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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Transformations spatiales et dynamiques socio-environnementales de l'oasis de Ouargla (Sahara algérien) : une analyse des perspectives de développement / Spatial transformations and socio-environmental dynamics of the oasis of Ouargla (Algerian Sahara) : an analysis of development prospects

Salhi, Abdelkader 14 December 2017 (has links)
Le Sahara est réputé comme étant un écosystème fragile (l’oasis) occupé par un système social solidaire et identitaire. L’activité agricole est considérée comme l’activité « principale » autour de laquelle tourne une organisation sociale et solidaire. Les infrastructures de base se développent et se multiplient, depuis l’indépendance de l’Algérie, avec l’évolution de la population au Sahara.La dynamique territoriale de la capitale des oasis « Ouargla » est stimulée, depuis l’antiquité, par le commerce caravanier. L’exploitation des hydrocarbures et la mobilisation des nappes d’eau souterraines « non ou faiblement renouvelables » pour le développement agricole, ont permis une recomposition sociale et territoriale permanente, plaçant « l’eau » en tant que contrainte environnementale majeure et enjeu central de développement et de la durabilité du système oasien.L’interventionnisme « fort de l’Etat » dans les régions sahariennes, les nouvelles préoccupations d’ordre patrimoniale et les dynamiques contemporaines permettent-t-elles la durabilité du système oasien millénaire ? / The Sahara is reputed to be a fragile ecosystem (the oasis) occupied by a social solidarity and identity system. Agricultural activity is considered to be the "main" activity around which a social and solidarity-based organization operates. Since the independence of Algeria, the basic infrastructure has developed and multiplied, with the evolution of the population in the Sahara.The territorial dynamics of the capital of the oases "Ouargla" has been stimulated since antiquity by caravan trade. The exploitation of hydrocarbons and the mobilization of groundwater "non or slightly renewable" for agricultural development, allowed a permanent social and territorial recomposition, placing "water" as a major environmental constraint and central stake of Development and sustainability of the oasis system.Are the "strong state interventionism" in the Saharan regions, the new patrimonial concerns and the contemporary dynamics allow the sustainability of the millennial oasis system?

Caractéristiques et fonctionnement des sols dans la vallée de Oued Righ, Sahara Nord Oriental Algérie / Characteristics and functioning of soils in the Valley of Oued Righ, Sahara North Oreintal Algeria

Boumaraf, Belkacem 28 June 2013 (has links)
Au cours de cette étude, nous avons essayé de mettre en évidence les grandes lignes de l'évolution spatiale des caractères pédologiques, de certains sols sur une séquence établie à partir de la carte géomorphologiques, dans la vallée de l'oued Righ, région située dans le Sahara nord-oriental de l'Algérie. Nous avons grâce à une longue prospection choisi une région située sur la bordure nord du chott Mérouane. Là, nous avons pu identifier quatre niveaux géomorphologiques (numérotés de 1 à 4) à partir du niveau de base (la dépression fermée, le niveau 0).Nous avons réalisé pour cette étude neuf profils et procédé à 30 prélèvements d'échantillons de sols dont 22 ont subit un traitement diffractométrique au rayons X.Dans chaque climat constant, chaque paysage engendre ses accumulations minérales selon la roche mère qui le constitue, et sur le plan géochimique les éléments issus de la dégradation des minéraux en amont sont reconstitués en aval. Dans le paysage saharien, les résultats analytiques et diffractométriques des échantillons des sols nous ont révélé une certaine rupture de ce schéma dû essentiellement au facteur éolien très caractéristique dans ces régions et aussi à la proximité de la nappe phréatique de la surface (niveau 1 et 2). En effet les résultats obtenus montrent que la distribution spatiale des sols est relativement bien liée à la position des unités géomorphologiques. Cela est particulièrement remarquable sur le niveau de base où l''accumulation salines particulièrement celle du gypse .est liée à la présence d'une nappe chargée en ions basiques qui agit sur certains minéraux secondaires comme précurseurs d'aggradation .et éventuellement de la néoformation de l'attapulgite. Par contre pour les niveaux 3 et 4 les minéraux identifiés sont quasiment issus d'héritages et d'apports latéraux. / In the run of this study, we have tried to highlight the outline of the spatial evolution of the soil characters in some soils on an established sequence on a geomorphological map, in the Valley of Oued Righ, area located in the Northern Sahara East of Algeria. We have thanks to a long survey selected an area on the northern edge of chott Mason and or we could identify 04 géomorphological levels (from 1 to 4) from the basic level (depression level, the o-level).We have carried out for this study 09 profiles and conducted 30 sampling of soils which 22 have underwent diffractometric treatment to the x-ray.In each constant climate, each landscape creates its mineral accumulations in the bedrock which is, and on the geochemical map from elements of the degradation of minerals in height area reconstituted in downstream. In the Saharan landscape, diffractometric of soil samples and analytical results we are revealed a break of this schema due mainly to the very characteristic wind factor in these regions and to the proximity of the groundwater to the surface (level 1 and 2) also. Indeed the results obtained show that the spatial distribution of soil is relatively tied to position units geomorphological responsible for accumulation of basic deposit salt especially of gypsum .This charged basic ion water is on secondary as precursors of aggradations .and minerals possibly neoformation of attapulgite. For levels 3 and 4 minerals identified are almost from inheritance and side intake.

Optische Eigenschaften nichtkugelförmiger Saharamineralstaubpartikel und deren Einfluss auf den Strahlungstransport in der Erdatmosphäre

Otto, Sebastian 26 March 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Atmosphärisches Aerosol kann den Strahlungstransport signifikant beeinflussen. Mineralstaub, der über der Sahara und anderen Wüsten in die Atmosphäre gelangt, ist das hinsichtlich der in letzterer dauerhaft verbleibenden Masse bedeutendste Aerosol. Darüber hinaus sind Saharamineralstaubpartikel nichtkugelförmig, und die Wirkungen dieser Partikeleigenschaft auf den Strahlungstransport in der Erdatmosphäre sind bislang nur ungenügend untersucht worden. Es werden die optischen Eigenschaften, Strahlungs- und Erwärmungseffekte von Saharamineralstaub unter Berücksichtigung der Nichtkugelförmigkeit seiner Partikel quantitativ untersucht, wobei der gesamte, im Hinblick auf den Strahlungshaushalt energetisch relevante Spektralbereich zugrunde gelegt wird. Zunächst werden auf Basis in-situ-gemessener Experimentaldaten die atmosphärischen Umgebungsbedingungen, Größenverteilungen, Brechungsindizes, Bodenalbedo und Partikelgestalt festgelegt, die in einem zweiten Schritt in ein Strahlungstransportmodell einfließen. Mit dessen Hilfe wird in umfangreichen numerischen Simulationen des Strahlungstransports in einer realistischen mineralstaubhaltigen Modellatmosphäre im Vergleich zu Messdaten beispielsweise geklärt, welche Partikelform und Größenäquivalenz angenommener sphäroidaler Modellpartikel am meisten realistisch sind. Des Weiteren werden im Zusammenhang mit der Partikelnichtkugelförmigkeit Sensitivitätsstudien zur Beantwortung der Fragen durchgeführt, inwieweit diese das Strahlungsfeld beeinflusst und zu veränderten Strahlungserwärmungswirkungen führt.

Caractérisation structurale et potentiel biologique des polysaccharides issus de Plantago notata Lagasca (Plantaginaceae) et Urginea noctiflora Batt.Trab (Liliaceae) / Structural Characterization and Biological Potential of Polysaccharides from Plantago notata Lagasca (Plantaginaceae) and Urginea noctiflora Batt. Trab (Liliaceae)

Benaoun, Fatima 21 November 2017 (has links)
L’étude des polysaccharides de Plantago notata Lagasca. (Plantaginaceae) et Urginea noctiflora Batt. et Trab (Liliaceae), deux plantes spontanées à caractère médicinal récoltées au Sahara Septentrional Est Algérien, a permis d’isoler plusieurs fractions polysaccharidiques hydro- et alcali-solubles. Les analyses de la composition globale de ces fractions ont montré que l’extrait des graines de P.notata est la fraction la plus riche en oses totaux (85,55 %). Cette étude a consisté essentiellement en à définir les conditions d’extraction des polysaccharides hydro solubles, à en identifier la structure, à en caractériser les propriétés physico-chimiques et à explorer les activités biologiques. Ce travail a conduit à l’identification d’un hétéroxylane de haute masse molaire (2,3 x 106 g/mol). Ce polysaccharide est constitué d’une chaîne principale de β-(1,3)-d-Xylp et β-(1,4)-d-Xylp substituée en positions O-2 et O-3 de β-(1,4)-d-Xylp par des chaines latérales et des monosaccharides terminales  comme α-l-Araf-(1,3)-β-d-Xylp, β-d-Xylp-(1,2)-β-d-Xylp, T-Xylp ou T-Araf. L’analyse physico-chimique de ce polysaccharide dans des régimes dilués et semi-dilués a montré que l’hétéroxylane présente un comportement rhéofluidifiant, ayant des propriétés de gel faible. La mise en œuvre de la digestibilité de cette hétéroxylane a conduit à l’obtention d’un polymère non digestible avec des propriétés prébiotiques. / The study of polysaccharides of Plantago notata Lagasca (Plantaginaceae) and Urginea noctiflora Batt. and Trab (Liliaceae), two spontaneous medicinal plants harvested from East Septentrional Algerian Sahara, allowed to isolate several hydro-and alkali-soluble polysaccharides fractions. Chemical composition analyses of these fractions showed that P.notata seeds extract was the fraction that have the highest neutral sugars composition (85.55%). In this study we have defined an extraction procedure to collect water-soluble polysaccharides and characterized their structure, prior to investigate their physico-chemical properties and biological activities. Structural analyses have revealed that P.notata polysaccharide is a heteroxylan with a backbone composed of β-(1,3)-d-Xylpand β-(1,4)-d-Xylp. The backbone might be highly branched, through O-2 and O-3 positions of β-(1,4)-d-Xylp by various side chains and terminal monosaccharides such as α-l-Araf-(1,3)-β-d-Xylp, β-d-Xylp-(1,2)-β-d-Xylp, T-Xylp or T-Araf. The physico-chemical analysis of this polysaccharide in dilute and semi- diluted regimes showed that this heteroxylan exhibited a molecular weight of 2.3 x 106 g/mol and a pseudoplastic behavior. The use of the digestibility of this heteroxylan has led to the production of a non-digestible polymer with prebiotic properties.

Making statehood and unmaking tribes in Western Sahara's liberation movement

Wilson, Alice Rose January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Budoucnost Západní Sahary / The Future of Western Sahara

Juklová, Jana January 2009 (has links)
The thesis deals with the international law situation of Western Sahara. It analyses the historical development of Western Sahara, in particular its decolonization, and by means of the analysis of the proposed solutions it tries to reach the actual status of the area and outlines some possibilities of the future development. The right of self-determination of Saharawi people is the key issue and appears in many resolutions of the United Nations dealing with Western Sahara. This territory is the topic of long-lasting disputes between Morocco and the Front Polisario. Attempts to solve the problem have lasted for many years but there has been almost no advance because of the different attitudes of the parties. Not only neighbouring countries but also other states with the special interests in the region interfere in the negotiations. Since 1991, when the ceasefire came into effect after many years of the military conflict, the proposals of solution have been refused.

Between Homeland and Exile: Poetry, Memory, and Identity in Sahrawi Communities

Deubel, Tara Flynn January 2010 (has links)
Sahrawi communities in the Western Saharan region of northwest Africa have experienced a series of radical shifts over the past century from decentralized nomadic tribal organization to colonial rule under the Spanish Sahara (1884-1975) and annexation by Morocco and Mauritania in 1975. The international dispute over the future of the Western Sahara remains unresolved between the Moroccan government that administers the territory and the Sahrawi opposition that seeks self-determination under the leadership of the Polisario Front. In this context, this dissertation explores the lived experience and social memory of Sahrawis affected by conflict, diaspora, and urbanization over the past thirty-five years by examining multivocal expressions of ethnic and gender identity, nationalism, and citizenship in personal narratives and oral poetry in Hassaniyya Arabic. Through modes of everyday speech and verbal performances, Sahrawis living in the undisputed region of Morocco and the disputed Western Sahara exhibit varying political allegiances linked to tribal and national affiliations and political economic factors. Pro-independence activists negotiate public and clandestine aspirations for an independent state with the realities of living under Moroccan administration while refugees in Algeria employ performance genres to appeal for political and humanitarian support in the international community and maintain communication in the Sahrawi diaspora. Intergenerational perspectives between Sahrawis born before and after the 1975 cleavage reveal key divergences between the older generation that retains an active memory of nomadic livelihoods and pre-national tribal organization, the middle generation affected by a massive shift to urban residence and compulsory postcolonial nationalism, and the younger generation raised primarily in urban environments and refugee camps. Across generations, Sahrawi women have retained a prominent role in maintaining tribal and family ties and serving as leaders in nationalist and social movements.

The Western Sahara Conflict

Radhi, Samir Jassam 05 1900 (has links)
The purpose of investigating the conflict over the Western Sahara is to trace and analyze its impact upon the political stability of the northwest region of the African continent. Chapter I provides background information on the Western Sahara. Chapter II discusses the international political developments affecting the Western Sahara. Chapter III discusses the positions of Morocco, the Polisario, Algeria, and Mauritania; Chapter IV analyzes those of Spain, France, the Soviet Union, and the United States. Chapter V describes the role of the OAU in dealing with the conflict. The internal economic development of the involved parties has been disrupted because they were obliged to appropriate funds to purchase arms for the exigencies of the war. Ending the conflict depends upon improving relations between Morocco and Algeria.


Rohman, Diane 01 January 2006 (has links)
My art is about journeys, mapping, and layering. Two archetypal images in my work are the camel and the desert. Much of this imagery was inspired by my personal journey over the Sahara and into Western Africa. On another level, this journey connects to my metaphorical journey through life. As a printmaker, my art is very process oriented. Printmaking itself can be thought of as a kind of journey. My trip or the process is more important than the destination or the final result. Like the desert, my images are constantly shifting and transforming through the process of working. Printmaking with its alchemical overtones, layering, and unique surface qualities becomes a natural extension of my imagery.

Optische Eigenschaften von Wüstenaerosol

Wenzel, Karin, Schienbein, Sigurd, Posse, Peter, Hoyningen-Huene, Wolfgang von 01 November 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Durch Messungen von spektraler optischer Dicke, Sonnenaureole und Himmelshelligkeit in Kombination mit den Programmen CIRATRA und BILANZ werden die optischen Eigenschaften von Sahara-Wüstenaerosol und dessen klimatische Wirkung unter Berücksichtigung der Nichtsphärizität der Aerosolpartikel untersucht. / By combining measurements of spectral optical thickness, solar aureole and sky brightness with the programs CIRATRA and BILANZ the optical porperties of Saharan desert aerosol and its climatic effects are investigated, including a consideration of the Nonsphericity of the aerosol particles.

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