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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Removal of microparticles from a surface due to interfacial and shear forces in two-phase flows / Décrochage de microparticules d’une surface grâce aux contraintes de cisaillement et aux forces interfaciales dans un écoulement diphasique

Bihi, Ilyesse 30 September 2016 (has links)
Le décrochage de microparticules adhérant à une surface grâce aux écoulements se rencontre dans de multiples situations où le nettoyage minutieux ou sélectif de parois est crucial. Par exemple, l’industrie agroalimentaire rencontre des problèmes récurrents d’accrochage robuste de bactéries (microparticules) aux parois des lignes de production d’aliments comme le lait ou la viande. Dans cette thèse, l’utilisation d’un écoulement diphasique avec une interface fluide-fluide en complément d’un écoulement monophasique cisaillé a été considérée. L’interaction entre une interface liquide et une particule dépend principalement de l’énergie de surface totale. Elle correspond aux paramètres de mouillage et introduit une force supplémentaire qui peut contribuer à la force totale nécessaire pour le décrochement. Dans le cas d’un décrochement des microparticules et leur collecte par interface fluide-fluide, la stabilité de cette dernière se voit alors changer si sa surface n’est plus apte à accueillir davantage de particules. D’autre part, la dynamique d’une particule ellipsoïde, similaire à une spore, a été étudiée numériquement dans la seconde partie de cette thèse. L’étude a eu comme but de déterminer les conditions pour lesquelles une particule prés d’une paroi peut s’y approcher ou s’en éloigner. Dans la dernière partie nous avons étudié l’influence des conditions initiales et en particulier le séchage sur les forces nécessaires pour le décrochement des spores. / Food contamination due to pathogens and spoilage bacteria on surfaces of industrial equipment is a major issue that has not yet found a proper solution. Indeed, despite the set-up of cleaning and disinfection procedures, some bacteria (microparticles) are still commonly found on the surfaces of food processing lines. Traditionally, industrial cleaning procedures involve viscous stresses in a single-phase flow to remove spores from a surface. The present study investigates the use of two-phase flows for improving cleaning procedures. Such system has the advantage of involving interfacial forces that can aid in the removal of microparticles as long as certain wetting conditions are met. This would imply the detachment and collection of the microparticles by the fluid-fluid interface. This collection will in turn affect the dynamics of the interface if its surface is insufficient to accommodate all particles. With respect to viscous stresses in removing particles, a numerical code is developed to study the dynamics of ellipsoids near a solid surface in a shearing flow. The shape of the microparticles in the simulations is set to mimic the spores morphology. Finally, the study examines the effect of the initial environment on the ease of spores removal. In particular, the study investigates the drying conditions that spores undergo in an industrial environment before the cleaning procedures start.

Semi-infinite and finite bubble propagation in the presence of a channel-depth perturbation

Franco Gomez, Andres January 2018 (has links)
The two-phase flow displacement of a viscous fluid by a less viscous one in a confined environment leads to a viscous fingering instability commonly encountered in natural systems, for example, in flows through porous media or pulmonary airways. The classical study of viscous fingering has been conducted in rectangular channels of high aspect ratio (large channel width/height), known as Hele-Shaw channels where a unique, steady symmetric, semi-infinite bubble (finger) emerges. In this Journal Format thesis, the propagation of semi-infinite (open) and finite (closed) air bubbles is considered in Hele-Shaw channels where thin, axially-uniform occlusions are introduced. This configuration is known to generate symmetric, asymmetric and oscillatory modes with complex interactions and rich behaviour. Numerical results of finger propagation using a depth-averaged model in these constricted channels are found to be in quantitative agreement with experimental results once the aspect ratio reaches a value of $\alpha\geq40$ and capillary numbers below $Ca\leq 0.012$. The same evolution of the bifurcation scenario between multiple modes is found, however, it occurs for decreasing values of occlusion height as the value of aspect ratio is increased that the system exhibits sensitivity to small but finite depth-variations. The numerical simulations reveal multiple-tipped unstable symmetric solutions which interact with the single symmetric mode at vanishing occlusion heights resulting in stabilisation of the asymmetric and oscillatory modes. Moreover, deviations from the single symmetric mode are predicted when depth-variations of order of the roughness of the channel walls ($\sim 1$ $\mu$m) are introduced for larger aspect ratios of $\alpha\geq 155$. The propagation of finite bubbles is studied in a channel with constant aspect ratio of $\alpha=30$ and where the height of the occlusion, termed rail, is $1/40$ of the channel height. For bubble diameters of the order of the rail width, a tongue-shaped stability boundary for symmetric (on-rail) propagation is encountered so that for flow rates marginally larger than a critical value, a narrow band of bubble sizes can propagate (stably) over the rail while bubbles of other sizes segregate to the side of the rail. The numerical depth-averaged model is adapted for bubble propagation and captures in qualitative agreement the experimental observations. Time-dependent calculations are additionally performed, showing that on-rail bubble propagation is the result of a non-trivial dynamical interaction between capillary and viscous forces.

Controlling viscous fingering

Beeson-Jones, Timothy January 2018 (has links)
Viscous fingering occurs when one fluid displaces another fluid of a greater viscosity in a porous medium or a Hele-Shaw cell. Linear stability analysis is used to predict methods of suppressing instability. Then, experiments in which nonlinear growth dominates pattern formation are analysed to explore the nonlinear impact of strategies of suppressing finger growth. Often, chemical treatment fluid is injected into oil reservoirs in order to prevent sand production. This treatment fluid is usually followed by water injection to clean up the well. We explore the potential for viscous instability of the interface between the treatment fluid and the water, and also the treatment fluid and the oil, as a function of the volume of treatment fluid and the injection rate and viscosity ratios of the different fluids. For a given volume of treatment fluid and a given injection rate, we find the optimal viscosity of the treatment fluid to minimise the viscous instability. In the case of axisymmetric injection, the stabilisation associated with the azimuthal stretching of modes leads to a further constraint on the optimisation of the viscosity. In the case of oil production, polymers may be added to the displacing water in order to reduce adverse viscosity gradients. We also explore the case in which these polymers have a time-dependent viscosity, for example through the slow release from encapsulant. We calculate the injection flow rate profile that minimises the final amplitude of instability in both rectilinear and axisymmetric geometries. In a development of the model, we repeat the calculation for a shear-thinning rheology. Finally, experiments are analysed in which the nonlinear growth of viscous fingers develops to test the influence of different injection profiles on the development of instability. Diffusion Limited Aggregation (DLA) simulations are performed for comparison. In all cases, the evolving pattern has a saturation distribution, with an inner zone in which the fingers are static and an outer zone in which the fingers advance and grow. In the very centre of the viscous fingering patterns, there is a small fully-saturated region. In the experiments, the mass distribution in the inner zone varies with radius as a power law which relates to the fractal dimension for the analogue DLA simulations. In the outer region the saturation decreases linearly with radius. The radius of the inner frozen zone is approximately 2/3 of the outer radius in the cases of DLA and -- after a period of evolution -- the viscous fingering experiments. This allows the radial extents of the inner and outer zones to be predicted. The ratio of each radius to the extent of the fully-saturated region is independent of the injection profile and corresponds to values for DLA.


PRISCILLA RIBEIRO VARGES 28 February 2011 (has links)
[pt] Estudou-se neste trabalho o deslocamento de fluidos em meios porosos utilizando células de Hele-Shaw. Especificamente, investigou-se experimentalmente o deslocamento de um fluido não newtoniano por um newtoniano em uma célula retangular de Hele-Shaw. A instabilidade de Saffman-Taylor ou viscous fingering é um fenômeno observado quando um fluido de menor viscosidade desloca um de maior viscosidade, e a célula de Hele-Shaw é uma ferramenta conveniente para a sua observação. Esse fenômeno é muito importante em diversas aplicações, como por exemplo: recuperação secundária e terciária de petróleo, invasão de fluidos de perfuração em meios porosos, fraturamento hidráulico, processamento de polímeros, hidrologia e filtração. É vasta a literatura relativa ao estudo de fluidos newtonianos e não newtonianos deslocados por ar em células de Hele-Shaw. Entretanto, existem poucos trabalhos envolvendo deslocamentos de líquidos com viscosidades comparáveis, ou seja, razão de viscosidade diferente de zero. Apresentou-se o detalhamento do projeto de construção de uma célula de Hele-Shaw aplicável ao deslocamento de um líquido por outro líquido. A evolução da forma da interface foi analisada, através de uma câmera fotográfica, em função dos parâmetros geométricos, dinâmicos e reológicos. A partir da vetorização da forma da interface, determinou-se a eficiência do deslocamento. Sendo assim, foi definido o espectro de situações em que há formação de fingers e plugs relativos ao deslocamento de goma xantana por um óleo mineral. Não há na literatura uma convenção universal para apresentação dos resultados, logo uma contribuição original refere-se à adimensionalização proposta onde os principais parâmetros governantes são a velocidade adimensional, o número de capilaridade reológico e o índice de comportamento da goma xantana. Observou-se que para um valor constante do índice de comportamento e para um valor do número de capilaridade reológico da ordem de 10-1, a eficiência de deslocamento aumenta com a velocidade adimensional, porque a razão de viscosidade diminui. / [en] This work studied the displacement of fluids in porous media using a Hele-Shaw cell. Specifically, was investigated experimentally the displacement of a non-Newtonian fluid by a Newtonian in a rectangular Hele-Shaw cell. The Saffman-Taylor or viscous fingering instability occurs when one fluid pushes a more viscous one, and a Hele-Shaw is a convenient tool to the phenomenon observation. Applications include displacement of heavy crude oil in reservoirs, drilling fluid invasion through porous media, fracture conductivity, polymer processing, hydrology and filtration. The Saffman-Taylor instability has been extensively studied for Newtonian and non-Newtonian liquids displaced by air in a Hele-Shaw cell. However displacement flows involving two liquids of comparable viscosity (nonzero viscosity ratio) have received very little attention. It was presented the details of construction of a Hele-Shaw applicable to a liquid-liquid displacement. The evolution of the shape of the interface was analyzed through a digital camera, as a function of the geometric, dynamic and rheological parameters. From tracing the shape of the interface, was determined the displacement efficiency. Thus, it was defined the spectrum of situations in which there is formation of fingers and plugs relating to displacement of xanthan gum by a mineral oil. There is no universal convention in the literature for presenting the results so a original contribution concerns the proposed dimensionless parameters. The main parameters that govern this flow are the dimensionless flow rate, the rheological capillary number and the behavior index of xanthan gum. It was observed that for a constant value of the behavior index and for a rheological capillary number of magnitude of 10-1, the displacement efficiency increases with the dimensionless flow rate, because the viscosity ratio decreases.

Etude expérimentale de l'instabilité de digitation visqueuse de fluides rhéofluidifiants modèles / Experimental study of viscous fingering instability of shear thinning fluid models

Chinaud, Maxime 17 December 2010 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse est consacré à l'étude des instabilités de Saffman-Taylor de fluides complexes modèles. Ces derniers sont des solutions de Xanthane dont le caractère rhéofluidifiant augmente avec la concentration en polymère. Dans un premier temps, nous avons étudié les propriétés rhéologiques de ces fluides modèles puis nous avons caractérisé leurs propriétés d'écoulement dans une cellule de Hele-Shaw de forte épaisseur. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons mesuré par PIV (Particles Image Velocimetry) la distribution du champ de vitesse autour des doigts de Saffman-Taylor pour l'ensemble des fluides étudiés. Afin de valider les expériences de PIV, nous avons caractérisé les vitesses de sédimentation des traceurs, par la technique complémentaire de vélocimétrie par Speckle ultrasonore (Ultrasonic Speckle Velocimetry). Nous avons montré expérimentalement que le champ de vitesse pour tous les fluides est irrotationnel et que la forme du doigt peut être modélisé par un écoulement potentiel autour d'un solide de Rankine. Les expériences ont établi que le rayon de courbure à l'extrémité des doigts est l'unique paramètre qui dépend des propriétés rhéologiques des solutions de Xanthane. De plus, ce paramètre conditionne toute l'hydrodynamique autour des doigts de Saffman-Taylor. / This thesis is devoted to the study of Saffman-Taylor instabilities of complex fluids models. These are solutions of xanthan whose shear thinning behavior increases with polymer concentration.Initially, we studied the rheological properties of model fluids and then we characterized the properties of flow in a Hele-Shaw thick. In a second step, we measured by PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry) distribution of the velocity field around the fingers of Saffman-Taylor for all fluids studied. To validate the PIV experiments, we characterized the sedimentation rates of tracers, by the complementary technique of ultrasonic speckle velocimetry (Ultrasonic Speckle Velocimetry).We have shown experimentally that the velocity field for all fluids is irrotational and that the shape of the finger can be modeled by a potential flow around a Rankine solid. Experiments have shown that the radius of curvature at the top of the fingers is the only parameter which depends on the rheological properties of xanthan solutions.In addition, this parameter influences the whole hydrodynamic around Saffman-Taylor fingers.

Efeitos de molhamento nas instabilidades hidrodinâmicas e em forças adesivas em fluidos confinados

ANJOS, Pedro Henrique Amorim 05 February 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Fabio Sobreira Campos da Costa (fabio.sobreira@ufpe.br) on 2016-12-12T14:44:32Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Dissertação - Pedro Henrique Amorim Anjos.pdf: 9970150 bytes, checksum: 29bca81f576fbdecd909c0ab24d68ce5 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-12T14:44:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Dissertação - Pedro Henrique Amorim Anjos.pdf: 9970150 bytes, checksum: 29bca81f576fbdecd909c0ab24d68ce5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-02-05 / CNPQ / Consideramos o movimento da interface entre dois fluidos viscosos, imiscíveis e incompressíveis confinados em uma célula de Hele-Shaw radial. Quando o fluido de baixa viscosidade é injetado no centro da célula e desloca radialmente o fluido de alta viscosidade, a instabilidade de Saffman-Taylor entra em ação levando ao crescimento de estruturas em formato de dedos. Dependendo da natureza dos fluidos envolvidos, eles podem molhar as paredes da célula de Hele-Shaw, deixando para trás um filme molhante de espessura finita. Diante disso, investigamos a influência da camada de fluido molhante, deixada pelo fluido deslocado, na dinâmica linear e fracamente não-linear do sistema. Mais especificamente, examinamos como a instabilidade da interface e os mecanismos de formação de padrões (bifurcação e competição de dedos) são afetados pela presença da camada de filme molhante no limite de baixo número de capilaridade. Estudamos também uma variação da instabilidade de Saffman-Taylor usual induzida pela injeção: o problema do levantamento em célula de Hele-Shaw. Nossos resultados analíticos indicam que o molhamento tem um impacto significativo nos padrões não-lineares resultantes. Ele é responsável por uma atenuação na variação do comprimento dos dedos, enquanto que induz o aparecimento de estruturas que apresentam dedos pequenos e largos, provenientes do fluido não molhante, alternados por dedos pequenos e finos pertencentes ao fluido molhante. Durante o processo de levantamento, medidas adquiridas pelo teste de adesão quantificam a força adesiva de um fluido viscoso confinado entre placas paralelas. Experimentos e intensas simulações numéricas indicam que a formação de dedos afeta a força de levantamento, promovendo uma diminuição na magnitude da mesma. Concluímos este trabalho propondo um modelo analítico que forneça a força de adesão considerando não só o efeito de dedos da interface, mas também a ação do molhamento e de estresses viscosos normais. / We consider the interfacial motion between two immiscible, incompressible, viscous fluids in the confined geometry of a radial Hele-Shaw cell. When the less viscous fluid is injected at the center and drives radially the more viscous fluid, the Saffman-Taylor instability takes place leading to the growth of fingerlike shapes. Depending on the nature of the fluids involved, they can wet the walls of the Hele-Shaw cell plates, leaving behind a film of finite thickness. In this framework, we investigate the influence of a thin wetting film trailing behind the displaced fluid on the linear and weakly nonlinear dynamics of the system. More specifically, we examine how the interface instability and the pattern formation mechanisms of finger tip-splitting and finger competition are affected by the presence of such a film in the low capillary number limit. We also examined a variant of the usual injection-driven Saffman-Taylor instability: the lifting Hele-Shaw cell problem. Our analytical results indicate that wettability has a significant impact on the resulting nonlinear patterns. It restrains finger length variability while inducing the development of structures presenting short, blunt penetrating fingers of the nonwetting fluid, alternated by short, sharp fingers of the wetting fluid. During the lifting process, probe-tack measurements evaluate the adhesion strength of viscous fluids confined between parallel plates. Existing meticulous experiments and intensive numerical simulations indicate that fingering formation affects the lifting force, making it to decrease in intensity. We conclude this work by proposing an analytical model that computes the lifting adhesion force by taking into account not only the effect of interfacial fingering, but also the action of wetting, and viscous normal stresses.


PEDRO JOSE TOBAR ESPINOZA 18 October 2016 (has links)
[pt] Uma abordagem experimental foi utilizada para o estudo da eficiência de varredura de fluidos viscoplásticos na célula de Hele-Shaw , que representa um meio poroso com porosidade constante. A análise baseia-se em um fluido empurrando outro onde, pela razão de viscosidades acima do punto de referência , manifesta-se a instabilidade de Saffman-Taylor, que desencadeia em uma interface instável com divisões sucessivas conhecidas como viscous fingers. A formação da instabilidade é considerada uma condição indesejável, e no caso da indústria petrolífera, torna-se de interesse na invasão da formação pelo fluido de perfuração, pasta de cimento, e no deslocamento de petróleo pesado em reservatórios entre outros. Apesar de que o fenômeno é vastamente estudado utilizando a célula de Hele-Shaw, a maioria dos trabalhos concentram-se no deslocamento de líquidos newtonianos por ar, deixando uma ampla gama de possibilidades de estudo, particularmente no que diz respeito aos fluidos não newtonianos. Utilizando equipamentos que permitem assegurar uma vazão constante de injeção, testou-se três concentrações diferentes de solução aquosa de carbopol em duas configurações diferentes onde o líquido viscoplástico é o deslocador e vice-versa. Fazendo uso do processamento digital de imagens, avaliou-se a forma da interface em função do desvio padrão, além da velocidade e da eficiência de varredura no deslocamento. Determinaram-se parâmetros adimensionais em função da geometria da bancada e dos fatores dinâmicos e reológicos dos fluidos onde se obtiveram duas zonas vem marcadas de varredura. Observou-se que a razão de viscosidades e o número de capilaridade modificada crítica são os indicadores que governam o deslocamento. / [en] An experimental approach has been used to study the sweep efficiency of viscoplastic fluid in a Hele-Shaw cell, which represents a porous medium with constant porosity. The analysis is based on a lower viscosity fluid pushing a more viscous through a geometry, which manifests the instability of Saffman-Taylor, that result in an unstable interface with successive divisions known as viscous fingers. The occurrence of instability is considered an undesirable condition, and in the petroleum oil industry, it becomes of interest in the reservoir oil invasion and heavy oil displacement in reservoirs. Despite being widely studied, most studies focus on the displacement of Newtonian liquids by air, leaving the field of study of non-Newtonian fluids without being evaluated where none of viscosities of the fluids involved can be considered negligible. Using equipment that ensures a constant flow rate of injection three different aqueous concentrations of carbopol were tested in two different configurations: carbopol as the displacing fluid and vice-versa. Using digital image processing, the shape interface was evaluated according to their standard deviation, average velocity and efficiency sweep during the displacement. Determined dimensionless parameters was evaluated in function of the experimental geometry, dynamic and rheological factors of the fluids in order to get benchmark that allow separating interfaces zones that tend to 100 per cent or plugs and the zone where the viscous fingers reveal themselves. It was found that the viscosity ratio and modified critical capillary govern the displacement.

Miscible flow through porous media

Booth, Richard J. S. January 2008 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with the modelling of miscible fluid flow through porous media, with the intended application being the displacement of oil from a reservoir by a solvent with which the oil is miscible. The primary difficulty that we encounter with such modelling is the existence of a fingering instability that arises from the viscosity and the density differences between the oil and solvent. We take as our basic model the Peaceman model, which we derive from first principles as the combination of Darcy’s law with the mass transport of solvent by advection and hydrodynamic dispersion. In the oil industry, advection is usually dominant, so that the Péclet number, Pe, is large. We begin by neglecting the effect of density differences between the two fluids and concentrate only on the viscous fingering instability. A stability analysis and numerical simulations are used to show that the wavelength of the instability is proportional to Pe^−1/2, and hence that a large number of fingers will be formed. We next apply homogenisation theory to investigate the evolution of the average concentration of solvent when the mean flow is one-dimensional, and discuss the rationale behind the Koval model. We then attempt to explain why the mixing zone in which fingering is present grows at the observed rate, which is different from that predicted by a naive version of the Koval model. We associate the shocks that appear in our homogenised model with the tips and roots of the fingers, the tip-regions being modelled by Saffman-Taylor finger solutions. We then extend our model to consider flow through porous media that are heterogeneous at the macroscopic scale, and where the mean flow is not one dimensional. We compare our model with that of Todd & Longstaff and also models for immiscible flow through porous media. Finally, we extend our work to consider miscible displacements in which both density and viscosity differences between the two fluids are relevant.

L'instabilité de Saffman-Taylor dans les fluides complexes : relation entre les propriétés rhéologiques et la formation de motifs

Lindner, Anke 08 September 2000 (has links) (PDF)
Au cours de cette thèse, nous avons effectué une étude de l'instabilité de Saffman-Taylor dans les fluides complexes. En particulier, nous avons mené une étude systématique de la relation entre les propriétés rhéologiques de fluides non-newtoniens et la formation de motif, en cellule de Hele-Shaw. Pour cela, nous avons utilisé des fluides modèles ne possédant chacun essentiellement qu'une seule propriété non-newtonienne. Une étude rhéologique a montré que la propriété non-newtonienne dominante d'une solution du polymère rigide Xanthane est la viscosité rhéofluidifiante, qu'une solution du polymère flexible PEO montre des effets élastiques, notamment une contrainte normale élevée, et qu'un gel de polymères possède un seuil d'écoulement. Pour des fluides classiques, la largeur des doigts de Saffman-Taylor est déterminée par le rapport entre les forces visqueuses et les forces capillaires. Dans le cas d'un fluide rhéofluidifiant, les forces visqueuses sont modifiées ce qui entraîne un amincissement des doigts par rapport aux résultats classiques. La modification des contraintes visqueuses par un seuil d'écoulement mène à des structures très ramifiées avec une largeur caractéristique de doigts, fonction de ce seuil. Pour un fluide élastique, la contrainte normale exerce une pression supplémentaire sur le doigt qui s'ajoute aux forces capillaires et qui entraîne un élargissement des doigts. Nous pensons que la connaissance des effets sur l'instabilité des Saffman-Taylor de chacune de ces propriétés, considérée séparément, constitue une base pour l'étude de l'instabilité dans des fluides plus complexes. Les propriétés non-newtoniennes étudiées ici sont parmi les propriétés non-newtoniennes les plus courantes, ce qui devrait permettre de mieux comprendre l'instabilité dans des fluides présentant simultanément plusieurs de ces propriétés non-newtoniennes.

Dynamique et instabilités des interfaces grains/fluide dans les suspensions non-Browniennes

Chevalier, Christophe 21 December 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Depuis les premiers travaux d'Einstein en 1906, le comportement des suspensions granulaires macroscopiques a fait l'objet de nombreuses études notamment en rhéologie. Cependant, la question des mécanismes susceptibles d'intervenir aux interfaces de ces suspensions reste ouverte et peu abordée. C'est précisément l'objet de cette thèse.<br /> Nous proposons de sonder les propriétés d'une interface grains/fluide en injectant un fluide dans une suspension granulaire isodense dont nous contrôlons la fraction de grains. Cette suspension est confinée dans une cellule de Hele-Shaw et nous pouvons injecter soit de l'air soit du fluide interstitiel pur.<br /> Pour les fractions de grains inférieures à 50%, l'injection d'air s'apparente à la digitation de Saffman-Taylor. Nous montrons que le mode de sélection des largeurs relatives et la stabilité des doigts sont modifiés par la présence des grains et que ces modifications ne peuvent se réduire à la simple considération d'un fluide effectif.<br /> Pour les fractions plus importantes, des phénomènes de blocage liés au réseau des contacts entre grains apparaissent et nous nous trouvons dans le cas d'un milieu poreux réorganisable. L'écoulement de fluide peut alors se faire de deux façons : soit au travers de la structure granulaire restée fixe, soit en mobilisant en partie cette structure.<br /> Dans le cas de l'injection d'air, des réarrangements localisés permettent d'obtenir des structures dont la taille dépasse celle des pores mais reste fine. Dans le cas de l'injection de fluide interstitiel pur, une mobilisation plus globale est observée qui mène à une décompaction homogène du milieu et à des structures de digitation plus larges.

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