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Étude de filtres hyperfréquence SIW et hybride-planaire SIW en technologie LTCC / Design of hybrid-planar SIW High frequency filter in LTCC TechnologyGarreau, Jonathan 05 December 2012 (has links)
La maîtrise de la communication et de l'information est un atout primordial dans les stratégies de pouvoir, qu'elles soient militaires, politiques ou commerciales. Celui qui est capable de transmettre l'information plus vite prend l'avantage sur les autres. Tel est le moteur de la croissance et du progrès dans le domaine des télécommunications. L'omniprésence grandissante des dispositifs communicants témoigne de l'expansion exponentielle qu'a connu ce domaine depuis les premières communications sans fil. À l'époque du all-in-one, la multiplication des applications au sein d'un même appareil nécessite l'utilisation de composants toujours plus performants et petits . Au cœur de ces systèmes, les filtres ont une importance grandissante. Dans un environnement spatial, les contraintes de fiabilité et d'encombrement sont particulièrement drastiques. Le choix des matériaux est par ailleurs limité, ce qui réduit les possibilités d'innovation. Cependant, l'amélioration de la précision et de la fiabilité dans les technologies de fabrication ouvre de nouvelles perspectives d'innovation et d'amélioration des composants. Ces travaux ont ainsi été motivés par ce souci d'apporter toujours plus de performance et de fiabilité, pour un encombrement moindre en tirant profit du potentiel offert par l'association du concept SIW et de la technologie LTCC. Les résultats mettent à jour de sérieuses dispersions technologiques. Cependant, le potentiel de l'association SIW/LTCC est démontré, et les difficultés rencontrées sont surmontables. Les filtres SIW en technologie LTCC présentent donc des atouts pour s'imposer comme une alternative sérieuse aux solutions existantes. / Control of communication and information is a key asset in the strategies of power, whether military, political or commercial. Whoever is able to transmit information faster takes advantage of others. This is the engine of growth and progress in the field of telecommunications. The growing ubiquity of communicating devices demonstrates the exponential growth experienced by this area since the first wireless communications. At the time of all-in-one, multiple applications within a single device requires the use of ever more powerful and small components. At the heart of these systems, filters are becoming increasingly important. In a space environment, reliability constraints and space are particularly dramatic. The choice of materials is also limited, which reduces the possibilities of innovation. However, the improvement of accuracy and reliability in manufacturing technologies opens new opportunities for innovation and improved components. This work has been motivated by the desire to bring more performances and reliability, a smaller footprint by taking advantage of the potential offered by combining the concept SIW and LTCC. The results update serious technological dispersions. However, the potential association SIW / LTCC is shown, and the difficulties are surmountable. SIW filters in LTCC therefore have advantages for itself as a serious alternative to existing solutions.
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Novel Miniaturized Tunable Filters with Optical Control / Filtres réglables miniaturisés innovants avec contrôle optiqueLeshauris, Paul 27 October 2016 (has links)
Au cours de ces dernières années, les chercheurs ont démontré l’importance de l’accordabilité dans les systèmes de télécommunications fonctionnant pour des multiples bandes de fréquences, afin de réduire leur complexité et leur coût. Ce travail se focalise sur des filtres innovants accordables optiquement et propose ainsi une solution alternative aux méthodes plus classiques comme les MEMS ou les diodes. Cette thèse retrace la conception de trois résonateurs pouvant être de bons candidats à intégrer dans le système accordable optiquement développé au travers du manuscrit. Ces éléments sont conçus par le biais de différentes technologies comme : la technologie « Substrate Integrated Waveguide » combinée avec un effet dit métamatériau et la méthode de cavité chargée par un plot capacitif. Tous ces résonateurs ont été créés dans le but d’avoir des performances intéressantes pour trois critères : le facteur de qualité à vide (Q0), la plage d’accord (TR) et la taille. La dernière partie, quant à elle, se consacre au système d’accordabilité basé sur l’utilisation de capacité CMS et de switches RF contrôlés optiquement et fabriqués à l’aide de la technologie silicium CMOS. Plusieurs méthodes ont été utilisées afin d’améliorer les pertes d’insertion des switches RF et par conséquent les performances du système global, démontrant la faisabilité de ce concept innovant accordable optiquement. / Researchers have demonstrated over the last decade the importance of tunability to reduce the complexity and the cost of telecommunication systems operating at multiple frequency bands and standards. This work focuses on novel optically tunable filters for microwave applications and therefore proposes alternative solution to commonly used tuning methods such as MEMS or diodes. The thesis has investigated different resonators for having good candidates for the novel optically tunable system developed throughout this manuscript. Different technologies are used to design such components, namely: Substrate Integrated Waveguide (SIW) technology combined with metamaterial effect and cavity loading. All manufactured resonators are designed to be balanced between three features: the unloaded quality factor (Q0), the tuning range (TR) and the size. The last part deals with the tuning system based on SMT capacitance and optically controlled RF switches based on Si CMOS technology. Several methods have been used to improve the insertion loss of manufactured switches and therefore the performance of the whole system, demonstrating the feasibility of this novel optically based tunable concept.
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[pt] Neste trabalho, é abordado um estudo para o desenvolvimento de filtros passa faixa cuja função de transferência é denominada quase-elíptica ou semielíptica. Esse nome vem por causa da sua principal característica que é a de apresentar apenas um par de polos de atenuação na banda de rejeição. O par de polos é determinado por meio do acoplamento cruzado entre dois pares de ressonadores dispostos de forma não adjacente, dessa maneira, enquanto um par de ressonadores é acoplado eletricamente o outro
par realiza um acoplamento magnético. O método é aplicado utilizando duas tecnologias diferentes. A primeira, onde são utilizados ressonadores em anel cortado, desenvolvidos em microfita para realização de filtros na banda X de frequência. Neste caso, foram desenvolvidos um filtro de quarta e um de sexta ordem. A segunda tecnologia onde o método foi implementado é conhecida como SIW (Substrate Integrated Waveguide), operando na faixa de frequência da banda K. Neste caso, cavidades integradas ao substrato foram utilizadas como ressonadores e sendo acopladas entre si por meio de vias metalizadas inseridas no substrato. Para determinar as características dos acoplamentos, foi realizada análise do comportamento dos campos elétrico e magnético na estrutura. / [en] In this work, a study is presented for the development of bandpass filters whose transfer function is called quasi-elliptic or semi-elliptical. This name comes from its main feature which is to present only a pair of
attenuation poles in the rejection band. The pair of poles is determined by cross-coupling between two pairs of resonators disposed non-adjacently, wherein while one pair of resonators is coupled electrically, the other pair performs a magnetic coupling. The method is applied using two different technologies. The first one uses a split ring resonator developed in microstrip for the realization of filters in the X Band frequency spectrum. In this case, a fourth and sixth order filter was developed. The second technology where the method was implemented is known as SIW (Substrate Integrated Waveguide), operating in the frequency range of K Band. In this case, cavities integrated into the substrate were used as resonators and were coupled to each other by means of metallic substrates inserted into the substrate. To determine the coupling characteristics, the behavior of the electric and magnetic fields in the structure was analyzed.
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Etude des filtres miniatures LTCC High K en bandes L&S / LTCC High K miniature filters in L and S bandsGuerrero Enriquez, Rubén Dario 24 June 2016 (has links)
Dans les systèmes actuels de communication, qu’ils soient terrestre ou spatial, qu’ils soient mobile ou fixe, il y a un réel intérêt à développer des front-ends radiofréquences et hyperfréquences miniatures et performants. Ceci s’applique en particulier aux dispositifs de filtrage où l’encombrement et les facteurs de qualité sont clairement antagonistes. Pour les bandes de fréquences basses aux alentours du GHz, les longueurs d’onde restent encore importantes, rendant difficiles les efforts de miniaturisation. D’autre part il faut aussi s’assurer que ces filtres viendront s’interconnecter aisément avec les autres composants du système, notamment les actifs.Pour toutes ces raisons, le développement de structures de filtres multicouches utilisant des substrats à haute permittivité (εr = 68) selon une approche LTCC apparait comme une alternative intéressante. Elle peut en effet conduire à une réduction significative de l'empreinte (footprint) sans pour autant trop nuire aux performances électriques.Dans le cadre de ce travail, deux structures de filtres multicouches ont été développées pour répondre à des spécifications proposées en bandes L et S, par un équipementier du spatial. Ces filtres ont pour caractéristiques principales un haut niveau de rejection et des faibles pertes dans la bande passante. Pour atteindre les spécifications, un filtre SIW empilé verticalement et un filtre à stubs en court-circuit en configuration triplaque ont été étudiés. Le filtre SIW se distingue par un facteur de qualité élevé, ce qui entraîne des faibles pertes d’insertion et une bonne platitude. La solution à stub permet quant à elle de réduire l’encombrement mais au prix d’un impact sur les performances électriques. Dans les deux cas on tire parti de la souplesse offerte par la technologie LTCC, puisqu’elle offre finalement un degré de liberté supplémentaire, par rapport à une approche planaire classique. Si dans le cas SIW, c’est surtout l’architecture topologique qui a été étudiée finement pour pouvoir agencer et coupler douze cavités, dans le cas du filtre à stub une synthèse mettant à profit tous les degrés de liberté offerts a été spécifiquement développée.Compte tenu de la complexité des filtres, notamment à cause de l’ordre élevé et de la mise en oeuvre de murs « électriques » à partir d’arrangements de via spécifiques, une attention particulière doit être apportée lors des phases de simulation et d’optimisation. De plus la très forte permittivité du substrat ne permet pas d’utiliser de ligne 50 Ohms. Enfin les transitions constituent un point dur de l’exercice surtout dans le cas SIW.Cette thèse co-financée par le CNES (Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales) et Thales Alenia Space, était accompagnée par un projet R&T financé par le CNES. Le fondeur allemand Via Electronic avait en charge la fabrication des filtres. / In current communication systems, whether terrestrial or spatial, whether fixed or mobile, there is a real interest in developing high performance miniature RF front-ends. This is applied in particular to filter devices, in which the size and the quality factors are clearly in conflict. For low frequency bands around the GHz, the wavelengths remain significant, making it difficult the miniaturization efforts. On the other hand, we must also ensure that these filters will be easily interconnected with other other system components, including active devices.For all these reasons, the development of multilayer filter structures using high permittivity substrates (Er = 68) in an LTCC approach is consolidated as an interesting alternative. It may lead to a significant footprint reduction without decreasing the electrical performances.As part of this work, two multilayer filter structures have been developed to meet the given specifications in L and S bands, given by a space manufacturer. These filters have as main features a high rejection level and low losses in the passband. To meet the specifications, a vertically stacked SIW filter and a short-circuited stubs filter in a stripline configuration were studied. The SIW filter is characterized by a high quality factor, which results in low insertion loss and good flatness. The stubs filter allows in contrast to reduce the footprint but at the price of impacting the electrical performance. In both cases we take advantage of the flexibility offered by the LTCC technology as it finally provides an additional freedom degree compared to a conventional planar approach. For the SIW filter, the topological architecture was studied and designed in detail, to be able to arrange and synthetize couplings between twelve cavities. In a similar way, for the stub filter a synthesis that takes profit of all the offered freedom degrees was developed.Given the filters complexity, especially due to the high order and the implementation of “electrical walls" based on specific vias patterns, a close attention must be paid during the simulation and optimization phase. In addition, the high permittivity substrate does not allow to conceive 50-Ohms lines. Finally, access transitions constitute a challenging task, especially for the SIW case.This thesis was co-funded by CNES (Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales) and Thales Alenia Space, and was accompanied by an R&T project funded by CNES. The German foundry Via Electronic was responsible for the filters fabrication.
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Substrate integrated waveguide antenna systemsSalem Hesari, Sara 29 January 2019 (has links)
Due to high demand for planar structures with low loss, a considerable amount
of research has been done to the design of substrate integrated waveguide (SIW)
components in the mm-wave and microwave range. SIW has many advantages in
comparison to conventional waveguides and microstrip lines, such as compact and
planar structure, ease of fabrication, low radiation loss, high power handling ability
and low cost which makes it a very promising technology for current and future
systems operating in K-band and above. Therefore, all the work presented in this
dissertation focuses on SIW technology. Five di erent antenna systems are proposed
to verify the advantages of using SIW technology.
First, a novel K-band end- re SIW circularly polarized (CP) antenna system on
a single layer printed-circuit board is proposed. A high gain SIW H-plane horn and a
Vivaldi antenna are developed to produce two orthogonal polarizations in the plane of
the substrate. CP antennas have become very popular because of their unique characteristics and their applications in satellites, radars and wireless communications.
Second, a K-band front-end system for tracking applications is presented. The circuit comprises an antenna array of two Vivaldi antennas, a frequency-selective power combiner, and two frequency-selective SIW crossovers, which eliminate the need for subsequent ltering. The integration of monopulse systems in planar, printed circuit
SIW technology combined with the added bene ts of ltering functions is of great importance to the antennas and propagation community.
Third, a phased array antenna system consisting of 24 radiating element is designed
as feed system for reflector antennas in radio astronomy applications. A Ku-band antipodal dipole antenna with wide bandwidth, low cross-polarization and wide beamwidth is suggested as the radiating element.
Forth, four di erent right-angled power dividers including in-phase and out-of-phase
dividers as feed systems for antenna arrays are introduced. TE10 - to - TEq0 mode transducers are used for obtaining two, three, and four output dividers with phase control ability at K- and Ka-band. This feature is practical, for instance, when designing tracking systems since they are employed to obtain controllable phase distributions over the output ports.
Fifth, a Ku-band beam steering antenna system which is applicable to use for wireless communications, radar systems, and also 5G applications is proposed. This antenna system uses variable reflection-type phase shifters which electrically steer the beam over a 50-degree scan range.
Therefore, the SIW technology's reliability and also promising behavior in the microwave frequency range is proven for di erent applications. / Graduate
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Fabrication of advanced LTCC structures for microwave devicesTick, T. (Timo) 17 November 2009 (has links)
The main objective of this thesis was to research the integration of novel materials and fabrication processes into Low Temperature Co-fired Ceramic (LTCC) technology; enabling fabrication of Radio Frequency (RF) and microwave components with advanced performance. The research focuses on two specific integration cases, which divide the thesis into two sections: the integration of tunable dielectric structures and the integration of air filled waveguides.
The first section of the thesis describes the development and characterization of low sintering temperature Barium Strontium Titanate (BST) thick film paste. Sintering temperature of BST is decreased from approximately 1350 °C down to 900 °C by lithium doping and pre-reaction of the doped composition. This allows the co-sintering of the developed BST paste with commercial LTCC materials. Additionally two integration techniques to embed tunable components in an LTCC substrate using the developed BST paste are also presented and the electrical performance of the components is evaluated. The highest measured tunability value was 44% with a bias field of 5.7 V/µm. The permittivity of the films varied between 790 and 190, and the loss tangent varied between 0.004 and 0.005, all measured unbiased at 10 kHz. The developed LTCC compatible BST paste and the presented integration techniques for tunable components have not been previously published.
In the second section of the thesis, a fabrication method for the LTCC integrated air-filled rectangular waveguides with solid metallic walls is presented. The fabrication method is described in detail and implemented in a set of waveguides used for characterization. A total loss of 0.1–0.2 dB/mm was measured over a frequency band of 140–200 GHz. The electrical performance of the waveguides is evaluated and their use demonstrated in an integrated LTCC antenna operating at 160 GHz.
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Hadrons dans un calorimètre électromagnétique silicium-tungstène hautement granulaire - Production du quark top à l'International Linear ColliderDoublet, Philippe 03 October 2011 (has links) (PDF)
L'International Linear Collider (ILC) est un projet de futur collisionneur électron positron opérant à une énergie nominale dans le centre de masse de 500 GeV. Il fera des mesures de précision, par exemple d'un boson de Higgs léger qui pourrait être bientôt découvert au Large Hadron Collider. Les détecteurs de l'ILC prévus à cet effet seront composés de calorimètres à haute granularité.Cette thèse présente l'étude de la réponse d'un calorimètre électromagnétique silicium tungstène hautement granulaire (ECAL SiW) ainsi que l'étude de la production du quark top à l'ILC.Le prototype d'un ECAL SiW développé par la collaboration CALICE a été testé sous faisceaux de particules chargées au FNAL en Mai et Juillet 2008. Après avoir sélectionné des pions chargés négativement et entrant dans le ECAL, sa haute granularité est mise à profit pour introduire une classification en quatre types d'événements, afin de décrire des interactions hadroniques.Des modèles de dimensions supplémentaires expliquent l'anomalie AFBb du LEP par une modification des couplages des quarks de troisième génération au boson Z. Ces effets motivent l'étude de la désintégration semileptonique des paires de quarks top, effectuée ici au moyen d'une simulation complète du détecteur ILD proposé pour l'ILC à une énergie dans le centre de masse de 500GeV pour une luminosité intégrée L = 500 fb-1. Les performances de ce détecteur permettent d'atteindre des efficacités de sélection de plus de 70% avec une pureté meilleure que 95%. Cela se traduit par une précision relative d'environ 1% sur l'asymétrie gauche-droite de la production du quark top ALR ainsi que sur l'asymétrie avant-arrière du quark top AFBt dans le cas où les électrons sont polarisés à 80% et pas les positrons. Les incertitudes relatives sur les couplages gauche et droit du quark top au boson Z peuvent aller jusqu'à 0.9% et 1.5%.
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Tunable Substrate Integrated Waveguide Filters Implemented with PIN Diodes and RF MEMS SwitchesArmendariz, Marcelino 2010 December 1900 (has links)
This thesis presents the first fully tunable substrate integrated waveguide (SIW)
filter implemented with PIN diodes and RF MEMS switches. The methodology for
tuning SIW filters is explained in detail and is used to create three separate designs.
Each SIW cavity is tuned by perturbing via posts connecting or disconnecting to/from
the cavity's top metal layer. In order to separate the biasing network from the SIW filter,
a three-layer PCB is fabricated using Rogers RT/duroid substrates. The first tunable
design utilizes the Philips BAP55L PIN diode. This two-pole filter provides six
frequency states ranging from 1.55 GHz to 2.0 GHz. Fractional bandwidth ranges from
2.3 percent – 3.0 percent with insertion loss and return loss better than 5.4 dB and 14 dB
respectively for all frequency tuning states. The second tunable design utilizes the
Radant RMSW-100 MEMS switch, providing six states ranging from 1.65 GHz to
2.1 GHz. Fractional bandwidth for this filter varies from 2.5 percent - 3.0 percent with insertion loss
and return loss better than 12.4 dB and 16 dB respectively for all states. The third design
utilizes the OMRON 2SMES-01 RF MEMS relay, providing fourteen states ranging
from 1.19 GHz to 1.58 GHz. Fractional bandwidth ranges from 3.6 percent - 4.4 percent with insertion loss and return loss better than 4.1 dB and 15 dB respectively for all frequency
states. Two of the three designs (Philips PIN diode and OMRON MEMS) produced
good results validating the new SIW filter tuning methodology.
Finally, to illustrate the advantage of microstrip planar structures integrated with
SIW structures, low pass filters (LPFs) are implemented along the input and output
microstrip-to-SIW transition regions of the tunable SIW filter. With minimal change to
the overall filter size, this provides spurious suppression for the additional resonant
modes inherently present in waveguide structures. The implemented design utilizes the
same OMRON MEMS tunable SIW filter specifications. This two-pole tunable filter
provides the same performance as the previous OMRON MEMS design with exception
to an added 0.7 dB insertion loss and spurious suppression of -28 dB up to 4.0 GHz for
all frequency tuning states.
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Mode Matching Analysis and Design of Substrate Integrated Waveguide ComponentsKordiboroujeni, Zamzam 14 November 2014 (has links)
The advent of Substrate Integrated Circuit (SIC) technology, and specifically Substrate
Integrated Waveguide (SIW) technology has made it feasible to design and fabricate low loss and high quality factor (Q-factor) microwave and millimeter wave structures on a compact and integrable layout and at a low cost. The SIW structure is the planar realization of the conventional rectangular waveguide (RWG). In this technology, the side walls of the waveguide are replaced with two rows of metallic vias, which are connecting two conductor sheets, located at the top and bottom of a dielectric slab. The motivation for this thesis has been to develop an analytical method to efficiently analyze SIW structures, and also design different types of passive microwave components based on this technology.
As SIW structures are imitating waveguide structures in a planar format, the field
distributions inside these structures are very close to those in waveguides. However,
due to the very small substrate height in conventional planar technologies, and also
the existence of a row of vias, instead of a solid metallic wall, there is a reduced set of
modes in SIW compared to regular waveguide. This fact has given us an opportunity
to deploy efficient modal analysis techniques to analyze these structures. In this thesis, we present a Mode Matching Techniques (MMT) approach for the analysis of H-plane SIW structures.
One of the areas of application, which can significantly benefit from having an efficient analytical method, is designing and optimizing new circuits. Having such an analytical tool, which is faster than commercially available field solvers by an order of magnitude, new components can be designed, analyzed and optimized in a fast and inexpensive manner. Based on this technique, various types of passive microwave components including filters, diplexers, power dividers and couplers, some of which are among the first to be reported in SIW technology, are designed and analyzed in this thesis. Also based on this technique, the most accurate formula for the effective waveguide width of the SIW is presented in this thesis.
In order to provide means to excite and measure SIW components, transitions between
these structures and other planar topologies like microstrip and coplanar waveguide (CPW) are needed. More importantly, low-reflection transitions to microstrip are required to integrate SIW circuits with active components, and therefore it is vital to provide low-reflection transitions so that the component design is independent of the influences of the transitions. In this thesis, a new wideband microstrip-to-SIW transition, with the lowest reported reflection coefficient, is also introduced. / Graduate / 0544 / zkordi@ece.uvic.ca
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Guides d’onde Intégrés au Substrat (SIW) multicouches à haute performance pour des circuits millimétriques à faible coût / High performance multilayer Substrate Integrated Waveguide (SIW) technics for low-cost millimeter-wave circuitsParment, Frédéric 04 November 2016 (has links)
La technologie SIW, introduite dans les années 2000, suscite aujourd’hui un très vif intérêt pour la conception de circuits micro-ondes compacts, intégrés, faible coût et blindés par nature. Cependant, les guides d’onde métalliques, qui offrent de bien meilleures performances en termes de pertes d’insertion et de tenue en puissance, malgré un coût bien plus important, sont encore incontournables pour de nombreuses applications millimétriques. Afin de proposer une alternative intégrée et faible coût au guide d’onde rectangulaire, et de permettre une large exploitation du spectre millimétrique, cette thèse propose une nouvelle structure SIW appelée SIW creux. Cette nouvelle structure a été étudiée théoriquement et expérimentalement. Aux fréquences millimétriques, comparativement au SIW, le SIW creux offre des pertes d’insertion trois fois plus faible ainsi qu’une tenue en puissance moyenne quatre fois plus importante. De nombreux dispositifs passifs SIW creux ont été conçus en prenant avantage du procédé de circuit imprimé multicouche mis en œuvre. Des coupleurs, déphaseurs, diviseurs de puissance, antennes et filtres ont été réalisés basés sur la technologie introduite. Leurs performances sont théoriquement et expérimentalement comparées avec leur contrepartie SIW afin de démontrer les avantages de la nouvelle technologie proposée. / The substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) technology, introduced in the early 2000s, has presently trigged a huge interest from academia to industry with the focus on the design and development of low-loss, compact, integrated, self-packaged and low-cost microwave and millimeter-wave circuits, antennas and systems. However, the classical metallic waveguide technology, which offers better performances such as lower insertion loss and higher power handling, has still been used in the design of microwave and millimeter-wave systems, despite its higher cost and bulky structure. To offer a highly integrated, further loss-reduced, low-cost alternative to the conventional waveguide and also to allow a wide-spread use of the millimeter-wave spectrum, this thesis research introduces a new SIW structure called Air-Filled SIW (AFSIW). This new structure has been theoretically and experimentally studied in details with a substantial amount of results. At millimeter wave frequencies, compared to the SIW topologies, the proposed AFSIW scheme exhibits a substantially lower insertion loss (three times, for example) and a much higher average power handling capability (four times, for example). Numerous AFSIW passive components have been investigated designed and demonstrated, which take advantages of the well-established multilayer printed circuit board (PCB) fabrication process. Couplers, phase shifters, power dividers, antennas and filters have been modeled, designed, prototyped and measured based on the introduced technology. Their performances have theoretically and experimentally been compared with their SIW counterparts to demonstrate and validate the benefits of the proposed technology.
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