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A Cross-cultural Comparison Of Factors Affecting Mathematical Literacy Of Students In Programme For International Student Assessment (pisa)Is, Cisdem 01 January 2003 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of the present study is to investigate the factors affecting mathematical literacy of 15-year-old students in Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) across different cultural settings. The present study was conducted across three countries. These countries are Brazil, Japan and Norway. The countries were selected on the basis of their rankings in PISA 2000 study. Japan represented a high performing country with an average score of 557, Norway represented an average performing country with an average score of 499, and Brazil represented a low performing country with an average score of 334. The study explored how mathematical literacy is stimulated by predictors related to the students, the families and the school. A separate factor analysis was carried out for each questionnaire such as student questionnaire and cross curricular competencies questionnaire within the data of each country. Since the results of factor analyses of three countries were parallel, the observed variables representing the latent variables were selected from the student questionnaire and cross curricular competencies questionnaire administered in PISA 2000 in order to be used in the structural equation modeling. The included factors affecting mathematical literacy in PISA 2000 are attitudes towards reading, student-teacher relations, climate, communication with parents, usage of technology and facilities, attitudes towards mathematics and reading literacy. The proposed model was tested using structural equation modeling across three different cultures with different performance levels in PISA 2000. The findings of the study show that the latent independent variable having the strongest effect on mathematical literacy is the usage of technology and facilities in Brazil, communication with parents in Japan and attitudes towards reading in Norway. Moreover, the results were as follows: (1) Reading literacy significantly and positively influences mathematical literacy in all three countries. (2) There is a reciprocal relationship between the attitudes towards mathematics and mathematical literacy. In Brazil, the influence of attitudes towards mathematics on mathematical literacy is higher. However, the influence of mathematical literacy on attitudes towards mathematics is higher in Norway. (3) The attitudes towards reading have a negative direct effect and a positive indirect effect on mathematical literacy. (4) The student-teacher relations have a positive effect on mathematical literacy in Japan and Norway. But, in Brazil, this effect is negative. (5) The student-related factors affecting school climate are significantly and positively related to mathematical literacy in Brazil. On the other hand, the effect of climate on mathematical literacy is negative in Japan and non-significant in Norway. (6) Communication with parents significantly and positively influences the mathematical literacy in all three countries. (7) The usage of technology and facilities significantly and positively affects mathematical literacy in Brazil. However, this effect is negative in Japan and non-significant in Norway.
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Cognitive Appraisals, Emotion, And Coping: A Structural Equation Analysis Of The Interactional Model Of Stress And CopingAlkan, Nese 01 February 2004 (has links) (PDF)
This study aimed to examine the role of secondary appraisal of the
event, cognitive appraisal of the situation, emotions experienced and coping
styles used after a real life stressful event that university students experienced.
Five hundred and sixty students (271 females and 289 males) from Middle East
Technical University voluntarily participated in the study. A pilot study which
consisted of two stages, interviews and survey was conducted before the main
study in order to test the appropriateness and applicability of the appraisal and
emotion measures. Cognitive Appraisal of the Situation Scale (CASS),
Emotions Checklist, Cognitive Appraisal of the Emotion Scale (CAES) and
Coping Styles Scale (CSS) were used to assess cognitive appraisals, emotions
and coping styles. Stress level, harm/loss and threat appraisals of the stressful
events, cognitive appraisal of situation, emotions experienced by the
individuals after the stressful event, cognitive appraisal of the emotions and
coping strategies used by the participants were the variables used in the
structural equation modeling (SEM). The results of the analysis revealed that,
problem focused coping was predicted by positive emotions and cognitive
appraisal of emotion. Emotion focused coping was predicted by negative
emotions, stress level and secondary appraisal. The results also yielded that
cognitive appraisal of emotion was a moderator variable between positive
emotions and problem focused coping. Findings of the research were discussed
in the framework of Cognitive Theory of Emotions and Interactional Model of
Stress and Coping.
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A Structural Equation Modeling Study: Factors Affecting Science Achievement On Obbs-2002 Across Grade Levels And School TypesKalender, Ilker 01 September 2004 (has links) (PDF)
In this study, factors that affect students' / science achievement were modeled based on the data which was obtained from Study for Determination of Student Achievement &ndash / 2002 (Ogrenci Basarisinin Belirlenmesi Calismasi &ndash / OBBS). First, using principle components analysis tecnique, dimensions of the student questionnaires and science achievement tests were found out. Using these dimensions for student questionnaires, latent variables socioeconomic status, student-centered activities, teacher-centered activities, private tutoring, experiments/technological material usage, and perception of interest and success were selected to be included in this study. Then, a reference model was proposed for factors affecting students' / science achievement. Lastly, this reference model was tested across three grade levels (6th, 7th, and 8th) and three school types (state, boarding, and private) and comparisons among them were made.
As a result of modeling which was conducted by structural equation modeling technique (SEM) using LISREL 8.30, the study yielded the followings: Socioeconomic status has a strong effect on science achievement for all grade levels investigated. While teacher-centered activities generally affect students' / science achievement in a positive way, student-centered activities show a negative effect. Teacher-centered activities affect perception of interest and success as much as nearly they do for science achievement. Direct effect of teacher-centered activities is not significant for state and boarding schools, but their indirect effects strengthen the effect of teacher-centered activities on science achievement. Effect of experiments and technological material on perception of interest and success is negative for all grade levels and school types, except state schools in which it is positive.
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Factors Affecting Scientific Literacy Of Students In Turkey In Programme For International Student Assessment (pisa)Erbas, Kadir Can 01 June 2005 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study is to examine the factors that are related to scientific literacy of 15-year old students in Turkey in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) data. Two groups of variables were considered for the analyses. In the first group / number of books at home and attendance to preschool, attitudes towards school, student-teacher relation, feeling of loneliness, remedial study and homework and attending out-of-school courses were taken as variables that are related to scientific literacy. In the second group, basically, variables that are related to computer literacy and usage were considered. These variables are: frequency of using internet, frequency of using computer, basic computer skills, advanced computer skills and attitudes towards computer.
The results indicated that quality of student-teacher relation, the number of books at home and attendance to preschool education, use of internet and basic computer skills are positively related to scientific literacy measures of the students. As expected, student feeling of loneliness has negative impact on literacy skills. Remedial classes conducted by schools and homework assignments have positive effect on school related attitude, but they cannot contribute scientific literacy skills of the students. Outside school private courses has positive relation with the scientific literacy, but this effect rather seems coming from family background characteristics. Use of internet and basic computer skills might have positive relation with both attitudes towards computer and scientific literacy, but use of software programs and advanced computer skills indicated negative relationship with the scientific literacy measures of the students.
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A Structural Equation Modeling Study: Factors Related To Mathematics And Geometry Achievement Across Grade LevelsGokce, Semirhan 01 September 2005 (has links) (PDF)
The factors related to mathematics and geometry achievement were modeled in this study. It was based on the data obtained from the Student Assessment Program carried out by Ministry of National Education. Mathematics achievement tests and student questionnaires of each grade were analyzed by using principal component analysis to obtain different dimensions that are expected to be related with student achievement. Before the principal component analysis, a content based evaluation of the content of the mathematics achievement tests was actualized and the items were grouped as mathematics and geometry. Regarding the student questionnaire socio-economic status, perception of success and interest toward mathematics and science, student-centered activities and teacher-centered activities in the classroom were identified as factors through the principal component analysis. Thereafter, three models were designed and tested by structural equation modeling technique (SEM) using LISREL 8.54. Path analysis with latent variables was used for testing the models. The following results were obtained in the study. In all of the models, socioeconomic status had a positive impact on the mathematics and geometry achievement of the students for all the grade levels examined. Teacher centered activities were found to be positively related with the students&rsquo / success of mathematics and geometry. On the other hand, student centered activities intended to have a negative relation with mathematics and geometry achievement. As the other variables were considered, an increase on the mathematics and geometry scores of the students&rsquo / was observed in all grade levels with the increase in the perception of success and interest toward mathematics and science.
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國中教師甄選口試決策歷程之研究--以結構方程模式檢驗呂秋萍 Unknown Date (has links)
根據資料分析的結果,本研究獲致結論如下:(1)口試委員口試經驗、教育程度、職務,應試者教育背景、任教領域等背景變項對口試評價結果有顯著影響。(2)本研究建構之「國中教師甄選口試決策模式」,獲得實證資料驗證。模式中各心理因素對口試評價結果之總效果以口試委員類我效應最強,其餘依次是應試者受喜愛程度、應試者教師專業、應試者儀容舉止。 / The purpose of my study aimed at investigating how the background variables (interviewer characteristics, applicant characteristics, the educational background and past experience of the applicants), the interviewer’s psychological factors (the appearance and behavior of the applicants, the likability of applicants, teacher specialty of the applicants, and the perceived similarity of the interviewer), influence the interview assessment of the teacher selection in junior high school. And how the relations of cause-effect modeling between those mentioned-above factors and the result of interview assessment are formed.
The survey is used and the instrument is the Interview Assessment Form. The objects of data-gathering are those who are the interviewers of junior high school teacher selection in Taipei County, Taipei City, or in Taoyuan County, in 2004. A total of 78 interviewers participate in my research, and each interviewer has 3 to 23 interviewees. Thus, a total of 883 Interview Assessment Forms are collected, 844 of which are effective forms. The average ten Assessment Forms answered by each interviewer are chosen as the standard of the choice of original data, and a total of 570 effective Assessment Forms are selected for data analysis.
According to the result of data analysis, the conclusions of my research are as follows: (1) Such background variables as the interviewer’s interview experience, level of education, job position, the educational background of the applicants, and teaching fields have significant influences upon the result of interview assessment. (2) The decision model of the interview of junior high school teacher selection well developed in study is verified by well-examined data. From the analysis of Structural Equation Modeling, the strongest influence of the psychological factors upon the total effect of interview assessment is the interviewer’s perceived similarity, followed by the likability of applicants, teacher specialty of the applicants, and the appearance and behavior of the applicants.
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SME’s participation to Free Libre Open Source Software CommunitiesBatikas, Michail 04 July 2011 (has links)
Les motivacions entorn al programari lliure han estat sempre un tema de gran interès, sent la pregunta més obvia, "perquè les persones treballen de forma gratuïta?". Les motivacions dels desenvolupadors han estat establertes (per exemple, von Hippel (2001), Lerner and Tirole (2002)). De la mateixa manera que ho han estat per a les empreses grans i petites que adopten programari lliure basat en models de negoci (per exemple, Lakhani and von Hippel, 2003; Fitzgerald, 2006; Krishnamurthy, 2004). No obstant això, un nombre cada vegada més elevat de les PIMES amb estratègies que no estan directament relacionades amb aquest model de negoci estan contribuint a les comunitats de programari lliure. En aquest estudi s'investiga les motivacions d'aquestes empreses des d'un punt de vista de comportament mitjançant un model d'investigació basat en TPB (Theory of Planned Behavior). Hem demostrat que factors com la "obertura" d'una PIME, la importància percebuda del programari lliure, els desenvolupadors (empleats) d'una PIME, juntament amb l'ambient extern, podrien influir en la decisió d'una PIME a participar en comunitats de programari lliure. A més, hem demostrat que es poden identificar algunes diferències entre empreses d'alta base tecnològica i empreses amb poca base tecnològica. Aquestes conclusions poden ajudar governs nacionals o regionals per millorar el disseny de polítiques per tal d'incentivar l'ús i la participació de les empreses en les comunitats de programari lliure. Especialment ara, degut a la forta crisi econòmica que pateix Europa, el programari lliure pot ser una solució adequada per a fomentar la innovació. / Motivations in FLOSS have always been a subject of great interest, by starting with the most obvious question, “why people work for free?”. The motivations of developers have been well established (eg von Hippel (2001), Lerner and Tirole 2002). The same exists also for big and small companies adopting FLOSS based Business Models (eg Lakhani and von Hippel, 2003; Fitzgerald 2006; Krishnamurthy, 2004). However an increasing number of SMEs with strategies not directly related to the Business Model are contributing to FLOSS communities. In this study we try to investigate these motivations under a behavioral perspective by using a research model based on TPB (Theory of Planned Behavior). We demonstrated that factors like the “openness” of a SME, the perceived importance of FLOSS, the developers (employees) of a SME along with the external environment of a SME, could influence the decision of a SME to participate in FLOSS communities. Also, we have demonstrated that some differences can be identified between high tech firms and non high tech firms. These findings can help national or regional governments to design better policies in order to better promote the use and the participation of firms to FLOSS communities. Especially now, in times of heavy economical crisis in Europe, FLOSS can be an adequate solution to foster innovation.
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Alfabetização financeira: integrando conhecimento, atitude e comportamento financeiros / Financial literacy: integrating knowledge, attitude and behavior financialPotrich, Ani Caroline Grigion 13 February 2014 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / This study had as its objective develop a model to evaluate the level of financial literacy of citizens in the South of Brazil, able to integrate constructs related to financial knowledge, financial attitude and financial behavior. To achieve the objective, a survey with 1.576 inhabitants of the seven mesoregions in Rio Grande do Sul has been done. A questionnaire has been adopted as an instrument to collect data and it is formed by seventy-five questions and approaches socioeconomic and demographic variables and three constructs (financial attitude, financial behavior and financial knowledge). The model estimated by structural equation modeling and sociable and demographic variables influence have been measured by parametric hypothesis tests. Results have shown that from the thirty-seven initial variables for financial attitude and financial behavior constructs, eight have been validated. From the two structural models proposed, the one with the best adjustment and that measured financial literacy better was the second order factorial, where constructs financial attitude, financial knowledge and financial behavior have been maintained separately and financial literacy has turned into a second order construct. The constructs descriptive statists has shown an adequate level of financial attitude and intermediate levels of financial behavior for citizens in Rio Grande do Sul. Hypothesis tests have pointed out to significant differences among the three constructs, where the variable age has not shown any difference among groups. Furthermore, the most relevant aspects to financial literacy are related to concern about the future and saving money monthly. / O presente estudo buscou desenvolver um modelo para avaliar o nível de alfabetização financeira dos cidadãos rio-grandenses, capaz de integrar os construtos relativos ao conhecimento financeiro, à atitude financeira e ao comportamento financeiro. Para isso, realizou-se uma pesquisa survey com 1.576 habitantes das sete mesorregiões do Rio Grande do Sul. Como instrumento de coleta de dados adotou-se um questionário estruturado, composto por setenta e cinco questões, que abordaram variáveis socioeconômicas e demográficas e três construtos (ATITUDE FINANCEIRA, COMPORTAMENTO FINANCEIRO e CONHECIMENTO FINANCEIRO). O modelo estimado pela modelagem de equações estruturais e a influência das variáveis socioeconômicas e demográficas foram mensuradas pelos testes de hipóteses paramétricos. Os resultados demonstraram que das trinta e sete variáveis iniciais dos construtos ATITUDE FINANCEIRA e COMPORTAMENTO FINANCEIRO, oito foram validadas. Já dos dois modelos estruturais propostos, o modelo com melhor ajuste e que melhor mensura a alfabetização financeira foi o modelo fatorial de segunda ordem, em que os construtos ATITUDE FINANCEIRA, COMPORTAMENTO FINANCEIRO e CONHECIMENTO FINANCEIRO foram mantidos separadamente e a ALFABETIZAÇÃO FINANCEIRA tornou-se um construto de segunda ordem. A estatística descritiva dos construtos demonstrou um nível adequado de atitude financeira e níveis intermediários de comportamento e conhecimento financeiros nos habitantes do Rio Grande do Sul. Os testes de hipóteses apontaram diferenças significativas nos três construtos, sendo que apenas a variável idade não apresentou diferença entre os grupos. Além disso, os aspectos mais relevantes para a alfabetização financeira são os relativos à preocupação com o futuro e à realização de reservas financeiras mensais.
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Analyse des mécanismes de coordination contractuels et relationnels au sein des chaines logistiques / L'auteur n'a pas fourni de titre en anglaisZouari, Dorsaf 20 June 2014 (has links)
Le potentiel de création de valeur dans une supply chain ne peut être réalisé que grâce à une gestion efficace des relations inter-organisationnelles (Madhok et Tallman, 1998). Xu et Beammon (2006) insistent sur la nécessité de disposer d'un ensemble de moyens et d'outils pour gérer les interdépendances et prendre des décisions cohérentes tout en mettant en avant l'importance des mécanismes de coordination. Ainsi, l'objectif de cette thèse est de faire ressortir les différents éléments qui composent les coordinations inter-organisationnelles dans la supply chain. En outre, nous analysons comment les mécanismes de coordination relationnels et contractuels contribuent à la gestion des intérêts mutuels des relations inter-organisationnelles et permettent la résolution des conflits. Plus spécifiquement, la question de recherche auquel ce travail cherche à répondre est : Quelle est l'influence des mécanismes de coordination relationnels et contractuels sur la coordination inter-organisationnelle de la supply chain ? Afin de mieux comprendre ce phénomène, une étude qualitative a été menée auprès de quinze professionnels dans la supply chain management. Une analyse de contenu thématique a permis de définir de façon plus précise les différents éléments composant la coordination inter-organisationnelle. Les matériaux collectés ont été confrontés à l'analyse de la littérature puis testés auprès d'un échantillon de 216 répondants dans le domaine de la supply chain management. Les données quantitatives collectées ont été analysées à l'aide d'une analyse en composantes principales afin d'épurer nos échelles de mesure. Ensuite, nous avons fait appel aux modèles d'équations structurelles PLS-PM (régressions aux moindres carrées partiels) pour estimer la validité convergente ainsi que la validité discriminante des échelles de mesures. Cette méthode nous a permis de valider nos hypothèses de recherche relatives au modèle de coordination inter-organisationnelle de la supply chain. Les résultats de cette recherche mettent en évidence le lien entre les mécanismes de coordination relationnels et contractuels et leurs impacts sur la collaboration, leurs rôles dans la maitrise des difficultés de coordination ainsi que leurs poids sur l'évaluation de l'efficacité du contrat. Nous avons également étudié un impact du type de partenaire (stratégique, non stratégique) sur la coordination inter-organisationnelle de la supply chain. / In a supply chain, the value creation potential can only be achieved through effective management of inter-organizational relationships (Madhok and Tallman, 1998). Xu and Beammon (2006) underline the need for a set of resources and tools to manage interdependencies and take consistent decisions while emphasizing the importance of coordination mechanisms. Thus, the objective of this thesis is to figure out elements that make up the inter-organizational coordination in the supply chain. Moreover, we analyze inter-organizational coordination between supply chain partners and the role of contractual and relational mechanisms for managing their interests and resolve conflicts. More specifically, through this Dissertation we seek to answer the following question: What is the impact of coordination mechanisms and contractual relationship on inter-organizational coordination of the supply chain? To better understand this phenomenon, a qualitative study was conducted with fifteen professionals in supply chain management field. A thematic content analysis helped define more accurately the various components of inter-organizational coordination. The collected materials were confronted with the analysis of the literature and then tested on a sample of 216 respondents in the field of supply chain management. Quantitative data collected was analyzed using a principal component analysis in order to purify our scales. We then used the PLS -PM of structural equation models (Partial Least Squares Regression) to estimate the convergent and discriminant validity of the measurement scales validity. This method allowed us to validate our research hypotheses concerning the model of inter-organizational coordination of the supply chain. The results of this research highlight the link between the mechanisms of coordination and contractual relationship and their impact on collaboration, their roles in mastering the difficulties of coordination and their weight on the evaluation of the effectiveness of the contract. We also studied an impact on the type of partner (strategic, non-strategic) on inter-organizational coordination of the supply chain.
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Uma avaliação da liderança do diretor de escola a partir de microdados da Prova BrasilPinto, Vera Regina Ramos 29 July 2016 (has links)
Submitted by VERA REGINA RAMOS PINTO (verreg28@gmail.com) on 2016-12-07T18:51:54Z
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Tese de doutorado - Vera Regina Ramos Pinto.pdf: 2918096 bytes, checksum: 9811ad9777b6493a594881c8003222ed (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by ÁUREA CORRÊA DA FONSECA CORRÊA DA FONSECA (aurea.fonseca@fgv.br) on 2016-12-07T19:32:20Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
Tese de doutorado - Vera Regina Ramos Pinto.pdf: 2918096 bytes, checksum: 9811ad9777b6493a594881c8003222ed (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-22T17:33:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Tese de doutorado - Vera Regina Ramos Pinto.pdf: 2918096 bytes, checksum: 9811ad9777b6493a594881c8003222ed (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2016-07-29 / Principals have been increasingly blamed and charged for the proper functioning of their school, the way teachers teach and how much students learn. In addition, the majority of school principals have graduation in pedagogy, but their assignments encompass more knowledge than that, requiring them several activities in management, being demanded to have leadership qualifications. Leadership is now seen as a guarantee of quality and educational reforms; it is a fundamental component for the training of school staff and also considered one of the main influences in transforming educational practices. Successful leadership plays an important role in student learning, being the second factor, among all school-related, that most contributes to students learning, losing only to the classes themselves. This thesis aimed to verify the extent to which the leadership of Brazilian principals has contributed to the improvement of students performance, reflected in the results of external evaluations, in this case the school’s IDEB. Based on the use of microdata from the contextual questionnaires answered by principals and teachers on the occasion of Prova Brasil 2013, it was possible to measure dimensions of successful leadership, to propose a model that relates these dimensions to student performance, reflected in the results of IDEB, as well as analyzing these relationships. / Cada vez mais os diretores de escola têm sido responsabilizados e cobrados pelo bom funcionamento de sua escola, pela forma como os professores ensinam e o quanto os alunos aprendem. Além disso, em sua grande maioria, os diretores de escola são graduados em pedagogia e/ou licenciatura, mas suas atribuições abarcam mais saberes do que somente os pedagógicos, exigindo deles várias atividades na área de gestão, sendo demandados a possuir qualificações de liderança. A liderança é, atualmente, vista como uma garantia da qualidade e de reformas educacionais; é um componente fundamental para a capacitação da equipe escolar e, ainda, é considerada como uma das principais influências na transformação das práticas educacionais. Uma liderança bem-sucedida desempenha um papel importante na aprendizagem dos alunos, sendo o segundo fator, entre todos os relacionados com a escola, que mais contribui para que os alunos aprendam, perdendo apenas para as aulas propriamente ditas. Esta tese teve como objetivo verificar em que medida a liderança dos diretores de escolas brasileiras tem contribuído para a melhoria do desempenho de seus alunos, refletido nos resultados das avaliações externas, no caso o IDEB, da escola. A partir da utilização de microdados dos questionários contextuais respondidos por diretores e professores por ocasião da Prova Brasil 2013, foi possível mensurar dimensões de uma liderança bem-sucedida, propor um modelo que relaciona estas dimensões com o desempenho dos alunos, refletido nos resultados de IDEB da escola, bem como analisar essas relações.
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