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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Governance of Irregular Migration in Southern Algeria: Politics, Smuggling and Migrant Pathways

Farrah, Raouf 13 January 2023 (has links)
This thesis assesses the governance of irregular migration and the practicalities of human smuggling in southern Algeria. It looks at the drivers, functionalities and institutions governing irregular migration and human smuggling in Algeria’s south and along its borders with Mali and Niger. After a brief overview of the history of irregular migration in the Sahara, the study analyses the mechanics and instruments through which the Algerian authorities manage irregular migration. It shows that they often attempt to play a balancing act between enforcing a hard security agenda while taking into account the role of the irregular migration economy for borderland people. Moreover, the thesis offers a micro assessment of migrant strategies and smugglers' modus operandi in the villages and cities along Algeria's borders with Mali and Niger, drawing from extensive fieldwork conducted across the region. Human smuggling appears to be a highly 'regulated activity' through a network of rules shared between the borderland actors. The study presents the features associated with the politics of informal rules of human smuggling, portraying them as contingent on their political and security environment. Finally, the research develops a chapter on the daily lives of migrants in the city of Tamanrasset, Algeria's southern main city, showing how migrants' presence shapes the city's character. It looks in particular at how lodging places, known locally as 'foyers', play an essential role in a migrant's life trajectory. Moreover, the research analyses the complex relationship between smugglers and migrants, notably via the activities of former smugglers ('passeurs') who became owners of 'foyers', playing a critical social role for new migrants.

Assessing the Impact of Digital Health Technologies on Maternal Health Care in Sub-Saharan Africa

Tadele, Samerawit 01 January 2019 (has links)
Maternal morbidity and mortality are prevalent issues worldwide that profoundly affects low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) in Africa. Estimates vary, but by the end of 2015, at least 300,000 women died in LMICs due to preventable pregnancy and childbirth conditions. Pregnant women die from complications that could be detected and managed if they were able to receive early access to necessary health interventions. Mobile technology is increasingly common across the globe, including LMICs, and incorporating digital health technologies, especially mobile phone (mHealth) programs, can offer a possible solution to morbidity and mortality related to pregnancy. A literature review analyzing the impact of mHealth programs on maternal health was conducted from various online databases. Nineteen articles that were published in the last ten years and contained technology-based interventions used for maternal health were reviewed. Inclusion criteria included countries listed as low-income and middle-income in the 2017 World Bank list of economies. The studies suggest mHealth programs have the potential to reduce maternal morbidity and mortality by increasing knowledge of safe health practices for pregnant women, community health workers, and traditional birth attendants. Mobile health technology also provides crucial information to providers when complications arise and can improve health facility utilization leading to increased deliveries with skilled birth attendants. This reinforces the need for more mHealth initiatives to be implemented in LMICs, addressing the barriers and community characteristics to positively impact and reduce maternal death in these settings.

Evolution of ORV Trails in the Little Sahara Recreation Area, Utah, 1952 - 1997

Dunfee, Scott E. 29 December 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Ekonomisk tillväxt och utländska direktinvesteringar i Sub-Sahara

Gleizer, Valeria, Özturk, Volkan January 2012 (has links)
The Sub-Saharan countries have for a long time struggled with poverty and conflicts which might have proven hostile for investors. The analysis aims to see if there is a significant correlation between foreign direct investments (FDI) and economic growth and which cultural and institutional factors seem to be significant in this correlation. Considered are also other variables and their influence that might explain what motivates and gives incentives for foreign direct investments (FDI) and are used in the construction of a regression analysis. This to see whether there is an effect on the economic growth in relations to FDI. The results show that FDI is of significance to the economic growth in the region and the study shows that corruption seems to be the most significant institutional factor in the correlation with effect on economic growth and the ability to attract FDI.

Gestion durable des ressources naturelles et culturelles dans l'extrême sud-est algérien. Cas d'étude : le parc national du Tassili n'Ajjer / Sustainable management of natural and cultural resources in the South - Eastern Algeria. Case study : National Park Tassili n'Ajjer

Djouhri, Othmane 10 December 2012 (has links)
Le Tassili n’Ajjer est notre région d’étude, situé à l’extrême Sud - Est algérien, caractérisé par une remarquable interaction de l’homme et son environnement et comprenant des phénomènes naturels d’une beauté exceptionnelle et d’une culture saharienne spécifique. Ce dernier est ainsi mal organisé et insuffisamment protégé et géré. Notre étude s’articule ainsi autour de trois grands axes. Le premier axe est réservé à la présentation des spécificités et les particularités du territoire du Tassili n’Ajjer. Le second axe est consacré à l’analyse de toutes les composantes et les potentialités de cette zone d’étude et spécifiquement l’activité touristique à développer. Une série d’enquêtes et d’entretiens menés auprès des acteurs locaux (public et privé) portant sur les questions et les préoccupations de développement local dans la région du Tassili, nous ont aidé d’aboutir à une série de propositions permettant une meilleure gestion durable et une protection efficace de ces richesses spécifiques de la région. Ces propositions feront ainsi l’objet de détail dans le dernier axe de thèse. / The objective of this thesis is to consider a strategy for sustainable management of natural resources and cultural resources in the territory of Tassili n'Ajjer. This makes the proposal and the incorporation of new activities to the fabric of society Saharan to achieve sound economic development and effective protection of this space. Tassili n'Ajjer our study area, located in the South - Eastern Algeria. It characterized by a remarkable interaction between man and his environment including natural phenomena of exceptional beauty and culture specific Saharan Africa. It is poorly organized and inadequately protected and managed. This contribution is organized around three major axes. The first line is reserved for the presentation of the specificities and particularities of the territory of Tassili n'Ajjer. The second axis is devoted to analyze the components and the potential of this specific study area and tourist activity to develop. A series of surveys and interviews with local actors (private and public) on the issues and concerns of local development in the region of Tassili helped us to achieve a series of suggestions for better Sustainable management and efficient protection of species richness in the region. These proposals will be retail and in the last line of argument.

La presse française et l'espace marocain 1822-1912 / French Press and Moroccan Space 1822-1912

Bensalem, Boutaïna 10 October 2017 (has links)
Au début du XIXe siècle, la presse française connaissait peu le Maroc, certes ce dernier avait un traité de paix avec la France et un mouvement commercial existait entre les deux pays, mais ce n’est qu’à partir de la conquête d’Alger en 1830, que les quotidiens de Paris vont s’intéresser particulièrement à cet espace avec lequel désormais la France partageait des frontières. Ces dernières ouvertes et mouvantes seront la source de beaucoup de froissements entres les deux pays. La donne sécuritaire influencera ainsi le regard des journaux sur l’espace marocain. Ce dernier de plus en plus présent dans les éditions des grandes feuilles françaises intéressait les journalistes, académiciens et hommes politiques français de l’époque. Inconstant et turbulent, il dérangeait et fascinait à la fois. Observant l’espace marocain à travers la presse française, cette thèse nous éclaire sur l’évolution des relations franco-marocaines à partir du XIXe siècle jusqu’à la signature du protectorat en 1912. Elle explore la place qu’occupait le Maroc dans les relations internationales de l’époque. Les tensions entre Paris et le makhzen se répercutaient sur leurs relations avec les autres puissances d’Europe influent ainsi la dynamique qui liait les Etats dans leur environnement méditerranéen et surtout continental. / In early 19th Century, the French press was not particularly familiar with the Moroccan empire, despite old economic and diplomatic relations between France and Morocco. It is only after the colonization of Algeria that the French newspapers became interested in the old empire. France newly shared borders with Morocco created many tensions and speculations. The press started then to report concerns about the impact Morocco might have on the security of the new French colony. Journalists, men state and scholars turned their eyes toward this new turbulent neighbour. The old empire fascinated as much as it troubled and concerned them. The object of this thesis is to give us an insight into the Moroccan and French relations during the 19th century until 1912 through the particular perspective of the French press. It focuses on tensions and dynamics between the two countries and how they shaped the current international relations at both the Mediterranean and European levels.

Application de l'optimum écotouristique au Sahara algérien : projet-pilote de mise en valeur écotouristique à Charouine (Wilaya d'Adrar) / Application of optimum ecotourism in the Algerian Sahara : Pilot project ecotourism development in Charouine (Adrar)

Bensadek, Cherifa 15 December 2014 (has links)
S'engager dans le processus de mise en place de l'écotourisme dans les pays en voie de développement nécessite aujourd'hui, une réelle stratégie afin d'aider les décideurs à s'assurer de la durabilité des aménagements touristiques de leur territoire. Plus encore, s'agissant des espaces désertiques, il y a urgence à construire un modèle de mise en œuvre des projets écotouristiques applicables dans ces milieux vulnérables et basé sur le concept d'optimum écotouristique développé par Jean-Pierre LOZATO-GIOTART (2003, p.306) qui prône une synergie entre leurs différents composantes : intervenants, ressources (naturelles et culturelles), communautés locales et visiteurs… c'est-à-dire un "équilibre entre pratiques de loisirs et préservation des territoires d’accueil". La création d'une grille d'indicateurs d'écotourisme spécifique aux espaces désertiques est une approche qui pourrait aider à construire des programmes de développement selon les principes de l'optimum écotouristique. Aussi, l'application du concept de l'optimum écotouristique dans le sud-ouest du Sahara algérien, grâce au projet-pilote écotouristique à la Daïra de Charouine, située dans la wilaya d'Adrar, répond de façon appropriée aux stratégies de développement local des régions du Sud de l'Algérie, dont la grande majorité est cataloguée comme pauvres, bien que leurs richesses en biodiversité et culture aient déjà été recensées.Cette étude de cas ouvre une nouvelle vision sur la réflexion à mener à propos des indicateurs de durabilité en écotourisme en vue de leur application effective dans le contexte de planification et de gestion des projets dans les milieux désertiques. / Launching the process of establishing ecotourism in developing countries requires today a real strategy to help decision makers to ensure the sustainability of tourism development in their territory. Furthermore, with regard to desert areas, there is urgency to build a model of implementation of ecotourism projects applicable in these vulnerable areas and based on the concept of ecotourism optimum developed by Jean-Pierre Lozato-Giotart (2003, p.306) that promotes synergy between their different components: actors, resources (natural and cultural), and visitors local communities ... that is to say, a "balance between recreation and conservation practices of the host territories". Creating a grid of indicators specific to desert areas ecotourism is an approach that could help build development programs based on the principles of ecotourism optimum. Also, the application of the concept of ecotourism in the optimum southwest of the Algerian Sahara, through the pilot project of ecotourism in the Daïra Charouine, located in Adrar, responds appropriately to local development strategies of the southern regions of Algeria, the vast majority is classified as poor, although their wealth in biodiversity and culture has already been identified. This case study opens a new vision to carry on thinking about sustainability indicators ecotourism for their effective implementation in the context of planning and project management in desert environments.

Les franchises africaines d'Al Qaida / Al Qaida's African franchises

Bahou, Mohamed El Amine 30 November 2017 (has links)
Al-Shabaab et Al Qaida au Maghreb Islamique illustrent le fonctionnement du djihad contemporain. Nés dans des contextes de guerre civile, issus de la dislocation de mouvements djihadistes d'envergure nationale, ces deux groupes sont aujourd'hui les seuls en Afrique dont l'allégeance a été acceptée par à Al Qaida. Forgés dans le terreau de luttes nationales, les deux groupes ont exploité les clivages et les revendications sociales, économiques et politiques des populations dans leur quête de puissance. Confrontés à des difficultés d'ordre sécuritaire et politique, ils se sont tournés vers Al Qaida, dans l'espoir d'acquérir une stature internationale, et d'attirer ainsi les recrues et financements qui leur faisaient défaut. De son côté, affaiblie par la guerre contre le terrorisme, l'Organisation d'Oussama Ben Laden a accepté les allégeances africaines par opportunisme, accordant à ces groupes le statut de franchises. De l'autre côté de l'échiquier, les stratégies déployées par les États et des organisations internationales peinent à porter leurs fruits. En cause, des divergences idéologiques, et les interférences des intérêts particuliers des acteurs qui minent les efforts de lutte contre les extrémistes mais font finalement le jeu de la propagande terroriste. / Al Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb and Al-Shabaab perfectly illustrate the functioning of contemporary jihad. Born into a context of civil war, from the fall out of national jihadist movements, these two groups are, today, the only ones in Africa whose allegiance have been acknowledged by Al Qaida. Seizing on domestic political and economic struggles, the two groups rose to prominence through social fault lines and equality claims. Facing security and political stalemates, they made allegiance to Al Qaida hoping that international recognition would provide them with the wherewithal and recruits they lacked. The allegiances were opportunistically acknowledged by Al Qaida when Bin Laden's organization was severely weakened by years of war on terror.On the other side of the game, due to a set of divergent ideologies and particular interests, States and international organizations are deploying cacophonous strategies, that not only have poor effect on the ground, but also fit well with the jihadist propaganda. The tale of a foretold fiasco.

Apport des outils numériques et informatiques à l'étude des images rupestres du Sahara central : exemple d’application aux peintures de Séfar (Tasīli-n-Ăjjer, Algérie) / Contribution of digital and computerized tools to the study of the rock images of the central Sahara : application to the rock paintings of Sefar (Tasili-n-Ajjer, Algeria)

Duquesnoy, Frédérique 14 December 2015 (has links)
Les répertoires iconographiques rupestres du Sahara central ont pâti du contexte historique et humain de leur découverte, puis de leur gestion tant scientifique que patrimoniale. Leur profusion et les difficultés du terrain saharien ont été et sont toujours des facteurs pénalisants, mais la méconnaissance dont souffrent encore ces productions des cultures préhistoriques, plus d’un siècle et demi après leur révélation, incombe clairement aux acteurs passés et présents de leur étude. Même si nous admirons ces images pour leurs qualités esthétiques, ce sont des vestiges archéologiques à part entière, devant être étudiés comme tels. De nos jours, les outils numériques et informatiques permettent, d’une part, d’améliorer quantitativement et qualitativement leur documentation grâce aux logiciels d’amélioration d’image utilisés pour l’enregistrement et le relevé ; d’autre part, d’interroger plus objectivement ces œuvres par le biais d’autres outils et de méthodes performantes d’analyse des données, au travers desquels leur différenciation stylistique peut être mise en évidence. L’application des démarches développées dans cette recherche à quelques parois ornées du site de Séfar, lieu emblématique de la Tasīli-n-Ăjjer (Algérie), montre que l’usage de ces outils, sous-tendu par des bases théoriques et méthodologiques rigoureuses, permet de proposer une nouvelle approche de ces images rupestres, plus conforme à leur nature de données scientifiques. / The rock images of the central Sahara have suffered from the historical and human context of their discovery and then from both their scientific management and their heritage management. Their abundance and the difficulties of the Saharan field have been and are still negative factors, but the lack of knowledge from which these productions of prehistoric cultures are still suffering more than a century and a half after their discovery, clearly falls to those studying them in the past and present. Even if we admire these images for their aesthetic qualities, these form an integral part of the archaeological remains and should be studied as such. Nowadays, the digital and computerised tools enable us, firstly, to quantitatively and qualitatively improve their documentation thanks to image enhancement software used for the recording and the tracing; secondly, to more objectively investigate these artefacts by using other effective data-analysis tools and methods thanks to which their stylistic differences can be highlighted. The application of the processes developed in this research to several adorned walls at the Sefar site, an emblematic area of the Tasīli-n-Ăjjer (Algeria), shows that the use of these tools, supported by rigorous theoretical and methodological basis, allows us to offer a new approach to these rock images, more appropriate to their characteristic of being scientific data.

Diplomatické a konzulární styky území se spornou mezinárodněprávní subjektivitou / Diplomatic and consular relations of the territories with disputed international legal subjectivity

Jakubec, Aleš January 2013 (has links)
This thesis aims to analyze the issue of the creation of a state as the most important subject of the international relations, then the concept of international legal personality and especially the territories with controversial international legal personality. The thesis closely analyzes the emergence and recognition of the state and the right of peoples to self-determination in the contrast with the principle of territorial integrity. In the practical part, the case of Kosovo and Western Sahara is examined by a qualitative analysis. It describes the process of these entities becoming independent, the current situation and the diplomatic relations of both entities. It is outlined what Kosovo and Western Sahara are doing to improve their recognition as well as the reasons why some states recognize other entities and some other not. The thesis has a goal to unify the views on the issues of secession and recognition of newly created territories and to show a different approach to the process to independence of Kosovo and Western Sahara by the international community.

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