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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Enhancements to SQLite Library to Improve Performance on Mobile Platforms

Sambasivan Ramachandran, Shyam 16 December 2013 (has links)
This thesis aims to present solutions to improve the performance of SQLite library on mobile systems. In particular, two approaches are presented to add lightweight locking mechanisms to the SQLite library and improve concurrency of the SQLite library on Android operating system. The impact on performance is discussed after each section. Many applications on the Android operating system rely on the SQLite library to store ordered data. However, due to heavy synchronization primitives used by the library, it becomes a performance bottleneck for applications which push large amount of data into the database. Related work in this area also points to SQLite database as one of the factors for limiting performance. With increasing network speeds, the storage system can become a performance bottleneck, as applications download larger amounts of data. The following work in this thesis addresses these issues by providing approaches to increase concurrency and add light-weight locking mechanisms. The factors determining the performance of Application Programming Interfaces provided by SQLite are first gathered from IO traces of common database operations. By analyzing these traces, opportunities for improvements are noticed. An alternative locking mechanism is added to the database file using byte-range locks for fine-grained locking. Its impact on performance is measured using SQLite benchmarks as well as real applications. A multi-threaded benchmark is designed to measure the performance of fine grained locking in multi-threaded applications using common database operations. Recent versions of SQLite use write ahead logs for journaling. We see that writes to this sequential log can occur concurrently, especially in flash drives. By adding a sequencing mechanism for the write ahead log, the writes can proceed simultaneously. The performance of this method is also analyzed using the synthetic benchmarks and multi-threaded benchmarks. By using these mechanisms, the library is observed to gain significant performance for concurrent writes.
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Návrh a realizace síťové aplikace pro audit a monitorování počítačů / Design and Implementation of Network Application for Audit and Monitoring of Computers

Krym, David January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with design and implementation of a network application for monitoring of computers for a chosen company. The application allows administrators to automate the gathering of hardware and software information. The purpose of the application is also to monitor hardware values, such as processor temperature or harddisk free space. The design uses client-server architecture. Three applications were created: server, client and graphical management console.

Informační systém pro Android / Information System for Android

Máca, Michal January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with a proposal and an implementation of an information system for the Android operating system with available web interface. The first part of thesis deals with the theoretical information and information about application develop. The theoretical part contains proposal of the application and her implementation.

Nástroje pro tvorbu multiplatformních aplikací / Tools for creating cross-platform applications

Smíšek, Martin January 2017 (has links)
The goal of the thesis is to analyse the Xamarin.Forms framework and implementing an application based on it. Visual Studio was used as an development environment. External libraries Skia.Sharp, Prism, Acr.UserDialogs, sqlite-net-pcl and rda.SocketsForPCL were used. More than 90% of the application code is shared among all platforms. The application is multilingual and able to keep persistent data. Supported operation systems are Android and Windows 10 covering mobile and desktop devices. The main benefit of the thesis is clarification of the Xamarin.Forms framework principles demonstrated by developed application.

Exploring High Performance SQL Databases with Graphics Processing Units

Hordemann, Glen J. 26 November 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Kartläggning av Uppsala kommuns elanvändning

Edberger Persson, Jakob, Iliev, Göran, Järvström, William, Danielsson, Emil January 2020 (has links)
I projektet kartläggs elanvändningen i Uppsala kommun baserat på data från kommunens egna fastigheter. Syftet var att öka kunskapen och informationen kring hur kommunens elanvändning ser ut; dels totalt sett och dels på mer detaljerad nivå. För att få tillgång till en mer detaljerad bild över elanvändningen och se olika konsumtionsmönster kategoriserades datan utifrån verksamhet och geografi. Vidare har även projekt haft som avsikt att resulterande eldata ska kunna ligga som grund för klimat- och energisimuleringar, samt vidare forskning och arbeten inom området. Fastigheterna vars elanvändning har kartlagts ägs av olika kommunala bolag, vilka har Vattenfall AB och Eon som elleverantörer. Från elleverantörerna har eldata, i den mån den funnits tillgänglig, hämtats ut från respektive elabonnemang. Den resulterande kartläggning består av 799 olika elabonnemang, från 13 kommunala bolag av totalt sett cirka 3000 aktiva elabonnemang som existerar. Att endast 799 kunde ingå i denna kartläggning beror på sekretess- och tillgänglighetsproblematik med leverantörer. I och med detta har även en projektstruktur utvecklats med intention att underlätta för framtida, vidare, kartläggning. Projektstrukturen består av instruktioner och styrdokument för guidning. Utifrån sammanställd eldata skapades flertalet lastprofiler som exemplifierar kommunens elanvändning, både totalt sett och för olika verksamhetsindelningar. Slutligen konstateras att, trots det låga antalet tillgängliga elabonnemang, kan trender och konsumtionsmönster identifieras. Men för att få en helhetsbild och fullständig kartläggning över elanvändningen behövs register över kommunens verksamheter samt ett bättre samarbete med elleverantörer.
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Prezentace GIS pro výuku v terénu / Presentation of GIS for Field Training

Ráczová, Gabriela January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to create Geographic Information System (GIS) presentation of Jedovnice location. Created GIS presentation serve as a teaching tool for 2nd and 3rd year of Geodesy and Cartography field, Faculty of civil engineering, University of technology in Brno. Data processing was performed using Marushka Design program of Geovap group. Database entities management was processed in the SQLite Personal program. GIS presentation includes geodetic point field in specified location and tasks assignment for students. Designed system allows editing and managing of data already existed.

Aplikace pro obsluhu měřicích zařízení v energetice / Application for operation of measuring devices in power engineering

Ševčík, Radek January 2019 (has links)
This thesis is focused on application development with ARM processor architecture and Linux operating system. It uses cloud hosting services to build, test and deploy applications with container-based virtualization. The application communicates with smart meters on serial buses. It stores measurements in a database. It provides access to devices and measurements in internet network.

Návrh domácí brány pro zařízení IoT využívající technologii Z-Wave / Home gate for IoT devices using Z-Wave technology

Resler, Tomáš January 2019 (has links)
This dissertation deals with the platform Z-Wave. This platform tries to create an universal system for smart home. The theoretical part of the work describes in details the platform itself as well as the applicable libraries for programming of applications and the available equipments. The practical part presents the new custom gateway. The hardware of this gateway is designed with utilization of the Z-Wave module, Raspberry Pi 3 microcomputer, touchscreen, powerbank and the body of the system. The body has been designed in the Solid Works CAD system and printed on a 3D printer. The needed firmware was loaded into the Z-Wave module ZM5304 and this module has been interconnected with the Raspberry Pi 3 through the printed circuit board of the custom design. The gateway drives OpenZWave network through the new own application written with help of Python wrapper of the library OpenZWave and other open source components. The part of the work is also the list and description of the alternative commercial gateways available on the Czech market.

Návrh, tvorba a implementace softwarové aplikace ve firemním prostředí / Design, Creation and Implementation of Software Applications in the Corporate Environment

Procházková, Lenka January 2021 (has links)
The goal of this diploma thesis is to design, realize and implement a software application in a corporate environment. The application is based on the basic principles of information systems. It allows to store, process, send and display the necessary internal data at one place. The result of the diploma thesis is a custom made applicationfor the company. This application is implemented in a corporate environment.

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