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CFD Based External Heat Transfer Coefficient Predictions on a Transonic Film-Cooled Gas Turbine Guide Vane : A Computational Fluid Dynamics Study on the Von Karman Institute LS94 Test CaseJohnsson, Rosalie, Asiegbu, Lilian January 2022 (has links)
The turbine inlet guide vanes of a gas-turbine are subjected to extreme hot gas temperatures which increases the risk of mechanical failure and overall reduces the component lifespan. Hence, it is of great interest for gas-turbine manufacturers to establish methods for accurately estimating the temperature distribution along the vane surface. Due to the three-dimensional nature of turbine flow, it is of interest to establish Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) methodology which capture these three-dimensional effects. This thesis is one in a collection of theses conducted at Siemens Energy AB on the subject. Previous studies have investigated and validated the implementation of RANS simulations on non-cooled turbine vanes and endwalls. In this study, the focus is on studying a film cooled vane and establishing one RANS as well as one hybrid modelling strategy for heat transfer coefficient (HTC) predictions. The HTC prediction capabilities are compared and validated against experimental data presented in the doctoral thesis by Fabrizio Fontaneto on the LS94 vane at Von Karman Institute. The chosen RANS modelling method was the Shear Stress Transport (SST) k-ω turbulence model, with γ-Reθ transition modelling, based on the findings by Enico (2021) and Daugulis (2022). The model proved capable in estimating the HTC well on mainly the suction side of the vane. The pressure side HTC was largely under-predicted, a common issue with the SST model also seen in the previous theses as well as the hybrid simulations. The strength of the SST k-ω turbulence model, with γ-Reθ transition modelling, is in accurately capturing the HTC magnitude, most likely due to the well-predicted turbulence intensity decay at the inlet. However, it largely under-predicts the HTC along the suction side film-coolant layer, implying that it may be over-estimating the film-cooling capabilities. The hybrid model chosen was the Scale Resolving Hybrid (SRH) model, with underlying RANS SST k-ω. Compared to RANS, hybrid results were under-estimated, seemingly offset from the experimental data by a constant 200 units along the entire vane midspan. This is likely due to the inaccurate turbulence intensity presented in the SRH simulations, which decays quickly along the inlet compared to RANS and experimental data. Yet still, the hybrid model showed potential in capturing certain results not seen with RANS, such as the secondary flow effects by the vane endwalls, as well as arguably capturing the general HTC trend at midspan seen in the experimental data. Additionally, the section of severely under-predicted HTC by the suction side film-coolant seen with RANS is not present in the hybrid results. Although the hybrid model has proven promising in many aspects, in its current state it is not a viable method for HTC predictions due to its general under-prediction of HTC. Largely, the authors suspect this is due to the undesirably coarse mesh around the cooling holes, which leads to RANS computation in regions where SRH is desired. Thus, improvements would need to be made to the model, where, for example, implementing a zonal hybrid RANS-LES model would be an option. Considering the hybrid model in its current state, RANS is the preferred method, especially when considering the greater computational cost and the labor associated with hybrid simulations which were experienced during this study. In conclusion, it is evident that the correct capture of inlet turbulence intensity decay as well as suitable mesh refinement by the cooling holes are crucial for obtaining the correct magnitudes of HTC, and thus, the capture of it should be of utmost priority in future work within the field.
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Efficient seakeeping performance predictions with CFDLagemann, Benjamin January 2019 (has links)
With steadily increasing computational power, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) can be applied to unsteady problems such as seakeeping simulations. Therefore, a good balance between accuracy and computational speed is required. This thesis investigates the application of CFD to seakeeping performance predictions and aims to propose a best-practice procedure for efficient seakeeping simulations. The widely used KVLCC2 research vessel serves as a test case for this thesis and FINEŠ/Marine software package is used for CFD computations. In order to validate the simulations, results are compared to recent experimental data from SSPA as well as predictions with potential ˛ow code SHIPFLOW® Motions. As for the calm water simulations, both inviscid and viscous ˛ow computations are performed in combination with three mesh refinement levels. Seakeeping simulations with regular head waves of different wavelengths are set-up correspondingly. Furthermore, different strategies for time discretization are investigated. With the given computational resources, it is not feasible to complete seakeeping simulations with a ˝ne mesh. However, already the coarse meshes give good agreement to experiments and SHIPFLOW® Motions' predictions. Viscous ˛ow simulations turn out to be more robust than Euler ˛ow computations and thus should be preferred. Regarding the time discretization, a fixed time discretization of 150 steps per wave period has shown the best balance between accuracy and speed. Based on these findings, a best-practice procedure for seakeeping performance predictions in FINEŠ/Marine is established. Taking the most efficient settings obtained from head wave simulations, the vessel is subjected to oblique waves with 160° encounter angle. Under similar wave conditions, CFD predictions of a similar thesis show close agreement in terms of added wave resistance. Compared to the previous head wave conditions of this study, added resistance in 160° oblique waves is found to be significantly higher. This underlines that oblique bow quartering waves represent a relevant case for determining the maximum required power of a ship. CFD and potential ˛ow show similar accuracy with respect to ship motions and added wave resistance, albeit potential ˛ow outperforms CFD in terms of computational speed. Hence, CFD should be applied in cases where viscous effects are known to have large influence on a vessel's seakeeping behavior. This can be the case if motion control and damping devices are to be evaluated, for instance. / Tack vare den stadigt ökande beräkningskraften kan beräkningsuiddynamik (CFD) idag användas på beräkningsintensiva problem som sjöegenskapssimulationer. Den här rapporten undersöker användning av CFD på sjöegenskapsprestanda och syftar till att foreslå ett best-practice förfaringssätt för effektiv sjöegenskapssimulationer. Forskningsskrovet KVLCC2 fungerar som ett testfall för denna rapport och FINE/Marine-mjukvarupaketet används för CFD-beräkningar. Viktiga parametrar, såsom ödestyp, beräkningsnät och tidssteg varierars systematiskt. Resultaten jämförs med experiment gjorda vid SSPA. Baserat på resultaten förelås en best-practice. Den föreslagna best-practice användas vidare för berökningar av sjöegenskaper i sneda vågor. Jämförelse av resultaten med liknande studier visar god överensstämmelse. Genom att använda det föreslagna förfarandet för best-practice kan CFD-sjöegenskapssimulationer användas på fall där viskösa krafter måste beaktas, till exempel rörelseregleringsanordningar.
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Forward Modelling of Ground Based SST Telescope ImagesHidalgo Larsson, Anna January 2021 (has links)
Space debris is becoming an increased threat to the future use of space orbits. In order to counteract this threat, the field of Space Situational Awareness (SSA), and the sub-field Space Surveillance and Tracking (SST), have been developed to gather knowledge about the space debris and satellites surrounding Earth. The orbit of a satellite can be determined by acquiring images of the satellite using a telescope and a sensor. During this thesis, a tool has been programmed in Python. This tool can simulate these types of images of satellite passes, at a given time and location. The simulator takes the system parameters of the telescope and camera sensor into account, together with several different types of disturbances which affect these images. The project has been carried out at the Swedish Space Corporation (SSC), which recently launched an SSA initiative. They plan to use these images to learn more about their upcoming observations, and possibly to test an orbit determination software. / Rymdskrot är ett allt mer påtagligt hot mot den framtida användningen av om-loppsbanor i rymden. För att motverka detta hot har det blivit viktigt att kartlägga rymdlägesbilden och de objekt som ligger i omloppsbana runt jorden. Detta görs genom att observera, identifiera och banbestämma satelliter. En satellits omlopps-bana kan bestämmas genom att ta bilder av satelliten med hjälp av ett teleskop och en sensor. Under detta examensarbete har ett verktyg för att kunna simulera sådana bilder utvecklats. Simuleringsverktyget har programmerats i Python och kan simulera bilder av satellitpass vid en given tidpunkt och från en given plats. Verktyget tar hänsyn till systemparametrarna för teleskopet och kamerasensorn, samt effekterna av ett flertal olika typer av störningar som påverkar dessa bilder. Projektet har genomförts hos företaget Swedish Space Corporation (SSC), som nyligen lanserade ett initiativ för att bättre förstå rymdlägesbilden. De planerar att använda dessa bilder för att lära sig mer om deras kommande observationer, samt att eventuellt testa en programvara för att bestämma banparametrar.
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Numerical analysis of air-water flows in hydraulic structures using computational fluid dynamics (CFD)Bayón Barrachina, Arnau 15 September 2018 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / The new legal regulations derived from climate change dictate that hydraulic structures must be designed to handle flood events associated with return periods up to 10,000 years. This obviously involves adapting the existing infrastructure to meet such requirements. In order to avoid risks in the restitution of the flow discharged to rivers, such as bank overflows or streambed erosion and scour processes, hydraulic design must be supported by reliable tools capable of reproducing the behavior of hydraulic structures. In the work presented herein, a fully three-dimensional CFD model to reproduce the behavior of different types of air-water flow in hydraulic structures is presented. The flow is assumed to be turbulent, isotropic and incompressible. Several RANS turbulence models are tested and structured rectangular meshes are employed to discretize the analyzed domain. The presence of two fluids is modeled using different VOF approaches and simulations are run using the PIMPLE algorithm. The model is implemented using the open-source platform OpenFOAM and its performance is compared to the commercial code FLOW-3D. The analysis is conducted separately on two different parts of hydraulic structures, namely: the spillway and the stilling basin. Additionally, a case of practical application, where the model reproduces the flow of a real-life case, is also presented in order to prove the suitability of the model to actual design cases. Mesh independence and model validation using experimental data are checked in the results of all the case studies. The sensitivity of the presented model to certain parameters is extensively discussed using different indicator variables. Among these parameters are turbulence closure, discretization scheme, surface tracking approach, CFD code or boundary conditions. Pros and contras of each of them are addressed. The analyzed turbulence models are the Standard k ¿ ¿, the Realizable k ¿ ¿, the RNG k ¿ ¿, and the SST k ¿ ¿. The discretization schemes under study are: a first-order upwind method, the second-order limited Van Leer method, and a second-order limited central difference method. The VOF approaches analyzed are the Partial VOF, as implemented in OpenFOAM, and the TruVOF, as implemented in FLOW-3D. In most cases, the Standard k ¿ ¿ model provides the most accurate estimations of water free surface profiles, although the rest of variables, with few exceptions, are better predicted by the RNG k ¿ ¿. The latter model generally requires slightly longer computation times. The SST k ¿ ¿ reproduces correctly the phenomena under study, although it generally turned out to be less accurate than its k ¿ ¿ counterparts. As regards the comparison among VOF approaches and codes, it is impossible to determine which one performs best. E.g. OpenFOAM, using the Partial VOF, managed to reproduce the in- ternal hydraulic jump structure and all derived variables better than FLOW-3D, using the TruVOF, although the latter seems to capture better the momentum transfer and so all derived variables. In the case of flow in stepped spillways, OpenFOAM captures better the velocity profiles, although FLOW-3D is more accurate when estimating the water free surface profile. It is worth remark- ing that not even their response to certain model parameters is comparable. E.g. FLOW-3D is significantly less sensitive to mesh refinement than OpenFOAM. Given the result accuracy achieved in all cases, the proposed model is fully applicable to more complex design cases, where stilling basins, stepped spillways and hydraulic structures in general must be investigated. / Las nuevas disposiciones legales derivadas del cambio climático dictaminan que las estructuras hidráulicas sean capaces de funcionar correctamente con eventos de inundación asociados a periodos de retorno de hasta 10,000 años. Esto, obviamente, implica adaptar la infraestructura existente para satisfacer dichos requerimientos. A fin de evitar riesgos en la restitución de los caudales vertidos al río, como desbordamientos o procesos erosivos y de socavación, el diseño hidráulico ha de sustentarse en herramientas fiables capaces de reproducir el comportamiento de las estructuras hidráulicas.
En este trabajo, se presenta un modelo numérico CFD completamente tridimensional para reproducir el comportamiento de diferentes tipos de flujo aire-agua en estructuras hidráulicas. Se asume que el flujo es turbulento, isotrópico e incompresible. Diversos modelos de turbulencia RANS son contrastados y se emplean mallas estructuradas rectanuglares para discretizar el dominio analizado. La presencia de dos fluidos es modelada utilizando diferentes enfoques VOF y las simulaciones son ejecutadas empleando el algoritmo PIMPLE. El modelo es implementado mediante la plataforma de código abierto OpenFOAM y su respuesta es comparada con la del modelo comercial FLOW-3D. El análisis se lleva a cabo sobre dos partes diferentes de una estructura hidráulica, a saber, el aliviadero y el cuenco amortiguador, de forma separada. Además, un caso de aplicación práctica, donde el modelo reproduce el flujo en una estructura real, es presentado también a fin de probar la adecuación del modelo a casos de diseño aplicado.
Se comprueban la independencia de la malla y la validación con datos experimentales de los resultados de todos los casos de estudio. La sensibilidad del modelo presentado a ciertos parámetros es analizada de forma exhaustiva empleando diferentes variables indicadoras. Los pros y contras de cada uno de éstos son planteados. Los modelos de turbulencia analizados son el Standard k-epsilon, el Realizable k-epsilon, el RNG k-epsilon y el SST k-omega. Los esquemas de discretización estudiados son: un método de primer orden upwind, uno de Van Leer de segundo orden y un esquema de segundo orden limitado de diferencias centradas. Los enfoques VOF analizados son el Partial VOF, implementado en OpenFOAM, y el TruVOF, implementado en FLOW-3D.
En la mayoría de casos, el modelo k-epsilon aporta las estimaciones más precisas de perfiles de lámina libre de agua, pese a que el resto de variables, con alguna excepción, son mejor predichas por el RNG k-epsilon. Este modelo generalmente requiere mayores tiempos de cálculo. El k-omega reproduce correctamente los fenómenos bajo estudio, pese a que su precisión es generalmente más baja que la de los modelos k-epsilon.
En lo que respecta a la comparación entre enfoques VOF y códigos, es imposible determinar cuál es el mejor. Por ejemplo, OpenFOAM, empleando el Partial VOF, logra reproducir la estructura interna del resalto hidráulico y todas las variables derivadas mejor que FLOW-3D, empleando el TruVOF, a pesar de que este último parece capturar mejor la transferencia de cantidad de movimiento y, por tanto, todas las variables derivadas. En el caso del flujo en aliviaderos escalonados, OpenFOAM captura mejor los perfiles de velocidad, pese a que FLOW-3D es más preciso en la estimación de los perfiles de lámina libre de agua. Conviene recalcar que ni tan sólo su respuesta a ciertos parámetros del modelo es comparable. Por ejemplo, FLOW-3D es significativamente menos sensible al refinado de malla que OpenFOAM.
A la luz de la precisión de los resultados obtenidos en todos los casos, el modelo propuesto es completamente aplicable a casos de diseño más complejos, donde cuencos amortiguadores, aliviaderos escalonados y estructuras hidráulicas en general han de ser investigadas. / Les noves disposicions legals derivades del canvi climàtic dictaminen que cal que les estructures hidràuliques siguen capaces de funcionar correctament amb esdeveniments d'inundació associats a períodes de retorn de fins a 10,000 anys. Això, òbviament, implica adaptar la infraestrctura existent per satisfer aquests requeriments. A fi d'evitar riscs en la restitució dels cabals vessats al riu, com desbordaments o processos erosius i de socavació, el disseny hidràulic ha de recolzar-se en ferramentes fiables capaces de reproduir el comportament de les estructures hidràuliques.
En aquest treball, es prsenta un model numèric CFD completament tridimensional per a reproduir el comportament de diferents tipus de flux aire-aigua en estructures hidràuliques. S'assumeix que el flux és turbulent, isotròpic i incompressible. Diferents models de turbulència RANS són contrastats i s'empren malles estructurades rectangulars per discretitzar el domini analitzat. La presència de dos fluids és modelada utilitzant diferents enfocaments VOF i les simulacions són executades emprant l'algorisme PIMPLE. El model és implementat mitjançant la plataforma de codi obert OpenFOAM i la seua resposta és comparada amb la del codi comercial FLOW-3D. L'anàlisi es du a terme sobre les diferents parts d'una estructura hidràulica, a saber, sobreeixidors esgraonats i vas esmorteïdor, de forma separada. A més, un cas d'aplicació pràctica, on el model reprodueix el flux a una estructura real, és presentat també a fi de provar l'adequació del model a casos de disseny aplicat.
Es comproven la independència de la malla i la validació amb dades experimentals dels resultats de tots els casos d'estudi. La sensibilitat del model presentat a certs paràmetres és analitzada de forma exhaustiva emprant diferents variables indicadores. Els pros i contres de cadascun d'aquests són plantejats. Els models de turbulència analitzats són l'Standard k-epsilon, el Realizable k-epsilon, el RNG k-epsilon i l'SST k-omega. Els esquemes de discretització estudiats són: un mètode de primer ordre upwind, un de Van Leer de segon ordre i un esquema de segon ordre limitat de diferències centrades. Els enfocaments VOF analitzats són el Partial VOF, implementat en OpenFOAM, i el TruVOF, implementat en FLOW-3D.
En la majoria de casos, el model Standard k-epsilon aporta les estimacions més precises de perfils de làmina lliure d'aigua, tot i que la resta de variables, amb alguna excepció, són millor predites pel RNG k-epsilon. Aquest model generalment requereix majors temps de càlcul. El k-omega reprodueix correctament els fenòmens sota estudi, tot i que la seua precisió és generalment més baixa que la dels models k-epsilon.
Pel que fa la comparació entre enfocaments VOF i codis, és impossible determinar quin és el millor. Per exemple, OpenFOAM, emprant el Partial VOF, aconsegueix reproduir l'estructura interna del ressalt hidràulic i totes les variables derivades millor que FLOW-3D, emprant el TruVOF, tot i que aquest últim pareix capturar millor la transferència de quantitat de moviment i, per tant, totes les variables derivades. En el cas del flux en sobreeixidors esgraonats, OpenFOAM captura millor els perfils de velocitat, tot i que FLOW-3D és més precís en estimar els perfils de làmina lliure d'aigua. Cal deixar palès que ni tan sols la seua resposta a certs paràmetres del model és comparable. Per exemple, FLOW-3D és significativament menys sensible al refinament de malla que OpenFOAM.
En base a la precisió dels resultats obtinguts en tots els casos, el model proposat és completament aplicable a casos de disseny més complexos, on vassos esmorteïdors, sobreeixidors esgraonats i estructures hidràuliques en general han de ser investigades. / Bayón Barrachina, A. (2017). Numerical analysis of air-water flows in hydraulic structures using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/90440 / Compendio
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Propuesta de mejora en la gestión de SST basado en la norma G-050 para reducir costos laborales en una constructoraMorales Sipion, Lucas Antonio January 2024 (has links)
En la empresa MATE IRL han ocurrido problemas referidos al bienestar del trabajador. Por ello se propuso una mejora en la gestión de SST basado en la Norma G050 para reducir costos laborales en la constructora. Asimismo, se diagnosticó la situación actual de la seguridad y salud en el trabajo, encontrándose que el personal no estaba capacitado ni tenía experiencia, ya que se encontró un I.G.M que alcanzó los 380 días perdidos por horas trabajadas; los equipos de seguridad colectiva y personal
estaban incompletos y desgastados, el área de trabajo se encontraba desordenada y la empresa no tenía metas u objetivos relacionados con la seguridad. Se registraron gastos percibidos de problemas referidos a accidentes en el trabajo, que ascienden a S/ 13 149,8 y los gastos no percibidos en el que caso de que la empresa sea denunciada por un trabajador son de S/ 60 931,00. Por lo tanto, se elaboró la propuesta de mejora en la gestión de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo basada en la norma G-050, específica para
el rubro de la empresa, incluyendo métodos como la implementación adecuada de señalizaciones, controles administrativos que conciernen capacitaciones y diversos formatos específicos para la evaluación de la seguridad y salud en el trabajo, compra de elementos de protección personal y de protección colectiva. Se evaluó el impacto económico de la propuesta planteada, donde se demostró que el proyecto es viable al poseer una TIR de 64,2%, un VAN de S/46 631,00 y un costo beneficio de S/. 1,26. / In the company of this investigation there have been problems related to the welfare of the worker. For this reason, an improvement in the management of SST based on the G-050 Standard was proposed to reduce labor costs in the construction company MATE EIRL. Likewise, as specific objectives, the current situation of safety and health at work in the company MATE EIRL was diagnosed, where after carrying out
the initial evaluation it was found that the personnel was not trained or had much experience, the collective security teams and personal they were incomplete and with what they had was already worn out, the work area was messy and the company did not have goals or objectives related to safety-The proposal for improvement in the management of Safety and Health at Work was also elaborated based on the G-050 standard in the company MATE EIRL, including methods such as the proper implementation of signs, administrative controls that concern training and various specific formats for the evaluation of safety and health at work in the company, purchase of personal protection elements and collective protection. Finally, the economic impact of the proposed proposal was evaluated, where it was shown that the project is viable by having an IRR of 64.2%, a NPV of S/46,631.00 and a benefit cost of S/. 1.26.
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Implementación del sistema de gestión de seguridad y salud en el trabajo para reducir riesgos en la oficina criminalísticaLopez Campos, Kelly Doity January 2023 (has links)
La presente investigación tiene como finalidad implementar un Sistema de Gestión de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo para reducir el nivel de riesgo en la oficina de Criminalística.
La metodología es de tipo aplicada, nivel descriptivo y carácter pre-experimental, contando como población y muestra a 52 efectivos de la PNP. Mediante el análisis inicial de datos se estableció un cumplimiento del Sistema de Gestión de SST de 6,6% considerado como desaprobado, bajo los lineamientos del basado en la Ley 29783. Paralelamente los resultados de la matriz IPERC detectaron alto porcentaje de peligros Mecánicos y físicos (21.1% respectivamente) y locativos (15.8%), así como un alto porcentaje de riesgos importantes e intolerables (37% y 21% respectivamente), los mismos que requieren una inmediata atención.
Determinado los riesgos y sus factores se procedió a diseñar el SGSST a fin de reducir los riegos encontrados a nivel tolerable. La implementación se viene realizando de forma paulatina debido a que requiere de una asignación presupuestal anual por parte del estado para ejecución y mantenimiento, las implementaciones realizadas con el presupuesto actual abarco conformación del CSST, elaboración del RISST, mapa de riegos, plan de emergencia, capacitaciones, adquisición de EPPs, entre otros. Aplicando nuevamente los mismos instrumentos ha permitido obtener como resultado un cumplimiento de los lineamientos del SGSST del 77% considerado aprobado y se logró reducir los riesgos intolerables e importantes y moderados a triviales y tolerables. Finalmente, se analizó la viabilidad económica de la presente implementación logrando obtener un costo beneficio de 1,48 un VAN de S/. 38,692.48 y un TIR del 77%, haciéndolo económicamente rentable y aplicable en la presente institución. / The purpose of this research is to implement an Occupational Health and Safety Management System to reduce the level of risk in the Criminalistics office. The methodology is applied, descriptive and pre-experimental, with 52 PNP personnel as population and sample. By means of the initial data analysis, a 6.6% compliance with the OSH Management System was established, considered as disapproved, under the guidelines based on Law 29783. At the same time, the results of the IPERC matrix detected a high percentage of mechanical and physical hazards (21.1%, respectively) and local hazards (15.8%), as well as a high percentage of important and intolerable risks (37% and 21%, respectively), which require immediate attention.
Having determined the risks and their factors, the company proceeded to design the SGSST in order to reduce the risks found to a tolerable level. The implementation has been carried out gradually because it requires an annual budget allocation from the state for execution and maintenance. The implementations carried out with the current budget included the creation of the CSST, preparation of the RISST, risk map, emergency plan, training, acquisition of PPE, among others. Reapplying the same instruments has resulted in a 77% compliance with the SGSST guidelines, which are considered approved, and it was possible to reduce intolerable, important and moderate risks to trivial and tolerable risks. Finally, the economic viability of the present implementation was analyzed, obtaining a cost benefit of 1.48, an NPV of S/. 38,692.48 and an IRR of 77%, making it economically profitable and applicable in the present institution.
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Customer Value Co-Creation Through Self-Service Technology : Qualitative Research on SST in Large Chain Supermarkets / Customer Value Co-Creation Through Self-Service Technology : Qualitative Research on SST in Large Chain SupermarketsKulsoom, Kulsoom January 2024 (has links)
Self-service technologies are rapidly increasing in the retailing industries as retailers aim to streamline transactions and enhance efficiency for both consumers and themselves. Despite various studies on SSTs, exploring their usability, impact, and influence on consumers' value co-creation was still lacking. Through this study, the influence of SSTs on consumers' value co-creation has been investigated by a qualitative approach, consisting of interviews and observational studies. The gathered data has helped this study to gain insights into the subjective dimensions of consumers' experiences, behaviors, and interactions with SSTs in a supermarket in East London. Thematic analysis of the data reveals four key dimensions of value co-creation through SSTs: Value-Driven Efficiency, Autonomous Value Co-Creation, Value-Enriched Shopping Experience, and Value-Driven Refinement. Applying Service-Dominant (S-D) logic, the study finds that SSTs significantly enhance shopping experiences by providing convenience, efficiency, and autonomy, especially for small purchases. Consumers engage actively with SSTs, making informed decisions and navigating independently, with assistance available as needed. Common challenges include scanning items without barcodes, purchasing age-restricted items, and SSTs malfunctioning. Despite these issues, the overall impact of SSTs remains positive.
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Numerische und experimentelle Untersuchung der fluiddynamischen Eigenschaften von Strahlströmungen in begrenzten RäumenRingleb, Ansgar 03 April 2018 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden Strömungen räumlich begrenzter Strahlen untersucht. Zum einen wurde die Ausströmung eines runden Strahls in ein Rohr betrachtet, der sog. begrenzte Strahl. Zum anderen wurde die Ausströmung von 7 hexagonal angeordneten runden Strahlen in ein Rohr betrachtet, das sog. hexagonale Strahlbündel. Die Motivation zur vorliegenden Arbeit ergab sich aus der Entwicklung von Durchflussmessgeräten, die als Bypassapparaturen ausgeführt sind und stromabwärts des Staudruckkörpers ein Strömungsgebiet mit begrenzten Strahlen aufweisen. Dafür wurden mit Hilfe der Ähnlichkeitstheorie die zugrundeliegenden Kennzahlen bestimmt. Besonderes Augenmerk lag auf der Charakterisierung der instationären bzw. turbulenten Strömungseigenschaften für Reynolds-Zahlen zwischen 1.000 und 20.000. Es wurden die selbstähnlichen Eigenschaften der Strömungen untersucht, wobei sich insbesondere für den begrenzten Strahl wichtige Erkenntnisse ergaben. Für das hexagonale Strahlbündel wurden mit Hilfe der numerischen Strömungssimulation die grundlegenden Eigenschaften des Strömungsfeldes untersucht. Dabei weisen die Geometriekennzahlen einen dominierenden Einfluss auf. So konnten in Abhängigkeit zum Durchmesserverhältnis und Strahlabstand drei Strömungsformen identifiziert und experimentell mittels Laser-Doppler Anemometrie nachgewiesen werden. Eine wesentliche Fragestellung bestand in der Anwendung der numerischen Strömungssimulation, des RANS-Ansatzes und des SST-Turbulenzmodells. Dazu wurde die Anpassung der Modellkoeffizienten untersucht, wobei für den begrenzten Strahl ein allgemein gültiger Satz gefunden wurde. / In the present work flows of spatially limited radiation were investigated. On the one hand, the outflow of a round jet into a pipe was considered, the so-called confined jet. On the other hand, the outflow of 7 hexagonal arranged round jets into a pipe was con-sidered, the so-called hexagonal jet array. The motivation for the present work arose from the development of flowmeters which are designed as bypass apparatures that have a jet array flow downstream of the dynamic pressure body. For this purpose the underlying similarity parameters were determined. Special attention was paid to the cha-racterization of transient and turbulent flow properties for Reynolds numbers between 1,000 and 20,000. The self-similar properties of the flows were investigated with im-portant findings in particular for the confined jet. For the hexagonal jet array the basic properties of the flow field were investigated by using computational fluid dynamics. The geometric similarity parameters have a dominant influence. Thus, depending on the di-ameter ratio and jet distance ratio, three flow patterns could be identified and experimen-tally detected by the use of laser Doppler anemometry. An important question was the application of the computational fluid dynamic method, the RANS approach and the SST turbulence model. For this purpose a generally valid set of model coefficients was found for the confined jet flow.
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Regionalização hidrológica de vazões e de cargas difusas de sólidos suspensos totais para o programa ProdutorES de Água e o pagamento de serviços ambientais. Estudo de caso: bacia hidrográfica do rio Benevente, ES / Hydrological regionalization of flows and loads of total suspend solids for the program Producers of Water and the payment of environmental services. Case study of river basin Benevente, ESHenrique, Cesar Sperchi 19 November 2009 (has links)
O sistema de pagamento por serviços ambientais de uma bacia hidrográfica pode ser economicamente atrativo e ecologicamente importante. Programas como o Produtor de Água compensam economicamente proprietários a montante da bacia que utilizam de manejo adequado do uso do solo, e do reflorestamento, para evitar a erosão hídrica, o aumento de cargas poluidoras difusas, e aumentar a disponibilidade e qualidade de água. Por conseqüência usuários de água, a jusante da bacia, são beneficiados, por exemplo, as estações de tratamento de água. Este trabalho tem como objetivo, a partir de metodologias de pagamentos de serviços ambientais, regionalizar hidrologicamente a quantidade e qualidade de água do rio Benevente para dar subsídios ao programa de produtores de água de sua bacia hidrográfica. O trabalho foi desenvolvido na parte média e alta da bacia hidrográfica do Benevente, localizada ao sul do Estado do Espírito Santo, com área de drenagem de aproximadamente 1260 \'KM POT.2\'. Á área de drenagem do local do estudo é de 825,24 \'KM POT.2\'. Parte da metodologia consistiu no levantamento de dados quantitativos e qualitativos de água ao longo do rio Benevente, nos últimos anos. De posse dos dados de vazão, concentração de SST e da área de drenagem, foram calculadas as cargas específicas difusas de SST, em termos de Kg/ha.ano e as cargas totais difusas em termos de ton/ano. A carga específica média de SST para a bacia foi de 194 Kg/ha.ano, a carga total média de SST foi de 11.238 ton/ano. A metodologia de regionalização hidrológica de cargas de SST por meio de curvas de permanência mostrou que há uma ampla variação de cargas produzidas na bacia sobre diferentes condições hidrológicas. Por exemplo, para uma faixa de permanências de 40% a 60% a variação de produção específica regional de SST foi de 58,54 a 825,14 Kg/ha.ano. A utilização da metodologia das curvas de permanência quali-quantitativas para a proposição de cenários ambientais em vista das mudanças de uso e ocupação do solo, propostos pelos programas de PSA, permitiu estimar o Percentual de Abatimento de Sedimentação (P.A.S) e consequentemente o Percentual de Abatimento de Erosão (P.A.E), na bacia. Encontrou-se um P.A.E de 36,9% entre o cenário atual e o cenário com amento de 20% da área florestal da bacia. Com este resultado estimou-se um total arrecadado na bacia pelo P.S.A de 825.195 R$/ano. Com as metodologias propostas também foi calculada a perda de solo atual da bacia, em relação à estação de amostragem mais a jusante. A taxa estimada foi de 200.123 ton/ano. / Systems of payment for environmental services of a catchment area can be economically attractive and ecologically important. Programs such as Producers of Water economically compensate owners upstream of the basin using the proper management of land use, and reforestation to prevent erosion, increased pollution loads diffuse and increase the availability and quality of water. Consequently water users downstream of the basin, are benefited, for example, sewage water treatment. This paper aims, methodologies from payments for environmental services, regionalization of hydrologically the quantity and quality of water from the river Benevente to aid the program producer of water from its watershed. The study was conducted in the middle and upper catchment of the Benevente, located south of Espírito Santo, with drainage area of approximately 1260 \'KM POT.2\'. The drainage area of the study is 825.24 \'KM POT.2\'. Part of the survey methodology consisted of qualitative and quantitative data of water along the river Benevente in recent years. With these data we calculated the diffuse specific loads of TSS, in terms of Kg/ha.year. The specific load average TSS for the basin was 194 Kg/ha.year, the total load average SST was 11,238 Ton/year. The methodology of regionalization of hydrological loads of TSS through curves of duration showed that there remain a wide range of loads in the basin produced on different hydrological conditions. For example, for a range of stays of 40% to 60% of the variation of specific regional production of TSS was 58.54 to 825.14 Kg/ha.year . Using the methodology of the curves remain qualitative and quantitative for the proposition environmental scenarios in view of land use change and land use, proposed by the PSA program, estimated the rate of reduction on Sedimentation (PAS) and consequently the rate Abatement of Erosion (PAE) in the basin. Found a PAE of 36.9% from the current scenario and the scenario with budget of 20% of the forest area of the basin. With this estimated result a total collected in the basin by the PSA for R$ 825,195/year. With the proposed methodology was also calculated the soil loss on the basin in relation to the sampling station further downstream. The rate was estimated at 200,123 ton/year.
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Development and use of satellite-derived sea-surface temperature data for the nearshore North Pacific and Arctic Oceans : temperature pattern analysis and implications for climate change at ecoregional scalePayne, Meredith C. 12 March 2012 (has links)
The quantification and description of sea surface temperature (SST) is critically important because it can influence the distribution, migration, and invasion of marine species; furthermore, SSTs are expected to be affected by climate change. Recent research indicates that there has been a warming trend in ocean temperatures over the last 50 years. Hence, we sought to identify and demonstrate how a particularly germane SST dataset can be used within the scope of global climate change research. For this project we assembled a 29-year nearshore time series of mean monthly SSTs along the North Pacific coastline, as well as mean monthly SSTs for ice-free regions of the Arctic, using remotely-sensed satellite data collected with the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) instrument. By providing detailed information concerning both dataset generation and data limitations, we aimed to make these data comprehensible to an expanded audience concentrating on life sciences rather than the traditionally physical science-based community. Furthermore, by making these data freely and publically available in multiple formats, including GIS (geographic information systems) layers, we expand their visibility and the extent of their use. We then used the dataset to describe SST patterns of nearshore (< 20 km offshore) regions of 16 North Pacific ecoregions, and of ice-free regions of 20 Arctic ecoregions, as delineated by the Marine Ecoregions of the World (MEOW) hierarchical schema. Our work creates a better understanding of present temperature regimes in these critically sensitive areas, from which we can draw several basic conclusions. 1) AVHRR SST measurements alone are sufficient to identify temperature patterns pertinent to determining health of ecosystems; 2) Within the nearshore North Pacific, ecoregions along the California Current System are most vulnerable to habitat-altering SST changes; 3) sea ice distribution is a major factor affecting SSTs in Arctic ecoregions, causing concern for the welfare of Arctic species. / Graduation date: 2012
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