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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Finns det skillnader i utbildningen för sjukvårdsansvarig till sjöss? / Is there any difference in the medicalCare education for seafarers?

Scheller, Susanna, Cundy, Alexander January 2013 (has links)
Denna rapport är en jämförande studie av sjukvårdsutbildningen MedicalCare och hur den fungerar i verkligheten. Till sjöss är ”läkaren” en sjöman, med endast ett fåtal veckors sjukvårds-utbildning bakom sig och en erfarenhet som inte går att jämföra med den samlade sakkunskap som finns på ett sjukhus iland. Det ställs snarlika krav på sjömannen ombord som på läkaren iland vad gäller omhändertagande av den skadade. Internationellt sett finns det en konvention som styr hur MedicalCare-utbildningen skall vara konstruerad. Dessa direktiv är satta för att sjömän världen över skall ha samma riktlinjer att utbilda sig efter och få en likvärdig kompetens när kursen är genomförd. Studien har använt sig av en kvalitativ intervjustudie för att samla in information. Resultatet av denna undersökning visar att MedicalCare-kursen skiljer sig åt mellan skolorna, trots att alla arbetar efter samma regler. / This study is a comparison of how the MedicalCare-education works in reality. At sea the “Doctor” is a sailor with only a few weeks of medical training, with an experience not comparable with the expertise found in a hospital ashore. However he or she is faced with almost the same demands and responsibilities when it comes to nurse for the wounded person. Internationally there is a convention that states how the MedicalCare-education shall be constructed. These directions are set because all the sailors’ world wide shall have an equivalent education and the same guidelines to the structure of their training, for them to reach equal competence when the education is fulfilled. This study has collected information by conducting qualitative interviews This survey shows that although the demands are the same world wide, the education differs between the countries.

Valbara kurser : Ett alternativ till områdesfördjupning inom sjökaptensprogrammet

Carlsson, Josef, Johnsson, Johnny January 2013 (has links)
Det här är en undersökning om studenters intresse för en områdesfördjupning på sjökaptensprogrammet på Kalmar Sjöfartshögskola. Syftet var att undersöka intresset hos studenterna kring att introducera valbara kurser om 7,5 högskolepoäng i programmets senare del. Den allmänna uppfattningen inom svensk sjöfart är att sjökaptensprogrammet på Kalmar Sjöfartshögskola är en bred utbildning.  Utbildningen erbjuder inga valbara kurser eller inriktningar även om arbetet som styrman idag blir mer och mer specialiserat. Studien genomfördes genom intervjuer med två studenter som gick sista året 2013 och tre verksamma styrmän som tagit examen år 2012. Alla intervjuade respondenter hade läst eller läste vid intervjutillfället på Sjökaptensprogrammet på Kalmar Sjöfartshögskola. Studien visade på en önskan hos respondenterna vad gällde ökad valbarhet i utbildningen, men samtidigt en ovilja att kompromissa utbildningens bredd. Respondenterna underströk vikten av möjligheten att få läsa CCM och DP-Basic, dels för en förbättrad konkurrenskraft på en ansträngd arbetsmarknad och dels för att de kurserna ofta krävs inom den arbetsmarknadssektor som ett stort antal studenter söker sig till. / This is a survey of students' interest in an area specialization in the Nautical Science program at Kalmar Maritime Academy. The aim was to investigate the interest within the student community regarding introducing elective courses of 7.5 credits in the second half of the program. The general opinion in Swedish shipping is that the nautical science program at Kalmar Maritime Academy is a broad education. The program has no elective courses and specializations available; this at a time when the work as an officer is becoming more and more specialized. The study was conducted through interviews with two final year students of 2013 and three active officers who graduated in 2012. All respondents who were interviewed had studied or were studying at the time of the interview at the Nautical Science program at Kalmar Maritime Academy. The study showed a desire among the respondents regarding increased eligibility in the program but also unwillingness to compromise the width of the education. The respondents emphasized the importance of having the possibility to study CCM and DP-Basic, partly for an improved competitiveness in a strained labor market and partly due to fact that these courses are often required within the employment sector to which a large number of students will approach.


Sun, Jyh-Perng 31 August 2001 (has links)

我國因應船員執業證書國際公約修正案之研究:政策論證之分析 / On the ROC of Policy Regarding the Amendment of the Seafarer Practicing Certificate International Convertion : Analysis Policy Argument

尹台生, yin,tai-shen Unknown Date (has links)
政策是公權力對大眾利益表現一種型態,為確保其一貫施政品質,公共治理的理論,逐漸重視政策的效果 - 政策論證(policy argument),尤其以全民政治為基礎的政策治理,對於整體資源的投入/產出,必須強化其自體檢核功能。 航運的操作有兩項基本的動因,一個是船,另一個是船員,兩者缺一不可,然後貨才能「暢其流」,尤其船員的因素,是航運興衰的關鍵動因。我國在邁進開發國家之列時,對於各類專業人才必須予以適當的培訓及保障,整體經濟的生產力才能提升,並能強化競爭力,邁向國際化,航運業界、政府及學界均應有此共識,在面對國際船員訓練、發證的考驗時,同心協力,參與國際海事組織(IMO)船員訓練發證政策的挑戰,突破港口國管制(PSC)的檢查,使船員在工作保障及社會福利有所依循,以符合船員訓練STCW 78/95國際公約修訂的檢查及港口國管制(PSC)的要求標準。 中國方面,因為是國際海事組織(IMO)的會員,對於船員訓練及發證,均按照STCW78/95國際公約的規定與要求,頒布一系列規章及訓練規範,而且根據中國「民法通則」規定,法律條約沒有規定的,可適用國際慣例,中華民國的船員執業證照則處於相對不確定的狀況,尚待政府的國際政策躓琢。 由於兩岸經濟依存,政治對立,各自表述,在意識形態上產生不接軌的現象,再加上國際情勢發展的不對稱影響,我國船員訓練主管單位及相關港監部門及學術組織,本於國家利益的基礎上,為謀我國航運業的發展及保障船員的工作權,除強化國內的船員訓練品質,另確有必要務實的參與國際組織相關活動及其相互間的合作,將我國現職船員訓練符合STCW 78/95國際公約之發證政策與執行規定,順利遞送國際海事組織(IMO)的秘書處,並確認發證履行報告,完成從第三走廊(軌道)列入〈白名單〉(White List)之列(如本論文第五章敘述)。 本研究肇因於國際公約的修訂,影響我國船員訓練執業證書的認可,政府從一貫的船員政策實施過程為核心,配合考試、適任評估,目標是符合國際公約STCW 78/95的標準及船員證照認證的公共治理為論證(policy argument),從質性研究的模式,並依政治學方法論的比較研究法及政策論證的步驟與國際關係(IR)的談判元素,全文以建構類型(constructive typology) 理論,作為理論架構,驗證第三軌道的模式。 / Decision-making is the pattern that shows a certain type of state authority; administrative power displays the attitude to the general interests based on effectiveness of administration. In order to guarantee its consistent administrative quality, the administration theory shows how a state manages its public policy. Also, governments undoubtedly pay much attention to the outcome of them. How those public policies are approved (i.e., policy arguments), also exemplify the fact that decision-making is based on the participation of individuals in whole society. Inputs/output model could strengthen our knowledge from the key function of physical examination. There are two basic theories regarding the operation of shipping. One is the ship; with the other one names the seafarer. None of them can be dispensed with—can commodities be transported smoothly only through this understanding. Seafarer's role, in particular, is the key factor attributing to the shipping frequency. The Republic of China (ROC) on Taiwan has to offer proper crew training so as to guarantee all kinds of qualified personnel in a specific field are sufficient while striding forward to develop its economy. Only if the productivity could be promoted, can the ROC strengthen competitiveness, march forward to further internationalization. Shipping could reflect a certain country’s industrial level, governmental effectiveness and its educational development. As local trains’ seafarers— instead of by international authorities, this country encounters the license-issuing problem. Only through concerted efforts, can this country meet ordeals when participating in International Maritime Organization (IMO)’s training and license-issuing process, pass through the inspection that the port state controlled (PSC), make seafarers’ rights guaranteed. In addition, the ROC has to assure seafarers’ welfare, in accordance with the inspection of the international convention revising (STCW 78/95) and to the standard demanded by the port state control (PSC). The People’s Republic of China (PRC) is a member of International Maritime Organization (IMO). The PRC obeys the regulations and request of international convention STCW78/95, the general rule of the civil law, and announces a series of training rules when training seafarers and issuing licenses. The PRC also declares that they could apply to international custom if their lacks of local regulations. In contrast, the seafarers of the Republic of China are still not for sure that they could be issues operation certificates. The ROC government is awaited to do something. Economies along the two sides of the Taiwan Straits have become mutually interdependent, whereas their political relations are still stridently confrontational. Due to the huge gap between their international statuses, the authorities that responsible for seafarer training and harbor supervisors, as well as scholars, have to promote the training quality of our seafarers, participate caucuses and activities of various international organizations so as to assure the ROC’s sea transportation and their working opportunities. The government has to submit its 78/95 STCW regulations training post crewman to the Secretariat of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), confirm license-issuing and fulfill the report, enlist itself to the White List from the “Third Track (as noted in Chapter 5).” This research could be attributed to the revision of the international convention, which affects the validity the ROC’s approval to the certificates in seafarer training and issuing licenses. The government designs courses from consistent policies of seafarer training, helping seafarers pass examination and evaluation and finally reach the standard of international convention named STCW 78/95. In addition, one of the government’s objectives is to comply the policy argument of governance concerning license issuing. This author tries to apply to quality research, comparative methodology, and negotiating factor in international relations (IR), and constructive typology for the purpose of verifying the operation of the “Third Track.”

Internationalising Chinese maritime higher education : developing content and English language integrated teaching and learning

Pyne, Robyn Morgan January 2012 (has links)
This thesis examines how new maritime nations, which are engaged in the export of seafaring labour, need to respond to the demands of the international maritime industry. In particular, traditional maritime nations are calling for greater internationalisation of maritime education and training. The global labour market for seafarers, which is dominated by employers from traditional maritime nations, demands internationally minded graduates. China’s response to these demands for quality labour exports from new maritime nations is the subject of exploration in this thesis. Within the specific context of Maritime English teaching and learning, a significant opportunity for innovation and change is identified. The research took the form of an international collaborative education project in pursuit of the following question: What teaching and learning development opportunities are there for improving the communicative competence of Chinese Navigation officers? The author of this thesis, formally a seafarer, is a teaching practitioner in higher education in the UK. For the purposes of this thesis, the author became a visi ting researcher, and later a teaching practitioner, at the case maritime higher education institution in China. Becoming a member of the teaching staff at the host institution was a necessary step in order to establish and carry out teaching practitioner -led research as a member of a professional learning community. The aim of this professional learning community has been to collaborate on a Maritime English teaching development project. This development work has since continued beyond this PhD study into a commercially funded project, which demonstrates the necessity and timeliness of the research. This thesis sets out to report on the collaborative process of an international education development project as it was experienced. Research was carried out over a 15.5 month period spent in-situ at the case institution. The institution was selected as it is the most influential maritime university in China in terms of national maritime higher education policy reform, due it being under the direct authority of the Ministry of Transport of the People's Republic of China rather than the Ministry of Education, as is the case with other universities. The author had to work very hard to overcome a number of cultural issues to become accepted as a teaching practitioner in the research setting. Once accepted as a participant researcher, research-based professionalism founded on previous teacher training and experience allowed for a living theory approach to improving both own teaching practice and that of new-found colleagues. The outcomes of this PhD study are multiple: The ethnographic account of the development process in the form of this PhD thesis. The establishment of a professional learning community between teaching practitioners and continued research and development work. The local teaching and learning innovation in the form of a new content and language integrated syllabus for Maritime English teaching, suitable for Chinese learners at maritime higher education institutions. The continued collaboration between an industry stakeholder and the local teaching practitioners in the further development of a new Maritime English syllabus and accompanying teaching resources to ensure that it meets the needs of employers. As understanding grew of how Chinese maritime higher education institutions are preparing their students for employment in the global labour market for seafarers, the research objectives emerged while in-situ. The aim of the research centred on working with local teaching practitioners and industry stakeholders to improve the quality of maritime education graduates’ transferable skills, in terms of their intercultural communicative competence. The key feature of the study was to collaboratively identify teaching and learning development opportunities for improving the preparedness of Chinese maritime higher education graduates to work in a safety critical environment, where they will need to communicate effectively in English. The internationalisation of the Maritime English syllabus, and the wider Navigation curriculum, through content and language integrated learning and teaching is the main recommendation of this thesis. The evidence presented in this thesis has led to the conclusion that this curriculum intervention is necessary for improving the transferable skills of Chinese Maritime Higher Education graduates. The content and language integrated learning approach to teaching was found to offer Chinese maritime higher education institutions with a solution to boost intercultural communicative competence in meeting the demands of the international maritime industry for professionally skilled, and competent-in-English seafarers for labour export.

La maîtrise des compétences de l'équipage du navire marchand pour la prévention des dommages : une prérogative de l'armateur / Controlling the competences of merchant vessel crew to prevent damages : a shipowner prerogative

Butaeye, Étienne 21 June 2019 (has links)
La complexité de la conduite du navire marchand impose aux opérateurs d’avoir de nombreuses connaissances dans différents domaines. La standardisation de la formation maritime au niveau international par la convention STCW est un élément qui participe à garantir de leur capacité à conduire l’expédition maritime. Mais il n’est pas suffisant. L’armateur est l’acteur clé dans ce domaine. Son investissement dans le maintien et le développement des connaissances techniques, dans l’encadrement de l’exploitation du navire et dans la mise en place d’une stratégie de gestion des facteurs humains adaptée, est déterminant pour maîtriser les compétences de son personnel navigant et prévenir les dommages qui résulteront de leurs erreurs. Il est très intéressant de constater que le droit maritime tient compte de cet investissement pour déterminer le régime de responsabilité civile auquel l’armateur sera soumis lorsqu’il devra répondre des actes dommageables de ses préposés. Son implication dans la mise en place de stratégies de gestion humaine adaptées lui permettra d’accéder à de larges aménagements ou exonérations de responsabilité. Le régime très protecteur dont il bénéficie sera en revanche progressivement levé, en fonction des manquements personnels retenus à son encontre. Le droit maritime participe donc, d’une certaine manière, à responsabiliser les armateurs. La réalité est en fait plus nuancée car les difficultés pour lever ce régime spécifique sont nombreuses. Les protections qui lui sont accordées pourront alors apparaître comme un facteur démobilisant dans l’objectif de maîtriser l’élément humain, pourtant essentiel pour la sécurité maritime / The complexity of operating a vessel requires that crew members have in depth knowledge in a wide variety of areas. The International maritime training that has been standardized by the STCW convention is one of the elements that helps to guarantee their ability to make the maritime expedition a success. But it is not enough. The shipowner is the key actor in this area. His personal investment to maintain and develop technical knowledge, to supervise vessel operation and to implement an appropriate human factor strategy, is crucial for controlling the competencies of his crew to prevent potential damages that could result from human errors. It is very interesting to see that maritime law considers this investment in determining the civil liability regime to which shipowners will be subject for the damages caused by negligence of his crew. His involvement in implementing efficient human strategies will allow him to benefit from wide exemptions or limitation of liability. The very protective civil liability regime he enjoys will nevertheless be lifted, at least partially, for his own omissions that contribute to the damage. Maritime law therefore encourages, in a certain way, shipowners to get involved in vessel crewing. The reality is actually more nuanced because the difficulties to lift this specific regime are various. The protections that are granted to a shipowner will then appear to be a demobilizing factor in controlling the human element, which is essential for maritime safety

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