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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Escuela Técnica de Diseño e Innovación Industrial en San Juan de Lurigancho

Fernández Vásquez, Víctor Arturo 10 March 2019 (has links)
La Escuela Técnica de Diseño e Innovación Industrial ofrece la carrera de Diseño Industrial y busca desarrollar la industria del distrito de San Juan de Lurigancho a través del diseño de espacios académicos de acuerdo a los nuevos estándares pedagógicos que consideran a las nuevas tecnologías de comunicación para modificar los espacios de enseñanza y potenciar el aprendizaje. La investigación busca sustentar la creación de una escuela técnica que brinde un entorno que favorezca la innovación en el trabajo de los alumnos, haciendo uso de una relación visual directa entre espacios de aprendizaje y áreas sociales. Además busca la interrelación de distintos usuarios como alumnos, inversionistas, profesionales, pobladores de la zona para favorecerla innovación de productos y generación de ideas de negocio con ayuda de redes de negocio (networks). / The Technical School of Design and Industrial Innovation offers a career in Industrial Design and seeks to develop the industry of the district of San Juan de Lurigancho through the design of academic spaces according to the new pedagogical standards that consider new communication technologies to modify teaching spaces and enhance learning. The research seeks to support the creation of a technical school that provides an environment that promotes innovation in the work of students, making use of a direct visual relationship between learning spaces and social areas. It also seeks the interrelation of different users such as students, investors, professionals, residents of the area to favor product innovation and generation of business ideas with the help of business networks (networks). / Tesis

Origin and Development of the San Juan Mission in Southeastern Utah in its Work with Indian People (Principally Since 1940)

Heinz, Lyle S. 01 January 1976 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to present the origin and development of the San Juan Mission in southeastern Utah in its work with Indian people, principally since 1940. One of the responsibilities of the San Juan Mission was to teach the Indian people the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. It is also the purpose of this study to show what has been accomplished in regard to the original call and also determine what remains to be completed. The history of the San Juan Mission has been indexed under the following chapter headings: Introduction to San Juan and the Call of the Mormons to Colonize, Establishing Communities and Relationships among the Indians, San Juan Stake Mission, Albert R. Lyman's School, San Juan Stake Indian Branches, San Juan Area Indian Seminaries.It was found that an enormous amount of time, money and effort was contributed to teaching and assisting the Indian people. It was also discovered that much more needs to be done before the San Juan Mission call fills the demands of the original injunction by Apostle Erastus Snow.

Construcción del Colegio Fe y Alegría N° 65, en Pamplona alta - San Juan de Miraflores

Shiroma Kian, Alberto January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

La Autoestima y el juicio moral en los alumnos de secundaria de las instituciones educativas públicas de San Juan de Lurigancho

Giraldo Pimentel, Porfirio Ezequiel January 2010 (has links)
El objetivo de la investigación es establecer la relación entre la autoestima y el juicio moral en 333 alumnos, de las cuales 161 son del género masculino y 172 son del género femenino entre los 14 y 19 años de edad del 5º Año de Secundaria de las Instituciones Educativas Públicas de la RED 11 de la UGEL 05 del distrito de San Juan de Lurigancho de Lima. Los instrumentos utilizados para la investigación fueron el “Programa de Autoestima Escolar” (TAE) de Teresa Marchant, Isabel Haeussler y Alejandra Torretti, y el Cuestionario de “Reflexión Socio Moral” de Gibbs y Widaman, las cuáles pasaron por un análisis psicométrico para determinar la validez y la confiabilidad en un primer momento, luego se procedió a administrarlo previa coordinación con las autoridades correspondientes en de las Instituciones Educativas Públicas. En cuanto a los resultados estas arrojaron la existencia de relación entre las áreas de la autoestima y el juicio moral en general, así como la no existencia de diferencias significativas de acuerdo al género y la edad. Las conclusiones nos demuestra la no existencia de correlaciones significativas entre las áreas de la autoestima y el juicio moral de acuerdo al género y la edad; mientras que existen diferencias en la Autoestima General en función al género, más no existen en función a la edad y en el juicio moral en función al género y la edad tampoco no existen diferencias. Palabras clave: Juicio moral y autoestima / The research objetive is to establish realación between self – esteem and moral judgments in 333 students, of which 161 are male and 172 were women between 14 and 19 years of age High School 5to. Año Publics educational institutions of the RED 11 UGEL 05 of the district of San Juan de Lurigancho of Lima. The instruments used for research were the “School Self – Esteem Program” (TAE) of Teresa Marchant, Isabel Haeussler and Alejandra Torretti, and the questtionnaire “Socio Moral reflection” of Gibbs y Widaman, which underwent a psychometric analysis to determine the validity and reliability at firts, and then proceeded to administer after coordination with the authorities of correespondietes Publics educational institutions. Regarding these results yielded the existence of a relationship between the areas of self-esteem and moral judgments in general as well as non-significant differences according to gender and age. The findings shows that there is no significant correlation between the areas of self – esteem and moral judgments according to gender and age, while there are differences in general self-esteem according to gender, there are more according to age and moral judgments according to gender and age differences also exist. Keywords: Moral judgments and sel-esteem.

Relación de la inteligencia emocional en el liderazgo del equipo directivo en las instituciones educativas de la zona de Canto Grande, UGEL Nº 05 del Distrito de San Juan de Lurigancho

Salvador Atanacio, Adelina January 2010 (has links)
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo investigar la relación que existe entre la inteligencia emocional y la capacidad de liderazgo de directores. En este estudio de investigación participaron 34 directivos de ambos sexos, cuyas edades fluctúan entre 35 y 66 años, con más de tres años de servicio en los cargos pertenecientes a la zona de Canto Grande UGEL Nº 05, distrito de San Juan de Lurigancho. Los instrumentos de medición fueron el inventario de Bar – On (I-CE), adaptado por Ugarriza (2001), y el cuestionario para medir la capacidad de liderazgo de los directivos. El procedimiento se desarrolla en dos etapas la primera descriptiva y la otra comparativa, en la cual se realizó el estudio correlacional de las variables a través del coeficiente (r) de Pearson. Los resultados señalan que la Escala de evaluación del liderazgo presenta confiabilidad y validez de construcción, asimismo el nivel de Inteligencia Emocional General se encuentra en nivel Promedio y el nivel de Liderazgo del equipo directivo en las instituciones educativas de la muestra es de Nivel Alto. Asimismo se encontraron diferencias significativas en inteligencia emocional según el sexo, y finalmente relación positiva y significativa entre las dimensiones de inteligencia emocional y la evaluación de liderazgo. / This research aims to investigate the relationship between emotional Intelligence and the leadership of Directors. This research study involved 34 directors of both sexes, whose ages range from 35 to 66 years, with more than three years of service in the area of Canto Grande UGEL No. 05, district of San Juan of Lurigancho positions. The measurement instrumentation were inventory Bar - On (I-CE), adapted by Ugarriza (2001), and the questionnaire to measure leadership managers. The procedure takes place in two stages the descriptive first and the other comparative, in which the variables correlational study was conducted from Pearson coefficient (r). The results indicate that the leadership assessment scale has reliability and construct validity also the General Emotional Intelligence level is in average level and the level of leadership of the management team in educational institutions in the sample is high. Also found significant differences in emotional intelligence according to sex, and ultimately positive and significant relationship between the dimensions of emotional intelligence and leadership assessment.

Cultural visualization through architecture

Pizarro, Fernando 01 June 2009 (has links)
As an important part of our lives, stories help us to form both our personal identities and the identities of the social groups that make up our society. They facilitate us to be in contact with our beliefs, our feelings, our knowledge, our perception, and what is significant to us. Similarly, we understand those very things from the stories of others. These stories are obtained through different ways: family, friends, literature, poetry, religion, teachers, movies, art, and so on. Through these, our culture is born and sustained. There is no doubt that architecture is an important defining element of our culture. For that reason, we must decisively evaluate its essential role in the communication of these stories. Being more than just the planning, design and construction of a building, the architecture design process involves the manipulation of mass, space, volume, texture, light, shadow, materials, program, and other elements in order to achieve an end which is aesthetic as well as functional, and if taken further architecture can be experienced through the senses. When thinking about what architecture involves, I have to ask myself a question, can architecture take a more dynamic role in the transmission of our culture; generally, symbolically, and more particularly, by encouraging and reinforcing the dissemination of stories? In our modern-day western built-environment, museums have taken a most active role programmatically in the transmission of our culture and stories. My thesis will focus on this building type. During the last 30 years, museums have experienced a change from presenting real things to the creation of experiences. In essence, exhibitions have transitioned from object-oriented to story-centered. How can architecture better provide this recently modified museum experience? Furthermore, what can architecture do to push this focus even further so that people are better able to absorb these stories and experiences? Before attempting to answer these questions however, I must explain how my thesis question will be explored in actual terms. Consequently, I will investigate how the architecture of a museum can further activate, reinforce, and promote a set of stories important to our culture and country as a whole. My thesis project will be a museum that portrays the sequence of events and cultural history of Puerto Rico. With this in mind, I would like to explore an effective method to convey and inform people about who we are and where we come from. All the elements that had contributed to its creation give this culture the distinctive attributes to set it as the perfect model to use architecture as the tool that will disseminate our cultural history. Given the fact that it is very compelling for people to learn through visualization, the creation of a museum that reflects the Puerto Rican culture would be an outstanding tool to educate people. However, instead of designing a museum that merely houses artifacts, I want to create a museum that tells a story about about Puerto Rico's past and present.

Stratigraphy of the De Chelly sandstone of Arizona and Utah

Peirce, H. Wesley (Howard Wesley) January 1962 (has links)
No description available.

The Gallegos Sandstone (formerly Ojo Alamo Sandstone) of the San Juan Basin, New Mexico

Powell, Jon Scott, 1948- January 1972 (has links)
No description available.

Late Holocene Fire and Climate History of the Western San Juan Mountains, Colorado: Results from Alluvial Stratigraphy and Tree-Ring Methods

Bigio, Erica Renee January 2013 (has links)
In the past few decades, wildfires have increased in size and severity in the Southwest and across the western US. These recent trends in fire behavior are a drastic change in arid, ponderosa pine and mixed conifer forests of the Southwest compared with tree-ring records of fire history for the past ~ 400 years. This study presents a late Holocene record (~ 3,000 years) of fire history and related changes in fire regimes with climate variability over annual to multi-decadal time scales. Tree-ring and alluvial-sediment sampling sites were paired in four small, tributary basins located in the western San Juan Mountains of Colorado. In our study sites, tree-ring records show that fire return intervals were longer and fire behavior was more severe on the north-facing slopes with relatively dense mixed conifer stands. Increased fire barriers and steep topography decreased the fire frequency and extent relative to gentle terrain elsewhere in the range and leading to a lack of synchrony among fire years in different parts of the study area. The alluvial-sediment record showed four peaks in high-severity fire activity over the past 3,000 years ranging between 200 - 400 years in length. The timing of peaks coincided with decadal-length drought episodes and were often preceded by multiple decades of above average winter precipitation. The sampling of alluvial-sediment and tree-ring data allowed for site-level comparisons between recent alluvial deposits and specific fire years interpreted from the tree-ring records. We found good correspondence between the type of fire-related sediment deposit (i.e. geomorphic response) in the alluvial record and the extent of mixed and high-severity fire estimated from the tree-ring record, and the correspondence was well-supported by the debris flow probability model results. The two paleofire data tend to represent particular components of the historical fire regime, with alluvial-sediments biased towards infrequent, high-severity events during recent millennia, and the tree-ring record biased toward lower severity fires during recent centuries. The combined analyses of different paleofire proxy types in the same study sites, therefore, can enhance and expand our understanding of fire and climate history beyond what is possible with either proxy alone.

Geology and uranium deposits of the Shinarump conglomerate of Nakai Mesa, Arizona and Utah

Grundy, Wilbur David, 1929- January 1953 (has links)
No description available.

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