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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Comercializadora de alimentos gourmet y vinos de San Juan en Bariloche

Serrate, Diego Leonardo 04 1900 (has links)
Tesis para optar al grado de Magíster en Administración (MBA) / El presente plan proyecta la creación a empresa comercializadora de vinos y otros productos gourmet, especializada en marcas y productos abastecidos desde la provincia de San Juan, Argentina, producidos por empresas pyme, enfocados en el mercado de San Carlos de Bariloche y zonas aledañas. Para ello se plantea un modelo Distribuidor con un portfolio que incluye frutas secas, desecados, vinos, productos gourmet y aceite de oliva, administrando operaciones de transporte, almacenaje y distribución. A su vez se estructurará un plan de marketing de acuerdo al mercado objetivo, orientado a clientes minoristas/detallistas y canal Horeca, basado en gran medida en la interacción en redes sociales. La oferta de productos y marcas novedosos para los clientes y clientes novedosos para los proveedores, (apertura de mercado) será uno de los pilares de la construcción de valor del proyecto. La venta y distribución se ejecutará con un equipo operativo de 9 personas: 1 coordinador general, 1 persona en San Juan y 7 en San Carlos de Bariloche. Se considera como recursos clave la estructura logística, el capital de trabajo, el sistema de relacionamiento con el cliente, y el equipo de ventas / distribución en SCB. Se desarrolla una estructura de costos orientada a costos variables, con operaciones que permiten lotes de baja escala a costos competitivos. La inversión requerida es de AR$ 672.958, incluyendo inversiones fijas y capital de trabajo. La proyección de ventas para los primeros 4 periodos es:Año 1 $ 2.609.889 Año 2 $ 9.967.545 Año 3 $ 10.366.247 Año 4 $ 10.780.897 El VAN del proyecto es de $ARS 1,602 millones; tomando para su cálculo una tasa de descuento de 15,74%, y la TIR de 48%.

Acción antrópica y los cambios en el paisaje del distrito de San Juan de Lurigancho entre los años 1948 – 2016

Tena Barrera, Anggelo Andrés January 2018 (has links)
Se determina que la población mundial ha ido creciendo año por año (Naciones Unidas, 2014). El Perú no ha sido ajeno a ese crecimiento. En los últimos años la población de Lima ha aumentado rápidamente (INEI-UNFPA, 1996) siendo San Juan de Lurigancho el distrito con mayor población (INEI, 2007) .En ese contexto la investigación busca definir la relación existente entre el crecimiento poblacional y los cambios en el paisaje. Para eso se sintetizaron mapas del periodo 1948 – 2016, siendo los cortes utilizados los de 1948, 1961, 1974, 1984, 1990, 2000, 2016. Para analizar los datos obtenidos se utilizaron métricas e índices de la Ecología del Paisaje. Luego de estos se estimó y determinó la relación existente entre la acción antrópica y los cambios del paisaje entre cada uno de los cortes estudiados. Obteniendo como resultados datos que indicaron que existe una relación directa entre la acción antrópica, en el distrito, y los cambios en el paisaje. Siendo una de las causas principales del cambio, en los años estudiados, la creación de habilitaciones urbanas y vías de acceso. Cambiando drásticamente de un paisaje agrícola de haciendas en 1948 a una ciudad con un crecimiento rápido y desordenado en 2016. Las métricas e índices también indicaron una alta fragmentación y crecimiento en los valores de los índices de diversidad, siendo interpretados en este caso, como negativos por la alta alteración del paisaje. Finalmente se concluyó que la acción antrópica tiene relación directa con el cambio del paisaje en los años estudiados 1948 - 2016, esto podría estar relacionado con circunstancias de carácter nacional y local como la Ley de Reforma Agraria, a finales de los años sesenta; el conflicto armado en el país, entre la década de los años ochenta y noventa, y con las habilitaciones urbanas en comunidades campesinas fronterizas con San Juan de Lurigancho, a partir del año dos mil. / Tesis

Complejo comunitario en San Juan de Lurigancho

Hayashi Matsuda, Emy 19 August 2015 (has links)
Se plantea la creación de un centro comunitario distrital para la población de San Juan de Lurigancho, diseñado para la realización de actividades culturales, mediante la implementación de una biblioteca, talleres artísticos, etc; actividades sociales, y a su vez, actividades recreativas y de esparcimiento, en ambientes deportivos y con la creación de un parque dentro del conjunto. El centro sería de carácter público, promoviendo el uso libre y masivo, fomentando así la formación integral de toda la comunidad, y a su vez, promover la integración social de sus pobladores; haciendo de éste un lugar que ayude a fortalecer la identificación con el distrito. Como hemos mencionado, dentro del carácter de esparcimiento que se pretende en el proyecto, se considera importante la creación de un parque en conjunto con el centro comunitario. Además de los beneficios ecológicos que otorgan, los parques aportan con una mayor congregación de personas, un uso libre y continuo del complejo, y lo más importante es que se brinda un espacio de esparcimiento, fomentando el refuerzo del núcleo familiar. / Tesis

Los Comedores populares en el distrito de Santiago de Surco 2002-2003

Murillo Vargas, Carlos Daniel January 2011 (has links)
El objetivo de la presente investigación es conocer la situación de los comedores populares del distrito de Santiago de Surco, desde su situación organizativa, su infraestructura y equipamiento con que cuentan para su desarrollo diario como organización social de base. Las hipótesis que demostraremos es si la situación de los comedores populares en el distrito de Santiago de Surco es tal, que no es posible desarrollar una buena alimentación en sus óptimas condiciones, tomando en cuenta su organización, infraestructura y equipamiento, de los cuáles carecen o se encuentran en una situación de deterior tal, que no garantiza una buena nutrición en la preparación de los alimentos diarios para los usuarios que son la población con mayores carencias del distrito. La herramienta metodológica que se ha utilizado en la presente investigación es la entrevista a cada una de las presidentas de los comedores populares de Santiago de Surco, así como la aplicación de la observación participante en cada uno de los locales de los comedores populares existentes en el distrito en mención, esto permite mostrar la situación actual. Con el objetivo central de brindar un acercamiento a la realidad de los comedores populares del distrito de Santiago de Surco, y conocer ésta realidad desde los tres puntos de vista de evaluación, a decir, su organización, infraestructura y equipamiento. / Tesis

Conocimientos y prácticas sobre sexualidad e impulsos sexuales en los adolescentes en la I.E. 6041, Alfonso Ugarte - SJM, 2011

Murga Caja, Sofía Luz January 2012 (has links)
Objetivos: Determinar los conocimientos y las prácticas que tienen los adolescentes sobre la sexualidad y los impulsos sexuales de los adolescentes en la I.E.6041 Alfonso Ugarte. Material y Método: El estudio fue de nivel aplicativo, tipo cuantitativo, método descriptivo de corte transversal. La población estuvo conformada por 62 adolescentes del 5º de secundaria. El instrumento que se utilizó fue un formulario tipo cuestionario, y la escala de Lickert validada por Lesly Delgado De La Cruz, el mismo que fue modificada y aplicada previo consentimiento informado. Resultados: En relación a los conocimientos sobre sexualidad del 100% (62), 53% (33) conocen y 47% (29) desconocen. Sobre las prácticas sexuales del 100% (62), 66% (41) tienen prácticas sexuales seguras y 34% (21) poseen prácticas sexuales riesgosas. En cuanto a los impulsos sexuales 53% (33) tienen impulsos sexuales presente y 47% (29) ausente. Acerca de los conocimientos en la dimensión biológica 53% (33) conocen y 47% (29) desconocen, en la dimensión psicológica 66% (41) conocen y 34% (21) desconocen, en la dimensión social 60% (37) conocen y 40% (25) desconocen. Conclusiones: Un porcentaje mayor conocen sobre sexualidad y un porcentaje considerable desconocen, en las prácticas sexuales, un porcentaje mayor es segura y un porcentaje significativo tiene prácticas sexuales riesgosas, los impulsos sexuales en un porcentaje mayor está ausente y un porcentaje considerable significativo está presente. Palabras claves: Conocimientos, Adolecentes, prácticas sexuales, impulsos sexuales. / -- Objectives: To determine knowledge and practices among adolescents on sexuality and sexual impulses of adolescents in the IE6041 Alfonso Ugarte. Methods: The study was level application, quantitative, cross sectional method. The population consisted of 62 adolescents in the 5th grade. The instrument used was a standard form questionnaire and Likert scale validated by Lesly Delgado De La Cruz, the same as modified and applied informed consent. Results: In relation to knowledge about sexuality of 100% (62), 53% (33) know and 47% (29) unknown. About sexual practices of 100% (62), 66% (41) have safer sex and 34% (21) have unsafe sex. As regards sex drive 53% (33) are present sexual impulses and 47% (29) absent. Knowledge about the biological dimension 53% (33) know and 47% (29) unknown, the psychological dimension in 66% (41) know and 34% (21) unknown, the social dimension in 60% (37) known and 40% (25) unknown. Conclusions: A higher percentage know about sexuality and a considerable percentage unknown, sexual practices, a higher percentage is safe and has a significant percentage of risky sexual practices, sexual urges in a greater percentage is absent significant and a considerable portion is present. Keywords: Knowledge, Teens, sexual practices, sexual urges. / Tesis

An Archaeological Survey of North Cottonwood Canyon, San Juan County, Southeastern Utah

Davis, Larry D. 01 April 1975 (has links)
The results of an archaeological survey of North Cottonwood Canyon, San Juan County, southeastern Utah, are herein reported. The purpose and background leading up to the survey are followed by a physical description of the canyon and a description of the 36 archaeological sites recorded. The cultural material collected and/or observed at the sites, including architecture, ceramics, and other miscellaneous artifacts, is described and discussed. This is followed by a distributional analysis between sites. This includes altitude, slope, water resources, and vegetation. Cultural materials in North Cottonwood Canyon are then compared with materials from related areas, including Montezuma Canyon, Beef Basin, Salt Creek, Indian Creek, Cedar Mesa, Hammond Canyon, and Glen Canyon. This is followed by the Conclusion, which discusses the time periods the canyon was inhabited, the lifeway of the prehistoric inhabitants, and some possibilities for further work that hopefully will be conducted in the canyon at a future date.

A Description of Change in School Expenditures in the San Juan School District from 1951 to 1965 and an Analysis of Student Achievement During the Same Period

Maughan, Kenneth B. 01 May 1967 (has links)
The setting for this longitudinal cost-quality study was unique insofar as it provided the rare opportunity to involve a district that had undergone a "rags to riches" transition during the past decade. The purpose of the study was twofold: (1) To report changes in the "learning opportunities" that were brought about as a r esult of money. (2) To determine if the per pupil expenditure level had any influence on the learning opportunities of pupils in the San Juan School District, as measured by the achievement gains on the California Achievement Test. Three hypotheses were tested, all of which hypothesized that the amount of expenditure per pupil would influence the learning opportunities of students in the San Juan School District. Three school years, 1953, 1958, and 1965, representative of low, transitional, and high expenditure years were selected to compare the achievement gains of pupils. The sample, consisting of 731 pupils from the three different expenditure years, was drawn from the same schools and grades within the district. Prior to this study, the 1950 edition of the California Achievement Test had been given to the 1953 and 1958 groups of students and was also given to the 1965 group of students. For statistical computations, I. Q. scores from the California Test of Mental Maturity were obtained for each student. The research design employed the analysis of covariance to test the significant differences among the group means. The individual comparison between the adjusted means was based on Duncan's Multiple Range Test. The analysis of covariance produced F values which con firm ed all three of the research hypotheses. Statistical evidence indicates that students who attended the two designated schools in San Juan during the high expenditure school year, 1965, did attain significantly higher achievement scores in reading, arithmetic, language, and total achievement, than did the students who attended the same schools during the low expenditure year, 1953, or the transitional year, 1958. However, there were no significant differences in the achievement gains between the low and transitional expenditure years. The following conclusions were submitted: 1. As additional money became available and provision for learning opportunities changed, educational expenditures increased. 2. As San Juan spent more money on its schools, they generally were able to employ and retain better teachers. The district was able to and did provide more functionally designed and better equipped facilities, instructional materials, and other aids which were helpful in providing better teaching. 3. Money actually purchased professionally trained teachers as evidenced by improvements in the teacher certification, percentage of teachers possessing degrees, teacher turnover, teacher-pupil ratio, annual adoption of competitive salary schedules, and the possible life-time earning capacity of a beginning teacher. 4. This study implies that, other factors being equal, learning opportunities and expenditure levels tend to go together. 5. There is a definite correspondence between school expenditures and learning opportunities when learning opportunities are measured in terms of achievement gains from the California Achievement Test. 6. If the significance and implication of this study is realized and brought to the public's attention, it will dispell the fallacy that the power of teacher resourcefulness, ingenuity, and good will and dedicated hard work will overcome a meager budget. 7. Often times people are content to be "equal to the average." In a school system this feeling may be expressed in salaries, numbers,achievement, expenditures, cost per meal, pupil-teacher ratio, etc. However, results from this study indicate that being "equal to the average in school expenditures," is sometimes misleading and perhaps not much better than being below the average. To illustrate, when San Juan's average expenditure per pupil was comparable to that of the state of Utah, the students in the district did not attain significantly higher scores on a standardized achievement test than did the students who attended the same schools when San Juan's average expenditure per pupil was the lowest in the state. On the other hand, when San Juan's average expenditure far exceeded Utah's, significant differences in student achievement were prevalent. Therefore, it would seem advisable for school systems throughout the country not to be complacent and satisfied to be an "average spender," but in the process of spending not to overlook the necessity of planning and development of specific criteria essential to a quality program, which eventually should lead to excellence.

Factors Affecting Gunnison Sage-Grouse (<i>Centrocercus minimus</i>) Conservation in San Juan County, Utah

Prather, Phoebe R. 01 December 2010 (has links)
Due to loss of habitat, Gunnison sage-grouse (Centrocercus minimus) currently occupy 8.5% of their presumed historical range. One population survives in Utah, occurring in San Juan County. The Gunnison Sage-grouse Rangewide Conservation Plan and the San Juan County Gunnison Sage-grouse Conservation Plan recommended management strategies to address identified conservation threats to the Utah population. I addressed three conservation strategies identified in the plans: 1) creation and enhancement of brood-rearing areas; 2) assessment of habitat conditions within the Gunnison Sage-grouse Conservation Area; and 3) prevention or reduction of perching events by avian predators on distribution line power poles. From 2007-2009, I addressed the conservation strategy of creating mesic brood-rearing areas in Conservation Reserve Program fields and native sagebrush areas by evaluating the role of irrigation and dormant season cattle grazing on habitat. Vegetation and arthropod diversity in irrigated versus non-irrigated plots did not differ (p>0.01). Conservation Reserve Program plots exhibited greater arthropod abundance and cover of perennial grass than the native sagebrush plots, but lower diversity of perennial grasses and abundance and diversity of forbs (p<0.01). The second conservation strategy I addressed was the completion of an assessment of habitat conditions within the Gunnison Sage-grouse Conservation Area. I measured vegetation conditions within habitat occupied and unoccupied by Gunnison sage-grouse. Cover and height of grasses exceeded guidelines for occupied and unoccupied habitats. Forb cover was below recommended guidelines in occupied habitat. Sagebrush cover was below guidelines for winter habitat. Habitat restoration efforts should focus on retaining existing sagebrush cover and establishment of sagebrush, forb, and grass cover within Conservation Reserve Program fields. The third conservation strategy I evaluated was the retrofitting of distribution line power poles with perch deterrents to discourage avian predators from perching. I evaluated the efficacy of five perch deterrents. The perch deterrents did not mitigate potential avian predators from perching. A deterrent designed for insulators, in combination with physical deterrents we tested, has potential to prevent perching. These studies provided a sound first step that can be built upon by the Monticello/Dove Creek Local Working Group to improve habitat conditions, reduce the threat of avian predation, and plan future conservation activities within the Conservation Area.

An Analysis of the Outdoor Recreation Resource and Its Development in the Canyon Country of San Juan and Grand Counties, Utah

Royer, Lawrence E. 01 May 1968 (has links)
The wild lands recreational resources of the canyon country of southeastern Utah were analyzed within an evaluation framework specific to the region. Patterns of recreation development were established and recommendations for planning were submitted. The study area was found to be richly endowed with environmental recreation resources and opportunities. Contributing environmental factors included the uniqueness, diversity, configuration, and/or abundance of the scenic, water, climatic, and primitive resources. An unusually wide spectrum quality opportunities were present. Planning and development were inconsistent with the expression of the environmental resources. A lack of coordination among the responsible public agencies, disparities in allocation of planning and development priorities, and the failure of planning to derive maximum utility from the resources were evident. Deficiencies of existing development can be easily corrected because of the embryonic state of development. Recommendations pertinent to coordination among agencies, master planning, facilities development, land classification, wilderness allocation, interpretation, and scenic drives were proposed.

Relación del Marketing Estratégico Relacional Educativo en la calidad de la Gestión Pedagógica en las Instituciones Educativas de la Red 07 en la Unidad Gestión Educativa Local 05 en San Juan de Lurigancho - Lima 2009.

Suca Riveros, Roberto Elias January 2012 (has links)
La metodología empleada en la investigación, fue de tipo cuantitativo, diseño No experimental y corte transversal-correlacional y contraste de hipótesis mediante la prueba estadística coeficiente de correlacional de Pearson. El objetivo general de la investigación consistió en demostrar la relación del marketing estratégico relacional educativo y la calidad de la gestión pedagógica. Del contraste de las hipótesis, se llegaron a las siguientes conclusiones: entre el marketing estratégico relacional educativo y la calidad de la gestión pedagógica existe una correlación positiva considerable en las instituciones educativas de la RED 07 (UGEL 05) en San Juan de Lurigancho-Lima. Los resultados evidencian que entre el marketing estratégico relacional educativo y la calidad de la gestión pedagógica existe una correlación positiva considerable de acuerdo al coeficiente de correlación de Pearson en las instituciones educativas de la RED 07 (UGEL 05) en San Juan de Lurigancho. Esta correlación alcanzo un 0.795, para docentes y 0.800 para directivos, que indica un Marketing Relacional Bueno. Por lo tanto, se establece que a buen marketing estratégico relacional educativo mayor calidad de la gestión pedagógica. -- Palabras claves: Marketing Relacional, Calidad de Gestión Pedagógica / -- The methodology of the investigation was quantitative, no experimental design and transverse cutting-correlative. In addition, It contrasted the hypothesis using the statistical test correlative coefficient of Pearson. The general goal of the investigation is to demonstrate the relation between the educational relational strategic marketing and the quality of the pedagogical management. From the contrast of the hypothesis, It achived the following conclusions: Between the educational relational strategic marketing and the quality of the pedagogical management exist a considerable positive correlation at educational institutions in RED 07 (UGEL 05) in San Juan de Lurigancho-Lima. The outcomes display that between the educational relational strategic marketing and the quality of the pedagogical management exist a considerable positive correlation. According to the coefficient of Pearson, at educational institutions of RED 07 (UGEL 05) in San Juan de Lurigancho. This correlation was 0, 795, for teachers and 0.800 for Directors that means a good relational marketing. Consequently, It establishes that if the educational relational strategic marketing is good, the quality of the pedagogical management is better. -- Key words: Relational marketing, quality of pedagogical management / Tesis

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