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Flexural Analysis and Design of Textile Reinforced ConcreteSoranakom, Chote, Mobasher, Barzin 03 June 2009 (has links) (PDF)
A model is presented to use normalized multi-linear tension and compression material characteristics of strain-hardening textile reinforced concrete and derive closed form expressions for predicting moment-curvature capacity. A set of design equations are derived and simplified for use in spreadsheet based applications. The model is applicable for both strain-softening and strainhardening materials. The predictability of the simplified model is checked by model calibration and development of design charts for moment capacity and stress developed throughout the cross section of a flexural member. Model is calibrated by predicting the results of Alkali Resistant Glass and Polyethylene fabrics. A case for the flexural design of Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete (GFRC) specimen as a simply supported beam subjected to distributed load is used to demonstrate the design procedure.
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Versuchstechnische Ermittlung und mathematische Beschreibung der mehraxialen Festigkeit von ultra-hochfestem Beton (UHPC) - Zweiaxiale Druckfestigkeit; Im Rahmen des Schwerpunktprogramms 1182 Nachhaltiges Bauen mit Ultra-Hochfestem Beton (UHPC) / Experimental Investigation and Mathematical Analysis of Multiaxial Strength of Ultra High Performance Concrete (UHPC) - Biaxial Compressive StrengthCurbach, Manfred, Speck, Kerstin 18 September 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Der vorliegende Bericht beschreibt das Verhalten von ultrahochfestem Beton unter zweiaxialer Druckbeanspruchung. Bisher wurden ein Feinkornbeton und zwei Grobkornbetone mit unterschiedlichen Faserzusätzen untersucht. Die Zylinderdruckfestigkeiten nach 28 Tagen betragen rund 150, 160 und 170 N/mm². Besonders bei dem Feinkornbeton wurde eine überwiegend horizontale Ausrichtung der Stahlfasern festgestellt, die zu einer Anisotropie im Materialverhalten führte. Zusammenfassend muss festgestellt werden, dass die zweiaxiale Druckfestigkeit von UHPC nur geringfügig größer ist als die einaxiale. Für die Mischungen mit 2,5 Vol.-% Fasergehalt übersteigt die Festigkeit bei einem Spannungsverhältnis von Spannung 1 zu Spannung 2 gleich Eins die einaxiale Festigkeit um 7 bzw. 10 %. Bei dem Beton mit 0,9 Vol.-% Fasergehalt lag diese zweiaxiale Festigkeit sogar geringfügig unter der einaxialen. Bei der Bemessung von UHPC dürfen somit die vom Normalbeton bekannten Festigkeitssteigerungen unter mehraxialer Druckbelastung, wie sie z.B. bei reinen Druckknoten von Stabwerkmodellen angesetzt werden, nicht verwendet werden! Für die Beschreibung der Bruchkurve kann nach jetzigem Erkenntnisstand das Bruchkriterium nach OTTOSEN als eine gute Näherung empfohlen werden. Die Versuche haben gezeigt, dass sich UHPC in vielen, zum Teil sicherheitsrelevanten Bereichen anders verhält als Normalbeton. Für eine umfassende Beschreibung des Tragverhaltens sind weitere Versuche unter dreiaxiale Druckbelastung und kombinierter Druck-Zug-Belastung notwendig.
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Tragverhalten von Filamentgarnen in zementgebundener Matrix / Load Bearing Behaviour of Filament Yarns in a Cementitious MatrixJesse, Frank 02 July 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Die Arbeit stützt sich überwiegend auf die Ergebnisse experimenteller Untersuchungen. Einaxiale Zugversuche an scheibenförmigen Probekörpern bildeten die Basis für die Beschreibung des Tragverhaltens in Form von Spannungs-Dehnungs-Linien. Da die Durchführung von Zugversuchen bekanntlich nicht ganz problemlos ist, wird der Versuchsaufbau besonders sorgfältig dargestellt. Mängel und deren Auswirkung auf die Versuchsergebnisse werden ausführlich diskutiert. Für die Beurteilung der Verbundeigenschaften der Bewehrung ist der Umfang der Kontaktfläche mit der Matrix ein wichtiger Parameter. Es wurde ein Verfahren für die Ermittlung dieser und anderer geometrischen Eigenschaften der Bewehrung entwickelt. Elektronische Aufnahmen von klassischen Dünnschliffen werden dazu mit einem digitalen Bildauswerteprogramm analysiert. Die Berücksichtigung einer Vielzahl von Einflüssen ermöglicht erstmals die reproduzierbare Bestimmung des Umfanges der Kontaktfläche zwischen den Fasern und der Matrix sowie die Querschnittsfläche der Faserbündel in der Matrix ohne subjektive Einflüsse. Das Tragverhalten von unidirektionalen und textilen Bewehrungen aus AR-Glas Filamentgarnen wird mit experimentellen Methoden untersucht. Die Basis bilden in einaxialen Zugversuchen an Dehnkörpern aufgenommene Spannungs-Dehnungs-Linien. Schon bei einer Bewehrung aus unidirektionalen Multifilamentgarnen treten Phänomene auf, die von Bewehrungen aus kompakten, homogenen Querschnitten (Stäben oder Drähten) nicht bekannt sind. Die Multifilamentgarne können selbst schon als Verbundwerkstoff bezeichnet werden, dessen Eigenschaften in einem großen Wertebereich variieren. Mit der textilen Verarbeitung von Multifilamentgarnen werden die (Verbund¬¬-)Eigenschaften entscheidend verändert. Ganz wesentlich ist das Hinzufügen von weiteren Faserscharen und den für die Herstellung der Textilien notwendigen Nähgarnen. Durch die Verarbeitung ändern sich auch Form und Packungsdichte der Multifilamentgarne. Das Zusammenspiel all dieser Einflüsse und die Variationsmöglichkeiten bei der Kombination aller Parameter führen zu einem teilweise deutlich verändertem Tragverhalten des textilbewehrten Betons gegenüber unidirektional bewehrtem Beton. Auf der Basis einfach handhabbarer Modelle wird versucht, Charakteristika des Tragverhaltens zu erklären. Beim textilbewehrten Beton ist jedoch oft kein eindeutiger Zusammenhang erkennbar, weil sich mehrere Einflüsse überlagern. Trotzdem ist es gelungen, zahlreiche, für den textilbewehrten Beton typische Besonderheiten aufzuzeigen und deren Ursachen zu klären. Den Abschluss bilden Überlegungen zur Optimierung der textilen Bewehrungen, die sich aus den beobachteten Phänomenen und deren Ursachen ableiten. / This thesis is mainly based on results of experimental methods. Uniaxial tension tests on strain specimens provide a basis for a description of the load bearing behaviour in the form of stress-strain-curves. It is well known, that the accomplishment of tension tests causes several problems. Therefore the test set-up is described in detail. Deficiencies and their impact on test results are discussed extensively. For the assessment of bond properties the perimeter of the contact area between fibres and matrix is a crucial parameter. A new procedure has been developed for estimating this and other geometrical properties of the reinforcement. Digital images of traditional thin section petrography are analysed with digital image analysis software. The consideration of a multitude of influences enables a reproducible determination of the perimeter of the contact area between fibres and matrix as well as the cross sectional area of the fibre bundles for the first time without subjective influences. The load bearing behaviour of unidirectional fabric reinforcement made from AR-glass filament yarns is examined with experimental methods. Stress-strain-curves from uniaxial tension tests on strain specimen provide a basis. Reinforcements of unidirectional multi filament yarns show already phenomenon?s that are not known from reinforcements with compact homogeneous cross sections (bars or wires). Multi filament yarns could be indicated as an composite material itself whose properties vary in a wide range. During fabric production with textile technologies the (bond-)properties are subject to crucial changes. The adding of extra layers of yarns and needle thread required for connecting these layers are of vital importance. Textile processing changes shape and packing density of the multi filament yarns. The interaction of all these influences and the possible range of combining all parameters lead to pronounced changes in the mechanical properties of textile reinforced concrete also compared to unidirectional fibre reinforcement. Using simple to handle models this work attempts to explain characteristics of the mechanical behaviour. However, for textile reinforced concrete there is often not a clear connection visible. Although numerous typical characteristics of textile reinforced concrete and their causes has been identified. Finally some considerations for optimising fabric reinforcements are given, which has been derived from observed phenomenons and their causes.
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On the Modelling of Mechanical Dewatering in PapermakingLobosco, Vinicius January 2004 (has links)
<p>Most of the water fed into a paper machine is removedmechanically in the forming and press sections. One of thefactor which has an important influence on mechanicaldewatering, i.e. in both forming and pressing, is thestress-strain behaviour of the fibre network.</p><p>The focus of this thesis is on the development of improvedmathematical descriptions of the stress-strain behaviourexhibited by fibre networks in the forming and press sections.The first part of the thesis presents a physically based modelof the forming and densification of fibre mats in twin-wireformers. The model can calculate the ecect of the applicationof a varied load through the forming section. It was developedfrom mass and momentum balances of the fibre and liquid phases,the fibre mat stress-porosity relation and an expression forthe permeability as a function of the porosity. The fibre-matstress-porosity relation used is rate-independent and presentshysteresis. Simulations have been conducted to study theeffects of roll pressure, blade pulses, wire tension andbeating. The effect of sequential blade pressure pulses afterthe forming roll on the dewatering and the concentrationgradients could be characterised. The simulations alsoexhibited rewetting by expansion when the fibre mats left theforming roll. Increasing wire tension resulted in increaseddewatering, but the rate of increase diminished rapidly withincreasing tension. The simulation results also indicated thatbeating has a large influence on dewatering.</p><p>The second part of the thesis presents two models of therate-dependent stress-strain behaviour of the fibre networkthat is observed in wet pressing. The first model was based onthe approach pioneered by Perzyna (1966) for strain-ratedependent plasticity and was quite satisfactory for calculatingthe stress-strain behaviour of the fibre network in singlepress nips. It was successfully applied for studyingdensification and dewatering in both normal wet pressing andhigh temperature wet pressing. However, the first model onlyincludes rate dependence in the compression phase of thecompressionexpansion cycle; the expansion phase is treated asbeing rate independent</p><p>The second model of the stress-strain behaviour of the fibrenetwork treats both compression and expansion as being ratedependent, according to experimental observations. It is basedon the idea that the wet fibre web may be conceived as alayered network of restricted swelling gels. A swollen fibre isa restricted gel, the inner swelling pressure in a swollenfibre wall being balanced by the stresses in the fibre wallstructure. The observed rate dependence of wet webs in bothcompression and expansion phases was attributed to the flow ofwater out of and into the fibre walls. The second model gavepredictions that are in good agreement with results fromuniaxial experiments using pressure pulses of arbitrary shapefor both a single pulse and a sequence of pulses. It maytherefore be used as a general model for the rheologicalbehaviour of the wet fibre network in wet pressing, providedthe model parameters are estimated from experimental data withsmall experimental error.</p><p><b>KEYWORDS:</b>Paper, modelling, dewatering, forming, wetpressing, fibre network stress, rheology, hysteresis,intra-fibre water, compressibility, structural stress,stress-strain, restricted gels, swelling.</p>
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Dynamic properties of soils with non-plastic finesUmberg, David, 1987- 18 June 2012 (has links)
The results from an experimental study on the dynamic properties of sand with nonplastic silt are presented. Combined resonant column and torsional shear equipment is used to evaluate the effects of confining pressure, shearing strain, frequency, and number of cycles of loading on the dynamic properties of silty sand. The goal of this study is to determine if relationships in the literature for sands and gravels are accurate for predicting the shear modulus and material damping characteristics of soil with nonplastic fines or if the incorporation of a fines content parameter improves predictions. This goal was primarily accomplished by reconstituting and testing samples of an alluvial deposit from Dillon Dam, Dillon, Colorado according to predetermined gradation curves with variable amounts of non-plastic fines. Among the findings of this investigation are: (1) soil parameters such as Cu and D50 can be related to dynamic properties of soils with up to 25% fines, (2) the effects of non-plastic fines on the small-strain dynamic properties of soils are not very pronounced for soils with less than 25% fines, and (3) an increase in the amount of non-plastic fines in uniform soils or soils with more than 25% fines generally results in lower values of small-strain shear modulus, higher values of small-strain material damping, and more linear G/Gmax - log([gamma]) and D - log([gamma]) curves. The effect of non-contacting, larger granular particles in a finer soil matrix is also investigated along with the impact of removing larger particles from laboratory samples. / text
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VARIABLE-COMPLIANCE-TYPE CONSTITUTIVE MODEL FOR METHANE HYDRATE BEARING SEDIMENTMiyazaki, Kuniyuki, Masui, Akira, Haneda, Hironori, Ogata, Yuji, Aoki, Kazuo, Yamaguchi, Tsutomu 07 1900 (has links)
In order to evaluate a methane gas productivity of methane hydrate reservoirs, it is necessary to develop a numeric simulator predicting gas production behavior. For precise assessment of long-term gas productivity, it is important to develop a mathematical model which describes mechanical behaviors of methane hydrate reservoirs in consideration of their time-dependent properties and to introduce it into the numeric simulator. In this study, based on previous experimental results of triaxial compression tests of Toyoura sand containing synthetic methane hydrate, stress-strain relationships were formulated by variable-compliance-type constitutive model. The suggested model takes into account the time-dependent property obtained from laboratory investigation that time dependency of methane hydrate bearing sediment is influenced by methane hydrate saturation and effective confining pressure. Validity of the suggested model should be verified by other laboratory experiments on time-dependent behaviors of methane hydrate bearing sediment.
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Cracking and stiffness analysis of steel fiber reinforced concrete members / Plieno plaušu armuotų gelžbetoninių elementų pleišėtumo ir standumo analizėUlbinas, Darius 11 February 2013 (has links)
In last decades, fibre reinforcement is widely used in many countries as ad-ditive for concrete and cement mortar mixture for production of structures. Fibre reinforcement applications in Lithuania are often restricted to production of concrete floor for different purposes. Whereas, in other countries (USA, Japan, Germany and other) application area of fibre reinforcement is much wider, for example: bridge deck, thin-walled structures for special constructions (tunnels, reservoirs, etc), covering of roadway, airport landing strip, pipelines, pile foundation. Application of fibre reinforcement is considered as one of the most important development area of structural construction in the world.
Fibre reinforcement significantly improves service properties of concrete. Fibre reinforcement does not have considerable influence on concrete compressive strength, however it significantly changes fracture characteristics of tensile concrete. Fracture of non-reinforced tensile concrete is brittle, whereas with fibre reinforcement–plastic. This is due to restraining of tensile deformations by distributed fibres. Fibre reinforcement influence on concrete member is more effective than bar reinforcement, as tensile deformations are restrained in the whole volume of tensile zone. Whereas, tensile deformations in a RC member are restrained in the specific interaction area of reinforcement and concrete. Main advantages of fibre reinforcement are slow crack propagation, greater tensile and... [to full text] / Jau kelis dešimtmečius plieno plaušas visame pasaulyje plačiai taikomas kaip priedas betono ir cementinio skiedinio mišiniams, naudojamiems statybinių konstrukcijų gamybai. Lietuvoje dispersinis armavimas dažniausiai naudojamas betonuojant įvairios paskirties pastatų grindis. Tuo tarpu, kitose pasaulio šalyse (JAV, Japonijoje, Vokietijoje ir kt.) dispersinė armatūra naudojama daug plačiau, pvz.: tiltų perdangoms, plonasienėms specialiųjų statinių (tunelių, rezervuarų ir t. t.) konstrukcijoms, kelių dangoms, oro uostų pakilimo takams, vamzdynams, poliniams pamatams ir t. t. Dispersinės armatūros taikymas visame pasaulyje laikoma viena iš prioritetinių statybinių konstrukcijų vystymosi sričių.
Dispersinis armavimas neturi didesnės įtakos gniuždomajam betono stipriui, tačiau lemia visiškai skirtingą tempiamojo betono suirimo pobūdį. Nearmuoto tempiamojo betono suirimas yra trapus, tuo tarpu dispersiškai armuoto – plastinis. Tai lemia dispersiškai pasiskirsčiusio plaušo sukeliamas tempimo deformacijų suvaržymas. Dispersinio armavimo poveikis betoniniam elementui yra daug efektyvesnis nei strypinės armatūros, kadangi tempimo deformacijos varžomos visame tempiamosios zonos tūryje. Tuo tarpu klasikiniame gelžbetoniniame elemente tempimo deformacijos varžomos tik tam tikrame armatūros ir betono sąveikos plote. Lėtesnis plyšių vystymasis, didesnis atsparumas smūgiams ir nuovargiui bei plastiškumas yra pagrindiniai veiksniai, lemiantys dispersiškai armuotų gelžbetoninių konstrukcijų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]
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Estudo do comportamento mec?nico de areias artificialmente cimentadas / Evaluation of the mechanical behaviour of artificially cemented sandLopes, Francisco Mateus Gomes 09 March 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-03-09 / Soil improved with the addition of cement have been utilized as an alternative to the
construction of various types of geotechnical works, almost always present economic
and environmental advantages. This paper presents a study on the usage of cement
in the improvement of mechanical properties of sandy soils, characteristic of the
region of Natal, collected from its dunes. This research was made in order to analyze
the influence of cement content, voids, and also including water immersion
and confining pressure. Samples molded from cement-soil mixtures were tested for
unconfined compression tests and triaxial tests. The samples had the percentage of
cement mixed in 2.5%, 5% and 10% by weight. The cement agent used was the
Portland Cement of High Early strength(CPV-ARI), which promoted agility to the
experimental procedure for presenting a rapid gain in strenght. The void ratio used
ranged from 0.7 (more compact), 0,9 and 1,1(softer). The soil under study can be
considered as pure sand. In general, it can be stated that the larger the amount of
cement added to the sand studied is, the greater ultimate strength will be. Likewise,
as more compact the soil is, the less void ratio and more resistant it will be present.
The confining pressure tends to increase the resistance of the specimens. The
cementing adopted grades showed that the use of different criteria for failure did not
significantly alter the stress-strain parameters for the sand studied. The angle of
friction values were found within the typical range of medium and compact sands.
Cementing acted in the sand providing an intercepted cohesion which increased
enhancing the potential cementation. In triaxial compression tests, the sand with void
ratio is equal to 0.7 and showed the expected behavior for a compact sand while the
stress-strain behavior of the same sand with the void ratio of 0.9 tended to be
expected for the soft sand as well / Solos melhorados com adi??o de cimento t?m sido bastante utilizados como
alternativa na constru??o de diversos tipos de obras geot?cnicas, quase sempre por
apresentar vantagens econ?micas e ambientais. Este trabalho apresenta um estudo
sobre a utiliza??o de cimento no melhoramento das propriedades mec?nicas de
solos arenosos caracter?sticos da regi?o de Natal, coletados em dunas. Foi avaliada
a influ?ncia do teor de cimento, do ?ndice de vazios, da inunda??o e da tens?o
confinante. Corpos-de-prova moldados a partir de misturas de solo-cimento foram
submetidos a ensaios de resist?ncia ? compress?o simples e ? compress?o triaxial
convencional. Nas amostras as porcentagens de cimento foram variadas em 2,5%,
5% e 10% em peso. O agente cimentante utilizado foi o Cimento Portland de Alta
resist?ncia inicial (CP-V ARI), que promoveu agilidade ao procedimento experimental
por apresentar um processo de cura mais r?pido.Os ?ndices de vazios utilizados
variaram de 0,7 (mais compacto), 0,9 e 1,1(mais fofo). O solo estudado pode ser
considerado como uma areia pura. De uma forma geral, pode-se afirmar que quanto
maior a quantidade de cimento adicionado ? areia estudada, maior a sua resist?ncia
final. Da mesma forma, quanto mais compacto estiver esse solo, isto ?, quanto
menor o ?ndice de vazios, mais resistente ele se apresentar?. A tens?o confinante
tende a aumentar a resist?ncia dos corpos de prova. Nos graus de cimenta??o
adotados, a utiliza??o de diferentes crit?rios de ruptura n?o alterou
significativamente os par?metros tens?o-deforma??o para a areia estudada. Os
valores de ?ngulo de atrito encontrados estavam dentro dos valores t?picos para
areias m?dias e compactas. A cimenta??o agiu na areia de modo a proporcionar um
intercepto de coes?o que aumentou com o incremento da cimenta??o. Nos ensaios
de compress?o triaxial, a areia com ?ndice de vazios igual a 0,7 apresentou o
comportamento esperado para uma areia compacta, enquanto o comportamento
tens?o deforma??o da mesma areia com ?ndice de vazios de 0,9 tendeu ao
esperado para a areia fofa
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Estudo experimental do comportamento tensão-deformação de uma argila adensada unidirecionalmente / A experimental study of the stress-strain behavior of a one-dimensionally consolidated clayGene Stancati 05 February 1991 (has links)
O trabalho é um estudo experimental do comportamento tensão-deformação, em argila adensada unidirecionalmente, após mistura com água. Para sua execução, foram desenvolvidos equipamentos para adensamento de grandes quantidades de Lama, e medidores eletrônicos específicos para deformações volumétricas e radiais, usados em ensaios de compressão triaxial. O modelo da teoria clássica elasto-linear, para solos com comportamento anisotrópico é utilizado, após desenvolvimento algébrico, na obtenção dos parâmetros da argila. Nos cálculos, são aplicados processos estatísticos de regressões polinomiais. São analisadas as correlações dos parâmetros elásticos iso e anisotrópicos (Módulos de Elasticidade, Coeficientes de Poisson e Módulos de Elasticidade Transversal), com as tensões confinantes dos ensaios triaxiais, e com os Índices de pré-adensamento OCR das Lamas. / This work is an experimental study of the stress-strain behavior on clay one-dimensionally consolidated, after mixing with water. A consolidation equipment designed for great mass of mud and specific electronic apparatus for volumetric and lateral displacements on the triaxial tests were developed for this study. The classical theory of elasto-linear model for anysotropic soils is used, after algebraic manipulation, to obtain clay parameters. Multiple regressions are used for variables computations. Iso and anysotropic elastic parameters (Young modulus, Poisson ratio and shear modulus) are correlated with the confinant stresses and the over-consolidation-ratios (OCR).
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Estudo da resistência e da deformabilidade da alvenaria de blocos de concreto submetida a esforços de compressão / Study of strength and curved stress/strain relationship of blockwork masonry walls under compressionAndrea Elizabeth Juste 03 August 2001 (has links)
O estudo da resistência à compressão e da deformabilidade de paredes de alvenaria de blocos de concreto é de fundamental importância para a caracterização desse material e o desenvolvimento de análises de estruturas compostas por esse tipo de painel. Este trabalho trata desse tema, objetivando prever com maior acuidade os principais parâmetros de deformação e de resistência de paredes de alvenaria de blocos de concreto, a saber: resistência à compressão e módulo de elasticidade longitudinal nas direções paralela e perpendicular à junta de assentamento. Foi desenvolvido um trabalho experimental para estimar a influência da resistência dos blocos, da resistência da argamassa e da direção de aplicação de forças no comportamento mecânico da alvenaria de blocos de concreto não-grauteada, quando submetida a esforços de compressão. Para tanto, realizaram-se ensaios de laboratório em blocos, argamassas, prismas de três blocos e paredinhas com dimensões de 80 cm x 80 cm. Por inferência estatística não foram obtidas correlações aceitáveis entre as variáveis estudadas. Porém, obtiveram-se tendências de comportamento dos corpos de prova estudados, confirmando a influência das características da argamassa e do bloco no comportamento estrutural da alvenaria quando submetida a esforços de compressão / The study of strength and the curved stress/strain relationship of blockwork masonry walls is basic for the material characterization and the development of structural analysis of blockwork walls. This work deals with that subject, aiming at the evaluation of the main elastic parameters and the strength of concrete blockwork walls: the compressive strength and modulus of elasticity for masonry in two orthogonal directions, parallel and perpendicular to bed joints. An experimental program was developed to evaluate the influence of the strength of blocks and mortar, and the load application direction on the mechanical behavior of ungrouted concrete block masonry under compression. A series of laboratory tests was carried out with blocks, mortar, prisms of three blocks and wallets (80 cm x 80 cm). It was impossible to obtain acceptable correlations of the defined variables, using statistical inference. However, tendencies of the specimens behavior were obtained, confirming the influence of mortar and block properties on the structural behavior of concrete blockwork walls under compression
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