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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Luoghi, spazi, tempi dell'integrazione. Le nuove generazioni nella società multietnica / Places, Spaces and Times of Integration. New Generations in Multiethnic Society

GILARDONI, GUIA 28 February 2008 (has links)
L'approfondimento teorico ed empirico del concetto di integrazione è stato condotto con particolare attenzione alle nuove generazioni. La declinazione teorica del concetto (cap. 1) è stata realizzata attraverso un esame delle prospettive epistemologiche che ne stanno alla base (universalismo, differenzialismo e interculturalismo) e le prospettive del capitale sociale (cap. 2) e della distanza sociale (cap. 3). Della letteratura nazionale e internazionale della letteratura (cap. 4) che riguarda il processo di integrazione delle seconde generazioni, in particolare la teoria dell'assimilazione segmentata di Portes e i molti contributi che vi si riferiscono, emerge che i percorsi di integrazione possono essere molto diversificati, dipendendo sia da fattori individuali e, soprattutto, da fattori di contesto. Il questionario impiegato per l'indagine empirica (seconda parte), svolta nell'a.s. 2005/06 su un campione di 17.225 preadolescenti (11-14 anni) che frequentano le scuole lombarde secondarie di primo grado con il più alto numero di alunni con cittadinanza non italiana, è stato preso e riadattato da quello di impiegato da Portes nella prima indagine CILS. La lettura dei dati, volta a un confronto costante tra italiani, stranieri e figli di coppia mista, è stata condotta attraverso l'analisi delle distribuzioni di frequenza e la costruzione di alcuni indici, tra cui un indice di propensione all'integrazione e di capitale sociale. Dai risultati emerge un forte divario nella riuscita scolastica tra italiani e stranieri e i figli di coppia mista i quali si avvicinano maggiormente agli stranieri in Italia da più tempo. Le differenze di genere esercitano un peso a volte superiore di quello delle differenze di appartenenza. La variabile tempo esercita un'influenza non lineare rispetto a molte dimensioni. I latinoamericani sono il gruppo che presenta le maggiori difficoltà linguistiche e scolastiche, gli asiatici sono i più isolati dal punto di vista sociale. La scuola si conferma come luogo di produzione di capitale sociale e l'integrazione avviene ma in maniera frammentata. / Integration has been studied in theory and empirically paying attention to new generations. It has been first interpreted through epistemological perspectives of universalism, differentialism and interculturalism and through social capital and social distance. From international literature on second generation, in particular from Portes segmented assimilation theory and the many contributions that refer to it, it's clear that integration paths are widely differentiated. This differentiation is due to individual and, most of all, to context factors. The questionnaire used in the empiric research made in 2005/06 on a sample of 17.225 preadolescent (11-14 years old) attending first grade of secondary school in Lombardy with the most high percentage of non-Italian students, it has been adopted and readapted by Portes's first CILS survey. Data interpretation it has been led on a constant confrontation between Italian, non-Italian and mixed couples sons and daughters trough frequencies distributions and indexes. Results show a big device between Italian and non-Italian school performances. Mixed couples sons and daughters are more similar to non-Italian long resident than Italian to which they formally belong. In some cases, gender affects results more significantly than national partnership. Time plays an important role but with a non linear influence on school and linguistic performances. South Americans group is the one with the most high difficulties on Italian language and at school. Asiatic group is the most isolated from peers. School is confirmed as a social capital producing agency and integration is positively related to socioeconomic high levels and it appears discontinue.


GAMBAZZA, GIUSEPPE 19 February 2009 (has links)
Il lavoro si apre con un’approfondita ricognizione delle principali scuole di pensiero attinenti alla sociologia ambientale, analisi che conduce alla scelta del paradigma della modernizzazione ecologica come modello di riferimento preferenziale. Lo studio empirico prende in esame tre siti di produzione elettrica italiani, riguardo ai quali sono stati ricostruiti anzitutto gli elementi istituzionali di scenario. Questa ricostruzione, che nel caso italiano sottopone a critica alcuni aspetti della stessa teoria della modernizzazione ecologica, mette in relazione un consistente dibattito nazionale con l’agire concreto – anche se meno conosciuto – di soggetti internazionali di grande rilievo. Un secondo obiettivo della tesi consiste in una critica dei recenti processi di liberalizzazione della produzione e distribuzione dell’energia in Italia: un tema che sta ai confini della sociologia economica, dando per assodato che anche l’agire economico è per sua natura agire sociale. Un’ulteriore finalità dello studio si ravvisa nell’analisi dei processi di comunicazione ambientale messi in atto dalle organizzazioni produttive dell’energia nei confronti delle pubbliche opinioni, in una fase di potenziale ridistribuzione del mercato tra i diversi competitori. Sono evidenti in questo caso gli aspetti attinenti alla sociologia della cultura e della comunicazione. Gli strumenti utilizzati per condurre l’indagine sono essenzialmente riconducibili a due categorie: a) l’analisi documentale della letteratura teorica, delle fonti statistiche, dei documenti ufficiali degli enti pubblici e degli elaborati delle organizzazione produttive dell’energia: b) una serie di interviste in profondità condotte con testimoni privilegiati (utilizzando griglie semistrutturate). / This work begins with an outline of the main theoretical trends in Environmental Sociology and, in particular, the Ecological Modernization Theory. The empirical research studies three Italian electric power plants and, concerning this issue, it analyses some of the most meaningful aspects of international scenario. This analysis expresses critics on some elements of the Ecological Modernization Theory, and it will be of use in debating the energetic sector development and the connection between the national policy debate and the international organisms’ concrete action. The second objective of this thesis is to provide an assessment of the impact of the market liberalization on the social process of production of electricity. Another purpose of the study is to examine the role of power plants in the communication of environmental issues and ideas, in this historical period of market fragmentation, which is often followed by the increase in the number of competitors. The instruments used in this research are: Secondary Analysis of energy market data; content analysis of official documents created by governments and main energy companies. Some interview in-person made with managers and employers working for electric companies.

La resilienza al disastro da una prospettiva sociologica: esplorando tre terremoti italiani / Disaster resilience from a sociological perspective: exploring three Italian earthquakes

LUCINI, BARBARA 20 February 2012 (has links)
La presente ricerca focalizza l’attenzione ad un approccio sociologico alla resilienza ai disastri. Nello specifico si vuole esplorare le relazioni sociali, che si sviluppano in un contesto di disastro naturale fra la popolazione colpita e i volontari di protezione civile. Gli ambiti di ricerca sono costituti dagli ultimi tre drammatici terremoti italiani: Umbria – Marche (1997), Molise (2002) e Abruzzo (2009). Nella prima parte della tesi si presentano le definizioni dei concetti fondamentali della sociologia dei disastri, un’analisi della letteratura presente per la tematica della resilienza nell’ambito delle scienze umane e sociali e l’organizzazione del sistema di protezione civile e difesa civile in Italia. In riferimento alla parte empirica, sono state raccolte importanti ed interessanti informazioni circa il possibile legame sociale fra volontari di protezione civile e popolazione colpita dai terremoti attraverso differenti metodologie di ricerca come le interviste semi strutturate agli esperti di protezione civile, un questionario on line per tutti i volontari di protezione civile ed i racconti di vita per la popolazione colpita dal terremoto. La ricerca conduce a interessanti risultati per la resilienza ai disastri in ambito sociologico e a suoi possibili sviluppi futuri. / The present research focalizes the attention on a sociological approach to disaster resilience. Specifically it would explore the social relationships established in a context of natural disaster and between population affected by natural disaster and civil protection volunteers. The research fieldworks are represented by last three dramatic Italian earthquakes: Umbria – Marche (1997), Molise (2002) e Abruzzo (2009). In the first part of the thesis will be presented the definitions of the fundamental concepts for the sociology of disasters, a literature review about the topic of disaster resilient presents within human and social science context and the organization of civil protection system and civil defence in Italy. Referring to the empirical part, there were collected important and interesting information about the possible social tie between civil protection volunteers and population affected by earthquakes through different methodologies of research as semi structured interviews to the civil protection experts, an on line questionnaire for all civil protection volunteers and life stories for population affected by earthquake. The research guides for interesting findings for disaster resilience within a sociological context and for its future possible developments.


TAGLIABUE, CLAUDIA 17 May 2018 (has links)
La ricerca si pone l’obiettivo di indagare una nuova e sperimentale forma di intervento di accoglienza per richiedenti asilo e titolari di protezione internazionale e umanitaria rappresentata dall’accoglienza in famiglia di persone adulte straniere. Lo strumento dell’accoglienza in famiglia per richiedenti asilo e rifugiati rientra in un campo multidisciplinare non ancora approfondito a livello teorico sia rispetto ai riferimenti scientifici che ne hanno alimentato l’ideazione e la riflessione progettuale sia a livello di pratiche professionali di lavoro sociale. In questa ricerca, costruita attraverso un intreccio di strumenti qualitativi, si vuole contribuire a ricostruire questi aspetti non ancora formalizzati che lo contraddistinguono e esplorare le dimensioni dell’integrazione sulle quali l’accoglienza in famiglia va ad agire. La peculiarità di tale esperienza risiede nella partecipazione di quattro soggetti differenti (pubblica amministrazione, terzo settore, famiglie e beneficiari) che hanno interagito tra loro, attivando dinamiche di collaborazione integrate con il territorio, sottolineando la valenza bidirezionale dei processi di integrazione nella vita quotidiana. Per fare ciò lo studio di caso si è concentrato sul progetto “Rifugiato in famiglia” del Comune di Milano, implementato successivamente alla nascita di altre esperienze simili all’estero e sul territorio italiano, che verranno approfondite al fine di meglio comprendere questo particolare intervento. / The research focuses on a new and experimental form of reception for asylum seekers and holders of international and humanitarian protection: hosting foreign adults in family. The intervention of hosting refugees in family is part of a multidisciplinary field that has not yet been investigated at a theoretical level, either in relation to the scientific references that nurtured design conception and reflection both at the level of professional social work practices. In this research, built through the aid of different qualitative methods, the aim is to contribute to reconstructing these not yet formalized aspects and to explore the dimensions of integration on which the reception in family works. The peculiarity of this experience lies in the participation of four different subjects (public administration, third sector, families and beneficiaries) interacting each other, activating integrated collaboration dynamics with the territory, underlining the bidirectional value of the integration processes in everyday life. In order to achieve this, the case study focused on the "Rifugiato in Famiglia” (Refugee in Family) project of the Municipality of Milan, implemented after the birth of other similar experiences abroad and in Italy, which will be analyzed in order to better understand this particular intervention.

Young adults from disrupted families. A study on relations / YOUNG ADULTS FROM DISRUPTED FAMILIES, A STUDY ON RELATIONS / Giovani adulti figli di separati. Uno studio sulle relazioni

ROBLES, FELICIA ANNAMARIA 24 September 2018 (has links)
La famiglia nell'attualità è attraversata da cambiamenti che stanno trasformando le fondamenta della identità personale, gli assiomi della vita quotidiana. Il caso della famiglia che ha attraversato una rottura ed è contrassegnata da separazione e divorzio, solleva un gran numero di questioni umane e sociali e origina diverse transizioni, che sono state al centro dell'approfondimento oggetto di questa tesi dottorale, condotto su un campione di giovani adulti italiani. Essa mostra, nella fattispecie attraverso le peculiari caratteristiche della ricerca qualitativa, i tratti salienti di specifici metodi visuali, denominati "Family map" e "Life line". Essi hanno contribuito a definire la struttura, il posizionamento relazionale dei membri della famiglia, le stesse relazioni tra essi, nonchè di concettualizzare chi "appartiene" a una famiglia che ha attraversato un cambiamento, una transizione, che porta dunque con sè un corredo di eventi correlati. L'intervistato ha partecipato di volta in volta secondo una modalità (inter)attiva e ha descritto graficamente all'interno delle quattro specifiche sezioni ed i cerchi concentrici della mappa e poi lungo la linea, quali relazioni e fatti sono più o meno importanti. L'intervistatore ha potuto rivolgere domande volte ad acquisire informazioni su alcuni processi di cambiamento e la prospettiva peculiare di tale cambiamento, così come percepita da ciascun attore, ad esempio in riferimento ad eventi passati o presenti. Attraverso lo specifico snodarsi grafico dei supporti - allo sesso tempo fornendo un inquadramento consistente di dati- questo lavoro ha gettato luce su cosa le relazioni familiari, gli eventi e le rappresentazioni configurano nella percezione della persona coinvolta. La scommessa posta attraverso l'uso di questi metodi visuali è quella di continuare a concepire gli individui in termini di approccio relazionale, attraverso l'interdipendenza con il sè, l'altro da sè e il mondo, lungo tutto il corso della propria esistenza. Un grande contributo di questo strumento sui generis è che ha aperto le porte a numerose altre domande che stimolano la ricerca di risposte e la stessa futura ricerca riguardante i figli di separati. / Many changes are affecting the family today, transforming the foundations of self-identity, which are the core models for everyday personal life. The situation of family disruption, such as separation and divorce, raises either a number of human and social issues, and transitions which deserved to be better understood in this PhD thesis, being carried out on a sample of young Italian adults. It shows in the form of qualitative research the main features of specific visual methods, the Family map and Life line. They contributed to define the structure, the positions of family members, the relationships between them and conceptualize who belongs to a family that has changed, with crucial events related. The interviewee has been actively identifying and describing graphically (within the four sections and the concentric circles of the map and along the line) which relations and facts are more or less relevant. The interviewer could ask questions in order to get some processes of change and the actors’ own perception of such change, e.g. with reference to current state or past events. Along a specific visual development of the graphs -while providing a helpful framework- this research throwed some light on what family relationships, events and representations are on the perception of the person involved. The challenge posed for this visual methods is to continue to conceive of individuals in terms of relational approach, through the interdependence with self, others, and the world during the course of life. A great contribution of this tool sui generis is that it opened the door to numerous additional questions concerning children of divorce, that need answers and further research.

Feeding Distinction: Constrictions and Constructions of Dietary Compliance

Oncini, Filippo January 2018 (has links)
In this work, moving back and forth along complementary perspectives, I aim to provide an in-depth analysis of the social stratification of eating and feeding practices in an Italian context, with a special focus on the school canteen as a possible enhancer of children’s dietary compliance. Although the thesis cannot be read as a single monograph, the fil rouge that runs through the chapters presents new insights on the ways eating and feeding are organised, regulated, differentiated, and reproduced in Italy by adults and children. In fact, each chapter reads as an autonomous contribution, accompanied by a specific literature review, that distinctively adds to a branch of the research on food sociology, from health to consumption passing through childhood. Nevertheless, this does not imply that the chapters are disconnected, and the reader will often find cross references throughout the manuscript. The thesis is constructed on two different blocks, divided by methodology, but held together by the first chapter, in which I discuss the socio-philosophical foundation of the research. Here I initially draw from Bourdieu’s practice theory to discuss the theoretical and methodological foundations of the thesis, and I subsequently examine the concepts of eating and feeding practices, eventually outlining the contribution of each empirical chapter. Therefore, the first block seeks to identify theoretically informed empirical regularities using Bourdieu’s (2011) theory of capitals, and its adaptation to health behaviours as proposed by Abel (2007; 2008). This part aims to ‘quantify’ how capital constrictions shape food consumption and beyond. Chapter 2, focusing on gender differences in health behaviours among adults (Courtenay, 2000), analyses the determinants of dietary compliance, drinking behaviour and smoking, and how gender differentials change depending on the respondent’s levels of cultural capital. Chapter 3, however, which paves the way for the subsequent ethnography, focuses on the determinants of dietary compliance among Italian schoolchildren, and specifically on the role of the school canteen as an equaliser that can mitigate health inequalities by improving the diet of most disadvantaged children. In the second block, I focus on eating and feeding practices as social constructions. This part of the work allows me to go behind and beyond the empirical regularities shown in the previous chapters. Behind, because qualitative data provide an opportunity to consider the epistemological foundations and the political implications of the construction of dietary compliance, in school and at home; beyond, because they allow us to excavate in vivo how eating and feeding are part of a contested field of knowledge that depends on family endowments. The three chapters are hence based on the ethnographic fieldwork and the in-depth interviews conducted in four Italian primary schools. Chapter 4, partially rooted in the Foucauldian tradition of governmentality studies, uses the concept of strategy and tactics (de Certeau, 1984) to analyse the construction and implementation of a healthy meal and the resistances that arise around and within the school canteen. On a different note, chapter 5 makes use of the in-depth interviews with parents and the fieldnotes gathered in Poversano and Goldazzo school canteens to study how cultural and economic family resources shape parental feeding practices, their perception of the school meal and children’s knowledge of healthy food and cuisine. Finally, chapter 6 illustrates what happens to food education programs when they are applied in extreme contexts, such as the school of a poverty-stricken neighbourhood of Palermo. In the conclusions, I summarise the most important findings of the manuscript, and I draw attention to the possible implications for school food programs as well as for future directions for research.

...And suddenly the memory revealed itself'. The role of IT in supporting social reminiscence

Parra, Cristhian January 2014 (has links)
Every human being is familiar to the experience of reminiscence: recalling and revisiting our past memories. We reminisce to create our identities. We reminisce to maintain our relationships. We reminisce to review our lives. And we also reminisce together. This dissertation develops around the topic of how IT stimulates reminiscence, motivated by its proven benefits in peopleâ s well-being and its prevalence across all stages of life. The focus is set on older adults, with the overall goal of fostering intergenerational social interactions (that is, interactions between older adults and younger generations). This thesis is motivated by the current interest on active ageing as an emergent way of life, with better and more opportunities for health, participation and security. As the world ageing population continues to increase and the average life expectancy of people increasing every year, there is a growing need for understanding the ageing phenomena, and particularly, for designing human centered information technologies (IT) that enhance opportunities of social participation as people age. Within this scenario, this dissertation addresses the following research questions using a participatory approach to research and design: (i) what is the role of IT in enabling a more happy and active ageing?; (ii) in doing so, how can IT stimulate intergenerational social interactions?, and (iii) can IT-supported social reminiscence facilitate these interactions and make of them an enjoyable experience?. To answer these questions, we leverage upon a participatory action research approach to gain an understanding of the topic, moving later to the participatory design of IT for social reminiscence and finally, evaluating how IT supports the practice of social reminiscence in a face-to-face intergenerational context. The contributions of this dissertation can be summarized as follows: - Knowledge: an understanding of what role IT can play in supporting, stimulating and accompanying active ageing and social interactions through the practice of reminiscence. - Model: a conceptual model of the different stages of IT-supported social reminiscence sessions, and an extended model of the design spaces for intergenerational engagement. - System: an exemplary socio-technical system that fits the aforementioned roles, including a knowledge base and algorithms to support contextual stimulation of reminiscence, using multimedia resources that are publicly available on the web. - Evaluation: quantitative and qualitative results obtained from observing the use of our system in a real intergenerational context.

Structural and Cultural Determinants of Fertility and Female Labour Market Participation in Italy and Europe

Guetto, Raffaele January 2012 (has links)
The thesis contributes to the explanation of two well-documented phenomena: the strong decline in fertility rates and the parallel increase in female labour market participation which occurred in the last decades in most OECD countries. The argument is studied by means of a European comparison and an in-depth analysis of the Italian case. An innovative aspect of the work is the combination of cultural and structural explanations. In fact, the main argument of the thesis is that cross-national differences and the puzzling Italian and Southern European pattern of low fertility and low female labour market participation should be understood as stemming from the interplay between different factors, related to a structural – Welfare Regimes and the Economic Theory of the Family – and a cultural theoretical framework – the Second Demographic Transition and the distinction between “strong” and “weak” family systems. In detail, the thesis shows empirically how both women’s opportunity-costs and households’ economic resources as well as family values and preferences are useful to understand fertility and female labour market participation behaviours. ILFI (Indagine Longitudinale sulle Famiglie Italiane, 1997-2005) data have been used to demonstrate how individual- and household-level mechanisms, connected with social stratification, underlying the transition to parenthood and female labour market participation around childbirths are coherent with the Italian familialistic institutional setting. Italy is an interesting case not least because of its strong regional heterogeneity, which concerns also the family formation process. Adopting an epidemiological approach, ILFI and IARD data on the condition of youth (2004) are exploited to show how the regional heterogeneity in family behaviours within Italy, such as the lower age at parenthood and the higher fertility rates in Southern regions in the selected cohorts, may be largely explained by differences in family values. This first hint suggesting the role of culture on demographic behaviours is developed further in a comparative setting using EVS (European Values Study, 1990-2008) data. The latter allowed to assess directly the importance of values and attitudes for women’s labour market participation and fertility decisions in 15 European countries. Finally, the comparison between the different paths followed by Italy and the Netherlands in the last thirty years is discussed as an example of how changes in the institutional settings in order to foster work-family reconciliation are deeply embedded within wider processes of social change. Based on the developed theoretical framework and the results of the mentioned empirical analyses, the author attempts to integrate different streams of the literature and presents an argumentation about the complex interplay between interests, ideas and institutions underlying fertility and female labour market participation trends and patterns.

(Dual) Citizenship in the Mirror. The everyday understanding of citizenship among Peruvian migrants in Italy and Spain

Yapo, Stefania 27 February 2020 (has links)
This research investigates why people acquire dual citizenship. It focuses on the acquisition of dual citizenship through residency, with a processual lens and under conditions of “ordinariness” to tackle aspects that are usually overlooked. It builds on the differentiated access to dual citizenship granted to Peruvian migrants by the Italian and Spanish citizenship regimes. The 79 Peruvian migrants included in the study are either prospective dual citizens or actual dual citizens. The research builds on qualitative methods ranging from participant observation to in-depth semi-structured interviews. It investigates the motivations, expectations and contingences that bring migrants to the status acquisition. The analysis distinguishes between early and postponed acquisitions to highlight how practices of convenience and everyday forms of substantive commitment can coexist under the same national umbrella. Moreover it suggests that the availability and accessibility of the dual status cannot be conflated with a supposed desirability. Although nation-states design their citizenship and immigration regimes according to normative stances that should shape their ideal citizenry, individuals qua migrants manage to forge their own way into the host community while formally abiding the law. Thus, migrants’ pathways across statuses are the result of structural constraints as much as personal preferences and deliberate positioning vis-à-vis nation-states. The study shows how people navigate the laws through both legal and semi-legal means; how they cultivate constellations of belonging that do not necessarily match formal memberships; and how they invest citizenship with multiple meanings that can converge, collide, or simply bypass the state-led rhetoric on national membership.


MUNGIARDI, FRANCESCA 24 March 2017 (has links)
La tesi propone una ricognizione dei principali contributi sulla riflessione sviluppatasi attorno al nesso tra cittadinanza attiva, partecipazione e volontariato delle persone di origine straniera.  Il quadro teorico di riferimento integra il paradigma della sociologia relazionale e quello dell’approccio delle capabilities - i quali sono stati usati in un’ottica di complementarietà - nell’idea di unire la dimensione sociale, partecipativa e relazionale della cittadinanza alla richiesta di quest’ultima di essere continuamente sostenuta affinché possa configurarsi in termini di cittadinanza competente. L’analisi è stata condotta con metodologia qualitativa e, nello specifico, attraverso la realizzazione due studi di caso afferenti a esperienze di attivazione di persone di origine straniera all’interno di realtà di volontariato organizzato, nell’intento di identificare gli elementi facilitanti e ostacolanti la messa in atto di pratiche di cittadinanza attiva. I risultati più significativi riguardano: a) l’esigenza di approfondire la presenza di impliciti culturali stanti la diversa semantizzazione della pratica del volontariato delle persone di origine straniera, affinché la promozione di azioni di cittadinanza attiva trovi senso e spazio all’interno di una cornice di riferimento condivisa, b) l’importanza di policy integrate e condivise che riconoscano il ruolo chiave della società di accoglienza nel processo di integrazione. / The present study focuses on the nexus between active citizenship, social participation and Third Country Nationals volunteering in non-ethnic organizations. The theoretical framework integrates the paradigm of relational sociology and the capability approach with the specific aim to integrate the social, participatory and relational dimension of citizenship with its request to be continuously supported by the different actors of the civil society, so that it can configure itself as a competent citizenship. The analysis is done by conducting two case studies focusing on the experience of engagement of Third Country Nationals in non-ethnic voluntary organization, in order to identify factors and conditions promoting or hindering the implementation of active citizenship practices. Main results concern: a) the importance to take into consideration the diverse concepts of and attitude towards volunteering and the implicit cultural understandings of volunteering which affect the way in which volunteering is practiced and understood within society and b) the key role of the receiving society into the integration process of migrant.

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