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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effect of inlet configuration on the performance and durability of an automotive turbocharger compressor

Tarí De Paco, Daniel 20 June 2018 (has links)
La evidente generalización durante los últimos años del uso de turbocompresores en motores de combustión interna ha sido debida a un aumento necesario de la concienciación sobre las emisiones contaminantes y sus efectos sobre el medio ambiente y las personas. Las normativas sobre emisiones contaminantes se han endurecido, generalizando el uso de técnicas como la Recirculación de Gases de Escape de Ruta Larga bajo unas condiciones de operación más amplias, con una mayor tasa e incluso bajo condiciones ambiente frías, lo que ha generado potenciales problemas de condensación de agua y daño en el compresor. Además, la tendencia actual de reducir el tamaño del motor para reducir el consumo, llamada " downsizing", ha provocado que el compresor tenga que funcionar muy cerca del límite de bombeo, lo que ha provocado, junto al descrito aumento de recirculación de gases de escape, una mayor exigencia en cuanto a durabilidad y funcionalidad del mismo. Los problemas comentados están claramente condicionados por la configuración geométrica de la entrada del compresor, ya sea por la condensación causada por los gases de escape al ser mezclados con aire fresco o por la influencia sobre el límite de bombeo y el resto de prestaciones. En este trabajo se propone un modelo de predicción de condensación para ser integrado en un código comercial de mecánica de fluidos computacional (STAR-CCM+). Dicho modelo se plantea de forma que aumente en la menor medida posible el coste computacional, asumiendo ciertas limitaciones como la ausencia de caracterización de las gotas de agua. Una vez implementado, se contrastan los resultados frente a datos experimentales de ensayos de durabilidad: se correlacionan las predicciones del modelo frente al impacto de la condensación sobre el rodete del compresor en diferentes configuraciones geométricas y condiciones de operación. Posteriormente se estudia el impacto del propio compresor sobre el proceso de mezcla y la condensación, lo que permite después desacoplar el problema y reducir en dos órdenes de magnitud el tiempo de cálculo al poder obviar la simulación del compresor. En cuanto a la influencia de la geometría en el margen de bombeo y resto de parámetros, se proponen varias geometrías sencillas y se analiza su impacto. Primero, se realizan ensayos experimentales en banco motor, tanto estacionarios para medir rendimiento y ruido como transitorios para definir el bombeo. Después, se ejecutan simulaciones CFD y se estudian los fenómenos locales que aparecen, en los que se evidencia una sensibilidad elevada de la geometría sobre el margen de bombeo y el resto de parámetros. Se puede destacar el desempeño de la geometría de entrada cónica, que produce un aumento considerable del margen de bombeo sin repercusiones en el resto de condiciones de operación; y la tobera convergente-divergente, que aumenta el margen de bombeo pero, además, también aumenta ligeramente el rendimiento en el resto del mapa del compresor, aunque a costa de reducir moderadamente las prestaciones a alto gasto másico. / Popularization of turbochargers in internal combustion engines has been produced in the recent years due to a needful increase of awareness of pollutant emissions and their repercussion on the environment and the population. Pollutant emission regulations have tightened, causing techniques such Long Route Exhaust Gas Recirculation to operate under a wider range of operating conditions, with higher rates and even under very cold ambient conditions, which generates a potential problem of water condensation and compressor damaging. Additionally, the actual trend consisting in reducing the size of the engine to reduce fuel consumption, known as "downsizing", has caused the compressor to have to work close to the surge limit. Together with the aforementioned extension of LR-EGR usage range, these phenomena have induced an increase of the compressor design requirements, concerning durability and functionality. Both problems are governed by the geometrical configuration of the compressor inlet and can be, then, studied accordingly. In this work, a predictive condensation model is proposed for being embedded in a computational fluid dynamics commercial code (STAR-CCM+). To allow a potential optimization of a given geometry, the model should introduce as low additional computational effort as possible, assuming certain limitations, though. For example, the characterization of water droplets is neglected. Once the model is implemented and verified, the results are compared with experimental data obtained from durability tests performed to assess the erosion of the compressor wheel under condensation generated by different LR-EGR T-joint configurations and operating conditions. After, the influence of the compressor on the mixing process and generation of condensates is addressed, proving that the simulation of the compressor can be decoupled from the T-joint numerical domain and reducing by two orders of magnitude the simulation time. Concerning the impact of the inlet geometry on the surge margin and the other important compressor parameters, several simple geometries are proposed, and their influence is assessed. First, experimental tests performed on an engine test bench are carried out: steady measurements for obtaining efficiency and noise emission and transient tests for characterizing the surge limit. Then, 3D-CFD simulations are performed using similar geometries, studying the local phenomena that appear and proving thus the sensitivity of the inlet geometry to the surge margin and the performance of the compressor. It may be highlighted the performance of the tapered duct, that produces a considerable positive shift of the surge margin without worsening the rest of the parameters and the convergent-divergent nozzle, which in addition to considerably improving the surge margin also enhances the isentropic efficiency of the compressor at low and mid mass flow rates. Nevertheless, the throat becomes a drawback at high mass flow rates, decreasing the compression ratio and efficiency under such conditions. / L'evident generalització durant els últims anys de l'ús de turbocompressors en motors de combustió interna ha estat deguda a un augment necessari de la conscienciació sobre les emissions contaminants i els seus efectes sobre el medi ambient i les persones. Les normatives sobre emissions contaminants s'han fet més restrictives, generalitzant l'ús de tècniques com la Recirculació de Gasos d'Escap de Ruta Llarga sota unes condicions d'operació més àmplies, amb una major taxa i fins i tot sota condicions ambient fredes, fet que ha generat potencials problemes de condensació d'aigua i danys al compressor. A més, la tendència actual de reduir la grandària del motor per millorar el consum, anomenada " downsizing", ha provocat que el compressor haja de funcionar molt a prop del límit de bombeig, fet que ha provocat, junt amb el descrit augment de recirculació de gasos d'escap, una major exigència quant a la seua durabilitat i funcionament. Els problemes esmentats estan clarament condicionats per la configuració geomètrica de l'entrada del compressor, ja siga per la condensació causada pels gasos d'escap al ser barrejats amb aire fresc o per la influència sobre el límit de bombeig i la resta de prestacions. En aquest treball es proposa un model de predicció de condensació per a ser integrat en un codi comercial de mecànica de fluids computacional (STAR-CCM+). Dit model es planteja de manera que augmente en la menor mesura possible el cost computacional, assumint certes limitacions com l'absència de caracterització de les gotes d'aigua. Una vegada implementat, es contrasten els resultats enfront de dades experimentals d'assajos de durabilitat: correlacionen les prediccions del model enfront de l'impacte de la condensació sobre el rodet del compressor en diferents configuracions geomètriques i condicions d'operació. Posteriorment, s'estudia l'impacte del mateix compressor sobre el procés de barreja i la condensació, cosa que permet després desacoblar el problema i reduir en dos ordres de magnitud el temps de càlcul, ja que pot obviar-se la simulació del compressor. Quant a la influència de la geometria en el marge de bombeig i la resta de paràmetres, es proposen diverses geometries senzilles i s'analitza el seu impacte. Primerament, es realitzen assajos experimentals en banc motor, tant estacionaris per mesurar rendiment i soroll com transitoris per definir el bombeig. Després, s'executen simulacions CFD i s'estudien els fenòmens locals que apareixen, en els quals s'evidencia una sensibilitat elevada de la geometria sobre el marge de bombeig i la resta de paràmetres. Es pot destacar el rendiment de la geometria d'entrada cònica, que produeix un augment considerable del marge de bombeig sense repercussions en la resta de condicions d'operació; i la tovera convergent-divergent, que augmenta el marge de bombeig però, a més, també augmenta lleugerament el rendiment en la resta del mapa del compressor, encara que a costa de reduir moderadament les prestacions a alt flux màssic. / Tarí De Paco, D. (2018). Effect of inlet configuration on the performance and durability of an automotive turbocharger compressor [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/104410

CFD simulation of dip-lubricated single-stage gearboxes through coupling of multiphase flow and multiple body dynamics : an initial investigation

Imtiaz, Nasir January 2018 (has links)
Transmissions are an essential part of a vehicle powertrain. An optimally designed powertrain can result in energy savings, reduced environmental impact and increased comfort and reliability. Along with other components of the powertrain, efficiency is also a major concern in the design of transmissions. The churning power losses associated with the motion of gears through the oil represent a significant portion of the total power losses in a transmission and therefore need to be estimated. A lack of reliable empirical models for the prediction of these losses has led to the emergence of CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) as a means to (i) predict these losses and (ii) promote a deeper understanding of the physical phenomena responsible for theselosses in order to improve existing models. The commercial CFD solver STAR-CCM+ is used to investigate the oil distribution and the churning power losses inside two gearbox configurations namely an FZG (Technical Institute for the Study of Gears and Drive Mechanisms) gearbox and a planetary gearbox. A comparison of two motion handling techniques in STARCCM+ namely MRF (Moving Reference Frame) and RBM (Rigid Body Motion) models is made in terms of the accuracy of results and the computational requirements using the FZG gearbox. A sensitivity analysis on how the size of gap between the meshing gear teeth affects the flow and the computational requirements is also done using the FZG gearbox. Different modelling alternatives are investigated for the planetary gearbox and the best choices have been determined. The numerical simulations are solved in an unsteady framework where the VOF (Volume Of Fluid) multiphase model is used to track the interface between the immiscible phases. The overset meshing technique has been used to reconfigure the mesh at each time step. The results from the CFD simulations are presented and discussed in terms of the modelling choices made and their effect on the accuracy of the results. The MRF method is a cheaper alternative compared to the RBM model however, the former model does not accurately simulate the transient start-up and instead provides just a regime solution of the unsteady problem. As expected, the accuracy of the results suffers from having a large gap between the meshing gear teeth. The use of compressible ideal gas model for the air phase with a pressure boundary condition gives the optimum performance for the planetary gearbox. The outcomes can be used toeffectively study transmission flows using CFD and thereby improve the design of future transmissions for improved efficiency.

Numerical methods for modelling the viscous effects on the interactions between multiple wave energy converters

McCallum, Peter Duncan January 2017 (has links)
The vast and rich body of literature covering the numerical modelling of hydrodynamic floating body systems has demonstrated their great power and versatility when applied to offshore marine energy systems. It is possible to model almost any type of physical phenomenon which could be expected within such a system, however, limitations of computing power continue to restrict the usage of the most comprehensive models to very narrow and focused design applications. Despite the continued evolution of parallel computing, one major issue that users of computational tools invariably face is how to simplify their modelled systems in order to achieve practically the necessary computations, whilst capturing enough of the pertinent physics, with great enough ‘resolution’, to give robust results. The challenge is, in particular, to accurately deliver a complete spectrum of results, that account for all of the anticipated sea conditions and allow for the optimisation of different control scenarios. This thesis examines the uncertainty associated with the effects of viscosity and nonlinear behaviour on a small scale model of an oscillating system. There are a wide range of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) methods which capture viscous effects. In general however, the oscillating, six degree-of-freedom floating body problem is best approached using a linear potential flow based Boundary Element Method (BEM), as the time taken to process an equivalent model will differ by several orders of magnitude. For modelling control scenarios and investigating the effects of different sea states, CFD is highly impractical. As potential flows are inviscid by definition, it is therefore important to know how much of an impact viscosity has on the solution, particularly when different scales are of interest during device development. The first aim was to develop verified and validated solutions for a generic type decaying system. The arrangement studied was adapted from an array tank test experiment which was undertaken in 2013 by an external consortium (Stratigaki et al., 2014). Solutions were delivered for various configurations and gave relatively close approximations of the experimental measurements, with the modelling uncertainties attributed to transient nonlinear effects and to dissipative effects. It was not possible however to discern the independent damping processes. A set of CFD models was then developed in order to investigate the above discrepancies, by numerically capturing the nonlinear effects, and the effects of viscosity. The uncontrolled mechanical effects of the experiment could then be deduced by elimination, using known response patterns from the measurements and derived results from the CFD simulations. The numerical uncertainty however posed a significant challenge, with the outcomes supported by verification evidence, and detailed discussions relating to the model configuration. Finally, the impact of viscous and nonlinear effects were examined for two different interacting systems – for two neighbouring devices, and an in-line array of five devices. The importance of interaction behaviour was tested by considering the transfer of radiation forces between the model wave energy converters, due to the widely accepted notion that array effects can impact on energy production yields. As there are only very limited examples of multi-body interaction analysis of wave energy devices using CFD, the results with this work provide important evidence to substantiate the use of CFD for power production evaluations of wave energy arrays. An effective methodology has been outlined in this thesis for delivering specific tests to examine the effects of viscosity and nonlinear processes on a particular shape of floating device. By evaluating both the inviscid and viscous solutions using a nonlinear model, the extraction of systematic mechanical effects from experimental measurements can be achieved. As these uncontrolled frictional effects can be related to the device motion in a relatively straightforward manner, they can be accommodated within efficient potential flow model, even if it transpires that they are nonlinear. The viscous effects are more complex; however, by decomposing into shear and pressure components, it may in some situations be possible to capture partially the dynamics as a further damping term in the efficient time-domain type solver. This is an area of further work.

Effect of atmospheric ice accretion on the dynamic performance of wind turbine blades

Alsabagh, Abdel Salam January 2017 (has links)
Atmospheric icing presents serious challenges to the development of wind power of the wind energy industry in cold regions. The potential detrimental impact on the safe operation of wind turbines and the energy harvest hasn't been fully understood and requires further investigation. This thesis presents the research on icing profiles under different weather conditions and their impact on natural frequency, fatigue life, and lift and drag of the wind turbine blade. The research aims to develop a further understanding of the effect of atmospheric ice accretion on the structural integrity and aerodynamic performance of wind turbine blades through numerical and aerodynamic investigations to address the challenges facing the industry. A 5-MW NREL (National Renewable Energy Laboratory) wind turbine blade was selected for this study, due to availability of required geometric design parameters and experimental data for verification. The turbine rotor and its three blades were modelled and numerically simulated with commercial finite element software ANSYS. Three icing scenarios were chosen according to the ISO Standard and the corresponding icing profiles were developed to investigate their influence on vibrational behaviours of the wind turbine blade and rotor under different weather conditions. Icing loads were applied on the leading edge of the blade and natural frequency results were compared between clean and iced blades. It was found that harsh icing weather drove the natural frequency down to the near resonance limit, which could lead to significant issue on structural integrity of the wind turbine. The effect of atmospheric ice accretion with additional load due to varying wind speeds on the fatigue life of the wind turbine blade has been investigated. Significant reduction of fatigue life was found due to the increase of the von Mises stresses. Finally, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis was carried out to investigate the effect of atmospheric ice accretion on the aerodynamic performance of typical 1-MW and 5-MW wind turbine blades. Results of the drag and lift coefficients and power production under different icing scenarios were obtained for five angles of attack. Compared with the results of the clean aerofoil profile, remarkable reduction in the power generation was observed due to the accreted ice at various aerofoil sections in the spanwise direction of the blade, demonstrating the detrimental impact of atmospheric icing on energy harvest for the wind energy industry.

Numerické modelování proudového pole s odtržením / Computational modeling of flow field with separation

Šamša, Petr January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis is considering with computational modeling of flow field with separation. In the first part it contains theoretical bases of flow field computational modeling with RANS models equations and wall treatment modeling approaches included. There is also flow separation in asymmetric plane diffuser modeling described in the thesis where the most suitable turbulent model and the proper mesh parameters for the successful flow separation modeling should be chosen. Next the chosen turbulent model and parameters verification via flow separation modeling on the asymmetric 3D diffuser mesh. That analysis should ensure if the chosen turbulent model is applicable also for engineering problems. At the end of the thesis there is evaluation if the setup chosen in the thesis is suitable to apply in any practical aeroacoustics problem modeling.

Zvýšení plnicí účinnosti zážehového motoru na CNG o výkonu 140 kW / Increase of Charging Efficiency of 140kW CNG Engine

Hadrava, Martin January 2013 (has links)
The master’s thesis is focused on flow analysis work filling in turbocharged CNG engine. The research method is reverse engineering. The intake canal is casted and than scanned by 3D Scanner ATOS. The CAD model is created in program Creo Parametric 2.0. In the created interactive model is simulated flow in the CFD program Star CCM +. The air intake system is modified for increasing the charging efficiency of the engine.

Investigation of fuel and water injection in gas turbine combustion : Evaluate the methodologies available in Star CCM+ for modeling of water injection in simplified combustor using liquid and gas fuels

Shinwari, Sanger January 2023 (has links)
The negative impact of gas turbine emissions on the environment and human health is a growing concern. Recent studies suggest injecting water into the combustion process effectively reduces emissions and increases power output. However, this approach presents new challenges that need to be thoroughly investigated. Siemens Energy (SE) has recently conducted a study on water injection and its effects on gaseous combustion mixtures but encountere challenges the simulation results when adding water. Therefore, the primary objective of this thesis is to evaluate the methodologies available in Star CCM+ for modeling water injection in a simplified combustor model (SCM) using both liquid (diesel) and gas (methane) fuels. In addition, the behavior of the flame, temperature field inside the combustor, and burner outlet temperature, are investigated.The study has compared physical phenomena such as, the flame shape, velocity, and vorticity field of SCMs with the complete combustor model of the SGT-800 gas turbine for gas fuel. Additionally, the thesis has examined the capability of STAR CCM+ for predicting flame temperature at the outlet against in-house calculation data and Cantera software for parametric cases. The methodology involves a parametric study using the Realizable k-ε TwoLayer turbulence model for steady-state RANS simulations. Combustion is modeled using the FGM method, while Lagrangian multiphase approach is used for liquid injection.The employed FGM combustion model, Lagrangian multiphase model, and RANS simulations yielded realistic results. In addition, the convergence of gas fuel cases was smoother compared to liquid fuel cases, which involved multiphase modelling and evaporation, makes it more complex. The physical phenomena were captured by CFD simulations for the SCM. Flame shape, velocity and vorticity field have good agreement with the theory in the field of gas turbine combustion and other literature sources. Disagreements between CFD and in-house calculations were observed, with the greatest differences being 24 ℃ for premixed methane (at WFR (Water Fuel Ratio) of 0) and 28 ℃ for non-premixed diesel (at WFR of 1). On the other hand, Cantera results for Vapor and for methane cases with water addition were in limit of 10 ℃ with CFD results for WFR between 0-0.5. Nevertheless, achieving a simulation accuracy within a 10 ℃ limit proved challenging due to limitations and potential sources of error in the in-house calculation sheet, combustion modelling, RANS simulations, and reaction mechanism.

CFD Simulation of Urea Evaporation in STAR-CCM+

Ottosson, Oscar January 2019 (has links)
Diesel engines produce large amounts of nitrogen oxides (NOX) while running. Nitrogen oxides are highly toxic and also contribute towards the formation of tropospheric ozone. Increasingly stringent legislation regarding the amount of nitrogen oxides that are allowed to be emitted from diesel-powered vehicles has forced manufacturers of diesel-engines to develop after-treatment systems that reduce the amount of nitrogen oxides in the exhaust. One of the main components in such a system is selective catalytic reduction (SCR), where nitrogen oxides are reduced to diatomic nitrogen and water with the help of ammonia. A vital part of this process is the spraying of a urea-water-solution (UWS), which is needed in order to produce the reducing agent ammonia. UWS spraying introduces the risk of solid deposits (such as biuret, ammelide and ammeline) forming in the after-treatment system, should the flow conditions be unfavourable. Risk factors include high temperatures, but also low dynamics and high thickness of the resulting liquid film that forms as the UWS spray hits the surfaces of the after-treatment system. It is thus essential that manufacturers of SCR after-treatment systems have correct data on how much UWS that should be sprayed into the exhaust for any given flow condition. Experimental tests are thoroughly used to assess this but are very expensive and are thus limited to prototype testing during product development. When assessing a wider range of concepts and geometries early on in the product development stage, simulation tools such as computational fluid dynamics (CFD) are used instead. One of the most computationally heavy processes to simulate within a SCR after-treatment system is the UWS spray and its interaction with surfaces inside the after-treatment system, where correct prediction of the formation of solid deposits are of great importance. Most CFD models used for this purpose hold a relatively good level of accuracy and are utilized throughout the whole industry where SCR aftertreatment is applied. Despite this, these models are limited in the fact that they are only able to cover timescales in the scope of seconds to minutes while using a tolerable amount of computational power. However, the time spectrum for solid deposit formation is minutes to hours. Scania is one of Sweden’s biggest developers of SCR after-treatment, with the technology being incorporated directly into its silencers. AVL Fire is the main UWS spray simulation tool for engineers at Scania at the moment. One major drawback of using AVL Fire for UWS spray simulations is that it is deemed too time-consuming to set up new cases and too unstable during simulation, which makes it too costly in terms of expensive engineering hours. This project has investigated the potential of using STAR-CCM+ for UWS spray simulations at Scania instead. A standard method has been evaluated, as well as parameters that will prove useful in further investigations of a potential speedup method. The studied method in STAR-CCM+ is easy to setup and the simulation process is robust and stable. Various other perks come from using STAR-CCM+ as well, such as: a user-friendly interface, easy and powerful mesh-generation and great post-process capabilities. Several different parameters have been investigated for their impact on the studied method, such as mesh refinement of the spray injector area and the number of parcels injected every time-step through the spray injector (simply put the resolution of the spray). A possible speedup by freezing the momentum equations when allowed and lowering the amount of inner iterations has also been investigated. A handful of operating conditions have been studied for two different geometries. The attained simulation results display correlations with physical measurements, but further assessment for identifying the risk of solid deposit needs to be performed on the studied cases to assess the full accuracy of solid deposit prediction of the studied method. Recommendations for future work includes fully implementing and evaluating the speedup method available for spray simulations in STAR-CCM+ as well as directly comparing how the accuracy and performance of the method relates to that of the method used in AVL Fire for spray simulations. / Dieselmotorer producerar under körning stora mängder kväveoxider (NOx). Kväve-oxider är starkt giftiga föreningar som även bidrar till att öka mängden marknära ozon. Allt strängare lagstiftning gällande mängden kväveoxider som får släppas ut från fordon med dieselmotorer har lett till att tillverkare av dieselmotorer blivit tvingade att utveckla efterbehandlingssystem som renar avgasen från motorn. En av huvudkomponenterna i ett sådant system idag är selective catalytic reduction (SCR; på svenska selektiv katalytisk reduktion), där kväveoxider omvandlas till kvävgas och vatten med hjälp av ammoniak. För att producera ammoniak används en lösning av urea och vatten (t.ex. AdBlue®), som introduceras till efterbehandlingssystemet via spray. Denna process har dock en stor nackdel, då det under omvandlingsprocessen kan finnas risk för klumpbildning av ämnen som biuret, ammelid och ammelin ifall flödesförhållandena är ogynnsamma. Riskfaktorer för klumpbildning inkluderar höga temperaturer samt låg dynamik och hög tjocklek för den vätskefilm som bildas när sprayen med urea-lösning kommer i kontakt med ytor i efterbehandlingssystemet. Det är därför av stor vikt för tillverkare av efterbehandlingssystem som använder SCR att känna till hur mycket urealösning som kan sprayas in för varje givet flöde. Experimentella tester används till stor del för att utvärdera detta, men är väldigt dyra och kan endast göras för ett fåtal prototyper under en produkts utveckling. För att kunna utvärdera ett större antal koncept och geometrier tidigare i utvecklingsstadiet av en ny produkt används därför ofta datorkraft med simuleringsverktyg som CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics). En av de mest beräkningstunga processerna att simulera i ett efterbehandlingssystem med SCR är sprayandet av urea-lösning och dess interaktion med ytor, där korrekta förutbestämmelser av huruvida det finns risk för klumpbildning eller inte är av stor betydelse. De flesta CFD modeller som används i detta syfte har förhållandevis god noggrannhet och används i stor utsträckning i den bransch där efterbehandling med SCR tillämpas. Däremot är dessa modeller begränsade i att de endast kan åstadkomma simuleringar (med en acceptabel mängd datorkraft) som sträcker sig i tidsintervallet sekunder till minuter. Bildningen av klump är dock en process som kan ta upp till flera timmar. Scania är en av Sveriges största tillämpare av SCR, då tekniken används i de efterbehandlingssystem som finns inbyggda i tillverkarens ljuddämpare. Scania använder främst AVL Fire för simulering av spray med urea. AVL Fire anses dock vara för tidskrävande vid skapelsen av nya simuleringsfall och för instabilt under simulering. Detta projekt har därför undersökt möjligheten att använda STAR-CCM+ för simulering av spray med urea hos Scania. Den metod i STAR-CCM+ som utvärderats är enkel att använda då nya simuleringsfall ska skapas, samtidigt som den är robust och stabil under simulering. Relevanta parametrar för en potentiell uppsnabbningsmetod har också undersökts. STAR-CCM+ i sin helhet är användarvänligt, där verktyget för att skapa och generera mesh är enkelt att använda såväl som kraftfullt när mer avancerade operationer krävs. Möjligheterna för postprocessing är väldigt smidiga för transienta förlopp, vilket är ett stort plus för simuleringar med urea-spray, vars injektion och resulterande processer är väldigt transienta skeenden i sig. Flera olika parametrar har undersökts, för att granska hur stor påverkan de har på prestandan och noggrannheten hos den studerade metoden. Två av dessa är tätheten av beräkningsnoder i den region där spray-munstycket är placerat samt antalet paket med urea-vatten lösning som injiceras varje tidssteg via spray-munstycket. En möjlig uppsnabbning av metoden, som går ut på att frysa ekvationerna för bevarelse av rörelsemängd (eng - momentum equations) när det är tillåtet och samtidigt minska antalet inre iterationer för varje tidssteg, har också undersökts. Ett flertal olika flödesförhållanden har också undersökts för två olika geometrier. De erhållna resultaten tyder på korrelation med data från fysiska experiment. Dock bör ytterligare hydrodynamiska utvärderingar tillämpas för att ordentligt kunna redogöra för hur väl STAR-CCM+ kan användas för att förutse risken för klump- bildning i en spray-process med urea-vatten lösning. Framtida arbete borde fokusera på att utvärdera den uppsnabbningsmetod som finns för spray-simuleringar i STAR-CCM+, samt direkt jämföra hur väl metodens noggrannhet och prestanda står sig gentemot den metod som används i AVL Fire för spray-simuleringar.

Numerical investigation of horizontal twin-roll casting of the magnesium alloy AZ31 / Numerische Untersuchung des horizontalen Gießwalzens der Magnesiumlegierung AZ31

Miehe, Anja 07 August 2014 (has links) (PDF)
The horizontal twin-roll casting (TRC) process is an energy saving and cost-efficient method for producing near-net-shape sheets of castable metals for light-weight production. In order to investigate the TRC process numerically, a code is generated in OpenFOAM and the commercial software STAR-CCM+ is used. Both are validated with the Stefan problem, the gallium melting test case, and a continuous casting experiment for magnesium AZ31. Different solidification models are tested that are similar to solution domain definitions and solid-fraction temperature relations. The comparison with temperature measurements of the MgF GmbH Freiberg pilot plant and the final microstructure exhibits good correlation. Sensitivity studies are carried out for thermophysical properties of AZ31 as well as pilot plant parameters. Furthermore, the rolls are incorporated into the simulation to determine the effect of a location-dependent heat-transfer coefficient. Finally, the results are compared to a second pilot plant situated at the Helmholtz-Centre Geesthacht in order to explore differences and similarities. / Das horizontales Gießwalzen ist eine energiesparende und kostengünstige Methode zur Erzeugung von Flachprodukten, die im Leichtbau verwendet werden. Um dieses Verfahren numerisch zu untersuchen wurde ein Programmcode in OpenFOAM entwickelt und die kommerzielle Software STAR-CCM+ verwendet, wobei beide mit dem Stefan Problem, dem Schmelzen von Gallium und Messdaten des Stranggusses von Magnesium AZ31 validiert wurden. Verschiedene Erstarrungsmodelle werden ebenso getestet wie Variationen des Simulationsbereiches und Feststoff-Temperatur-Verläufe. Vergleiche mit Temperaturmessdaten der Pilotanlage MgF GmbH Freiberg und der finalen Mikrostruktur zeigen gute Übereinstimmungen. Sensitivitätsanalysen werden durchgeführt, um die Einflüsse von thermophysikalischen Eigenschaften und Anlagenparametern abzuschätzen. Des Weiteren werden die Walzen in die Simulation mit einbezogen, um den Effekt eines lokal veränderlichen Wärmeübergangskoeffizienten zu beurteilen. Schließlich werden die Ergebnisse mit denen einer zweiten Pilotanlage am Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht verglichen. / Le laminage de coulée continue horizontal possède une faible consommation d’énergie et est bon marché pour la production des feuilles de métaux coulables utilisés dans la construction légère. Afin d’examiner ce processus numériquement, un code est généré dans OpenFOAM et le logiciel commercial STAR-CCM+ est utilisé, tous les deux sont validés en utilisant le problème de Stefan, la fusion du gallium et la coulée continue verticale de magnésium AZ31. Plusieurs modèles de solidification sont testés, ainsi que la variation du domaine de simulation, et des rélations entre la teneur en matière solide et la température. Des comparaisons avec des résultats de mesures de la température à l’installation pilote de MgF GmbH Freiberg ainsi que la microstructure donnent des bons résultats. Des analyses de sensibilité sont effectuées afin d’évaluer l’influence des propriétés thermophysiques et des paramètres de l’installation. De plus, les cylindres sont intégrés dans la simulation pour estimer l’impact du coefficient de transfert de chaleur dépendant du lieu. Finalement, les résultats sont comparés avec ceux du Helmholtz-Centre Geesthacht.

Numerical investigation of horizontal twin-roll casting of the magnesium alloy AZ31

Miehe, Anja 22 July 2014 (has links)
The horizontal twin-roll casting (TRC) process is an energy saving and cost-efficient method for producing near-net-shape sheets of castable metals for light-weight production. In order to investigate the TRC process numerically, a code is generated in OpenFOAM and the commercial software STAR-CCM+ is used. Both are validated with the Stefan problem, the gallium melting test case, and a continuous casting experiment for magnesium AZ31. Different solidification models are tested that are similar to solution domain definitions and solid-fraction temperature relations. The comparison with temperature measurements of the MgF GmbH Freiberg pilot plant and the final microstructure exhibits good correlation. Sensitivity studies are carried out for thermophysical properties of AZ31 as well as pilot plant parameters. Furthermore, the rolls are incorporated into the simulation to determine the effect of a location-dependent heat-transfer coefficient. Finally, the results are compared to a second pilot plant situated at the Helmholtz-Centre Geesthacht in order to explore differences and similarities. / Das horizontales Gießwalzen ist eine energiesparende und kostengünstige Methode zur Erzeugung von Flachprodukten, die im Leichtbau verwendet werden. Um dieses Verfahren numerisch zu untersuchen wurde ein Programmcode in OpenFOAM entwickelt und die kommerzielle Software STAR-CCM+ verwendet, wobei beide mit dem Stefan Problem, dem Schmelzen von Gallium und Messdaten des Stranggusses von Magnesium AZ31 validiert wurden. Verschiedene Erstarrungsmodelle werden ebenso getestet wie Variationen des Simulationsbereiches und Feststoff-Temperatur-Verläufe. Vergleiche mit Temperaturmessdaten der Pilotanlage MgF GmbH Freiberg und der finalen Mikrostruktur zeigen gute Übereinstimmungen. Sensitivitätsanalysen werden durchgeführt, um die Einflüsse von thermophysikalischen Eigenschaften und Anlagenparametern abzuschätzen. Des Weiteren werden die Walzen in die Simulation mit einbezogen, um den Effekt eines lokal veränderlichen Wärmeübergangskoeffizienten zu beurteilen. Schließlich werden die Ergebnisse mit denen einer zweiten Pilotanlage am Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht verglichen. / Le laminage de coulée continue horizontal possède une faible consommation d’énergie et est bon marché pour la production des feuilles de métaux coulables utilisés dans la construction légère. Afin d’examiner ce processus numériquement, un code est généré dans OpenFOAM et le logiciel commercial STAR-CCM+ est utilisé, tous les deux sont validés en utilisant le problème de Stefan, la fusion du gallium et la coulée continue verticale de magnésium AZ31. Plusieurs modèles de solidification sont testés, ainsi que la variation du domaine de simulation, et des rélations entre la teneur en matière solide et la température. Des comparaisons avec des résultats de mesures de la température à l’installation pilote de MgF GmbH Freiberg ainsi que la microstructure donnent des bons résultats. Des analyses de sensibilité sont effectuées afin d’évaluer l’influence des propriétés thermophysiques et des paramètres de l’installation. De plus, les cylindres sont intégrés dans la simulation pour estimer l’impact du coefficient de transfert de chaleur dépendant du lieu. Finalement, les résultats sont comparés avec ceux du Helmholtz-Centre Geesthacht.

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