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Diagn?stico operacional de lagoas de estabiliza??oSilva Filho, Pedro Alves da 07 May 2007 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2007-05-07 / This work intends to develop an approach based through scientific criteria in the operational diagnosis of ponds of stabilization, starting from analyses accomplished in loco and in laboratory of 78 systems of sewer treatment through ponds of stabilization in the State of Rio Grande do Norte. The objectives of the research are: to map, to evaluate and to diagnose the operational acting of the ponds of stabilization of the state of Rio Grande do Norte, through visits in loco and analyses laboratory; to build a SIG, through the map rain, locate the points of releases of sewages of the systems of existent ponds in Rio Grande do Norte, as well as operational data and his/her respective efficiency diagnosis in the removal of BOD and Coliforms Termotolerantes; to evaluate, in real scale, three systems of ponds of stabilization of RN in the operational efficiency for the parameters BOD5, COD, pH, Temperature, OD and Coliforms Termotolerantes. Of 78 ETEs of appraised RN just, 9% or 7 had maximum concepts in what concerns the removal of BOD and Coliforms Termotolerantes and 41% or 32, they had the worst concepts in term of operational efficiency. The flowing concentrations ETEs of RN of BOD and Coliforms were of 410mg/L and 2,50x107UFC/100ml, the predominant configuration is of the type F1+M1+M2, the relationship BOD/COD revealed for the sewer tributary characteristic biodegradable high. For the study of case of 3 ETEs, the best operational efficiencies in decreasing order were: Cidade (Municipal district), it Ro?a (State) and S?o Miguel (SAAE). The removals of final BOD were 51,6mg/L; 108,27mg/L and 62,6mg/L, tends efficiency of 82%; 74% and 81%. In term of coliforms removal in the final effluentes were 1,90x103UFC/100ml; 1,50x104UFC/100ml and 3,10x104UFC/100ml, tends efficiencies of 99,99%; 99,95% and 99,90%. In what it concerns the practice of agricultural re?so of cultures consumed raw, none of 3 ETEs assisted the parameters of the Resolution CONAMA 357/05, for other re?so practices, all assisted the categories B and C of OMS. For release in body receiving ETE Cidade just, they assist the demands of the resolution of CONAMA 357/05, by study of purification solemnity of the receiving body. The maintenance lack and operation; exclusive operator in ETEs and operation knowledge was the contributory factors for the operational fall in appraised ETEs of RN / Este trabalho se prop?e a desenvolver uma abordagem fundamentada atrav?s de crit?rios cient?ficos no diagn?stico operacional de lagoas de estabiliza??o, a partir de an?lises realizadas in loco e em laborat?rio de 78 sistemas de tratamento de esgoto por meio de lagoas de estabiliza??o no Estado do Rio Grande do Norte. Os objetivos da pesquisa s?o: mapear, avaliar e diagnosticar o desempenho operacional das lagoas de estabiliza??o do estado do Rio Grande do Norte, atrav?s de visitas in loco e an?lises laboratoriais; construir um SIG, atrav?s do mapa hidrogr?fico, locar os pontos de lan?amentos de efluentes dos sistemas de lagoas existentes no Rio Grande do Norte, como tamb?m dados operacionais e seu respectivo diagn?stico de efici?ncia na remo??o de DBO e Coliformes Termotolerantes; avaliar, em escala real, tr?s sistemas de lagoas de estabiliza??o do RN na efici?ncia operacional para os par?metros DBO5, DQO, pH, Temperatura, OD e Coliformes Termotolerantes. Das 78 ETEs do RN avaliadas apenas, 7 lagoas correspondente a 9%, tiveram conceito: Bom, que concerne a remo??o de DBO e Coliformes Termotolerantes e 32 lagoas correspondente a 41%, tiveram conceito: Ruim, em termo de efici?ncia operacional, para os par?metros de DBO e Coliformes Termotolerantes. As concentra??es m?dias afluentes as ETEs do RN de DBO e Coliformes foram de 410mg/L e 2,50x107UFC/100ml, a configura??o predominante ? do tipo F1+M1+M2 (Facultativa prim?ria, seguida por duas lagoas de matura??o, uma prim?ria e outra secund?ria) , a rela??o DBO/DQO revelou para o esgoto afluente caracter?sticas biodegrad?veis. Para o estudo de caso, envolvendo as 3 ETEs, uma para cada ?rg?o de gest?o, as melhores efici?ncias operacionais em ordem decrescente foram: Cidade (Munic?pio), Ro?a (Estado) e S?o Miguel (SAAE). As remo??es de DBO final foram 51,6mg/L; 108,27mg/L e 62,6mg/L, tendo efici?ncia de 82%; 74% e 81%, respectivamente. Em termo de remo??o de coliformes nos efluentes das ETEs foram 1,90x103UFC/100ml; 1,50x104UFC/100ml e 3,10x104UFC/100ml, tendo efici?ncias de 99,99%; 99,95% e 99,90%. No que concerne a pr?tica de re?so de culturas consumidas cruas, nenhumas das 3 ETEs atenderam aos par?metros da Resolu??o CONAMA 357/05, para outras pr?ticas de re?so, todas atenderam as categorias B e C da OMS. Para lan?amento em corpo receptor h?drico apenas a ETE Cidade, atende as exig?ncias da resolu??o do CONAMA 357/05, mediante estudo de autodepura??o do corpo receptor. A falta de manuten??o e opera??o; operador exclusivos nas ETEs e conhecimento de opera??o foram os fatores contribuintes para o diminuto quadro de efici?ncia no que concerne a remo??o final de DBO e Coliformes Termotolerantes nas ETEs avaliadas do RN
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Vliv zlepšování základové půdy na celkovou cenu stavby / The effect of improving the foundation soil on the total cost of constructionRoudná, Veronika January 2015 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the calculation of costs arising from the shallow foundations using different ways of stabilizing the foundation soil. At the same time also assesses the impact of a method based on the total construction cost and compares the differences in the calculated price. On a specific contract, this work tries to show all the pros and cons of both types of foundations. Assigned values and findings are particularly important for potential investors who are dealing with the amount of their future costs to order a return on that investment. The work shows differences in competitive tendering prices, prices calculated using BUILDpowerS, the amount of the grant awarded and consequently the difference in price determined in accordance with the existing legislation, which will have a contract after its completion and the price calculated.
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Objektivizace léčebných metod v oblasti hlubokého stabilizačního systému páteře / The objectification of therapeutical methods used for improvement of the deep stabilizng spinal systemMalátová, Renata January 2009 (has links)
5 Summary So far, no commercially used device, capable of evaluating the condition of the deep stabilizing spine system (DSSS), has appeared on the market. Therefore, a so called muscle dynamometer (SD01, SD02), has been constructed that enables to reveal a possible dysfunction of the DSSS. During a six-week-rehabilitation-course, aimed at correcting the body posture and strengthening the DSSS muscles, a statistically significant change (p<0.001) between the values of input and output measurements of the chosen group tested has been obtained. Correctness of the approach to objectify the initial state of the patient and his progress during the treatment was shown by the completed measurements. The effectiveness of therapeutical training was confirmed. Based on positive experience from SD01, a new version of muscle dynamometer, SD02, was constructed. Measurements by SD02 were to establish the condition of DSSS (frontal spine stabilization) by a lay-sit test repeatedly from the test battery UNIFITTEST 6-60 and by the diaphragm test. Measurements were conducted on 45 samples. Basic somatic measurements were performed and then measurements with the SD02 were conducted during the diaphragm test and UNIFITTEST. For comparison of the values the pairing t-test was used (normal data distribution was verified by the...
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Objektivizace efektu Dynamické Neuromuskulární Stabilizace na opěrnou funkci nohy pomocí přístroje Senno Gait / Objectivization of Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization effect on foot supporting function using Senno Gait deviceHejdová, Tereza January 2019 (has links)
The thesis evaluates the immediate effect of one therapeutic unit that using Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS) on the foot support function. The aim of the experiment was to verify effect of a single DNS therapeutic unit would to the determined parameters. The main expected effect was the optimization of the dynamic function of the foot and achieving better stability during the stance phase of a gait cycle. Methods: For the study, the asymptomatic group of 30 probands aged 24-36 years, 10 men and 20 women was selected. Fifteen probands were randomly divided to two groups - fifteen experimental group and fifteen to the control group. Subjects enrolled in the experimental group were measured before and after one forty minute therapeutic unit of DNS concept. The control group underwent two measurements at the same time interval, but without the therapeutic unit. The Senno Gait instrument was used for measuring. It contains insoles with motion sensors. It collects the data at a 100 Hz sampling rate for 1 minute while walking at its own normal speed. Results: Compared to initial examination, the significant shortening of the standing phase in the left lower limb (p = 0.003) and in the right lower limb (p = 0.034) was observed. The gait rate was unchanged after the DNS therapy in the...
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Ovlivnění maximálního výkonu na kajakářském trenažéru metodou Dynamické neuromuskulární stabilizace u rychlostních kajakářů / Influence of Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization Approach on Maximum Kayak Paddling PowerDavídek, Pavel January 2020 (has links)
INTRODUCTION: The aim of this thesis is to identify the effect of trunk stabilization training based on Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS) on maximum kayak ergometer power output and reported self-disability in the shoulder girdle area. METHOD: Thirty flatwater kayakers of both genders (17 - 25 years old) were randomly divided into two groups. Crossover design was used for this study. Subjects in the experimental group (group A) integrated DNS exercises into standard flatwater training during the first phase. The control group (group B) conducted only common flat water training at the same time. After 6 weeks, the groups were switched. Then group B underwent the same DNS exercise with the same intensity and the same time. The intervention was the same for both phases and took 6 weeks. Group A performed only standard off-season training during the second phase. The maximum power output on kayak ergometer was measured three times (before study, after 6 weeks and after 12 weeks). Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand (DASH) were analyzed at the same time. RESULTS: Initially, no significant differences in maximum power output on kayak ergometer and the DASH questionnaire score were identified between the groups. During the first phase the experimental group (group A) improved the maximum...
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Měření aktivace břišní stěny v posturálních vývojových pozicích pomocí Ohm Beltu / Measurement of abdominal wall activation in developmental postural positions using Ohm Belt deviceSvoboda, Petr January 2021 (has links)
Introduction: The aim of this work was to determine the difference in abdominal wall expansion and thus indirectly the amount of intra-abdominal pressure in various postural positions, first without any correction, then after verbal and manual instruction according to Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS) principles. The amount of activation of abdominal wall muscles in various postural positions helps determine the positions in which optimal postural stabilization is best activated. These positions may be suitable for postural therapy and training. The theoretical part introduces optimal trunk stabilization according to developmental kinesiology principles and DNS concept. Then, the relationship between the intra-abdominal pressure and postural activity of abdominal muscles is introduced as well as the most common methods of objectification. Participants and Methods: 30 healthy subjects (15 women and 15 men) aged 20 to 25 years (mean age 22.73 years, SD 1.88) were tested using the Ohm Belt device. This device uses pressure sensors that are attached to the abdominal wall in the area above the groin and in the trigonum lumbale and thus allows non-invasive monitoring of abdominal wall expansion and indirect measurement of the intra-abdominal pressure. The subjects were tested in five postural...
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Stability of the free-surface problem arising in ice-sheet- and glacier modeling : Numerical investigation and stabilizationLöfgren, André January 2023 (has links)
This thesis consists of two papers dealing with a stabilization method for free-surface flows. The method was initially developed to stabilize mantle-convection simulations, but is in this work extended to ice-sheet- and glacier modeling. The objective of this thesis is to assess the method when applied glaciological simulations, with regards to stability and accuracy. It is shown that the method works well and increases stable time-step sizes substantially both for ice-sheet- and glacier simulations, without loss of accuracy. The increased stability properties might be useful for performing long-term simulations and increasing sea-level-rise predictions on a centennial time scale. / Denna avhandling består av två artiklar som inom ramen för ismodellering undersöker en stabiliseringsmetod för flöden med en fri yta. Metoden framtogs först för stabilisering av simuleringar av mantelkonvektion, men har i den här avhandlingen anpassats till ismodellering. Avhandlingens mål har varit att utvärdera metoden med avseende på stabiltet och noggrannhet. Från de utförda studierna framkommer det att metoden ökar längden på stabila tidssteg avsevärt, utan att nämnvärt påverka noggrannheten hos islösaren. De ökade stabilitetsegenskaperna hos metoden kan exempelvis innebära ökad nogrannheten i fastställandet av framtida havsnivåhöjning genom möjliggörandet av långtidssimuleringar på en tidsskala av flera hundra år.
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Development and Characterization of Blue Phases Made From Bent-Core Liquid CrystalsTaushanoff, Stefanie 11 April 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Essays on the real effects of exchange rate-based stabilizationsKrois, Bettina 16 November 2004 (has links)
Die lateinamerikanischen Währungskrisen lenkten erst kürzlich wieder das Augenmerk auf die Gefahren wechselkursbasierter Stabilisierungen (WKBS). Dies sind Inflationsstabilisierungsprogramme, die den nominalen Wechselkurs als vorrangiges geldpolitisches Instrument einsetzen. Die vorliegende Dissertation dokumentiert die Wirkung der Stabilisierungen und präsentiert Erklärungsmodelle für deren stilisierte Fakten. Das erste Kapitel untersucht in Burns-Mitchell-Diagrammen typische reale und monetäre Effekte von 13 Stabilisierungsepisoden. Der anfängliche Anstieg des Konsums und des BIPs, die reale Aufwertung und die Verschlechterung der Leistungsbilanz sind dabei die auffälligsten stilisierten Fakten. Auf die Expansion folgt eine wirtschaftliche Abschwächung, d. h. niedrigeres oder Nullwachstum, falls die Stabilisierung noch andauert, und negative Wachstumsraten, falls das Programm bereits aufgegeben wurde. Die Kapitalimporte folgen einem ähnlichen Zyklus: Dem Anstieg zu Beginn der Stabilisierung folgt drei bis sechs Jahre später eine drastische Umkehr, die häufig mit dem Zusammenbruch des Programms einhergeht. Die Kurzlebigkeit von WKBS ist ein weiterer stilisierter Fakt: 70 % der betrachteten Stabilisierungen scheiterten innerhalb von 10 Jahren. Die anfängliche reale Aufwertung während WKBS wird meist als Anstieg des relativen Preises nicht-handelbarer Güter modelliert; empirische Ergebnisse hingegen unterstreichen die Bedeutung der internationalen Preisunterschiede handelbarer Güter. Kapitel 2 untersucht diese Ursachen durch die Anwendung von Engels Methode der Varianzzerlegung auf den realen Wechselkurs zwischen Brasilien und den USA. Die Ergebnisse bestätigen dabei sowohl die Modelle als auch den empirischen Befund: Bei Betrachtung der gesamten Stichprobe (von Januar 1981 bis Mai 2001) bestimmen Veränderungen der Preise handelbarer Güter und des nominalen Wechselkurses nahezu die gesamten Bewegungen des realen Wechselkurses. Während Perioden fester Wechselkurse hingegen sind die Preise nicht-handelbarer Güter von ähnlicher Bedeutung. Aufgrund dieses Ergebnisses wird in den in Kapitel 3 und 4 präsentierten Modellen der reale Wechselkurs in Abhängigkeit des relativen Preises nicht-handelbarer Güter dargestellt. Diese Modelle bilden kleine, offene Volkswirtschaften ab, die von nutzenmaximierenden repräsentativen Agenten mit perfekter Voraussicht bevölkert sind. Monetäre Größen sind aufgrund von cash-in-advance- Beschränkungen von Bedeutung. Weitere wichtige Modellelemente sind die Existenz von Marktimperfektionen (Preisstarrheiten und unvollständige Kapitalmobilität) sowie die mangelnde Glaubwürdigkeit der Stabilisierung. In Kapitel 3 ist diese durch die Antizipation einer Währungskrise à la Krugman (1979) begründet. Die reale Aufwertung kann dann mit vorausblickender Preissetzung der monopolistischen Produzenten nicht-handelbarer Güter erklärt werden: Aufgrund von Preisstarrheiten erhöhen diese ihre Preise in Erwartung der Währungsabwertung. Da die Preise handelbarer Güter durch das Gesetz des einheitlichen Preises bestimmt werden, folgt daraus ein Anstieg des relativen Preises nicht-handelbarer Güter und eine reale Aufwertung. Zudem wird aufgrund intertemporaler Konsumsubstitution der anfängliche Konsumboom reproduziert. Ökonometrische Evidenz bestätigt den Preissetzungsmechanismus: KQ-Schätzungen mit monatlichen mexikanischen Daten zeigen für Perioden fester Wechselkurse einen signifikanten positiven Zusammenhang zwischen dem relativen Preis nicht-handelbarer Güter und dem mexikanisch-US-amerikanischen Zinsdifferential als Approximation der Abwertungserwartung. Während das Ende der Stabilisierung in obigen Modell durch eine fundamentale Inkonsistenz von Wechselkursziel und Staatsausgaben bedingt ist, zeigt Kapitel 4, daß der Zusammenbruch auch aus sich-selbst-erfüllenden Erwartungen resultieren kann. Ein wesentliches Element ist dabei die Begrenzung der internationalen Kapitalmobilität. Diese erlaubt es, sowohl den anfänglichen Konsumboom als auch das Ende der Stabilisierung mit Erwartungen bezüglich der Dauer des Pegs und der nachfolgenden Geldpolitik zu erklären. Zusammenfassend zeigt die Dissertation die Gefahren wechselkursbasierter Stabilisierungen auf: Im Gegensatz zur herkömmlichen Meinung sind sogar relativ erfolgreiche und langlebige WKBS mittelfristig mit einer Kontraktion verbunden; nur wenige Programme erzielen eine nachhaltige Reduktion der Inflation. Die hier präsentierten Modelle zeigen, daß die mangelnde Glaubwürdigkeit der Programme - selbst wenn diese nicht durch Fundamentaldaten gerechtfertigt ist - zu Allokationsverzerrungen führt und den Erfolg der Stabilisierungsmaßnahmen gefährdet. / Exchange rate crises in Latin America recently put a spotlight on the perils of Exchange Rate-Based Stabilizations (ERBS), which use the nominal exchange rate as the main policy target for stabilizing inflation. This dissertation documents the effects of ERBS in high inflation economies and develops models to explain these stylized facts. The first chapter assesses the empirical regularities associated with ERBS. Based on a sample of 13 stabilization episodes, typical real and monetary dynamics are investigated in Burns-Mitchell diagrams. Stylized facts of ERBS are the initial increases in consumption and GDP, the real appreciation and the current account deterioration. Moreover, consumption and output are found to follow a boom-slowdown cycle, where slowdown means reduced or zero growth if the ERBS is still in effect, and negative growth rates for failed ERBS. Capital inflows follow a similar boom-bust cycle: Their increase at the stabilization''s inception is followed by a sharp reversal three to six years later, very often coinciding with the program''s collapse. This transitoriness of ERBS constitutes an additional stylized fact: 70 % of the programs under consideration failed within 10 years after their implementation. The origin of the initial real exchange rate appreciation during ERBS has been subject to controversy: Most models assume an increase in the relative price of non-traded goods. Empirical findings, in contrast, emphasize the contribution of traded goods'' cross-country prices. Chapter 2 sheds light on this issue by applying Engel''s (1995) method of variance decomposition on Brazilian-US real exchange rate fluctuations. The results confirm both the models and the empirical findings: When considering the full sample (from January 1981 to May 2001), changes in traded goods'' prices and the nominal exchange rate account for almost all of the observed real exchange rate movements. During periods of pegged exchange rates, however, non-traded goods'' prices are equally important for real exchange rate fluctuations. Thus, changes in relative non-tradables'' prices are incorporated as a determinant of real exchange rate fluctuations during ERBS in the theoretical frameworks presented in chapters 3 and 4. These explain the stylized facts in models of small, open economies populated by a utility-maximizing representative agent endowed with perfect foresight. Money matters due to cash-in-advance constraints. Further important features are the existence of market imperfections - price stickiness or imperfect capital mobility - and the stabilization''s deficient credibility. In chapter 3, the latter is due to the anticipation of a Krugman (1979)-style currency crisis. The initial real appreciation during ERBS can then be explained with forward-looking price setting by monopolistic non-tradable goods'' producers: These are subject to staggered price setting and incorporate the peg''s anticipated termination - i.e. higher future devaluation rates - by increasing their current prices. As tradables'' prices are determined by the law of one price, this implies higher relative non-tradables'' prices and thus a real exchange rate appreciation. Furthermore, due to intertemporal consumption substitution, the observed initial consumption boom is reproduced. Econometric evidence confirms the proposed price setting mechanism: Using the Mexican-US interest rate differential as an indicator for devaluation rate expectations, OLS regressions with monthly Mexican data find a significant positive relation between relative non-tradables'' prices and the interest rate spread during periods of pegged exchange rates. In the previous model, the stabilization effort collapses due to a fundamental inconsistency between the exchange rate target and government finance. Chapter 4 shows that the collapse can also result from self-fulfilling expectations. This is achieved by introducing partial international capital mobility. Given this constraint, both the initial consumption boom and the stabilization''s collapse can be shown to result from expectations about the duration of the peg and post-stabilization monetary policy. In conclusion, the dissertation points to the perils of ERBS in high inflation countries: Contrary to what is commonly believed, even relatively successful and long-lived exchange rate pegs are associated with a late slowdown; only very few ERBS are successful at stabilizing inflation rates in the medium and long run. The models show that stabilizations'' deficient credibility - regardless if justified by fundamentals or not - engenders real dynamics which distort economic activity and jeopardize the stabilization effort: The miracle of ERBS turns into a mirage.
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An evaluation of the performance and mechanistic action of the costabiliser N-phenyl-3-acetyl pyrrolidine-2,4-dione and its derivatives in poly(vinyl chloride)Chaudhry, Humayun Iqbal January 1999 (has links)
No description available.
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