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Rôle de l'acide rétinoïque dans la neurogenèse corticale chez la souris / Role of retinoic acid during mouse cortical neurogenesisHaushalter, Carole 28 September 2016 (has links)
L’acide rétinoïque (AR), dérivé actif de la vitamine A (rétinol) circulante, est une petite molécule lipophile contrôlant divers aspects de la mise en place du système nerveux central des vertébrés. L'AR influence notamment le développement précoce du cerveau antérieur, où il contrôle la prolifération et la survie des cellules progénitrices dans l'épithélium neural prosencéphalique. Le développement neural est un processus qui s'articule en trois grandes étapes : la phase d'expansion latérale (E9,5-E10,5 chez la souris), la phase de neurogenèse (E11,5-stades périnataux) et la phase de gliogenèse (stades périnataux-adulte). Nous avons montré que l'AR produit par les méninges à partir de E13 influence la spécification et la migration neuronale au cours de la phase de neurogenèse. De plus, nos travaux suggèrent un rôle plus précoce de l'AR pour la formation et la prolifération des populations progénitrices et neuronales avant et au début de la phase de neurogenèse. Une combinaison de signaux intrinsèques et extrinsèques contrôle divers aspects du développement neural cortical. Nos travaux placent l'AR parmi ces facteurs modulateurs de la neurogenèse corticale. / Retinoic acid (RA), an active vitamin A (retinol) metabolite, is a small lipophilic molecule controlling numerous events during central nervous system development in vertebrates. RA is involved in early forebrain development by controlling cell proliferation and survival in the prosencephalic neuroepithelium. Neural development is a process progressing through three key steps: a phase of lateral expansion (E9.5-E10.5 in the mouse), a phase of neurogenesis (E11.5-perinatal stages) and a gliogenic phase (perinatal stages-adult). My work has shown that RA produced by the developing meninges from E13 influences neuronal specification and migration during the phase of neurogenesis. Moreover, our data suggest an earlier role of RA during the production and proliferation of progenitor and neuronal populations, before and at the onset of the neurogenic phase. A combination of extrinsic and intrinsic signals is required to orchestrate the various aspects of cortical development. RA is likely to be one of such extrinsic factors modulating cortical neurogenesis.
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Régulation du destin cellulaire pendant la neurogénèse postnatale : rôle de l'innervation dopaminergique issue du mésencéphale / Regulation of cell fate during postnatal neurogenesis : role of dopaminergic innervation from the midbrainBolz, Marianne 12 December 2013 (has links)
Le cerveau des mammifères abrite deux régions spécifiques où la neurogenèse adulte ne cesse pas après l'embryogenèse, mais persiste dans le cerveau postnatal et adulte. Ces deux régions sont la zone sous-granulaire du gyrus denté de l’hippocampe et la zone sous-ventriculaire (SVZ) des ventricules latéraux.Dans la SVZ, des cellules souches neurales génèrent des neuroblastes qui migrent jusqu’au bulbe olfactif (OB) pour coloniser les couches granulaires et glomérulaires et se différencier en différent types d’interneurones dont une petite fraction sont des interneurones dopaminergiques. La découverte de la neurogenèse postnatale et adultes a changé le point de vue de la plasticité du cerveau remarquable et ouvre de nouvelles perspectives pour la thérapie des maladies neurodégénératives. Etant donné que dans la maladie de Parkinson les symptômes moteurs principaux sont causés par la dénervation dopaminergique du striatum, la compréhension de la génération et de la différenciation des neurones dopaminergiques bulbaires a reçu une attention particulière au vu de leur intérêt potentiel pour la thérapie cellulaire. Dans ce contexte, le neuromédiateur dopamine lui-même a été suggéré d'influencer la neurogenèse olfactive et la spécification des interneurones dopaminergique.Dans ma thèse, j'ai analysé l’influence de l’innervation dopaminergique issue du mésencéphale sur la neurogenèse et le destin cellulaire des précurseurs de la SVZ. J'ai combiné un modèle 6-OHDA de dénervation dopaminergique chez la souris postnatale avec l’électroporation in vivo du ventricule latéral pour marquer spécifiquement les progéniteurs latéraux et dorsaux et suivre leur destin dans le OB. / In the postnatal and adult mammalian brain neurogenesis persists in the subgranular zone of the hippocampal dentate gyrus and the subventricular zone (SVZ). In the SVZ slowly dividing stem cells give rise to neuroblasts that migrate to the olfactory bulb (OB) where they reach the granule and glomerular cell layer of the OB and differentiate into different interneuron subtypes including a small fraction of dopaminergic interneurons. The discovery of postnatal and adult neurogenesis has changed the view of the plasticity of the brain remarkably and raised the hope for new therapeutical approaches in the field of neurodegenerative diseases. Since in Parkinson’s disease the main motor symptoms are caused by the dopaminergic denervation of the striatum adjacent to SVZ, the understanding of the generation and differentiation of OB dopaminergic neurons has received special attention. Interestingly, the neurotransmitter dopamine itself has been suggested to influence olfactory bulb neurogenesis via direct innervation of SVZ by midbrain dopaminergic neurons. However, data on this topic have been contradictory. In this study, I investigated how dopaminergic innervation influences SVZ neurogenesis and the fate of SVZ progenitors. I combined a 6-OHDA model of dopaminergic denervation in postnatal mice with in vivo forebrain electroporation to specifically label lateral and dorsal SVZ progenitors and to follow their fate in the olfactory bulb.
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Geração parcial de código Java a partir de especificações formais Z. / Partial generation of Java code from Z formal specifications.Alvaro Heiji Miyazawa 03 October 2008 (has links)
Especificações formais são úteis para descrever o que um sistema deve fazer sem definir como, e, em virtude da sua natureza formal e da possibilidade de abstração, é possível analisá-las sistematicamente. No entanto, o uso de especificações formais como parte do desenvolvimento de software não constitui prática comum. Isso se dá, em parte, pelo fato de existirem apenas um pequeno número de metodologias e ferramentas adequadas que dêem suporte a esse desenvolvimento. O primeiro objetivo deste trabalho é propor uma metodologia de desenvolvimento que possibilite, a partir de uma especificação formal em notação Z, produzir uma implementação dessa especificação em Java. Essa metodologia centra-se na geração do esqueleto da aplicação Java e na instrumentação desse esqueleto com mecanismos de verificação de condições (invariantes, pré e pós-condições) e rastreamento de violações dessas condições. Através desses mecanismos, possibilita-se intercalar desenvolvimento formal e informal no processo global de desenvolvimento de software. O segundo objetivo é desenvolver uma ferramenta que implemente parte dessa metodologia, produzindo uma implementação parcial que deverá ser complementada pelo usuário. / Formal specifications are useful for describing what a system should do, without defining how, and, owing to its formal nature, it is possible to analyse them systematically. However useful formal specifications are, their usage as part of the software development process is rather rare. This is, in part, due to the scarcity of both methodologies and tools that support this development. The first goal of this work is to define a software development methodology that enables the developer to produce a Java application from a formal specification written in Z. This methodology will rely strongly on the generation of Java application skeletons and instrumentation of the generated code with means of verifying conditions (invariants, pre and post-conditions) e tracing violations of these conditions. Through this mechanisms, it is possible to mix formal and informal development in the global software development process. The second goal of this work is to develop a tool that will implement part of this methodology, producing a partial implementation that must be complemented by the developer.
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Uso do padrão AMQP para transporte de mensagens entre atores remotos / Usage of the AMQP standard to transport messages among remote actorsThadeu de Russo e Carmo 08 May 2012 (has links)
O modelo de atores tem sido visto como uma abordagem alternativa à programação concorrente convencional, baseada em travas e variáveis de condição. Atores são agentes computacionais que se comunicam por troca de mensagens e que possuem uma caixa de correio e um comportamento. As mensagens destinadas a um ator são armazenadas na caixa de correio do ator e processadas de maneira assíncrona. Sistemas de middleware orientados a mensagens trabalham com troca assíncrona de mensagens e formam uma base que simplifica o desenvolvimento de aplicações distribuídas. Tais sistemas permitem interoperabilidade com baixo acoplamento e provêm suporte para tratamento robusto de erros em caso de falhas. Message brokers são frequentemente apresentados como uma tecnologia que pode mudar a maneira com que sistemas distribuídos são construídos. A especificação AMQP é uma proposta recente de padronização de um protocolo para message brokers. Neste trabalho exploramos a potencial sinergia entre um message broker e uma implementação do modelo de atores. Criamos uma versão modificada da implementação do modelo de atores do projeto Akka que utiliza um message broker AMQP como mecanismo de transporte de mensagens para atores remotos. / The actor model has been seen as an alternative for conventional concurrent programming based on locks and condition variables. Actors are computational agents that communicate by sending messages and have a mailbox and a behavior. The messages sent to an actor are stored in its mailbox and are asynchronously processed. Message oriented middleware systems work with asynchronous message exchange and create a base that simplifies the development of distributed applications. These systems have interoperability with low coupling and provide support for robust error handling in case of failures. Message brokers are often presented as a technology that can change the way distributed systems are built. The AMQP specification is a recent proposal of a standard protocol for message brokers. In this document we explore the potential synergy between a message broker and an implementation of the actor model. We created a modified version of the actor model implementation provided by the Akka project. Our modified implementation uses an AMQP message broker as the transport engine for messages to remote actors.
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Anskaffning, värdering och utvärdering av IT-investeringar / Acquisition, valuation and evaluation of IT-investmentsAndersson, Julia, Kjellgren, Lucas, Svensson, Isac January 2019 (has links)
Almost all businesses are affected by the current trend of digitalization. To stay competitive, they need to find the right balance between innovation and exploitation. IT-investments could result in increased efficiency, as well as other competitive advantages. To be sure that the IT- investments contributes to these expected advantages, the businesses should evaluate their IT- investment. For the systems to continue to create value and to avoid the use of outdated systems, it’s also of major importance the IT-systems are assessed at a regular basis. The aim of this thesis is to investigate on what basis IT-investments are made, as well as what approaches organizations tend to adopt while valuating and evaluating their systems. The study was conducted through a qualitative method and the data-collection was made through semi- structured interviews with respondents from 6 different businesses who occupied positions such as chief information officer, chief digital officer and project manager. The part of empirics and analysis explains the results of the study and compares the empirical data with theory. The result of the study shows that IT-investments often are made to match the digitalization of society and that such investments are affected by factors such as competition and customer’s requests. The result also reveals that acquisition, through Business Case, often is made to decide whether the IT-investment should carry on or discontinue. Furthermore, the result shows that the work with system management often is conducted in a controlled and thoroughly way, but that the work with evaluation isn’t sufficiently comprehensive; which the businesses is aware of and wishes to do in greater extent.
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Tool support for the derivation of product line use cases : A case study in the railway transportation domainForsman, Viking January 2021 (has links)
Use cases are textual artifacts used to define the expected behavior of a system. However, use cases become more complicated when applied in a product line context since they need to define the behavior of several systems. Product line use cases require knowledge of commonality and variability concepts, which all involved stakeholders do not necessarily possess. Product-specific use cases are more understandable since they do not include variability information. Therefore, it would be beneficial to derive product-specific use cases from the product line use cases once the variability has been bound. This derivation could alleviate communication and help create a shared understanding of the product's expected behavior amongst diverse stakeholders. In this thesis work, we have implemented a tool that can perform this type of derivation. The tool is divided into two collaborating parts. The first part is an extension to DOORS, which is responsible for creating and maintaining product line use cases. The second part is a third-party application responsible for binding the variability and deriving product-specific use cases. This tool was evaluated using a questionnaire with participants from Alstom, a company within the railway transportation domain. The evaluation showed that the tool has potential as a vehicle for communication amongst diverse stakeholders. / Use cases är textuella artefakter vilka används för att definiera det förväntade beteendet hos system. Dock så blir use cases mer komplicerade när de appliceras inom en produktionslinje-kontext, eftersom de då behöver definiera beteendet av flera olika system. Användandet av produktionslinje use cases kräver kännedom av kommonalitet och variabilitet koncept, vilket alla inblandade delägare inte nödvändigtvis behärskar. Därför skulle det vara gynnsamt om man kunde derivera produktspecifika use cases från produktionslinje use cases när dess variabilitet har bundits. Denna derivation skulle kunna underlätta kommunikation och skapa en gemensam förståelse av produktens förväntande beteende bland delägare med olika bakgrunder. I detta avhandlingsarbete har vi implementerat ett verktyg som kan utföra denna typ av derivation. Verktyget är uppdelat i två samarbetande delar. Den första delen är ett tilläggsprogram till DOORS, vilken är ansvarigt för att skapa och underhålla produktionslinje use cases. Den andra delen är en tredjeparts applikation vilken är ansvarig för att binda variabiliteten och derivera fram produktspecifika use cases. Verktyget evaluerades med ett frågeformulär med tio deltagare från Alstom, ett företag inom järnvägstransport området. Denna evaluering visade att verktyget har potential att användas som ett fordon för kommunikation mellan delägare med olika bakgrunder.
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Vizualizace výrazů procesní algebry pi-kalkul / Visual Representation of Pi-Calculus ExpressionsProkopová, Dagmar January 2017 (has links)
This work deals with the problem of visual representation of Pi-calculus expressions. The theoretical part of this paper discusses general principles of process algebras as well as specific properties of individual models, with a focus on Pi-calculus. Also included is the comparison of several text and graphical representations of expressions. The main part of the thesis deals with the design and implementation of an application for converting text representation of expressions into graphical representation. In addition to the text and graphical representation, an internal tree representation designed to work with expressions within the application is also proposed. The thesis also describes algorithms for finding feasible reductions, performing reductions and expression simplification that operate with the proposed tree representation.
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Stavebně technologický projekt administrativního objektu Dukelská / Construction-technological project of administrative building DukelskáLidmila, Jan Unknown Date (has links)
The subject of this diploma thesis is a construction technology project for an office building Dukelská in Brno. The content of the work is a technical report to the construction technology project, design of transport solutions, time and financial evaluation of the construction, project for a construction site equipment, design of a machine assemblies. For the selected construction phase a technological specification and check and test plan is designed. The work also deals with environmental and safety risks, draft contract for work and alternative technologies of vertical structures.
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Návrh a dispoziční uspořádání vysokotlaké čerpací stanice / Design and lay-out of high pressure pumping station.Václavík, Tomáš January 2009 (has links)
The aim of diploma thesis is design and lay-out of high pressure pumping station with plunger pumps for splash of scales from slabs of hot-rolled. Theoretic (introduction) part of this thesis contain description of formation of scales and description of ways how it is possible remove these scales. And this part contains also explication of effect of water jet on solid material. The practical part of diploma thesis is focused on design of pumping station including of dimensioning of machinery. Part of this work is also technical documentation for proposed pumping station and specification of main machines and devices.
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Rezidence Austerlitz, vybrané části stavebně technologického projektu / Residence Austerlitz, selected parts of construction technology projectHelán, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
Purpose of this master’s thesis is to compile structurally – technological aspects of the project of new housing building in Brno. Thesis concentrates on technological phase of upper rough construction, which involves prescriptions for masonry of walls and constructions from reinforced concrete. Thesis is also includes suggestions of constellation of machines, time plan, supplying of construction site, rules of workplace safety, quality requirements, solutions for organization of construction and maintenance of the building. Conclusion of this master’s thesis is comparison of different systematical variations of constructing peripheral wall based on many structurally – technological factors.
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