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Semântica e uma ferramenta para o método SADTRibeiro, Adagenor Lobato January 1991 (has links)
A definição de requisitos tem sido reconhecida como uma das mais críticas e difíceis tarefas em engenharia de software. A necessidade de ferramentas de suporte é essencial. Nos dias de hoje, entre os vários métodos existentes para apoiar a fase de requisitos, destaca-se o SADT (Structured Analysis and Design Techniques) devido a sua capacidade de representar modelos. Este trabalho estabelece semântica para o método SADT, baseando-se na inter-relação do método aos sistemas de fluxo de dados (redes, grafos e máquinas de fluxo). Faz-se, inicialmente, uma abordagem operacional para a semântica de seus construtos básicos e, posteriormente discute-se a possibilidade de executar especificações através de simulação. Uma ferramenta para suportar o método SADT foi projetada e construída e é apresentada. Ela foi definida a partir de um modelo, denotado por uma classe, através de uma sintaxe abstrata. Essa ferramenta foi implementada no ambiente PROSOFT, fornecendo para o usuário mais de quarenta operações de apoio a construção/manipulação de diagramas. O trabalho também apresenta a especificação formal em VDM - Vienna Development Method, da semântica dos principais construtos do método SADT, bem como uma proposição de execução de especificações através de simulação são ainda indicadas direções nas quais o trabalho pode ser estendido. / The definition of systems requirements has been known as one of the most critical and dificult tasks as far as the software engineering is concerned. The need support is essential. Nowadays, among the various methods devised to support the phase of requirements, a special emphasis is given to the SADT method (Structured Analysis and Design Techniques), due to its capability of representing models. This work set semantic for the SADT method, based primarily upon the interrelation of the method to the systems of dataflow (nets, graphs and dataflow machines). It deals with an approach of operational semantics to its basic constructs, and it will, afterwards, discuss the possibility of carry out specifications by simulation. A tool was built to support the SADT method, and it was defined by a model denoted by a class, through an abstract syntax. This tool was implemented in the PROSOFT environment, providing for the user, more than forty support operations for the construction /manipulation of diagrams. This work also presents the formal specification of the semantics of the main constructs of the SADT method in VDM - Vienna Development Method; as well as an execution proposal of specifications through simulation. Directions have been indicated concerning the extension of the research.
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Hierarchické komponentové modely - "pravdivý příběh" / Hierarchical Component Models - "A True Story"Ježek, Pavel January 2012 (has links)
First, this thesis presents an analysis of diversity of component-based software engineering (CBSE) concepts and approaches, and provides a summary of selected runtime-aware component models structured according to newly proposed criteria. As a result of the analysis, hierarchical component models are identified as a CBSE domain still not sufficiently explored in the current research with respect to their lacking penetration into regular industrial use. The major part of the thesis consequently almost exclusively focuses on problems related to application of hierarchical component models to real-life applications development. The motivations for hierarchical structuring of application architectures are presented in the thesis and key advantages of hierarchical component models are thoroughly discussed and shown on examples from commercial software development. To verify the claims, two major case-studies are presented in the thesis and the Fractal component model is successfully applied to model and implement them focusing on formal verifiability of correctness of resulting component-based applications. The thesis proposes novel approaches to model dynamic architectures changing at runtime, to deal with complex error traces and a novel specification language for component environments, all resulting from...
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Semântica e uma ferramenta para o método SADTRibeiro, Adagenor Lobato January 1991 (has links)
A definição de requisitos tem sido reconhecida como uma das mais críticas e difíceis tarefas em engenharia de software. A necessidade de ferramentas de suporte é essencial. Nos dias de hoje, entre os vários métodos existentes para apoiar a fase de requisitos, destaca-se o SADT (Structured Analysis and Design Techniques) devido a sua capacidade de representar modelos. Este trabalho estabelece semântica para o método SADT, baseando-se na inter-relação do método aos sistemas de fluxo de dados (redes, grafos e máquinas de fluxo). Faz-se, inicialmente, uma abordagem operacional para a semântica de seus construtos básicos e, posteriormente discute-se a possibilidade de executar especificações através de simulação. Uma ferramenta para suportar o método SADT foi projetada e construída e é apresentada. Ela foi definida a partir de um modelo, denotado por uma classe, através de uma sintaxe abstrata. Essa ferramenta foi implementada no ambiente PROSOFT, fornecendo para o usuário mais de quarenta operações de apoio a construção/manipulação de diagramas. O trabalho também apresenta a especificação formal em VDM - Vienna Development Method, da semântica dos principais construtos do método SADT, bem como uma proposição de execução de especificações através de simulação são ainda indicadas direções nas quais o trabalho pode ser estendido. / The definition of systems requirements has been known as one of the most critical and dificult tasks as far as the software engineering is concerned. The need support is essential. Nowadays, among the various methods devised to support the phase of requirements, a special emphasis is given to the SADT method (Structured Analysis and Design Techniques), due to its capability of representing models. This work set semantic for the SADT method, based primarily upon the interrelation of the method to the systems of dataflow (nets, graphs and dataflow machines). It deals with an approach of operational semantics to its basic constructs, and it will, afterwards, discuss the possibility of carry out specifications by simulation. A tool was built to support the SADT method, and it was defined by a model denoted by a class, through an abstract syntax. This tool was implemented in the PROSOFT environment, providing for the user, more than forty support operations for the construction /manipulation of diagrams. This work also presents the formal specification of the semantics of the main constructs of the SADT method in VDM - Vienna Development Method; as well as an execution proposal of specifications through simulation. Directions have been indicated concerning the extension of the research.
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A secure client / server interface protocol for the electricity prepayment vending industrySubramoney, Kennedy Pregarsen 24 August 2010 (has links)
Electricity prepayment systems have been successfully implemented by South Africa’s national electricity utility (Eskom) and local municipalities for more than 17 years. The prepayment vending sub-system is a critical component of prepayment systems. It provides convenient locations for customers to purchase electricity. It predominantly operates in an “offline” mode, however, electricity utilities are now opting for systems that operate in an “online” mode. “Online” mode of operation or online vending is when a prepayment token is requested from a centralised server that is remote from the client at the actual point of sale (POS). The token is only generated by the server and transferred to the POS client, once the transaction, the POS client and the payment mechanism has been authenticated and authorised. The connection between the POS client and the server is a standard computer network channel (like Internet, direct dial-up link, X.25, GPRS, etc) The lack of online vending system standardisation was a concern and significant risk for utilities, as they faced the problem of being locked into proprietary online vending systems. Thus the South African prepayment industry, lead by Eskom, initiated a project to develop an industry specification for online vending systems. The first critical project task was a current state analysis of the South African prepayment industry, technology and specifications. The prepayment industry is built around the Standard Transfer Specification (STS). STS has become the de-facto industry standard to securely transfer electricity credit from a Point of Sale (POS) to the prepaid meter. STS is supported by several “offline” vending system specifications. The current state analysis was followed by the requirements analysis phase. The requirements analysis confirmed the need for a standard interface protocol specification rather than a full systems specification. The interface specification focuses on the protocol between a vending client and vending server and does not specify the client and server application layer functionality and performance requirements. This approach encourages innovation and competitiveness amongst client and server suppliers while ensuring interoperability between these systems. The online vending protocol design was implemented using the web services framework and therefore appropriately named, XMLVend. The protocol development phase was an iterative process with two major releases, XMLVend 1.22 and XMLVend 2.1. XMLVend 2.1 is the current version of the protocol. XMLVend 2.1 addressed the shortcomings identified in XMLVend 1.22, updated the existing use cases and added several new use cases. It was also modelled as a unified modelling language (UML) interface or contract for prepayment vending services. Therefore, clients using the XMLVend interface are able to request services from any service provider (server) that implements the XMLVend interface. The UML modelled interface and use case message pairs were mapped to Web Service Definition Language (WSDL) and schema (XSD) definitions respectively. XMLVend 2.1 is a secure and open web service based protocol that facilitates prepayment vending functionality between a single logical vending server and ‘n’ number of clients. It has become a key enabler for utilities to implement standardised, secure, interoperable and flexible online vending systems. AFRIKAANS : Voorafbetaalde elektrisiteitstelsels is suksesvol deur Suid-Afrika se nasionale elektrisiteitsverskaffer (Eskom) en plaaslike munisipaliteite geïmplementeer vir meer as 17 jaar. Die Voorafbetaal verkoop-subsisteem is 'n esensiële komponent van voorafbetaal elektrisiteitstelsels. Dit laat gebruikers toe om elektrisiteit te koop by ‘n verskeidenheid van verkooppunte. In die verlede het hierdie stelsels meestal bestaan as alleenstaande verkooppunte maar elektrisiteitsverskaffers is besig om hulle stelsels te verander om in n aanlyn modus te werk. Aanlyn verkoop is wanneer 'n voorafbetaalkoepon versoek word vanaf ‘n sentrale bediener wat vêr verwydered is van die kliënt se verkooppunt. Die koepon word slegs gegenereer deur die bediener en gestuur aan die kliënt nadat die transaksie, die kliënt self, en die betaling meganisme, gemagtig is. Die koppeling tussen verkooppuntkliënt en die bediener is ‘n standaard kommunikasie kanaal, (byvoorbeeld; Internettoegang, direkte inbel skakel, X.25 en “GPRS”) Die gebrek aan 'n standaard vir aanlynverkoopstelsels was 'n bekommernis en beduidende risiko vir elektrisiteitsverskaffers, aangesien hulle ‘n probleem ondervind dat hulle ingeperk sal word tot ‘n eksklusiewe ontwerp vir so ‘n aanlynverkoopstelsel. Dus het die Suid Afrikaanse voorafbetaal industrie, gelei deur Eskom, 'n projek begin om 'n industriespesifikasie te ontwikkel vir aanlyn verkoopstelsels. Die eerste kritiese projek taak was 'n analise van die huidige stand van die Suid-Afrikaanse vooruitbetaling industrie, die tegnologie en spesifikasies. Die voorafbetaal sektor is gebou rondom die Standaard Oordrag Spesifikasie, bekend as “Standard Transfer Specification” (STS). STS word algemeen aanvaar as die industrie standaard vir die oordrag van elektrisiteit krediet vanaf 'n Verkooppunt na die voorafbetaalmeter. STS word ondersteun deur verskeie alleenstaande verkoopstelsel spesifikasies. Die analise vir die huidige status was opgevolg deur ‘n studie van die vereistes vir so ‘n stelsel. Die vereistes analise het die behoefte bevestig vir 'n standaard koppelvlak protokol spesifikasie, eerder as 'n nuwe spesifikasie vir ‘n volledige oorafbetaalstelsel. Dit bepaal alleenlik die protokol koppelvlak tussen 'n voorafbetaalkliënt en die bediener. Dit spesifiseer nie die program vlak funksionaliteit of prestasie vereistes, vir die kliënt en bediener nie. Hierdie benadering bevorder innovasie en mededingendheid onder kliënt- en bediener-verskaffers, terwyl dit nog steeds verseker dat die stelsels wedersyds aanpasbaar bly. Die aanlyn verkoopprotokol ontwerp is geïmplementeer met die webdienste raamwerk en staan bekend as XMLVend. Die protokol vir die ontwikkeling fase was 'n iteratiewe proses met die twee groot weergawes, XMLVend 1.22 en XMLVend 2.1. Die huidige weergawe van die protokol - XMLVend 2.1, adresseer die tekortkominge wat geïdentifiseer is met XMLVend 1.22, terwyl dit ook die bestaande gebruiksgevalle opdatteer en verskeie nuwe gebruiksgevalle byvoeg. Dit was ook geskoei as 'n verenigde modelleringtaal (UML) koppelvlak, of 'n kontrak, vir die voorafbetaal verkoopsdienste. Kliënte is daarom in staat om, met behulp van die XMLVend koppelvlak, dienste te versoek van enige diensverskaffer wat die XMLVend koppelvlak ondersteun. Die UML gemodelleerde koppelvlak- en gebruiksgevalle- boodskappare was gemodeleer in die Web Dienste Definisie Taal (WSDL) en skema (XSD) definisies onderskeidelik. XMLVend 2.1 is 'n sekure en oop webdienste-gebaseerde protokol wat dit moontlik maak om voorafbetaalfunksies te fasilliteer tussen 'n enkele logiese verkoopbediener en 'x' aantal kliënte. Dit het 'n sleutelrol aangeneem vir verskaffers om ‘n gestandaardiseerde, veilige, wedersyds-aanpasbare en buigsame aanlyn verkoopstelsels moontlik te maak. Copyright / Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering / unrestricted
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Dynamics of Systems Driven by an External ForceLiu, Xue 06 April 2021 (has links)
In this dissertation, we study the complicated dynamics of two classes of systems: Anosov systems driven by an external force and partially hyperbolic systems driven by an external force. For smooth Anosov systems driven by an external force, we first study the random specification property, which is on the approximation of an N−spaced arbitrary long finite random orbit segments within given precision by a random periodic point. We prove that if such system is topological mixing on fibers, then it has the random specification property. Furthermore, we prove that the homeomorphism induced by such a system on the space of random probability measures also has the specification property. We note that the random specification property implies the positivity of topological fiber entropy. Secondly, we show that if the system is topological mixing on fibers, then its past and future random correlation for Hölder observable functions decay exponentially with respect to the system and the unique random SRB measure. For smooth partially hyperbolic systems driven by an external force, we prove the existence of the random Gibbs u−state, which has absolutely continuous conditional measure on the strong unstable manifolds.
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This dissertation consists of three essays that examine the impact of various trade policies on the extensive (new trading relationships) and intensive (increase in trade of existing relationships) margins of trade, whereas past studies have been limited to aggregate trade flows. An inquiry into the extensive and intensive margins of trade reveals that total aggregate trade masks the heterogeneous trade creating effect of policy variables. Furthermore, this dissertation also takes into account the econometric issues that have plagued the traditional empirical model that analyzes the impact of these policies on trade.
The first chapter examines the impact of hosting and bidding for mega-events on exports. Rose & Spiegel (2011b) find that hosts and unsuccessful bidders (candidates) experience a similar positive impact on total aggregate exports. They attribute the Olympic effect to the signal a country sends when bidding to host the games. This chapter inquires whether this Olympic signal leads to new trading relationships or an increase in trade in existing relationships. The results indicate that only hosts (not candidates) experience a permanent increase in exports at the intensive margin. While hosting the Olympics is consistently correlated with a permanent deepening of existing trade relationships, it is at the expense of the number of trading relationships.
The second chapter examines the impact of the World Trade Organization (WTO) membership on the extensive and intensive margin of imports. Accounting for several estimation issues that have plagued the literature, results indicate that the benefit of the WTO is realized entirely through the extensive margin. The results are in line with the literature that attributes WTO to reducing market uncertainty through tariff binds rather than reduction, thus increasing entry in the export market even when the applied protection is unchanged.
The third chapter examines the impact of fiscal episodes (fiscal stimuli and consolidation) on the extensive and intensive margins of exports. The results indicate that fiscal consolidation leads to an increase in total exports, while a fiscal stimulus leads to a decrease in total exports. Furthermore, fiscal consolidation leads to an increase in exports solely through the extensive margin.
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Improving Object Oriented Software ContractsVoigt, Janina January 2011 (has links)
Industrial-scale software is commonly very large and complex, making it difficult and time-consuming to develop. In order to manage complexity in software, developers break systems into smaller components which can be developed independently.
Software contracts were first proposed several decades ago; they are used to explicitly specify the interfaces between software components to ensure that they work together correctly. Software contracts specify both the responsibility of a client using a service and of the component providing the service. The advantage of contracts is that they formalise what constitutes correct interactions between software components. In addition, they serve as documentation, as well as a basis for test cases, and help clarify correct use of inheritance. However, despite their usefulness, software contracts are still not widely used in mainstream software engineering.
In this work, we aim to develop a new software contract tool which we hope will help increase the use of software contracts. We start our work by evaluating existing software contract technologies and uncover a range of inconsistencies and shortcomings. We find that there are disagreements surrounding even some of the most basic aspects of software contracts. Using the lessons learned from our analysis of existing tools, we design a new contract tool, PACT. We describe in detail the formal semantics and typing of PACT and develop a first implementation of our tool. Finally, we discuss the advantages of PACT over existing tools, including its rigorous separation of interfaces and implementations, its rich inheritance semantics, and its support for flexible and expressive definition of contracts.
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Social Networks of Receptor-like Kinases Regulate Cell Identity in Arabidopsis thalianaBryan, Anthony C. January 2011 (has links)
Receptor-like kinases (RLKs) make up one of the largest gene families in Arabidopsis thaliana. These genes are required for various biological processes, including response to biotic stress, cell elongation, cell proliferation, and cell fate patterning. An emerging theme in Arabidopsis and other plants is that networks of RLKs are required to regulate a specific process throughout development involving spatial and temporal regulation of transcription factors. However, there are still many RLKs (>50%) with no known function.Several RLKs regulate epidermal development by contributing to early embryonic epidermal maintenance or to epidermal differentiation. In my first analysis, I characterize the role of two related RLKs GASSHO1 (GSO1) and GSO2 in epidermal differentiation. gso1 gso2 double mutants initially form an epidermis during embryogenesis, but analysis of post-embryonic root development indicates the mis-expression of epidermal-specific genes. Three previously characterized RLKs that are involved in epidermal development are also involved in meristem maintenance. In order to decipher the RLK gene networks controlling epidermal development and meristem maintenance, it is necessary to identify additional RLKs involved in both of these processes. I further identified roles for GSO1 and GSO2 in maintaining root growth and root apical meristem (RAM) activity. A future goal will be to elucidate the networks of RLKs, including GSO1 and GSO2 in regulating epidermal and RAM development.The development of the vasculature in plants is controlled by a vascular meristem, the procambium. Oriented cell divisions from the procambium produce phloem, to the periphery, and xylem, to the center of the plant. In a reverse genetic screen to determine to roles of the remaining RLKs with unknown function, we identified the RLK XYLEM INTERMIXED WITH PHLOEM1 (XIP1) that is required for vascular development. We show XIP1 is required for regulating the differentiation of the phloem and for the organization of xylem vessel elements. Our analysis indicates that XIP1 is part of a vascular meristem network, further emphasizing the importance of social networks of RLKs regulating a specific process in development.
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Žiniomis grindžiamas vartotojo reikalavimų specifikacijos generavimo metodas / Knowledge based user requirements specification generation methodBabianskas, Tadas 13 August 2010 (has links)
Žiniomis grindžiami vartotojo reikalavimų modelių generavimas tapo vienas iš pagrindinių informacinių sistemų plėtojimo procesų. Reikalavimų specifikavimas atlieka svarbiausią vaidmenį kuriant programinę įrangą. Darbe aptariama žiniomis grindžiamas vartotojo poreikių modelio generavimo metodas. Aptarta žiniomis grindžiama sistemos architektūra. Reikalavimų modelio generavimui naudojama veiklos modelis, laikomas kaip žinių šaltinis, integruotas su reikalavimų specifikavimo modeliu sukurtu remiantis Volere šablono pagrindu. Šio darbo tikslas išanalizuoti esamų vartotojo reikalavimų įrankių privalumus ir trūkumus, bei pasiūlyti technologinį sprendimą vartotojo reikalavimų specifikacijos generavimui. Šio darbo objektas yra vartotojo reikalavimų specifikacija Darbo problema – vartotojo reikalavimų specifikavimas šiuo metu nėra grindžiamas formalizuotais kriterijais. Jeigu nesiremsime šia ideologija, tai neturėsime informacijos pilnumo, todėl reikia taikyti pasirinkto modelio struktūrą informacijos surinkimui iš vartotojo, bei kuo labiau formalizuoti Sukurtas programinis prototipas integruojant pakeistą veiklos modelį su Volere šablonu. Šis įrankis leidžia specifikuoti vartotojo reikalavimus priimant tai, kad veiklos modelis jau yra užpildytas konkrečios dalykinės srities žiniomis. Atlikus reikalavimų specifikavimą, sugeneruojama vartotojo reikalavimų specifikacija. / Knowledge based user requirements models generation became one of the basis information systems development proceses. The specification of requirements make the essential role developing the software. This paper analises knowledge based user models generation method. Also discuss knowledge based system architekture. The enterprise model is used for requirements model generation and is reputed as the knowledge source which is integrated with requirements specification model made in conformity with Volere template basis. The aim of this work is to analyse the advantages and disadvantages of existing user requirements specification tools and suggest the best technological method for the generation of user reguirements specification model. The object of this work is user requirements specification. The problem of the work is that user requirements specification is not based on formalized criterion, so in such a way we lose the fullness of information. That’s why we have to choose the model to have a structure for the information collecting from the user. The programme prototype was developed using Volere tempalate basis integrated with changed enterprise model. This tool allows to specify user requirements considering that enterprise model is filled with knowledge about exact object domain. Report is generated after requirements specification.
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The evolution of complete software systemsWithall, Mark S. January 2003 (has links)
This thesis tackles a series of problems related to the evolution of completesoftware systems both in terms of the underlying Genetic Programmingsystem and the application of that system. A new representation is presented that addresses some of the issues withother Genetic Program representations while keeping their advantages. Thiscombines the easy reproduction of the linear representation with the inheritablecharacteristics of the tree representation by using fixed-length blocks ofgenes representing single program statements. This means that each block ofgenes will always map to the same statement in the parent and child unless itis mutated, irrespective of changes to the surrounding blocks. This methodis compared to the variable length gene blocks used by other representationswith a clear improvement in the similarity between parent and child. Traditionally, fitness functions have either been created as a selection ofsample inputs with known outputs or as hand-crafted evaluation functions. Anew method of creating fitness evaluation functions is introduced that takesthe formal specification of the desired function as its basis. This approachensures that the fitness function is complete and concise. The fitness functionscreated from formal specifications are compared to simple input/outputpairs and the results show that the functions created from formal specificationsperform significantly better. A set of list evaluation and manipulation functions was evolved as anapplication of the new Genetic Program components. These functions havethe common feature that they all need to be 100% correct to be useful. Traditional Genetic Programming problems have mainly been optimizationor approximation problems. The list results are good but do highlight theproblem of scalability in that more complex functions lead to a dramaticincrease in the required evolution time. Finally, the evolution of graphical user interfaces is addressed. The representationfor the user interfaces is based on the new representation forprograms. In this case each gene block represents a component of the userinterface. The fitness of the interface is determined by comparing it to a seriesof constraints, which specify the layout, style and functionality requirements. A selection of web-based and desktop-based user interfaces were evolved. With these new approaches to Genetic Programming, the evolution ofcomplete software systems is now a realistic goal.
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