young people of this settlement and surrounding communities. This objective was pursued through participant observation of community activities, semi-structured interviews and interventions such as rounds of conversation and psychologist on call. These activities occurred mainly in the rural school. The existence of this school ensures that young people continue their studies up to the high school. The specific disciplines focused on agroecology were valued by students as a way to improve cultivation. Conflicts between students, staff, faculty and management were observed due to the difficulty in overcoming hierarchical relations and establishing horizontal relations, although there are spaces in the school for democratic discussion, a situation that reflects the capitalist society in which the school is inserted. It was also observed that gender relations refer to hegemonic masculinity and femininity and rigidly define values and roles associated with men and women. These relationships can be oppressive for both men and women as well as can generate distress and discrimination for those who differ from the defined patterns. All the interviewed young people have a sense of being rooted in their community. Thinking about the future can be distressing before unstable and unpredictable conditions due to the lack of public policies aimed at ensuring the rights of this population. They lament that they need to move to another city to improve their qualifications with a degree. Almost all of them wish that it is a temporary displacement, since they intend to return to the community, which is considered as continuity of their homes. The young people in the settlement reportedgreater community unity and mobilization against the entry of large tourism companies and other ventures, compared to young people from surrounding communities. Even with these differences, settlement youth also report transformations in community relations: from exchanges of goods and services made by generosity, to trading for money. Finally, this thesis highlighted the benefits of a research-intervention for a community by making someone listen attentively to reflect on personal and community issues. Itpresented possibilities for a community with a collective organization that, despite the conflicts and difficulties faced, struggles to overcome inequality and injustices inherent in capitalism. It pointed to the importance of public policies focused on rural people, particularly youth, in the specific case of this settlement, to improve their professional and political formation
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The Assessment and Treatment of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Primary Care: A Comparison of Pediatricians and Family Practice PhysiciansClements, Andrea D., Polaha, Jodi, Dixon, Wallace E., Jr., Brownlee, Jan 01 January 2008 (has links)
The adherence to published guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) by primary care pediatricians (PDs) and family practice physicians (FPs), particularly those in rural areas, has not been well documented. This study examined survey responses from PDs and FPs who serve southern Appalachia (northeast Tennessee, southwest Virginia and Kentucky, and western North Carolina) regarding key practice parameters in line with the current American Academy of Pediatrics guidelines. Results showed that both PDs and FPs reported adhering to most of the diagnosis and treatment guidelines. PDs were more likely than FPs to report using both parent and teacher input in diagnosis and reported prescribing different medications for ADHD to some degree. Both practice areas reported ongoing access to continuing medical education, which is a means to enhancing care of ADHD patients. Implications for primary care are given with attention to the limited availability of PDs in rural areas and future areas of research in rural mental healthcare are suggested.
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Suicide in Rural Areas: An Updated Review of the LiteratureHirsch, Jameson K., Cukrowicz, Kelly C. 01 January 2014 (has links)
Suicide is a significant public health concern at a global level and occurs at a greater rate in rural compared with urban areas. A review of the literature on rural suicide indicates that a growing body of empirical, theoretical, and prevention work has been conducted on the topic, with an increasing number of countries represented and articles written. From an ecological perspective, current data and models suggest that our approach to understanding and preventing rural suicide must be multifaceted, addressing the individual level (e.g., traditional risk factors such as psychiatric illness), as well as the microsystem (e.g., family and peer relations), mesosystem (e.g., the interconnectedness between microsystems), exosystem (e.g., the rural community), and macrosystem (e.g., social norms) levels. Geographic and interpersonal isolation, agricultural or otherwise hazardous vocational demands, environmental and governmental policies, availability of means, lack of access to care and rural ideologies appear to contribute to suicide risk. Interventions must be community-driven, culturally acceptable and feasible within the context of available resources to be effective. Prospective research on risk and protective factors for rural suicide is required, as is development, implementation and assessment of interventions that are originated by, implemented in, and sensitive to the needs of rural communities.
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"Det är ju inte hela tiden bara lycka heller" : äldre kvinnors berättade liv- om arbete, omsorg och åldrande i landsbygdsmiljöSnellman, Marie-Louise January 2009 (has links)
Even though ageing in Western society has been a major issue in research and politics in recent years, there is still a distinct lack of knowledge about elderly people and their experiences. As much of the ongoing research has focused mainly on the oldest of the old and elderly people in need of public care, research about elderly people in general is needed. Ageing in a rural environment is of interest, because research about the elderly and ageing generally concerns urban areas. The study of old women has grown during the last decades in the academic fields of social gerontology and feminist studies. Older women’s disadvantaged position has been highlighted from a structural perspective. This knowledge needs to be combined with knowledge from a micro level in order to make other experiences of being an older woman visible. The importance of considering ageing as an integral part of life has been stressed by social gerontological research during the last decades. The focus of this thesis is the life stories of ten women aged between 75 and 85 years of age. The study has two main aims: firstly, to analyse the diverse meanings involved in being a woman who was born between 1920 and 1930, and lives in the Swedish or Finnish rural countryside. Secondly, the aim is to highlight and analyse how caring is reflected in the women’s stories about their lives. A broad understanding of caring as a fundamental condition for human existence is stressed in the thesis. Life stories are never complete, nor do they cover the totality of a life lived. The life story is a story told from a certain perspective in a specific situation and the meaning in the life stories is produced through interaction with the researcher. The women who participated in the study have lived their lives through major societal transformations. Historical events that have affected women’s rights, possibilities and conditions, have served as a framework for understanding the women’s life stories in a wider context. Structural and individual conditions have been taken into account, and indicate that the enabling and limiting conditions are both multi-dimensional and vary from individual to individual. A contextual framing is needed to understand expressions of care in the life stories. The life stories make visible caring as changeable; caring is carried out differently in different contexts and situations. An extended understanding of caring makes it possible to gain additional insights into meaningful expressions of caring during the life course, and these insights reach beyond conventional definitions in theories on caring.
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Pobreza, migración y desempleo: mujeres en la sierra tepehua de Hidalgo, México / Pobreza, migración y desempleo: mujeres en la sierra tepehua de Hidalgo, MéxicoVargas González, Pablo 10 April 2018 (has links)
For decades, the State of Hidalgo has been considered as an entity with deep social inequalities and scant social, economic and political development. As a result, there are conditions of exclusion, marginalization, racial discrimination and unequal access to the fundamental rights of its citizens; which are still present in the population census data published by Inegi 2000 and 2005.In the State of Hidalgo there are more than 4596 localities, of which 96% are less than 2500 inhabitants; the great majority of them are located in marginal «municipios» and regions and therefore they do not have the minimum indispensable conditions of welfare. But it is not only poverty but exclusion and vulnerability which affect these communities.In the sierra of Tepehua (San Bartolo Tutotepec, Huehuetla y Tenango), the rural communities, mostly indigenous, with agricultural economic vocation live in marginal conditions and the middlemanism —coyotaje— is a persistent flagellum that occurs even in public organisms. However, the rural inhabitants generate response processes to globalization through social capital and the women organisation. / Por décadas el estado de Hidalgo ha sido considerado una entidad con profundas desigualdades sociales y escaso desarrollo social, económico y político. Por lo anterior, se observan condiciones de exclusión, marginación, discriminación y de un inequitativo acceso a los derechos fundamentales de los ciudadanos, todavía presentes en las cifras de los censos de población del Inegi de 2000 y 2005.En el estado de Hidalgo existen más de 4.596 localidades de las cuales el 96% son menores de 2500 habitantes, la gran mayoría están ubicadas en municipios y regiones marginadas y por consiguiente carecen del mínimo indispensable de bienestar; pero no solo es la pobreza sino que estas comunidades y sus habitantes se encuentran en condiciones de exclusión y vulnerabilidad.En la sierra tepehua (San Bartolo Tutotepec, Huehuetla y Tenango), las comunidades rurales, eminentemente indígenas, con vocación económica agropecuaria viven en condiciones de marginación, y el intermediarismo —«coyotaje»— es un flagelo persistente que se realiza, incluso, por los organismos públicos. No obstante, los pobladores rurales generan procesos de respuesta a la globalización a través del capital social y la organización de mujeres.
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Identitetsrelaterade positiva och negativa autobiografiska platsminnen / Self-related positive and negative autobiographical place memoriesConcha, Carolina, Heierson, Karin January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka självbiografiska positiva och negativa platsminnen relaterat till platsidentitet och de tio fenomenologiska dimensionerna. Autobiografiska minnen är minnen som refererar till viktiga livsperioder och utgör en del av vår identitet. Total 81 kvinnor och 28 män i åldern 39 – 76 år deltog i studien. Designen för analyserna av kvantitativa data var en mellanpersonsdesign, med en oberoende variabel Plats (positiv/negativ) och två beroende variabler platsidentitet (emotionell/kognitiv komponent) samt de tio fenomenologiska dimensioner i det självbiografiska minnet. Mätinstrumentet bestod av en enkät i tre delar som innehöll frågor baserat på tidigare forskning. Resultatet visade en effekt av Typ av Platsminne. Effekten var associerad med både den emotionella och kognitiva komponenten i platsidentiteten. Resultatet visade också en effekt av Typ av Plats på de tio fenomenologiska dimensionerna. Effekten var associerad med sex av dessa. Det kvalitativa resultatet visade att positiva platsminnen innehåller minnen från rurala miljöer medan negativa minnen i huvudsak var urbana miljöer. Resultatet visade även att en övervägande del av minnena i huvudsak innehöll barndomsminnen oavsett positiva eller negativa platsminnen. / The aim was to investigate positive and negative place-related autobiographical memories related to place-identity and phenomenological dimensions of the autobiographical memory. Autobiographical memories are memories that refer to important life periods, grounding our identity. 81 women and 28 men. Between-subject-design was used for quantitative data, with an independent variable of Place (positive / negative) and two dependent variables of Place-identity (emotional / cognitive component) as well as the ten phenomenological dimensions of the autobiographical memory. The measuring instrument consisted of a three-part questionnaire that contained questions based on previous research. Results showed an effect of Type of Place associated with both emotional and cognitive components of place identity. We also reported an effect of Type of Place on six of ten phenomenological dimensions. The qualitative results showed that positive memories contain memories from rural environments, while negative memories contain mainly urban environments. The results also showed that a majority of the memories contained mainly childhood associated memories, regardless of positive or negative place memories.
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