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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Help that Hinders? Exploring the ways donors shape local community participation in environmental NGO projects.

Cuel, Jessica 13 December 2022 (has links)
In this thesis I investigate the impact of donor organizations on NGOs’ efforts to foster local community participation in environmental projects, by analyzing how conditions on project funding affect a sample of South African NGOs. Numerous NGOs take environmental justice as a key tenet of their work. Yet, promoting environmental justice is not an easy task to perform. Aside from cultural, political and social contingencies peculiar to specific contexts, there are external constraints that can help or hinder NGOs’ efforts, among which resource-dependency dynamics stand out as particularly relevant. In fact, donors hold power over NGOs, who must stick to specific conditions to secure their support. My aim is to understand what conditions and what type of donors facilitate or hinder community participation —a basic condition for achieving environmental justice— in environmental projects, where hindrances are exemplified by the presence of NGOization dynamics. I analyze donors’ guiding principles, eligibility criteria and monitoring and evaluation standards, delving into the provisions of five different funders that financially support local environmental projects in South Africa, classified according to their core values and organizational settings. Data are collected, coded, and analyzed with the help of NVIVO through a content analysis of calls for grants, project proposals, project reports, and semi-structured interviews to donors and NGO professionals. In this study, I argue that donor organizations can facilitate community participation and avoid NGOization dynamics by acknowledging the existence of unequal power relations between them and the NGOs they fund and by taking measures to respond to NGOs demands. This study highlights the importance of long-term engagement and a relationship based on trust between donors and NGOs as key to creating alternative funding models that help secure the goals that local communities define. Moreover, this study also claims that donors’ upward accountability has a weight in determining conditions on funds and eligibility criteria, and that many of the donors’ virtuous practices originate from their independence from upward accountability measures.

Left outside or trapped in the visible and invisible gate. Insights into the continuities and discontinuities in the creation of good and just living in open and gated suburbs of Johannesburg.

Duca, Federica January 2015 (has links)
Starting from the consideration that gated estates and complexes are increasingly becoming part of the urban, peri-urban and rural landscape of many societies undergoing transformation, the aim of this dissertation is to explore what difference it makes to live in an enclosed space in order to understand not only the choice of living in such environments, but also their spatial, social and political implications and manifestations. This work does so by adopting a relational perspective and by comparing two different neighbourhoods of Johannesburg, South Africa: a newly built gated golf estate (Eagle Canyon) and an old open suburb (Northcliff). In order to develop insights into the ways in which life in a gated community is related to the life outside, an ethnographic study of three years has been carried on in the gated golf estate and in the open suburb. This work argues that gated enclaves, internally organized and managed by specific institutions, not only provide the space in which the "good life" is lead, but most importantly set the standard and the terms of this good life and provide a system of justification for it. Putting in dialogue the two suburbs, this dissertation points out that gated estates provide the sace in which an escalation of belonging takes place. The novelty of the study lies in the discovery that the relationship between Northcliff and Eagle Canyon and then between Eagle Canyon and other gated estates is not simply of one between different urban phenomena but, in addition, is one of political scale. Northcliff is to the City what Eagle Canyon is to the nation. In other words, these respective communities instantiate, symbolically, different scales of political community.

"Rooting Out Resistance in Uyghur Society": The Making of China's Counterterrorism Policy in Xinjiang (1996-2017)

Sciorati, Giulia 03 September 2020 (has links)
The diffusion of episodes of terrorism and political violence around the world has heightened the need for states to design effective counterterrorist measures. Orthodox studies on terrorism hold that the frequency and intensity of terrorist attacks determine the levels of assertiveness maintained by counterterrorist measures. This research builds on this assumption by developing the link between terrorism and counterterrorism policy through two unit-level variables. Besides the frequency and intensity of terrorist attacks, this study examines the political orientation of states’ elites, and states’ integration in multilateral security frameworks. The research tests for these factors by studying counterterrorist authoritarian regimes, and questions the notion that their political orientation makes state terrorism a measure of choice. In empirical terms, this study investigates the making of China’s counterterrorism policy in Xinjiang from 1996 to 2017. The period is analysed by comparing three within-cases, bookended by pre identified critical junctures. China’s counterterrorist measures in Xinjiang have experienced a revival since President Xi came into power in 2013, and the country has been quick to adopt a counterterrorism policy that has come to resemble state terrorism. Yet, no substantial variation in the opposition to the country’s elite nor exceptionally violent terrorist attacks have been recorded in the region. This study relies upon qualitative data, such as political discourse and documents, news media and scholarly writings, and aggregated data is examined to complement the qualitative sources. Methodologically, this thesis supplements process tracing with qualitative content analysis. The evidence provides support for a theory of ‘multi-causal counterterrorism’, according to which counterterrorism policy depends on the combination of systemic and domestic factors. Other than the incidence of terrorist attacks, states choose their counterterrorism policy in the context of ever-changing power relationships at the international and domestic levels. It is concluded that these power relationships impose constraints on states’ decision-making abilities.

LA TRASFORMAZIONE DELL'AUTORITA' POLITICO-RELIGIOSA IN IRAN DA KHOMEINI A KHAMENEI / The evolution of political-religious authority in Iran from Khomeini to Khamenei

PERTEGHELLA, ANNALISA 18 April 2016 (has links)
Lo studio analizza la relazione tra diversi principi di legittimazione dell’autorità in Iran dopo la rivoluzione del 1979. La tripartizione weberiana dei tre idealtipi di autorità legittima (carismatica, tradizionale, razionale-legale) viene utilizzata come strumento di indagine per analizzare la fase rivoluzionaria, con l’emergere del suo leader carismatico, ayatollah Khomeini, e la successiva fase di istituzionalizzazione della rivoluzione concretizzatasi nell’edificazione della Repubblica islamica. Dopo una riflessione preliminare sul concetto di autorità nel pensiero politico occidentale, utile a individuare le categorie che vengono spesso utilizzate quando si analizza la Repubblica islamica, il fuoco dell’indagine si sposta sul contesto iraniano, nella sua doppia componente identitaria pre-islamica e islamica sciita, utile a individuare e comprendere che cosa si possa intendere per autorità religiosa tradizionale. La ricerca prosegue poi con l’analisi del momento rivoluzionario; l’ayatollah Khomeini viene studiato come leader religioso e politico e come portatore di un messaggio rivoluzionario, di rottura non solamente con l’ordine politico precedente ma anche e soprattutto con la tradizione religiosa sciita. Si analizza poi la fase di istituzionalizzazione del decennio 1979-1989, a partire da una riflessione sulla Costituzione del 1979 e sui suoi emendamenti del 1989. Il capitolo conclusivo muove proprio da questi emendamenti: le difficoltà dell’istituzionalizzazione – identificata come dissonant institutionalization – emergono durante il mandato di Ali Khamenei, attuale Guida suprema, aprendo un dibattito circa il futuro dell’autorità religiosa sciita tradizionale, marjayat, e circa il futuro del principio dell’autorità così come reinterpretato da Khomeini, velayat-e faqih. / This thesis investigates the relation between different principles of legitimate authority in Iran after the 1979 revolution. Weber’s tripartite classification of authority (charismatic, traditional, rational-legal) is used as a tool for investigating ayatollah Khomeini’s charismatic revolution and the ensuing phase of institutionalization which culminated in the establishment of an Islamic republic. The first part of the thesis deals with the concept of authority, both in the Western and in the Iranian tradition. With specific reference to the Iranian context, the two elements that make up Iranian doctrine of authority, pre-Islamic and Shiite, are analyzed. The research then focuses on the analysis of the revolution: ayatollah Khomeini’s authority, in both its political and religious elements, is investigated. The dissonant institutionalization of the 1979-1989 decade is then examined, leading to a reflection on the difficulties of the Khamenei era. Among these, the growing concern about the future of Shiite traditional religious authority, marjayat, and, though indirectly, the growing doubts about the future of the Khomeinist doctrine of velayat-e faqih.

Le relazioni euro-mediterranee dell'energia: un'analisi economica ed istituzionale / THE EURO-MEDITERRANEAN ENERGY RELATIONS: AN ECONOMIC AND INSTITUTIONAL ANALYSIS

TAGLIAPIETRA, SIMONE 18 April 2016 (has links)
L'energia rappresenta un elemento fondamentale dell'architettura economica della regione euro-mediterranea. Tuttavia, le relazioni energetiche regionali non sono mai state analizzate all'interno di un comprensivo quadro analitico capace valutare il potenziale ruolo dell'energia come catalizzatore di nuove forme di cooperazione economica e politica a livello regionale. Questa tesi aspira a colmare questa lacuna della letteratura esistente, fornendo un'analisi basata sulla seguente domanda di ricerca: può un nuovo schema di relazioni energetiche euro-mediterranee rafforzare l'integrazione economica e politica della regione? Questa domanda di ricerca viene esplorata applicando gli strumenti analitici forniti da International Political Economy e funzionalismo a due casi studio rappresentanti i più importanti progetti di cooperazione energetica mai tentati nella regione: Nabucco e Desertec. Questa analisi non solo consente di trovare una risposta precisa alla suddetta domanda di ricerca, ma permette altresì di definire una serie di policy recommendations disegnate per aprire la strada ad un nuovo schema di cooperazione energetica euro-mediterranea finalizzato a rafforzare la più ampia integrazione economica e politica della regione. / Energy represents a cornerstone in the Euro-Mediterranean economic architecture. However, the regional energy relations have never been framed into a comprehensive analytical framework able to assess the actual potential role of energy in acting as a catalyst for the overall regional economic and political cooperation. This thesis aspires to fill this research gap by providing an analysis based on the following research question: could a new Euro-Mediterranean energy relations scheme strengthen the economic and political integration of the overall region? This research question is explored by applying the analytical tools provided by International Political Economy and Functionalism to two empirical case studies representing the most important energy cooperation projects ever attempted in the region: Nabucco and Desertec. This analysis not only allows to find an accurate answer to the research question, but it also permits to define a set of policy recommendations aimed at paving the way for a new Euro-Mediterranean energy cooperation scheme designed to strengthen the economic integration of the overall region.

IL RUOLO EUROPEO DELLA GERMANIA DALLA CRISI ECONOMICA AL 2015: L'INFLUENZA REGIONALE TRA EGEMONIA RILUTTANTE E CAPACITA'DI LEADERSHIP / The European Role of Germany after the Economic Crisis until 2015: Regional Influence between Reluctant Hegemony and Leadership Capacity

BRUNO, VALERIO ALFONSO 06 April 2017 (has links)
La ricerca indaga qual sia stato il ruolo regionale della Germania nel periodo che va dalla crisi economica del 2008 al 2015 basandosi su tre elementi in particolare: 1)Tipologia/stile di potere regionale. Il potere esercitato dalla Germania a livello regionale di tipo egemonico coercitivo o benevolente e multilaterale. 2)Guida/conduzione della regione. L'efficacia complessiva della guida/conduzione regionale della Germania nel periodo post-crisi. 3)Influenza complessiva. L’influenza complessiva del potere della Germania a livello regionale tra il 2008 ed il 2015. La ricerca sostiene che la Germania, successivamente alla crisi economica globale, abbia disposto nell’arco temporale 2008-2015 di un potere molto efficace, sia a livello deliberato che non-intenzionale, sviluppando un ruolo regionale non sempre ben definito, esibendo tuttavia tratti caratteristici più assimilabili alla leadership in senso stretto e dimostrandosi spesso molto capace nel condurre la regione europea attraverso situazioni critiche. / The research investigates what has been the particular role of Germany in the period from the 2008 economic crisis up to 2015, based on three elements in particular: 1) Type/style of regional power. The power exercised by Germany, on a continuum from a regional hegemonic type to a benevolent and multilateral leadership. 2) Guide/conduct of region. The overall effectiveness of Germany's regional guide role in the post-crisis period. 3) Overall influence or "power over outcomes". The influence excercised by Germany at the regional level between 2008 and 2015. The research supports eventually that Germany, following the global economic crisis, has disposed during the period 2008-2015 of a very effective power (both intentional and non-intentional) developing a particular regional role not always in a clear and defined way, exhibiting indeed traits similar to a leadership and being often capable of leading the European region through critical situations.


MILANI, RICCARDO 11 February 2019 (has links)
Questo studio sviluppa un originale indicatore di rischio corruzione negli appalti pubblici Italiani e stima la correlazione tra le caratteristiche delle aziende aggiudicatarie e l’indicatore di rischio corruzione precedentemente stimato. L’indicatore di rischio corruzione è costruito a partire dai residui statistici di una procedura semi-parametrica a due stadi. Nella prima fase, i contratti dei lavori pubblici sono comparati per identificare l’inefficienza relativa di ciascun lavoro pubblico sulla base di due variabili predefinite – costi aggiuntivi e ritardi nella fase di esecuzione del contratto – attraverso una tecnica di valutazione delle performance (DEA). Nella seconda fase, l’indicatore di inefficienza generato nella prima fase è spiegato attraverso l’uso di determinanti di inefficienza, escludendo il fattore della corruzione che è trattato separatamente. Nella terza fase, i residui di stima sono trasformati in nuovi punteggi di rischio corruzione a livello di contratto pubblico. I risultati suggeriscono che: (1) le stazioni appaltanti ad elevato rischio corruzione si trovano maggiormente nel Lazio, in Lombardia e in Toscana; (2) le aziende aggiudicatarie ad alto rischio corruzione risiedono maggiormente nel Centro Italia (Abruzzo, Umbria e Lazio) e nel Sud Italia (Campania e Basilicata). Successivamente, l’esercizio di valutazione del rischio corruzione è mirato all'identificazione delle caratteristiche aziendali associate ad un rischio elevato di corruzione. I risultati suggeriscono che le aziende che si aggiudicano contratti ad alto rischio di corruzione sono più orientati alla ricerca del profitto, detengono meno debiti e necessitano mediamente di maggior tempo per pagare i loro clienti. Infine, queste aziende hanno maggiori probabilità di avere legami legali e/o finanziari con giurisdizioni off-shore e paradisi fiscali. / This study develops an original corruption risk indicator at the Italian procurement level and estimates the correlation between the profile of contract suppliers and the corruption risk indicator in question. This corruption risk indicator relies on a residual approach following a two-stage, semi-parametric procedure. First, public work contracts are benchmarked to investigate the relative efficiency of each public work execution based on two predefined variables – cost overrun and time delay – using a data envelopment analysis (DEA). Second, DEA efficiency scores are regressed on environmental and contract-level determinants of inefficiency – excluding corruption which is treated separately. Third, the estimate residuals provide estimates of the potential risk of corruption at the contract level. The aggregated results from an updated Italian public procurement dataset suggest that: (1) the risk of corruption associated with contracting authorities prevails in larger urban areas, especially in Lazio, Tuscany and Lombardy; (2) the risk of corruption in relation to the location of firms is higher in central regions (Abruzzo, Umbria and Lazio) and southern regions (Campania and Basilicata). Then, a risk-based assessment exercise is performed to profile suppliers. The corruption risk indicator is regressed on suppliers’ financial and ownership data to identify patterns among firms winning risky contracts. Suppliers associated with high levels of corruption risk in public contracting are more profit-seeking, hold low levels of debts and on average need more days to pay their customers. Finally, suppliers involved in public work contracts at high risk of corruption are more likely to have legal and/or financial connections with off-shore jurisdictions and tax havens which might use financial and corporate secrecy to attract illicit financial flows.

Dalla guerra giusta alla pace giusta. Etica e pratica del conflitto armato nel sistema internazionale contemporaneo / From Just War to Just Peace. Ethics and Practice of Armed Conflict in the Contemporary International System

AMATO, ALESSANDRA 04 July 2007 (has links)
I cambiamenti verificatisi nel sistema internazionale nel corso degli ultimi anni hanno avuto una profonda incidenza sul dibattito teorico circa l'uso della forza e i conflitti armati. In particolare, il cambiamento che si è avuto nel warfare ha portato a concentrare l'attenzione su due aspetti particolari della guerra, ovvero la sua giustificazione morale e la relazione tra uso della forza e diritto internazionale. Inoltre, rispetto al passato, la fase successiva ai conflitti assume una rilevanza sempre maggiore. Scopo di questo lavoro è, quindi, da un lato analizzare la teoria della guerra giusta in relazione al diritto internazionale e alle sfide poste dall'attuale sistema internazionale, evidenziandone gli elementi teorici più problematici e, dall'altro, delineare gli elementi normativi necessari per una teoria della pace giusta. Se, infatti, la tradizione teorica relativa a ius ad bellum e ius in bello è ben consolidata, i problemi teorici ed empirici che si pongono circa lo ius post bellum sono nuovi e ancora senza risposta. Il lavoro cerca quindi di formulare gli elementi normativi che dovrebbero regolare lo ius post bellum affinché vengano soddisfatti i requisiti di giustizia post-conflittuale Infine, alla luce degli elementi teorici emersi sono stati analizzati tre conflitti che ben si prestano a valutare empiricamente la teoria della guerra giusta, ovvero il primo conflitto in Iraq del 1991, l'intervento in Kosovo del 1999 e il secondo conflitto in Iraq del 2003. / The changes occurred in the international system during the last decade had a deep influence on the theoretical debate about use of force and armed conflicts. In particular, changes in warfare focused attention on two different aspects of war its moral justifiability and the relation between the use of force and international law. Furthermore, the post-conflict phase is becoming more and more important. The aim of this work is twofold: on one hand, to analyse the relationship between Just War Theory and international law and the challenges raising from the new international system, underlining the most problematic aspects from a theoretical point of view. On the other hand, the aim is to sketch some normative elements of Just Peace Theory. If jus ad bellum and jus in bello theories are well-established, there are many theoretical and empirical problems related to jus post bellum Consequently, this work tries to advance some normative elements required to regulate jus post bellum in order to satisfy requirements of post-conflict justice. Finally, in the light of the elements arisen in the theoretical part of the work, three conflicts particularly relevant for Just War Theory are taken into account: the 1991 war in Iraq, the 1999 intervention in Kosovo e and the 2003 conflict in Iraq.


COMO, LODOVICO 04 April 2011 (has links)
La tesi si propone di portare alla luce la figura di Edoardo Martino. Parlamentare dalla I alla IV legislatura, più volte sottosegretario alla Presidenza del Consiglio al fianco di De Gasperi (V-VII gabinetto) e sottosegretario alla Difesa e agli Affari esteri in successivi Governi (Pella, Fanfani, Segni, Leone). Designato come mero della delegazione italiana all'Assemblea parlamentare europea e al Parlamento Europeo, fu presidente della Commissione politica di quest'ultimo dal 1964 al 1967, quando venne designato come Commissario per le relazioni esterne delle Comunità nella commissione guidata da Jean Rey. / This work enlightens the political experience of Edoardo Martino, Italian and European political man from 1947 to 1970. He was deputy in the national parliament from 1947 to 1967, under-secretary in many Italian governments (De Gasperi, Pella, Fanfani, Segni, Leone) and one of the members of Italian delegation in the European Parliament until 1967, when he became member of the first unified Commission of the European communities leaded by the President Jean Rey.

Il programma nucleare iraniano: analisi, motivazioni, prospettive

GAIETTA, MICHELE 16 April 2013 (has links)
La tesi si ripropone di dare un contributo allo studio della “questione nucleare iraniana”. Partendo da una meticolosa ricostruzione storica del programma nucleare dell’Iran, si affronta il caso in rapporto alle teorie elaborate dai differenti approcci delle Relazioni internazionali per analizzare la proliferazione di armi nucleari. Oltre a testare e comparare le capacità esplicative di queste teorie, vengono sottolineati alcuni fattori utili a comprendere le motivazioni alla base delle decisioni prese dall’Iran in ambito nucleare. In particolare, la tesi approfondisce il ruolo di variabili attinenti il quadro politico interno all’Iran, che sono state spesso sottovalutate in studi precedenti, a favore di condizionamenti strategici esterni al paese. Variabili che permettono di spiegare la continuità e persistenza degli investimenti iraniani in campo nucleare, pur in un contesto politico-strategico mutevole. Nonostante questo, l’approccio dell’intero lavoro rimane comunque incentrato sulla molteplicità delle dimensioni politiche, strategiche e simboliche che devono essere tenute in considerazione per tentare di comprendere le potenziali ambizioni dell’Iran, nonché l'attuale situazione di stallo e indeterminatezza sulle finalità del programma nucleare di questo paese. Nelle conclusioni vengono infine prospettate ipotesi tecnico-negoziali su cui sviluppare future iniziative diplomatiche e di ricerca. / This thesis aims at giving a contribution to the study of the “Iranian nuclear question”. Starting from a detailed historical reconstruction of the nuclear program of Iran, we address this case in connection with several theoretical approaches to International Relations that try to explain the proliferation of nuclear weapons. This analysis allows us to compare and test the explanatory capabilities of these theories and to focus on some leading factors underlying Iranian nuclear decisions. In particular, we highlight the role of domestic variables, which were underestimated in previous studies on this issue, mainly focused on external strategic constraints. These variables are helpful in explaining the continuity and the persistence of the Teheran’s investment in the nuclear field, notwithstanding the many changes affecting the regional political and strategic framework. Besides this aspect, the approach to the entire thesis continues to be focused on the plurality of dimensions that should be considered in trying to understand the potential ambitions of Iran as well as the current stalemate and uncertainty related to the purposes of the nuclear program of this country. The thesis eventually elaborates some perspectives regarding technical and bargaining hypothesis on which to develop future diplomatic initiatives and researches.

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