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Personality development of women leaders : assessment studies in peruvian urban and poverty areas /Ráez de Ramirez, Matilde. January 1998 (has links)
University, Diss.--Nijmegen, 1998.
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The Politics of Low-Income Housing in Depression-Era TorontoGeorge, Ryan E. 10 1900 (has links)
<p>The thesis offers an interpretive account of the formation of a field of struggle relating to low-income housing in Toronto during the Depression. The stakes in the struggle are established by showing how rival authorities competed for influence over the definition of a housing problem and promoted new state projects of slum clearance, district redevelopment, public housing, and neighbourhood rehabilitation. A particular contribution of the research is to link interventions made to direct state development with the production and reproduction of spatially constituted social structures of Toronto. Through the reconstruction of the form and trajectory of a local housing market using oral histories, archived commentaries, photographic and quantitative sources, practices of housing provision are connected with patterns of service that contributed to class relations in the city.</p> / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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As transformações nas políticas habitacionais brasileiras nos anos 1990: o caso do programa integrado de inclusão social da Prefeitura de Santo André / The transformations in brazilian housing politics in years 1990: the case of the integrated program aimed at social inclusion of the Municipality of Santo AndréBlanco Junior, Cid 06 October 2006 (has links)
Esta dissertação visa analisar as transformações ocorridas nas políticas habitacionais para favelas implementadas no Brasil a partir dos anos 1990, após a crise do modelo de remoções e construção massiva de conjuntos habitacionais nas periferias das cidades e da consolidação das urbanizações de favela como política oficial. Esse processo foi antecedido pelo fechamento do Banco Nacional de Habitação, pela nova constituição brasileira e pelo ajuste fiscal proposto pelas agências internacionais, causando mudanças significativas na capacidade de investimento dos governos locais e alterando o perfil das políticas habitacionais brasileiras. Essas novas políticas passaram a contemplar não somente a intervenção física, mas também várias ações sócio-econômicas, diluindo a questão habitacional dentro do contexto da nova questão social, resultando na diminuição de investimentos no setor da habitação de interesse social. Para exemplificar esse caso, será apresentado o processo de construção do programa integrado de inclusão social desenvolvido pela Prefeitura de Santo André a partir de 1997, baseado em programas de urbanização de favelas desenvolvidas no final dos anos 1980 na mesma cidade. / This dissertation is aimed at analyzing the transformations that have taken place in housing policies for slums implemented in Brazil as of the 90s, after the crisis of the model of removal and massive construction of housing complexes in the outskirts of cities and the consolidation of slum upgrading as an official policy. This process was subsequent to the closure of the National Housing Bank, to the new brazilian constitution and to the tax adjustment process proposed by international agencies, causing significant changes in the ability to invest of local governments, thus changing the profile of brazilian housing policies. These new policies include physical intervention in addition to several social-economic actions, diluting the housing issue within the context of the new social issue, resulting in a decrease of investments in the social interest housing sector. As an example, we will present the development process of the integrated social inclusion program carried out by the Municipality of Santo André as of 1997, based on slum upgrading programs developed in the late 80s in the same city.
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[pt] Este trabalho tem por objeto o papel político dos Agentes
Comunitários da
Habitaçõeso do programa Favela-bairro da Prefeitura Municipal
do Rio de Janeiro.
O objetivo deste estudo é descrever e discutir o alcance da
ação destes Agentes,
enquanto uma nova forma de participação popular, na
concepção e implementação
de políticas públicas da área da habitação e urbanismo. As
categorias utilizadas
para a construção do objeto foram: políticas públicas;
identidade e território. A
pesquisa de campo foi realizada junto aos Agentes
Comunitários da Habitação do
bairro Jardim Moriçaba, localizado na zona oeste da cidade
do Rio de Janeiro,
particularmente no setor denominado Senador Vasconcelos. O
estudo indicou que
a atividade destes Agentes não obteve uma grande
legitimidade e
representatividade junto à comunidade da qual eles são
membros. Por outro lado,
o trabalho de campo mostrou que não se pode negar que a
atuação destes Agentes
represente um passo importante no sentido de garantir uma
participação popular
mais efetiva na elaboração, gestão e implementação de
projetos de urbanização
das áreas de favelas. / [en] The subject of this work is the political role of the
Community Housing
Agents, members of the Favela-bairro Program, Rio de
Janeiro City. The goal of
this study is to describe and to discuss the limits of
these Agents actions, as a new
form of popular participation, in the conception and
implementation of public
policies related to housing and urban planning. The
concepts used to build the
subject are: public policies; identity and territory. The
field work was done with
the Community Housing Agents of Jardim Moriçaba, a county
located at the west
area of the city of Rio de Janeiro, particularly at the
Senador Vasconcelos sector.
The study indicates that the activity of these Agents did
not count on an extended
legitimacy and acceptance by the community to where they
belong. By the other
hand, the field work point out that it is unquestionable
that the very existence of
those Agents represents a step forward in the process of
popular political
participation in the conception, management and
implementation of urban projects
within slum areas.
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Gamla Hagalund möter nya Hagalund : en analys av en stämplad stadsdel i SolnaMånsson, Carina January 2013 (has links)
Arbetarstadsdelen Hagalund i Solna byggdes vid förra sekelskiftet och kom tidigt att anses förslummad men har sedan kåkstaden revs på 1960-talet omladdats till kulturhistorisk idyll. Som ett led i miljonprogramsbebyggelsen under tidigt 1970-tal byggdes nya Hagalund vilken snart kom att betraktas som nyslum. Mitt syfte är att analysera olika beskrivningar av gamla och nya Hagalund och undersöka varför en stadsdel kom att stämplas som ful, farlig och olämplig av utomstående men av de boende kom att upplevas som modern, trygg och bekväm. Jag har intervjuat arton personer som bor eller har bott i stadsdelen Hagalund och fått deras sense of place av sitt Hagalundsboende. Flera av familjerna har varit stadsdelen trogna i över 30 år och är in place med Hagalund. Mina observationer, tidningsartiklar och konstverk som beskriver Hagalund är annat bearbetat material. Min teoretiska grund bottnar i en klassdiskurs som är sprungen ur Pierre Bourdieus teorier om människors olika kapital och förmåga att positionera sig. Inom ramen för existerande sociala hierarkier får vissa människor mer inflytande och mer legitimitet än andra att karaktärisera och definiera platser så att dessa platsskildringar kommit att dominera över andra. Dessa dominerande beskrivningar har särskilt stämplat storskaliga miljonprogramsområden och andra miljöer som ansetts fattiga oavsett bebyggelsens ålder. Socialt uppskrivna miljöer betraktas oftast som mer trygga och idylliska medan personer som bor i socialt deklasserade områden riskerar att få sin identitet nedskriven. Mina informanter menar att de känts sig trygga och bekväma i Hagalund medan ryktet har varit oförtjänt. Jane Jacobs har sedan 1960-talet förespråkat kvartersstaden som stadsbyggnadsideal. Jag har valt att pröva hur hennes ideal har sammanfallit med förut-sättningarna i gamla och nya Hagalund och funnit att mina kvarboende informanters ideal inte sammanfaller med Jacobs ideal. Jag har också valt att pröva hur Gemeinschaft och Gesellschaft framrätt i samma stadsdel och funnit att det finns osynliga Gemeinschaft i ett för utomstående betraktat Gesellschaft. Gamla och nya Hagalund har varit drabbat av dåligt rykte, men sedan Solna stad satsat resurser på både den inre- och yttre miljön och alltfler fastigheter har ombildats till bostadsrätter har talet om Hagalund ändrats. Medias bevakning har tystnat och mina informanter som är sprungna ur det svenska folkhemmet kan nu som pensionärer finna ro i ett tryggt och väletablerat Hagalund.
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As transformações nas políticas habitacionais brasileiras nos anos 1990: o caso do programa integrado de inclusão social da Prefeitura de Santo André / The transformations in brazilian housing politics in years 1990: the case of the integrated program aimed at social inclusion of the Municipality of Santo AndréCid Blanco Junior 06 October 2006 (has links)
Esta dissertação visa analisar as transformações ocorridas nas políticas habitacionais para favelas implementadas no Brasil a partir dos anos 1990, após a crise do modelo de remoções e construção massiva de conjuntos habitacionais nas periferias das cidades e da consolidação das urbanizações de favela como política oficial. Esse processo foi antecedido pelo fechamento do Banco Nacional de Habitação, pela nova constituição brasileira e pelo ajuste fiscal proposto pelas agências internacionais, causando mudanças significativas na capacidade de investimento dos governos locais e alterando o perfil das políticas habitacionais brasileiras. Essas novas políticas passaram a contemplar não somente a intervenção física, mas também várias ações sócio-econômicas, diluindo a questão habitacional dentro do contexto da nova questão social, resultando na diminuição de investimentos no setor da habitação de interesse social. Para exemplificar esse caso, será apresentado o processo de construção do programa integrado de inclusão social desenvolvido pela Prefeitura de Santo André a partir de 1997, baseado em programas de urbanização de favelas desenvolvidas no final dos anos 1980 na mesma cidade. / This dissertation is aimed at analyzing the transformations that have taken place in housing policies for slums implemented in Brazil as of the 90s, after the crisis of the model of removal and massive construction of housing complexes in the outskirts of cities and the consolidation of slum upgrading as an official policy. This process was subsequent to the closure of the National Housing Bank, to the new brazilian constitution and to the tax adjustment process proposed by international agencies, causing significant changes in the ability to invest of local governments, thus changing the profile of brazilian housing policies. These new policies include physical intervention in addition to several social-economic actions, diluting the housing issue within the context of the new social issue, resulting in a decrease of investments in the social interest housing sector. As an example, we will present the development process of the integrated social inclusion program carried out by the Municipality of Santo André as of 1997, based on slum upgrading programs developed in the late 80s in the same city.
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Counterspaces : On power in slum upgrading from a Thirdspace perspective. A case study from Kambi Moto.Erik, Rosshagen January 2007 (has links)
The study takes its point of departure in the urgent problem of slums that follow on the rapid urbanisation worldwide. Focusing on the small informal settlement of Kambi Moto in Nairobi, Kenya, the study tries to answer the question of how power can be worked out in slum upgrading – a way to change the physical environment of a slum without demolishing and rebuilding the whole settlement. The theoretical tool to answer this question is taken from Edward Soja’s reading of Henry Lefebvre in the concept Thirdspace – an extended and politicised way to look at space, where space is not only seen as a stage for historical and social processes, but as something that is shaping our thoughts and actions; a social space that includes and goes beyond the material Firstspace and the mental Secondspace. From a spatialized reading of history today’s situation – where 60 % of the population of Nairobi live in informal settlements – is traced back to the ideological structuring of space in the colonial cityplans. The informal settlements are established as a Thirdspace: both a negative outcome of the dominating Secondspace of the colonial administration and as a counterspace, where traditional ways of life could live on and where revolutionary movements could grow. The study then focus on how the two scales to view the city, the macro and the micro, are resolved in the Shack/Slum Dwellers International (SDI), a global network of local federations that organizes slum dwellers. The network empowers the individual slum dweller in making him/her an actor in a peer to peer exchange, and also creates a social space for political struggle. This is manifested in Muungano wa Wanavijiji, a citywide movement for a collective struggle for spatial rights, empowering the slum dwellers in taking charge of the social production of human spatiality. In a case study of a slum upgrading effort in Kambi Moto the shifting of power from the government, international organisations and professionals to the lived Thirdspace of the habitants, as well as the internal power relations within the community, are looked at in a concrete situation.
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The role of faith based organizations in the delivery of urban services to the poorMburu, Peter W. January 2011 (has links)
Today for the first time in history, over 1.15 billion people live in urban slums. Of these, 581 million live in Asia, 120 million in Latin America, and 199 million in sub-Saharan Africa (UN-HABITAT 2010). Over 90% of the urban slum dwellers live in the cities of low income countries under severe deprivation of urban services such as improved drinking water, adequate sanitation and shelter (UNHABITAT 2006a), (UN-HABITAT 2010), (Martínez, Mboup et al. 2008), (Cross, Morel 2005) and (Brocklehurst, Malhotra et al. 2005). This deprivation of the poor has been associated with bias meted against them (the poor) by the public and private sectors. Unless this bias and subsequent deprivations are dealt with, new constraints will always emerge to perpetuate the deprivations (Solo, Perez et al. 1993,). However, can certain approaches by a specific kind of organisations address the bias? This research was encouraged by the success of faith based organizations (FBOs) in treating the poor communities well and their success in delivering social services to the poor in America (White House. 2001), (Sherman 2003) and (Wuthnow, Hackett et al. 2004). The role played by human values in influencing day to day behaviour was encouraging too (Schwartz 1992), (Schwartz 2007), (Williams Jr. 1979), (Schwartz, Melech et al. 2001), and (Rokeach 1973). Reviewed literature show that the people who identify with self-transcendence values are predisposed to treat other people well and also work towards the welfare of other people (Schwartz 1992), (Schwartz 1994), and (Schwartz, Melech et al. 2001). The knowledge gap about the role that faith based organizations and human values could play towards addressing the deprivations of the urban poor in a low income country context led to the research question: ―how could faith based organizations possibly contribute towards the delivery of urban services to the poor in a low-income country context‖. To answer the research question, a case study strategy was adopted and data gathered from three FBOs in Nairobi (Kenya), using 29 in-depth interviews, 8 observations and 41 case study documents. The case studies were selected after a preliminary survey involving 256 telephone interviews and 135 subsequent self-administered mail questionnaires to probable organizations. Qualitative data from the selected case studies was analysed using the thematic analysis approach to understand the FBOs‘ involvement with urban services to the poor. Data from the Portraits Value Questionnaire (58 questionnaires) was also analysed to determine the values orientation of the FBOs‘ personnel. This inquiry found that the FBOs‘ staff oriented with self-transcendence values and also treated the poor well. The FBOs were also involved with urban services for the poor through infrastructural programmes (or projects) and the empowerment of the poor. As a result, the poor were enabled both to access and also afford the urban services, lobby, advocate and demand for urban services. These findings have illuminated the possibility of Public-Faith Partnerships in the delivery of urban services for the poor and the need for personal values to be central in staff recruitment towards eliminating bias against the poor and the subsequent deprivations.
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Os cortiços na paisagem do Brás e Belenzinho, São Paulo: um estudo de caso / The slums at the landscape in Brás and Belenzinho, São Paulo: a case studySimone, Angelica dos Santos 18 September 2014 (has links)
A paisagem apresenta-se ao indivíduo pela sua dimensão material, que é a manifestação da vida humana na superfície terrestre. Este estudo tem como objetivo compreender como o cortiço no Brás e Belenzinho integra o conjunto da paisagem e quais são os fatores de sua permanência, no contexto da imigração boliviana, frente às renovações urbanas que vêm ocorrendo neste setor. Partindo de uma compreensão histórica dessa configuração, a pesquisa procura compreender a paisagem em suas diferentes escalas, do setor urbano ao cortiço. Optou-se pelo método qualitativo na coleta dos dados e na interpretação dos resultados. O método morfológico auxiliou na descrição da paisagem e o processo histórico contribuiu com a compreensão dos fatores econômicos e sociais que estruturaram este setor e a configuraram. A observação participante e a realização de entrevistas auxiliaram no estudo da paisagem a partir da memória de velhos moradores e do cortiço estudado. Como é mínimo o investimento em habitações populares para a população de baixa renda neste setor, o cortiço é a principal alternativa para morar próximo ao trabalho e em um setor que possui boa oferta de equipamentos urbanos. A pesquisa com os bolivianos costureiros permitiu averiguar a existência da relação entre a reprodução de cortiços e as oficinas de costura organizadas por eles. Esta pesquisa denominou tal categoria de cortiço, a partir da sobreposição de atividades domésticas e trabalho no mesmo espaço, como oficina-cortiço, que se apresenta no setor de estudo a partir da refuncionalização de edificações antigas às mais recentes. A permanência do cortiço na categoria oficina-cortiço deve-se à reestruturação produtiva da indústria de vestuários e à quarteirização do trabalho, onde as confecções contratam informalmente, os serviços de costura que são realizados por imigrantes bolivianos em locais insalubres. Moradia e trabalho unem-se no mesmo cômodo, pois esta forma gera menos custos para o dono da oficina, ao mesmo tempo em que permite aos imigrantes, que não desejam se enraizar, uma possibilidade maior de mobilidade / The landscape presents itself to the individual by its material dimension, which is the manifestation of human life on Earth\'s surface. This study aims to understand how a slum in Bras and Belenzinho area integrates all of the landscape and the factors of its permanence in the context of Bolivian immigration, according to the urban renovation which has been happening in this sector. From a historical understanding of this setting, the research seeks to understand the landscape in its different scales, from the urban sector to the slum. We chose the qualitative method in data collection and interpretation of results. The morphological method helped in the description of the landscape and historical process contributed to the understanding of economic and social factors that have shaped and structured this sector. Participant observation and interviews helped in the study of landscape according to the memory of old residents and the studied slum\'s area. As the investment in affordable housing, for low-income people, is low, slum is the main alternative to live close to work and in a sector that has a good supply of urban equipment. A survey with Bolivian tailors allowed verifying the existence of the relationship between the reproduction of slum and the sewing workshops organized by them. This research called this category of slum from the overlap of domestic activity and work in the same space as the \"sewing-slum, which appears in the sector studied since the old building operation until the most recent ones. The permanence of slum in the category named as \"workshop-slum\", is due to the restructuring process of the garments industry and the subcontracting work, which means that the clothing hires, informally, the sewing services that are performed by Bolivian immigrants in unsanitary places. Thus, dwelling and working are jointed in the same room as this form generates lower costs to the owner of the workshop sewing at the same time that allows immigrants, who do not wish to take roots, a greater possibility of mobility
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Favela-discurso : a constituição institucional do fenômenoCarvalho, Agatha Muller de January 2016 (has links)
A dissertação aborda a questão do território e das disputas discursivas para problematizar as delimitações do fenômeno favela por distintas definições de instituições estabelecidas como Organização das Nações Unidas, Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística e Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada. Parte-se do problema de que cada definição de favela utiliza distintos critérios de classificação, o que acaba por produzir dados estatísticos diversos. Dados estes que instauram distintas realidades a respeito do mesmo fenômeno, constituem discursos numéricos sobre favela e se territorializam na forma de discursos imagéticos ou cartográficos. O trabalho propõe-se a analisar essa problemática a partir de um estudo geral de análise dos discursos de definições de favela e seus efeitos estatísticos, e, a partir de um estudo de caso a respeito das cartografias constituídas por esses discursos, tendo Porto Alegre como locus do caso. Assim, pretende-se verificar, a partir dos discursos analisados, as diferenças entre os fenômenos construídos por cada instituição com o fim de estabelecer o entendimento de favela, para este estudo, como um fenômeno espacial. / This dissertation addresses the issue of territory and discursive disputes to problematize the delimitation of the slum phenomenon by different definitions of established institutions like United Nations, Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics and Institute of Applied Economic Research. The study departure problematizes that each definition of slum uses distinctive classification criteria that produces various statistical data. This data establish different realities about the same phenomenon; constitute numerical discourses on slum and territorialise in the form of imagetic or cartographic discourse. The dissertation proposes to investigate this problem from a general study analyzing slum definitions speeches and their statistical effects, and from a case study about the cartographies made by these speeches, with Porto Alegre as the locus of the case. Within this scope, this study checks, by speech analysis, the differences between the phenomena constituted by each institution in order to establish a slum understanding as a spatial phenomenon.
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