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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A admissibilidade e a conveniência da exclusão do controlador em S.A. / The admissibility and convenience of excluding the controlling shareholder in corporations.

Maria da Glória Ferraz de Almeida Prado 08 April 2015 (has links)
O estudo refere-se à verificação da admissibilidade e da conveniência da exclusão facultativa de acionista controlador em sociedade anônima. O tema não é propriamente novo no Brasil. Intenciona-se, no entanto, construir a hipótese a partir de fundamento legal diferente. A Lei 6.404/76 (LSA) apenas destina a exclusão para casos de acionista remisso (artigo 107, II), permanecendo silente com relação ao inadimplemento de deveres de colaboração e lealdade (em conjunto, deveres de cooperação). Nesse contexto, a doutrina e a jurisprudência brasileiras tendem a admitir a hipótese de exclusão em tais casos por aplicação do artigo 1.030 do Código Civil, destinado a regular a matéria no âmbito das sociedades simples. Para tanto, aproximam a companhia fechada das sociedades de pessoas a fim de justificar, dada a alegada omissão da lei especial a esse respeito, o tratamento por analogia. A partir do estudo sistemático da LSA, que compreende, entre outros, o entendimento do princípio da circulação de ações e da extensão dos deveres de boa-fé entre os sócios, pretende-se admitir a hipótese com base na própria lógica acionária, em razão da eventual relevância do relacionamento societário para a consecução do fim social. Em tais companhias, o adimplemento dos deveres de cooperação torna-se tão imprescindível quanto o adimplemento do dever de conferimento para o alcance do escopo comum. Em decorrência desse raciocínio, a exclusão torna-se admissível na ocorrência de inadimplemento de qualquer dever social que inviabilize, real ou potencialmente, o preenchimento do fim social. A identificação de eventual affectio societatis entre os acionistas, portanto, passa a ser irrelevante. Admitir a hipótese no que se refere a acionista controlador se revela ainda importante instrumento de limitação do exercício ilegítimo do poder de controle e não se confunde com a sanção de perdas e danos prevista na LSA por abuso de poder de controle. Por fim, será analisada a conveniência da exclusão do controlador, em razão de sua relevância pessoal para a consecução da atividade, a participação societária por ele detida e da possibilidade de dissolver-se parcialmente a sociedade, com a saída do acionista minoritário descontente. / The study refers to the admissibility and convenience of excluding the controlling shareholder in corporations. The theory is not exactly new in Brazil. What we intend to do, however, is to support the hypothesis in different legal grounds. The legal system, of which is set forth in the Brazilian Corporation Law (Law 6.404/76), limits the exclusion of a shareholder in the events of non-performance of the duty to pay-up the share capital (article 107, II). The legal framework remains silent regarding the non-performance of the duties of collaboration and loyalty (together, duties of cooperation). In such context, both the Brazilian doctrine and jurisprudence tend to allow the shareholder exclusion under the default of the duties of cooperation on the grounds of the Brazilian Civil Law Code. In order to provide that, it is mandatory to align the closely held corporation to a typical institution of intuitu personae, which requires the evidence of an existent personal relationship among the shareholders (affectio societatis). We defend the application of the hypothesis with grounds on the Brazilian Corporation Law itself. The study proposes a systematic and logical analysis of the legal corporation framework, which comprehends the understanding of its main principles (such as the free circulation of the shares and the relevance of the good faith relationship among shareholders to the company activity). Concerning this analysis, it would be possible to admit the shareholder exclusion even if they hold the controlling position when the maintenance of the corporate structure of how it was first built is of key importance to the joint goal. In such a company, not only the duty to pay-up the share capital appears to be vital, but the duties of cooperation as well. The exclusion may be deemed if, in any case, the shareholder violates any duty in such a manner that is able to jeopardize the corporate activity. Therefore, the subjective investigation of the personal relationship among the shareholders becomes irrelevant. It would be even more important to admit the hypothesis regarding the controlling shareholder, as a mechanism to limit its illegal exercise. This sanction does not integrate the sanction foreseen in the law regarding abuse of power of control. Afterwards, we intend to verify the convenience of excluding the controlling shareholder, due to his personal relevance to the activity, the amount of company shares he holds and the alternative of implement the strictu sensu partial dissolution.

Efeito dos investimentos sobre fundamentos de valor da empresa: uma análise de empresas brasileiras pré-operacionais e operacionais / The effect of investments on fundamentals of company value: an analysis of pre-operational and operational Brazilian companies

Marco Antonio Pereira 04 July 2012 (has links)
Existem evidências sobre a diferenciação entre empresas pré-operacionais e empresas operacionais em aspectos relacionados com a estrutura de ativos, a estrutura de capital, a rentabilidade de ativos, oportunidades de crescimento e a reação do mercado à divulgação financeira. Essas diferenças apontam que projetos de investimento afetam diversos aspectos da empresa e geram expectativas no mercado quanto à geração futura de resultados. A pesquisa foi realizada analisando-se empresas do mercado de capitais brasileiro divididas em duas amostras ou grupos de empresas: pré-operacionais e operacionais. Foram realizados dois testes. O primeiro, a partir de informações financeiras divulgadas trimestralmente com o cálculo de indicadores econômico-financeiros, em que se verificaram diferenças de médias. O segundo, a partir das datas de divulgação dos relatórios financeiros, em que se verificou, com o auxílio da técnica de estudo de eventos, que há diferença estatística significativa dos retornos anormais acumulados entre essas duas amostras em razão da reação do mercado à divulgação financeira, denotando sua importância como componente informativo para ajustes dos preços das ações. Adicionalmente, foi estendido o teste de estudo de evento para analisar a reação do mercado à divulgação das menores e maiores variações dos ativos não circulantes. Esta variável é utilizada no estudo como proxy dos esforços da empresa na formação de capital produtivo, verificando-se que o mercado não reagiu às baixas variações desse ativo. No entanto, o mercado reage de forma limitada à informação quando a variação desse ativo está entre as maiores variações. Embora os resultados dos testes estejam limitados às amostras utilizadas, fornecem uma direção no sentido de entender as mudanças nos fundamentos de valor dessas empresas. / There is evidence about the differentiation between pre-operational and operational companies on aspects related to the structure of assets, capital structure, asset profitability, growth opportunities and market reaction to financial disclosure. These differences indicate that investment projects affect many aspects of the company and generate market expectations about the future generation of results. The survey was conducted by analyzing companies in the Brazilian capital market divided into two samples or groups of companies: preoperational and operational. Two tests were performed. The first, from the quarterly financial information disclosure with the calculation of economic-financial indicators. Differences of means were observed. The second, from the disclosure date of the financial reports. It was observed with the help of the technique of event studies, significant statistical difference of abnormal cumulative returns between these two samples as a result to the market reaction on the financial disclosure, denoting its importance as an informational component for adjustment of stock prices. Additionally, the event study test was extended to analyze the market reaction to the disclosure of minor and major changes in non-current assets. This variable is used in the study as proxy of the company\'s efforts in the formation of capital efficiency. It was observed that the market did not react to the low variations of this asset. However, the market limitedly reacted to the information when the variance of this asset is among the largest variations. Although the test results are limited to the samples used, provides a direction in order to understand the changes in the fundamentals of value of these companies.

Toward a Systemic Model for Governance and Strategic Management: Evaluating Stakeholder Theory Versus Shareholder Theory Approaches

Stikeleather, James A. 15 October 2017 (has links)
The research’s intent is improvement in governance and strategic management initially by comparing Shareholder Theory and Stakeholder Theory and making results useful for both Practitioner and Academic audiences. A conceptual model for how a society establishes and evolves the roles it legitimizes for a business to support reasoning about those roles and the process originating the expectations, responsibilities, obligations, contributions and freedom to act in the roles is proposed. Understanding this process would enable better governance and strategic management of a firm while avoiding unintended consequences when fulfilling the role and consequences for failing the role. The model becomes a basis for comparing Shareholder and Stakeholder Theories. Context for the model comes from practitioner narratives around changes occurring in business and their themes around the relationship of a business with its ecosystem. To incorporate both the societal and business relationship components, the model building process was based upon concepts and ideas from General Systems, Economics, Sociology, Neuroscience, Philosophy, Evolution, Complexity and Complex Adaptive Systems, Semiotics, as well as Business. This was an iterative abductive, inductive, deductive process with each iteration compared to relevant theory, integrated across the subject domains, then tested against other academic research on the issue, evidence of the model in practice, and a culturomics study across social and industry literature. These results are exploratory, descriptive, directional, and suggestive for future research opportunities. Problems with Stakeholder Theory are identified but potentially addressed with the conceptual model, in turn suggesting a systemic approach to governance and strategic management. It was determined that Shareholder Theory results in many unintended consequences detrimental to society and the firm. The conceptual model provides points of intervention in the process and suggests potential tooling for governance and strategic management. A side effect of the research was a perspective on the practitioner / academic divide as the research grappled with the “wicked problem” nature and transdisciplinary nature of process being described. By introducing systems and complexity paradigms in the model, potential ways to address the divide are suggested, such as 3 level analysis (micro, meso, macro).

L'émergence du banquier itinérant, influence d'une réorganisation territoriale au sein d'une coopérative financière en termes d'isomorphisme et d'isopraxisme : l'expérience de la Nef / The emergence of the itinerant banker. Influence of a territorial reorganization within a finance cooperative in terms of isomorphism and isopraxy : The case study of the Nef

Chauvin, Béatrice 06 October 2015 (has links)
Dans un contexte concurrentiel et réglementaire croissant des banques, face à une crise financière qui interroge les usages de l’argent, peut-on faire de la banque autrement ? Nous tentons de répondre à cette question en centrant notre analyse sur le cas de La Nef, petite coopérative de finance solidaire fondée sur un projet alternatif. La Nef, d’abord institution financière et disposant aujourd’hui d’un agrément bancaire, en 20 ans a grandi et s’est professionnalisée. Sa trajectoire est marquée par des formes d’isomorphismes que nous identifions et qui provoquent une hybridation de son modèle coopératif. Nous construisons et analysons l’installation des banquiers itinérants comme innovation organisationnelle dans le but de la réaffirmation du projet coopératif. En apportant de l’hétéromorphisme et de l’hetéropraxisme dans l’organisation, ces banquiers itinérants ancrent l’organisation dans son territoire et les enjeux de son développement. Cette expérimentation constitue-t-elle un processus de reconquête coopérative, et qu’en est-il de sa diffusion ? Nous avons participé et suivi les processus à l’œuvre dans le cadre d’une recherche intervention sur 5 ans. Notre cadre d’analyse s’inscrit dans une perspective néo institutionnaliste et articule isomorphisme, proximité et traduction. Nos résultats montrent que l’implantation des banquiers itinérants redynamise le tissu coopératif et le sociétariat et amène une croissance de l’activité. Elle entraine un rééquilibrage des phénomènes d’hybridation favorable au projet social et à l’activité économique. Le déploiement des Banquiers Itinérants est à l’œuvre et méritera d’être analysé dans les formes de son développement. / In a context of increasing competition and international regulation in the banking system, and facing a financial crisis which questions the uses of money, is another way of banking possible? We try to answer this question through the analysis of the case study of the Nef, a little solidarity-based finance cooperative based on an alternative project. The Nef, at first a financial institution which later in 2014 got a banking agreement, grew up over 20 years and professionalised. We identify the various types of isomorphism which marked its trajectory and cause a hybridisation of its cooperative model. We build up and analyse the set up of itinerant bankers as an organisational innovation, in order to reaffirm the cooperative project. As they bring heteromorphism and heteropraxy into the organisation, these itinerant bankers anchor the organisation in its territory and the stakes of its development. Is this experiment a process of cooperative recovery, and will it spread ? We took part and followed the undergoing processes within a 5 year intervention research. Our analysis focuses on isomorphism, proximity and translation in a neo-institutional perspective. Our results show that itinerant bankers set up revitalise the cooperative system and shareholder relations as well as a business growth. Thus the experience show a rebalancing in hybridisation phenomena favourable to the social project and stimulating economic activity. The deployment of itinerant bankers is recent, and will deserve to be studied in its forms of development.

Corporate governance, CEO compensation and total shareholder returns in South Africa

Priem, Colin Michael January 2016 (has links)
Magister Commercii - MCom / The on-going displeasure displayed by the media and business commentators, relating to apparent excessive and unwarranted executive directors' salaries, has increased since the financial turmoil experienced in 2008. The commentaries and reports suggest that corporate governance interventions are not strong enough to curb the excessive remuneration packages awarded to executives and specifically to Chief Executive Officers (CEOs). The purpose of the research is to examine the factors that determine and/or shape the relationship between the Chief Executive Officer's (CEO's) compensation and the wealth created for shareholders. The investigation further seeks to find the corporate governance elements, systems and processes that assist in monitoring the CEO's remuneration and performance contract. The null hypothesis is that poor corporate governance prevails in South African listed companies resulting in CEO compensation not being aligned to shareholder wealth creation. The aim is to establish the effectiveness of South African listed companies' adherence to corporate governance measures in addressing the principal/agent problem, commonly referred to as the agency problem. The research embraces a sample of the top 100 actively trading companies listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) using secondary data. The study builds on existing theories and provides knowledge from a South African perspective.

Shareholder management - vybrané aspekty

Veselá, Lucie January 2006 (has links)
Hlavním cílem této práce je nastínit vztah mezi zvyšováním hodnoty podniku a optimalizací činností finančního řízení. Teoretická část je zaměřena na definování hodnoty podniku a vybraných nástrojů řízení hodnoty, porovnání koncepce shareholder a stakeholder value a možnosti zvyšování hodnoty pro akcionáře. Teoreticko-praktická část v úvodu charakterizuje analyzovaný podniku, popisuje jeho ekonomický (finanční) úsek a organizační strukturu. Na tomto podniku je představen příklad praktické ?cesty?, která by měla vést ke zvyšování hodnoty podniku ? zhodnocení současného stavu vybraných oblastí finančního řízení, srovnání s nejlepšími postupy, návrh změn a doporučení za účelem budoucího zvyšování hodnoty podniku pro akcionáře.

Osudy českých podniků zprivatizovaných v 1.vlně kupónové privatizace / Fate of privatized enterprises in the 1. wave of voucher privatization

Hlaváček, Jiří January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis is aimed to map the development of the companies that have passed the first wave of voucher privatization from 1991 until 2013. Development of 988 companies has not been yet comprehensively examined. The aim is to determine the ownership structure, including the ability to find majority shareholders. The second part is focused on how many companies has been closed over the past twenty years and method of liquidation. Another finding is that two-fifths of companies have changed the form of shares to the documentary. Finally, the research focuses on delisting of shares from czech capital market. The last part is based on comparison of results of the two waves of voucher privatization and the main findings are very similar.

Essays on banking : shareholders' incentives, capital allocation efficiency, and bank performance

Garcia De kuhnert, Yamileh January 2014 (has links)
In this thesis, we use a wide cross-sectional sample of both privately held and publicly listed European banks over the period 1999 to 2008 to analyse the role played by bank shareholder incentives in the performance of banks and, ultimately, on the capital allocation efficiency of the economy as a whole. In our first essay, we use the entire range of Bankscope and Amadeus Top 250,000 to construct the portfolios of shareholders who hold equity stakes in banks for each year. We show that about 62 per cent of the ultimate largest shareholders of banks are diversified investors, holding on average equity investments from thirteen companies in their portfolio. We exploit this heterogeneity to investigate the impact of their portfolio diversification on bank risk-taking. Our results show that the relationship between portfolio diversification and bank risk-taking is both statistically significant and economically sizeable. Overall, these findings contribute to the literature by providing novel evidence on the characteristics of bank shareholders’ portfolios and by studying an explicit channel through which shareholders’ incentives for risk-taking affect the banks’ risk. In our second essay, we build on our previous evidence to further investigate whether the level of diversification of bank shareholders has any effect on the efficiency of capital allocation in the economy. We aggregate our data at regional level, using information on the address where companies and banks have their headquarters and identify regions based on Eurostat Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS) definitions. Our results indicate that capital appears to be allocated more efficiently in regions where banks are controlled by (more) diversified shareholders. In particular, a change in value-added growth increases capital investment by approximately 8 per cent of its mean in regions where banks are controlled by undiversified shareholders, while it increases capital investment by almost 21 per cent in regions where banks are controlled by shareholders with diversified portfolios. These findings contribute to the literature by studying a specific novel channel through which financial development, in the form of bank shareholders’ diversification, affects the real economy. Lastly, in our third essay we combine our detailed micro-level data on ownership with commercial loans market data from Dealscan to evaluate evidence of related lending in Western European banks. In doing so, we are able to explicitly identify related loans and provide original evidence of related lending and preferential lending terms. We show that 14 per cent of banks in our sample engage in related lending, and that firms borrowing from their related banks have lower costs and higher access to credit. Given these findings, we then proceed to analyse the effect of related lending in bank performance. Our tests show that banks participating in related lending experience an increase in average returns of 11 per cent. Results are both statistically significant and economically sizeable. Overall, our findings contribute to the literature by providing evidence in support the information asymmetry view of related lending, suggesting that in countries with strong rule of law related lending may become a relevant mechanism for informational capital accumulation for banks, allowing them to make more profitable lending decisions.

Osudy podniků zprivatizovaných ve 2. vlně kupónovéprivatizace / Fate of privatized enterprises in the 2. wave of voucher privatization

Hanzl, Jiří January 2012 (has links)
Development of companies from voucher privatization has not been yet comprehensively examined although this information is necessary to evaluation the process of voucher privatization. This thesis is aimed to map the development of the companies that have passed the second wave of voucher privatization from 1993 until 2010. The aim is to determine the ownership structure of the companies, including the determination of how many of them are still under state control. The second area focuses on the economic performance and on finding of how many companies has been closed over the past period, and the comparison of development across industries. The comparison of economic efficiency is based on the information of the ownership structure depending on the size of the share of the largest shareholder. Finally, the research focuses on the marketability of the shares and delisting, changing the form of shares to the documentary, which was used by almost half of the companies.

L'engagement actionnarial : de l'industrialisation de l'actionnariat à l'expression de nouvelles responsabilités / Shareholder engagement : from the industrialization of shareholding to the expression of new responsibilities

Belinga, Rachelle 12 December 2018 (has links)
Dix ans après la crise financière de 2008, l’engagement actionnarial apparaît comme un levier important de gouvernance et de responsabilisation des entreprises. Les fondements théoriques de ces nouvelles attentes à l’égard des actionnaires, et en particulier des investisseurs institutionnels, semblent cependant encore fragiles. Quel est le cahier des charges des actionnaires ? L’engagement actionnarial participe-t-il d’un shareholder empowerment? Ce nouveau rôle des actionnaires est-il légitime au regard notamment des intérêts des autres parties prenantes des entreprises ? L’objet de cette thèse fut aussi de comprendre quels étaient les fondements, les enjeux et les implications à la fois théoriques et empiriques de l’engagement actionnarial. La thèse commence alors par interroger la représentation classique de l’actionnaire dans les théories de la gouvernance. Elle montre comment un phénomène d’industrialisation de l’actionnariat a renouvelé les enjeux de la gouvernance d’entreprise, qu’elle déplace au niveau d’une « gouvernance de l’actionnariat ». La doctrine de l’engagement actionnarial contribue dès lors à construire une gouvernance de l’actionnariat, dont les formulations actuelles manquent encore d’une représentation de la responsabilité des actionnaires envers l’entreprise et les potentiels qu’elle mobilise. La thèse entreprend en conséquence une exploration empirique des pratiques d’engagement, et notamment des politiques de vote d’actionnaires, qui lui permet de dégager des principes d’engagement responsable pour un actionnariat industrialisé. / Ten years after the financial crisis of 2008, shareholder engagement appears as an important tool for corporate governance and corporate accountability. Yet, the theoretical foundations of these new expectations toward shareholders, and especially toward institutional investors, are still fragile. What is required of shareholders? Is shareholder engagement another way of empowering shareholders? Is this new shareholder role legitimate with regard to, notably, the interests of other stakeholders ? The aim of this thesis was thus to understand the foundations, the stakes and the theoretical and empirical implications of shareholder engagement. The thesis starts then by questioning the classical representation of shareholders in corporate governance theories. It shows how a phenomenon of industrialization of shareholder has renewed the stakes of corporate governance, that shifts toward “shareholding governance”. The doctrine of shareholder engagement hence contributes to build a shareholding governance, but whose current phrasing still lacks of a representation of the responsibility shareholders hold toward the firm, its stakeholders and its resources. Consequently, the thesis carries out an empirical exploration of engagement practices, notably shareholder voting policies, that helps identifying principles of responsible engagement for an industrialized shareholding.

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