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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Offshore Wind Power Foundations' Corrosion Protection Strategy : Anlysis remotely controlled corrosion protection system and comparison to traditional corrosion protection of offshore wind foundation

Alhamalawi, Mazen January 2021 (has links)
När en metall är omgärdad av en elektrolyt, så som havsvatten, kommer det att byggas upp en naturlig potential. Det sker en elektronvandring mellan materialet och havsvattnet och ju större potentialskillnad desto större sannolikhet att metallen kommer korrodera. Korrosion är en stor och viktig fråga för offshorekonstruktioner och byggnader.  För att uppnå en konstruktions designade livslängd kan åtgärder vidtas med hänsyn till kapitalkostnader och drift- och underhållskostnader.  Denna studie syftar till att jämföra ekonomiska för- och nackdelar hos de två korrosionsskyddssystemen Galvanic Anode Corrosion Protection (GACP) och Impressed Current Cathodic Protection (ICCP) på havsbaserade vindkraftsfundament. Det förstnämnda systemet använder offeranoder och det sistnämnda är ett katodiskt korrosionsskydd med hjälp av påtryckt ström.  Studien bestod av flera steg av litteraturstudier där teori om korrosion och korrosionssystem användes för att till slut kunna jämföra valda korrosionsskyddssystem.  Resultatet visar att GACP har fler fördelar och färre nackdelar än ICCP och skulle därmed vara mer ekonomiskt fördelaktig i marina miljöer. GACP ger också önskad effekt direkt vid installation och behöver inte någon strömkälla, ICCP är mer komplicerat och är inte effektivt förrän hela systemet är monterat och i drift. Dessutom behöver ICCP extra strömkälla samt kablage. / When a metal is surrounded by an electrolyte, such as seawater, a natural potential will be built up. An electron migration between the material and the seawater will happen and the greater the potential difference, the greater the probability that the metal will corrode. Corrosion is an important issue when it comes to offshore structures. In order to achieve a structure designed lifetime, measures can then be taken with regard to capital costs and operating and maintenance costs. This study aims to compare the economic advantages and disadvantages of the two, Galvanic Anode Corrosion Protection (GACP) and Impressed Current Cathodic Protection (ICCP), corrosion protection systems on offshore wind power foundations. The first mentioned system uses sacrificial anodes and the second is a cathodic corrosion protection by an applied current. The study consisted of several stages of literature studies where theory of corrosion and corrosion systems was used to finally be able to make a comparison between selected corrosion protection systems. The result shows that GACP has more advantages and fewer disadvantages than ICCP and would thus be more economical. GACP, for example, is efficient during installation and does not need an additional power source, but ICCP is more complicated and not efficient until complete assembly of the entire system and requires additional power source and cables. Right now, there is no design standard available with detailed requirements and advice has been given as for galvanic anodes systems.

Polyfunkční dům / Multifunctional building

Provazníková, Patricie January 2022 (has links)
The aim was to design a multifunctional building, which is located on undeveloped land, plot number 436/3, acreage 5700 m2. The plot is situated in Lipí, cadastral territory Náchod. The building is designed as a multifunctional house, designed for permanent living and administrative activies with built-in basement used for parking cars. The location of the building is given by a situation drawing. The shape of the building is rectangular, free-standing building with all-over basement, measuring 25.9 x 19 m. The house has overal six storeys.


ANDRE LUIZ RECH MOTA 02 May 2022 (has links)
[pt] A corrosão é a patologia mais recorrente no concreto armado, responsável por custos elevados na recuperação das estruturas afetadas. Além dos custos diretos como os materiais utilizados na recuperação, a mão de obra especializada, substituição de peças ou equipamentos afetados, existem os custos indiretos como a paralização da utilização da estrutura, mobilização de moradores em caso de edificações residenciais, perda de produção em caso de edificação industriais, entre outros. Encontrar e apresentar meios para o combate e a prevenção da corrosão é de extrema importância. A proteção catódica tem se apresentado nas últimas décadas como uma forma eficaz de combate a corrosão, não só paralisando o processo corrosivo totalmente, mas também prevenindo o surgimento de novos pontos. Seu uso vem sendo aplicado cada vez mais em estruturas de concreto armado, como pontes, cais, edifícios industriais e residenciais e túneis. Diversos materiais vêm sendo testados e aprovados, possibilitando a flexibilização e a adaptação do melhor sistema para cada estrutura. Relatos de casos com uso da proteção catódica tem mostrado a sua eficácia mesmo depois de anos de instalação. Essa dissertação apresenta a proteção catódica, seus sistemas de uso, casos em que foi instalada, um experimento com proteção catódica por corrente impressa para a restauração de uma ferramenta de aço, além de um modelo computacional desenvolvido para o dimensionamento de anodos galvânicos para estruturas de concreto armado. / [en] Corrosion is the most recurrent pathology in reinforced concrete, responsible for high costs in the recovery of affected structures. In addition to direct costs such as materials used in the recovery, specialized labor, replacement of affected parts or equipment, there are indirect costs such as the interruption of use of the structure, mobilization of residents in case of residential buildings, loss of production in case of industrial buildings, among others. Finding and introducing means to combat and prevent corrosion is extremely important. Cathodic protection has been presented in the last decades as an effective way to combat the corrosion, as it not only paralyzes the corrosive process completely, but also preventing the combat to new points. Its use has been increasingly applied in structures such as bridges, industrial and residential buildings, and tunnels. Various materials have been tested and approved, adaptation system for flexibility and adaptation to better each structure. Case reports with the use of cathodic protection have had attention even after years of installation. This dissertation presents cathodic protection, its systems of use, cases in which it was installed, an experiment with cathodic protection by impressed current for the restoration of a steel tool, as well as a computational model developed for the design of galvanic anodes for reinforced concrete structures.

Development of novel micro-embossing methods and microfluidic designs for biomedical applications

Lu, Chunmeng 22 September 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Développement de matériaux à base de protéines extraites du byssus de la moule bleue Mytilus edulis

Byette, Frédéric 03 1900 (has links)
Le byssus est un amas de fibres que les moules produisent afin de s’ancrer aux surfaces immergées sous l’eau. Ces fibres sont pourvues de propriétés mécaniques impressionnantes combinant rigidité, élasticité et ténacité élevées. De plus, elles possèdent un comportement d’auto-guérison de leurs propriétés mécaniques en fonction du temps lorsque la contrainte initialement appliquée est retirée. Les propriétés mécaniques de ces fibres sont le résultat de l’agencement hiérarchique de protéines de type copolymère blocs riches en collagène et de la présence de métaux formant des liens sacrificiels réversibles avec certains acides aminés comme les DOPA et les histidines. Bien que cette fibre soit très intéressante pour la production de matériaux grâce à son contenu élevé en collagène potentiellement biocompatible, cette ressource naturelle est traitée comme un déchet par les mytiliculteurs. L’objectif de cette thèse était de valoriser cette fibre en extrayant les protéines pour générer une nouvelle classe de matériaux biomimétiques. Un hydrolysat de protéines de byssus (BPH) riche en acides aminés chargés, i.e. ~30 % mol, et permettant de former des films a pu être généré. Lorsque solubilisé à pH 10.5, le BPH forme un hydrogel contenant des structures en triple hélice de collagène et des feuillets β anti-parallèles intra- et inter-moléculaires. Suite à l’évaporation de l’eau, le film de BPH résultant est insoluble en milieu aqueux à cause des structures secondaires très stables agissant comme points de réticulation effectifs. Les propriétés mécaniques des films de BPH sont modulables en fonction du pH. Au point isoélectrique (pI = 4.5), les interactions électrostatiques entre les charges opposées agissent comme points de réticulation et augmentent la rigidité des films et leur contrainte à la rupture sans affecter la déformation à la rupture. À pH plus élevé ou plus bas que le pI, les performances mécaniques des films sont plus faibles à cause de la répulsion entre les groupements fonctionnels de même charge qui interagissent plutôt avec les molécules d’eau et causent le gonflement de la matrice protéique des films. Le BPH contenant un nombre élevé d’acides aminés chargés et réactifs, nous avons pu réticuler les films de manière covalente à l’aide d’EDC ou de glutaraldéhyde. Les propriétés mécaniques des films sont modulables en fonction de la concentration d’EDC utilisée lors de la réticulation ou en employant du glutaraldéhyde comme agent réticulant. Les films sont à la fois plus rigides et plus forts avec un degré de réticulation élevé, mais perdent leur extensibilité à mesure que les segments libres de s’étirer lors d’une traction deviennent entravés par les points de réticulation. La réticulation augmente également la résistance à la dégradation enzymatique par la collagénase, les films les plus fortement réticulés lui étant pratiquement insensibles. La spectroscopie infrarouge montre enfin que la réticulation entraîne une transition de feuillets β anti-parallèles inter-moléculaires vers des structures de type hélices de collagène/PPII hydratées. Des liens sacrificiels ont été formés dans les films de BPH par traitement au pI et/ou avec différents métaux, i.e. Na+, Ca2+, Fe3+, afin de moduler les propriétés mécaniques statiques et d’évaluer le rôle de ces traitements sur le comportement d’auto-guérison lors de tests mécaniques cycliques avec différents temps de repos. Plus la valence des ions métalliques ajoutés augmente, plus les propriétés mécaniques statiques affichent un module, une contrainte à la rupture et une ténacité élevés sans toutefois affecter la déformation à la rupture, confirmant la formation de liens sacrificiels. Les tests mécaniques cycliques montrent que les traitements au pI ou avec Ca2+ créent des liens sacrificiels ioniques réversibles qui mènent à un processus d’auto-guérison des performances mécaniques dépendant du pH. L’ajout de Fe3+ à différentes concentrations module les performances mécaniques sur un plus large intervalle et la nature plus covalente de son interaction avec les acides aminés permet d’atteindre des valeurs nettement plus élevées que les autres traitements étudiés. Le Fe3+ permet aussi la formation de liens sacrificiels réversibles menant à l’auto-guérison des propriétés mécaniques. Les spectroscopies Raman et infrarouge confirment que le fer crée des liaisons avec plusieurs acides aminés, dont les histidines et les DOPA. Les résultats dans leur ensemble démontrent que les films de BPH sont des hydrogels biomimétiques du byssus qui peuvent être traités ou réticulés de différentes façons afin de moduler leurs performances mécaniques. Ils pourraient ainsi servir de matrices pour des applications potentielles dans le domaine pharmaceutique ou en ingénierie tissulaire. / The byssus is a set of protein-based anchoring threads produced by marine mussels to tether to water immersed surfaces. These fibers have impressive mechanical properties combining stiffness, elasticity and toughness, as well as a self-healing behavior of their mechanical performance upon rest following removal of stress. These properties are the result of collagen-rich block copolymer-like proteins hierarchically assembled and of the presence of organo-metallic reversible sacrificial bonds. Even though these fibers have outstanding mechanical properties and a high content of potentially biocompatible collagen, the mussel farming industry still treats them as a waste. The main objective of this thesis was to use byssus as a sustainable biological feedstock to produce a new family of biomimetic protein-based materials. We developed a method to produce a byssus protein hydrolyzate (BPH) rich in charged amino acids (~30 % mol) and with good film-forming capabilities. A hydrogel rich in inter- and intra-molecular anti-parallel β-sheets and in collagen triple helical structures forms following the BPH solubilization at pH 10.5. After evaporation of water, the resulting film is insoluble in aqueous media as a result of the BPH self-assembly into stable secondary structures. The mechanical properties of the films are pH-responsive owing to their high electrostatic charges content that act like effective crosslinking points at the isoelectric point (pI = 4.5), but causes swelling of the protein matrix and loss of mechanical performance at pH higher or lower than the pI. The strain at fracture remains constant, which increases the toughness of the materials when moving toward the pI. The high content in charged and reactive amino acids was used to covalently crosslink the BPH films using either EDC or glutaraldehyde. Increasing the crosslinking degree gives rise to stiffer and stronger films but leads to a loss of extensibility as a consequence of protein chains being trapped by the crosslinking points. The crosslinked films become resistant to collagenase degradation even though infrared spectroscopy shows the conversion of aggregated strands to hydrated collagen/PPII related structures following the crosslinking reaction. Thus, the crosslinked collagen-related structural elements hinder the collagenase action on the BPH films. Sacrificial bonds were formed in the BPH films by treatments at their pI and/or with various metallic ions, i.e. Na+, Ca2+, Fe3+, in order to tune the mechanical properties and to evaluate the role of sacrificial bonds on the self-healing behavior during cyclic mechanical testing. Using metallic ions of higher valence to treat the films results in an increase of the modulus, strength and toughness without reducing the strain at fracture, confirming the formation of organo-metallic sacrificial bonds. Cyclic mechanical testing shows that pI and Ca2+ treatments create reversible ionic sacrificial bonds that induce a pH-dependent self-healing behavior. Fe3+ addition at various concentrations enables tuning the mechanical performances over a larger interval and to reach higher values than other treatments. This behavior is attributed to the more covalent nature of the iron-amino acids bonding and to the affinity of iron with numerous amino acids, including histidines and DOPA, as detected using Raman and infrared spectroscopy. Iron addition also leads to the formation of reversible sacrificial bonds that procure a self-healing behavior of the mechanical properties to BPH films. Altogether, our results show that the BPH films are byssus biomimetic hydrogels whose mechanical properties can be tuned by using various treatments or crosslinking reactions. The materials could thus find a niche as protein matrix in domains such as the pharmaceutical industry or soft tissue engineering.


Pagano, Eduardo 29 August 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Angela Maria de Oliveira (amolivei@uepg.br) on 2017-12-12T13:03:18Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 811 bytes, checksum: e39d27027a6cc9cb039ad269a5db8e34 (MD5) Eduardo Pagano.pdf: 5564139 bytes, checksum: 41a00843092c58a3dcd62662b42000f1 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-12-12T13:03:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 811 bytes, checksum: e39d27027a6cc9cb039ad269a5db8e34 (MD5) Eduardo Pagano.pdf: 5564139 bytes, checksum: 41a00843092c58a3dcd62662b42000f1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-08-29 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Neste estudo foi realizado a obtenção e caracterização de materiais cerâmicos de alumina com gradiente funcional de porosidade. Foram utilizados como os métodos de processamento a rota de freeze casting em água e a fase de sacrifício utilizando o amido. Os materiais utilizados para a produção das amostras foram a alumina e o amido de milho de pureza analítica. Foram investigadas as características de porosidade quanto a morfologia de poros, distribuição dos poros pela matriz e interferência do processamento na formação destes. Para o estudo da porosidade, os métodos de porosimetria via método de Arquimedes em água e penetração de mercúrio foram aplicados na analise desta porosidade obtida. As propriedades mecânicas, bem como o modo de fratura obtido, também foram investigadas em ensaio de compressão uniaxial em uma máquina de ensaios universal. As imagens obtidas por microscopia eletrônica de varredura auxiliaram a correlacionar os dados obtidos nos ensaios de porosimetrias com a resposta mecânica obtida do material. Os resultados obtidos entre os métodos, quanto à porosidade, revelam diferenças consideráveis na distribuição e quantidade de poros ao se comparar o freeze casting com a fase de sacrifício com amido. Porém quanto a tamanho, os valores se mantiveram bem próximos. A resistência mecânica em compressão é maior nas amostras com amido, porém estas amostras falham de forma catastrófica. As amostras de freeze casting, por sua vez, possuem menor resistência mecânica e tiveram suas fraturas influenciadas por vários fatores durante o processamento. A morfologia de poros e microestrutura apresentada pelos dois métodos aplicados são consequência direta da rota de processamento utilizada. Nas amostras por freeze casting, foram observados canais de poros. Já as amostras com amido como fase de sacrifício, os poros são arredondados e não conectados / In this study, preparation and characterization of alumina ceramic materials with functional porosity gradients were performed. Freeze casting of alumina slurries, using water as the chosen solvent, and sacrificial phase method using corn starch as sacrificial phase, were implemented. The materials used to produce the samples were alumina and analytical purity corn starch. Porosity characteristics were investigated concerning pore morphology, pore distribution in the ceramic matrix and processing route interference in pore formation. The evaluation of porosity was made utilizing porosity determination methods as mercury intrusion and Archimedes method with water as immersion liquid. The mechanical properties, as well as the fracture mode, were investigated during uniaxial compressive test in a universal testing machine. Using the images obtained by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), it was possible to correlate the data obtained in the porosimetry analysis with the mechanical response obtained from the material. In terms of porosity, the results between the processing routes reveal considerable differences in pore distribution and quantity of pores. However, the pore sizes obtained for both methods were pretty close to each other. The mechanical strength during compressive stress was higher in the samples produced via sacrificial phase method, but those samples failed catastrophically. Freeze casting samples, on the other hand, had lower mechanical resistance and their fractures were directly influenced by several factors during their assembly processing. The pore and microstructure morphology presented by both methods were direct consequence of the processing route used. In the samples produced by freeze casting, pore channels were observed. The samples produced via sacrificial phased method using corn starch presented unconnected rounded pores.

In situ monitoring of reactive ion etching using a surface micromachined integrated resonant sensor

Morris, Bryan George Oneal 18 August 2009 (has links)
This research explores a novel in-situ technique for monitoring film thickness in the reactive etching process that incorporates a micromachined sensor. The sensor correlates film thickness with changes in resonant frequency that occurs in the micromachined platform during etching. The sensor consists of a platform that is suspended over drive and sense electrodes on the surface of the substrate. As material is etched from the platform, its resonant vibrational frequency shifts by an amount that is proportional to the amount of material etched, allowing etch rate to be inferred. This RIE monitoring methodology exploits the accuracy of resonant micromechanical structures, whereby shifts in the fundamental resonant frequency measure a physical parameter. A majority of these systems require free-standing mechanical movement and utilize a sacrificial layer process as the key technique to develop and release the structure on a substrate. A sacrificial layer technique that incorporates a low temperature sacrificial polymer was utilized to develop and release the suspended RIE sensor with excellent performance and is capable of fabricating other low cost, high performance and reliable suspended MEMS devices. The integration of sensors and electronic circuitry is a dominant trend in the semiconductor industry, and much work and research has been devoted to this effort. The RIE sensor relies on capacitive transduction to detect small capacitance changes and the resulting change in resonant frequency during the RIE process. The RIE sensor's overall performance is limited by the interface circuit, and integration with the proper circuit allows the RIE sensor to function as a highly sensitive measure of etch rate during the RIE process. A capacitive feedback charge amplifier interface circuit, when configured with the RIE senor at the input achieves very low noise sensing of capacitance changes and offers the potential for wide dynamic range and high sensitivity. As an application vehicle, process control was demonstrated in the PlasmaTherm SLR series RIE system located in the Georgia Tech Microelectronics Research Center.

Adhesive Wafer Bonding for Microelectronic and Microelectromechanical Systems

Frank, Niklaus January 2002 (has links)
<p>Semiconductor wafer bonding has been a subject of interestfor many years and a wide variety of wafer bonding techniqueshave been reported in literature. In adhesive wafer bondingorganic and inorganic adhesives are used as intermediatebonding material. The main advantages of adhesive wafer bondingare the relatively low bonding temperatures, the lack of needfor an electric voltage or current, the compatibility withstandard CMOS wafers and the ability to join practically anykind of wafer materials. Adhesive wafer bonding requires nospecial wafer surface treatmentssuch as planarisation.Structures and particles at the wafer surfaces can be toleratedand compensated for some extent by the adhesive material.Adhesive wafer bonding is a comparably simple, robust andlowcost bonding process. In this thesis, adhesive wafer bondingtechniques with different polymer adhesives have beendeveloped. The relevant bonding parameters needed to achievehigh quality and high yield wafer bonds have been investigated.A selective adhesive wafer bonding process has also beendeveloped that allows localised bonding on lithographicallydefined wafer areas.</p><p>Adhesive wafer bonding has been utilised in variousapplication areas. A novel CMOS compatible film, device andmembrane transfer bonding technique has been developed. Thistechnique allows the integration of standard CMOS circuits withthin film transducers that can consist of practically any typeof crystalline or noncrystalline high performance material(e.g. monocrystalline silicon, gallium arsenide,indium-phosphide, etc.). The transferred transducers or filmscan be thinner than 0.3 µm. The feature sizes of thetransferred transducers can be below 1.5 µm and theelectrical via contacts between the transducers and the newsubstrate wafer can be as small as 3x3 µm2. Teststructures for temperature coefficient of resistancemeasurements of semiconductor materials have been fabricatedusing device transfer bonding. Arrays of polycrystallinesilicon bolometers for use in uncooled infrared focal planearrays have been fabricated using membrane transfer bonding.The bolometers consist of free-hanging membrane structures thatare thermally isolated from the substrate wafer. Thepolycrystalline silicon bolometers are fabricated on asacrificial substrate wafer. Subsequently, they are transferredand integrated on a new substrate wafer using membrane transferbonding. With the same membrane transfer bonding technique,arrays of torsional monocrystalline silicon micromirrors havebeen fabricated. The mirrors have a size of 16x16 µm2 anda thickness of 0.34 µm. The advantages of micromirrorsmade of monocrystalline silicon are their flatness, uniformityand mechanical stability. Selective adhesive wafer bonding hasbeen used to fabricate very shallow cavities that can beutilised in packaging and component protection applications. Anew concept is proposed that allows hermetic sealing ofcavities fabricated using adhesive wafer bonding. Furthermore,microfluidic devices, channels and passive valves for use inmicro total analysis systems are presented.</p><p>Adhesive wafer bonding is a generic CMOS compatible bondingtechnique that can be used for fabrication and integration ofvarious microsystems such as infrared focal plane arrays,spatial light modulators, microoptical systems, laser systems,MEMS, RF-MEMS and stacking of active electronic films forthree-dimensional high-density integration of electroniccircuits. Adhesive wafer bonding can also be used forfabrication of microcavities in packaging applications, forwafer-level stacking of integrated circuit chips (e.g. memorychips) and for fabrication of microfluidic systems.</p>

An investigation into the practical and theoretical aspects of hybrid cathodic protection

Holmes, Steven January 2012 (has links)
Galvanic anode technology has in recent years come to the fore as a cost-effective method of successfully mitigating the corrosion of reinforcing steel in concrete structures. Developments in the field of cathodic protection have included the introduction of a novel Hybrid anode system, which uses the same sacrificial anode to pass a short-term impressed current before being connected to the steel directly to provide a long-term galvanic current. Galvanic and hybrid technologies are often seen as less powerful solutions in the treatment of reinforcement corrosion, and the test methodologies which determine the efficacy of cathodic protection systems favour impressed current technologies. The work completed has investigated the application of traditional and novel corrosion assessment techniques to laboratory samples to assess the protection offered by the hybrid treatment methodology in both treatment phases. In addition, the response of both galvanic and hybrid anodes to environmental conditions has been recorded and assessed before being discussed in the context of steel protection criteria. Finally, an investigation is presented into the on-site deterioration of commercially pure titanium feeder wire installed as part of the hybrid anode system and potential solutions to the problem have been documented. The research undertaken found that the hybrid anode system is capable of protecting steel in challenging, aggressive environments. This was confirmed by steel corrosion rate and indicative steel potential measurements. The responsive behaviour investigation showed that the current output of galvanic and hybrid anodes responds rapidly to changes in the corrosion risk posed to the steel and that this has a direct effect on anode system lifetimes. An assessment of the polarisation-based protection criteria applied to steel in concrete has found that the standard inhibits the use of responsive behaviour, and that revisions which consider the present risk of steel corrosion by considering the corrosion current resulting from the relative aggressivity of the concrete environment would be more valid in their application. A cathodic protection system based on the concepts of pit re-alkalisation and pH maintenance can fully utilise galvanic anode responsive behaviour. It was discovered that the deterioration of commercially pure titanium feeder wire seen on site installations was due to anodising in the presence of chloride media which had the potential to lead to pitting corrosion. The pitting risk varied depending on the duration of the treatment and proximity to the installed anode. An anodically grown oxide delayed the onset of corrosion in aqueous KBr solution, but did not significantly increase the pitting potential.

Materials, Processes, and Characterization of Extended Air-gaps for the Intra-level Interconnection of Integrated Circuits

Park, Seongho 02 January 2008 (has links)
Materials, Processes, and Characterization of Extended Air-gaps for the Intra-level Interconnection of Integrated Circuits Seongho Park 157 pages Directed by Dr. Paul A. Kohl and Dr. Sue Ann Bidstrup Allen The integration of an air-gap as an ultra low dielectric constant material in an intra-metal dielectric region of interconnect structure in integrated circuits was investigated in terms of material properties of a thermally decomposable sacrificial polymer, fabrication processes and electrical performance. Extension of the air-gap into the inter-layer dielectric region reduces the interconnect capacitance. In order to enhance the hardness of a polymer for the better process reliabilities, a conventional norbornene-based sacrificial polymer was electron-beam irradiated. Although the hardness of the polymer increased, the thermal properties degraded. A new high modulus tetracyclododecene-based sacrificial polymer was characterized and compared to the norbornene-based polymer in terms of hardness, process reliability and thermal properties. The tetracyclododecene-based polymer was harder and showed better process reliability than the norbornene-based sacrificial polymer. Using the tetracyclododecene-based sacrificial polymer, a single layer Cu/air-gap and extended Cu/air-gap structures were fabricated. The effective dielectric constant of the air-gap and extended air-gap structures were 2.42 and 2.17, respectively. This meets the requirements for the 32 nm node. Moisture uptake of the extended Cu/air-gap structure increased the effective dielectric constant. The exposure of the structure to hexamethyldisilazane vapor removed the absorbed moisture and changed the structure hydrophobic, improving the integration reliability. The integration processes of the air-gap and the extended air-gap into a dual damascene Cu metallization process has been proposed compared to state-of-the-art integration approaches.

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