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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effet de la composition et de la technique d'élaboration sur le comportement mécanique des verres metalliques base zirconium / Effect of composition and technique of production, on the mechanical behaviour of based-zirconium metallic glasses

Nowak, Sophie 02 November 2009 (has links)
Les verres métalliques sont des matériaux récents (≈ 50 ans), obtenus par refroidissement rapide d'un alliage en fusion. La structure amorphe de ces matériaux leur confère des propriétés particulières : une très grande résistance mécanique (limite à la rupture de l'ordre de 1,7 GPa pour des alliages base Zr), une déformation élastique de l'ordre de 2% mais pas ou peu de ductilité. Les compositions pouvant être élaborées à l’état amorphe, et, sous forme massive, sont en nombre limité. Le travail présenté dans ce manuscrit démontre la possibilité de consolider par frittage SPS (Spark Plasma Sintering), des poudres amorphes obtenues par atomisation (Фmoy.≈70 μm), tout en conservant majoritairement le caractère amorphe. L’optimisation de ce protocole, avec la composition Zr57Cu20Al10Ni8Ti5, a permis de retrouver le même comportement mécanique qu’un verre massif monolithe. Une cristallisation partielle du matériau se produit cependant aux points de contact des particules, mais pourrait être réduite en poursuivant le modèle de frittage esquissé dans ce manuscrit. Aux vues de ces résultats, la conception de nouvelles compositions, et leur élaboration sous forme de rubans, ont été menées. La caractérisation par nano-indentation permet d’estimer de manière fiable les propriétés mécaniques de ces alliages. Enfin, une nouvelle méthode d’évaluation du volume d’activation, qui est le volume élémentaire cisaillé initiant la déformation plastique, est présentée. Il s’agit de l’analyse statistique d’essais de pseudo-fluage en nano-indentation, réalisés à température ambiante. En conclusion, ce travail propose de nouvelles perspectives d’élaboration de verre métalliques sous forme massive dans une gamme de composition bien plus large / The metallic glasses are relatively new materials (≈ 50 years), produced by quenching a molten alloy. The amorphous structure of these materials gives them unique properties: very high strength (fracture stress is about 1.7 GPa for Zr based alloys), an elastic deformation reaching 2%, but little or no ductility. The compositions, which could produce both amorphous and bulk samples, are limited. The work, detailed in this manuscript, shows the possibility of sintering using SPS (Spark Plasma Sintering) amorphous powders obtained by atomization (Фaverage ≈ 70 microns). The result is a fully densified and near fully amorphous sample. The optimization of this technique, with the composition Zr57Cu20Al10Ni8Ti5, gave samples for which mechanical behaviour is close to the bulk metallic glass behaviour. However, partial crystallization of the material occurs, localized at the contact points of particles, but could be reduced by deepening the sintering model outlined in this manuscript. In view of these results, new compositions are designed, and the production of ribbons was conducted. The characterization by nano-indentation estimates reliably the mechanical properties of these alloys. Finally, a new method, evaluating the activation volume, which is the elementary volume initiating plastic deformation, is presented. This technique is a statistical analysis of pseudo-creep tests performed by nano-indentation, at room temperature. In conclusion, this work opens new perspectives to develop bulk samples in broad range of compositions

Oxydes pyrochlores : de l’élaboration aux propriétés sous irradiation / Pyrochlore oxides : from the elaboration to the properties under irradiation

Sellami, Neila 09 January 2015 (has links)
En raison de la résistance élevée à l’irradiation de certaines compositions, les oxydes de structure pyrochlore A₂B₂O ₇ sont considérés comme des matrices potentielles d’immobilisation des actinides produits en réacteur nucléaire. Dans ce contexte, l’étude de la stabilité structurale sous irradiation de ces oxydes est particulièrement importante. Ce travail concerne donc l’étude de l’influence de la composition des pyrochlores et de leur microstructure sur leur comportement vis-à-vis de l’irradiation.Dans ce but, quatre compositions d’oxydes pyrochlores de formule générale A₂B₂O ₇ avec A = Gd, Nd et B = Zr, Ti ont tout d’abord été élaborées. Différentes voies de synthèse (réaction à l’état solide, chimie douce par la méthode Pechini) de poudres pyrochlores ont été explorées afin de maîtriser in fine la taille de grains des céramiques densifiées par frittage classique ou par frittage SPS. Les résultats obtenus par chimie douce sont prometteurs : des poudres fines (<100 nm) de structure pyrochlore ont été élaborées. Enfin, selon les conditions de frittage SPS choisies, des céramiques denses ont été obtenues, avec une taille de grains de 700 nm pour Y₂Ti₂O ₇ et de 300 nm pour Nd₂Zr₂O ₇ , ce qui, à notre connaissance, correspond aux plus petites tailles de grains pour ce type de composé.Afin d’étudier le comportement sous irradiation, les oxydes élaborés de compositions Gd₂Ti₂O ₇ , Y₂Ti₂O ₇ , Gd₂Zr₂O ₇ et Nd₂Zr₂O ₇ , ont été irradiés avec des ions lourds de basse énergie (Au 4MeV délivrés par l’installation JANNuS à Orsay) pour déterminer les modifications structurales produites par les effets nucléaires et par des ions lourds d’une centaine de MeV (ligne IRRSUD) ou de l’ordre du GeV (ligne SME) du GANIL à Caen afin d’étudier les effets induits par les excitations électroniques. Les transformations induites par irradiation ont été caractérisées par Diffraction des Rayons X (parfois in situ avec le dispositif ALIX du GANIL), Microscopie Electronique à Balayage et en Transmission (MEB, MET) et spectroscopie Raman. La spectroscopie d'absorption (XANES et EXAFS effectuées au synchrotron SOLEIL) a été utilisée pour caractériser l'ordre local dans la phase amorphe induite par irradiation dans les titanates. Dans le domaine du ralentissement nucléaire, les résultats principaux sont que les titanates s’amorphisent sous irradiation alors que seule une transition pyrochlore-fluorine est observée pour les zirconates. Dans le domaine du ralentissement électronique, les titanates s’amorphisent par un mécanisme d’impact direct et Gd₂Zr₂O ₇ subit uniquement une transition pyrochlore-fluorine. Par contre, contrairement à son comportement observé sous irradiation avec des ions de basse énergie, Nd₂Zr₂O ₇ s’amorphise avec des ions lourds de haute énergie, avec une cinétique d’endommagement complexe qui met en jeu des transitions pyrochlore-amorphe, pyrochlore-fluorine et fluorine-amorphe. La structure interne des traces induites par excitations électroniques a été étudiée par MET. Les analyses par spectroscopie Raman en coupe transverse des échantillons irradiés ont permis la détermination de l’épaisseur de la phase amorphe ainsi que du pouvoir d’arrêt électronique seuil pour la formation des traces. Les conductivités thermiques des échantillons irradiés sont plus faibles que celles obtenues dans les composés non irradiés. Enfin, l’étude de la restauration thermique des composés irradiés avec des ions lourds de haute énergie montre que les transformations de phases ainsi que les températures auxquelles se produisent ces transformations dépendent de la composition. / Due to the high resistance to irradiation of some compositions, pyrochlore-type oxides with A₂B₂O ₇ structure are considered as potential matrices for the immobilization of actinides produced in nuclear reactor. In this context, the study of the structural stability after irradiation of these oxides is particularly important and should be investigated. This work aims at studying the effects of both the composition and the microstructure on the behavior of pyrochlores upon irradiation. For this purpose, four compositions of pyrochlore oxides of general formula A₂B₂O ₇ (with A = Gd, Nd and B = Ti, Zr) were first elaborated. Powders were prepared using different routes (solid state reaction, soft chemistry with Pechini process) in order to control the grain size of the ceramics densified either by conventional sintering or by SPS. The results obtained by soft chemistry are promising: fine powders (<100 nm) with the pyrochlore structure were prepared. Finally, according to the selected SPS conditions, dense ceramics were obtained with a grain size of 700 nm for Y₂Ti₂O ₇ and 300 nm for Nd₂Zr₂O ₇ , which, to our knowledge, corresponds to the smaller grain size for these compositions. Pyrochlore oxides with the compositions Gd₂Ti₂O ₇ , Y₂Ti₂O ₇ , Gd₂Zr₂O ₇ and Nd₂Zr₂O ₇ were irradiated with low energy heavy ions (4 MeV Au ions delivered by the JANNuS platform in Orsay) to determine the structural modifications produced by nuclear collisions. The same ceramics were also irradiated with swift heavy ions (hundreds of MeV on the IRRSUD beamline or of the order of GeV on the SME beamline) at the GANIL accelerator in Caen to study the effects induced by electronic excitations. The transformations induced by irradiation were characterized by XRD (in situ with the ALIX set up of the GANIL or ex situ after irradiation), scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM, TEM) and Raman spectroscopy. Fine absorption spectroscopy (XANES and EXAFS performed at the synchrotron Soleil) was implemented in order to characterize the local order in the amorphous phase induced by irradiation in the titanates. In the ballistic process regime, the main results are the amorphization of the titanates, while only an anion-deficient fluorite phase is formed for zirconates. The phase transformations induced by electronic excitation show that titanates become amorphous by a direct impact mechanism whereas a pyrochlore-fluorite transition occurs for Gd₂Zr₂O ₇ . However, in contrast to the behavior observed upon irradiation with low energy ions, Nd₂Zr₂O ₇ becomes amorphous upon high energy ion irradiations, with a complex damage kinetics involving pyrochlore-amorphous, pyrochlore-fluorite and fluorite-amorphous phase transitions. The internal structure of tracks induced by electronic excitation was studied by TEM. Raman spectroscopy analyses performed on cross-sectioned irradiated samples allowed the determination of the amorphous phase thickness and the electronic stopping power threshold for the formation of tracks.The thermal conductivities of the irradiated samples are lower than those obtained for unirradiated compounds. Finally, a specific study concerning the thermal recovery of irradiated pyrochlores with swift heavy ions shows that the phase transitions and the temperature at which these transformations occur depend on the composition.

Fabrication et caractérisation des matériaux composites lamellaires à matrice Ti et TA6V / Fabrication and characterization of Ti and TA6V laminated composite materials

Mereib, Diaa 27 February 2018 (has links)
Apprenant de la nature, les architectures spécifiques de certains organismes vivants sont devenues l'une des idées dominantes dans le développement de nouvelles générations de matériaux synthétiques. Dans cette optique, la structure lamellaire de la nacre peut servir de modèle pour la fabrication de nouveaux matériaux composites à matrices métalliques. Un nouveau procédé de métallurgie des poudres, appelée métallurgie des poudres « plaquettes » (FPM), a ainsi été développée pour fabriquer des matériaux composites à matrice métallique à structure lamellaire.L’objectif de ce travail de thèse est l'utilisation du procédé FPM (en utilisant le broyage mécanique (BM) et le frittage SPS), pour la fabrication de matériaux architecturés lamellaires et bioinspirés de structure nacre. Nous avons montré la possibilité de fabriquer, à partir de poudre plaquettes, des matériaux lamellaires anisotropes monolithiques à base de titane et d’alliages de titane ainsi que des matériaux composites Ti/C. Nous avons également montré les avantages de l'architecture multicouches sur l'amélioration des propriétés mécaniques (dureté) du Ti et de TA6V avec une anisotropie de la dureté entre les sections transversale et longitudinale. L’augmentation de la dureté de ces matériaux lamellaires, par rapport aux matériaux non-lamellaire, est liée principalement à l'épaisseur des "plaquettes" qui est contrôlée par le temps de BM, ainsi que par l’effet de la microstructure affinée et de l’écrouissage du matériau lamellaire.Nous avons également montré la possibilité de fabriquer des matériaux composites lamellaires in-situ Ti/TiC par BM (en présence d'acide stéarique) et frittage SPS, avec la possibilité de contrôler la teneur en TiC en jouant sur les conditions de BM (temps BM et taux d’acide stéarique). Ce matériau composite permet une amélioration de la dureté et du module de Young attribuée à la phase de TiC formée. / Learning from nature, biological design has become one of the prevailing ideas in developing new generations of synthetic materials. In the strengthening and toughening exploration of composite materials, nacre lamellar structure may serves as a model system of tremendous interest. A novel powder metallurgy (PM) strategy, called flake PM, was developed to fabricate bulk metal matrix composite materials with laminated structure.The aims of this thesis is the use of flakes PM (using ball milling and SPS sintering), for the fabrication of biomimetic titanium and titanium alloys nacre’s laminated structures and of titanium/carbon composite materials. This process showed the possibility of the fabrication of laminar material with anisotropic microstructure. We proved the advantages of the layer’s architecture on the improvement of Ti and TA6V mechanical properties (hardness) with hardness anisotropy between the cross section and the longitudinal one. The hardness of this material is related to the thickness of the "flakes" which is controlled by the time of BM. This strengthening was also attributed to the flake thickness, the refined microstructure and the hardening of the lamellar material.We showed also the possibility of fabrication of in-situ Ti/TiC laminated composite materials using BM (in the presence of stearic acid) and SPS sintering, with the possibility of the control of TiC content by controlling the BM conditions (BM time and stearic acid amount). This composite material exhibit improvement of the hardness and Young’s modulus, attributed to the TiC phase formed.

Síntese e processamento de compósito cerâmico zircônia-grafeno / Synthesis and processing of zirconia-graphene ceramic composite

Manarão, Diego Santos 27 February 2018 (has links)
O objetivo desse trabalho foi desenvolver um compósito cerâmico de zircônia-grafeno para aplicação odontológica. Este estudo avaliou o efeito do pó de partida, concentração de grafeno e da temperatura de sinterização sobre as propriedades mecânicas (dureza e tenacidade à fratura) do compósito desenvolvido. Para isto foram sintetizados os pós de Y-TZP a partir de soluções de óxido-cloreto de zircônio e cloreto de ítrio na proporção desejada de 3mol% através da rota de co-precipitação em solução de hidróxido de amônio seguido por uma série de lavagens em água, etanol e butanol com posterior destilação azeotrópica, secagem, moagem e calcinação. O grafeno foi obtido a partir da exfoliação química de grafite pelo método de Hummers [40] modificado por Marcano [39], o que resultou em um gel acastanhado que foi submetido a lavagem por centrifugação, secagem e desaglomeração em almofariz de ágata, resultando, por fim, no óxido de grafeno. Uma segunda etapa foi o processo de redução química com ácido ascórbico para obtenção de óxido de grafeno reduzido, um pó de coloração escura que foi adicionado à Y-TZP para a obtenção do compósito nas diversas concentrações (em mol%) que foram estudadas: (0,01%, 0,05%, 0,10%, 0,50%, 1,00% e 2,00%). Os pós foram caracterizados por termogravimetria, difração de raios X e espectroscopia (FT-IR). Os espécimes foram confeccionados em matriz metálica cilíndrica e sinterizados em forno tubular em atmosfera inerte. Outros espécimes foram confeccionados em matriz de grafite de alta densidade e sinterizados por Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS). Todas as amostras foram caracterizadas por meio de ensaios de densidade, dureza Vickers, tenacidade à fratura e microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Os maiores valores de densidade relativa foram observados para as amostras sinterizadas em SPS, sendo que se obteve valor de densidade relativa de 98,7 % para a concentração de 0,50% de grafeno e 98,4% para a Y-TZP pura. Por outro lado, o maior valor encontrado em sinterização em atmosfera a 1400°C sem a presença de H2 para Y-TZP pura foi da ordem de 96,76%. Os valores de dureza foram maiores nas amostras sinterizadas em SPS, no entanto a tenacidade à fratura mostrou não se alterar em função do conteúdo de grafeno. As fotomicrografias de MEV mostraram que houve uma variação de tamanho de grão de acordo com a presença do grafeno e do método de sinterização. De acordo com os resultados obtidos neste trabalho foi possível concluir que o processamento desenvolvido permitiu a criação de um compósito cerâmico zircônia-grafeno que pôde ser caracterizado por diversos métodos analíticos. A densidade teórica do compósito desenvolvido não foi alcançada por meio de nenhum dos métodos de sinterização utilizados (Tubular ou SPS) e nem variando-se a temperatura. Para espécimes sinterizados em atmosfera inerte, a maior temperatura de sinterização (1400°C) e a presença do gás H2 não melhorou a densificação. Além disso, esses espécimes tiveram aumento da dureza com o aumento da concentração de grafeno, entretanto, a sua tenacidade à fratura não foi afetada pelo teor de grafeno. Para espécimes sinterizados por meio de SPS, a temperatura de sinterização de 1350°C resultou em melhores valores de densificação. Além disso, para este tipo de sinterização, tanto a dureza como a tenacidade à fratura foram afetadas pelo teor de grafeno. / The objective of this work was to develop a zirconia-graphene ceramic composite for dental application. The study evaluated the effect of the starting powder effect, graphene concentration and sintering temperature on the mechanical properties of the composite. For this, the Y-TZP powders were synthesized from zirconium chloride and yttrium chloride solutions in the desired ratio of 3 mol% through the co-precipitation route in ammonium hydroxide solution followed by a series of washes in water, ethanol and butanol with subsequent azeotropic distillation, drying, grinding and calcination. Graphene was obtained from the chemical exfoliation of graphite by the method of Humans modified by Marcano, which resulted in a brownish gel that was subjected to washing by centrifugation, drying and deagglomeration in agate mortar, resulting finally in the graphene oxide. A second step was the chemical reduction with ascorbic acid to obtain reduced graphene oxide, a dark-colored powder that was added to the Y-TZP to obtain the composite in the various concentrations (in mol%) that were studied (0, 01%, 0.05%, 0.10%, 0.50%, 1.00% and 2.00%). The powders were characterized by thermogravimetry, X-ray diffraction and spectroscopy (FT-IR). The specimens were made in cylindrical metallic matrix and sintered in a tubular oven. Other samples were made in high density graphite matrix and sintered by Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS). All samples were characterized by means of density tests, Vickers hardness, fracture toughness and scanning electron microscopy. The highest values of relative density were observed for the sintered samples in SPS. A relative density of 98.7% was obtained for the 0.50% concentration of graphene and 98.4% for the pure Y-TZP. On the other hand, the highest value found in tubular sintering at 1400 ° C without the presence of H2 for pure Y-TZP was of the order of 96.76%. The hardness values were higher in the sintered samples in SPS, however the fracture toughness showed not to change as a function of the content of graphene. SEM images showed that there was a variation of grain size according to the presence of graphene and the sintering method. According to the results of this study it was concluded that the process developed allowed the creation of a graphene-zirconia ceramic composite which can be characterized by various analytical methods. The theoretical density of the composite developed was not achieved by any of the sintering methods used (tubular or SPS) nor by varying the temperature. For tubular sintered specimens, the higher sintering temperature (1400 ° C) and the presence of H2 gas did not improve densification. In addition, these specimens had increased hardness with increasing graphene concentration, however, their fracture toughness was not affected by graphene content. For sintered specimens by SPS, the sintering temperature of 1350 ° C resulted in better densification values. In addition, for this type of sintering, both hardness and fracture toughness were affected by the content of graphene

Síntese e processamento de compósito cerâmico zircônia-grafeno / Synthesis and processing of zirconia-graphene ceramic composite

Diego Santos Manarão 27 February 2018 (has links)
O objetivo desse trabalho foi desenvolver um compósito cerâmico de zircônia-grafeno para aplicação odontológica. Este estudo avaliou o efeito do pó de partida, concentração de grafeno e da temperatura de sinterização sobre as propriedades mecânicas (dureza e tenacidade à fratura) do compósito desenvolvido. Para isto foram sintetizados os pós de Y-TZP a partir de soluções de óxido-cloreto de zircônio e cloreto de ítrio na proporção desejada de 3mol% através da rota de co-precipitação em solução de hidróxido de amônio seguido por uma série de lavagens em água, etanol e butanol com posterior destilação azeotrópica, secagem, moagem e calcinação. O grafeno foi obtido a partir da exfoliação química de grafite pelo método de Hummers [40] modificado por Marcano [39], o que resultou em um gel acastanhado que foi submetido a lavagem por centrifugação, secagem e desaglomeração em almofariz de ágata, resultando, por fim, no óxido de grafeno. Uma segunda etapa foi o processo de redução química com ácido ascórbico para obtenção de óxido de grafeno reduzido, um pó de coloração escura que foi adicionado à Y-TZP para a obtenção do compósito nas diversas concentrações (em mol%) que foram estudadas: (0,01%, 0,05%, 0,10%, 0,50%, 1,00% e 2,00%). Os pós foram caracterizados por termogravimetria, difração de raios X e espectroscopia (FT-IR). Os espécimes foram confeccionados em matriz metálica cilíndrica e sinterizados em forno tubular em atmosfera inerte. Outros espécimes foram confeccionados em matriz de grafite de alta densidade e sinterizados por Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS). Todas as amostras foram caracterizadas por meio de ensaios de densidade, dureza Vickers, tenacidade à fratura e microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Os maiores valores de densidade relativa foram observados para as amostras sinterizadas em SPS, sendo que se obteve valor de densidade relativa de 98,7 % para a concentração de 0,50% de grafeno e 98,4% para a Y-TZP pura. Por outro lado, o maior valor encontrado em sinterização em atmosfera a 1400°C sem a presença de H2 para Y-TZP pura foi da ordem de 96,76%. Os valores de dureza foram maiores nas amostras sinterizadas em SPS, no entanto a tenacidade à fratura mostrou não se alterar em função do conteúdo de grafeno. As fotomicrografias de MEV mostraram que houve uma variação de tamanho de grão de acordo com a presença do grafeno e do método de sinterização. De acordo com os resultados obtidos neste trabalho foi possível concluir que o processamento desenvolvido permitiu a criação de um compósito cerâmico zircônia-grafeno que pôde ser caracterizado por diversos métodos analíticos. A densidade teórica do compósito desenvolvido não foi alcançada por meio de nenhum dos métodos de sinterização utilizados (Tubular ou SPS) e nem variando-se a temperatura. Para espécimes sinterizados em atmosfera inerte, a maior temperatura de sinterização (1400°C) e a presença do gás H2 não melhorou a densificação. Além disso, esses espécimes tiveram aumento da dureza com o aumento da concentração de grafeno, entretanto, a sua tenacidade à fratura não foi afetada pelo teor de grafeno. Para espécimes sinterizados por meio de SPS, a temperatura de sinterização de 1350°C resultou em melhores valores de densificação. Além disso, para este tipo de sinterização, tanto a dureza como a tenacidade à fratura foram afetadas pelo teor de grafeno. / The objective of this work was to develop a zirconia-graphene ceramic composite for dental application. The study evaluated the effect of the starting powder effect, graphene concentration and sintering temperature on the mechanical properties of the composite. For this, the Y-TZP powders were synthesized from zirconium chloride and yttrium chloride solutions in the desired ratio of 3 mol% through the co-precipitation route in ammonium hydroxide solution followed by a series of washes in water, ethanol and butanol with subsequent azeotropic distillation, drying, grinding and calcination. Graphene was obtained from the chemical exfoliation of graphite by the method of Humans modified by Marcano, which resulted in a brownish gel that was subjected to washing by centrifugation, drying and deagglomeration in agate mortar, resulting finally in the graphene oxide. A second step was the chemical reduction with ascorbic acid to obtain reduced graphene oxide, a dark-colored powder that was added to the Y-TZP to obtain the composite in the various concentrations (in mol%) that were studied (0, 01%, 0.05%, 0.10%, 0.50%, 1.00% and 2.00%). The powders were characterized by thermogravimetry, X-ray diffraction and spectroscopy (FT-IR). The specimens were made in cylindrical metallic matrix and sintered in a tubular oven. Other samples were made in high density graphite matrix and sintered by Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS). All samples were characterized by means of density tests, Vickers hardness, fracture toughness and scanning electron microscopy. The highest values of relative density were observed for the sintered samples in SPS. A relative density of 98.7% was obtained for the 0.50% concentration of graphene and 98.4% for the pure Y-TZP. On the other hand, the highest value found in tubular sintering at 1400 ° C without the presence of H2 for pure Y-TZP was of the order of 96.76%. The hardness values were higher in the sintered samples in SPS, however the fracture toughness showed not to change as a function of the content of graphene. SEM images showed that there was a variation of grain size according to the presence of graphene and the sintering method. According to the results of this study it was concluded that the process developed allowed the creation of a graphene-zirconia ceramic composite which can be characterized by various analytical methods. The theoretical density of the composite developed was not achieved by any of the sintering methods used (tubular or SPS) nor by varying the temperature. For tubular sintered specimens, the higher sintering temperature (1400 ° C) and the presence of H2 gas did not improve densification. In addition, these specimens had increased hardness with increasing graphene concentration, however, their fracture toughness was not affected by graphene content. For sintered specimens by SPS, the sintering temperature of 1350 ° C resulted in better densification values. In addition, for this type of sintering, both hardness and fracture toughness were affected by the content of graphene

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