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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Shaping economic inequality: the starring role of the household in the 'welfare triad'

Grotti, Raffaele January 2016 (has links)
The present thesis analyses the role of household in producing and reproducing inequality in contemporary societies. While individual and macro level factors influencing economic inequality have been widely investigated, meso level factors have received much less attention so far. This thesis, thus, investigates how the employment behaviour of individuals and their sorting into households, and their dynamics in time and space contribute to deepen inequality. Firstly, it contributes to the still open debate on the consequences of changes in households for economic inequality focusing on four European countries and the United States over two decades. Increases in single-headed households, in female labour market participation, and in the employment and earnings similarity of partners are changes of primary interests for economic inequality. In addition, the thesis investigates how market, state, and family produce and redistribute economic resources and shape the distribution of income and its stratification across household types. Secondly, the thesis moves then towards a dynamic perspective and merges three different lines of research: the life course research, stratification research, and comparative research. It does so studying how life course events affect income trajectories of different social groups in different countries/contexts. Specifically, this thesis investigates the consequences of job loss across different social strata. The idea is that social risks may strengthen or weaken social stratification if risks, and their consequences, are unevenly distributed across social groups. Finally, these aspects are investigated for two countries, Germany and the United States, characterized by relevant variations in those institutions – the market, family and welfare state – which have the capacity to affect the risk of experiencing job loss, and to buffer its economic consequences.

There and Back Again: Post-return experiences of Highly-skilled Belarusian professionals

Bobova, Nadya January 2016 (has links)
The research lies at the intersection of two large social research areas—highly skilled migration and return migration—and aims to provide a contribution to the studies of sending countries by focusing on post-return experiences of highly skilled professionals in the Belarusian context. Thus, I explore public attitudes toward migration issues in Belarus; investigate the dynamics of return migration among highly skilled migrants; analyse the complexities of highly skilled people’s lifestyles; and study in which ways they apply socio-cultural remittances to different spheres of their lives. Among the main results of this research are the following. This study has conceptualised return in relation to the transnational involvement of returnees, by introducing the concepts of ‘locally oriented’- and ‘transnationally oriented style of life’. These ideal types of post-return lifestyle differ in degree of mobility, attitudes toward home, consumption practices, and type of employment. International experience of living abroad seems to have had a substantial effect on individual styles of life in terms of transnational orientation. However, it appears to be quite heterogeneous and has evident gender differences in its manifestations. Moreover, I argue that formation and transmission of socio-cultural remittances are strongly heterogeneous and selective processes, which manifest themselves to varying degrees not only in different people, but also in different aspects of people’s lives. The analysis of several socio-cultural remittances in private and public spheres showed that under certain conditions, the formation of ‘reactive’ socio-cultural remittances occurred. What is more, in some cases the socio-cultural remittances appeared to have strong gender differences. The results draw on qualitative content analysis of three online discussions (almost 19 thousand posts) and 43 in-depth interviews with highly skilled Belarusian returnees.

Leaving Home Sooner or Later: Co-residence and Parent-Adult Child Relations in Italy and Sweden

Tosi, Marco January 2016 (has links)
The present dissertation examines whether the heterogeneity of co-residence experiences and the nest-leaving process have consequences for later parent-adult child relationships in Italy and Sweden. Three aspects of intergenerational linkages are analyzed: residential proximity, the frequency of parent-child contact, and the downward flow of economic resources from parents to their adult children. By devoting particular attention to these three dimensions of intergenerational solidarity, the first chapter presents an overview of the literature on parent-adult child relationships and describes long-standing cultural differences between Italy and Sweden. In the second chapter, I ask whether in Italy the time spent in the parental home promotes the frequency of contacts between generations, and whether violating social norms regarding the socially accepted time for leaving home is related to less frequent interactions with parents in later life. The findings show that the longer the time adult children spent in their parents’ home, the higher the propensity to reside near, and maintain frequent interaction with parents in later life is. In addition, spending longer time in the parental home appears to provide much less benefit for Italian daughters than for sons. Age norms appear to prescribe the socially accepted ‘age deadline’ for fulfilling expectations for normal adult development. Considering the reasons for leaving home, marriage continues to be the normative occasion to leave the parental family, particularly among adult daughters, who are subject to greater cultural expectations about family ties. The third chapter devotes particular attention to union dissolution and family conflict during childhood and adolescence as possible mechanisms behind the relationship between nest-leaving processes and later parent-child relationships. The findings reveal that the duration of co-residence is likely to foster family interactions also in Sweden, and this positive relationship is only marginally explained by childhood family experiences. However, late home leavers tend to maintain frequent contacts with parents in part owing to having moved shorter geographical distances, and this is more evident for adult daughters than for sons. In addition, adult daughters who stay at home for longer have more opportunities to form binding relationships with mothers than with fathers. The fourth study aims to extend the findings of the previous two chapters, by analyzing intergenerational financial transfers and using a within-family approach (or a sibling design). The findings show that in Italy and other southern European countries late home leavers are more likely to receive economic support from their parents, compared to their siblings who move out of the family nest at an earlier age. But this effect is completely mediated by the time since leaving the parental home, indicating that parents tend to facilitate the transition to independence of their young adult children. The last chapter discusses the findings in the light of previous research. The results of the present dissertation supports the idea that family members’ life courses are deeply interconnected, and that previous family history has important long-term consequences for later intergenerational relationships. I provide new insights into how co-residence experiences and events in early adulthood shape later family relations throughout the life course.

Presence of children and inequality in the household: employment, housework and earnings in European heterosexual couples

Dotti Sani, Giulia Maria January 2013 (has links)
The dissertation investigates couples’ gender inequality in paid and unpaid work as well as in earnings, especially as this inequality relates to parenthood with a cross-national focus. The different behavior of partnered women and men in the three areas is investigated in different institutional circumstances, focusing on if and how individual and household characteristics are related to within-household gender inequality; then, the extent to which the presence of children is associated with less gender equality in women and men's participation in the work force, division of domestic chores, and relative earnings capacity is investigated; further, I consider how individuals embedded in different contextual and institutional circumstances - in particular referring to welfare regimes, but not only – behave differently in the three areas and whether the contextual traits have a mediating effect on the relation between individual characteristics and women and men's behavior in paid work, unpaid work and relative earning capacity in the presence of children or in the event of a childbirth. The thesis is made up by six chapters; the first is devoted to a discussion of welfare and gender regimes that are referred to extensively in the literature review and in the empirical chapters. Then I review the main findings in the literature regarding gender differences in paid work, domestic chores and earnings, and their relation with parenthood. From these I draw my hypotheses. In chapter two, I introduce the data and the methods, although a discussion of these is also included in each empirical chapter. Chapters three to five report the analyses and the findings: in chapter three I analyze the relation between paid work and parenthood in four European countries; in chapter four, multi-level models are applied to 23 European states to investigate to what extent the presence of children is associated with the division of domestic chores within couples, and whether the association varies by country; in chapter five, I use multi-level models first and fixed effects panel models afterwards using data from 26 European countries to test, firstly, the association between parenthood and relative earnings of couples, and secondly the effect of child birth on the earnings' balance of couples. Finally, in chapter six I draw some concluding remarks on my findings. Arguing that gender inequality is rooted in households, the dissertation contributes greater understanding of couple’s intimate household inequality as opposed to merely societal level male-female differences. Focusing on the role of children in promoting gender specialization, the dissertation points to the distinctive circumstances of mothers and fathers, as opposed to women and men (or married women and men) more generally. It elaborates on the role of particular correlates of inequality outcomes, such as education of partners. It works to identify cross-national similarities and differences in the levels of gender inequality as well as in the effects of individual-level predictors.

With or without you. Intentions, Constraints and Consequences of Childlessness in European Countries.

Brini, Elisa January 2019 (has links)
This dissertation focuses on the experience of childlessness, which is an increasing one across European Countries. Namely, it deals with the socio-economic drivers and consequences that distinguish the life of childless individuals from that of parents. Mirroring each phase of a hypothetical individual lifecycle, it starts by analysing how intentions to be childless are later realised their realizations (Chapter 2). It then goes on to investigate the individual and contextual determinants of childlessness and how they have changed over time (Chapter 3 and Chapter 4). Last it considers the consequences that childlessness might induce in adulthood and later life (Chapter 5). This is done by combining demographic and sociological perspectives in a joint interpretative framework. Overall the thesis shows that both economic contraints and individual values has a role in determining the choice of a childless life, and highlights how these decisions are taken in contexts where a purality of macro factors interacts in moderating the indivdidual risk of being childless. Understanding the drives to childlessness is relevant also when interpreting the potential effects that being childless has on the life of individuals. All in all, the study shows that the consequences of being childless also depend on how people came to be without children.

Uno studio comparato sulle disuguaglianze di salute: Italia e Francia

Ornaghi, Annalisa January 2014 (has links)
The foundations of this work of research derived by the demonstration that the health is conditioning of a multiplicity by factors, the control of which is not exercised by the only health care system. Health inequalities, representing one of the most unjust and severe inequitable forms because health is one of the pre-conditions in order to live out fully individual life. Health inequality constitutes one of the worst scandals of our time, especially in developed and democratic countries. The theme of health inequalities is a subject beloved to the sociology, because their analysis allows, either to observe the social dynamics, either to understand as the social differences are distributed between the individuals within the society, especially with the current global economic crisis. The main objective of this study is, using comparative analysis, identify and distinguish the inequalities in health in the relationship between social conditions, risk factors, territorial context and state of health of the population, in two European countries (France and Italy), in order to understand their dynamics and as the territorial context affects the inequalities of health of individuals. Through a transnational approach this research project identifies differences and similarities between the two case studies. The results from our analysis, demonstrate the existence of "unexpected" similarities between groups of French and Italian people, despite different characteristics of social welfare and health systems.

Life chances and Life courses: Institutional transformations and the social stratification of contemporary life course inequalities

Gioachin, Filippo 23 February 2024 (has links)
This dissertation examines contemporary intergenerational inequalities and life chances, centering on how social origin shapes today’s labor market achievements. The overarching question guiding this work is whether the recent structural and institutional shifts impacting the stability and security of work-life trajectories have fostered greater equality of opportunity, reinforced existing disparities, or even generated new ones. The research unfolds through four empirical chapters, each engaging with the broader theoretical framework, and employing and developing advanced methodological approaches. The first chapter delves into the repercussions of macro-level institutional transformations on work-life trajectories in Germany and the UK, revealing country-specific nuances in exposure and economic penalties associated with accumulated employment instability across birth cohorts. The second chapter broadens the perspective by revealing that family background significantly influences exposure to income and earnings volatility across the lifecycle, over and above the levels of individuals’ resources, with institutionally driven variations between Denmark, Germany, and the United States. Moving to specific life course junctures, the third chapter illustrates how flexibilization-driven inequalities during the school-to-work transition interact with intergenerational social inequalities, in Italy more than in Germany. This research highlights that only Italian workers from advantaged family backgrounds manage to offset occupational penalties resulting from unstable labor market entry. The final chapter, focusing on the UK labor market and using an experimental design, unveils significant discriminatory tendencies favoring candidates with high-status backgrounds, intersecting gender, and parenthood. Through these empirical contributions, this dissertation advances our understanding of evolving intergenerational inequalities, emphasizing the importance of adopting a life-course perspective for a comprehensive analysis.


Andrei, Filippo 15 March 2024 (has links)
Darknet markets have emerged due to technological advancements, decreasing the likelihood of violence by facilitating remote purchasing interactions. However, the absence of traditional legal frameworks makes maintaining order in these illegal online markets challenging. Without a legitimate state to enforce property rights or quality standards, sustaining order becomes increasingly complex. Despite its illicit nature and the absence of a legitimate state to protect market transactions, the darknet market has proven to be a resilient environment where user satisfaction rivals that of traditional e-commerce platforms such as eBay. How is this possible? Howcan social order emerge in such a context? Existing studies have primarily approached the issue from neo-institutionalist and social network perspectives, examining the emergence of social order through informal institutions and repeated interactions. A notable gap remains in understanding the cognitive aspects shaping decision-making processes in these illicit markets. This dissertation aims to fill this gap by examining the role of social influence in establishing the social order of the market in the absence of legal safeguards from a socio-cognitive lean.

Gender inequality in Italian academia: a life-course perspective on careers and fertility

Gorodetskaya, Olga 11 July 2024 (has links)
The dissertation investigates gender inequalities in Italian academia concerning career progression and tenure, and how these inequalities intersect with parenthood and fertility. Structured around three empirical chapters, it examines the impact of parenthood on men's and women's academic careers and how academic progression influences men's and women's fertility behaviour. The research uses an extensive empirical dataset, including administrative records of PhD holders and unique primary data collected from Italian academics. Advanced regression-based techniques and event history analysis are applied to analyse the data. The first chapter focuses on the academic journey from PhD to employment, assessing potential gender differences in career choices. The second chapter examines gender differences in academic progression in terms of the time elapsed between obtaining a PhD and being appointed to different academic positions, assessing the role of fertility in contributing to gender disparities. The third chapter aims to understand how academic careers shape the fertility behaviour of academic women and men. The findings shed light on the complex interplay between gender, parenthood and academic careers, revealing significant challenges faced by women in academia, particularly in terms of career progression and balancing fertility decisions.


CAPPELLETTI, PATRIZIA 09 June 2014 (has links)
La ricerca prende avvio dalla constatazione, in concomitanza della crisi, dell'emersione in Europa e in altri paesi occidentali, di un nuovo campo di riflessioni teoriche e di sperimentazioni pratiche che con grande vivacità si impone rapidamente da periferia a mainstream anche grazie al supporto politico-istituzionale. Esso domanda un nuovo tipo di innovazione in grado di riconnettere sfera economica e sfera sociale. E' la Social Innovation. All'interno di questo quadro di grande fermento, lo studio intercetta e analizza 48 forme organizzative selezionate nei settori dell'economia, della società civile, delle policies istituzionali che stanno già sperimentando questo riavvicinamento tra economico e sociale per comprenderne le logiche e le dinamiche. A tal fine si fa ricorso al concetto di generatività sociale. La categoria eriksoniana di generatività, qui applicata alle sfere sociale e organizzativa, viene interpretata quale azione innovativa di una nuova articolazione della vita sociale e dei processi di produzione del valore. Emerge un peculiare profilo organizzativo - l'organizzazione generativa - produttrice di shared value, di cui lo studio tratteggia strategie, valori e visioni, aprendo nuove prospettive teoriche, di ricerca e di intervento. / This research moves from the acknowledgment that, along with the 2008 crisis, Europe and other western countries saw the emergence of a new field for theoretical reflections and empirical experimentations, which is rapidly moving from the periphery to the mainstream also thanks to institutional political support. This field requires a new conceptualization of “innovation” as able to reconnect economic and social sphere: i.e. as “Social Innovation”. Within this broad framework, the present study analyses 48 organizational forms selected from the fields of business, civil society and policies, which are already experimenting this rapprochement among the economic and social spheres. The objective of the present dissertation is to understand the logics and dynamics of these phenomena; to this end, the concept of “Social Generativity” is employed. The Eriksonian category of “generativity” is here applied to the social and organizational spheres, and is interpreted as an innovative action towards a new re-articulation of social life and of the processes of value production. The study delineates a specific organizational profile - that of the “generative organization” producing shared value - and illustrates its strategies, values and visions, thus opening new direction for theory, research, and action.

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