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Dodržování pravidel humanitárního práva v asymetrických konfliktech Izrael/Palestina a Maroko/Západní Sahara / Adherence to humanitarian law in asymmetric conflicts Israel/Palestine and Morocco/Western SaharaGráfová, Tereza January 2017 (has links)
práce je analyzovat dodržování základních pravidel mezinárodního Hlavní výzkumná otázka zní: "Inklinuje slabší či silnější těchto konfliktů k porušování povinností MHP více než ta druhá?" Hypotéza stanoví, že se slabší strany uchylují k porušování pravidel MHP více než jejich silnější protivníci. zpracována metodou komparativní případové studie ilně vyložena a operacionalizována na zkoumané případy aplikovatelná pravidla MHP. Těmi jsou společný článek 3 Ženevských úmluv, zásada vojenské nutnosti, zásada rozlišování, zásada proporcionality a zásada zakazující zbytečné útrapy. Následně je na základě údajů uvedených mezinárodních databázích ozbrojených konfliktů a rovněž informací získaných z odborných publikací proveden rozbor dodržování aplikovatelných norem MHP. Tento odhalil, že se porušování základních pravidel dopouštěly všechny strany zvolených konfliktů. Nebylo tak prokázáno, že by se slabší či silnější strany dopouštěly porušování více než jejich protivníci, čímž byla původní hypotéza vyvrácena. Bylo také zjištěno, že ačkoli byla v konfliktu stranami do jisté míry porušována stejná pravidla MHP, dělo se tak odlišným západosaharském konfliktu byla oběma stranami porušována stejná pravidla, a to jednáním totožným.
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Visibility, conviviality and active listening : A case study of an exogenous project in Africa´s last colonySánchez-Valladares Barahona, Celia January 2021 (has links)
The occupation of Western Sahara is a question of a forgotten colonization with a very limited framework of international recognition, media acknowledgment and talks. To break the remaining silence and invisibility, human rights activists have developed different initiatives, shedding light on the current situation of Western Sahara. This study investigates the Sahara Marathon campaign, an international sport event that has been developed in the Western Sahara refugee camps of Smara, El Aaiún and Auserd for twenty consecutive years. Framing the Sahara Marathon as a case study, this degree project aims at inquiring into the potential impact and long-term implications of the international sport campaign, seeking “if” and “how” it contributes towards a social change and an end to the enforced invisibility of “Africa's last colony”, (Güell, 2015). In particular, this qualitative study examines the participatory approach and community engagement promoted through the campaign as well as the awareness-raising and dialogical processes triggered as a result of the Sahara Marathon sport event. The study is grounded on 23 in-depth interviews that have contributed to the external reliability of the research, underlining the reflections shared by organizers of the Sahara Marathon, drivers, freelancers, runners and most importantly human rights activists from Western Sahara. Findings reveal that the Sahara Marathon campaign raises awareness about the current situation in Western Sahara, contributing to a transnational acknowledgment of the conflict. The study also shows that active listening and convivial experiences are promoted throughout the campaign, dismantling stereotypes among communities coming from abroad and Saharawi people living in the refugee camps. In terms of participation, it has been concluded that the campaign uses a participation by consultation approach, needing a new model to showcase the utility and effectiveness of the event as well as to ensure its sustainability in the future.
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Contribution au rôle de la traite des esclaves dans le Sahara tripolitain au XIXe siècle: nouvelles découvertes en Libye et en TurquieDuymus, Kerem 11 March 2025 (has links)
L'esclavage était une pratique ancienne dans tout le Sahara. Cependant, il est difficile d'estimer le rôle
joué par la traite des esclaves dans le fameux commerce transsaharien en raison du manque de données. En
revanche, les données sont suffisantes pour calculer l'importance du commerce des esclaves au XIXe siècle.
Malheureusement, tous les récits relatifs au Sahara tripolitain étaient basés sur des estimations imaginatives
des consuls européens à Tripoli et des voyageurs européens dans la région. De nombreux historiens
européens et américains ont cru ces sources sans les examiner, ce qui les a amenés à supposer que la traite
des esclaves était d'une importance énorme pour ce commerce. Cependant, de nouvelles découvertes
provenant des archives de Libye et de Turquie fournissent des chiffres précis sur la traite des esclaves. Ainsi,
contrairement à ce que les historiens occidentaux ont longtemps cru, ces nouvelles découvertes prouvent
l'insignifiance de la traite des esclaves dans le commerce transsaharien. / Slavery was an ancient practice throughout the Sahara. However, it is difficult to estimate the role played
by the slave trade in the famous trans-Saharan trade due to lack of data. On the other hand, there is sufficient
data to calculate the size of the slave trade in the nineteenth century. Unfortunately, all accounts relating to
the Tripolitan Sahara were based on imaginative estimates by European consuls in Tripoli and European
travellers in the region. Many European and American historians believed these sources without scrutiny,
leading them to assume that the slave trade was of enormous importance to this trade. However, new
discoveries from the archives of Libya and Turkey provide accurate figures for the slave market. Thus,
contrary to the long-held belief of Western historians, these new findings prove the insignificance of the
slave trade in the trans-Saharan trade.
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Foreign Direct Investment – Effekten av utländsk direktinvestering på ekonomisk tillväxt : En tidsserie analys av utvecklingsländers tillväxtmöjligheter med FDIErdal, Hamit, Nyström, Erik January 2016 (has links)
Studien koncenterar sig på att FDI som betyder utländska direktinvesteringar har en positiv påverkan på utvecklingsländers BNP. De valda utvecklingsländerna är uppdelade och ingår i gruppen Öst Asien och Stilla Havet och Sub -Sahara Afrika. Vilket ska kontrolleras mot beroende variabeln BNP där de valda oberoende variablerna är FDI, export, import, population och internet användare. Teorin om långsiktig ekonomisk tillväxt byggs upp utav fysiskt kapital och human kapital. Där Solow och Swan bygger sin ekonomiska modell utav det fysiska kapitalet vilket senare utvecklas sig till steady state det vill säga en jämviktsnivå, där investeringarna slås ut utav deprecieringar. Human kapitalet är antalet forskare respektive vanliga arbetare, forskarna är de som utvecklar Romer’s ideer vilket är kärnan för ekonomisk tillväxt. Detta därefter är det som skapar en konstant tillväxt. Man har flera gånger observerat i ett antal tidigare studier att utländsk direktinvestering är en av de avgörande faktorerna när det gäller ekonomisk tillväxt såväl som i utvecklingsländer som utvecklade länder. Det har dock funnits ett fåtal studier som visat det motsatta inom ämnet. Det har också blivit fastställt att företagande och investeringar är ledande faktorer för långsiktig ekonomisk tillväxt i de flesta länder. Genom en tidsserie regression utförd med OLS är ändamålet att leta efter effekten mellan utländsk direktinvestering och ekonomisk tillväxt. Den empiriska analysen visar ett positivt signifikant resultat mellan utländsk direktinvestering och tillväxt i Öst Asien och Stilla Havet men dessvärre negativt i Sub –Sahara Afrika något som ger ett osammanhängande intryck mellan relationen för FDI och ekonomisk tillväxt i de undersökta utvecklingsländerna.
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Living with environmental change in the endorheic oasis systems of the Northern SaharaKing, C. M. January 2011 (has links)
The oases of the northern Sahara illustrate the possibility that people and nature can work together to enhance life in a harsh and variable environment. This research investigates fifty years of experiences of living with environmental change in oasis systems, bringing together new data, archived environmental records and cultivators` observations. These are combined to gain insight into the environmental change processes, and the experiences gained by people through living with them in this regional context. Two detailed case studies deepen understanding of the socioeconomic dimensions and significance of these changes over the past two decades. The findings show how environmental changes constrained smallholders` traditional ecosystem management practices. Collective associations were weakened or disintegrated. National systems for environmental management and monitoring were overwhelmed. International recommendations for economic approaches to resource management and innovation to address water scarcity did not prove effective. On the other hand, instances where the international market transition appeared to be creating new opportunities for the restoration of common pool resource management were also identified. This investigation enabled a new perspective on the global dryland management debate to be generated in a context where research has most commonly been concentrated on national sectoral objectives for productivity and desert reclamation. Theoretical insights regarding the application of interdisciplinary research to understand environmental change, further research needs, and potential solutions are directly transferable to other regions where desiccation, salinization and groundwater degradation are accelerating due to climatic and global market-driven changes in land and water use.
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Singing like wood-birds : refugee camps and exile in the construction of the Saharawi nationCozza, Nicola January 2004 (has links)
No description available.
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Rainfall regimes of the Green SaharaTierney, Jessica E., Pausata, Francesco S. R., deMenocal, Peter B. 18 January 2017 (has links)
During the "Green Sahara" period (11,000 to 5000 years before the present), the Sahara desert received high amounts of rainfall, supporting diverse vegetation, permanent lakes, and human populations. Our knowledge of rainfall rates and the spatiotemporal extent of wet conditions has suffered from a lack of continuous sedimentary records. We present a quantitative reconstruction of western Saharan precipitation derived from leaf wax isotopes in marine sediments. Our data indicate that the Green Sahara extended to 31 degrees N and likely ended abruptly. We find evidence for a prolonged "pause" in Green Sahara conditions 8000 years ago, coincident with a temporary abandonment of occupational sites by Neolithic humans. The rainfall rates inferred from our data are best explained by strong vegetation and dust feedbacks; without these mechanisms, climate models systematically fail to reproduce the Green Sahara. This study suggests that accurate simulations of future climate change in the Sahara and Sahel will require improvements in our ability to simulate vegetation and dust feedbacks.
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Populace afrického sahelu pohledem fylogeografie euroasijských mtDNA haploskupin / Population of African Sahel according to phylogeography of Eurasian haplogroupsKulichová, Iva January 2016 (has links)
The thesis is focused on two mtDNA haplogroups of Eurasian origin that occur mostly among the Fulani, herders of the African Sahel. On the initial analysis 544 DNA samples from unrelated Fulani individuals were used. These samples were classified to haplogroups according to hypervariable segment I (HVS-I) of mtDNA and subsequently, specific Eurasian haplotypes were chosen for the whole mtDNA genome sequencing. Obtained mito-genomes were assigned to phylogenetic trees and dated. It turned out that they belonged to haplogroups U5b1b1b and H1ca1a with the probable origin in the Iberian Peninsula, presumably in Franco-Cantabrian refugium where their ancestors originated in the period between the Late Glacial and the first half of the Holocene. Afterwards they migrated through the Strait of Gibraltar to North Africa and the Sahara, where the proto-Fulani pastoral population was being formed. It may also be assumed that a part of this population came to Africa from the Near East, along with cattle. In the second half of the Holocene, this pastoral population migrated from the drying Sahara to the Sahel. Probably due to small number of female migrants the females from the local populations were integrated, which explains the major representation of West African mtDNA haplogroups in contemporary Fulani....
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Dynamiques urbaines, mobilités et transports dans le Sud-ouest algérien (wilayas d'Adrar et de Bechar) / Urban dynamics, mobilities and transport in the Algerian Southwest (wilayas of Adrar and Bechar)Yousfi, Badr-Eddine 27 June 2012 (has links)
Entre une perspective régionale de l’aménagement du territoire et une vision géopolitique de la région « Sahel, Maghreb », l’Etat algérien s’est engagé depuis la deuxième décennie de son indépendance non seulement à développer les transports dans les zones sahariennes mais aussi à mettre en place les équipements nécessaires pour le développement économique et social de ces zones, en desservant presque la totalité des centres urbains. Dans le Sud-ouest, cette dynamique a remodelé profondément l’espace relationnel dans la Saoura, le Gourara et le Touat. Structuré autrefois par les routes du commerce caravanier transsaharien, cet espace se désenclave, se voit attribuer de nouvelles fonctions et s’urbanise. Une nouvelle réorganisation de l’espace se met en place à l’échelle urbaine, rurale et régionale dans laquelle la ville se recompose et constitue le moteur d’insertion de ces territoires dans l’espace national. Soutenu par un nouveau réseau de transport routier, la dynamique urbaine dans le Sud-ouest algérien a concouru à dynamiser la mobilité intra-saharienne, redéfinissant ainsi de nouvelles relations spatiales entre la ville et son arrière pays mais aussi entre le Sud et le Nord. L’avènement d’une nouvelle composante humaine dans les centres urbains a entrainé des changements des rapports sociaux dans la société locale et le développement de nouveaux pratiques et comportements de consommation. La question de mobilité s’inscrit essentiellement autour de certaines logiques connues : politique, économique, sociale et culturelle, mais elle est surtout le produit de stratégies inconnues, de pratiques et d’enjeux / Between a regional perspective of the territorial (spatial) planning and a geopolitical vision of the region " Sahel, the Maghreb ", the Algerian State made a commitment since the second decade of its independence not only to develop transport in the Saharan zones but also to set up the necessary equipments for the economical and social development of these zones, by serving almost the totality of the urban areas. In the Southwest, this dynamics remodelled profoundly the relational space in Saoura, Gourara and Touat.Structured formerly by the roads of the trans-Saharan caravan business, this space opens up, attributes new functions and becomes urbanized. A new reorganization of the space is set up in the urban, rural and regional scale in which the city recomposes and constitutes the insertion engine of these territories in the national space. Supported by a new road transport network, the urban dynamics in the Algerian Southwest contributed to revitalize the intra-Saharan mobility, and so it is redefining not only new spatial relations between the city and its back country but also between the South and the North. The succession of a new human component in urban areas has entrained the changes of the social reports in the local company and the development of new practices and consumer behaviors. The question of mobility centers essentially around certain known logics: Political, economic, social and cultural, but it is especially the product of unknown strategies, practices and stakes
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Mobilising stone : investigating relations of materiality, movement and corporality in Holocene Saharan rock-artWaldock, Victoria January 2016 (has links)
This project investigates Saharan pastoralist rock-art (7500-3000BP), with a particular focus on the engravings of the Messak Plateau in southwest Libya. Taking an anthropological approach, the art is examined within the context of the lives of its creators - transhumant cattle-herders who occupied the plateau seasonally. Drawing from fieldwork in Libya together with data from multiple expeditions in the Sahara, the study addresses a major lacuna in Saharan research by focusing on materially constituted, as-lived dimensions at the micro scale. A fundamental but archaeologically elusive aspect of lived experience is a consideration of 'movement', both physical and esoteric. Its incorporation is central to this project, forming a multi-aspected theoretical framework and a methodological tool. Augmented by input from specialists in geomorphology, pastoralism, stone sculpting and animal behaviour, this movement-driven focus has produced a more developed picture of the Messak herder lives, advancing our understanding of these particular non-text, somatic societies. A singular contribution is the creation of a hypothetical model for small-scale, quotidian pastoralist practices, which expands upon the archaeological evidence, fleshing out details of a well-systematised form of dairy pastoralism involving controlled breeding and the processing of milk products. At the same time it is proposed that the herders' relationship with their cattle was one of partnership rather than ownership, involving trans-species empathy and a valuation of animal personhood. This viewpoint is part of a broader set of animal-human relations reflecting a cosmological order that diverges from modern, Western ontological constructs. Other significant findings include detailed information on the role and identity of the image-maker, revisionist data on the amount of effort and skill expended in carving processes, and an examination of the ways in which rock-art was used to manifest social emotional concerns. These were expressed via animal emotions portrayed in the rock-art, and also through performative, gestural markings associated with the imagery. Such expressions include apotropaic, supplicatory or other interactions involving communication with unseen powers.
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