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Thermal Barrier Effect, Non-Fourier Effect and Inertia Effect on a Cracked Plate under Thermal Shock Loading / Effet de barrière thermique, effet non-Fourier et effet d'inertie sur une plaque fissurée sous chargement en choc thermiqueLi, Wei 29 January 2016 (has links)
Les chocs thermiques provoquent, en général, l’endommagement et la fissuration des matériaux. Ces phénomènes sont observés, par exemple, dans le revêtement de barrière thermique pour les moteurs des turbines, le traitement des surfaces ou la soudure par laser etc. Plusieurs travaux de recherche ont été réalisés au cours des dernières décennies dans l’objectif d’améliorer les performances thermiques et/ou mécaniques des matériaux sous chargement thermique. L’étude des dommages et de la fissuration des matériaux provoqués par les chocs thermiques, tels que le décollement des interfaces et de décohésion de revêtements, a reçu également une attention considérable par les chercheurs. La majorité de ces travaux utilisent les théories classiques, tels que la loi de Fourier de conduction thermique et l'hypothèse de quasi-statique. Malheureusement ces théories ne sont pas adaptées dans le cas de charges extrêmes provoqués par le choc thermique et dans le cas des matériaux micro-fissurés. En conséquence, les théories conventionnelles doivent être enrichies.L'objectif de la thèse est de montrer le rôle crucial des termes non Fourier et les termes inertiels dans le cas de choc thermique sous conditions sévères et dans le cas où les fissures sont petites. Pour cela nous avons mené des études sur deux structures particulières soumises à des chocs thermiques. Chaque structure contient une fissure parallèle au bord libre de la structure située au voisinage de ce dernier. L’influence de la présence de fissure sur la conductivité thermique est prise en compte. Nous avons utilisé la théorie Hyperbolique de transfert de chaleur par conduction pour les champs thermique et mécanique à la place de la théorie traditionnelle classique de Fourier. Pour mener cette étude, nous avons utilisé les Transformées de Laplace et de Fourier aux équations de mouvement et à l’équation de transfert de chaleur. En s’intéressant en particulier aux champs de contrainte au voisinage de la pointe de fissure et aux facteurs d'intensité de contrainte dynamiques. Le problème se ramène à la résolution d’un système d'équations intégrales singulières dans l'espace de Laplace-Fourier. On utilise une méthode d'intégration numérique pour obtenir les différents champs. Nous résolvons ensuite un système d'équations algébriques linéaires. En effectuant des inversions numériques des transformées, nous obtenons les champs de contrainte de température et les facteurs d'intensité de contrainte dynamiques dans le domaine temporel.Les résultats numériques montrent que la conductivité thermique du milieu est affectée par l’ouverture de la fissure ce qui perturberait fortement le champ de température ainsi que l'amplitude des facteurs d'intensité de contrainte dynamiques. Les amplitudes sont supérieures à celles obtenues à partir de la théorie classique de Fourier ainsi que dans le cadre de l'hypothèse quasi-statique. On constate également qu’elles oscillent au cours du temps. La prise en compte simultanément de l’influence de la fissure sur la conductivité thermique, de l'effet non-Fourier ainsi que les effetsIVd'inertie induit un couplage entre les trois phénomènes qui rendrait le problème de choc thermique très complexe. L'effet de barrière thermique induit par la fissure affecte d’une manière significative les champs de température et des contraintes. Les effets d’inertie, et des termes non-Fourier joueraient également un rôle non négligeable lorsque la longueur de la fissure est petite. Comme dans de nombreux problèmes d'ingénierie, l'initiation et la propagation des micro-fissures sont des mécanismes dont il faut tenir compte dans les prévisions de la rupture des structures. Ces effets non conventionnels ne sont plus négligeables et doivent être inclus dans l'analyse de la fracture des structures soumises à des chocs thermiques. / Thermal shock problems occur in many engineering materials and elements, which are used in high temperature applications such as thermal barrier coatings (TBCs), solid propellant of rocket-engine, pulsed-laser processing of materials, and so on. The thermal shock resistance performances and the thermal shock damages of materials, especially the interface debonding and spallation of coatings, have received considerable attention in both analysis and design. Some conventional theories, such as the Fourier’s law of thermal conduction and the quasi-static assumption of the thermoelastic body, may no longer be appropriate because of the extreme loads provoked by the thermal shock. Therefore, these conventional theories need to be enriched or revised.The objective of this thesis is to develop the solutions of the transient temperature field and thermal stresses around a partially insulated crack in a thermoelastic strip under thermal shock loading. The crack lies parallel to the heated traction free surface. The thermal conductivity of the crack gap is taken into account. Hyperbolic heat conduction theory is used in solving the temperature field instead of the traditional Fourier thermal conduction theory. Equations of motion are applied to obtain the stress fields and the dynamic stress intensity factors of the crack. The Laplace and Fourier transforms are applied to solve the thermal-elastic governing equations such that the mixed boundary value problems are reduced to solving a singular integral equations system in Laplace-Fourier space. The numerical integration method is applied to get the temperature field and stress fields, respectively. The problems are then solved numerically by converting the singular integral equations to a linear algebraic equations system. Finally, numerical inversions of the Laplace transform are performed to obtain the temperature field and dynamic stress intensity factors in the time domain.Numerical results show that the thermal conductivity of the crack gap strongly affects the uniformity of the temperature field and consequently, the magnitude of the dynamic stress intensity factors of the crack. The stress intensity factors would have higher amplitude and oscillating feature comparing to those obtained under the conventional Fourier thermal conduction and quasi-static hypotheses. It is also observed that the interactions of the thermal conductivity of the crack gap, the non-Fourier effect and the inertia effects would make the dynamic thermal shock problem more complex. The magnitude of the thermal barrier, non-Fourier and inertia effects is estimated for some practical cases.
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Splitting method in multisite damage solids: mixed mode fracturing and fatigue problems / O método da partição em sólidos multi-fraturados: fraturas em modos mistos e problemas de fadigaCotta, Igor Frederico Stoianov 29 January 2016 (has links)
The design of complex structures demands the prediction of possible fracture-dominant failure processes, due to the existence of unavoidable preexistent flaws and other defects, as well as sharps and cracks. On one hand, the complexity of the structure and the presence of many defects to be accounted for in the modeling can become the computational effort impracticable. On the other hand, it is important to seek the development of a computational framework based on some numerical method to study these problems. A way to overcome the difficulties mentioned, therefore making feasible the analysis of complex structures with many cracks, flaws and other defects, consists of combining a representative mechanical modeling with an efficient numerical method. This is precisely the fundamental aim of this work. Firstly, the Splitting Method is used aiming to build a representative modeling. Secondly, the Generalized Finite Element Method (GFEM) is chosen as an efficient numerical method, in which enrichment strategies of the approximated solution using stress functions in particular can be explored. The GFEM framework also allows avoiding the excessive refinement of the mesh, which increases the computational effort in conventional finite element analysis. In the Splitting Method, a kind of decomposition method, the original problem is subdivided in local and global problems which are then combined by imposing null traction at the crack surfaces. In this work, the Splitting Method was completely programmed in Python language and its use extended to analyze crack propagation including fatigue crack growth. The generated code presents in addition to several features related to Fracture Mechanics concepts, as the computation of the stress intensity factor (mode I and II) trough J Integral. Some examples are presented to depict the propagation of the cracks in multisite damage structures. It is shown that for this kind of problems the enrichment strategy provided by GFEM is essential. Moreover, the final example demonstrates that the computational tool allows for investigation of different possible crack scenarios with a low cost analysis. One concludes about the representativeness and efficiency of the methodology hereby proposed. / O projeto de estruturas complexas demanda a previsão de possíveis processos de ruptura governados por fraturamento, devido à existência de inevitáveis defeitos pré-existentes, como entalhes e fissuras. Por um lado, a complexidade da estrutura e a presença de muitos defeitos a serem considerados no modelo podem tornar a análise inviável devido ao esforço computacional necessário. Por outro lado, é importante procurar desenvolver uma estrutura computacional baseada em métodos numéricos para estudar estes problemas. Um modo de superar as dificuldades mencionadas, portanto tornando possível a análise de estruturas complexas com muitas fissuras e outros defeitos, consiste em combinar um modelo mecânico que seja representativo com um método numérico eficiente. Este é precisamente o objetivo fundamental deste trabalho. Primeiramente, o Método da Partição é utilizado para a construção de um modelo representativo. Em segundo lugar, o Método dos Elementos Finitos Generalizados (GFEM) é empregado por ser um método numérico eficiente, no qual as estratégias de enriquecimento da solução aproximada usando funções de tensão, em particular, podem ser exploradas. A estrutura do GFEM também permite evitar o excessivo refinamento da malha, que aumenta o esforço computacional em análises convencionais nas quais se utiliza o método dos elementos finitos. No Método da Partição, um tipo de método de decomposição, o problema original é subdividido em problemas locais e globais que são então combinados impondo-se a nulidade do vetor de tensões na superfície da fissura. Neste trabalho, o Método da Partição foi completamente programado em linguagem Python® e sua utilização estendida para analisar a propagação de fissuras, incluindo-se a associação do crescimento com a resposta em fadiga. Além disso, o código gerado apresenta diversas características relacionadas aos conceitos da Mecânica da Fratura, como o cálculo do fator de intensidade de tensão (modos I e II) mediante a Integral J. Alguns exemplos são apresentados para ilustrar a propagação de fissuras em estruturas multi-fraturadas. Mostra-se que para este tipo de problemas a estratégia de enriquecimento fornecida pelo GFEM é essencial. Além disso, o exemplo final comprova que a ferramenta computacional permite a investigação de diferentes possíveis cenários de fissuras com uma análise de baixo custo. Conclui-se sobre a representatividade e eficiência da metodologia proposta.
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Mécanique de rupture des matériaux piézoélectriques avec des conditions électriques mixtes aux faces de la fissure d'interface / The fracture mechanics of piezoelectric materials with mixed electrical conditions at the faces of the interface crackOnopriienko, Oleg 22 June 2018 (has links)
Les matériaux actifs, tout d'abord piézoélectriques et piézo-électromagnétiques, sont souvent utilisés comme parties fonctionnelles de différents dispositifs électroniques, y compris les capteurs, les transducteurs et les actionneurs, car ces matériaux ont la possibilité de changer de forme sous le champ électrique ou magnétique. Dans de nombreux cas, la taille des appareils mentionnés est extrêmement petite, mais ils peuvent néanmoins être soumis à de très grands champs mécaniques, électriques et magnétiques. En outre, ces dispositifs sont habituellement construits en éléments pouvant être fabriqués avec différents matériaux (éléments piézoélectriques ou piézoélectro-magnétiques, électrodes, etc.).En raison d'une adhérence imparfaite des éléments mentionnés, différents défauts, comme le décollement et la délamination, peuvent se produire entre différents éléments. Ces situations peuvent avoir lieu lors de la fabrication et de l'exploitation des structures intelligentes actives. Les défauts mentionnés entre différents éléments constitutifs sont appelés fissures d'interface. Ces fissures sont généralement la cause principale de l'échec des constructions. Par conséquent, leur enquête est très importante pour éviter une telle défaillance et fournir la fiabilité des appareils électroniques. Différentes méthodes d'étude des problèmes de mécanique des fractures pour les corps piézoélectriques et piézoélectromagnétiques avec des fissures d'interface ont été développées jusqu'à présent. Les méthodes d'analyse des fissures d'interface dépendent essentiellement de la modélisation des conditions électriques sur les faces des fissures. Parce que les fissures sont habituellement remplies d'un milieu (air, huile de silicium, eau, etc.), il est souhaitable de tenir compte des propriétés de ce support. Pour cette raison, les modèles de fissuration perméables à l'électricité, imperméables et à perméabilité limitée sont développés et utilisés activement à l'heure actuelle. En outre, les faces des fissures peuvent parfois être recouvertes d'électrodes ou la fissure peut être remplie par un fluide conducteur. Dans les deux cas, le modèle de fissure électriquement conducteur doit être appliqué. De nombreux problèmes pour les fissures d'interface dans le cadre des modèles de fissure électriques mentionnés sont déjà résolus, mais certains problèmes importants restent résolus jusqu'à nos jours. La solution de ces problèmes définit les tâches de la présente enquête. Tout d'abord, il convient de mentionner que l'étude analytique des fissures d'interface avec des conditions électriques mixtes sur les faces des fissures est inconnue pour l'auteur de cette thèse. Par conséquent, la première tâche du travail est liée à l'étude d'une fissure d'interface dans un matériau thermique piézoélectrique sous l'action de charges mécaniques anti-avion mécaniques et planes, à condition qu'une partie des faces de fissure soit électriquement conductrice tandis qu'une autre soit électriquement perméable. En raison de la présentation des quantités électromécaniques via des fonctions analytiques en section, le problème est réduit au problème combiné de la valeur limite Dirichlet-Riemann et résolu exactement. Toutes les caractéristiques électromécaniques le long de l'interface, y compris les facteurs d'intensité de contrainte, se trouvent sous une forme analytique simple. La deuxième tâche est consacrée à la prise en compte d'une fissure d'interface électriquement conductrice avec une partie restante partiellement électrodéputée de l'interface matérielle sous le même système de chargement externe. Une attention particulière est accordée à la prise en compte du nouveau modèle de fissure d'interface, qui est exempt de l'oscillation dans le cas d'une interface complètement perméable (pas d'électrode) en dehors de la fissure. L'approche analytique basée sur la méthode des potentiels complexes est utilisée. (...) / Active materials, first of all piezoelectric and piezo-electro-magnetic ones, are often used as functional parts of different electronic devices including sensors, transducers and actuators because these materials have the ability to change their shape under electric or magnetic field. In many cases the size of the mentioned devices is relatively small, but nevertheless they can undergo to very large mechanical, electric and magnetic fields. Moreover, these devices are usually constructed of elements which can be manufactured of different materials (piezoelectric or piezoelectromagnetic elements, electrodes etc.). Because of an imperfect adhesion of the mentioned elements different defects, like debonding and delamination, can occur between different elements. These situations may take place during the manufacture and exploitation of the active smart structures. The mentioned defects between different constitutive elements are called interface cracks. These cracks are usually the main reason of constructions failure, therefore, their investigation is very important for avoidance of such failure and providing the reliability of electronic devices. Various methods of the investigation of fracture mechanics problems for piezoelectric and piezoelectromagnetic bodies with interface cracks have been developed up to now. The methods of interface crack investigations essentially depend on the modeling of the electrical conditions at the crack faces. Because cracks are usually filled with some medium (air, silicon oil, water and so on), it is desirable to take the properties of this medium into consideration. On this reason the so called electrically permeable, impermeable and limited permeable crack models are developed and actively used at present. Moreover, the crack faces can be sometimes covered with electrodes or the crack can be filled by conducting fluid. In both cases the so called electrically conducting crack model should be applied. Many problems for interface cracks in the framework of the mentioned electric crack models are already solved, however some important problems remains unresolved till nowadays. The solution of these problems defines the tasks of the present investigation. First of all it should be mentioned that the analytical investigation of interface cracks with mixed electrical conditions at the crack faces are unknown for the author of this thesis. Therefore the first task of the work is related to the investigation of an interface crack in a piezoelectric bimaterial under the action of antiplane mechanical and in-plane electric loadings provided that one part of the crack faces is electrically conducting whilst another one is electrically permeable. Due to the presentation of electromechanical quantities via sectionally-analytic functions the problem is reduced to the combined Dirichlet-Riemann boundary value problem and solved exactly. All electromechanical characteristics along the interface, including the stress intensity factors, are found in a simple analytical form. The second task is devoted to the consideration of a conductive crack and an electrode interaction at a piezoelectric bi-material interface under the action of anti-plane mechanical loading and in-plane electrical field parallel to the crack faces. Special attention is devoted to the consideration of new interface crack model, which is free from the oscillation in case of completely permeable interface (no electrode) outside of the crack. The analytical approach based upon complex potentials method is used. The third task is associated with the first one, but for piezoelectromagnetic material and an additional in-plane magnetic loading. The presentations of mechanical, electric and magnetic quantities via sectionally-analytic functions are found and the problems of linear relationship are formulated and solved exactly for any lengths of electro-magneto conducting and electro-magneto permeable parts of the crack. (...)
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Splitting method in multisite damage solids: mixed mode fracturing and fatigue problems / O método da partição em sólidos multi-fraturados: fraturas em modos mistos e problemas de fadigaIgor Frederico Stoianov Cotta 29 January 2016 (has links)
The design of complex structures demands the prediction of possible fracture-dominant failure processes, due to the existence of unavoidable preexistent flaws and other defects, as well as sharps and cracks. On one hand, the complexity of the structure and the presence of many defects to be accounted for in the modeling can become the computational effort impracticable. On the other hand, it is important to seek the development of a computational framework based on some numerical method to study these problems. A way to overcome the difficulties mentioned, therefore making feasible the analysis of complex structures with many cracks, flaws and other defects, consists of combining a representative mechanical modeling with an efficient numerical method. This is precisely the fundamental aim of this work. Firstly, the Splitting Method is used aiming to build a representative modeling. Secondly, the Generalized Finite Element Method (GFEM) is chosen as an efficient numerical method, in which enrichment strategies of the approximated solution using stress functions in particular can be explored. The GFEM framework also allows avoiding the excessive refinement of the mesh, which increases the computational effort in conventional finite element analysis. In the Splitting Method, a kind of decomposition method, the original problem is subdivided in local and global problems which are then combined by imposing null traction at the crack surfaces. In this work, the Splitting Method was completely programmed in Python language and its use extended to analyze crack propagation including fatigue crack growth. The generated code presents in addition to several features related to Fracture Mechanics concepts, as the computation of the stress intensity factor (mode I and II) trough J Integral. Some examples are presented to depict the propagation of the cracks in multisite damage structures. It is shown that for this kind of problems the enrichment strategy provided by GFEM is essential. Moreover, the final example demonstrates that the computational tool allows for investigation of different possible crack scenarios with a low cost analysis. One concludes about the representativeness and efficiency of the methodology hereby proposed. / O projeto de estruturas complexas demanda a previsão de possíveis processos de ruptura governados por fraturamento, devido à existência de inevitáveis defeitos pré-existentes, como entalhes e fissuras. Por um lado, a complexidade da estrutura e a presença de muitos defeitos a serem considerados no modelo podem tornar a análise inviável devido ao esforço computacional necessário. Por outro lado, é importante procurar desenvolver uma estrutura computacional baseada em métodos numéricos para estudar estes problemas. Um modo de superar as dificuldades mencionadas, portanto tornando possível a análise de estruturas complexas com muitas fissuras e outros defeitos, consiste em combinar um modelo mecânico que seja representativo com um método numérico eficiente. Este é precisamente o objetivo fundamental deste trabalho. Primeiramente, o Método da Partição é utilizado para a construção de um modelo representativo. Em segundo lugar, o Método dos Elementos Finitos Generalizados (GFEM) é empregado por ser um método numérico eficiente, no qual as estratégias de enriquecimento da solução aproximada usando funções de tensão, em particular, podem ser exploradas. A estrutura do GFEM também permite evitar o excessivo refinamento da malha, que aumenta o esforço computacional em análises convencionais nas quais se utiliza o método dos elementos finitos. No Método da Partição, um tipo de método de decomposição, o problema original é subdividido em problemas locais e globais que são então combinados impondo-se a nulidade do vetor de tensões na superfície da fissura. Neste trabalho, o Método da Partição foi completamente programado em linguagem Python® e sua utilização estendida para analisar a propagação de fissuras, incluindo-se a associação do crescimento com a resposta em fadiga. Além disso, o código gerado apresenta diversas características relacionadas aos conceitos da Mecânica da Fratura, como o cálculo do fator de intensidade de tensão (modos I e II) mediante a Integral J. Alguns exemplos são apresentados para ilustrar a propagação de fissuras em estruturas multi-fraturadas. Mostra-se que para este tipo de problemas a estratégia de enriquecimento fornecida pelo GFEM é essencial. Além disso, o exemplo final comprova que a ferramenta computacional permite a investigação de diferentes possíveis cenários de fissuras com uma análise de baixo custo. Conclui-se sobre a representatividade e eficiência da metodologia proposta.
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Pole napětí a deformace v okolí trhlin s komplikovanou geometrií čela zatížených ve smykových zátěžných módech / Deformation and stress fields at the front of shear cracks with complicated geometryŽák, Stanislav January 2018 (has links)
Tato závěrečná práce je shrnutím výzkumu smykově zatěžovaných trhlin, který proběhl v průběhu čtyř let doktorského studia jejich autora Ing. Stanislava Žáka (Středoevropský technologický institut, Vysoké učení technické v Brně). Předložená práce je zaměřena na prohloubení znalostí v oblasti pokročilé lomové mechaniky, konkrétně pro smykové zatěžování trhlin kombinované s případy geometrických odchylek trhlin od běžně používaných modelů. To mimo jiné znamená návrh nových přístupů a modelů a popis součinitelů intenzity napětí pro geometricky komplikované trhliny. První část práce je věnována shrnutí současných přístupů v lomové mechanice a dále i popisu numerických metod, použitých v dalších výpočtech. Kromě klasických přístupů se tato část textu zabývá i novějším výzkumem zaměřeným na smykové zatěžování trhlin, speciálně pro dva typy zkušebních těles – válcový vzorek s obvodovým vrubem a trhlinou zatížený prostým smykem nebo krutem a CTS těleso umožňující zatížení trhliny v módech I, II a také v jejich kombinaci I+II. Další část textu je zaměřena na konkrétní výpočty lomových parametrů při použití nových modelů s komplikovaným čelem trhliny. Teoretické řešení lomových parametrů pro oba výše zmíněné modely je porovnáno s experimentálními výsledky, získanými v navazujících projektech. U modelu válcového vzorku je popsána možnost zjednodušení budoucích modelů těles s podobným typem komplikované trhliny a současně je na něm popsán lokální vliv zubatosti čela trhliny na indukci lokálního zatížení v módu II při globálním zatížení v módu III. Tyto výsledky jsou přímo propojeny s experimentální kvantifikací únavového šíření lomu při zatížení v módu III. CTS těleso je použito k popisu vlivu drsnosti trhliny na součinitele intenzity napětí. Na tomto modelu je pozorován jak globální pokles hodnoty KII při zvyšující se drsnosti trhliny, tak i lokální změny v namáhání trhliny podél jednotlivých nerovností. Výsledky potvrzují, i pro dosud málo zkoumané smykové zatěžování, že mikrostruktura lomových ploch a čela trhliny má vliv na lomové parametry. Rozšiřují tak současné znalosti v oboru lomové mechaniky popisem geometrického stínění čela trhliny pro zátěžné módy II a III.
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[pt] Apresenta-se uma formulação do método híbrido dos elementos de contorno para a análise de problemas planos de potencial e de elasticidade que, apesar de completamente geral para domínios finitos, é mais apropriada a aplicações de mecânica da fratura. A formulação exige integrações apenas ao longo do contorno
e usa como soluções fundamentais, para interpolar campos no domínio, funções generalizadas do tipo Westergaard, inspiradas numa proposta feita por Tada et al. em 1993. Os conceitos de elementos de contorno são semelhantes aos conceitos apresentados por Crouch e Starfield em 1983, mas em um contexto variacional que permite interpretações mecânicas das equações matriciais resultantes. Problemas de topologia geral podem ser modelados, como ilustrado para domínios infinitos ou multiplamente conexos. A formulação é diretamente aplicável à solução de problemas de placas com entalhes ou trincas curvas internas ou de bordo, pois permite a descrição adequada de altos gradientes de tensão, sendo uma ferramenta simples para a avaliação de fatores de intensidade de tensão. Além disso, é possível determinar, num processo iterativo, a zona plástica ao redor da ponta de uma trinca. Esta tese tem foco no desenvolvimento matemático da formulação para problemas de potencial e de elasticidade. Vários exemplos numéricos de validação são apresentados. / [en] A particular implementation of the hybrid boundary element method is presented for the two dimensional analysis of potential and elasticity problems, which, although general in concept, is suited for fracture mechanics applications. The formulation requires integrations only along the boundary and uses fundamental solutions to interpolate fields in the domain. Generalized Westergaard stress functions, as proposed by Tada et al in 1993, are used as the problem s fundamental solutions. The proposed formulation leads to displacement-based concepts that resemble those presented by Crouch and Starfield, although in a variational framework that leads to matrix equations with sound mechanical meanings. Problems of general topology, such as in the case of unbounded and multiply-connected domains, may be modeled. The formulation, which is directly applicable to notches and generally curved, internal or external cracks, is especially suited for the description of the stress field in the vicinity of crack tips and is an easy means of evaluating stress intensity factors. The plastic phenomenon is taken into account around the crack tip through an iterative process. This thesis focuses on the mathematical fundamentals of the formulation of potential and elasticity problems. Several validating numerical examples are presented.
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An Automated Dynamic Fracture Procedure and a Continuum Damage Mechanics Based Model for Finite Element Simulations of Delamination Failure in Laminated CompositesAminjikarai Vedagiri, Srinivasa Babu 21 July 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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[pt] A avaliação da propagação de trincas de fadiga inclui a identificação da direção da trinca, o conhecimento do Fator de Intensidade de Tensões (SIF) equivalente, a determinação de uma taxa de crescimento de comprimento de trinca por número de ciclos da/dN e o estabelecimento de uma regra de propagação de trinca conectando SIF e da/dN, como uma regra de tipo Paris. Quando ocorrem cargas mistas e não proporcionais, esses parâmetros ainda não são totalmente compreendidos. Esta tese trata de algumas das variáveis que influenciam a propagação de trincas sob carregamento no modo misto não proporcional. A técnica de Correlação de Imagens Digitais (DIC) foi utilizada para a aquisição de imagens de corpos de prova submetidos a carregamento proporcional e não proporcional cíclico. Dois tipos de corpos de prova foram utilizados. Primeiramente, dois corpos de prova planos foram testados; um disk compact tension (DCT, em inglês) e um compact tension modificado (C (T) em inglês). Eles foram submetidos a carregamento cíclico induzindo o modo I de abertura de trinca ou modos I e II de abertura de trinca proporcionais. Em segundo lugar, os dados DIC adquiridos anteriormente, e em outro lugar, para cinco tubos finos sujeitos a carregamento cíclico foram analisados. Os tubos finos tiveram entalhes usinados a partir dos quais as trincas por fadiga iniciaram e se propagaram. Esses cinco tubos finos foram submetidos a diferentes casos de carga proporcional e não proporcional. Um corpo de prova tipo tubo fino foi exposto a carga axial e apresentou modo de abertura de trinca tipo I. Os outros quatro foram submetidos a carregamento de torção ou carga axial-torcional mista e exibiram todos os três modos de abertura de trinca I, II e III. Os campos de deslocamento adquiridos experimentalmente com a técnica DIC foram processados para calcular independentemente o SIF para cada modo de abertura existente usando formulações de mecânica de fratura elástica linear (MFLE). Uma formulação delas utilizou dados de deslocamento de campo completos adquiridos em pequenas áreas que circundavam a ponta da trinca. Outra formulação usou dados adquiridos de um par de pontos localizados ao longo dos flancos opostos das faces da trinca. Os SIFs determinados foram usados para encontrar os SIFs equivalentes e faixas de SIF equivalentes usando o critério da tensão máxima de tração (para ambas as versões 2D e 3D de combinações dos modos I-II e modos I-II-III respectivamente) que implicitamente incluíram o ângulo de propagação de trinca. Verificou-se que a inclusão do SIF no modo III experimentalmente determinado efetivamente faz diferença nas faixas do SIF e dos SIF equivalentes estimados. A curva da/dN versus faixa do SIF equivalente foi elaborado com as taxas de crescimento de trinca medidas experimentalmente e as faixas de SIF que foram encontradas usando a suposição amplamente aceita de que as trincas cresceram na direção que maximiza a tensão de tração. Para isso, extensões do modelo de Schollmann et. al. e bem como o modelo de Erdogan-Sih, que são geralmente aplicados ao carregamento proporcional, foram usados para determinar os SIFs equivalentes e faixas de SIF equivalentes para os casos de carregamento proporcional e não proporcional. Finalmente, a segunda zona da regra de Paris (da/dN versus faixa do SIF equivalente) foi plotada para os cinco casos de carregamento nos tubos finos mostrando que eles caíram dentro de uma faixa razoavelmente fina e dispersa. / [en] Fatigue crack propagation assessment includes identifying the crack direction, knowing the equivalent Stress Intensity Factor (SIF) range, determining a crack length growth rate per number of cycles (da/dN), and establishing a crack propagation rule connecting the equivalent SIF and da/dN rate, such as a Paris type of rule. When mixed and non-proportional loading occur, those parameters are not fully understood yet. This thesis deals with some of the variables that influence crack propagation under non-proportional mixed mode loading. The Digital Image Correlation (DIC) technique was used to acquire images of test specimens subjected to cyclic proportional and non-proportional loading. Two types of specimen samples were used. Firstly, two different plate test specimens were tested; a disk compact tension (DCT), and a modified compact tension, C(T). They were subjected cyclic loading inducing crack opening mode I or proportional crack opening modes I and II. Secondly, the previously and elsewhere acquired DIC data for five thin tubes subject to cyclic loading were analyzed. The thin tubes had pre-fabricated slit-notches from which fatigue cracks initiated and propagated. Those five thin tubes were subjected to different cases of proportional and non- proportional loading. One tube specimen was exposed to axial loading and presented mode I crack opening. The other four were subjected to torsion loading or mixed axial-torsional loading and exhibited all three I, II and III crack-opening modes. The experimentally acquired DIC displacement fields were processed to independently calculate SIF for each existing opening mode using linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) formulations. One formulation used full field displacement data acquired in small areas that surrounded the crack tip. Another formulation used data acquired from a pair of points located along the opposite crack flanks. The determined SIFs were used to find equivalent SIFs and equivalent SIF ranges using the maximum tensile stress criterion (for both 2D and 3D versions of combinations of modes I-II and modes I-II-III respectively) which implicitly included the crack propagation angle. It was found that the inclusion of the experimentally determined mode III SIF indeed makes a difference in the determined equivalent SIF and equivalent SIF ranges. A da/dN versus equivalent SIF ranges plot was drafted with the experimentally measured crack growth rates and the SIF ranges that were found by using the widely accepted assumption that the cracks grew in the direction that maximizes the tensile stress. For this, extensions of the Schollmann et. al. model as well as of the Erdogan-Sih model, which are generally applied to proportional loading, were used to determine equivalent SIFs and equivalent SIF ranges for the cases of proportional and non-proportional loading. Finally, the second stage of the Paris rule (da/dN versus SIF range) was plotted for the five thin tubes loading cases showing that they fell inside a reasonably thin scattered band.
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Global-local Finite Element Fracture Analysis of Curvilinearly Stiffened Panels and Adhesive JointsIslam, Mohammad Majharul 25 July 2012 (has links)
Global-local finite element analyses were used to study the damage tolerance of curvilinearly stiffened panels; fabricated using the modern additive manufacturing process, the so-called unitized structures, and that of adhesive joints. A damage tolerance study of the unitized structures requires cracks to be defined in the vicinity of the critical stress zone. With the damage tolerance study of unitized structures as the focus, responses of curvilinearly stiffened panels to the combined shear and compression loadings were studied for different stiffeners' height. It was observed that the magnitude of the minimum principal stress in the panel was larger than the magnitudes of the maximum principal and von Mises stresses. It was also observed that the critical buckling load factor increased significantly with the increase of stiffeners' height.
To study the damage tolerance of curvilinearly stiffened panels, in the first step, buckling analysis of panels was performed to determine whether panels satisfied the buckling constraint. In the second step, stress distributions of the panel were analyzed to determine the location of the critical stress under the combined shear and compression loadings. Then, the fracture analysis of the curvilinearly stiffened panel with a crack of size 1.45 mm defined at the location of the critical stress, which was the common location with the maximum magnitude of the principal stresses and von Mises stress, was performed under combined shear and tensile loadings. This crack size was used because of the requirement of a sufficiently small crack, if the crack is in the vicinity of any stress raiser. A mesh sensitivity analysis was performed to validate the choice of the mesh density near the crack tip. All analyses were performed using global-local finite element method using MSC. Marc, and global finite element methods using MSC. Marc and ABAQUS. Negligible difference in results and 94% saving in the CPU time was achieved using the global-local finite element method over the global finite element method by using a mesh density of 8.4 element/mm ahead of the crack tip. To study the influence of different loads on basic modes of fracture, the shear and normal (tensile) loads were varied differently. It was observed that the case with the fixed shear load but variable normal loads and the case with the fixed normal load but variable shear loads were Mode-I. Under the maximum combined loading condition, the largest effective stress intensity factor was very smaller than the critical stress intensity factor. Therefore, considering the critical stress intensity factor of the panel with the crack of size 1.45 mm, the design of the stiffened panel was an optimum design satisfying damage tolerance constraints.
To acquire the trends in stress intensity factors for different crack lengths under different loadings, fracture analyses of curvilinearly stiffened panels with different crack lengths were performed by using a global-local finite element method under three different load cases: a) a shear load, b) a normal load, and c) a combined shear and normal loads. It was observed that 85% data storage space and the same amount in CPU time requirement could be saved using global-local finite element method compared to the standard global finite element analysis. It was also observed that the fracture mode in panels with different crack lengths was essentially Mode-I under the normal load case; Mode-II under the shear load case; and again Mode-I under the combined load case. Under the combined loading condition, the largest effective stress intensity factor of the panel with a crack of recommended size, if the crack is not in the vicinity of any stress raiser, was very smaller than the critical stress intensity factor.
This work also includes the performance evaluation of adhesive joints of two different materials. This research was motivated by our experience of an adhesive joint failure on a test-fixture that we used to experimentally validate the design of stiffened panels under a compression-shear load. In the test-fixture, steel tabs were adhesively bonded to an aluminum panel and this adhesive joint debonded before design loads on the test panel were fully applied. Therefore, the requirement of studying behavior of adhesive joints for assembling dissimilar materials was found to be necessary. To determine the failure load responsible for debonding of adhesive joints of two dissimilar materials, stress distributions in adhesive joints of the nonlinear finite element model of the test-fixture were studied under a gradually increasing compression-shear load. Since the design of the combined load test fixture was for transferring the in-plane shear and compression loads to the panel, in-plane loads might have been responsible for the debonding of the steel tabs, which was similar to the results obtained from the nonlinear finite element analysis of the combined load test fixture.
Then, fundamental studies were performed on the three-dimensional finite element models of adhesive lap joints and the Asymmetric Double Cantilever Beam (ADCB) joints for shear and peel deformations subjected to a loading similar to the in-plane loading conditions in the test-fixtures. The analysis was performed using ABAQUS, and the cohesive zone modeling was used to study the debonding growth. It was observed that the stronger adhesive joints could be obtained using the tougher adhesive and thicker adherends. The effect of end constraints on the fracture resistance of the ADCB specimen under compression was also investigated. The numerical observations showed that the delamination for the fixed end ADCB joints was more gradual than for the free end ADCB joints.
Finally, both the crack propagation and the characteristics of adhesive joints were studied using a global-local finite element method. Three cases were studied using the proposed global-local finite element method: a) adhesively bonded Double Cantilever Beam (DCB), b) an adhesive lap joint, and c) a three-point bending test specimen. Using global-local methods, in a crack propagation problem of an adhesively bonded DCB, more than 80% data storage space and more than 65% CPU time requirement could be saved. In the adhesive lap joints, around 70% data storage space and 70% CPU time requirement could be saved using the global-local method. For the three-point bending test specimen case, more than 90% for both data storage space and CPU time requirement could be saved using the global-local method. / Ph. D.
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