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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Socioekonomické dopady strategických průmyslových zón na rozvoj regionu / Socio-economic impacts of the strategic industrial zones on the development of the region

Horáčková, Veronika January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to define socio-economic impacts of the strategic industrial zones on the development of the region. The aim of the thesis was chosen with respect to the statement from literature, that industrial zones stimulate economic activity through making new jobs. In the first part of work are described teoretical fundamentals present by Czech and also foreign authors, who are focused on industrial zones problematics, characteristics of industrial zones in the Czech Republic and localization. In the second part are two case studies of strategic industrial zones Most-Joseph and Ostrava-Mošnov. The component of case studies is analysis of statistics for the period from 2000 to 2012, which results from observation of casual relations between development of zones and their surrounding areas lead to identification of economic and social impacts of strategic industrial zone on the development of the region.

Forest Resource Access, Dependency, and Vulnerability in Southeast and Southcentral Alaska

Tessema, Mekbeb E. 01 May 2011 (has links)
Rural communities in the western U.S. and Alaska are highly dependent upon surrounding publicly-owned forests for various economic and non-economic values. Historically, limited data has hampered the understanding of such community-resource linkages. As a result, community interests may not be adequately considered in forest management plan development and policy formulation. Addressing this imbalance is an important issue for the U.S. Forest Service (USFS), particularly as it shifts from timberdominated goals to a more holistic ecosystem-based form of management. This study seeks to understand community-resource use linkages, dependency, and vulnerability surrounding the Chugach and Tongass NFs using place-level socioeconomic data from the 2000 U.S. Census in combination with permit data from the USFS’s Timber Information Management Data System (TIM) and Special Use Data System (SUDS). Information on permittees’ activities on forestland and socioeconomic profiles of permittee’s community-of-origin are found to be valuable, not only for forest management and planning purposes, but also for community-level social assessment. An examination of 2007 permit data found that a majority of permit holders were local residents. These communities are found to be dependent on the two forests for various types of activities and are thus more likely to be vulnerable to changes in forest management and policies. The analysis also identified some limitations that may affect the quality of permit data and its potential use in community impact assessments. Despite these limitations of permit data, the methodologies utilized here demonstrate how TIM and SUDS data, in combination with U.S. Census data, could be used to describe Alaska residents’ socioeconomic profiles for communities located in close proximity to the Tongass and Chugach NFs. Such information can assist USFS managers in deriving community-level estimates of forest resource use, degree of dependency, and vulnerability to the likely impacts of alternatives management approaches. Finally, recommendations are given to improve data recording, maintenance, and use in order to better understand communities that are dependent on forest resources in both the Chugach and Tongass NFs, and to specifically identify those communities potentially vulnerable to changes in forest management policies.

Hidrovia Tocantins-Araguaia: importância e impactos econômicos, sociais e ambientais segundo a percepção dos agentes econômicos locais. / Tocantins-Araguaia waterway: importance and economic, social and environmental impacts, according to the perception of the local economic agents.

Almeida, Alivinio de 30 September 2004 (has links)
O presente estudo avalia a percepção de potenciais usuários da Hidrovia Tocantins-Araguaia sobre seus possíveis impactos econômicos, sociais e ambientais em 7 municípios, no Estado do Tocantins. Foram entrevistados 24 indivíduos representantes do poder público, da iniciativa privada, de entidades de classe e de organizações não-governamentais ambientalistas. Como evidência de campo, verificou-se que, no rio Araguaia, a limitada infra-estrutura operacional, instalada em 1998, está completamente deteriorada e que as embarcações estão sem uso desde 2000. No rio Tocantins, verificou-se a inexistência de eclusas que permitam vencer os desníveis naturais mais agressivos, aumentando a navegabilidade e possibilitando o tráfego dos comboios. Diante disso, pode-se afirmar que a Hidrovia ainda está longe de se consolidar como um modal de transporte alternativo para o Estado. Quanto à opinião dos entrevistados, de modo geral,consideram interessante, oportuna e estratégica a presença da Hidrovia Tocantins-Araguaia em seus municípios, principalmente para o transporte de insumos e produtos. A despeito da pouca nformação de que dispunham sobre sua dimensão, potencial e impactos, manifestaram expectativas positivas quanto aos aspectos econômicos e sociais e negativas quanto aos ambientais. Vários assinalaram que o lento processo de implantação compromete sua inserção nos projetos institucionais ou empresariais e causa descrença sobre sua consolidação. A análise estatística dos dados de campo, realizada através de uma regressão do tipo stepwise, revela que os agentes econômicos relacionam a importância da Hidrovia Tocantins-Araguaia para seus municípios aos impactos econômicos, sociais e ambientais que ela possa causar. Os resultados individuais mostraram-se significativos, segundo o nível de probabilidade "p", para as variáveis selecionadas pelo modelo, sob α = 0,20(erro tipo I) estabelecido à priori. Foram significativos e positivos os coeficientes das variáveis geração de emprego e renda, oferta de serviços estruturais municipais e valor das propriedades ribeirinhas e, negativos, os coeficientes das variáveis conhecimento e informação sobre a hidrovia, atividades de indústria e comércio, atividades de turismo e oferta de serviços sociais municipais. A variável atividades de agricultura não foi significativa. O grupo focal, realizado com a finalidade de ampliar a discussão qualitativa sobre a Hidrovia Tocantins-Araguaia, foi consensual em relação aos benefícios econômicos e sociais proporcionados ao Estado do Tocantins e aos circunvizinhos. Porém, alertou sobre os possíveis impactos negativos no meio ambiente, especialmente no Rio Araguaia. Em linhas gerais, o estudo permitiu concluir pela necessidade e benefícios de serem consideradas as impressões qualitativas dos potenciais usuários na avaliação de viabilidade econômica de projetos de infra-estrutura de transporte. Tais impressões serviriam como parâmetros de ponderação dos aspectos quantitativos levantados pelo empreendedor, favorecendo a escolha do empreendimento mais adequado sob o ponto de vista econômico, social e ambiental. Sobre a implantação efetiva da Hidrovia Tocantins-Araguaia, no Estado do Tocantins, alerta-se para os impactos que ela possa causar. Ainda que sob o ponto de vista comum sejam esperados benefícios econômicos e sociais, sob o ponto de vista ambiental a sensação é de perda de qualidade. O Rio Araguaia, pela sua juventude e fragilidade dos ecossistemas que congrega,exige tratamento especial, baseado num cuidadoso plano de intervenções, que respeite suas características naturais, bem como as das espécies e populações que o habitam, inclusive a humana. O Rio Tocantins, ainda que menos indefeso pela sua maior idade, precisa de tratamento adequado, uma vez que dele depende não só a Hidrovia Tocantins e o projeto multimodal de transporte mas,também, todo o projeto de geração de energia hidrelétrica do Estado. / The present study aims to evaluate the perception of potential users of the Tocantins-Araguaia Waterway concerning the possibility of economic, social and environmental impacts in 7 municipalities, in the State of Tocantins. For this purpose, 24 individuals representing the government, private sector and non-government environmental organizations, have been interviewed. Field evidences shows that in the Araguaia River the limited operational infrastructure, installed in 1998, is completely deteriorated and that the ships have not been used since the year 2000. It has been, in the Tocantins River, noticed the nonexistence of dams, which allow to regulate the more aggressive natural differences in the river levels, increasing the navigability of the convoys. Therefore, it can be stated that the waterway is still far from it’s consolidation as a transportation alternative for this State. As for the opinion of those who have been interviewed, in general, the presence of the Tocantins- Araguaia Waterway in their municipalities is considered interesting and strategic, mainly for the transportation of inputs and finished goods. Despite the little information available as to its dimension, potential and impacts, positive expectation have been manifested as to economic and social aspects, and negative as to environmental aspects. Several of them stated that the slow process of implantation difficult its introduction in the projects or enterprises and causes the incredibility over its consolidation. The statistical analysis of the field data, made through a stepwise regression reveals that the economic agents relates the importance of the Tocantins-Araguaia Waterway for their municipalities to the economic, social and environmental impacts that it might cause. The individual results are significant, according to the confidence level p , for the variables selected by the model, under α = 0,20 (tipe I error) à priori determined. The coefficients of the variables job creation and income improvement, municipal social service offer and the value of the water side properties were significant and positive and the coefficients of the variables knowledge and information on waterway, commercial and industrial activities, tourism activities, and the municipal social service offer, were negative. The variable agricultural activities was not significant. The focal group about Tocantins-Araguaia Waterway was consensual over the economic and social benefits for the State of Tocantins. However, the group warned about possible negative impacts in the environment, especially in the Araguaia River. In general, the study permitted to conclude for the necessity and benefits to consider the qualitative impressions of the potential users in the evaluation of the economic viability of transportation infrastructure projects. Such impressions would serve as parameters of the qualitative aspects brought forward by the entrepreneur, improving the choice of the most adequate enterprise under the economic, social and environmental aspects. As for the effective implantation of the Tocantins-Araguaia Waterway, in the State of Tocantins, the impacts that it may cause should be brought forward. Although economic and social benefits are expected, the perception is of loss of the environmental quality. The Araguaia River, because of its youth and ecosystems fragility, demands a special treatment, based on a careful plan of interventions, that respects its natural characteristics, as well as the species and populations that inhabit it, including the human. The Tocantins River also needs a proper treatment due to the Tocantins Waterway, the multimodal transportation and the hydroelectric generation projects of the State, which depends on it.

Impactos sociais e efeitos cumulativos decorrentes de grandes projetos de desenvolvimento: aplicação de rede de impactos e sobreposição de mapas em estudo de caso para o Litoral Norte Paulista / Social impacts and cumulative effects derived from large projects: impact network and map overlay application in North Coast of São Paulo, Brazil, study case

Utsunomiya, Renata 18 June 2014 (has links)
A prática de Avaliação de Impacto (AI) mostra-se consolidada como elemento de suporte ao processo decisório ao redor do planeta. No entanto, apresenta uma série de limitações relacionadas à inclusão dos impactos sociais e efeitos cumulativos como objeto de análise, que se mostram mais intensas no contexto da implantação de grandes projetos de desenvolvimento. No Estado de São Paulo, a região do Litoral Norte se destaca pela perspectiva de intensificação dos processos de desenvolvimento econômico a partir da implantação de projetos ligados à exploração de óleo e gás e seus empreendimentos derivados. Ainda que as mudanças de caráter socioambiental venham sendo analisadas em estudos ambientais estratégicos e estudos de impactos ambientais de projetos, planos diretores municipais, dentre outros instrumentos, verifica-se uma lacuna em termos de seus aspectos cumulativos que, associada ao baixo grau de integração entre os instrumentos de planejamento aplicados na região, tem limitado a sua capacidade de influenciar as decisões tomadas. Nesse contexto, a presente pesquisa se utiliza de métodos de Avaliação de Impactos para a verificação de impactos sociais e seus efeitos cumulativos sobre o Litoral Norte paulista, considerando a implantação de projetos já em andamento e sua compatibilização com os cenários de desenvolvimento esperados para a região. De modo específico, foram aplicados os métodos da Rede de Impactos para identificação da relação de causalidade entre impactos sociais diretos e indiretos e verificação de sua cumulatividade, e da Sobreposição de Mapas para agregação de dados geográficos e visualização de sua distribuição espacial. A metodologia adotada favoreceu a identificação de impactos sociais indiretos, assim como a compreensão de sua cumulatividade sobre diferentes receptores e também sobre a área de estudo, mostrando-se útil para a inserção da dimensão social na AI voltada para grandes projetos de desenvolvimento. / Impact Assessment (IA) practice has different inadequacies, especially about identification and assessment of social impacts and cumulative effects. Hence, there is the demand of exploring methods for minding this gap, mainly in the context of impacts derived from large development projects in Brazil. The North Coast of São Paulo was used a case study, as the region was announced to receive different development projects related to oil and gas exploitation and logistic for exportation. There are many socioenvironmental changes predicted by different instruments such as Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) of projects, Master Plans, among others. This research aimed to verify the contributions of the use of Impact Network and Map Overlaying to consider the social dimension in Impact Assessment. The Impact Network method allowed to address the causality of direct and indirect social impacts, linking them to different receptors for comprehending its cumulativeness. The Map Overlaying method added spatial data from different sources, allowing to identify current and expected social impacts and its spatial and temporal cumulativeness. The main results are: identification of indirect social impacts, comprehension of cumulative social impacts in different receptors and the identification of spatial cumulativeness now and considering the planning future scenario. These methods are currently poorly applied and were important to deal with social impacts and cumulative effects. In the end, it was concluded that the approach contributed to better consider the social dimension in Impact Assessment of large projects.

Analysing the social effects of tourism on residents: the case of Parys, South Africa

Sigo, N. E. 11 1900 (has links)
M-Tech Tourism Management / Residents’ attitudes towards and opinions about tourism is important as they are the ones dealing directly or indirectly with tourists and the development of the industry. As one of the key stakeholders their support is needed to grow the industry in a sustainable manner. For South Africa as a developing country tourism is one of the focus areas of development. This growth is supported by a number of initiatives to create more (but also more sustainable) tourism destinations especially for small towns such as Parys (Free State; South Africa). The primary objective was to analyse the social effects of tourism and determine the factors influencing these effects on the local community of Parys, located in the province of the Free State. This was done by conducting an empirical study among residents in Parys. The questionnaire was developed based on similar research done in other communities. The questionnaires were captured in Microsoft Excel and analysed in the IBM Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS v 23.0). From a negative point of view residents highlighted the increase in prices of goods and services due to tourism development. From a positive perspective residents felt that the development of tourism lead to more opportunities for people to have fun, more tourists visit the area and the image of Parys has improved. From the factor analysis for social effects the following factors were evident: Business and community effects, Negative social effects, Opportunities for residents, Environmental effects and Cost of living effects. The latter two factors were rated the highest and thus residents felt that tourism lead to an effect on the environment and an effect on their cost of living. This should be monitored so that residents remain positive and do not start to blame tourists for negativities happening in Parys. When analysing the image of Parys from the perspective of the residents the factor analyses revealed three factors namely Infra- and suprastructure, Nature and cultural attractions and Hospitality of which they felt the strongest about the first and the last factor. Clearly from the results these residents enjoy staying in Parys, do not consider tourists to be a threat and welcomes visitors to the area. The social effects of tourism development is, to a certain extent, influenced by gender, language, level of education, age and number of years living in Parys. Overall it can be concluded that residents are fairly happy with tourists visiting Parys and the development taking place due to tourism. They are aware of the negative impacts but the positive impacts currently outweigh the negative impacts. It is recommended to include residents in the development process or at least keep them aware of what is happening, why it is happening and what opportunities it might bring to them. The results of this study differ from that of others indicating that communities are unique and there are unique aspects influencing their opinions regarding the social effects of tourism. The researcher recommended that the private and public sectors of Parys should continue their current practices to uphold the positive attitudes but also consider options where residents can become more involved in the development of the industry.

Socio-cultural Impacts of Agroforestry Improvements in Narsingdi, Bangladesh

Shams, Rifat Unknown Date
No description available.

A community relations model for the tourism industry / Regina 'Marankopane' Makoloi Thetsane

Thetsane, Makoloi Malehlohonolo Reginah January 2010 (has links)
The primary goal of this study was to construct and test a Community Relations Model (CRM) that may be implemented by policy makers, tourism planners, tourism managers and tourism developers as they develop tourism policies and manage the social impacts of tourism. Five objectives were derived from the primary research goal. The first objective was to analyse the social impacts of tourism by means of a literature study. This was achieved by examining the theoretical perspectives, framework and models for assessing host community perceptions of social impacts of tourism. In this regard, it was found that the social impacts of tourism are an integral part of sociology. Therefore, the social impacts of tourism may not be successfully addressed without drawing on the methods and perspectives of sociology. This indicates clearly that there is a relationship between sociology and other social science disciplines, particularly tourism management. The host communities' perceptions of tourism may be positive or negative and are critical in policy planning and management because they affect the behaviour of the residents toward the tourists. The second objective was to analyse the role of the community by means of a literature study. This objective was achieved by examining the role of the government, the private sector and the community in managing the social impacts of tourism. It was found that the main roles of the government are to facilitate, coordinate, plan and promote development of the nations and tourists products. The private sector's roles are to invest and promote tourism as well as the country. The community should actively participate in tourism management by seeking partnership opportunities with the stablished private tourism sector, voluntary groups and NGO's. Although the community is expected to playa vital role in the management of tourism, it was found that their actual involvement depends on their awareness of tourism activities, on how they perceive tourism developments and their involvement in tourism related issues. The third objective was to determine the components to be used in order to develop and test the Community Relations Model (CRM). This objective was achieved through both literature and qualitative analysis. Evidence from the literature and qualitative analysis indicates that the Katse community is unquestionably affected both positively and negatively by tourism developments. It was also clear that effective management of social impacts of tourism may be achieved through collaboration and partnership with the government, the private sector and the community. The stakeholders should work together in order to encourage the positive impacts and ameliorate the negative impacts. The community should be involved and made aware of tourism developments in their respective areas. Both the literature and qualitative study revealed the six community relations components: namely, the positive impacts, negative impacts, the role of government, the role of private sector, community awareness and community involvement that, were used to develop a measuring instrument for Katse residents. The fourth objective was to construct and test the CRM based on an empirical investigations. The CRM is intended to guide tourism planners, managers and policy-makers in managing the social impacts of tourism. To achieve this objective, nine research hypotheses were proposed and tested. The sample of 500 Katse residents was drawn from the household population of four villages: namely, Ha-Lejone, Ha-Poli, Ha-Mikia and Mphorosane. A combination of stratified and convenience sampling approaches were used for sample selection. Data was analysed with the aid of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). SPSS with AMOS 16 software was used to construct and test the SEM model. In constructing and testing model A, a two stage process was followed. Firstly, factors were calculated through the use of confirmatory factor analysis for the six community relations components. Secondly, the factors were used for SEM. Due to unsatisfactory data fit in model A, model B was constructed and tested. In constructing and testing model B factor analyses were not performed; instead all the items of each community relations component were used for SEM. In the resulting structural equation model for both model A and B, eight hypotheses were supported and one was not supported (H7). The results of the two models provided similar results; however, model B fitted the collected data reasonably while model A fitted the data poorly. The fifth objective was to make recommendations and suggestions on how the model may be implemented with regard to the management of the social impacts of tourism. It was recommended that the model should be implemented in the area of tourism management. In order to implement the model effectively the role players should know, understand and perform their roles and duties in managing the social impacts of tourism. The successful implementation of the CRM depends on a positive relationship between and among the role players in tourism management. Specifically, it depends on a positive relationship between the role of government, the role of private sector, community awareness, community involvement, positive impacts and negative impacts of tourism. The proposed model needs to be implemented through the partnership and collaboration of the role players in tourism management. which will lead to sustainable tourism. The most important contribution of this study is the construction of a model through which the positive and negative impacts of tourism may be effectively managed. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Business Administration))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2010.

A community relations model for the tourism industry / Regina 'Marankopane' Makoloi Thetsane

Thetsane, Makoloi Malehlohonolo Reginah January 2010 (has links)
The primary goal of this study was to construct and test a Community Relations Model (CRM) that may be implemented by policy makers, tourism planners, tourism managers and tourism developers as they develop tourism policies and manage the social impacts of tourism. Five objectives were derived from the primary research goal. The first objective was to analyse the social impacts of tourism by means of a literature study. This was achieved by examining the theoretical perspectives, framework and models for assessing host community perceptions of social impacts of tourism. In this regard, it was found that the social impacts of tourism are an integral part of sociology. Therefore, the social impacts of tourism may not be successfully addressed without drawing on the methods and perspectives of sociology. This indicates clearly that there is a relationship between sociology and other social science disciplines, particularly tourism management. The host communities' perceptions of tourism may be positive or negative and are critical in policy planning and management because they affect the behaviour of the residents toward the tourists. The second objective was to analyse the role of the community by means of a literature study. This objective was achieved by examining the role of the government, the private sector and the community in managing the social impacts of tourism. It was found that the main roles of the government are to facilitate, coordinate, plan and promote development of the nations and tourists products. The private sector's roles are to invest and promote tourism as well as the country. The community should actively participate in tourism management by seeking partnership opportunities with the stablished private tourism sector, voluntary groups and NGO's. Although the community is expected to playa vital role in the management of tourism, it was found that their actual involvement depends on their awareness of tourism activities, on how they perceive tourism developments and their involvement in tourism related issues. The third objective was to determine the components to be used in order to develop and test the Community Relations Model (CRM). This objective was achieved through both literature and qualitative analysis. Evidence from the literature and qualitative analysis indicates that the Katse community is unquestionably affected both positively and negatively by tourism developments. It was also clear that effective management of social impacts of tourism may be achieved through collaboration and partnership with the government, the private sector and the community. The stakeholders should work together in order to encourage the positive impacts and ameliorate the negative impacts. The community should be involved and made aware of tourism developments in their respective areas. Both the literature and qualitative study revealed the six community relations components: namely, the positive impacts, negative impacts, the role of government, the role of private sector, community awareness and community involvement that, were used to develop a measuring instrument for Katse residents. The fourth objective was to construct and test the CRM based on an empirical investigations. The CRM is intended to guide tourism planners, managers and policy-makers in managing the social impacts of tourism. To achieve this objective, nine research hypotheses were proposed and tested. The sample of 500 Katse residents was drawn from the household population of four villages: namely, Ha-Lejone, Ha-Poli, Ha-Mikia and Mphorosane. A combination of stratified and convenience sampling approaches were used for sample selection. Data was analysed with the aid of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). SPSS with AMOS 16 software was used to construct and test the SEM model. In constructing and testing model A, a two stage process was followed. Firstly, factors were calculated through the use of confirmatory factor analysis for the six community relations components. Secondly, the factors were used for SEM. Due to unsatisfactory data fit in model A, model B was constructed and tested. In constructing and testing model B factor analyses were not performed; instead all the items of each community relations component were used for SEM. In the resulting structural equation model for both model A and B, eight hypotheses were supported and one was not supported (H7). The results of the two models provided similar results; however, model B fitted the collected data reasonably while model A fitted the data poorly. The fifth objective was to make recommendations and suggestions on how the model may be implemented with regard to the management of the social impacts of tourism. It was recommended that the model should be implemented in the area of tourism management. In order to implement the model effectively the role players should know, understand and perform their roles and duties in managing the social impacts of tourism. The successful implementation of the CRM depends on a positive relationship between and among the role players in tourism management. Specifically, it depends on a positive relationship between the role of government, the role of private sector, community awareness, community involvement, positive impacts and negative impacts of tourism. The proposed model needs to be implemented through the partnership and collaboration of the role players in tourism management. which will lead to sustainable tourism. The most important contribution of this study is the construction of a model through which the positive and negative impacts of tourism may be effectively managed. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Business Administration))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2010.

Produção de petróleo e desenvolvimento a contribuição dos royalties na dinâmica regional do território Açu / Mossoró / Oil production and development - the contribution of royalties on dynamic regional of the planning Açu / Mossoró

Góis, Breno Vinícius de 25 July 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-11T14:41:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 BrenoVG_DISSERT.pdf: 1039311 bytes, checksum: b2670aa9b2582a2a42ecdbbd6a04c718 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-07-25 / The exploration and production of oil in Brazil evolved forcefully since the year 1997, the year in which there was a relaxation of the oil monopoly, which made possible that such activity was the object of granting strangers to Public Administration . Such flexibility caused an enormous growth in the oil sector, since there were several interested in prospecting for oil in national soil. It happens that in return, the dealer had to pay the state a monthly amount calculated upon a percentage (between 5% and 10%) of the production of oil or natural gas, called royalty. Allied to this, installation of the exploration and production of oil in a particular local industry carries significant social and environmental damage, such as depletion of non-renewable resource, deforestation for infrastructure, territorial consolidation. Thus, the research problem of this study arises: the use of the values passed as royalties should be linked to the negative impacts that cause the production of oil, such as repairing the environment or future generations by compensating resource depletion ? In this sense, this paper analyzes the trends of the contribution of funds from the Royalties in the Municipalities Planning Acu / Mossley brought social development for such localities. For this, we will review progress on the Human Development Index - HDI in these municipalities before and after the significant contribution of royalties, and perform a detailed study on the town of Mossoró / RN, which passes through a cooling of the oil industry / A exploração e produção do petróleo no Brasil evoluiu de forma contundente desde o ano de 1997, ano em que houve a flexibilização do monopólio do petróleo, fato que possibilitou que tal atividade fosse objeto de concessão a terceiros estranhos à Administração Pública. Essa flexibilização ocasionou um enorme crescimento no setor petrolífero, visto que surgiram vários interessados na prospecção de petróleo em solo nacional. Ocorre que em contrapartida, o concessionário havia de pagar mensalmente ao Estado um valor calculado em cima de um percentual (entre 5% e 10%) da produção do petróleo ou gás natural, chamado de royalty. Aliado a isso, instalação da indústria de exploração e produção de petróleo em determinado local acarreta significativos danos sociais e ambientais, tais como: esgotamento de recurso não renovável, desmatamento para instalação de infraestrutura, adensamento territorial. Assim, surge o problema de pesquisa do presente trabalho: a utilização dos valores repassados a título de royalties deve ser vinculada aos impactos negativos que causa a produção do petróleo, como por exemplo, reparando o meio ambiente ou compensando as futuras gerações pelo esgotamento do recurso? Nesse sentido, o presente trabalho analisou se a evolução do aporte de recursos oriundos dos Royalties nos Municípios do Território Açu/Mossoró trouxe desenvolvimento social para tais localidades. Para isso, se analisará a evolução do Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano IDH em tais municípios, antes e depois do aporte significativo dos royalties, além de realizar um detalhado estudo sobre a cidade de Mossoró/RN, que passa por um arrefecimento da indústria petrolífera

Zdravotně sociální dopady násilí páchaného na seniorech a jeho prevence / Health and Social Impacts of Violence against Seniors and its Prevention

OLTOVÁ, Dagmar January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with the health and social impacts of violence against elderly persons and the ways of its prevention. The objective of the practical part of the thesis was to map the health and social impacts and prevention of violence against seniors from the perspective of social workers. A secondary objective was to describe the experience of social workers with the consequences of violence against seniors. Another sub-objective was to obtain suggestions and recommendations of social workers regarding the prevention of violence against the elderly. On the basis of the objectives of the thesis, four research questions were determined: What are the health and social impacts of violence against seniors from the perspective of social workers? What are the experiences of social workers with the consequences of violence against seniors? What is the subjective view of social workers on the prevention of violence against seniors? What suggestions and recommendations the social workers offer to prevent violence against seniors? Qualitative approach, method of interview and technique of semi-structured interview were chosen with regard to the chosen theme. The research group consisted of six respondents. The collected data were processed by the method of clustering. Based on the research questions, the results were divided into four categories. From the perspective of the respondents, violence against seniors is a current but hidden problem. Work with victims requires the cooperation of workers from the health and social sectors. The respondents associate health consequences with the impacts on the psyche of seniors. According to the respondents, physical violence is not typical, but rather financial abuse and emotional pressure, which is why psychological consequences are the most common and the most serious. The answers even mentioned death of an elderly person, injuries, fractures and bruises. Respondents associate social impacts with social isolation, loss of financial means, change of permanent address and change of social status. The most frequent and most serious impacts, according to respondents, are social isolation and loss of financial means. Within their profession, five respondents encountered cases of violence against the elderly. The impacts of violence were diverse fractures, bruises, adapting to the situation, unsecured basic needs, accusations regarding the way of upbringing, loss of financial means, social isolation and hospitalization of an immobile woman. According to these five respondents, prevention of violence against seniors is insufficient. Non-profit organizations, organizations providing social services for the elderly and workers in helping professions should be more engaged in prevention. Also public should be informed better. According to the workers, public awareness of the problem is insufficient because violence against seniors is little talked about. However, two respondents believe that public awareness is sufficient. Prevention includes training of workers in helping professions. Four respondents do not have any experience with training in the area of prevention of violence against seniors. For a timely resolution of a victim's situation, the availability of services for victims of violence against seniors is crucial. All respondents agreed that the availability of services in the Region of South Bohemia is sufficient. The problem is in the low awareness of seniors about these specific services. At the conclusion of the research, I was interested in specific suggestions and recommendations of the respondents to prevent violence against the elderly. Respondents think that prevention needs to be improved. According to respondents, the prevention of violence against seniors could be enhanced by better coverage in the media, lectures and discussions provided by the police, training of workers, informing seniors and educating by social workers and doctors.

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