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Ecrire la révolution égyptienne de 2011 : entre témoignage et fiction / Writing the Egyptian revolution of 2011 : between testimony and fictionGalal Mohamed, Ahmed 08 December 2017 (has links)
Cette recherche porte sur l’analyse des problématiques narratologiques et stylistiques dans les écrits parus à la fin du soulèvement populaire survenu en Égypte en 2011. Elle entrecroise deux axes, l’un notionnel et l’autre analytique. D’une part, elle aborde la question du genre littéraire, de l’espace, de la temporalité et de la langue d’écriture. D’autre part, on se propose de comparer cinq textes, qu’on envisagera dans leur double appartenance littéraire et thématique : Ayyām al-Taḥrīr (2011), Cairo : my city, our revolution (2012), al-Ṯawra 2.0 (2012), Aǧniḥat al-farāša (2011) et Sabʿat ayyām fī al-Taḥrīr (2011). Nous examinerons ces œuvres dans le cadre de ce que les critiques ont désigné sous le nom d’adab al-ṯawra ou d’adabiyyāt al-ṯawra – « littérature(s) de la révolution » – et tenterons d’identifier les caractéristiques et les particularités de cette très jeune production. L’enjeu est d’étudier comment les écrivains égyptiens contemporains produisent des narrations à travers lesquelles se déploie un processus d’émerveillement, de reconfiguration et de modification de la représentation du citoyen, notamment celle des jeunes. / This research focuses on narratological and stylistic issues in the writings that appeared at the end of the popular uprising in Egypt in 2011. It combines two axes, one notional and the other analytical. On the one hand, it deals with questions of literary genre, space, temporality and language of writing. On the other hand, it offers to compare five texts which will be examined at the literary as well as at the thematic level : Ayyām al-Taḥrīr (2011), Cairo: my city, our revolution (2012), al-Ṯawra 2.0 (2012), Aǧniḥat al-farāša and Sabʿat ayyām fī al-Taḥrīr (2011). These works are considered within the framework of what critics have called adab al-ṯawra or adabiyyāt al-ṯawra--"literature(s) of the revolution". I try to highlight the characteristics and peculiarities of this very young production. The challenge here is to study how contemporary Egyptian writers have produced narratives which reveal a process of wonderment, reconfiguration and transformation of the representation of the citizen, especially that of young people.
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Die Wahlslogans der Bundestagswahlen 1949-1994 /Toman-Banke, Monika. January 1900 (has links)
Texte remanié de: Diss.--Mainz--Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität, 1994. Titre de soutenance : Die Wahlslogans der Bundestagswahlen von 1949 bis 1990. Eine linguistische Untersuchung. / Bibliogr. p. 403-417.
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Propaganda e discurso ideol?gico: um estudo dos slogans das campanhas de incentivo ? leituraPinheiro, H?lene Medeiros 22 June 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-06-22 / Consid?rant que le Br?sil est un pays consid?r? comme ?non- lecteurs?, nous avons essay? de trouver des solutions pour inverser cette situation d'exclusion sociale ? travers des campagnes et des projets. Le slogan ?tait le moyen de la propagande a propos? ? cet effet. En ?tant un peu ?clairante, il a ?t? consid?r? qu'ils ?taient peut-?tre ins?r? dans un contexte id?ologique, en passant, qui faisait alors partie de l'objet d'?tudes en question et, en cons?quence, l'objectif ?tait d'?tudier comment, dans niveau discursif, les relations sociales de l'id?ologie et du pouvoir dans ces dessins slogans verbaux et des campagnes publicitaires pour encourager la lecture. Nous avons utilis? comme instrument de collecte de donn?es en 2007 slogans projets (sept) et l'intensification des campagnes de publicit? dans les ann?es 1995 ? 2006, peu apr?s la cr?ation de la descendance en 1992, o? son fonctionnement a ?t? analys? et discours id?ologique, en cherchant ? identifier les ?tats effets de sens propos?. Nous avons utilis? pour soutenir la perspective de recherche d'analyse du discours de l'?cole fran?aise, affili?e ? P?cheux. Afin de sens les effets sens des tests a ?t? fait une semi-ouverte aux enseignants qui traitent directement avec l'enseignement de la lecture de l'Institut de l'Enseignement Sup?rieur du Pr?sident-Kennedy, situ? ? Natal / RN. On ?t? appliqu?s 100 questionnaires, parmi lesquels 60 d‟entre eux utilis?s pour l‟analyse. La recherche a d?montr? par l'analyse, que la fa?on d'encourager les gens ? lire se d?place ? travers le mod?le principal de la compr?hension de la lecture ? laquelle les slogans ont ?t? utilis?s, en les int?grant dans un discours dominant, qui ne contribue pas de mani?re significative ? l'augmentation le nombre de lecteurs dans le pays. Gr?ce ? l'analyse des slogans et la r?ception des sujets de recherche, nous nous rendons compte de la diversit? et l'id?ologie sont pr?sents en elles, r?v?lant tout le temps, la compr?hension de la lecture comme une surface pratique, ne mettre en lumi?re certaines de ses fonctions Importantes au sein d‟um contexte ?ducatif plus large / Entendendo que o Brasil ? considerado como um pa?s de n?o leitores , buscou-se encontrar solu??es para se reverter este quadro de exclus?o social por meio de campanhas e projetos. O slogan foi o meio de propaganda proposto para esse fim. Por serem considerados pouco esclarecedores, considerou-se que eles, possivelmente, estavam inseridos em um contexto ideol?gico, passando, ent?o, a fazer parte do objeto de estudo em quest?o e, nesse sentido, o objetivo do trabalho foi investigar como se constr?i, no plano discursivo, as rela??es sociais de ideologia e poder presentes nos slogans verbais dos projetos e campanhas publicit?rias de incentivo ? leitura. Para tanto, utilizou-se como instrumento de coleta 07 (sete) slogans de projetos e campanhas publicit?rias intensificadas nos anos de 1995 a 2006, logo ap?s a cria??o do PROLER em 1992, onde foi analisado seu funcionamento discursivo e ideol?gico, buscando identificar nos enunciados propostos seus efeitos de sentido. Recorreu-se para fundamentar a pesquisa a perspectiva da An?lise do Discurso da Escola Francesa, filiada a Michel P?cheux. A fim de pressentir os efeitos de sentido das campanhas foi aplicado um question?rio semi-aberto aos professores que lidam diretamente com o ensino de leitura do Instituto de Educa??o Superior Presidente Kennedy, situado na cidade de Natal/RN. Foram aplicados 100 question?rios, dentre os quais 60 deles utilizados para an?lise. A pesquisa mostrou por meio das an?lises, que a maneira de se incentivar as pessoas a lerem perpassa pelo modelo prim?rio de entendimento sobre a leitura ao qual os slogans se utilizaram, fazendo eles parte de um discurso dominante, que pouco ou nada contribuiu para o aumento do n?mero de leitores no pa?s. Atrav?s das an?lises dos slogans e da recep??o dos sujeitos da pesquisa, conseguimos perceber a heterogeneidade e a ideologia presente, revelando a todo instante, o entendimento da leitura como uma pr?tica superficial, n?o trazendo ? luz algumas de suas importantes fun??es dentro de um contexto educacional mais amplo
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Os slogans na propaganda de medicamentos: um estudo transdisciplinar: comunicação, saúde e semióticaJesus, Paula Renata Camargo de 31 March 2008 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2008-03-31 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Studying slogans as advertising messages is a rather complex task, particularly medication slogans, which, in addition to seeking to be objective, concise, and persuasive characteristics that are peculiar to slogans , must also be concerned with the regulations that govern this type of advertisement in Brazil. This thesis proposes a transdisciplinary study of communications, health, and semiotics (with emphasis placed on Charles Sanders Peirce s semiotics). The research is based on the theoretical perspective built based on a set of conceptions found among authors who transit in these apparently distinct areas. Slogans were analyzed based on bibliographic research, in books and documents, in search of fundamental historical elements to understand how they are configured, their function, and trends in advertisements designed for medications marketed freely over means of mass communication, particularly billboards and external media, where they are propagated, even with legal restrictions. Additionally, they were also studied through professional opinion interviews, the purpose of which was hear several voices on the matter. The empirical research contributed to the Peircean semiotics analysis, via records of advertisement images presented in open air, in order to undertake the verbal and visual analyses as exhibited in the exterior media and in billboards. Finally, it is concluded that medication slogans inherit a language that appeals to salvation which was used by poets of past centuries and which, when currently inserted in certain contexts, such as in external media, is persuasive, although the slogans often disrespect the laws that govern medication-related advertisement in Brazil. Through verbal and visual complementarity, it is noticed that the slogans persuasive language is made legitimate when inserted in the means of mass communication / Estudar o slogan como mensagem publicitária constitui tarefa bastante complexa, sobretudo o slogan de medicamentos, que além de procurar ser objetivo, conciso e persuasivo, características peculiares do slogan, deve se preocupar com regulações existentes nesse tipo de propaganda no Brasil. Esta tese propõe um estudo transdisciplinar de comunicação, saúde e semiótica (com ênfase na semiótica de Charles Sanders Peirce). A pesquisa é embasada na perspectiva teórica construída com base num conjunto de concepções encontradas em autores que transitam nessas áreas aparentemente distintas. Estudou-se o slogan a partir da pesquisa bibliográfica, em livros e documentos, em busca de elementos históricos fundamentais para compreender sua configuração, função e tendências nas propagandas de medicamentos de venda livre na mídia de massa, em especial nos outdoors e na mídia exterior, onde ele é propagado, mesmo com restrições legais, e nas entrevistas de opinião profissional, a fim de ouvir várias vozes a respeito do assunto. A pesquisa empírica contribuiu para a análise semiótica peirceana, por meio de registros de imagens de propagandas ao ar livre, a fim de se fazer as análises verbal e visual expostas na mídia exterior e no outdoor. Por fim, conclui-se que os slogans de medicamentos têm como herança a linguagem de apelo à salvação utilizada por poetas em séculos passados, e que, ao serem inseridos atualmente em determinado contexto, como na mídia de exterior, são persuasivos, embora, muitas vezes, deixem de respeitar leis que regulam a propaganda de medicamentos no país. Por meio da complementaridade entre verbal e visual, percebe-se que a linguagem persuasiva dos slogans é legitimada quando inserida na mídia de massa
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gooh! Marketing Mix och Brand image : En fallstudie om hur brand image och marketing mix modellens faktorer påverkar konsumenters köpbeteende.Nyström, Mattias, Åbonde, Johannes January 2008 (has links)
<p>Till följd av en ständigt ökad konkurrens blir det allt svårare att som ny aktör att ta sig in på olika marknader. Vad som däremot kan underlätta etableringsprocessen för nya företag och varumärken är att associeras och förknippas med redan etablerade och välkända varumärken. Företaget gooh! är ett nytt måltidskoncept som funnits i drygt två år och är ett samarbete mellan Lantmännen och Operakällaren. Det intressanta här är att företaget gooh! har två kända varumärken som medverkar och står bakom konceptet.</p><p>I den här uppsatsen kommer vi att undersöka hur Marketing mix modellens faktorer påverkar en konsuments första köp av en gooh! produkt, med syfte att se om någon av dessa faktorer är mer viktig än någon annan samt att se hur dessa samverkar med varandra. Vi vill också i denna uppsats se hur konsumentens första köp påverkas av att två starka varumärken står bakom konceptet gooh!.</p><p>Undersökningen baseras på en kvantitativ undersökning där vi slumpmässigt frågat 50 konsumenter som alla handlat i en och samma gooh! butik.</p><p>Resultaten vi kommit fram till i denna undersökning tyder på att den valda ”platsen” av butik, dvs. lättillgängligheten till butiken är den faktor som påverkar konsumentens första köp mest, men även de andra faktorerna i Marketing mix modellen är av stor betydelse. Vidare visar även våra resultat på att Lantmännens och Operakällarens samverkan, har en positiv inverkan på konsumentens köpbeteende. I vår slutsats kommer vi bl.a. fram till att dessa två aktörers medverkan bidrar till en kvalitetsstärkning av gooh! produkterna och skapar ett mervärde hos konsumenten.</p>
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Der Slogan als zentrale Profilierungsaussage : Eine Analyse am Beispiel der Landtagswahl 2008 in BayernRozenska, Agnieszka January 2010 (has links)
<p>Abstract</p><p> </p><p>The aim of the thesis is a political-linguistic analysis of slogans used during the 2008 election campaign to the Landtag of Bayern. The purpose of this analysis is to establish whether political slogans represent each party’s profile and in what way. What do the potential voters learn about the parties from their slogans? How do the slogans differ among the parties? What issues are raised in them? How are they used in a political battle?</p><p>In the theoretical part of the thesis, the word slogan is defined and characterized from a linguistic point of view. The function of political slogans is presented, as well as the role of slogans in political communication. In addition, the first part introduces the criteria of political slogan analysis compiled by Monika Toman-Banke and explains the role and procedure of the Landtag elections 2008 in Bayern, Germany. The empirical part is devoted to the analysis of political parties, such as: die Christlich-Soziale Union (CSU), die Freie Demokratische Partei (FDP), die Grünen, die Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (SPD), die Freien Wähler, die Republikaner und die Linke.</p><p>The following thesis proves that political slogans, more or less direct, convey a lot of information about the profile of a given political party. Moreover, it is easy to distinguish what issues are important to which party. The topics of the slogans in the 2008 Landtag elections did not differ much from the previous election. Most of the parties concentrated on weakening the CSU’s power and the willingness to revive the political scene in Bayern, which meant criticizing the CSU and the political situation in Bayern.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p>
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gooh! Marketing Mix och Brand image : En fallstudie om hur brand image och marketing mix modellens faktorer påverkar konsumenters köpbeteende.Nyström, Mattias, Åbonde, Johannes January 2008 (has links)
Till följd av en ständigt ökad konkurrens blir det allt svårare att som ny aktör att ta sig in på olika marknader. Vad som däremot kan underlätta etableringsprocessen för nya företag och varumärken är att associeras och förknippas med redan etablerade och välkända varumärken. Företaget gooh! är ett nytt måltidskoncept som funnits i drygt två år och är ett samarbete mellan Lantmännen och Operakällaren. Det intressanta här är att företaget gooh! har två kända varumärken som medverkar och står bakom konceptet. I den här uppsatsen kommer vi att undersöka hur Marketing mix modellens faktorer påverkar en konsuments första köp av en gooh! produkt, med syfte att se om någon av dessa faktorer är mer viktig än någon annan samt att se hur dessa samverkar med varandra. Vi vill också i denna uppsats se hur konsumentens första köp påverkas av att två starka varumärken står bakom konceptet gooh!. Undersökningen baseras på en kvantitativ undersökning där vi slumpmässigt frågat 50 konsumenter som alla handlat i en och samma gooh! butik. Resultaten vi kommit fram till i denna undersökning tyder på att den valda ”platsen” av butik, dvs. lättillgängligheten till butiken är den faktor som påverkar konsumentens första köp mest, men även de andra faktorerna i Marketing mix modellen är av stor betydelse. Vidare visar även våra resultat på att Lantmännens och Operakällarens samverkan, har en positiv inverkan på konsumentens köpbeteende. I vår slutsats kommer vi bl.a. fram till att dessa två aktörers medverkan bidrar till en kvalitetsstärkning av gooh! produkterna och skapar ett mervärde hos konsumenten.
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Der Slogan als zentrale Profilierungsaussage : Eine Analyse am Beispiel der Landtagswahl 2008 in BayernRozenska, Agnieszka January 2010 (has links)
Abstract The aim of the thesis is a political-linguistic analysis of slogans used during the 2008 election campaign to the Landtag of Bayern. The purpose of this analysis is to establish whether political slogans represent each party’s profile and in what way. What do the potential voters learn about the parties from their slogans? How do the slogans differ among the parties? What issues are raised in them? How are they used in a political battle? In the theoretical part of the thesis, the word slogan is defined and characterized from a linguistic point of view. The function of political slogans is presented, as well as the role of slogans in political communication. In addition, the first part introduces the criteria of political slogan analysis compiled by Monika Toman-Banke and explains the role and procedure of the Landtag elections 2008 in Bayern, Germany. The empirical part is devoted to the analysis of political parties, such as: die Christlich-Soziale Union (CSU), die Freie Demokratische Partei (FDP), die Grünen, die Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (SPD), die Freien Wähler, die Republikaner und die Linke. The following thesis proves that political slogans, more or less direct, convey a lot of information about the profile of a given political party. Moreover, it is easy to distinguish what issues are important to which party. The topics of the slogans in the 2008 Landtag elections did not differ much from the previous election. Most of the parties concentrated on weakening the CSU’s power and the willingness to revive the political scene in Bayern, which meant criticizing the CSU and the political situation in Bayern.
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Traduire le slogan des organisations de la société civile : de la langue de la solidaritéFradette, David 25 September 2024 (has links)
Tableau d'honneur de la Faculté des études supérieures et postdoctorales, 2015-2016 / La présente étude porte sur la traduction du slogan des organisations de la société civile. Par une approche axée sur la traductologie de corpus, nous démontrons que le mode d’expression de ces organisations se distingue du marketing social publicitaire, bien qu’il en emprunte certains codes. Cette analyse, fondée sur les théories fonctionnalistes de la traduction et les principes de la communication multilingue sur le Web, met au jour les caractéristiques conceptuelles et structurelles du « slogan social » et nous permet, grâce à une comparaison de slogans originaux et traduits, de proposer des stratégies de traduction. Enfin, cette étude laisse croire à l’existence d’une véritable « langue de la solidarité », soit un genre discursif dont émane la communication au sein d’une société civile cosmopolitique. / This study explores the translation process of slogans used by civil society organizations. Using the principles of corpus-based translation studies, we demonstrate that these organizations express themselves in a way that differs from conventional social marketing. This analysis, which benefits from the functional theories of translation and a web-based multilingual communication approach, reveals the conceptual and structural characteristics of “social slogans” and, through a comparison between original and translated slogans, allows us to identify translation strategies. Lastly, this study suggests the existence of what we call “solidarity communication”, an actual genre incarnated by the communication process of a cosmopolitan civil society.
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O slogan e suas múltiplas dimensões na publicidadeBrasil, Luciana Floriano 23 April 2009 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2009-04-23 / This work focuses on slogans and their multiple dimensions in
publicity with a view to understanding their configuration, their
relation with catchphrases and the way that they are used in the
creation of a hegemonic speech, which reproduces social practice so
as to manipulate the imaginary, consolidate the power of the product
and encourage consumption. In our analysis, we chose two
advertising posters of the beer companies Antarctica and Skol,
photographed in July, 2008 at bars in the south of the city of São
Paulo. Despite promoting the same product, these advertisements
use different mechanisms to attract their target public and make for
rapid identification of their brand. We use two study areas as
theoretical reference. First, Social Theory of Speech - which
considers language as a social component describes, analyses and
interprets power structures, domination and their effect on individual
conduct. Second, Rhetoric, which provides support to the analysis of
slogans as part of the process of persuasion. This study borrows
greatly from the ideas of Norman Fairclough (1989, 2001), who views
speech as action on individuals or on society, and from research into
advertising slogans carried out by Olivier Reboul (1975) and Luiz
Carlos Iasbeck (2002). As to Rhetoric, it too relies on the ideas of
Olivier Reboul (2004) and his contribution to the understanding of
advertising language within the rhetorical sphere. We have also
profited from the work of various other scholars, cited throughout this
work, and whose contributions also helped shape the ensuing
conclusions. In the field of Social Theory of Speech, we found that
slogans are never innocent statements; they incorporate values,
beliefs, power relations; all in all, they reflect a discursive and social
practice. In the field of Rhetoric, we found that in spite of structural
similarities, slogans show peculiarities which defy categorization as
catchphrases and that the rhetorical tools used intensify meaning and
leave room for multiple interpretations which go beyond the mere
demonstration of creativity. After all, they are responsible for all
persuasive power / Este trabalho apresenta o slogan e suas múltiplas dimensões na
publicidade para o entendimento da sua configuração, da sua relação
com as frases de efeito e da forma de como ele é explorado para a
criação de um discurso hegemônico, que reproduz a prática social
para manipular o imaginário, fortalecer o poder do produto e
influenciar para o consumo. Para a análise, selecionamos dois
cartazes publicitários de cerveja das marcas Antarctica e Skol,
fotografados no mês de junho de 2008, em bares da zona sul de São
Paulo. Apesar da divulgação do mesmo produto, essas publicidades
apresentam diferentes mecanismos para seduzir seu público-alvo e
permitir uma rápida identificação de sua marca. Temos como
referencial teórico duas áreas de estudo: a Teoria Social do Discurso,
que considera o lingüístico no interior do social, descreve, analisa e
interpreta estruturações de poder, dominação e os efeitos que
produzem na ação individual e a Retórica, que fornece suporte para o
exame dos slogans dentro do processo argumentativo. A análise
fundamenta-se em Norman Fairclough (1989,2001), que entende o
discurso como uma forma de ação sobre o outro e sobre o mundo, e
nas pesquisas sobre o slogan publicitário realizadas por Olivier Reboul
(1975) e Luiz Carlos Iasbeck (2002). No campo da Retórica, nas
idéias de Perelman & Tyteca (1996) e novamente Olivier Reboul
(2004), com suas contribuições para o entendimento do discurso
publicitário dentro do âmbito retórico. Contamos ainda com a
contribuição de muitos outros estudiosos, citados ao longo do
trabalho, que serviram de embasamento para as reflexões realizadas.
As análises nos conduziram às seguintes conclusões: no campo da
Teoria Social do Discurso verificamos que o slogan jamais é
empregado de forma ingênua. Nele estão contidos valores, crenças,
relações de poder, enfim, a revelação de uma prática discursiva e
social. E no plano da Retórica identificamos que, apesar da
semelhança na estrutura, o slogan apresenta peculiaridades que não
nos permite considerá-lo uma frase de efeito e que os mecanismos
retóricos utilizados intensificam as expressões, permitem múltiplas
leituras que ultrapassam a idéia de mera demonstração de
criatividade, pois são, na verdade, responsáveis pela competência
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