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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Zdravotně technické instalace a plynovod v hotelu / Sanitary technical installations and gas pipeline in the hotel

Ševčík, Jan January 2020 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with design of sanitary and gas instalation in hotel building. It is hotel with four floors and basement. Theteoretical part is focused on grey water treatment systems and possibility of their use in the building. The Computational part and project includes design of sanitary and stormwater sewer, water supply system, gas installations a their service pipes to current utility lines.

Zdravotně technické a plynovodní instalace v bytovém domě / Sanitation installation and gas installation in an apartment building

Štefánek, Antonín January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the design of sanitary and gas installations in a new apartment building in Jedovnice on Na Větráku street. The apartment building has one underground and four aboveground floors with a total of 26 residential units. On the ground floor there is a cellar with a utility room. The theoretical part deals with the measurement of hot water consumption, which took place on an apartment building with the same number of residential units as the solved new building apartment building in the thesis. The calculation part and the project contain design of sewage and rainwater sewer, water, gas pipeline and their connection to public networks.

Estrategia de comunicación y gestión pública en tiempos de Covid-19 durante el periodo marzo – junio 2020 / Strategy of communication and public management in times of covid-19 during the period march - june 2020

Collan López, Claudia Vanesa, Risco García, Cynthia Rossana 02 March 2021 (has links)
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo general, determinar la relación que existe entre la estrategia de comunicación política y la gestión pública bajo el actual contexto de la Pandemia del Covid-19, y de manera específica, determinar la relación de la estrategia de comunicación respecto de las medidas económicas y sanitarias. Asimismo, medir el nivel de aceptación de los ciudadanos sobre dichas medidas y la estrategia de comunicación política empleada por el ex presidente Martín Vizcarra durante el periodo marzo-junio 2020. Para alcanzar dichos objetivos, se ha utilizado una metodología que abarca, un diseño cuantitativo no experimental ex post facto, transversal, correlacional, aplicándose como técnica de recolección de datos, la encuesta, que se aplicó a un tamaño de muestra de 385 personas, del total de la “población conformada por 9,674 755 habitantes de Lima Metropolitana” (INEI, 2020). En esa misma línea, el instrumento de recolección de datos elegido fue un cuestionario que constó de 11 preguntas, las mismas que, luego de ser procesadas, arrojaron determinados resultados que han sido analizados e interpretados, de manera tal que nos permitió contrastar las hipótesis propuestas. Finalmente, se realizaron las conclusiones y recomendaciones correspondientes, manteniendo relación con los problemas, objetivos e hipótesis trazados. / The general objective of this research is to determine the relationship between political communication strategy and public management under the current context in which we are facing Covid-19, specifically the relationship of the communication strategy with the economic and health measures. Likewise, to measure the level of citizens' acceptance of these measures and the communication strategy employed by former President Martin Vizcarra; and to identify the factors that contributed to citizens' acceptance of the economic and health measures during the period March-June 2020. In order to achieve these objectives, a methodology that includes a quantitative, non-experimental, ex post facto, cross-sectional, correlational design was used, applying the survey as a data collection technique, which was applied to a sample size of 385 people, from the total population of 9,6747 755 inhabitants of Metropolitan Lima. In the same line, the data collection instrument chosen was a questionnaire consisting of 11 questions, which after being processed, yielded certain results that have been analyzed and interpreted in such a way that allowed us to contrast the proposed hypotheses. Finally, the corresponding conclusions and recommendations were made, in relation to the problems, objectives and hypotheses outlined. / Tesis

Plataforma de control de aforo de personas en centros comerciales de Lima Metropolitana

Burga Loyola, Valeria Belén, Cadenillas Espíritu, Diana Mercedes, Mendoza Albarran, Franco Lucas Eduardo, Rodriguez Curahua, Alexis Alberto 05 July 2021 (has links)
Actualmente, uno de los problemas que ha generado la pandemia es la reducción de aforo en los establecimientos y centros comerciales, lo cual ha causado que se registren colas largas y haya aglomeraciones de las personas afuera de los mismos. A través del presente trabajo, se busca desarrollar un plan de negocio para solucionar el problema mencionado y estudiar la viabilidad de este, el cual tiene como objetivo brindar el aforo o número de personas dentro de los centros comerciales y establecimientos públicos a través de una aplicación, para que tengan esta información relevante antes salir de casa, reduciendo la exposición a más personas y evitando que hagan largas colas. Por ello, se tuvo que realizar entrevistas tanto a usuarios como a expertos, con el fin de validar la idea de negocio propuesta. En primer lugar, se realizó un business model canvas para plantear los aspectos clave del negocio y tener visible la infraestructura, los clientes, proveedores y estructura financiera, para después evaluar y validar cada uno de los cuadrantes. Para ello, se tuvo que llevar a cabo entrevistas con diferentes personas y expertos que se encuentran dentro del segmento de clientes seleccionados, rescatando sus opiniones para desarrollar una aplicación de acuerdo con sus necesidades. En segundo lugar, se desarrolló un mock-up de la aplicación, la cual se le presentó a los entrevistados para que puedan interactuar con ella y brindar sus recomendaciones para modificar la aplicación en caso se considerara necesario y mejorarla, de esta manera los usuarios tendrían una mejor experiencia dentro de la misma. En tercer lugar, se desarrollaron 4 nuevos experimentos para validar el interés de compra de los usuarios, se diseñó una página web, brindando toda la información sobre la idea de negocio, la muestra de la aplicación y sobre todo, los planes de suscripción, de esta manera se pudo medir la intención de compra de cada usuario. Finalmente, se realizaron campañas de publicidad a través de Facebook, para llegar a un mayor segmento de mercado y generar mayor interacción en la página web, esto se tomó en cuenta para elaboración de la proyección de ventas. / At this time, one of the biggest problems that the pandemic has generated is the reduction of capacity in establishments and shopping centers, which has led to long queues and crowds of people outside these places. the main thematic focus of this document is to develop a business plan to solve the problem and study its viability, which has an objective to provide the capacity or the number of people within shopping centers and public establishments through an application, so they have this relevant information before leaving home, reducing the exposure to other people and avoiding long queues. Therefore, interviews with both users and experts had to be conducted in order to validate the proposed business idea. First of all, a business model canvas was made to present the key aspects of the business and have the infrastructure, customers, suppliers and financial structure visible, to later evaluate and validate each of the quadrants. To do this, interviews had to be carried out with different people and experts who are within the selected customer segment, gathering their opinions to develop an application according to their needs. Secondly, a mock-up of the application was developed, which was presented to the interviewees so that they could interact with it and provide their recommendations to modify the application if deemed necessary and improve it, this way the users would have a better experience on the app. Thirdly, 4 new experiments were developed to validate the purchase interest of users, a web page was designed, providing all the information about the business idea, the application sample and above all, the subscription plans, this way the purchase intention of each user could be measured. Finally, advertising campaigns were carried out through Facebook, in order to reach a larger market segment and generate more interaction on the website; this was taken into account when preparing the sales projection. / Trabajo de investigación

Polyfunkční dům / Multifunctional Building

Kotmel, Jiří January 2013 (has links)
This graduation theses contains the solution of new multifunctional building. The house includes a one underground and three above-ground floore with a flat roof. Project contains architectonical and engineering solution, constructive (statics) part and sanitary, technical installations.

Domov důchodců ve Skrbeni / Retirement home in Skrbeň

Gabrlíková, Markéta January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this master‘s thesis is to design a retirement home in Skrbeň. The building has three floors above ground with wall support system. In the first basement floor is a technical background. The 1st floor is rehabilitation, kitchen and dining room with facilities. In the 2nd floor and 3rd floor are the bed wards.

Zdravotně technické instalace v obytné budově / Sanitation installation in residential building

Mauerová, Martina January 2017 (has links)
This Diploma thesis deals with design sanitation installation in a residential building in Prague. The theoretical part is aimed at determining the calculation of flow in the sup-ply duct according to standards. The work also focuses on the alternative solutions of the given specialization. The computational part and project includes a proposal sani-tary and storm sewer, water supply system and their connection to the current pipes. It is a residential building with four overground floors and with two underground floors.

Zdravotně technické instalace hotelů / Plumbing Systems for Hotels

Goroš, Kamil January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with plumbing in the hotel. The theoretical part is devoted to pumping tech-nology and the internal pressure of the water mains in high buildings. The work presents different variants of a possible solution in a given speciality. Project part solves sanitary equipment installation in the variant selected in the given building.

Modelagem empírica para ajuste, correção e análise de confiabilidade de parâmetros de reatores UASB /

Serra, Antonio Marcos Galvez January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Rodrigo Braga Moruzzi / Resumo: A falha humana é um evento indesejado para os engenheiros, e a população que se vê refém destes empreendimentos, (visto os diversos incidentes que ocorrem no Brasil) por fatores como omissão de informações, medições equivocadas ou mesmo erros técnicos, passam despercebidos durante as vistorias. Na área de Saneamento, em se tratando de esgoto sanitário, os riscos não são menores e também devem ser evitados considerando o número de doenças que são proliferadas por falhas no saneamento de esgoto. A partir deste pressuposto, a presente pesquisa visou desenvolver um modelo preditor, usando ferramentas matemáticas que viabilizassem identificar e corrigir erros técnicos no registro e medições realizadas em parâmetros físicos, químicos e biológicos de dois reatores UASB da Estação Candeia da cidade de Bauru- SP. Para isto, após uma revisão sobre a tecnologia de reatores UASB e de estudos probabilísticos baseados no conceito de confiabilidade aplicado a ETEs (Estações de Tratamento de Esgotos), definiu-se, por meio de análise de regressão, um modelo multilinear, acoplado a um algoritmo de otimização, capaz de prever e corrigir parâmetros de entrada e saídas (inconsistentes ou ausentes) no registro do monitoramento da estação referentes ao tratamento de reatores UASB. Com este procedimento matemático, através de uma análise estatística conceitual de confiabilidade do sistema, foi possível corrigir dados e estimar informações de parâmetros ausentes, em 22% das coletas de medidas e regis... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Human failure is an unwanted event for engineers, and the population that is hostage to these endeavors, (due to the various incidents that occur in Brazil) due to factors such as omission of information, wrong measurements or even technical errors, go unnoticed during surveys. . In the Sanitation area, when it comes to sanitary sewage, the risks are no less and should also be avoided considering the number of diseases that are proliferated by sewage sanitation failures. From this assumption, the present research aimed to develop a predictor model, using mathematical tools that could identify and correct technical errors in the recording and measurements performed on physical, chemical and biological parameters of two UASB reactors at Candeia Station of Bauru- SP. For this, after a review of UASB reactor technology and probabilistic studies based on the concept of reliability applied to sewage treatment plants (SEP), a multilinear model coupled to a optimization algorithm, capable of predicting and correcting input and output parameters (inconsistent or absent) in the station monitoring register for the treatment of UASB reactors. With this mathematical procedure, through a conceptual statistical analysis of system reliability, it was possible to correct data and estimate missing parameter information in 22% of the measurement collections and records in the technical reports that were made available for this study. / Mestre

Variables que influyeron en las exportaciones de colas de langostinos congelados del departamento de Tumbes en el marco del APC Perú-Estados Unidos entre los años 2010-2019

Orccotoma Cantu, Linda Yoseline, Luyo Fernández, Gabriela Francesca 26 June 2020 (has links)
En los últimos diez años, el Perú ha mostrado un crecimiento en las exportaciones de langostinos congelados desde la región de Tumbes con destino a Estados Unidos, esta investigación analiza las variables que influyeron en dichas exportaciones bajo el contexto del APC Perú- Estados Unidos. Las variables que se analizan son las medidas sanitarias, precio FOB y aranceles. La industria acuícola ha ido ganando mayor participación en el conjunto de actividades económicas en el Perú, siendo sus principales mercados destino Estados Unidos, España y Canadá. Esta actividad se ha visto favorecida por el APC Perú- EE.UU., ya que en este se trataron y suprimieron temas relacionados a barreras arancelarias y no arancelarias. La exportación de langostinos congelados peruanos ha presentado fluctuaciones en los últimos años debido a las variaciones en el precio internacional, variable que afecta directamente a los productores acuícolas pues impacta en la cantidad exportada tanto en volumen como en valor FOB, aplicación de medidas sanitarias estadounidenses y la desgravación arancelaria que nació con el TLC. Esta investigación propone que las exportaciones peruanas de colas de langostinos congelados se ven influenciadas por el precio FOB, la desgravación arancelaria y las medidas sanitarias. Estas variables fueron analizadas bajo un enfoque mixto que combina la investigación cualitativa y cuantitativa. En cuanto a lo cualitativo, se realizaron entrevistas a especialistas y expertos en la materia y la información obtenida se procesó en Atlas.ti para identificar los puntos más relevantes. En cuanto a lo cuantitativo, se tomó data histórica de fuentes secundarias confiables, las cuales fueron analizadas en el programa SPSS bajo regresión lineal y con ello se validó que, entre otros resultados, el R2 ajustado demuestra que existe un alto grado de correlación entre la variable dependiente y las variables independientes. En síntesis, las variables precio, medidas sanitarias y desgravación arancelaria sí influyen en las exportaciones de cola de langostinos congelados del departamento de Tumbes a Estados Unidos, ya que, en la investigación cualitativa basada en entrevistas, los expertos coincidieron en que las variables son influyentes, al igual que en el análisis estadístico donde el R2 para la regresión lineal fue optimista, reflejando una estimación certera. / In the last ten years, Peru has shown growth in exports of frozen prawns from the Tumbes region to the United States, this research analyzes the variables that influenced these exports under the context of the Peru-United States APC. The variables analyzed are the sanitary measures, FOB price and tariffs. The aquaculture industry has been gaining greater participation in the set of economic activities in Peru, with its main destination markets being the United States, Spain and Canada. This activity has been favored by the Peru-US APC, since this topic dealt with and suppressed issues related to tariff and non-tariff barriers. The export of frozen Peruvian prawns has fluctuated in recent years due to variations in the international price, a variable that directly affects aquaculture producers as it impacts the quantity exported both in volume and FOB value, application of US sanitary measures and the tariff reduction that was born with the FTA. This research proposes that Peruvian exports of frozen shrimp tails are influenced by the FOB price, the tariff reduction and the sanitary measures. These variables were analyzed under a mixed approach that combines qualitative and quantitative research. Regarding the qualitative, interviews were conducted with specialists and experts in the field and the information obtained was processed in Atlas.ti to identify the most relevant points. Regarding the quantitative, historical data was taken from reliable secondary sources, which were analyzed in the SPSS program under linear regression and with this it was validated that, among other results, the adjusted R2 shows that there is a high degree of correlation between the dependent variable and independent variables. In summary, the variables price, sanitary measures and tariff reduction do influence the exports of frozen shrimp tail from the department of Tumbes to the United States, since, in the qualitative research based on interviews, the experts agreed that the variables are influential , as in the statistical analysis where the R2 for the linear regression was optimistic, reflecting an accurate estimate. / Tesis

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