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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utilização de sensores de dossel para adubação nitrogenada no algodoeiro / Use canopy sensors for nitrogen fertilization in cotton

Natanael de Santana Vilanova Junior 21 June 2016 (has links)
A maioria dos solos tropicais e subtropicais apresenta disponibilidade insuficiente de nitrogênio (N) para atender a demanda da cultura do algodão visando à obtenção de elevados rendimentos. O N nas plantas pode ser avaliado através da utilização de sensores de espectrometria óptica ativa, nos quais se destaca o equipamento comercial utilizado neste trabalho (N-SensorTM ALS), capaz de determinar a dose de N a ser aplicada em cobertura em tempo real. O objetivo geral deste trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho de um sensor óptico ativo, sonares e clorofilômetro para predizer parâmetros de planta e testar estratégias de adubação nitrogenada baseada nas leituras do sensor óptico para aumento da produtividade do algodoeiro em sistemas de cultivo adensado e convencional. Os experimentos foram realizados durante três anos sendo: a) em Chapadão do Céu, GO nas safras 2012/13 e 2013/14; b) e em Campo Verde, MT na safra 2014/15. Os parâmetros de planta avaliados foram: altura, massa seca, massa fresca e nitrogênio acumulado na biomassa. Estes parâmetros foram analisados nas áreas correspondentes à adubação em taxa fixa e correlacionados com o índice de vegetação gerado pelos sensores. Os resultados demonstraram que o sensor ativo de dossel utilizado é altamente eficiente em estimar altura de planta, massa fresca, massa seca e nitrogênio acumulado na cultura do algodoeiro. A utilização de clorofilômetro para monitorar o teor de N foliar no algodoeiro não demonstrou ser uma técnica eficiente. O uso de sensor ultrassônico (sonar) para estimar parâmetros de altura de planta, massa seca, massa fresca e nitrogênio acumulado na planta do algodoeiro é uma estratégia promissora que, embora não tenha a mesma eficiência de sensores de dossel, demonstrou bons resultados na detecção da variabilidade nas lavouras. As diferentes estratégias de adubação nitrogenada no algodoeiro orientadas pelo sensor ativo de dossel não resultaram em efeitos claros na produtividade. A produtividade de cada tratamento mostrou-se mais dependente da localização das repetições dentro da área do que da estratégia de adubação adotada. / Most tropical and subtropical soils has insufficient availability of nitrogen (N) to meet the demand of the cotton crop in order to obtain high yields. The N plants may be evaluated using active optical spectroscopy sensors as the one used in this investigation (N-SensorTM ALS). The equipment is capable of determining in real time the amount of N to be applied spread in the field. The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of an active optical sensor, sonar and chlorophyll sensor to predict plant parameters and test nitrogen fertilization strategies based on the optical sensor readings in order to increase cotton yield in narrow and conventional farming systems. The experiments were conducted in three years: a) in Chapadão do Céu - GO 2012/13 and 2013/14; b) in Campo Verde, MT - 2014/15. The evaluated parameters were plant height, dry weight, fresh and accumulated nitrogen in the biomass. These parameters were analyzed in the areas corresponding to fertilization in fixed rate and correlated with the vegetation index generated by the sensors. The results showed that the active sensor used is highly efficient in estimating plant height, fresh weight, dry weight and accumulated nitrogen on cotton crop. The use of chlorophyll sensor to monitor the leaf nitrogen content in cotton was not effective. The use of ultrasonic sensor (sonar) to estimate plant height parameters, dry pasta, fresh pasta and accumulated nitrogen on cotton plant is a promising strategy. Although it has not the same efficiency as canopy sensors, it showed good results in the detection of variability in crops. The different nitrogen fertilization strategies in cotton-driven asset canopy sensor resulted in no clear effects on productivity. The productivity of each treatment was more dependent on the location of the repetitions within the area than the adopted fertilization strategy.

The use of active sonar to study cetaceans

Bernasconi, Matteo January 2012 (has links)
Cetacean species face serious challenges worldwide due to the increasing noise pollution brought to their environment by human activities such as seismic exploration. Regulation of these activities is vaguely defined and uncoordinated. Visual observations and passive listening devices, aimed at preventing conflicts between human wealth and cetaceans’ health have some fundamental limitations and may consequently fail their mitigation purposes. Active sonar technology could be the optimal solution to implement mitigation of such human activities. In my thesis, the proper sonar unit was used to test the feasibility to detect cetaceans in situ. Omnidirectional sonars could be the optimal solution to monitor the presence of cetaceans in the proximity of potential danger areas. To use this class of sonar in a quantitative manner, the first step was to develop a calibration method. This thesis links in situ measurements of target strength (TS) with variation trends linked to the behavior, morphology and physiology of cetacean. The butterfly effect of a cetacean’s body was described for a fin whale insonified from different angles. A relationship between whale respiration and TS energy peaks was tested through a simple prediction model which seems very promising for further implementation. The effect of lung compression on cetacean TS due to increasing depth was tested through a basic mathematical model. The model fit the in situ TS measurements. TS measurements at depth of a humpback whale, when post-processed, correspond to TS measurements recorded at the surface. Sonar technology is clearly capable of detecting whale foot prints around an operating vessel. Sonar frequency response shows that frequencies between 18 and 38 kHz should be employed. This work has established a baseline and raised new questions so that active sonar can be developed and employed in the best interest for the whales involved in potentially harmful conflicts with man.

Localisation de cible en sonar actif / Target localization in active sonar

Mours, Alexis 20 January 2017 (has links)
La connaissance de l'environnement marin est nécessaire pour un grand nombre d'applications dans le domaine de l'acoustique sous-marine comme la communication, la localisation et détection sonar et la surveillance des mammifères marins. Il constitue le moyen principal pour éviter les interférences néfastes entre le milieu naturel et les actions industriels et militaires conduites en zones côtières.Notre travail de thèse se place dans un contexte de sonar actif avec des fréquences allant de 1 kHz à 10 kHz pour des distances de propagations allant de 1 km à plusieurs dizaines de kilomètres. Nous nous intéressons particulièrement aux environnements de propagation grands fonds, à l'utilisation des antennes industrielles comme les antennes de flancs, les antennes cylindriques et les antennes linéaires remorquées, et à l'utilisation de signaux large bande afin de travailler avec des résolutions en distance et en vitesse très élevées. Le travail de recherche présenté dans ce mémoire est dédié à la recherche de nouveaux paramètres discriminants pour la classification de cible sous-marine en sonar actif et notamment à l'estimation de l'immersion instantanée.Cette étude présente : (1) les calculs de nouvelles bornes de Cramer-Rao pour la position d'une cible en distance en et en profondeur, (2) l'estimation conjointe de la distance et de l'immersion d'une cible à partir de la mesure des temps d'arrivées et des angles d'élévations sur une antenne surfacique et (3) l'estimation conjointe de la distance, de l'immersion et du gisement d'une cible à partir de la mesure des temps d'arrivées et des pseudo-gisements sur une antenne linéaire remorquée.Les méthodes développées lors de cette étude ont été validées sur des simulations, des données expérimentales à petite échelle et des données réelles en mer. / The knowledge of the marine environment is required for many underwater applications such as communications, sonar localization and detection, and marine mammals monitoring. It enables preventing harmful interference between the natural environment and industrial and military actions in coastal areas.This thesis work concentrates upton the context of active sonar with frequencies from 1 kHz to 10 kHz and long propagation ranges from 1 km to several tens of kilometers. We also concentrates upon deep water environment, the use of industrial arrays such as cylindrical arrays, flank arrays and linear towed arrays, and the use of large time-bandwidth signals in order to obtain high distance and speed resolutions. This research work is dedicated to the research of new features for the underwater target classification in active sonar, and specifically to the instantaneous target-depth estimation.This thesis presents: (1) calculations of new Cramer-Rao bounds for the target-position in range and in depth, (2) the joint estimation of the target-depth and the target-range from the arrival time and elevation angle measures with a surface array, (3) the joint estimation of the target-depth, the target-range and the target-bearing from the arrival time and pseudo-bearing angle measures with a linear towed array.The methods presented in this manuscript have been benchmarked on simulation, on reduced-scale experimental data and real marine data.

Multistatisk sonar : En teoretisk prestandastudie i en svensk kontext / Multistatic sonar : A theoretical study of performance in a Swedish context

Linnarsson, Andreas January 2013 (has links)
I takt med att ubåtarna blir allt tystare och svårare att detektera ställs allt högre krav på de sensorer som utvecklas för hålla jämna steg med denna utveckling. Redan under 80-talet kunde man konstatera att ubåtarna hade blivit så tysta att passiv detektering inte räckte till varför intresset istället riktades mot primärt aktiva system. Aktiv sändning medför sina egna nackdelar och tillsammans med de tekniker som utvecklats för att dämpa ekona från en ubåt gör att inte ens en aktiv, monostatisk sonar alltid ger tillfredsställande resultat. Till Försvarsmaktens nya medeltunga helikopter HKP14 har ett nytt sonarsystem införskaffats med möjlighet till fusionerad signalbehandling (s.k. multistatisk sonar) av signaler mottagna från flera olika mottagare såsom t.ex. sonarbojar.   Undersökningen syftar till att belysa vilka fördelar som kan erhållas vid helikopterbaserad, multistatisk ubåtsjakt och visar med ett antal räkneexempel bland annat att en större räckvidd och därmed även ett större detekteringsområde kan förväntas i en multistatisk konfiguration. Beräkningarna är gjorda med utgångspunkt i Uricks sonarekvationer men då faktorer såsom reverberation och kanalutbredning har avgränsats bort är det osäkert hur väl dessa resultat skulle stämma överens med en fältstudie. Utifrån de typfall som har undersökts visar emellertid studien på att de teoretiska fördelarna med ett multistatiskt system är tydliga och att dessa rent logiskt i viss utsträckning även borde gälla i praktiken. / The fact that submarines are becoming more silent and therefore harder to detect has led to an ever-increasing demand for more sensitive and sophisticated sensors to keep up with this development. As early as the 1980s it became obvious that submarines had become so silent that passive detection was not enough and the focus shifted toward active systems instead. Active transmission has its own disadvantages, and new techniques to silence submarines and reduce their acoustic signature even further have led to a situation where not even active, monostatic sonar always produces a satisfactory result. Along with the new medium sized helicopter (NH90), the Swedish Armed Forces have purchased a new sonar system that allows fused signal processing, using signals received by different receivers, such as sonobuoys. The aim of the study is to show what advantages can be gained from helicopter-based multistatic anti-submarine warfare and to show, by a number of arithmetic examples, that greater detection ranges and thus greater detection areas can be expected from a multistatic configuration. The examples are based on Urick’s sonar equations, but since factors such as reverberation and channel propagation of sound have been excluded from the study, it is uncertain how these results would compare to a field study. However, the study clearly shows the theoretical advantages of a multistatic system and that, on the basis of simple logic, these results should be feasible, to some extent, in practice.

Localização de Monte Carlo aplicada a robôs submarinos. / Monte Carlo localization for underwater robots.

Rodrigo Telles da Silva Vale 10 September 2014 (has links)
A tarefa de operar um veículo submarino durante missões de inspeção de ambientes estruturados como, por exemplo, duto de usinas hidrelétricas, é feita principalmente por meio de referências visuais e uma bússola magnética. Porém alguns ambientes desse tipo podem apresentar uma combinação de baixa visibilidade e anomalias ferromagnéticas que inviabilizaria esse tipo de operação. Este trabalho, motivado pelo desenvolvimento de um veículo submarino operado remotamente (ROV) para ser usado em ambientes com essas restrições, propõe um sistema de navegação que utiliza o conhecimento prévio das dimensões do ambiente para corrigir o estado do veículo por meio da correlação dessas dimensões com os dados de um sonar de imageamento 2D. Para fazer essa correlação é utilizado o ltro de partículas, que é uma implementação não paramétrica do ltro Bayesiano. Esse ltro faz a estimação do estado com base nos métodos sequenciais de Monte Carlo e permite trabalhar de uma maneira simples com modelos não lineares. A desvantagem desse tipo de fusão sensorial é o seu alto custo computacional o que geralmente o impede de ser utilizado em aplicações de tempo real. Para que seja possível utilizar esse ltro em tempo real, será proposto neste trabalho uma implementação paralela utilizando uma unidade de processamento gráco (GPU) da NVIDIA e a arquitetura CUDA. Neste trabalho também será feito um estudo da utilização de duas congurações de sensores no sistema de navegação proposto neste trabalho. / The task of navigating a Remotely Operated underwater Vehicles (ROV) during inspection of man-made structures is performed mostly by visual references and occasionally a magnetic compass. Yet, some environments present a combination of low visibility and ferromagnetic anomalies that negates this approach. This paper, motivated by the development of a ROV designed to work on such environment, proposes a navigation method for this kind of vehicle. As the modeling of the system is nonlinear, the method proposed uses a particle lter to represent the vehicle state that is a nonparametric implementation of the Bayes lter. This method to work needs a priori knowledge of the environment map and to make the data association with this map, a 2D image sonar is used. The drawback of the sensor fusion used in this work is its high computational cost which generally prevents it from being used in real time applications. To be possible for this lter to be used in real time application, in this work is proposed a parallel implementation using a graphics processing unit (GPU) from NVIDIA and CUDA architecture. In this work is also made a study of two types of sensors conguration on the navigation system proposed in this work.

Recherche de nouveaux quarks lourds avec l'expérience ATLAS au LHC. Mise en oeuvre d'algorithmes d'identification de jets issus de quarks b / Search for new heavy top-like quarks with the ATLAS experiment at the LHC. Commissionning of hight-performance b-tagging algorithms

Bousson, Nicolas 18 December 2012 (has links)
L'hypothèse d'une quatrième famille de fermions –les particules de matière décrites au sein du Modèle Standard (MS) de la physique des particules– est un des plus simples modèles de nouvelle physique encore non exclu et accessible au démarrage du LHC – le plus puissant collisionneur hadronique au monde depuis 2009. Cette thèse s'intéresse à la production d'une paire de quarks t' se désintégrant chacun via Wb. La recherche se focalise sur le domaine des très hautes masses, où la production peut être distinguée de la production de bruit de fond d'une paire de quark top en exploitant la cinématique des produits de désintégration des collisions p-p produites au centre du détecteur ATLAS. Nous présentons une stratégie originale exploitant la collimation des produits de la désintégration des bosons W de grande impulsion transverse, permettant leur reconstruction explicite. L'analyse s'appuie sur un travail de mise en oeuvre des algorithmes d'identification des jets résultants de la fragmentation des quarks de saveur b. L'étiquetage-b permet à l'expérience ATLAS d'améliorer la (re)découverte du MS, et la sensibilité à la nouvelle physique. Il sera ainsi d'une grande importance pour les futures années d'opération du LHC, raison pour laquelle nous présentons une étude de prospective de ses performances attendues avec l'extension du détecteur à pixels d'ATLAS dénommée IBL. Notre recherche de quark t' a permis d'établir une limite inférieure à la masse du quark t' de 656 GeV à partir des 4.7 fb^−1 de données 7 TeV collectées en 2011, ce qui est la meilleure limite à ce jour en recherche directe, avec également une interprétation dans le cadre du modèle de quarks dits vecteurs. / The hypothesis of a fourth generation of fermions – the matter particles described in the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics – is one of the simplest model of new physics still not excluded and accessible at the start of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) – the world most powerful hadron collider since 2009. We search for the pair production of up-type t' quarks decaying to a W boson and a b-quark. The search is optimized for the high quark mass regime, for which the production can be distinguished from the top background by exploiting kinematic features of the decay products arising from the proton-proton collisions occurring at the center of the ATLAS detector. We present a novel search strategy reconstructing explicitly very high-pT W bosons from their collimated decay products. The analysis benefits from the commissioning of algorithms intended to identify jets stemming from the fragmentation of b-quarks. These algorithms are based on the precise reconstruction of the trajectory of charged particles, vertices of primary interaction and secondary vertices in jets. The b-tagging ability allows for ATLAS to improve the (re)discovery of the SM, and the sensibility to new physics. It will hence play an important role in the future of the LHC, the reason why we study the expected performance with an upgrade of the ATLAS pixel detector, called IBL and currently under construction. Our search of t' quark, using 4.7 fb^−1 of the 7 TeV data collected in 2011, has resulted in the world most stringent limit, excluding t' masses below 656 GeV, with also an interpretation in the framework of vector-like quarks.

Traitement d'images et fusion de données pour la détection d'objets enfouis en acoustique sous-marine

Maussang, Frédéric 30 November 2005 (has links) (PDF)
La détection et la classification d'objets enfouis est un problème particulièrement délicat : les techniques de sonar à antenne synthétiques utilisées pour imager le fond sous-marin fournissent des données possédant souvent un très faible rapport signal à bruit, d'où un nombre important de fausses alarmes. L'objectif de la thèse est de concevoir et développer des algorithmes permettant de réduire le nombre de fauses alarmes, tout en conservant une bonne détection, et éventuellement de classifier les objets détectés, grâce à des outils de traitement d'images et de fusion de données.Pour cela, on utilise les propriétés statistiques aux ordres 1, 2, 3 et 4 de ces images sonar qui vont nous permettre de développer des algorithmes de détection performants. Afin d'améliorer le résultat, les données ainsi extraites sont fusionnées dans un processus basé sur la théorie de l'évidence. Ceci permet de classifier chaque pixel de l'image en "objet" ou "non objet" selon qu'il est supposé appartenir à un objet recherché (mine sous-marine par exemple) ou pas. Le résultat pourra alors être utilisé par un expert afin de l'aider dans sa prise de décision.

Design of behavior classifying and tracking system with sonar / Design av system för beteendeklassificering och målföljning med sonar

Westman, Peter, Andersson, Mikael January 2008 (has links)
<p>The domain below the surface in maritime security is hard to monitor with conventional methods, due to the often very noisy environment. In conventional methods the measurements are thresholded in order to distinguish potential targets. This is not always a feasible way of treating measurements. In this thesis a system based on raw measurements, that are not thresholded, is presented in order to track and classify divers with an active sonar. With this system it is possible to detect and track weak targets, even with a signal to noise ratio that often goes below 0 dB.</p><p>The system in this thesis can be divided into three parts: the processing of measurements, the association of measurements to targets and the classification of targets. The processing of measurements is based on a particle filter using Track Before Detect (TBD). Two algorithms for association of measurements, Joint Probabilistic Data Association (JPDA) and Highest Probability Data Association (HPDA), have been implemented. The classification of targets is done using an assumed novel approach. The system is evaluated by doing simulations with approximately 8 hours of recorded data, where divers are present at nine different times. The simulations are done a number of times to catch The classification rate is high and the false alarm rate is low.</p> / <p>Undervattensdomänen är svår att övervaka i marina säkerhetssystem med sedvanliga metoder, på grund av den brusiga miljön. I traditionella metoder trösklas mätningarna för att urskilja potentiella mål. Detta är inte alltid ett godtagbart sätt att behandla mätningar på. I den här rapporten presenteras ett system baserat på behandling av rå mätdata, som inte trösklas, för att spåra och klassificera dykare med en aktiv sonar. Med detta system är det möjligt att detektera och spåra svaga mål, trots att signal till brus förhållandet ofta går under 0 dB.</p><p>Systemet i den här rapporten kan delas upp i tre delar: behandling av mätningar, association av mätningar till mål samt klassificering av mål. Behandlingen av mätningarna görs med ett partikelfilter som använder Track Before Detect (TBD). Två algoritmer för associering av mätningar, Joint Probabilistic Data Association (JPDA) och Highest Probability Data Association (HPDA), har implementerats. Klassificeringen av mål görs med en egenutvecklad metod som inte har hittats i existerande dokumentation. Systemet utvärderas genom att simuleringar görs på ungefär 8 timmar inspelad data, där dykare är närvarande vid nio olika tillfällen. Simuleringarna görs ett antal gånger för att fånga upp stokastiska beteenden. Andelen lyckade klassificeringar är hög och andelen falsklarm är låg.</p>

Design of behavior classifying and tracking system with sonar / Design av system för beteendeklassificering och målföljning med sonar

Westman, Peter, Andersson, Mikael January 2008 (has links)
The domain below the surface in maritime security is hard to monitor with conventional methods, due to the often very noisy environment. In conventional methods the measurements are thresholded in order to distinguish potential targets. This is not always a feasible way of treating measurements. In this thesis a system based on raw measurements, that are not thresholded, is presented in order to track and classify divers with an active sonar. With this system it is possible to detect and track weak targets, even with a signal to noise ratio that often goes below 0 dB. The system in this thesis can be divided into three parts: the processing of measurements, the association of measurements to targets and the classification of targets. The processing of measurements is based on a particle filter using Track Before Detect (TBD). Two algorithms for association of measurements, Joint Probabilistic Data Association (JPDA) and Highest Probability Data Association (HPDA), have been implemented. The classification of targets is done using an assumed novel approach. The system is evaluated by doing simulations with approximately 8 hours of recorded data, where divers are present at nine different times. The simulations are done a number of times to catch The classification rate is high and the false alarm rate is low. / Undervattensdomänen är svår att övervaka i marina säkerhetssystem med sedvanliga metoder, på grund av den brusiga miljön. I traditionella metoder trösklas mätningarna för att urskilja potentiella mål. Detta är inte alltid ett godtagbart sätt att behandla mätningar på. I den här rapporten presenteras ett system baserat på behandling av rå mätdata, som inte trösklas, för att spåra och klassificera dykare med en aktiv sonar. Med detta system är det möjligt att detektera och spåra svaga mål, trots att signal till brus förhållandet ofta går under 0 dB. Systemet i den här rapporten kan delas upp i tre delar: behandling av mätningar, association av mätningar till mål samt klassificering av mål. Behandlingen av mätningarna görs med ett partikelfilter som använder Track Before Detect (TBD). Två algoritmer för associering av mätningar, Joint Probabilistic Data Association (JPDA) och Highest Probability Data Association (HPDA), har implementerats. Klassificeringen av mål görs med en egenutvecklad metod som inte har hittats i existerande dokumentation. Systemet utvärderas genom att simuleringar görs på ungefär 8 timmar inspelad data, där dykare är närvarande vid nio olika tillfällen. Simuleringarna görs ett antal gånger för att fånga upp stokastiska beteenden. Andelen lyckade klassificeringar är hög och andelen falsklarm är låg.

Design of an Underwater Object Detection and Location System using Wide-Beam SONAR

Du Pisani, Renaldo Murray 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis describes the second project relating to the development of a SONAR (SOund Navigation And Ranging) object detection and collision avoidance system for use on an AUV (Autonomous Underwater Vehicle) at Stellenbosch University. The main goal is to develop and test techniques that make use of the existing SONAR laboratory platform and wide-beam SONAR transducers to detect and locate objects and their limits/bounds under water in the horizontal plane. The results of the work done show that it is possible to use wide-beam transducers to locate the centroid and edges of a flat target with an error that is significantly smaller than the beam-width. The techniques developed will enable the development of a cost-effective SONAR system that can be implemented on an AUV. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis beskryf the tweede projek rakende die ontwikkeling van ’n SONAR voorwerp opsporings en botsingvermydingstelsel vir gebruik op ’n OOV (Outonome Onderwater Voertuig) aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch. Die hoofdoel is om tegnieke te ontwikkel en te toets wat gebruik maak van die bestaande SONAR laboratorium opstelling en wye-straal SONAR opnemers om die posisie van voorwerpe onder water te bepaal, sowel as die posisie van die voorwerp se rande in die horisontale vlak. Die resultate van die werk wat gedoen is wys dat dit moontlik is om wye-straal opnemers te gebruik om die posisie van die sentroïde en rande van ’n plat voorwerp te vind met ’n fout wat aansienlik kleiner is as die straal-wydte. Die tegnieke wat ontwikkel is sal ons in staat stel om ’n koste-effektiewe SONAR stelsel te ontwikkel wat op ’n OOV geïmplenteer kan word.

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