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The marginalization of girl soldiers in Sierra Leone’s Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration program : an analysis based on structuration theoryJones, Lindsay January 2008 (has links)
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Patterns of rural protest : chiefs, slaves and peasants in northwestern Sierra Leone, 1896-1956Rashid, Ismail O. D. January 1998 (has links)
No description available.
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La Corte Especial Residual para Sierra Leona (una valoración)Verdugo Pérez, Susana del Pilar January 2019 (has links)
Memoria (licenciado en ciencias jurídicas y sociales) / El siguiente trabajo presenta una descripción de la Corte Especial Residual para
Sierra Leona, la cual fue establecida para avocarse a las tareas pendientes que
dejaría la Corte Especial de Sierra Leona, tras su cierre. Principalmente se describe
el mandato de creación, la estructura, y sus funciones; asimismo incluye una revisión
de los anuarios emitidos por el Tribunal y que dan cuenta de su labor. Todo esto para
efectuar un análisis de valoración del mismo, en cuanto a su rol como mecanismo
residual de competencia tras el cierre de la Corte Especial.
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An idle mind is the devil's workshop? : the politics of work amongst Freetown's youthEnria, Luisa January 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Vervalle state, hulpbronoorloë en vredemaking : die gevalle Sierra LeoneVan Schalkwyk, Denver Christopher 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis explores the issue of collapsed states with reference to William
Reno's (2001) theory. Since the end of the Cold War we find in many places that
the state itself has collapsed. According to this thesis state collapse refers to a
situation where the structure, authority, laws and political order have fallen apart.
The phenomenon of collapsed states is historic and worldwide, but nowhere are
there more examples than in contemporary Africa. Sierra Leone is an example
of a collapsed state in Africa. The state in Sierra Leone was after the
commencement of the conflict in 1991 not capable of performing the duties which
are required of a state when a state wants to be called a state. Governments in
collapsed states lack the capacity to make binding, effective decisions. As a
basic institution, the state loses its sovereignty as the most central institution in
the society.
Resource wars are nowadays a characteristic of collapsed states like Sierra
Leone. Resources are used by key figures in the resource wars to enrich
themselves. They also exploit the resources to finance their actions and
propaganda. Diamonds was the resource which was exploited commercially by
the 'government' and Foday Sankoh, a rebel/insurgent, as well as Charles
Taylor, a warlord. The resource war was one of the reasons why the state in
Sierra Leone collapsed further. It had lead to the total collapse of the state in
Sierra Leone.
With the commencement of the conflict in Sierra Leone, the issue of
peacemaking came to the fore in Sierra Leone. The conflict in Sierra Leone was
an intrastate conflict. The primary goal of the United Nations (UN) is to maintain
international security and peace. Intrastate conflicts do not form part of the UN's
traditional mandate regarding peacemaking. The UN thus had no basic
framework of how to get involved in the intrastate conflict in Sierra Leone. The
UN only became involved in 1999 in the form of UNAMSIL. Before the intervention of the UN, the 'government' of Sierra Leone turned to Private Military
Companies (PMC's) in the form of Executive Outcomes and Sandline
International. The problem with the intervention of PMC's in a conflict is that they
are not sanctioned by international organisations like the UN. As a regional
initiative, ECOWAS in the form of ECOMOG, also became involved in Sierra
Leone. The intervention of both ECOMOG and PMC's in Sierra Leone failed to
produce peace or the restoration of the state. Only the UN achieved
peacemaking and the holding of an election.
The conclusion of this thesis is that Sierra Leone fits in the theory of Reno (2001 )
re collapsed states. Sierra Leone is a typical example of a collapsed state and it
also illustrates the validity of the concept. This however does not mean that
Sierra Leone will be a collapsed state forever. There is the possibility that Sierra
Leone can make a transition from a collapsed state to a stronger state to a more
stable and functional state. It need, however, be noted that all conclusions in this
thesis are of a preliminary nature. The conclusions will therefore be subject to
further confirmation by later studies. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis verken die kwessie van vervalle state met verwysing na William
Reno (2001) se teorie. Sedert veral die einde van die Koue Oorlog vind ons die
tendens dat verskeie state verval het. In hierdie tesis verwys die konsep van 'n
vervalle staat na 'n situasie waar die struktuur, gesag, politieke orde en wette
uitmekaar geval het. Die verskynsel van vervalle state is histories en kom
wêreldwyd voor. Kontemporêre Afrika verskaf egter die meeste voorbeelde van
vervalle state. Sierra Leone is 'n voorbeeld van so 'n vervalle staat. Na die
aanvang van die konflik in 1991 was die staat in Sierra Leone nie meer daartoe
instaat om die funksies te verrig wat van 'n staat vereis word indien so 'n staat as
'n staat geag wil word nie. Die 'regering' in 'n vervalle staat beskik nie meer oor
die kapasiteit om bindende, effektiewe besluite te neem nie. Die staat, as 'n
basiese instelling, verloor sy soewereiniteit as die sentrale instelling in die
Die verval van 'n staat word toenemend met die uitbreek van 'n konflik- in hierdie
geval 'n- hulpbronoorlog gekenmerk. Hulpbronne word deur die sleutelfigure,
wat betrokke is in die hulpbronoorlog in die vervalle staat, gebruik om hulself te
verryk. Hierdie hulpbronne word ook gebruik om die sleutelfigure se aksies en
propaganda te finansier. Diamante is as hulpbron in Sierra Leone deur die
'regering' en Foday Sankoh, 'n rebellinsurgent, asook Charles Taylor, 'n
oorlogsbaron, kommersieël uitgebuit. Die burgeroorlog met sy talle fasette, het
tot die totale verval van die staat aanleiding gegee.
Die kwessie van vredemaak het met die uitbreek van die konflik in Sierra Leone
na vore getree. Die konflik in Sierra Leone was 'n intrastaatkonflik. Die primêre
doel van die Verenigde Nasies (VN) is om internasionale vrede en sekuriteit te
handhaaf. Intrastaatkonflikte as sulks maak nie deel uit van die tradisionele
opdrag van die VN betreffende vredemaak nie. Die VN het gevolglik nie oor 'n
basiese raamwerk beskik van hoe om by die intrastaatkonflik in Sierra Leone betrokke te raak nie. Die VN het eers in 1999 in die vorm van UNAMSIL in
Sierra Leone betrokke geraak. Voor die intervensie van die VN het die 'regering'
van Sierra Leone hom tot Private Militêre Bystand (PMB) in die vorm van
'Executive Outcomes' en 'Sandline International' gewend. Die problematiek
insake PMB is dat dit nie deur internasioale organisasies soos die VN
gesanksioneer word nie. As 'n regionale inisiatief het ECOWAS ook in die vorm
van ECOMOG by die intrastaatkonflik in Sierra Leone betrokke geraak. In
hierdie tesis sal daar gemeld word dat beide ECOMOG en PMB, met die
uitsondering van die VN, se pogings vir vredemaak in Sierra Leone gefaal het.
Die slotsom waartoe hierdie tesis kom is dat Sierra Leone inpas by Reno (2001)
se teorie insake die verskynsel van vervalle state. Sierra Leone is 'n tipiese
voorbeeld van 'n vervalle staat en dit illustreer die geldigheid van die konsep. Dit
beteken egter nie dat Sierra Leone permanent 'n vervalle staat hoef te wees nie.
Die moontlikheid bestaan wel dat Sierra Leone die oorgang vanaf 'n vervalle
staat na 'n stabieler, meer funksionele staat kan maak. Dit dien egter gemeld te
word dat alle afleidings in hierdie tesis as voorlopig van aard beskou kan word.
Hierdie afleidings is onderhewig aan verdere bevestiging of weerlegging deur
latere studies.
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The biogeography and ecology of foxtail pine, Pinus balfouriana (Grev. and Balf.), in the Sierra Nevada of California.Rourke, Michael David. January 1988 (has links)
The biogeography and ecology of P. balfouriana, a subalpine conifer endemic to California, were studied. Direct gradient-analysis, classification, and ordination were combined to identify the primary factors controlling the tree community in the southern Sierra Nevada. Competition, disturbance, and temperature were inferred as the most important factors regulating the tree community. Pinus balfouriana responded strongly to variation in soil drainage, distrubance, and temperature. Wildfire was the most important chronic disturbance agent in southwestern Inyo National Forest. Stochastic models of wildfire probability in space and time were developed. Evidence of thunderstorm genesis zones in the vicinity of Overlook Mountain and Ball Mountain in the Golden Trout Wilderness was found. A gradient in wildfire ignition probability was identified. Wildfire ignition is most likely at 2700 m elevation on submesic sites. Wildfire return interval is long enough to permit the coexistence of P. balfouriana and P. murrayana; and, short enough that it has important fitness consequences for P. balfouriana. Wildfire disturbance may limit the geographic range of the species in the southern Sierra Nevada. There was a close negative correlation between the abundance of P. balfouriana near the lower-forest-border and the wildfire disturbance gradient. However, the northern range boundary is probably not determined solely by wildfire disturbance. The canopies of mature P. balfouriana were found to be highly elliptic (when viewed from above) with the major axis of the ellipse oriented exactly north-to-south. This trait permits maximum photosynthesis in the early morning and late afternoon. It simultaneously minimizes evaporative demands during midday. Elliptic canopies minimize solar interception during winter and maximize it during summer. This is important for carbon-balance since the photosynthetic apparatus is only active for a brief period during mid-summer. The lower-forest-border was accurately predicted with a carbon-balance model strongly suggesting carbon-balance limitations. The dispersal potential of P. balfouriana, in the absence of vertebrate seed dispersers, was studied. Anemochory under modern climatic conditions would permit closure of the disjunction in P. balfouriana within a single (120,000 year) glacial cycle.
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Tectonostratigraphic history of the southern Foothills terrane.Newton, Maury Claiborne, III. January 1990 (has links)
As a tool in discriminating basic rocks from different tectonic settings, a type of diagram was developed that employs three ratios of trace elements. The diagram separates basic rocks formed in mid-ocean ridge, intra-plate, and volcanic arc settings. It can be used to differentiate basalts from marginal basin, forearc, and arc rift zone settings. A second application of this type of diagram, employing major elements, distinguishes tholeiitic, calcalkaline, and boninitic series volcanic rocks. The southern part of the Foothills terrane, western Sierra Nevada, California, is composed chiefly of Jurassic-Triassic(?) metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks of lower greenschist grade. Major tectonism affecting the terrane, associated with the Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous Nevadan orogeny, was sinistral transpression with shearing along the Bear Mountains and Melones fault zones. The line of slip in high shear strain regions is approximated by the modal stretching lineation, which is at a rake of approximately 45° SE to the general shear zone orientation, suggesting sub-equal components of strike slip and dip slip. The sense of shear from kinematic indicators is consistently east side to the northwest. The terrane hosts three types of syngenetic massive sulfide deposits: Cyprus-type Cu deposits, Kuroko-type Zn-Cu-Pb deposits, and Besshi-type Cu-Zn deposits. The Cyprus-type deposits lie at the top of a Triassic(?) tholeiitic - basalt sequence in the lower Penon Blanco Formation. The deposits are part of an ophiolitic sequence that appears to have formed in an open-ocean spreading center environment. Felsic lava facies host the Kuroko-type deposits at the top of the Middle to Late Jurassic upper Gopher Ridge Formation, a dominantly bimodal sequence of meta-rhyolitic lavas and tuffs and meta-basaltic lavas. The tectonic setting appears to have been an arc-rift zone that formed during the transition from arc volcanism forming the lower Gopher Ridge Formation to younger basinal sedimentation forming the Mariposa Formation. The Besshi-type deposits are sediment-hosted in the Late Jurassic Mariposa Formation. They appear to have formed in the median part of a long linear basin between rifted arc segments. The inferred tectonic setting of the sulfide deposits was an early back-arc or interarc basin, which may have been related to transtensional tectonics.
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Epithermal mineralization in the Sierra Madre Occidental, and the metallogeny of northwestern Mexico.Staude, John-Mark Gardner. January 1995 (has links)
Studies of the metallogeny of northwestern Mexico (Baja California to Chihuahua to Durango) at the mining district, geologic province, and regional scale, show that deposit formation and preservation is an intricate interrelationship between magmatism, tectonism, and hydrothermal activity. These are not only complicated by superimposed factors including erosion, enrichment, and cover, but in northern Mexico, tectonic translation as well. Using palinspastic reconstructions the relative positions of geologic units are restored to their pre-extensional configuration. Metallic "belts" are heterogeneous with numerous metal associations and deposit types superimposed in the same area. The reconstructions show that magmatism and mineralization were coeval and coincident. Superimposed environments and processes cover, erode, enrich, and preserve mineralization thus substantially affecting perceived metal distribution. Cover sequences including mid-Tertiary ignimbrites and late Tertiary clastic sediments preserve and commonly conceal mineralization. Mid-Tertiary and older extensional events preserve near surface deposit types (e.g, supergene blankets, Jurassic rift-related deposits). At the Sierra Madre Occidental (SMO) province scale, ore deposit types exhibit enormous variation from adularia sericite-dominated to advanced argillic to closely pluton related. The advanced argillic alteration with gold+/-copper+/-silver deposit types appears related to magmatic centers occurring in both the older (pre-Oligocene) and younger (Oligocene) volcanic sections and is a major focus of this dissertation. Acidic alteration-related deposits make up some of the largest Au occurrences including the Mulatos >2 million ounce gold district. Extensive kaolinitic alteration halos (>8 km²) zoned around a core of vuggy silica and quartz+/-pyrophyllite host enargite-pyrite ores. Sulfide isotopes are near zero δ³⁴S(pyrite) = -5 to -3%; δ³⁴S(enargite) = -6 to -4%) with corresponding barite (δ³⁴S = +18-22%). Phase equilibria and isotopes indicate early pyrophyllite-pyrite ores formed at ∼ 300°C with later barite-pyrite-dickite ores deposited at T = ∼ 260°C. Oxygen and hydrogen isotopes show possible mixing between magmatic and meteoric waters with a late (shallow) meteoric (heavier D, lighter δ¹⁸O) overprint. District tilting (∼ 25°NE) exposes >1.5 km altered section containing two separate centers. Alunite occurs late, rarely and is above pyrophyllite, suggesting a vertical transition in acid sulfate systems.
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Exploratory Palynology in the Sierra Nevada, CaliforniaAdam, David Peter January 1965 (has links)
Pollen analysis of two surface transects of modern soil samples and four stratigraphic sections from the central Sierra Nevada of California have provided a climatic record covering the time interval since the recession of the last glaciers of the Wisconsin glaciation. Two separate warm intervals are recognized between the recession of the Wisconsin glaciers and the reappearance of glaciers in the Sierra during the Little Ice Age.
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The impediments to development in two West Africa states 1965-95Mambu, Thomas January 2001 (has links)
No description available.
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