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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ownership Structure And Executive Compensation Design – An Empirical Study

January 2015 (has links)
abstract: In accordance with the Principal Agent Theory, Property Right Theory, Incentive Theory, and Human Capital Theory, firms face agency problems due to “separation of ownership and management”, which call for effective corporate governance. Ownership structure is a core element of the corporate governance. The differences in ownership structures thus may result in differential incentives in governance through the selection of senior management and in the design of senior management compensation system. This thesis investigates four firms with four different types of ownership structures: a public listed firm with the controlling interest by the state, a public listed firm with a non-state-owned controlling interest, a public listed firm a family-owned controlling interest, and a Sino-foreign joint venture firm. By using a case study approach, I focus on two dimensions of ownership structure characteristics – ownership diversification and differences in property rights so as to document whether there are systematic differences in governance participation and executive compensation design. Specifically, I focused on whether such differences are reflected in management selection (which is linked to adverse selection and moral hazard problems) and in compensation design (the choices of performance measurements, performance pay, and in stock option or restricted stock). The results are consistent with my expectation – the nature of ownership structure does affect senior management compensation design. Policy implications are discussed accordingly. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Business Administration 2015

Activist Investors and Firm Performance Empirical Evidence From Chinese A Share Market

January 2017 (has links)
abstract: Shareholder Activism is a mechanism by which investors who hold a significant but non-majority percentage of a company’s stock, exercise their voting rights, participate in corporate governance and influence operational decisions of target companies. The purpose is improve corporate governance, increase firm performance and boost share -holders’ returns. Existing studies of shareholder activism, based largely in mature capital markets like the US, come to different conclusions regarding its impact on firm performance. In this paper, I collect data on shareholder activism events in the China A Share market between 2006 and 2016. The sample includes 60 companies targeted by 42 activist investors over this period. I find that institutional investors, typically industrial capital and private funds, playing an increasingly important role in corporate governance of Chinese listed companies through activism. The disclosure of the holdings of activists results in large gains in the target firm. I also find subsequent improvements in long -term operational performance of target firms. Activist investors in China focus on smaller targets and those characterized by higher agency costs and lower operating performance. Activists appear to be largely concerned with improvements in business strategy and M&A activity. Non-hostile behavior is more likely to be related to successful activism in China. In addition to statistical evidence, I present case studies of the “BaoWan dispute” and the activist investment of Butterfly Capital in two firms, “Guonong” and “Xiuqiang”. The case studies highlight the mechanism employed by these firms to influence performance. I conclude with policy recommendations and direction for further research. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Business Administration 2017

ESG Investing In Nordic Countries : An analysis of the Shareholder view of creating value

Dahlberg, Linnea, Wiklund, Frida January 2018 (has links)
ESG ratings have become a recognised sustainability performance measurement throughout the world. The Nordic countries Sweden, Finland, Denmark, and Norway are ranked top four in the world when it comes to ESG ratings. However, do investors in these countries recognise the sustainability performance of the firms in their investment decisions? The purpose of this study was to see if Nordic investors value ESG factors, by testing for a relationship between high ESG ratings and corporate financial performance. To be able to fulfil this purpose, several multiple regression models were conducted on data for a time-span between 2007-2017 on 108 firm observations and 995 firm-year observations. Corporate financial performance was represented by the dependent variables Tobin’s Q and Return on Assets as measurements for market and accounting performance respectively. The results showed a significant positive relationship between several ESG ratings and market performance, while no significantly positive, nor negative, relationship could be found between accounting performance and ESG ratings. Based on the results from the tests, conclusions were drawn that Nordic investors do value ESG ratings when choosing their investments, indicating that companies can benefit from having good sustainability policies. This thesis challenges the classical view of profit maximisation being the ultimate interest of shareholders, as it shows a positive relationship between ESG and financial market performance. The results indicate that investors take more factors into consideration in their investment decisions than only financial accounting returns. Therefore, conclusions have been made that the Stakeholder theory better explains value creation than the Shareholder theory does. This because the Stakeholder theory emphasises that firms maximise value by taking all stakeholders affected by their business cycle into account, not only the shareholders. Furthermore, based on the results, this thesis concludes that Nordic investors’ interests are in line with the society’s interests as they do value ESG ratings when investing. No previous study on the topic has been conducted on the Nordic market, thus this study fills a research gap on the relationship between financial performance and corporate sustainability.

O diretor de marketing e o valor para o acionista

Comassetto, Bruno Henrique January 2012 (has links)
A importância e papel do executivo de marketing são temas em evidência entre os acadêmicos dessa área. Embora os administradores sejam essenciais para as organizações, há certa dúvida quanto a atual relevância do diretor de marketing em relação a outros cargos de nível estratégico. Nesse contexto, esta dissertação busca averiguar qual o impacto da substituição de altos executivos de marketing em empresas listadas na BOVESPA. Realizouse um estudo de evento, contendo trinta empresas, para identificar o impacto dessa mudança na administração das companhias. Posteriormente, comparou-se o retorno identificado aos fatores da liberdade administrava, pois, de acordo com esse conceito, a importância dos dirigentes depende de alguns aspectos que acabam por limitar ou ampliar as suas opções de ação. Assim, características da empresa e do próprio profissional foram, por meio de uma análise de regressão múltipla, comparadas com o impacto financeiro da substituição do executivo. Os resultados sugerem que há uma relação entre o retorno anormal e as características do evento, tal como o diretor já ter trabalhado em outra ocasião na empresa que o contratou. / The importance and role of the marketing executive is a highlighted subject between the academics of this area. There is no consensus about the current relevance of the chief marketing officer in relation to other functions in the top board of company’s executives. This research seeks to access what impact the change of the chief marketing officer has in the value of companies listed in BOVESPA. An event study has been realized, with thirty firms, to identify the impact of this change in the board of Brazilian companies. After that, the observed return was compared to aspects of managerial discretion, this concept defends that the executive’s importance is a function of some characteristics that limit or amplify its options of action. Therefore, these aspects were compared with the abnormal return trough a regression analysis. The results suggest the existence of a relationship between individual characteristics, such as the executive being an insider, and firm-specific characteristics, such as the size of the company, and the abnormal return of the event.

“Freeze-out merger” and cash payment in Peru: Analysis from the provisions of the laws of Delaware / “Freeze-out mergers” y compensación en dinero en el Perú: Análisis a partir de lo establecido por las leyes de Delaware

Frías, José Enrique, Torrado, Eliana 12 April 2018 (has links)
The following article deals with the corporate merger agreements where the controlling shareholders of a company legally force the minority group to sell their shares in exchange for compensation. Thus, it seeks to describe, analyze and understand the characteristics, conditions, requirements and motives of FOMs, in order to assess the possibility of introducing such a fusion in Peru, considering our legal context. / El siguiente artículo versa sobre los acuerdos societarios de fusión en virtud del cual los accionistas controladores de una sociedad fuerzan legalmente al grupo minoritario a venderles sus acciones a cambio de una compensación. De tal manera, se busca describir, analizar y comprender las características, condiciones, requisitos y motivos de las FOM, con el propósito de evaluar la posibilidad de introducir este tipo de fusión en el Perú, teniendo en cuenta nuestro contexto legal.


MARCELO LUIS MILECH 05 March 2018 (has links)
[pt] São duas as contribuições principais desta dissertação. A primeira é documentar a concentração acionária de empresas brasileiras de capital aberto, na oferta pública inicial (IPO) e nos anos subsequentes. A segunda contribuição é mostrar como a proteção aos direitos dos acionistas minoritários influencia a dinâmica da concentração acionária no Brasil. Uma vasta literatura empírica em Finanças documentou a existência de altos graus de concentração acionária em países como o Brasil, onde o ambiente de mercado oferece fraca proteção aos direitos dos minoritários. A visão predominante é que essa concentração reduz o risco de mudanças no controle, que implicariam na perda de benefícios privados não internalizados nos preços das ações. Em linha com esse cenário, esta dissertação confirma que, no momento dos IPOs ocorridos no Brasil entre os anos de 2004 a 2011, a participação acionária média do maior investidor era superior a 50 por cento. Nos quatro anos subsequentes às datas do IPO, a participação acionária média caiu de 50 por cento para 39 por cento; uma queda expressiva, embora menor do que a observada nos EUA. Uma possível razão para essa redução é a função disciplinadora dos mercados de capitais, que desvaloriza o preço das ações de empresas que não respeitam os direitos dos minoritários, induzindo-as a fechar o capital. A contrapartida ao efeito disciplinador do mercado é a valorização das empresas sobreviventes, incentivando seus controladores a diversificar sua riqueza via venda de ações. Por esse mecanismo, a participação acionária média tende a cair após o IPO. De fato, os dados analisados nesta dissertação mostram que há uma correlação positiva entre a queda na concentração e a emissão de American Depositary Receipts (ADR). A literatura de governança corporativa aponta que empresas de mercados emergentes submetidas ao monitoramento do agente regulador americano, a Securities Exchange Commission (SEC), se empenham na proteção aos direitos dos minoritários. Portanto, a correlação positiva entre a queda na participação acionária e a emissão de ADRs é consistente com a hipótese associada ao efeito disciplinador dos mercados de capitais. Esta dissertação estuda outros fatores correlacionados com a redução da concentração pós-IPO, demonstrando também que a queda na participação acionária não influi no desempenho das ações. / [en] There are two main contributions of this dissertation. The first is to document the ownership concentration of publicly traded Brazilian companies in initial public offering (IPO) and in the subsequent years. The second is to show how the protection of minority shareholders rights influences the dynamics of ownership concentration in Brazil. The empirical literature on Finance identifies the existence of high degrees of ownership concentration in countries like Brazil, where the market provides weak protection for the rights of minority shareholders. The prevailing view is that this concentration reduces the risk of changes in control that would entail the loss of private benefits not internalized by the stock prices. In line with this scenario, this essay confirms that, on the dates of the IPOs that have taken place in Brazil from 2004 to 2011, the average participation of the largest shareholder is greater than 50 percent. Within five years of the date of the IPO, the average participation fell from 50 percent to 39 percent, an important drop although smaller than observed in US. A possible reason for this fall is the disciplinary function of the equity markets. The stock market would reduce the prices of the shares of companies that do not respect the rights of its minority shareholders, inducing such firms to delisting. The counterpart of this punishment would be a better valuation of the stocks of survivor companies, encouraging their controllers to diversify wealth by selling stocks, reducing the concentration. In fact, the data analyzed in this dissertation show that there is a positive correlation between ownership reduction post IPO and the issuance of American Depositary Receipts (ADR). The literature of corporate governance indicates that emerging-market companies submitted to the monitoring of the American capital market regulator - the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) - compromise with practices of protection to the rights of minority shareholders. Thus, this positive correlation is consistent with the hypothesis associated with a disciplinary effect on the controlling shareholders. This dissertation identifies other factors correlated with the reduction of concentration after the IPO, and also concludes that this decrease in ownership concentration does not influence the long-term performance of stock returns.

Perfil dos acionistas controladores das empresas brasileiras e suas implicações para a política de dividendos / Profile of controlling shareholders of brazilian companies and implications on dividend policies

Ricardo Francisco Cancio Santos 15 February 2008 (has links)
Nos últimos anos, o mercado de capitais brasileiro tem experimentado um crescimento da participação do investidor minoritário concomitantemente ao do volume de negociação de ações. Este trabalho propõe-se a avaliar se o perfil dos acionistas controladores de uma empresa pode implicar em um percentual diferente do seu lucro que é distribuído como dividendos para seus acionistas. Para a realização desse trabalho, por meio da utilização da base de dados da Economática®, foram selecionadas as empresas cujas ações apresentaram maior volume de negociação entre os anos de 2001 e 2006, Os resultados obtidos por meio do modelo de mínimos quadrados ordinários mostraram que empresas cujos maiores acionistas faziam parte do conselho de administração distribuíram como dividendos, um percentual maior do lucro para seus acionistas. Entretanto, em contrário, empresas onde o governo foi classificado como acionista controlador, foi distribuído um percentual menor. Os resultados também corroboram a afirmação de que as empresas consideradas como grandes, distribuem mais dividendos do que as pequenas. Além disso, empresas com uma estrutura de propriedade mais concentrada distribuíram um percentual menor do lucro, como dividendos para seus acionistas, do que aquelas com estrutura menos concentrada. / In the last few years, the Brazilian capital market has experienced growth in the participation of the minority investor as well as in the volume of trade of stocks. This study intends to analyze if the profile of the controlling shareholders of a company can imply on a different percentual of profit being distributed as dividends to its shareholders. This work was carried out by selecting companies whose stocks were among the most tradable between the years of 2001 and 2006, by means of the use of the database Economática®.The results obtained by using the Ordinary Least Square Model have demonstrated that companies whose the largest stockholders were part of the management board have distributed as dividends, a larger percentual of their profit to their stockholders. However, on the other side, companies with the government as their largest shareholders have distributed a smaller percentual of it. The results also corroborated the statement that companies considered to be large have distributed more dividends than the small ones. Besides, companies with a more concentrated ownership structured have distributed a smaller percentual of the profit as dividends to their shareholders than those with a less concentrated structure.

Relação entre a estrutura de propriedade e a informatividade dos lucros contábeis no mercado brasileiro / Relationship between the structure of ownership and computing the accounting profits in the Brazilian market

Alfredo Sarlo Neto 25 March 2009 (has links)
Este estudo objetivou investigar a influência da estrutura de propriedade sobre a informatividade dos lucros contábeis divulgados pelas empresas negociadas no mercado acionário brasileiro. Foi considerada como informatividade a intensidade da relação entre o lucro contábil e o retorno das ações, mensurada pelo coeficiente angular da reta estimada entre essas duas variáveis. A pesquisa teve como foco a influência específica de duas características da estrutura de propriedade: a concentração dos votos e a divergência entre os direitos das ações (voto versus fluxo de caixa) sobre a informatividade dos lucros contábeis. Tendo em vista a realidade do mercado brasileiro, a pesquisa considerou a adoção das práticas diferenciadas de governança corporativa como mecanismo redutor da influência da concentração de votos e da divergência entre direitos sobre a informatividade dos lucros contábeis. Adicionalmente, a pesquisa abordou a diferença da informatividade entre o lucro contábil e o dividendo, provocada pela divergência entre os direitos das ações (voto versus fluxo de caixa). A importância deste estudo, no ambiente brasileiro, encontra-se no fato de o mercado brasileiro, diferente dos mercados desenvolvidos, ser caracterizado por uma forte concentração dos votos nas mãos de poucos acionistas e pelo desvio entre os direitos de voto e fluxo de caixa por intermédio da emissão de ações preferenciais. A relação entre a informatividade dos lucros contábeis e a concentração de votos e a divergência entre direitos foi fundamentada pelo efeito entrincheiramento e pelo efeito alinhamento. A metodologia adotada foi baseada na utilizada nos estudos de Fan e Wong (2002) e Francis et. al. (2005) desenvolvidos, respectivamente, no mercado do sudoeste asiático e no mercado americano. Utilizou-se a definição do maior acionista controlador. A amostra utilizada na pesquisa foi formada pelas empresas não-financeiras listadas na Bolsa de Valores de São Paulo (Bovespa) durante o período de 2000 a 2006. Como a amostra de trabalho selecionada apresenta características de um painel desbalanceado, os modelos adotados foram estimados em três abordagens: Pooled, Efeitos Fixos e Efeitos Aleatórios. Os resultados encontrados indicam que a concentração dos votos exerce uma influência negativa sobre a informatividade dos lucros contábeis. Quanto à divergência entre direitos, a influência negativa foi confirmada parcialmente. Diferente do resultado esperado, a divergência entre direitos exerce influência positiva sobre a informatividade dos lucros contábeis. Quando a divergência entre direitos passa a ser observada em conjunto com o excesso de votos, verifica-se a sua influência negativa sobre a informatividade dos lucros contábeis. Essa evidência sugere que a divergência entre os direitos passa a influenciar negativamente a informatividade somente quando o maior acionista controlador possui a maioria (>50%) dos votos. O maior impacto negativo sobre a informatividade dos lucros contábeis foi observado quando ocorre a combinação da concentração de votos com a divergência entre direitos. Sobre a adoção de práticas diferenciadas de governança corporativa, não foi confirmado o seu papel como elemento redutor da influência da concentração de votos e da divergência entre direitos sobre a informatividade dos lucros contábeis. Em relação à comparação da informatividade dos lucros contábeis e dos dividendos, foram levantadas as seguintes evidências: (i) quando condicionadas a divergência entre direitos, foi observada a diferença estatística entre as informatividades dos lucros contábeis e a dos dividendos, e (ii) ao contrário do esperado, sob a influência da divergência entre direitos, a informatividade dos lucros contábeis aumenta e à dos dividendos diminui. / This present study consists on examining the effects of the ownership structure over the informativeness of the accounting earnings which are disclosed by traded companies in the Brazilian stock market. Informativeness is about measuring how intense is the relation between accounting earnings and stock prices considering the angular coefficient of the probable straight line between these two variables. The research focus on the specific influence of two ownership structure´s characteristics: the concentration of the vote rights and the divergence between the rights of the shares (vote versus cash flow) on the accounting earnings informativeness. Analyzing the Brazilian market, this study considerate the use of the different practices of corporative governance to reduce the influence of the concentration of vote rights and the divergence between rights on the accounting earnings informativeness. It also approaches the difference of the informativeness between accounting earnings and dividends, caused by the divergence between the rights of the shares (vote versus cash flow). The relevance of this study, in the Brazilian reality, meets in the fact that the Brazilian market, different from other developed markets, is the typical concentration of the vote rights at the hands of a few shareholders, plus the deviation between the rights to vote and cash flow through emission of preferential shares. The relation between the informativeness of the accounting earnings and the concentration of votes and the divergence among rights was based on the entrenchment and the alignment effects. Its methodology was based on the studies made by Fan and Wong (2002) and Francis et. al. (2005) in Asian southwestern market and the American market. The definition of the largest ultimate owner was used. The sample used in the research was formed by the no-financial companies listed in the São Paulo Stock Exchange (Bovespa) during the years of 2000 the 2006. There were three approaches: pooled, fixed effect and random effect. The results show that the concentration of the vote rights has a negative influence on the accounting earnings informativeness. Concerning the divergence between rights, the negative influence was confirmed partially. However, as an unexpected result, the divergence between rights has positive influence on the accounting earnings informativeness. When the divergence between rights is taken into consideration within the excess of votes, it becomes clear its negative influence over the accounting earnings informativeness. This evidence suggests that the divergence among rights can influence negatively the informativeness only when the largest ultimate owner has the majority (>50%) of the vote rights. The most negative impact on the accounting earnings informativeness was observed when the combination of the concentration of votes with the divergence between rights occurs. Concerning the different practices of corporative governance as the reducing element of the influence of the concentration of votes and the divergence between rights over the accounting earnings informativeness, it was not confirmed. At last, comparing informativeness of accounting earnings and dividends, evidences emerged: (i) when the divergence for rights were conditioned, there was a difference in statistics between informativeness of accounting earnings and dividends, and (ii) whereas, unexpectedally, under the influence of the divergence within rights, accounting earnings informativeness increased and informativeness dividends decreased.

O diretor de marketing e o valor para o acionista

Comassetto, Bruno Henrique January 2012 (has links)
A importância e papel do executivo de marketing são temas em evidência entre os acadêmicos dessa área. Embora os administradores sejam essenciais para as organizações, há certa dúvida quanto a atual relevância do diretor de marketing em relação a outros cargos de nível estratégico. Nesse contexto, esta dissertação busca averiguar qual o impacto da substituição de altos executivos de marketing em empresas listadas na BOVESPA. Realizouse um estudo de evento, contendo trinta empresas, para identificar o impacto dessa mudança na administração das companhias. Posteriormente, comparou-se o retorno identificado aos fatores da liberdade administrava, pois, de acordo com esse conceito, a importância dos dirigentes depende de alguns aspectos que acabam por limitar ou ampliar as suas opções de ação. Assim, características da empresa e do próprio profissional foram, por meio de uma análise de regressão múltipla, comparadas com o impacto financeiro da substituição do executivo. Os resultados sugerem que há uma relação entre o retorno anormal e as características do evento, tal como o diretor já ter trabalhado em outra ocasião na empresa que o contratou. / The importance and role of the marketing executive is a highlighted subject between the academics of this area. There is no consensus about the current relevance of the chief marketing officer in relation to other functions in the top board of company’s executives. This research seeks to access what impact the change of the chief marketing officer has in the value of companies listed in BOVESPA. An event study has been realized, with thirty firms, to identify the impact of this change in the board of Brazilian companies. After that, the observed return was compared to aspects of managerial discretion, this concept defends that the executive’s importance is a function of some characteristics that limit or amplify its options of action. Therefore, these aspects were compared with the abnormal return trough a regression analysis. The results suggest the existence of a relationship between individual characteristics, such as the executive being an insider, and firm-specific characteristics, such as the size of the company, and the abnormal return of the event.

O valor da marca e o valor ao acionista em empresas brasileiras

Oliveira, Marta Olívia Rovedder de January 2009 (has links)
As Métricas de Marketing, como o valor da marca, têm sido consideradas um tópico prioritário de pesquisa, em um contexto onde gestores e acadêmicos de marketing estão sobre crescente pressão para demonstrarem que os investimentos nesta área são capazes de adicionar valor aos acionistas. O presente estudo objetivou comparar o desempenho, no mercado acionário brasileiro, do portfólio de empresas com reconhecido valor da marca – apontada pelos rankings de marcas mais valiosas brasileiras publicadas pela Interbrand – com portfólios de empresas com ações listadas na Bolsa de Valores do Estado de São Paulo. A comparação do desempenho desses portfólios no mercado acionário brasileiro ocorreu em termos de seu risco e retorno, calculados pela aplicação do modelo de três fatores de Fama e French (1993), tomando como base o estudo realizado por Madden, Fehle e Fournier (2006) no contexto internacional. Os resultados deste estudo permitem concluir que o Portfólio de Marcas Valiosas apresenta um menor risco no mercado acionário brasileiro frente aos demais portfólios estudados. A simples comparação do somatório dos valores da variável relativa ao excesso de retorno da carteira remete diretamente a percepção de maior retorno para o Portfólio de Marcas Valiosas. A possível associação de uma carteira de empresas possuidoras de marcas valiosas com a obtenção de menores riscos e, ao mesmo tempo, maiores retornos aos acionistas, permite fomentar ações e pesquisas voltadas para a gestão e desenvolvimento de marcas, bem como a uma maior valorização da área de Marketing na esfera acadêmica e empresarial. Além disso, este estudo permitiu uma aproximação entre as áreas de Marketing e Finanças, potencializando uma relação entre seus campos teóricos e entre suas atividades nas empresas. / Marketing Metrics, as brand value, have been a research priority topic, in a context where, Marketing practitioners and scholars are under intense pressure to show how marketing expenditure adds to shareholder value. This study aimed to compare the performance, in Brazilian stock market, of the portfolio of companies with recognized brand value - indicated by the rankings of most Brazilian valuable brands published by Interbrand - with other portfolios of companies listed on the Stock Exchange of São Paulo State. The comparison of the performance of such portfolios in the Brazilian stock market was in terms of their risk and return, calculated by applying the three-factor model of Fama and French (1993), built upon the study by Madden, Fehler and Fournier (2006) in the international context. The results show that the Portfolio of Valuable Brands presents a lower risk in Brazilian stock market compared to the other portfolios studied. The simple comparison of the sum of the variable values on the excess return of the portfolio, refers directly to the perception of greater return for the Portfolio of Valuable Brands. Thus, the possible relationship of companies possessing a portfolio of valuable brands with the acquisition of lower risk and, in the same time, higher returns to shareholders allows enhancing actions and encourage research aimed at the management and development of brands, as well as a greater appreciation of the Marketing field in academic and business spheres. Furthermore, this study permitted a rapprochement between the fields of Marketing and Finance, powering a theoretical relationship between these fields and between these areas in the companies.

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