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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Stavebně technologická příprava výstavby bytového domu v Brně / THE TECHNOLOGY PLANNING OF THE CONSTRUCTION BUILDING HOUSE IN BRNO

Doležel, Jakub January 2017 (has links)
This thesis focuses on developing technological preparation of the apartment house Kociánka in Brno. This work includes technical report, coordination situation transport routes, feasibility studies, time and financial plan object, building equipment, design of construction machines and equipment, schedule od work, technological prescription, itemized budget, inspection and test plan and dedicated the award to the assessment of traffic and the project of the traffic - engineering measures.

High-Level-Entwurf von Mikrosystemen

Markert, Erik 16 February 2010 (has links)
Die Dissertationsschrift stellt eine Toolkette zum abstrakten Entwurf von Mikrosystemen vor. Mikrosysteme können aus Elementen verschiedener physikalischer Domänen bestehen und zusätzlich digitale Hardware sowie Software enthalten. Die Erfassung und Formalisierung dieser heterogenen Systeme stellt den ersten Schritt im Entwurfsprozess dar, die damit verbundene neue Methodik des Designs von Mikrosystemen bildet den Kern der vorliegenden Arbeit. Zur Erfassung der analogen Spezifikationsteile enthält die Arbeit die Schilderung und Implementierung neuer Datenstrukturen, die ausgehend von einer ausführlichen Anforderungsanalyse geschaffen wurden. Das abstrakte Systemverhalten wird mit Hilfe hybrider Automaten modelliert, die sowohl mit speziellen hybriden Werkzeugen als auch mit SystemC-AMS simulierbar sind. Darüber hinaus beschäftigt sich die Arbeit mit der Erfassung von Signalverläufen und Schaltplaninformationen. Die formalisierten Anforderungen ermöglichen erste Prüfungen der Spezifikation auf Konsistenz. Zur Unterstützung niedriger Abstraktionsebenen wie der Differentialgleichungsebene steht ein Wandler von SystemC-AMS nach VHDL-AMS bereit. In die Systembeschreibung mit SystemC-AMS ist die Definition und Verknüpfung von Kostenparametern integrierbar. Das daraus entstehende globale Gütemaß hilft dem Entwerferteam, die optimale Systemrealisierung zu finden. / The PhD thesis proposes a toolflow for the design of microsystems on higher abstraction levels. Microsystems may consist of components using effects in different physical domains plus additional digital hardware and software. The collection and formalization of these heterogeneous systems is a first step in the design process, the associated design method ist the key point of this work. The system behavior is modeled using hybrid automata, which are checkable using hybrid modelcheckers and simulable using SystemC-AMS. Furthermore the work deals with signal forms and circuit parameters. To support modeling on lower abstraction levels like differential algebraic equations a syntax conversion from SystemC-AMS to VHDL-AMS was included. The integration of cost factors into SystemC-AMS allows design space exploration during system simulation.

Generation of Formal Specifications for Avionic Software Systems

Gulati, Pranav 02 October 2020 (has links)
Development of software for electronic systems in the aviation industry is strongly regulated by pre-defined standards. The aviation industry spends significant costs of development in ensuring flight safety and showing conformance to these standards. Some safety requirements can be satisfied by performing formal verification. Formal verification is seen as a way to reduce costs of showing conformance of software with the requirements or formal specifications. Therefore, the correctness of formal specifications is critical. Writing formal specifications is at least as difficult as developing software [36]. This work proposes an approach to generate formal specifications from example data. This example data illustrates the natural language requirements and represents the ground truth about the system. This work eases the task of an engineer who has to write formal specifications by allowing the engineer to specify the example data instead. The use of a relationship model and a marking syntax and semantics are proposed that make the creation of formal specifications goal oriented. The evaluation of the approach shows that the proposed syntax and semantics capture more information than is strictly needed to generate formal specifications. The relationship model reduces the computational load and only produces formal specifications that are interesting for the engineer.

Environmental Performance Measurement als Instrument für nachhaltiges Wirtschaften: Konzeption, Operationalisierung und Multiplikation eines Controllinginstruments zur Umweltleistungsmessung als Grundlage für eine Publicly Available Specification (EPM-KOMPAS)

Günther, Edeltraud, Sturm, Anke, Thomas, Paola, Uhr, Wolfgang 18 June 2001 (has links)
No description available.

Förändringar av arbetssätt vid implementering av BIM : En kvalitativ studie av två traditionella projekteringars arbetssätt och tid- och resursplanering samt vilka förändringar som är nödvändiga vid implementering av BIM / Changes of ways of working in the implementation of BIM : A qualitative study of two traditional design processes ways of working and time and  resource planning, and what changes are necessary in the implementation of BIM

Jansson, Magnus, Knutsson, Kristian January 2012 (has links)
I en rapport från 2005 framtagen av FoU-Väst i samverkan med Centrum för management i byggsektorn (CMB) konstateras att en betydande del av allt slöseri i byggsektorn är kopplat till fel och konsekvenserna av dessa, med andra ord felkostnader. Studien visar att felkostnader står för cirka 10 % av ett projekts produktionskostnad.   Byggsektorn står nu, år 2012, inför förändringar i sitt arbetssätt för att minska antalet fel, öka kvaliteten och effektiviteten. BIM – Building Information Modeling, möjliggör ett smartare sätt att skapa, använda och förvalta information genom hela bygg- och förvaltningsprocessen. BIM ger möjligheten att anpassa informationen i varje delprocess och därigenom effektivisera arbetet. Det nya arbetssättet innebär ett livscykeltänk där information används på ett systematiskt och kvalitetssäkrat sätt i en objektbaserad 3D-modell.  Studiens syfte är att fastställa vilka arbetssätt som behöver förändras för att implementera BIM i ett av Skanskas distrikt i regionen Hus Stockholm Ombyggnad samt fastställa vilka kostnadsbesparingar beställare gör tack vare implementeringen. BIM består av mer än en datamodell. För att uppnå de nyttor BIM kan ge krävs förändrade processer och gemensamma begreppsmodeller. Processerna, organisationen och modelleringen av produkten måste planeras noggrant. Detta medför att mer resurser läggs i ett tidigt skede i projekteringen vilket krävs för att kravspecifikationen ska uppfyllas i ett BIM-projekt. Flera respondenter i studien ger uttryck för att fler och/eller utförligare informationsleveranser i systemskedet skulle höja kvaliteten på bygghandlingarna. Studien konstaterar att BIM-projektering kräver ett nära och öppet samarbete mellan, de för BIM-användingen aktuella aktörerna. / In a 2005 report written by FoU-Väst in collaboration with Centrum för management i byggsektorn (CMB) it is determined that a significant proportion of wastage in the construction sector is linked to defects and their impact, in other words costs of errors. The study shows that these costs are accounting for about 10 % of a project´s production costs.  Construction sector now, in 2012, face changes in their ways of working to reduce errors, increase quality and efficiency. BIM - Building Information Modeling, provides a smarter way to create, use and manage information throughout the construction and management process. BIM provides the ability to customize the information in each sub- process and thereby improve efficiency. The new ways of working involves a life- cycle thinking in which information is used in a systematic and quality assured manner in an object-based 3D model.  The study aims to determine the ways of working that needs to change to implement BIM in one of Skanska's district in the region Stockholm Hus Ombyggnad and identify cost savings clients make through the implementation. BIM consists of more than one data model. To achieve the benefits that BIM can provide, changes in processes and common conceptual models are required. Processes, the organization and modeling of the product must be carefully planned. This means that more resources are added in the early stages of the design process which is necessary to meet the specification of requirements in a BIM project. A number of respondents in the study reflect on the fact that additional and / or more detailed information deliveries during the schematic design phase would increase the quality of construction documents. The study finds that a BIM design process require near and open cooperation between the, to the BIM-use relevant participants.

Formal methods adoption in the commercial world

Nemathaga, Aifheli 10 1900 (has links)
There have been numerous studies on formal methods but little utilisation of formal methods in the commercial world. This can be attributed to many factors, such as that few specialists know how to use formal methods. Moreover, the use of mathematical notation leads to the perception that formal methods are difficult. Formal methods can be described as system design methods by which complex computer systems are built using mathematical notation and logic. Formal methods have been used in the software development world since 1940, that is to say, from the earliest stage of computer development. To date, there has been a slow adoption of formal methods, which are mostly used for mission-critical projects in, for example, the military and the aviation industry. Researchers worldwide are conducting studies on formal methods, but the research mostly deals with path planning and control and not the runtime verification of autonomous systems. The main focus of this dissertation is the question of how to increase the pace at which formal methods are adopted in the business or commercial world. As part of this dissertation, a framework was developed to facilitate the use of formal methods in the commercial world. The framework mainly focuses on education, support tools, buy-in and remuneration. The framework was validated using a case study to illustrate its practicality. This dissertation also focuses on different types of formal methods and how they are used, as well as the link between formal methods and other software development techniques. An ERP system specification is presented in both natural language (informal) and formal notation, which demonstrates how a formal specification can be derived from an informal specification using the enhanced established strategy for constructing a Z specification as a guideline. Success stories of companies that are applying formal methods in the commercial world are also presented. / School of Computing

Formal methods adoption in the commercial world

Nemathaga, Aifheli 10 1900 (has links)
: leaves 122-134 / There have been numerous studies on formal methods but little utilisation of formal methods in the commercial world. This can be attributed to many factors, such as that few specialists know how to use formal methods. Moreover, the use of mathematical notation leads to the perception that formal methods are difficult. Formal methods can be described as system design methods by which complex computer systems are built using mathematical notation and logic. Formal methods have been used in the software development world since 1940, that is to say, from the earliest stage of computer development. To date, there has been a slow adoption of formal methods, which are mostly used for mission-critical projects in, for example, the military and the aviation industry. Researchers worldwide are conducting studies on formal methods, but the research mostly deals with path planning and control and not the runtime verification of autonomous systems. The main focus of this dissertation is the question of how to increase the pace at which formal methods are adopted in the business or commercial world. As part of this dissertation, a framework was developed to facilitate the use of formal methods in the commercial world. The framework mainly focuses on education, support tools, buy-in and remuneration. The framework was validated using a case study to illustrate its practicality. This dissertation also focuses on different types of formal methods and how they are used, as well as the link between formal methods and other software development techniques. An ERP system specification is presented in both natural language (informal) and formal notation, which demonstrates how a formal specification can be derived from an informal specification using the enhanced established strategy for constructing a Z specification as a guideline. Success stories of companies that are applying formal methods in the commercial world are also presented. / School of Computing / M. Sc. (Computing)

Možnosti využití nových medií v oblasti formálního vzdělávaní: Případová studie návrhu historické simulace / The use of new media in formal education: A case study of design of the historical simulation

Lekovski, Michael January 2012 (has links)
Thesis was developed as a model specification for a design of historical simulation applied in formal education. The text is divided into two main parts: The theoretical part summarizes findings about the role of new media in e-learning and its potential enrichment for gamification elements. Also mentions computer game as a research subject and points to the game mechanics that can be used in formal education to a successful application DGBL - Digital Game-Based Learning in this process. Practical part presents case study of a model specification that is based on the real project: 'Stories from the History of Czechoslovakia: Research and experimental development of software simulations to teach the history of the Czech lands in the 20th Century", solved by Faculty of Arts and Facility of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University and Institute of Contemporary History of Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic in Prague in 2011- 2014. In this section are addressed by specific examples of model applications of gamification elements with a view to achieving the educational goals of teaching simulation.

Globin Gene Expression: Role of Transcription Factors

Fotouhi Ghiam, Alireza 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Verification of real time properties in Fiacre language / Vérification des propriétés temps réel dans le langage Fiacre

Abid, Nouha 11 December 2012 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons à la problématique de la vérification formelle des systèmes critiques temps réel, c’est-à-dire des systèmes dont l’exécution dépend de certaines contraintes temporelles. La spécification formelle des exigences pour de tels systèmes, ainsi que leur vérification, reste une tâche très compliquée, surtout pour les non experts. Plusieurs solutions ont été proposées pour faciliter la spécification et la vérification des systèmes temps-réels. Un premier type d’approche est basée sur la définition d’un ensemble de patrons de spécification qui représentent les propriétés les plus utilisées en pratique. Cependant, ce type de solutions n’est pas toujours supporté par un outillage de vérification efficace, dans le sens que les auteurs de ces langages de patrons ne fournissent pas directement une implantation pour leur langage. Un second type d’approches repose sur l’utilisation du formalisme des logiques temporelles pour spécifier les propriétés à vérifier et sur les techniques de model-checking pour leur vérification. S’agissant de systèmes temps-réels, il est dans ce cas nécessaire d’utiliser des extensions temporisées des logiques temporelles. Cependant, ces approches donnent le plus souvent lieu à des problèmes de model-checking qui sont indécidable, ou dont la complexité en pratique est très élevée. Dans ce travail, nous suivons la première approche et proposons un langage de patrons de propriétés temps-réels accompagnés d’un outil de vérification par model- checking. Nous apportons plusieurs contributions à ce domaine. Nous proposons un cadre théorique complet pour la spécification et la vérification de patrons de propriétés temps réel. Notre approche a été implantée dans le contexte du langage de modélisation Fiacre. Enfin, nous définissons deux méthodes complémentaires permettant de vérifier la correction de notre approche de vérification / The formal verification of critical, reactive systems is a very complicated task, especially for non experts. In this work, we more particularly address the problem of real time systems, that is in the situation where the correctness of the system depends upon timing constraints, such as the “timeliness” of some interactions. Many solutions have been proposed to ease the specification and the verification of such systems. An interesting approach—that we follow in this thesis—is based on the definition of specification patterns, that is sets of general, reusable templates for commonly occurring classes of properties. However, patterns are rarely implemented, in the sense that the designers of specification languages rarely provide an effective verification method for checking a pattern on a system. The most common technique is to rely on a timed extension of a temporal logic to define the semantics of patterns and then to use a model-checker for this logic. However, this approach may be inadequate, in particular if patterns require the use of a logic associated to an undecidable model-checking problem or to an algorithm with a very high practical complexity. We make several contributions. We propose a complete theoretical framework to specify and check real time properties on the formal model of a system. First, our framework provides a set of real time specification patterns. We provide a verification technique based on the use of observers that has been implemented in a tool for the Fiacre modelling language. Finally, we provide two methods to check the correctness of our verification approach; a “semantics”—theoretical— method as well as a “graphical”-practical- method

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