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A simple method of the electric/magnetic field observation by a conventional transmission electron microscopeSasaki, Katsuhiro, Saka, Hiroyasu January 2005 (has links)
Pacific Rim International Conference on Advanced Materials and Processing <DA14524950> (5th : 2004 : Beijing, China)
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Analýza populační struktury semenného sadu třešně ptačí &-lt;i&-gt;Prunus avium&-lt;/i&-gt; L. / Analysis of population structure in the seed orchard of wild cherry Prunus avium L.Krejzková, Anna January 2016 (has links)
The seed orchard of Prunus avium L., Čejkovka, LS LČR Lužná, was established in 2002. Low seed production is characteristic for the orchard. First seed collection took place in 2015, summing up to 35 kilograms. Based on genetic analysis, S locus alleles and microsatellite data were detected. Furthermore, phenology of blooming and fertility of individual ramets was observed. It was detected that from the registered 59 clones, 46 clones were of different genotypes and 29 clones are diferrent in S locus. Approximately 37% ramets in the orchard are genetically identical. In 2015, a total of 45% ramets produced seeds. Based on evidence, the effective number of clones in the orchard is 31, 12 based on SSRs and 10 based on S locus. The number of seed producing clones in 2015 was 20 based on evidence, 8 based on SSRs and only 5 based on S locuses. In order to achieve higher seed production it would be appropriate to partially supplement genetically identical clones with those of different genotypes. An additional option would be utilizing the existing orchard to collect grafts to establish a new, appropriately designed, orchard.
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Helia : Design för mental hälsa inom säsongsdepressionKääriä, Mélanie Chantal January 2022 (has links)
Sweden is located high up in the northern part of the hemisphere, which means that the number of hours of sunshine differs drastically between the winter and summer months. With this contrast comes a problem where more than one in three Swedes feel that the winter darkness affects their work performance. To counteract this societal problem, this paper examined whether apps can promote the mental health of those with mild forms of seasonal affective disorder and mild depression. This was investigated through a visual research of apps available to promote mental health as well as through a survey. The results show that there is a wide range of apps that promote mental health but that there is no range of these apps with a link to seasonal depression. This survey, like so many others, also shows that there are many who suffer from Winter Blues and that there is a curiosity among the respondents to test whether an app that wants to promote their mental and takes seasons and weather into consideration will help. / Sverige ligger högt upp på det norra halvklotet, vilket innebär att antalet soltimmar skiljer sig drastiskt mellan vinter- och sommarmånaderna. Med denna kontrast följer ett problem där mer än var tredje svensk känner att vintermörkret påverkar deras arbetsprestationer. För att motverka detta samhällsproblem undersöktes det i denna uppsats om appar kan främja den mentala hälsan för personer med milda former av säsongsdepression och mild depression. Detta undersöktes genom en visuell undersökning av appar tillgänglighet för att främja mental hälsa samt genom en undersökning. Resultaten visar att det finns ett brett utbud av appar som främjar mental hälsa men att det inte finns något utbud av dessa appar med en koppling till säsongsdepression. Den här undersökningen, som så många andra, visar också att det är många som lider av Winter Blues och att det finns en nyfikenhet bland respondenterna att testa om en app som vill främja deras mentala och tar hänsyn till årstider och väder hjälper.
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Савремене географске функције Новог Сада и његово гравитационо подручје / Savremene geografske funkcije Novog Sada i njegovo gravitaciono područje / Present geographic functions of Novi Sad and its gravitation areaBubalo-Živković Milka 25 December 2003 (has links)
<p>Нови Сад је смештен на левој обали Дунава, на супротној страни од Петроварадинске тврђаве, на три геоморфолошка елемента - инундационој равни, алувијалној тераси и лесној тераси. Повољан географски положај, природни и друштвени фактори Новог Сада имали су велики значај у одређивању његових функција у време настајања, као и у првим фазама развоја. Свака фаза у развоју Новог Сада је остављала траг, сем у функцијама, и у демографској и морфолошкој структури града. Промене значаја појединих функција у граду имале су за последицу и повећање броја становника. У периоду од 1869. до 2002. године становништво је увећано девет пута. Повећање је у највећој мери последица досељавања. Овакав демографски ток је довео до градње станова и до јачања стамбене функције у граду. Новосадске функције имају велики утицај на становништво ближе и даље околине. Утицај новосадских функција делује као pull фактор и доводи до промене природне, механичке и економске структуре насеља. Ове промене нису једнаке за сва насеља, тако да се формира гравитационо подручје са три гравитационе зоне. Као последица утицаја Новог Сада и глобалне ситуације у земљи долази до промена функцијских типова насеља у гравитационом подручју.</p> / <p>Novi Sad je smešten na levoj obali Dunava, na suprotnoj strani od Petrovaradinske tvrđave, na tri geomorfološka elementa - inundacionoj ravni, aluvijalnoj terasi i lesnoj terasi. Povoljan geografski položaj, prirodni i društveni faktori Novog Sada imali su veliki značaj u određivanju njegovih funkcija u vreme nastajanja, kao i u prvim fazama razvoja. Svaka faza u razvoju Novog Sada je ostavljala trag, sem u funkcijama, i u demografskoj i morfološkoj strukturi grada. Promene značaja pojedinih funkcija u gradu imale su za posledicu i povećanje broja stanovnika. U periodu od 1869. do 2002. godine stanovništvo je uvećano devet puta. Povećanje je u najvećoj meri posledica doseljavanja. Ovakav demografski tok je doveo do gradnje stanova i do jačanja stambene funkcije u gradu. Novosadske funkcije imaju veliki uticaj na stanovništvo bliže i dalje okoline. Uticaj novosadskih funkcija deluje kao pull faktor i dovodi do promene prirodne, mehaničke i ekonomske strukture naselja. Ove promene nisu jednake za sva naselja, tako da se formira gravitaciono područje sa tri gravitacione zone. Kao posledica uticaja Novog Sada i globalne situacije u zemlji dolazi do promena funkcijskih tipova naselja u gravitacionom području.</p> / <p>Novi Sad placed on the left side of the shore of Danube, on contrary side of Petrovaradin's fortress, at three geomorphologic elements: inundation ravine, alluvial terace and loess terrace. Great importance for destiny functions of Novi Sad has had its good geographic situation natural and social factors. For development of Novi Sad have had great importance the phase of development. Each phase have left a trace in functions, in demographic and in morphologic structure of the city. The change of importance individual functions in the city influenced on the increase of number population. In the period 1869-2002 year population in advanced nine times. Immigration influenced on the increase number of flat and on the strengthening housing function in Novi Sad. Functions of Novi Sad influence on population in surroundings settlements. Functions of Novi Sad effect like pull factor and change natural, mechanical and economic structure of population this settlements in surroundings. This change isnt same on all settlements, because Novi Sad have had gravitation area with three gravitation zones. As result of Novi Sad and situation in the state is change functional type of settlement in gravitation area in Novi Sad.</p>
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Koncept kreativnog grada u razvoju turizma Novog Sada / The Creative City Concept in Tourism Development of Novi SadKliček Tamara 15 May 2014 (has links)
<p>U ovoj disertaciji primenjen je novi pristup koji za razvojni potencijal grada i urbanog turizma uzima kreativnost. Važno je razumeti i shvatiti da život gradu daju njegovi stanovnici i što je bolji kvalitet života u gradu, bolji će biti njegovi građani, a i sam grad će oživeti. Mnogi gradovi gube bitku sa destruktivnim silama, jer su se pomirili sa mišlju da su problemi toliko veliki i da se sa njima ne može izaći na kraj, pogotovo ako svi planski instrumenti i finansije nisu u najboljem redu. A to nije tačno, jer se uvek može uraditi još nešto, malo, skriveno možda, ali vrlo značajno. Budućnost predstavlja posvećenost sa konstantnim inoviranjem. Ovo zahteva fleksibilnost i prilagođavanje, a nikako potrebu za sigurnošću u starim načinima rešavanja problema i suočavanja sa izazovima. A tome služi kreativnost. Kreativnost se postiže kada se vidi šta se može postići na održivosti grada sa vrlo malo sredstava. Tu leži ključ urbane akupunkture, jednostavne, brze metode, kojom se oslobađa velika energija i izaziva trenutno socijalno zadovoljstvo. Iskustva iz sveta govore da svaki grad, pa i milionski, može popraviti kvalitet života za svoje građane u periodu od 3 do 4 godine.</p> / <p>In this dissertation is applied creativity as a new approach to the urban tourism development. It is important to understand and realize that the life of the city depends of its citizens. If the city provides better quality of life to them, the citizens will be more satisfied and inspired by the city and the city will revive. Many cities are losing the battle with the destructive forces, as they assume that the problems are so big and that it is not possible to cope with them, especially if urban planning instruments and finances are not right. However, some urban experiences from the world show a proof that it is not true. It is always possible to something else, something little, maybe hidden, but significant for sustainability of the city. The future demands full dedication with constant innovation. That requires flexibility, risk and disallowance of a need for security that is found in old ways of solving problems and dealing with challenges. There the creativity is needed. Creativity is achieved when we see what can be done for urban sustainability with very few resources. Here lies the key of urban acupuncture, simple, fast methods, which releases energy and causes a large immediate social satisfaction. Some examples from the world show that every city, can improve the quality of life for its citizens, in a few years even the one of more then million inhabitants.</p>
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Social anxiety disorder : SSRI vs. placeboEgic, Milica January 2021 (has links)
Social anxiety disorder (SAD) is characterized by fear and avoidance of social interactions and situations in which an individual is being the focus of attention. This current thesis aims to examine the efficacy of pharmacological treatment, particularly selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) in individuals with a generalized social anxiety disorder (gSAD) in comparison with placebo (no active medication). In this systematic review, Scopus and Web of Science were searched for relevant research regarding the efficacy of the SSRI medication (paroxetine, sertraline, fluvoxamine and escitalopram) in comparison with placebo. Sixteen articles were included in this analysis. Results demonstrated that SSRI medication has greater efficacy in comparison with placebo both in short- and long-term time, prevent relapse in the long-term treatment of SAD and had a beneficial effect on different areas of individuals life's such as work, performance, romantic relationships etc.
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Social anxiety disorder : Amygdala activation and connectivityFällmark, Amanda January 2021 (has links)
Social anxiety disorder (SAD) interferes with everyday life. It can, for instance, hinder careers, relationships, and leisure time. It is a common anxiety disorder that was neglected for decades. SAD individuals crave and fear social interactions simultaneously, leading to isolation in our highly social world. Therefore, research surrounding these kinds of disorders is essential. This systematic review has focused on the neural aspects and differences between SAD and healthy controls surrounding amygdala activation and connectivity. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies conducted using social and emotional tasks were included. Findings include increased amygdala activation to fearful faces and words and a positive correlation between amygdala activation and symptom severity. Further, deficits in emotion regulation and a finding of gradual habituation have been found in SAD compared to healthy controls. Some limitations to this research are the small sample sizes used in the included articles and the use of both SAD and individuals with generalized SAD. The study is essential to assess future questions and directions regarding diagnosis, treatment, and understanding of SAD.
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Exploring Impulsivity, Hostility, and Poor Decision-Making in Social Anxiety: An Externalizing Social Anxiety Subtype?Menatti, Andrew R. 13 June 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Effects of Facial and Vocal Emotion on Word Recognition in 11-to-13-month-old infantsBhullar, Naureen 09 May 2007 (has links)
The speech commonly addressed to infants (infant-directed speech or IDS) is believed to have multiple functions, including communication of emotion and highlighting linguistic aspects of speech. However, these two functions are most often studied separately so that the influence of emotional prosody (the changes in intonation and vocal quality that relate to emotion) on linguistic processing in infants has rarely been addressed. Given that language learning during infancy occurs in the context of natural infant-caretaker exchanges that most certainly include emotion communication and co-regulation, it is important to integrate the concepts of emotional communication and linguistic communication in studying language learning. This study examined the influence of both positive (happy) and negative (sad) face+voice contexts on word recognition in 11-to-13-month-old infants. It was hypothesized that infants would learn and subsequently recognize words when they were delivered in a happy context, but will experience more difficulty in learning and/or recognition of the same words when delivered in a sad context. The general pattern of results confirmed these predictions in that after habituating to sentences containing a specific target nonsense word, infants in the Happy Condition recovered their attention to the same sentences with a novel target word. In contrast, infants in the Sad Condition showed no significant recovery to a change in target words. These results contribute to our understanding of how emotional tone can facilitate and/or attenuate attention in older infants as they engage in language learning with their caretakers. / Ph. D.
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Intensivvårdssjuksköterskans omvårdnad vid sepsis-associerat delirium - Ett livshotande tillstånd : En systematisk litteraturstudieJansson, Moa, Sandberg, Sandra January 2017 (has links)
Sammanfattning: I samband med att en patient drabbas av sepsis pågår processer i kroppen som påverkar bland annat hjärnan. Patienterna kan drabbas av ett tillstånd av förvirring som kallas för delirium. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva intensivvårdssjuksköterskans omvårdnad i samband med sepsisassocierat delirium. Metod: För att genomföra studien valdes systematisk litteraturstudie. Data söktes i tre databaser samt fritextsökningar och manuell sökning i artiklars referenslistor. En integrerad analys genomfördes för att sammanställa resultatet. Resultat: Resultatet baseras på fyra artiklar. I resultatet framträdde tre huvudkategorier: Utföra personcentrerad vård, Utföra målinriktad behandling med läkemedel och Förutsättningar för god omvårdnad. Slutsats: Det råder brist på kunskap om ämnet hos sjukvårdspersonal vilket bidrar till att patienter diagnostiseras sent eller att diagnosen missas, vilket i sin tur leder till ökad morbiditet, mortalitet och förlängda vårdtider. / Introduction: In conjunction with a patient suffering from sepsis, ongoing processes in the body affects the brain. Patients can suffer from a state of confusion known as delirium. Aim: The aim of the study was to describe critical care nursing care associated with sepsis-associated delirium. Method: To conduct the study we selected systematic literature method. To conduct the study were selected systematic literature. Data were searched three databases and free-text search and manual search of reference lists of articles. An integrated analysis was performed to compile the results. Results: The result is based on four articles. The result appeared in three main categories: Perform personcentered care, Perform targeted drug treatment and Conditions for good care. Conclusion: There is a lack of knowledge on the subject of health professionals which leads to patients diagnosed late or missed diagnosis, which in turn leads to increased morbidity, mortality and prolonged hospitalization.
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