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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

GPS-Anwendungen in der Sportwissenschaft - Entwicklung eines Messverfahrens für das Skispringen

Blumenbach, Thomas 15 April 2005 (has links)
Die zentimetergenaue satellitengestützte Positionierung hat in den letzten Jahren immer größere Verbreitung in den verschiedensten Bereichen gefunden. In der Literatur wird von ersten Anwendungen auch in der Sportwissenschaft berichtet. Für höchste Genauigkeitsanforderungen werden geodätische GPS-Empfänger und Antennen eingesetzt, deren Anbringung an Athleten aufgrund ihrer Masse und ihres Volumens jedoch problematisch erscheinen.Ausgehend von den Möglichkeiten, die miniaturisierte Elektronik heute bietet, wurde für die Anwendung im Skispringen ein spezieller GPS-Empfänger entwickelt, der komplett in einen Sprunghelm integriert werden konnte. Damit entstehen nur minimale Beeinträchtigungen im Training. Der untersuchte Athlet benutzt anstatt seines eigenen Helms den Messhelm. Die topographische Lage der Schanzen bewirkt größere Abschattungen der Satellitensignale, sodass GPS-Messungen nicht auf jeder Schanze und zu jeder Tageszeit möglich sind. Die Anzahl gleichzeitig beobachtbarer Satelliten ist vergleichsweise gering. Zentimetergenaue Positionen können zudem nur nach erfolgreicher Mehrdeutigkeitsfestsetzung erzeugt werden. Gängige GPS-Berechnungsalgorithmen gehen dabei unter anderem von der Voraussetzung ausreichend langer und unterbrechungsfreier Messungen aus, die mit der nutzbaren Zeitspanne von 10-20 Sekunden für Anlauf, Absprung, Flug und Landung jedoch nicht erfüllt werden kann. Deshalb wurde ein laserbasiertes Lichtschrankensystem entwickelt, mit dem Passpunktinformationen für den GPSHelm beim Absprung vom Schanzentisch erzeugt werden können. Diese Informationen fließen in die GPS-Trägerphasenauswertung ein und sorgen für eine hohe Genauigkeit und Zuverlässigkeit der Mehrdeutigkeitsfestsetzung. Der gesamte Sprung kann so zentimetergenau bestimmt werden. Im Rahmen von Trainingslehrgängen wurden Messungen gemeinsam mit kinemetrischen und dynamometrischen Untersuchungen durchgeführt und erfolgreich ausgewertet. Anhand dieser Ergebnisse wurde dargelegt, welche vielfältigen Informationen in Geschwindigkeits- und Ortskurven für Anlauf-, Absprung- und Flugphase enthalten sind. / Carrier phase based GPS applications with centimeter accuracy have become more popular over the last years, not only in surveying. First investigations are accomplished in sports sciences as well. However, most geodetic GPS equipment is too large and too heavy for attaching it at the athletes body. Using the potential of miniaturized electronics, a special GPS receiver for ski jumping was developed. The hardware could be integrated completely into a common jumping helmet. Striving to an ideal measurement system with no influence on the athlete activities only little adverse effects remain on the athletes using the GPS-helmet. The topography of jumping hills results in a more or less shadowing of the GPS satellite signals. Not all jumping hills are applicable for GPS measurements. Measurement campaigns need to be well planned considering satellite constellation issues. Centimeter accuracy requires successful integer ambiguity fixing. Common algorithms assume uninterrupted signal reception over a sufficient long time. But the 10 ?20 seconds for an attempt, take-off, flight and landing are not long enough. Thus a laser light barrier array was developed. It determines position and time of the GPS-helmet during athletes take-off from the ramp. This information enables the ambiguity fixing and enhances accuracy and reliability of the solution, even for short GPS measurement segments. The system was successfully tested during some training sessions of german ski jumpers. It was shown which informations can be derived from positions and velocities for several phases of a jump.

Туристичко уређење Старе планине / Turističko uređenje Stare planine / Tourism Development of Stara Planina

Jovanović LJubomir 02 June 2010 (has links)
<p>Предмет ове докторске тезе је туристичко уређење Старе планине. Циљ рада је утврђивање оптималног модела туристичког уређења простора за развој планинског туризма. Као најбољи, аутор сматра модел који се заснива на примени стандарда и правила туристичког уређења простора која се примењују у планирању референтних (успешних) планинских туристичких дестинација данас у свету. Правила и стандарди се односе на све елементе туристичког система који посебно укључује: туристичку инфраструктуру, туристичку супраструктуру, социјалну и техничку инфраструктуру и организациони модел развоја. Посебно је важно да се планирање уређења простора спроведе спровођењем стратегијског плана развоја туризма са активним учешћем свих зааинтересованих субјеката, чија улога је кључна у развоју туризма. Дати су бројни теоријски аргументи који потврђују наведене тврдње.</p> / <p>Predmet ove doktorske teze je turističko uređenje Stare planine. Cilj rada je utvrđivanje optimalnog modela turističkog uređenja prostora za razvoj planinskog turizma. Kao najbolji, autor smatra model koji se zasniva na primeni standarda i pravila turističkog uređenja prostora koja se primenjuju u planiranju referentnih (uspešnih) planinskih turističkih destinacija danas u svetu. Pravila i standardi se odnose na sve elemente turističkog sistema koji posebno uključuje: turističku infrastrukturu, turističku suprastrukturu, socijalnu i tehničku infrastrukturu i organizacioni model razvoja. Posebno je važno da se planiranje uređenja prostora sprovede sprovođenjem strategijskog plana razvoja turizma sa aktivnim učešćem svih zaainteresovanih subjekata, čija uloga je ključna u razvoju turizma. Dati su brojni teorijski argumenti koji potvrđuju navedene tvrdnje.</p> / <p>The subject of this PhD thesis is tourism development of Stara Planina. The goal of the essay is to define the optimal model of tourism spatial development for growth in mountain tourism. The author believes that the best model is based on the application of standards and rules of tourism spatial development applied in planning of reference (successful) mountain tourist destination in the world today. The rules and standards are related to all elements of tourism system including: tourism infrastructure, tourism superstructure, social and technical infrastructure and organisational model of development. It is essentially important to implement the spatial development planning by putting into practice the strategic plan of tourism development with the active participation of all interested entities that have the key role in tourism development. Various theoretic arguments are given to confirm the affirmed statements.</p>

Streamline the ski rental process using RFID technology : Develop a solution that optimizes the ski rental process and is designed after the customer´s and staff´s needs. / Effektivisera skiduthyrningsprocessen med hjälp av RFID teknik. : Utveckla en lösning som optimerar skiduthyrningsprocessen och är utformad efter kundernas och personalens behov.

Lundgren, Hanna January 2022 (has links)
Imagine you have booked a trip to the mountains and want to experience nature and the slopes. But unfortunately, you do not own your equipment and need to rent from a ski rental. As a customer, you then hope the rental process goes quickly, smoothly, and efficiently to avoid standing in long queues. That is exactly what this master thesis is about, is it possible to make the ski rental process more efficient and design a solution or service that optimizes the flow. Bottlenecks are something that slows down the process and by improving the bottlenecks hopefully a more optimized ski rental can be achieved. This master thesis is a collaboration with the company No More Boots. They have developed a tool called SkiClicker which makes the ski binding adjustment easier. SkiClicker had optimized the ski renting process by 40% and this master thesis is about to examine if more solutions could streamline the flow.    This project is built on human-centred design and service design. IDEO (2015) explain that human-centred design is about designing solutions after the users´ needs and believing the users who face the problems every day have the answer and the key to the solution. Performed interviews, surveys, and observations to understand the staff and the customer’s problems, needs and what they experience in a ski rental. Translated the problems into needs and according to Patnaik &amp; Becker (1999) is better to build a project on the users´ needs because needs last longer than any specific solution. Further Patnaik &amp; Becker (1999) describes it is more likely that the end-user will use the solution if it is built on their needs. Stickdorn et.al (2018) describe service design is about designing a whole service/ process after all stakeholders that are affected by the system and giving valuable experience to all stakeholders.  Used the Design Thinking process from IDEO in this project, the process involves three main phases Understand, Explore, and Materialize. The first phase is about empathize whit the user and understand their problems. Then define the needs and narrow down the information from the empathize phase and pinpoint the work further. The next phase is about generate ideas and create prototypes, to then test the ideas with the user. Last phase is about to materialize and implement the solution.  Radio Frequency Identification, RFID is a technology that enables wireless transmission of data by using radiofrequency waves (Smiley, 2020).  The advantage of RFID is that the tags can be detected through objects and at distance (Smiley, 2020). The result of this project became a service of renting, trying, and returning ski equipment by using RFID technology. Through guidance and recommendations is the goal to let the customer pick and try the ski boots by themselves without help from the staff. The return process is also something that was improved in this project. With this new return station, the customer no longer needs to take a queue note for returning the equipment. The customer can quick and easy just place the equipment in a return station and then is the equipment returned. Directly after new items had been placed on the return shelf, an icon will appear on a screen that the equipment is returned. All skis and ski boots are marked with RFID tags and the return station involves RFID readers to detect the tags. The staff already has a lot to do in a rental, so by allowing customers to perform more tasks on their own, a more time-efficient flow can probably be achieved. / Föreställ dig att du har bokat en resa till fjällen och vill uppleva naturen och backarna. Men tyvärr har du ingen egen utrustning och behöver hyra från skiduthyrningen. Som kund hoppas du att uthyrningsprocessen går snabbt, smidigt och effektivt för att slippa stå i långa köer, då det enda du vill är att åka skidor. Det är precis vad det här examensarbetet handlar om, är det möjligt att effektivisera skiduthyrningsprocessen och designa en produktlösning eller tjänst som optimerar flödet. Flaskhalsar är något som stoppar upp och saktar ner en process. Genom att förbättra flaskhalsarna kan förhoppningsvis ett mer optimerat skiduthyrningsflöde uppnås. Det här examensarbetet är ett samarbete med företaget No More Boots. De har tagit fram ett verktyg som heter SkiClicker som gör det lättare att justera skidbindningar. SkiClicker har optimerat skiduthyrningsprocessen med 40 % och det här arbetet handlar om att undersöka om det finns fler lösningar som kan effektivisera skiduthyrningen.  Projektet bygger på människocentrerad design och tjänstedesign. IDEO (2015) förklarar att människocentrerad design handlar om att designa lösningar efter användarens behov och inse att användaren som möter problemen varje dag har svaret och nyckeln till lösningen. Utförde intervjuer, enkäter och observationer för att förstå vad personalen och kunderna upplever i en skiduthyrning samt förstå vad de har för problem och behov. Enligt Patnaik &amp; Becker (1999) bör man bygga ett projekt på användarens behov i stället för en specifik lösning eftersom behov varar längre. Vidare skriver Patnaik &amp; Becker (1999) att det också är mer troligt att slutanvändaren kommer att använda lösningen om projekt är byggt på användarens behov. Stickdorn et.al (2018) beskriver att tjänstedesign handlar om att designa en hel tjänst/process efter alla intressenter som berörs av systemet, och genom tjänsten ge värde till alla intressenter. Designprocessen Design Thinking från IDEO användes i det här projektet, processen har tre huvud faser att Understand, Explore och Materialize. Den första fasen handlar om att empatisera med användaren och förstå deras problem. Sedan definiera användarens behov och smalna av informationen samt skapa en fortsatt riktning för projekt. Nästa fas handlar om att generera idéer, skapa prototyper och testa idéerna med användarna. Den sista fasen handlar om att materialisera och implementera lösningen. Radio Frequency Identification, RFID är en teknik som möjliggör trådlös överföring av data av radiofrekvensvågor, fördelen med RFID är att taggarna kan upptäckas genom objekt och via ett avstånd (Smiley, 2020). Resultatet av det här projekt blev en tjänst för att hyra, prova och lämna tillbaka skidutrustning med hjälp av RFID-teknik. Genom vägledning och rekommendationer är målet att låta kunderna hitta och prova pjäxor själva utan personalens hjälp. Returprocessen är också något som förbättrades i det här projektet. Med den här nya returstation behöver inte kunderna längre ta en kölapp för att lämna tillbaka utrustningen. Kunden kan smidigt och enkelt bara placera utrustningen i returstation för att lämna tillbaka utrustningen. Direkt efter att någon ny utrustning har placerats på returhyllan kommer en ikon upp på en skärm som visar att utrustningen är återlämnad. Alla skidor och pjäxor är märkta med RFID-taggar och returstationen har RFID-läsare för att kunna upptäcka taggarna. Personalen har redan mycket att göra i en skiduthyrning, så genom att låta kunderna utföra fler uppgifter på egen hand kan förhoppningsvis ett mer tidseffektivt flöde uppnås.

Regulation of Skeletal Muscle Development And Differentiation by <i>Ski</i>

Zhang, Hong January 2009 (has links)
No description available.


大浦, 由美, OURA, Yumi 12 1900 (has links) (PDF)

Vliv vybrané investice spolufinancované ze SF EU na rozvoj vybraného venkovského mikroregionu / Impact of an investments co-financed from EU Structural Funds for the development of th rural microregion

KOTOUN, Miroslav January 2014 (has links)
The main target of this diploma thesis is to confirm the hypothesis that the project "Ski resort Lipno regional winter sport centre" has an unquestionable and a region wide impact on social and economical development of the municipality Lipno nad Vltavou as well as on the whole micro region Lipensko. Within the assessment of social and economical costs and benefits and based on a set of methods used to evaluate projects of ROP NUTS II Southwest which was also a financial source of this project, it was possible to prove the existence of significant and positive impacts on social and economical development of both municipality Lipno nad Vltavou and the whole micro region Lipensko (new jobs, increase revenue of other tourism subjects in this area etc.). Total social and economic effect of the investment is financially positive. It was confirmed by means of the cost- benefit analysis. Present value (PV) is 330 million CZK, net present value (NPV) of the project is about 133 million CZK. Economic rate of return (ERR) reached 11.47 %, profitability index (NPV/I) reached 0.67 CZK net discounted profit per 1 CZK invested in 8 year payback. All these values are positive and it is possible to state that this project has a great value added and it brings good societal benefits.

Komparace dynamických schopností v klasických disciplínách lyžování / Comparison of dynamic ability in nordic skiing's disciplines

Kožíšek, Čestmír January 2020 (has links)
Title: A comparison of dynamic abilities in nordic ski disciplines Aim: This dissertation aims to compare the dynamic abilities of cross country skiers and ski jumper in age between 12 to 15. Clarification of whether or not a training process of those two athlete groups has a crucial impact on the development of mentioned abilities compared to the other hobby sports group (target group). Methodology: This dissertation is conceived as empiric-theoretical. It analyses the results of samples to verify the hypothesis. There were three groups consisting of 10 samples (athletes) in total. The samples were tested in horizontal jumps (long jump, triple jump, multiple jumps) and vertical jumps (squat jump, counter movement jump). In all tests, it was decided to use only the best of all three attempts for the results. Findings: Development of dynamic abilities during the training process has a positive impact on their development in general. Both cross country skiers and ski jumpers achieved better results than the target group. Furthermore, ski jumpers performed better than cross country skiers. Keywords: physical health, sport performance, cross country skiing, ski jumping, squat jump (SJ), countermovement jump (CMJ), long jump, triple jump, multiple jumps

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