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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aspen (Populus tremuloides) root suckering as influenced by log storage, traffic-induced-root wounding, slash accumulation, and soil compaction

Renkema, Kevin N 11 1900 (has links)
The objective of this thesis was to determine how aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) root systems and suckering are affected by decking area (site of log processing and storage) disturbances and seasonal timing of these disturbances. In a field study, summer-built log decks reduced regeneration by half compared to fall-built decks, and if decks were built in the fall, 11 month and 1.5-3 month storage were similar in their impact. A growth-chamber study examined the timing of traffic-induced wounding of the root system and simulated log storage on aspen root systems and suckering. For both summer and winter treatments the combination of root wounding and log storage killed nearly the entire root system and prevented suckering. Root wounding and log storage alone caused a 35-40% reduction in living root mass, carbohydrate reserves, and sucker growth. Sucker numbers were reduced by one half for the winter but were unaffected for the summer.

Fungal communities in branch litter of Norway spruce : dead wood dynamics, species detection and substrate preferences /

Allmér, Johan, January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Uppsala : Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, 2005. / Härtill 5 uppsatser.

Bryophytes, lichens and dead wood in young managed boreal forests /

Rudolphi, Jörgen, January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Uppsala : Sveriges lantbruksuniv., 2007. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.

Aspects of heterogeneity : effects of clear-cutting and post-harvest extraction of bioenergy on plants in boreal forests /

Åström, Marcus, January 2006 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Umeå : Umeå universitet, 2006. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.

Development of potential height growth and diameter increment models for the parameterisation of an individual tree growth model for Pinus elliottii plantations in South Africa

Lindner, Gerard Eckard 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScFor)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Individual tree models, as opposed to stand models, have the potential to greatly improve sensitivity of forest growth models to changing conditions such as silvicultural amendments, irregular stand structures, etc. It was the purpose of this study to extend two sub-components of a European individual tree growth model to introduce individual tree growth modelling concepts in South Africa using Pinus elliottii as a study species. Two main objectives were established: Modelling the potential height of stands across different site qualities and modelling diameter increment using a potential modifier approach with a combination of competition indices that change in importance according to the edaphic conditions of the site. Potential height modelling used three steps in order to achieve this objective. The first was to compare site index models based on different model fitting techniques, namely nonlinear least squares, generalised nonlinear least squares and nonlinear mixed effects models. The nonlinear mixed effects model proved to be superior in terms of achieving the principles of regression assumptions and model fit for the data range observed. The second step was to fit potential height using nonlinear quantile regression on observed spacing trial height measurements. This proved to be a robust technique able to capture potentials according to the defined Chapman-Richards model structure. The final step was to use the predicted site index as a site classification variable in order to predict potential height. While some small deviation occurred, potential height seems to be well correlated to site index and validation on selected sites suggested that site index can be used to model potential height until a more sophisticated site classification model is used for future improvement of the model. Diameter increment modelling followed six major steps in order to apply the full parameterisation methodology of an age-independent diameter increment model dependent on tree diameter and competition. Diameter increment potentials were fit using site index as a predictor of the potential height curves. Multiple competition indices were tested on two sites to obtain a combination of two indices, which can capture overtopping and local crowding effects. Principle components analysis and variance inflation factors calculation were applied to test for collinearity between indices. Suitable combinations were tested resulting in a combination of the KKL and Local Basal Area competition indices. Changing importance of the two indices were observed on the two sites tested indicating a shift in the mode of competition according to a water gradient. These were combined in a deterministic potential modifier model, which mimicked competitive stages over age; however the validation showed a skewed distribution, which was not sensitive to stand density gradients. A stochastic model was constructed to model variance from observed residual plots using linear quantile regression to determine bounds for a truncated normal distribution which generates random deviates for a predicted increment. The stochastic element significantly improved the performance and sensitivity of the model, however the model was still not sensitive enough at very high and very low spacing densities. All in all two key models for an adaptation of an individual tree growth simulator to South African conditions were successfully demonstrated. The two main objectives were achieved; however some indicated improvements could be made, especially for the competition indices where the sensitivity of competition to changing resource limitation according to site and temporal scales needs to be further investigated. Furthermore, the full set of models for simulating individual tree growth still needs to be applied. Overall, as a methodological approach, the study outlined problems and future improvements, introduced new concepts and can serve as a guideline for future parameterisation of an individual tree growth model. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In vergelyking met vakgroeimodelle, het individuele-boomgroeimodelle die potensiaal om die sensitiwiteit van plantasiegroeimodelle vir veranderende omstandighede soos aanpassings in boskultuur, onreëlmatige vakstrukture, ensovoorts, drasties te verbeter. Die doel van hierdie studie was om twee subkomponente van ‘n Europese individuele-boomgroeimodel uit te brei om sodoende individuele-boomgroei modelleringskonsepte in Suid-Afrika bekend te stel. Pinus elliottii is gebruik as studiespesie. Twee hoofdoelstellings is bepaal. Eerstens, die modellering van hoogtegroei potensiaal van opstande oor verskeie vlakke van groeiplek kwaliteit. Tweedens, die modellering van deursnee-aanwas deur gebruik te maak van ‘n potensiaal matigingsbenadering “potential modifier approach“ met ‘n kombinasie van kompetisie-indekse waarvan die belangrikheid verander volgens die edafiese toestande van die groeiplek. Die hoogtepotensiaalmodellering bestaan uit drie stappe. Tydens die eerste stap word groeiplek bonniteitsmodelle vergelyk op grond van verskillende modelpassingstegnieke, naamlik nie-lineêre minimum kwadrate, algemene nie-lineêre minimum kwadrate en nie-lineêre gemengde effek modelle. Laasgenoemde het die beste gevaar in terme van die beginsels van regressiemodelle asook die mate waarin die model die waargeneemde data pas. Tweedens is hoogtegroei potensiaal gemodelleer deur nie-lineêre kwantielregressie op waargeneemde hoogtes van spasiëringseksperimente toe te pas. Die metode is robuust en in staat om potensiale volgens die gedefinieerde Chapman Richards modelstruktuur vas te vang. Laastens is die voorspelde bonniteits indeks as ‘n groeiplek klassifasie veranderlike gebruik om sodoende die hoogtegroei potensiaal te voorspel. Alhoewel klein afwykings voorgekom het, blyk hoogtegroei potensiaal goed gekorreleer te wees met bonniteits indeks. Uit validasie op geselekteerde groieplekke blyk dit dat bonniteits indeks gebruik kan word om hoogtegroei potensiaal te modelleer totdat ‘n meer gesofistikeerde groeiplek klassifikasiemodel beskikbaar is wat die model verder sal kan vebeter. Die volledige parametriseringsmetodiek van ‘n ouderdoms-onafhanklike deursnee-aanwas model wat afhanklik is van boomdeursnee en kompetisie bestaan uit ses hoof prosesse. Nie-lineêre kwantielregressie is gebruik om deursnee-aanwaspotensiale te pas vir verskeie groeiplekke. Dié is gekombineer met ‘n bonniteits indeks om ‘n nuwe model te vorm waarmee hoogtegroeipotensiaal kurwes voorpel kon word. Daar is met veelvuldige kompetisie-indekse op twee groeiplekke geëksperimenteer om ‘n kombinasie van slegs twee indekse te vind wat die effekte van oorskaduwing en plaaslike verdringing kan vasvang, te vind. Hoof komponent analise “Principle components analysis” en variansie inflasie faktore berekening “variance inflation factors calculation” is gebruik om vir kollineariteit tussen die indekse te toets. Gepaste indekskombinasies is getoets. ‘n Kombinasie van die KKL en plaaslike basale oppervlakte “Local Basal Area” kompetisie-indekse het die beste resultate gelewer. Die twee indekse is as volg geselekteer. Veranderings in die belangrikheid van elk van die indekse is waargeneem op die twee toetspersele. Dit dui op ‘n verskuiwing in die modus van kompetisie afhangend van ‘n watergradiënt. Die twee indekse is gekombineer in ‘n deterministiese potensiaal matigings model wat die kompeterende stadiums oor ouderdom naboots. Validasie het egter ‘n skewe verdeling wat nie sensitief vir opstandsdigtheidsgradiënte is nie, gewys. ‘n Stogastiese model is ontwikkel om variansie in die residuele grafieke te modelleer. Lineêre kwantielregressie is gebruik om grense vir ‘n afgestompte normaalverdeling wat ewekansige afwykings vir ‘n voorspelde aanwas te bepaal. Die stogastiese element het die prestasie van die deterministiese model merkbaar verbeter. Selfs met die stogastiese element, is die model egter steeds nie sensitief genoeg vir baie hoë en baie lae opstandsdigthede nie. Ter opsomming is twee modelle vir ‘n aanpassing van ‘n individuele-boomgroeisimuleerder vir Suid- Afrikaanse toestande suksesvol gedemonstreer. Die twee hoofdoelstellings is bereik. Daar is egter steeds ‘n paar aangeduide verbeterings wat aangebring kan word. Die sensitiwiteit van die kompetisie-indekse op hulpbronbeperkings wat verander op grond van die ruimtelike en temporale skale moet veral verder bestudeer word. Verder moet die volle stel modelle wat benodig word om individuele-boomgroei te modelleer nog toegepas word. As ‘n metodologiese benadering, het die studie probleme uitgewys en toekomstige verbeterings aangedui, nuwe konsepte bekendgestel en kan dus dien as ‘n riglyn vir toekomstige parametrisering van individuele-boomgroeimodelle.

Numerical Modelling Study of Low-rise Mining at the Tara Mine / Numerisk modelleringsstudie av brytning av tunna, svagt lutande linser i Tara-gruvan

Suikki, Sara January 2018 (has links)
The following report is the results of a master thesis project performed on the behalf of Boliden Tara Mines. The work includes a numerical modelling study with the main purpose to evaluate the room- and pillar stability for the mining method "drift-and-slash" mining currently used in the Tara Mine when mining in thin, low-rise lenses. Also, the potential of applying the "drift-and-fill" mining method was studied during the project. The numerical modelling work was performed both two-dimensionally and three-dimensionally, using the Itasca software FLAC and FLAC3D.  The study resulted in recommendations regarding the room- and pillar dimensions, mining sequence, rock support, mining method and further studies. It was concluded that the currently used room- and pillar dimensions could be altered to increase the extraction ratio and that the mining sequence and rock support should be determined depending on the room- and pillar dimensions. Also, that it could be possible to change from the drift-and-slash method to the drift-and-fill method from a stability perspective. Lastly, it was recommended to further study the rock strength and to monitor the pillar behaviour.

Produção de carvão vegetal e agricultura de corte e queima como estratégias de meio de vida rurais sustentáveis em Biguaçu/SC

Luca, Fernando Vieira de January 2015 (has links)
Essa pesquisa foi desenvolvida no município de Biguaçu, litoral de Santa Catarina, especificamente na localidade de Três Riachos, e visou compreender o quão sustentáveis são as maneiras com que famílias de agricultores aí residentes conduzem suas vidas em meios rurais, que estão associados a duas práticas particularmente associadas: a agricultura de corte e queima e a produção de carvão. Esses agricultores familiares movimentaram historicamente um sistema social e ecológico do qual estiveram fortemente subsidiados por recursos florestais, um ativo particularmente importante para essas pessoas. De um ponto de vista multidimensional, ancorado pelo conceito de desenvolvimento como liberdade e da capacitação de pessoas em acessarem múltiplos recursos, ou ativos, nos propomos discutir possíveis respostas para as perguntas que seguem: possuem qualidade de vida essas pessoas? São sustentáveis seus meios de vida? Procuramos descrever as particularidades sociais e ecológicas do contexto de estudo através de dados coletados com etnografia e observação participante, confrontá-los com dados secundários e discutindo-os com bibliografias pertinentes. Para tal, levamos em consideração o acesso a cinco tipos de ativos relacionados, capital natural, capital humano, capital financeiro, capital social e capital físico e mais um associado, o capital cultural. Concluiu-se que as características particulares de cada ativo/capital que aumentam ou diminuam a sustentabilidade dessas pessoas são: para o capital natural: a possibilidade de utilização de recursos naturais advindos da própria propriedade da família e a capacidade de regeneração, ou renovação desses recursos naturais; para o capital humano, físico e financeiro: o trabalho excessivo e insalubridades relacionadas às suas atividades, a precariedade da infraestrutura e dos processos produtivos, a falta de conhecimentos para acessarem tecnologias e políticas públicas para melhorar essa infraestrutura; para o capital social: as relações de confiança e reciprocidade entre as pessoas das comunidades, a possibilidade de melhorias das relações de confiança com o público externo; no capital cultural: as características de cuidado dos agricultores que fazem com que eles estabeleçam relações de reciprocidade para com pessoas externas, seus clientes, sendo que para isso, depositam um esforço para que seus produtos sejam de boa qualidade. A busca de meios de vida sustentáveis é a maneira de se criar sistemas sócioecológicos resilientes. A sustentabilidade social e ambiental dessas famílias possuem potenciais positivos e negativos, e que certamente possuem desafios para que sejam reproduzíveis em sistemas sócioecológicos resilientes. A pesquisa contribuiu com o esforço de gerar dados para a compreensão dessa realidade complexa. A gestão de sistemas sociais e ecológicos deve levar em consideração um portfólio de ativos sociais, econômicos, ecológicos, humanos e culturais para que seja possível constituir sistemas sócio ecológicos resilientes. / This research was conducted in the city of Biguacu, Santa Catarina coast, specifically in the town of Três Riachos, and aimed to understand how sustainable are the ways in which families residing farmers lead their lives in rural areas, that are associated with two practices particularly associated with: a cut and burn agriculture and charcoal production. These farmers historically handled a social and ecological system of which were heavily subsidized by forest resources, a particularly important asset for these people. A multidimensional perspective, anchored by the concept of development as freedom and empowerment of people to access multiple resources, or assets, we propose to discuss possible answers to the following questions: have quality of life these people? Are sustainable livelihoods? We try to describe the social and ecological characteristics of the study context through data collected with ethnography and participant observation, confront them with secondary data and discussing them with relevant bibliographies. To this end, we consider access to five types of related assets, natural capital, human capital, financial capital, social capital and physical capital and another associate, the cultural capital. It was concluded that the particular characteristics of each asset / capital that increase or decrease the sustainability of these people are for natural capital: the possible use of natural resources from their own family property and regeneration capacity, or renewal of these resources natural; to the human, physical and financial capital: overwork and? insalubrity related to its activities, poor infrastructure and production processes, the lack of knowledge to access technologies and policies to improve the infrastructure; to social capital: trust relationships and reciprocity between people of the communities, the possibility of improvements in trust with the general public; the cultural capital: the care of characteristics of farmers who make them establish reciprocal relations to external people, your customers, and for that, deposit an effort to make its products are of good quality. The search for sustainable livelihoods is the way to create resilient ecological systems partner. The social and environmental sustainability of these families have positive and negative potentials, and they certainly have challenges that are playable on resilient ecological systems partner. The research contributed to the effort to generate data for the understanding of this complex reality. The management of social and ecological systems must take into account a portfolio of corporate assets, economic, ecological, human and cultural so that you can be resilient ecological systems partner.

Will substituting fossil fuels with biofuels lead to a net reduction in CO2 emissions? : The case of district heating in Norrköping municipality / Ger ersättningen av fossila bränslen med biobränslen en nettosänkning i utsläpp av CO2? : Fjärrvärmefallet i Norrköpings kommun

Ljungberg, Stina January 2018 (has links)
With global warming and the international, national and local goals of reducing greenhouse gas net emissions, the phasing out of fossil fuels are of great importance. One energy source resulting in nearly no net emissions are biofuels. Residue from the forest industry, such as tops and branches, is already today in Sweden an important source of energy, especially in the district heating sector. The demand for forest residue is estimated to increase until 2050 and the potential harvest is a lot larger than what is utilized today. This master thesis tests the hypothesis of biofuels having a climate positive effect when replacing fossil fuels, despite the loss of carbon in the forest soil, which is a feedback of harvesting forest residue. The municipality of Norrköping here works as a case as they are standing in the forefront of turning towards a bio-based economy and a fossil free energy system. The biogeochemical model ForSAFE was used to study if Norrköping can replace all their fossil fuels and solid waste in the district heating for the municipality’s households and public facilities with forest residue from the forest within the municipality’s administrative boundaries. The result show that the productive forest area of the municipality does not yield enough forest residue to fulfil the energy demand from the fossil fuels and the waste. Meanwhile, the soil organic carbon was shown to be decreasing over the simulated years (2000-2300), although the loss did not exceed the emissions from the burning of the replaced fossil fuels. If the productive forest had been large enough to yield enough biomass to meet the demand, the loss of soil organic carbon would still not exceed the amount of carbon dioxide that the fossil fuels would have emitted. This indicates a positive climate effect when replacing fossil fuels with forest residue, reducing net emissions to the atmosphere. Despite the low yield of biomass compared to the energy demand from fossil fuels and waste in Norrköping, a study like this gives a projection of the biomass production and the feedbacks. These effects will be affected by different forest management scenarios and the change in climate. The silvicultural practices have however shown to have negative impacts on the Swedish Environmental Quality Objectives. Threatening the biodiversity and leaching of nutrients and chemicals, resulting in additional feedbacks downstream are examples of effects from disturbance in the forest and forest soil. It is therefore of great importance to consider the natural environment and neatly plan around forestry operations. In the end, the climatic benefit of switching to a fossil free energy system with the help of forest biofuels will have to weighted against the negative impacts. With a landscape view used and great knowledge about feedback effects when forestry planning, the input of biofuels can be a natural way to go for several municipalities in Sweden when wanting to create a bio-based economy with zero net emissions of greenhouse gases. / Med global uppvärmning och de internationella, nationella och lokala målen om reducerade växthusgasutsläpp, är utfasningen av fossila bränslen av stor betydelse. En energikälla som ger nära noll nettoutsläpp är biobränslen. Rester från skogsindustrin, som toppar och grenar (grot) är redan idag i Sverige en viktig energikälla, speciellt inom fjärrvärmesystemet. Efterfrågan på grot väntas öka fram till år 2050 och skördepotentialen är mycket större än vad som idag utnyttjas. Detta examensarbete testar hypotesen om att biobränsle är klimatpositivt när det ersätter fossila bränslen, trots kolförlusten i marken som uppstår när grot skördas. Norrköpings kommun används här som fall då de står i framkant när det gäller övergången till en biobaserad ekonomi och ett fossilfritt energisystem. Den biogeokemiska modellen ForSAFE användes för att studera om Norrköping kan byta ut alla sina fossila bränslen samt avfall, som förser kommunens invånare och offentliga lokaler medvärme och varmvatten via fjärrvärmenätet, mot grot från skogsmarkerna inom kommunens gränser. Resultatet visar att den produktiva skogsmarken i kommunen är för liten för att producera tillräckligt med grot för att ersätta allt fossilt bränsle och allt avfall. Samtidigt sjönk markkolet över de simulerade åren (2000-2300) även om förlusten inte översteg utsläppen från förbränningen av de ersatta fossila bränslena. Om den produktiva skogen hade varit stor nog att kunna ersätta de fossila bränslena såhade förlusten av markkol ändå inte varit större än utsläppen från de fossila bränslen som kunnat ersättas. Detta indikerar den klimatnytta som bytet från fossila till biobaserade bränslen ger när nettoemissioner reduceras från atmosfären. Trots den låga skördenivån av grot i förhållande till den energi som de fossila bränslena och avfallet tillför i Norrköping, kan en studie likt denna ge en uppfattning om hur mycket grot som kommer kunna produceras i framtiden och vilka effekter dessakan ha. Dessa effekter beror då på olika skördeintensitet och ett förändrat klimat. Skogsbruket har dock visat sig bidra till att försvåra att de svenska miljömålen nås. Hot mot biodiversiteten samt läckage av näringsämnen och tungmetaller som ger problem nedströms är exempel på effekter av störningar i skogen och skogsmarken. Detta gör att visad hänsyn till den naturliga miljön och god planering kring ingrepp i skogen är av stor vikt. De positiva klimateffekterna av att utnyttja biobränslen från skogen för att ersätta fossila bränslen kan därför komma att behöva ställas mot de negativa ekologiska konsekvenserna av skogsbruket. Med ett landskapsperspektiv och stor kunskap kring effekterna av skogsbruket kan biobränslet komma att bli en naturlig väg att gå för flera kommuner i Sverige som vill övergå till en biobaserad ekonomi med noll utsläpp av växthusgaser.

Produção e caracterização de criogéis de celulose Pinus elliottiii para a adsorção de petróleo

Lazzari, Lídia Kunz 30 August 2017 (has links)
A produção de criogéis de celulose para adsorção de petróleo torna-se um estudo interessante, já que a celulose é uma fonte econômica, renovável, biodegradável e abundante no meio ambiente. Dentro deste contexto, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi desenvolver criogéis de celulose com capacidade de adsorção de petróleo e resistência mecânica. Para isso, nessecitou-se da utilização de tratamentos químicos como a silanização e a adição de hidróxido de sódio (NaOH) nas concentrações de 4 e 8% (m/m). Na silanização dois métodos foram estudados: a adição de metiltrimetoxisilano (MTMS) à suspenão de celulose e a deposição a vapor de MTMS no criogel. A suspensão de celulose foi obtida a partir de fibrilação mecânica de 1,5% (m/m) de celulose fibra longa não branqueada (FLNB) da espécie Pinus elliottii por 5 h a 2500 rpm. A suspensão foi então congelada a -80ºC por 24 h e então liofilizada a – 40ºC por 70 h. Diversos ensaios de caracterização foram realizados nos criogéis, entre eles: massa específica e porosidade, microscopia eletrônica de varredura por emissão de campo (MEV-FEG), difração de raios-X (DRX), índice de cristalinidade, espectroscopia de infravermelho com Transformada de Fourier (FTIR), compressão, hidrofobicidade, capacidade de adsorção e dessorção, cinéticas e isotermas de adsorção. Entre os métodos de silanização, a deposição a vapor de MTMS apresentou os maiores valores de capacidade de adsorção experimental homogênea (65,18 g.g-1) e heterogênea (68,42 g.g-1). Em relação à adição de NaOH, o criogel produzido com adição de 4% apresentou uma resistência à compressão 28% maior que o criogel sem tratamento. Com isso, o estudo do processo de adsorção foi realizado com o criogel produzido com 4% de NaOH e deposição a vapor de MTMS (FLNB-4D). A capacidade de adsorção experimental heterogênea e a resistência à compressão do criogel FLNB-4D foram de 21,80 g.g-1e 93,16 kPa, respectivamente. No estudo da cinética o modelo que mais se ajustou ao processo foi pseudossegunda ordem e para o estudo do equilíbrio de adsorção foi Langmuir. Por fim, conclui-se que o processo de adsorção de petróleo pelo criogel de celulose pode ser definido como fisissorção e ocorre em monocamada. Além de que, o criogel de celulose desenvolvido no presente trabalho apresenta-se adequado para a utilização na adsorção de petróleo. / Submitted by Ana Guimarães Pereira (agpereir@ucs.br) on 2017-09-21T17:36:25Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Lidia Kunz Lazzari.pdf: 2711668 bytes, checksum: b1ec6ddc08b2f61fd363bf64acaa5662 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-09-21T17:36:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Lidia Kunz Lazzari.pdf: 2711668 bytes, checksum: b1ec6ddc08b2f61fd363bf64acaa5662 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-09-21 / The production of cellulose cryogels for oil adsorption becomes an interesting study since cellulose is an economical, renewable, biodegradable and abundant source in the environment. Within this context, the aim of the present work was to develop cellulose cryogels with oil adsorption capacity and mechanical strength. The use of chemical treatments such as silanization and the addition of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) at concentrations of 4 and 8% (m/m) were used. In the silanization two methods were studied: the addition of methyltrimethoxysilane (MTMS) to cellulose suspension and the vapor deposition of MTMS in the cryogel. The cellulose suspension was obtained from mechanical fibrillation of 1.5% (w/w) unbleached long fiber cellulose (FLNB) of Pinus elliottii for 5 h at 2500 rpm. The suspension was then frozen at -80°C for 24 h and then freeze-drying at -40°C for 70 h. Various characterization assays were performed on the cryogels, including: specific mass and porosity, field emission scanning electron microscopy (FEG-SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), crystallinity index, Fourrier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), compression, hydrophobicity, adsorption and desorption capacity, adsorption kinetics and isotherms. Among the silanization methods, the vapor deposition of MTMS presented the highest values of homogeneous (65.18 g.g-1) and heterogeneous (68.42 g.g-1) experimental adsorption capacity. About the addition of NaOH, 4% added cryogel exhibited a 28% higher compressive strength than untreated cryogel. Thus, the adsorption process was performed with cryogel produced with 4% NaOH and vapor deposition of MTMS (FLNB-4D). The heterogeneous experimental adsorption capacity and the compressive strength of the FLNB- 4D cryogel were 21.80 g.g-1 and 93.16 kPa, respectively. In the study of the kinetics, the model that best fitted the process was pseudosecond order and for the study of the adsorption equilibrium was Langmuir. Finally, it is concluded that the process of adsorption of oil by cellulose cryogel can be defined as physisorption and occurs in monolayer. In addition, the cellulose cryogel developed in the present work is suitable for use in the adsorption of petroleum.

Produção de carvão vegetal e agricultura de corte e queima como estratégias de meio de vida rurais sustentáveis em Biguaçu/SC

Luca, Fernando Vieira de January 2015 (has links)
Essa pesquisa foi desenvolvida no município de Biguaçu, litoral de Santa Catarina, especificamente na localidade de Três Riachos, e visou compreender o quão sustentáveis são as maneiras com que famílias de agricultores aí residentes conduzem suas vidas em meios rurais, que estão associados a duas práticas particularmente associadas: a agricultura de corte e queima e a produção de carvão. Esses agricultores familiares movimentaram historicamente um sistema social e ecológico do qual estiveram fortemente subsidiados por recursos florestais, um ativo particularmente importante para essas pessoas. De um ponto de vista multidimensional, ancorado pelo conceito de desenvolvimento como liberdade e da capacitação de pessoas em acessarem múltiplos recursos, ou ativos, nos propomos discutir possíveis respostas para as perguntas que seguem: possuem qualidade de vida essas pessoas? São sustentáveis seus meios de vida? Procuramos descrever as particularidades sociais e ecológicas do contexto de estudo através de dados coletados com etnografia e observação participante, confrontá-los com dados secundários e discutindo-os com bibliografias pertinentes. Para tal, levamos em consideração o acesso a cinco tipos de ativos relacionados, capital natural, capital humano, capital financeiro, capital social e capital físico e mais um associado, o capital cultural. Concluiu-se que as características particulares de cada ativo/capital que aumentam ou diminuam a sustentabilidade dessas pessoas são: para o capital natural: a possibilidade de utilização de recursos naturais advindos da própria propriedade da família e a capacidade de regeneração, ou renovação desses recursos naturais; para o capital humano, físico e financeiro: o trabalho excessivo e insalubridades relacionadas às suas atividades, a precariedade da infraestrutura e dos processos produtivos, a falta de conhecimentos para acessarem tecnologias e políticas públicas para melhorar essa infraestrutura; para o capital social: as relações de confiança e reciprocidade entre as pessoas das comunidades, a possibilidade de melhorias das relações de confiança com o público externo; no capital cultural: as características de cuidado dos agricultores que fazem com que eles estabeleçam relações de reciprocidade para com pessoas externas, seus clientes, sendo que para isso, depositam um esforço para que seus produtos sejam de boa qualidade. A busca de meios de vida sustentáveis é a maneira de se criar sistemas sócioecológicos resilientes. A sustentabilidade social e ambiental dessas famílias possuem potenciais positivos e negativos, e que certamente possuem desafios para que sejam reproduzíveis em sistemas sócioecológicos resilientes. A pesquisa contribuiu com o esforço de gerar dados para a compreensão dessa realidade complexa. A gestão de sistemas sociais e ecológicos deve levar em consideração um portfólio de ativos sociais, econômicos, ecológicos, humanos e culturais para que seja possível constituir sistemas sócio ecológicos resilientes. / This research was conducted in the city of Biguacu, Santa Catarina coast, specifically in the town of Três Riachos, and aimed to understand how sustainable are the ways in which families residing farmers lead their lives in rural areas, that are associated with two practices particularly associated with: a cut and burn agriculture and charcoal production. These farmers historically handled a social and ecological system of which were heavily subsidized by forest resources, a particularly important asset for these people. A multidimensional perspective, anchored by the concept of development as freedom and empowerment of people to access multiple resources, or assets, we propose to discuss possible answers to the following questions: have quality of life these people? Are sustainable livelihoods? We try to describe the social and ecological characteristics of the study context through data collected with ethnography and participant observation, confront them with secondary data and discussing them with relevant bibliographies. To this end, we consider access to five types of related assets, natural capital, human capital, financial capital, social capital and physical capital and another associate, the cultural capital. It was concluded that the particular characteristics of each asset / capital that increase or decrease the sustainability of these people are for natural capital: the possible use of natural resources from their own family property and regeneration capacity, or renewal of these resources natural; to the human, physical and financial capital: overwork and? insalubrity related to its activities, poor infrastructure and production processes, the lack of knowledge to access technologies and policies to improve the infrastructure; to social capital: trust relationships and reciprocity between people of the communities, the possibility of improvements in trust with the general public; the cultural capital: the care of characteristics of farmers who make them establish reciprocal relations to external people, your customers, and for that, deposit an effort to make its products are of good quality. The search for sustainable livelihoods is the way to create resilient ecological systems partner. The social and environmental sustainability of these families have positive and negative potentials, and they certainly have challenges that are playable on resilient ecological systems partner. The research contributed to the effort to generate data for the understanding of this complex reality. The management of social and ecological systems must take into account a portfolio of corporate assets, economic, ecological, human and cultural so that you can be resilient ecological systems partner.

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