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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Étude du comportement mécanique des matériaux composites par corrélation volumique : Application à l’analyse des effets du cisaillement transverse / Study of mechanical behavior of composite materials by digital volume correlation : Application to the transverse shear effects analysis

Brault, Romain 04 October 2013 (has links)
De nombreuses études ont été menées sur les matériaux composites, concernant le comportement mécanique à l’échelle macroscopique. D’autre part, le développement continu des techniques de détection et de mesures de champs permet d’aller plus loin dans l’analyse des structures complexes, dont les matériaux composites. Ainsi, la corrélation volumique (DVC) basée sur des acquisitions de la structure interne à différents états de déformation, permet la mesure du champ des déplacements dans le volume des échantillons. Le gauchissement des sections dû aux contraintes de cisaillement transverse est un phénomène propre aux structures anisotropes comme les structures composites. De nombreuses études traitent du développement des modèles analytiques pour la modélisation numérique et la détermination des déplacements avec le plus de précision possible. Ainsi, de nombreux modèles existent, certains très complexes, pour la prise en compte de ce phénomène dans l’étude des structures multicouches. L'objectifs de ce travail doctoral est d’utiliser les mesures de champs issues de la corrélation volumique couplée à la tomographie rayons X, pour visualiser le gauchissement des sections pour un cas de sollicitation de flexion trois points. Une méthode de mesure ainsi qu’un système de chargement in-situ spécifique sont développés dans ce travail de recherche. Les modèles analytiques existants sont évalués et comparés à partir de mesures expérimentales. Aussi, un nouveau modèle est également proposé à partir d'une identification numérique, basée sur les mesures de champs volumiques réalisées. Les résultats de ce travail de thèse permettront une meilleure compréhension du phénomène physique rencontrés lors de l’utilisation des matériaux composites et pourront envisager des pistes d’optimisation de leur conception et de leur mise en œuvre. / The complex mechanical behaviour of composite materials, due to internal heterogeneity and multi-layered composition impose deeper analysis. Several studies have already been conducted on the composite structures mechanical behavior at the macro level. On the other hand, the continuous development of detection techniques and field measurements can now go further in the analysis of complex structures, including composites. Thus, the digital volume correlation (DVC) based on the acquisition of the internal structure at different deformation states, allows the measurement of displacement fields through the thickness of the specimen. Warping sections due to transverse shear is a phenomenon linked to anisotropic structures, such as composite structures, which has been the subject of many studies to develop analytical models for the numerical modeling and the determination of displacements with the greatest possible precision. Many theories and models exist, some very complex, for the consideration of this phenomenon .. One goal of this doctoral work is to use measurements from the density correlation to determine whether these models the effects of transverse shear are physically consistent, and if their validity is good in the case of a kinematic measurement volume. A second objective of this thesis is to acquire know-how in the processing of information resulting from acquisitions by X-ray tomography In this sense, several studies are planned for the treatment and use of this information in an industrial context. The results of this work will provide a better understanding of physical phenomena encountered in the use of composite materials to generate optimization of their design and implementation paths.

Efeitos de regimes de sobreclareamento associados a produtos clareadores caseiros sobre o conteúdo mineral e a rugosidade do esmalte dentário humano / Overbleaching effects on mineral content and roughness of human enamel

Marianna Sorozini Ferreira de Miranda 09 December 2013 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O clareamento dental se tornou um dos tratamentos estéticos mais realizados nos consultórios odontológicos, devido à simplicidade técnica e popularização através da mídia. Consiste na utilização de géis à base de peróxido de carbamida, peróxido de hidrogénio e, em uma menor escala, de perborato de sódio, com intuito de oxidar moléculas responsáveis pela pigmentação da estrutura dentária. Apesar da grande quantidade de estudos sobre o tema, não se sabe os efeitos do uso excessivo desses agentes sobre a estrutura dentária. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos sobre a rugosidade superficial e conteúdo mineral do esmalte dental humano submetido a regimes de sobreclareamento associados ao uso de géis clareadores caseiros: peróxido de carbamida 10% (Opalescence PF Regular 10%, Ultradent do Brasil Produtos Odontológicos Ltda., Indaiatuba, São Paulo), peróxido de hidrogênio 9,5% (DayWhite 9,5%, Discus, LLC Culver City, EUA), bem como tiras clareadoras (Oral-B WhiteStrips, Anderson Packaging, Rockford, Estados Unidos). Quatro fragmentos de esmalte obtidos a partir de cinco dentes foram submetidos a um diferente tratamento: Grupo I - armazenamento em saliva artificial por oito semanas; Grupo 2 oito semanas de tratamento com gel de peróxido de carbamida 10% por 6 horas diárias; Grupo 3 oito semanas de tratamento com gel de peróxido de hidrogênio 9,5% com duas aplicações diárias de 30 minutos; Grupo 4 oito semanas de tratamento com tiras clareadoras duas aplicações diárias de 30 minutos. A alteração no conteúdo mineral foi avaliada semanalmente em seis pontos de cada fragmento devidamente identificados através de um sistema de coordenadas (X, Y e Z) utilizando-se a técnica de fluorescência de raios X (Artax 200). Alterações na rugosidade superficial das amostras também foram avaliadas através de um rugosímetro 3D (FormTalysurf 60, Taylor Leicester, Reino Unido). Apenas o grupo 3 apresentou diferenças estatísticas significativas com relação aos níveis de rugosidade (p<0,05), porém não consideradas como clinicamente significativos. Para os demais tratamentos e intervalos propostos, não foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significativas (p>0,05). Desse modo, não houve alterações compatíveis com um processo de desmineralização ou aumento real da rugosidade da superfície. Nas condições desse estudo in vitro os géis clareadores caseiros foram considerados seguros. São necessários novos estudos in situ e in vitro que analisem os efeitos de regimes de sobreclareamento quando em condições de somatório de desafios intra-orais. / Tooth bleaching has become one of the most performed cosmetic treatments in dental offices because of the technical simplicity and popularization through media. It is based in the use of gels containing carbamide peroxide, hydrogen peroxide, and sodium perborate to oxidize molecules responsible for pigmentation of the tooth structure. Despite the large amount of studies of the topic, the effects of overuse of these agents on tooth structure are not established. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects on the surface roughness and mineral content of the enamel submitted to overbleaching protocols associated with the use of home bleaching gels: 10 % carbamide peroxide (Opalescence PF 10 % Regular, Ultradent Dental Products of Brazil Ltd., Indaiatuba, São Paulo), hydrogen peroxide 9.5% (DayWhite 9.5%, Discus, LLC Culver City, EUA), as well as bleaching strips (Oral- B Whitestrips, Anderson Packaging, Rockford, USA). Four enamel fragments obtained from five teeth were subjected to different treatments: Group I - storage in artificial saliva for eight weeks; Group 2 eight-week exposure to 10% carbamide peroxide gel for 6 hours daily; Group 3 eight-week exposure to 9,5% hydrogen peroxide gel - two 30-minute application, Group 4 eight-week exposure to bleaching strips - twice daily for 30 minutes. The change in mineral content was assessed weekly with the analysis of six points in each fragment properly identified by a coordinate system (X, Y and Z) using the technique of X-ray fluorescence (Artax 200). Changes in surface roughness of the samples were also evaluated using a 3D perfilometer (FormTalysurf 60, Taylor Leicester, UK). Only group 3 showed statistically significant differences for roughness (p <0.05), but this is not considered as clinically important. For other proposed treatments and intervals, there were no statistically significant differences for any of the treatments tested in any of the proposed ranges (p > 0,05). There was no sign of demineralization process. Under these in vitro conditions, home bleaching gels were considered safe. Further in situ and in vivo studies are necessary to examine the effects of overbleaching protocols with all other intra-oral challenges.

Application du prototypage rapide à l'aide au diagnostic en chirurgie traumatologique et orthopédique / Rapid prototyping helping diagnosis in orthopaedic and trauma surgery.

Debarre, Étienne 07 December 2011 (has links)
Les technologies d’imagerie médicale permettent de visualiser pathologies et traumatismes. Cependant, même si cette imagerie permet des vues perspectives dynamiques, elle reste du domaine du 3D virtuel puisque sur un écran 2D. Une réplique présente dès lors un avantage certain : elle rend palpable la notion d'échelle et de volume et apparents des détails cachés ou ambigus et ainsi améliore ou facilite le diagnostic et la solution chirurgicale.Le prototypage rapide permet la fabrication d'une réplique à partir d'un fichier CAO issu des données d'imagerie, mais ce procédé n'est pour l'instant appliqué qu'à des cas très spécifiques. Nos travaux montrent qu'il peut l'être avec profit en orthopédie et traumatologie à des cas chirurgicaux certes complexes mais courants, et passer du laboratoire de recherche à l'établissement hospitalier.Une méthodologie est définie visant à passer des données DICOM3 à une réplique en ABS par prototypage rapide par dépôt de fil fondu via une reconstruction 3D numérique à l'aide de logiciels dédiés. Une étude de capabilité, transposable à tout procédé, quantifie la réponse et la fidélité de la machine et les paramètres optimaux. Trois applications (à partir de la tomographie RX) sont présentées à travers trois cas cliniques (ostéotomie, arthroplastie, trochléoplastie).Les exemples montrent que le procédé s'avère pertinent (et économiquement raisonnable) dès qu’il est question de géométrie complexe, de matérialisation du relief et d’appréciation d’un volume osseux. La représentation objective de l’échelle des volumes en constitue le point fort et l'intérêt est indéniable dans nombre de domaines de la chirurgie orthopédique et traumatologique. / The medical imaging technologies allow the visualization of diseases and injuries. However, even if dynamic perspective ones, these views remain a virtual 3D visualization because on a 2D screen. Real replicas have therefore a definite advantage: they can make palpable the notion of scale and volume and apparent hidden or ambiguous details and thus enhance or facilitate the diagnosis and the surgical solution.The rapid prototyping allows to achieve a replica from a CAD file issued from imaging data but this process is now only applied to specific cases. Our work shows that it can be applied with profit for complex but usual orthopaedic and trauma surgery cases. It can be so transfered from the research laboratory to the hospital.A methodology is defined to manufacture an ABS replica through rapid prototyping by fused deposition modelling from DICOM3 data and digital 3D reconstructions using dedicated software. The study of the capability, transferable to any process, quantifies the response and the accuracy of the machine and the optimal parameters. Three applications (from CT-scan) are presented through three clinical cases (osteotomy, arthroplasty and trochleoplasty) . The examples show that the method is appropriate (and economically reasonable) when it comes to complex geometry or assessment of bone volume. The objective representation of the volumes is the strength of the method and the interest is undeniable in many areas of orthopaedic surgery and traumatology.

Multi-scale study of the degradation of railway ballast / Étude multi-échelle de la dégradation du ballast ferroviaire

Deiros Quintanilla, Ivan 02 May 2018 (has links)
Pour voies ferrées à grandes vitesses (LGV, Lignes à Grande Vitesse), la durabilité des performances du ballast de chemin de fer n’est pas aussi importante qu’attendu. Le comportement mécanique de cette couche granulaire mince dépend fortement de la forme, la taille et la minéralogie des grains. Sur les LGV, les grains s’usent plus vite qu’attendu, essentiellement à cause de l’accumulation des opérations de maintenance appelées bourrage. Une conséquence à cela est un renouvellement complet du ballast avec une fréquence largement supérieure à ce qui était initialement prévu à la création de ces lignes.Soumis à des contraintes dynamiques combinées (trafic ferroviaire et des opérations de bourrage), les grains de ballast se dégradent par fragmentation et par attrition aux contacts. Les conséquences directes de cette dégradation progressive sont l’évolution de la taille et de la forme des grains. La courbe granulométrique est alors translatée vers les petits éléments, avec une présence notable de particules très fines résultant de l’usure des grains. De plus, l’angularité des grains est progressivement diminuée. Au-delà d’un certain temps, le cumul de dégradation se traduit par une chute des performances mécaniques du ballast. Le ballast ne remplit plus efficacement ses fonctions. La résistance latérale de la voie est réduite, limitant ainsi la répartition des contraintes sur la plateforme et l’ancrage des traverses. La présence excessive de fines rend le bourrage inefficace et diminue la perméabilité de la voie. Par conséquent, pour trouver des solutions optimales pour prolonger la durée de vie du ballast, il est nécessaire d’abord de bien comprendre les origines et mécanismes menant à l’usure des grains, pour finalement construire un modèle prédictif de dégradation.La dégradation des interfaces au contact génère de particules fines. La quantité de fines produite, laquelle dépend des conditions de chargement, est classiquement prédite par l’équation d’Archard. Ce modèle part du principe que le volume d’usure généré est proportionnel à la force normale et au déplacement relatif entre les surfaces en contact. La simulation numérique par éléments discrets (NSCD) d’une portion de voie de chemin de fer soumis à un chargement cyclique est un outil nécessaire pour réaliser la transition entre l’échelle de la voie et l’échelle du contact, fournissant les informations sur le ballast en tant que couche granulaire, depuis son comportement global jusqu’aux forces de contact et les déplacements relatifs entre les grains. Les contacts montrant un grand potentiel de génération de fines (selon le modèle d’Archard) sont identifiés et reproduits expérimentalement avec des essais de cisaillement entre deux grains. Parallèlement, l’essai d’attrition Micro-Deval est utilisé pour relier les résultats numériques et expérimentaux, et ainsi valider le modèle d’Archard, et pour suivre l’évolution de la forme des grains avec l’aide des scans d’un échantillon de grains par tomographie RX à différents états d’usure. Les deux campagnes d’essais montrent la faiblesse des aspérités les plus aiguisées, dont spécialement celles sur les arêtes et sommets.Un modèle prédictif d’usure en deux phases est donc proposé. La première phase décrit une usure rapide due aux fortes contraintes normales à l’interface de contact, et la deuxième phase décrit un taux d’usure plus modéré. Une contrainte seuil permet d’identifier clairement le passage d’une phase à une autre. Sur la base des déplacements relatifs intergranulaires observés dans la simulation numérique discrète, ce modèle est appliqué pour chaque contact dont l’histoire de chargement est variable. Une estimation de la courbe de génération de fines dans la voie est ainsi proposée. / After some years of high-speed lines in France (HSL), ballast has proven not to be resistant enough. The performance of ballast, as a thin layer of coarse grains, strongly depends on the shape, size and mineralogical nature of the grains composing it. However, in HSL, grains wear faster than expected due to the traffic of trains at high speeds and the accumulation of maintenance operations (tamping). Ballast replacement has therefore been required much before than its originally expected lifespan.Under the dynamic stresses imposed by the circulation of trains and tamping operations, ballast is gradually worn by fragmentation of grains and attrition at the contacts. The direct consequence of this degradation is the evolution of grain size and shape: the grading curve is shifted towards small and fine particles and the grains progressively lose their angularity. Eventually, the cumulated wear will no longer allow ballast to perform properly: the shear resistance of the layer is reduced limiting both the anchorage of sleepers and the distribution of loads to the platform. In addition, the presence in excess of fine particles renders tamping ineffective (fast evolution of track defaults) and reduces the permeability of the track. Thus, in order to search for optimized solutions for prolonging ballast lifespan, it is crucial to first understand the origins and mechanisms leading to ballast degradation when it is subjected to complex loading, for building a predictive model of ballast wear.The degradation of contact interfaces generates fine particles. The associated mass flux, which depends on the loading conditions, has been classically predicted by Archard equation. The model assumes that the generated volume of wear is proportional to the normal force and the relative displacement between the surfaces. Therefore, it is crucial to quantify the forces at the contact scale and the relative displacements between ballast grains in sliding contact. Discrete elements simulations by NSCD are used as a tool for performing a change in scale from the track scale to the contact scale, giving information of ballast as a granular layer, from its global behaviour down to the contact forces and relative displacements between grains. Contacts with a higher potential of generating fine particles (according to Archard model) are then identified and reproduced experimentally by two-grain shearing tests. In parallel, the Micro-Deval standard attrition test is used as a link between numerical and experimental results to validate Archard model, and to study the evolution of grain morphology by scanning a sample of grains using X-ray tomography at different stages of the test. Both experimental campaigns show the weakness of sharp asperities, especially on edges and vertexes.A model in two phases is proposed, accounting for a first phase of fast and aggressive degradation due to the high stress at the contact interface and a more stable second phase with a lower wear rate. A critical stress is identified as a threshold between phases. This model is then applied at each individual contact on the numerical simulations, resulting in a first approach of the production curve of fine particles within the track.

Ruční dálkový ovladač pro robot Perseus / Operator's station for Perseus mobile robot

Sabó, Marek January 2019 (has links)
This thesis deals with the design and implementation of application for control of mobile robot. In the introductory section is discussed used platform GEARS-SMP, the principle of functionality of protocol for servo motors control, format M-JPEG and standard H.264. Further work is dedicated to analysis of designing user interface in robotic applications, available options for control devices and hardware used in remote controller. The following part focuses on the design of robotic application, especially on graphic user interface and virtual head-up display and follow-up implementation of created application in Raspberry Pi. In the end, thesis describes implemented software solution and compares resulting application with the created design.

Mapeamento de aquíferos sedimentares e fraturados na Bacia do Paraná por meio da técnica de caminhamento TDEM, usando Tx-fixo e Rx-móvel / Mapping of crystalline and sedimentary aquifers in Paraná basin using TEM fixed-loop.

Campaña, Julian David Realpe 03 September 2015 (has links)
Nesta pesquisa foi utilizado o método eletromagnético no domínio do tempo (TDEM) em apoio à exploração de águas subterrâneas, visando o mapeamento de aquíferos sedimentar e cristalino na bacia sedimentar do Paraná. Os dados foram adquiridos por meio da técnica de caminhamento TDEM usando o loop transmissor (Tx) fixo e a bobina receptora (Rx) 3D móvel, também conhecida como técnica fixed-loop. A análise dos dados do campo magnético secundário proveniente de medidas com a bobina Rx 3D teve como objetivo principal entender como estes campos se dissipam em subsuperfície e relacioná-los com os sedimentos e com as estruturas presentes dentro da camada de basaltos da Formação Serra Geral na bacia do Paraná. A interpretação de estruturas com geometrias variadas na subsuperfície foi feita por meio de inversões individuais dos dados da componente-z (Bz) e os modelos geoelétricos na forma de perfis foram obtidos por meio de um processo de interpolação lateral. As componentes individuais forneceram informações adicionais sobre o comportamento do campo magnético induzido e sua dissipação na subsuperfície. Resultados de medidas da resistividade elétrica por meio da técnica de caminhamento elétrico foram correlacionados com os perfis TDEM com a finalidade de fazer uma interpretação integrada, aliada com informações litológicas de poços disponíveis na região de estudos, e com isso dar mais confiabilidade na interpretação. Os resultados são promissores e contribuíram para o mapeamento do aquífero sedimentar raso (Formação Adamantina) e do aquífero cristalino caracterizado pela presença de zonas de fraturas nos basaltos da Formação Serra Geral que podem estar preenchidas com água. Os resultados terão aplicações diretas em estudos hidrogeológicos na região de Termas de Ibirá, Estado de São Paulo. / In this research, the time domain electromagnetic method (TDEM) was used for groundwater exploration aiming to map the sedimentary and crystalline aquifers in the Paraná Basin. The TDEM acquisition data was made through fixed transmitter loop technique (Tx) and a mobile 3D-coil receiver (Rx). The data analysis of the secondary magnetic field from measurements with 3D Rx coil aimed to understand how these fields dissipate in the subsurface and relate them to the sediments and the structures present within the basalt layer of the Serra Geral Formation in the Parana basin. The interpretation of varied subsurface geometries and structures was made through individual inversions of the z-component data (Bz) and the geoelectric models obtained by a process of lateral interpolation. The individual components provided additional information on the induced magnetic field behavior and its dissipation in the subsurface. Results of resistivity measurements by electric tomography technique were correlated with the TDEM profiles in order to make an integrated interpretation, together with lithological information from available wells in the study area. The results are promising and contributed to the mapping of shallow sedimentary aquifer (Adamantina Training) and the crystalline aquifer characterized by the presence of fractures in the basalt layer in the Serra Geral formation that can be filled with water. This research will have direct applications in hydrogeological studies in the area of Ibirá, state of São Paulo.

Estimation of trigger rates, data rates and data volumes for CTA and observations of SNR RX J0852.0−4622 with H.E.S.S.

Paz Arribas, Manuel 26 July 2017 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit zwei Aspekten der Gammastrahlungsastronomie. Einerseits studiert sie die Anforderungen an das zukünftige CTA-Observatorium für Gammastrahlung und präsentiert insbesondere Abschätzungen der Datenmengen, die während des Betriebs des Observatoriums anfallen werden. Für das größere CTA-Teleskopfeld auf der Südhalbkugel werden demnach eine Triggerate von 13 kHz und Datenraten von bis zu 2500 MB/s erwartet. Unter der Annahme, dass 15% der Zeit für Beobachtungen genutzt werden können, ergibt sich in 15 Jahren ein Datenvolumen von bis zu 165 PB. Die Implementation eines entsprechenden Systems zur Datenerfassung und -speicherung stellt eine Herausforderung dar, die jedoch mit existierenden Technik bewältigt werden kann. Andererseits befasst sie sich mit dem Supernovaüberrest RX J0852.0-4622 (auch bekannt als Vela Junior), präsentiert die Ergebnisse einer Analyse von Daten, die mit dem H.E.S.S.-Experiment genommen wurden, und geht der Frage nach, ob RX J0852.0-4622 ein kosmischer Teilchenbeschleuniger ist. Dabei erlauben die präzisen Messungen eine im Vergleich zu früheren Veröffentlichungen verbesserte Bestimmung der Eigenschaften der emittierenden Teilchenpopulation. Es ergibt sich, dass das Energiespektrum von RX J0852.0-4622 ein Potenzgesetz ist, das zu hohen Energien hin mit einer Abschneideenergie von 7.2 TeV exponentiell unterdrückt wird. Abschließend wird anhand von Simulation gezeigt, dass CTA die Abschneideenergie von RX J0852.0-4622 signifikant besser bestimmen können wird. Diese genauere Vermessung des Energiespektrums sollte dazu beitragen, den hadronischen oder leptonischen Charakter der Emission aufzuklären. / This work focuses on two different aspects of gamma-ray astronomy. On the one hand, it studies the instrumental challenge posed by the future CTA Observatory by estimating the amount of data to be collected. Based on an analysis of simulated data, the more demanding southern array is expected to have an array trigger rate of 13 kHz, a data rate of up to 2500 MB/s and a data volume after 15 yr of operation and assuming a duty cycle of 15% of up to 165 PB. The design of the data acquisition and storage systems will be a challenge but should be manageable with existing technologies. On the other hand, it studies supernova remnants, by presenting analysis results of the gamma-ray data of the RX J0852.0-4622 supernova remnant (commonly known as Vela Junior) measured with the operating H.E.S.S. experiment and interpreting them in order to check the plausibility of RX J0852.0-4622 being a cosmic ray accelerator. The more precise measurements permit a better determination of the parent particle population properties with respect to previous publications. More precisely, a clear curvature of the spectrum of RX J0852.0-4622 is measured with an exponential energy cut-off at 7.2 TeV. Finally, the analysis of simulated data shows that CTA should be able to significantly improve the determination of the spectral energy cut-off of RX J0852.0-4622, which should help in identifying the nature of the gamma-ray emission.

Mapeamento de aquíferos sedimentares e fraturados na Bacia do Paraná por meio da técnica de caminhamento TDEM, usando Tx-fixo e Rx-móvel / Mapping of crystalline and sedimentary aquifers in Paraná basin using TEM fixed-loop.

Julian David Realpe Campaña 03 September 2015 (has links)
Nesta pesquisa foi utilizado o método eletromagnético no domínio do tempo (TDEM) em apoio à exploração de águas subterrâneas, visando o mapeamento de aquíferos sedimentar e cristalino na bacia sedimentar do Paraná. Os dados foram adquiridos por meio da técnica de caminhamento TDEM usando o loop transmissor (Tx) fixo e a bobina receptora (Rx) 3D móvel, também conhecida como técnica fixed-loop. A análise dos dados do campo magnético secundário proveniente de medidas com a bobina Rx 3D teve como objetivo principal entender como estes campos se dissipam em subsuperfície e relacioná-los com os sedimentos e com as estruturas presentes dentro da camada de basaltos da Formação Serra Geral na bacia do Paraná. A interpretação de estruturas com geometrias variadas na subsuperfície foi feita por meio de inversões individuais dos dados da componente-z (Bz) e os modelos geoelétricos na forma de perfis foram obtidos por meio de um processo de interpolação lateral. As componentes individuais forneceram informações adicionais sobre o comportamento do campo magnético induzido e sua dissipação na subsuperfície. Resultados de medidas da resistividade elétrica por meio da técnica de caminhamento elétrico foram correlacionados com os perfis TDEM com a finalidade de fazer uma interpretação integrada, aliada com informações litológicas de poços disponíveis na região de estudos, e com isso dar mais confiabilidade na interpretação. Os resultados são promissores e contribuíram para o mapeamento do aquífero sedimentar raso (Formação Adamantina) e do aquífero cristalino caracterizado pela presença de zonas de fraturas nos basaltos da Formação Serra Geral que podem estar preenchidas com água. Os resultados terão aplicações diretas em estudos hidrogeológicos na região de Termas de Ibirá, Estado de São Paulo. / In this research, the time domain electromagnetic method (TDEM) was used for groundwater exploration aiming to map the sedimentary and crystalline aquifers in the Paraná Basin. The TDEM acquisition data was made through fixed transmitter loop technique (Tx) and a mobile 3D-coil receiver (Rx). The data analysis of the secondary magnetic field from measurements with 3D Rx coil aimed to understand how these fields dissipate in the subsurface and relate them to the sediments and the structures present within the basalt layer of the Serra Geral Formation in the Parana basin. The interpretation of varied subsurface geometries and structures was made through individual inversions of the z-component data (Bz) and the geoelectric models obtained by a process of lateral interpolation. The individual components provided additional information on the induced magnetic field behavior and its dissipation in the subsurface. Results of resistivity measurements by electric tomography technique were correlated with the TDEM profiles in order to make an integrated interpretation, together with lithological information from available wells in the study area. The results are promising and contributed to the mapping of shallow sedimentary aquifer (Adamantina Training) and the crystalline aquifer characterized by the presence of fractures in the basalt layer in the Serra Geral formation that can be filled with water. This research will have direct applications in hydrogeological studies in the area of Ibirá, state of São Paulo.

Functional analysis of embryonic brain development in Tribolium castaneum / Funktionale Analyse zur embryonalen Gehirnentwicklung in Tribolium castaneum

Koniszewski, Nikolaus 22 August 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Reconstruction statistique 3D à partir d’un faible nombre de projections : application : coronarographie RX rotationnelle / 3D statistical reconstruction from a small number of projections. application : XR rotational coronarography

Oukili, Ahmed 16 December 2015 (has links)
La problématique de cette thèse concerne la reconstruction statistique itérative 3D de l'arbre coronaire, à partir d'un nombre très réduit d'angiogrammes coronariens (5 images). Pendant un examen rotationnel d'angiographie RX, seules les projections correspondant à la même phase cardiaque sont sélectionnées afin de vérifier la condition de non variabilité spatio-temporelle de l'objet à reconstruire (reconstruction statique). Le nombre restreint de projections complique cette reconstruction, considérée alors comme un problème inverse mal posé. La résolution d'un tel problème nécessite une procédure de régularisation. Pour ce faire, nous avons opté pour le formalisme bayésien en considérant la reconstruction comme le champ aléatoire maximisant la probabilité a posteriori (MAP), composée d'un terme quadratique de vraisemblance (attache aux données) et un a priori de Gibbs (à priori markovien basé sur une interprétation partielle de l'objet à reconstruire). La maximisation MAP adoptant un algorithme d'optimisation numérique nous a permis d'introduire une contrainte de lissage avec préservation de contours des reconstructions en choisissant adéquatement les fonctions de potentiel associées à l'énergie à priori. Dans ce manuscrit, nous avons discuté en détail des trois principales composantes d'une reconstruction statistique MAP performante, à savoir (1) l'élaboration d'un modèle physique précis du processus d'acquisition, (2) l'adoption d'un modèle à priori approprié et (3) la définition d'un algorithme d'optimisation itératif efficace. Cette discussion nous a conduit à proposer deux algorithmes itératifs MAP, MAP-MNR et MAP-ARTUR-GC, que nous avons testés et évalués sur des données simulées réalistes (données patient issues d'une acquisition CT- 64 multi-barrettes). / The problematic of this thesis concerns the statistical iterative 3D reconstruction of coronary tree from a very few number of coronary angiograms (5 images). During RX rotational angiographic exam, only projections corresponding to the same cardiac phase are selected in order to check the condition of space and time non-variability of the object to reconstruct (static reconstruction). The limited number of projections complicates the reconstruction, considered then as an illness inverse problem. The answer to a similar problem needs a regularization process. To do so, we choose baysian formalism considering the reconstruction as a random field maximizing the posterior probability (MAP), composed by quadratic likelihood terms (attached to data) and Gibbs prior (prior markovian based on a partial interpretation of the object to reconstruct). The MAP maximizing allowed us using a numerical optimization algorithm, to introduce a smoothing constraint and preserve the edges on the reconstruction while choosing wisely the potential functions associated to prior energy. In this paper, we have discussed in details the three components of efficient statistical reconstruction MAP, which are : 1- the construction of precise physical model of acquisition process; 2- the selection of an appropriate prior model; and 3- the definition of an efficient iterative optimization algorithm. This discussion lead us to propose two iterative algorithms MAP, MAP-MNR and MAP-ARTUR-GC, which we have tested and evaluated on realistic simulated data (Patient data from 64-slice CT).

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