Spelling suggestions: "subject:"sanitary"" "subject:"anitary""
1241 |
Zdravotně technické instalace hotelů / Plumbing Systems for HotelsGoroš, Kamil January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with plumbing in the hotel. The theoretical part is devoted to pumping tech-nology and the internal pressure of the water mains in high buildings. The work presents different variants of a possible solution in a given speciality. Project part solves sanitary equipment installation in the variant selected in the given building.
1242 |
Modelagem empírica para ajuste, correção e análise de confiabilidade de parâmetros de reatores UASB /Serra, Antonio Marcos Galvez January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Rodrigo Braga Moruzzi / Resumo: A falha humana é um evento indesejado para os engenheiros, e a população que se vê refém destes empreendimentos, (visto os diversos incidentes que ocorrem no Brasil) por fatores como omissão de informações, medições equivocadas ou mesmo erros técnicos, passam despercebidos durante as vistorias. Na área de Saneamento, em se tratando de esgoto sanitário, os riscos não são menores e também devem ser evitados considerando o número de doenças que são proliferadas por falhas no saneamento de esgoto. A partir deste pressuposto, a presente pesquisa visou desenvolver um modelo preditor, usando ferramentas matemáticas que viabilizassem identificar e corrigir erros técnicos no registro e medições realizadas em parâmetros físicos, químicos e biológicos de dois reatores UASB da Estação Candeia da cidade de Bauru- SP. Para isto, após uma revisão sobre a tecnologia de reatores UASB e de estudos probabilísticos baseados no conceito de confiabilidade aplicado a ETEs (Estações de Tratamento de Esgotos), definiu-se, por meio de análise de regressão, um modelo multilinear, acoplado a um algoritmo de otimização, capaz de prever e corrigir parâmetros de entrada e saídas (inconsistentes ou ausentes) no registro do monitoramento da estação referentes ao tratamento de reatores UASB. Com este procedimento matemático, através de uma análise estatística conceitual de confiabilidade do sistema, foi possível corrigir dados e estimar informações de parâmetros ausentes, em 22% das coletas de medidas e regis... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Human failure is an unwanted event for engineers, and the population that is hostage to these endeavors, (due to the various incidents that occur in Brazil) due to factors such as omission of information, wrong measurements or even technical errors, go unnoticed during surveys. . In the Sanitation area, when it comes to sanitary sewage, the risks are no less and should also be avoided considering the number of diseases that are proliferated by sewage sanitation failures. From this assumption, the present research aimed to develop a predictor model, using mathematical tools that could identify and correct technical errors in the recording and measurements performed on physical, chemical and biological parameters of two UASB reactors at Candeia Station of Bauru- SP. For this, after a review of UASB reactor technology and probabilistic studies based on the concept of reliability applied to sewage treatment plants (SEP), a multilinear model coupled to a optimization algorithm, capable of predicting and correcting input and output parameters (inconsistent or absent) in the station monitoring register for the treatment of UASB reactors. With this mathematical procedure, through a conceptual statistical analysis of system reliability, it was possible to correct data and estimate missing parameter information in 22% of the measurement collections and records in the technical reports that were made available for this study. / Mestre
1243 |
Variables que influyeron en las exportaciones de colas de langostinos congelados del departamento de Tumbes en el marco del APC Perú-Estados Unidos entre los años 2010-2019Orccotoma Cantu, Linda Yoseline, Luyo Fernández, Gabriela Francesca 26 June 2020 (has links)
En los últimos diez años, el Perú ha mostrado un crecimiento en las exportaciones de langostinos congelados desde la región de Tumbes con destino a Estados Unidos, esta investigación analiza las variables que influyeron en dichas exportaciones bajo el contexto del APC Perú- Estados Unidos. Las variables que se analizan son las medidas sanitarias, precio FOB y aranceles. La industria acuícola ha ido ganando mayor participación en el conjunto de actividades económicas en el Perú, siendo sus principales mercados destino Estados Unidos, España y Canadá. Esta actividad se ha visto favorecida por el APC Perú- EE.UU., ya que en este se trataron y suprimieron temas relacionados a barreras arancelarias y no arancelarias. La exportación de langostinos congelados peruanos ha presentado fluctuaciones en los últimos años debido a las variaciones en el precio internacional, variable que afecta directamente a los productores acuícolas pues impacta en la cantidad exportada tanto en volumen como en valor FOB, aplicación de medidas sanitarias estadounidenses y la desgravación arancelaria que nació con el TLC. Esta investigación propone que las exportaciones peruanas de colas de langostinos congelados se ven influenciadas por el precio FOB, la desgravación arancelaria y las medidas sanitarias. Estas variables fueron analizadas bajo un enfoque mixto que combina la investigación cualitativa y cuantitativa. En cuanto a lo cualitativo, se realizaron entrevistas a especialistas y expertos en la materia y la información obtenida se procesó en Atlas.ti para identificar los puntos más relevantes. En cuanto a lo cuantitativo, se tomó data histórica de fuentes secundarias confiables, las cuales fueron analizadas en el programa SPSS bajo regresión lineal y con ello se validó que, entre otros resultados, el R2 ajustado demuestra que existe un alto grado de correlación entre la variable dependiente y las variables independientes. En síntesis, las variables precio, medidas sanitarias y desgravación arancelaria sí influyen en las exportaciones de cola de langostinos congelados del departamento de Tumbes a Estados Unidos, ya que, en la investigación cualitativa basada en entrevistas, los expertos coincidieron en que las variables son influyentes, al igual que en el análisis estadístico donde el R2 para la regresión lineal fue optimista, reflejando una estimación certera. / In the last ten years, Peru has shown growth in exports of frozen prawns from the Tumbes region to the United States, this research analyzes the variables that influenced these exports under the context of the Peru-United States APC. The variables analyzed are the sanitary measures, FOB price and tariffs. The aquaculture industry has been gaining greater participation in the set of economic activities in Peru, with its main destination markets being the United States, Spain and Canada. This activity has been favored by the Peru-US APC, since this topic dealt with and suppressed issues related to tariff and non-tariff barriers. The export of frozen Peruvian prawns has fluctuated in recent years due to variations in the international price, a variable that directly affects aquaculture producers as it impacts the quantity exported both in volume and FOB value, application of US sanitary measures and the tariff reduction that was born with the FTA. This research proposes that Peruvian exports of frozen shrimp tails are influenced by the FOB price, the tariff reduction and the sanitary measures. These variables were analyzed under a mixed approach that combines qualitative and quantitative research. Regarding the qualitative, interviews were conducted with specialists and experts in the field and the information obtained was processed in Atlas.ti to identify the most relevant points. Regarding the quantitative, historical data was taken from reliable secondary sources, which were analyzed in the SPSS program under linear regression and with this it was validated that, among other results, the adjusted R2 shows that there is a high degree of correlation between the dependent variable and independent variables. In summary, the variables price, sanitary measures and tariff reduction do influence the exports of frozen shrimp tail from the department of Tumbes to the United States, since, in the qualitative research based on interviews, the experts agreed that the variables are influential , as in the statistical analysis where the R2 for the linear regression was optimistic, reflecting an accurate estimate. / Tesis
1244 |
El empoderamiento de la mujer en discursos publicitarios con respecto al tabú menstrual / Women’s empowerment in publicity speeches regarding menstrual tabooGonzales Meza, Sarah Alessandra 17 August 2020 (has links)
Solicitud de envío manuscrito de artículo científico. / El tema desarrollado en esta investigación se centra en la relevancia que ha tenido hablar de empoderamiento de la mujer en productos de higiene femenina y su relevancia en la percepción del tabú menstrual dentro de un público de mujeres adolescentes entre los 15 a 20 años de Lima que empiezan a descubrir e interactuar por primera vez con este ciclo natural. El caso que se tomó para esta investigación es de la campaña “El Rojo No Me Sonroja” de la marca de toallas higiénicas Nosotras en Perú. La importancia que tiene la presente tesis se da en los distintos aportes que ofrece al mercado publicitario, al sector académico y al contexto actual caracterizado por el empoderamiento femenino. En primer lugar, dentro del mercado de la publicidad permite tener nuevos enfoques en relación a la responsabilidad social que es a lo que apuntan las marcas de hoy en día al tener a un consumidor más preocupado por su contexto social. En segundo lugar, dentro del sector académico, su relevancia se enfoca en debatir más este tema y enriquecer el punto de vista existente por parte de otras investigaciones que tienen una postura de crítica con respecto a cómo ciertas marcas comunican el empoderamiento de la mujer en relación a productos de higiene femenina. En tercer lugar, tiene importancia para el contexto actual el cual se caracteriza por una ideología feminista que bus ca empoderar a la mujer en los diferentes ámbitos de su vida. El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar la percepción de tabúes menstruales de las mujeres frente a discursos de empoderamiento. Nuestro hallazgo principal es que existe una incongruencia entre lo que las marcas tratan de comunicar como empoderamiento al hablar de la menstruación con las consecuencias que genera. En este caso, las marcas de toallas higiénicas dicen a sus consumidoras que se sentirán empoderadas siempre y cuando usen sus productos, creando prejuicios como que la sangre menstrual es sucia, poco higiénica y vuelve débil a la mujer. / The theme developed in this research focuses on the relevance of talking about the empowerment of women in feminine hygiene products and its relevance in the perception of the menstrual taboo within in an audience of adolescent women between the ages of 15 and 20 from Lima who they begin to discover and interact with this natural cycle for the first time. The case chose for this investigation is the campaign “El Rojo No Me Sonroja” of the sanitary pads brand Nosotras in Peru. The importance of this investigation is related to the different contributions it offers to the advertising market, the academic sector and the current context characterized by female empowerment. In the first place, within the advertising market it allows new approaches in relation to social responsibility, which is what today’s brands are aiming at by having a consumer more concerned about their social context. Second, within the academic sector, which relevance is focused on further debating this issue and enriching the existing point of view by other research that has a critical stance regarding how certain brands communicate the empowerment of women in relation to feminine hygiene products. Third, it is important for the current context, which is characterized by a feminist ideology that looks to empower women in the different areas of their lives. The objective of this research was determine the perception of menstrual taboos by women in the face of empowerment discourses. Our main finding is the incongruity between whats brands try to communicate as empowerment when talking about menstruation with the consequences it generates. In this case, the brands of sanitary pads tell their consumer that they’ll feel empowered as long as they use their products, creating prejudices such as that menstrual blood is dirty, unhygienic and makes women weak. / Trabajo de investigación
1245 |
La relación entre las notificaciones y las preocupaciones comerciales específicas sobre medidas sanitarias y fitosanitarias presentadas en el Comité de Medidas Sanitarias y Fitosanitarias de la Organización Mundial del Comercio durante el periodo 2009-2019 / The relationship between notifications and specific trade concerns on sanitary and phytosanitary measures presented in the Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary of the World Trade Organization during the period 2009-2019Cano Huillca, Aron, Valverde Arevalo, Marcelo Alonso 13 January 2021 (has links)
Las medidas no arancelarias han aumentado significativamente en el comercio, a diferencia de la reducción de otro tipo de medidas. Esto ha implicado que, a nivel de la Organización Mundial del Comercio, los Miembros presenten un mayor número de preocupaciones comerciales debido a medidas aplicadas por ciertos países.
En lo concerniente a requisitos técnicos al comercio exterior, se percibe un aumento de notificaciones sobre obstáculos técnicos al comercio y medidas sanitarias y fitosanitarias. Si bien se identifica que la relación entre las notificaciones de obstáculos técnicos al comercio tendría una relación directa con las preocupaciones comerciales de este tipo de medidas, no se presenta la misma situación en los asuntos sanitarios y fitosanitarios.
Adicionalmente, en el marco del Comité de Medidas Sanitarias y Fitosanitarias, se han mantenido discusiones, a fin de mejorar la calidad e integridad de la información que se transmite a través de las notificaciones.
En ese sentido, el objetivo principal de esta investigación es determinar la relación entre la calidad e integridad de la información de las notificaciones de medidas sanitarias y fitosanitarias y las preocupaciones comerciales específicas presentadas en la Organización Mundial del Comercio durante el periodo 2009-2019. Para estos fines, se desarrolló una investigación mixta mediante un diseño explicativo secuencial. En la parte cuantitativa de esta tesis, se identificó la correlación entre ambas variables y en la parte cualitativa, se profundizó la comprensión del fenómeno mediante entrevistas a veintidós expertos nacionales e internacionales. Se concluye que existe una relación positiva entre las ambas variables. / Non-tariff measures have increased significantly in trade, while there is a reduction on other kind of measures. This situation implied that, at the World Trade Organization, Members have presented a higher number of trade concerns due to measures applied by certain countries.
Regarding technical requirements for foreign trade, there is an increase in notifications of technical barriers to trade and sanitary and phytosanitary measures. In that regard, it is identified that notifications of technical barriers to trade would have a direct relationship with the specific trade concerns of this kind of measures. The same situation is not presented on sanitary and phytosanitary matters.
Additionally, in the Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures, Member have discussed ways to improve the quality and completeness of the information included in the notifications.
In this sense, the main objective of this research is to determine the relationship between the quality and completeness of the information provided in the notifications of sanitary and phytosanitary measures and the specific trade concerns raised at the World Trade Organization during the period 2009-2019. For these purposes, a mixed research was developed using a sequential explanatory design. In the quantitative part of this thesis, it is identified the correlation between both variables. In the qualitative side, the understanding of the phenomenon is extended through interviews with twenty-two national and international experts. It is concluded that there is a positive relationship between the two variables. / Tesis
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Factores que determinaron el dinamismo de las exportaciones de mangos frescos en el acuerdo de libre comercio (alc) entre perú y corea del sur durante el periodo 2015 – 2020Escalante Andonaire, Claudia María, Hernández Morán, Alejandra Lisette 10 November 2021 (has links)
El principal objetivo de esta investigación es determinar los factores que impactaron en el dinamismo de las exportaciones de mangos frescos peruanos en el marco del Acuerdo de Libre Comercio (ALC) de Perú hacia Corea del Sur en un periodo durante 2015 y 2020. El mango se ha convertido en uno de los principales productos de exportación del sector agroexportador, sin embargo, se ha evidenciado que ciertos factores, algunos reflejados en las medidas no arancelarias, obstaculizaron el intercambio comercial de este bien entre ambos estados. Por ende, el principal objetivo de la presente investigación es definir los factores que afectaron el comportamiento de dichas exportaciones al mercado asiático.
Se utilizó una metodología tipo mixto a fin de conocer el comportamiento de las variables estudiadas. Esta metodología tiene dos enfoques, un enfoque cualitativo y un enfoque cuantitativo. Para el cualitativo, se emplearon entrevistas a profundidad, las cuales fueron aplicadas a instituciones y empresas exportadoras con amplio conocimiento en el sector. Para el análisis cuantitativo, se usó el modelo de regresión múltiple cuyos datos fueron obtenidos del ADEX DATA TRADE, VERITRADE y OMC.
Entre los resultados, se obtuvo que la calidad, las Medidas sanitarias y fitosanitarias y el precio de exportación fueron los factores que más impactaron en el dinamismo de las exportaciones de mangos frescos a Corea del Sur. / The main objective of this research is determine the factors that affected the dynamism of Peruvian fresh mango exports within the framework of Peru's Free Trade Agreement (FTA) to South Korea in a period during 2015 and 2020. Mango has become In one of the main export products of the agro-export sector, however, it has been shown that certain factors, some reflected in the non-tariff measures, hindered the commercial exchange of this good between both states. Therefore, the main objective of this research is to define the factors that affected the behavior of said exports to the Asian market.
A mixed type methodology was used in order to know the behavior of the variables studied. This methodology has two approaches, a qualitative approach and a quantitative approach. For the qualitative, in-depth interviews were used, which were applied to institutions and exporting companies with extensive knowledge in the sector. For the quantitative analysis, the multiple regression model was used whose data were obtained from ADEX DATA TRADE, VERITRADE and OMC.
Among the results, it was obtained that quality, sanitary and phytosanitary measures and export price were the factors that had the most impact on the dynamism of fresh mango exports to South Korea. / Tesis
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Modelo de Estandarización del Trabajo y Rediseño del Layout para Incrementar la Eficiencia en los Procesos de Ensamble / Work Standardization Model and Layout Redesign to Increase Efficiency in Assembly ProcessesFerrer Rosales, Jared Brillit, Magallan Tejada, Vanessa 08 August 2020 (has links)
El presente estudio aborda el problema de ineficiencia en una línea de ensamble de sanitarios causados por un 23.58% de tiempo improductivos, movimientos ineficientes en un 45.25% y un 31.16% en exceso de desplazamiento de la pieza. En consecuencia, el cumplimiento del plan de producción se ve afectado mensualmente y ocasiona una pérdida de oportunidad de S/. 994,074.00, que representa aproximadamente el 21% de los ingresos mensuales por producción del producto principal One Piece. En este contexto, el siguiente caso de estudio propone un modelo de estandarización de trabajo integrado por las técnicas de Ingeniería de Métodos. Adicionalmente, se complementan estas técnicas con el rediseño del layout mediante la Planificación Sistemática del Layout (SLP) con el objetivo de optimizar la eficiencia de línea y contribuir a la literatura, ya que no existe una cantidad considerable de estudios relacionados al área de ensamble y al sector de productos sanitarios. El modelo es validado mediante una simulación en el software Arena y se obtiene como resultado el incremento de la eficiencia en un 14% aproximadamente. Asimismo, se analiza un flujo de caja económico y un flujo de caja financiero de los cuales se obtiene un índice de rendimiento (RBC) de S/. 5.01 y S/. 18.11 respectivamente. / This study addresses the problem of inefficiency in a sanitary assembly line caused by 23.58% of unproductive time, inefficient movements by 45.25% and 31.16% in excess of displacement of the piece. Consequently, compliance with the production plan is affected every month and it causes a loss of opportunity of S /. 994,074.00, which represents approximately 21% in the monthly production income of the main product One Piece. In this context, the following case study proposes a work standardization model made up of Method Engineering techniques. Additionally, these techniques are complemented with the layout redesign through the Systematic Layout Planning (SLP) in order to optimize the line efficiency and to contribute to the literature, since there is not a considerable amount of studies related to the area of assembly and to the sanitary products sector. The model is validated by a simulation in the Arena software and the result is an increase in efficiency of 14% approximately. Likewise, an economic cash flow and a financial cash flow are analyzed, from which a performance index (RBC) of S /. 5.01 and S /. 18.11 respectively. / Trabajo de investigación
1248 |
The food safety knowledge of street food vendors and the sanitary conditions of their street food vending environment, Zululand District, South AfricaNkosi, Nelly Virginia 01 1900 (has links)
Street-vended foods are convenient and cheap meals, but their contamination can lead to
foodborne illness. This study aimed to evaluate food safety knowledge of street food vendors in
Ulundi and AbaQulusi local municipalities of Zululand District, South Africa and compliance of
their street food vending environment to sanitary requirements. A cross sectional survey design
was utilised to gather data from 400 street food vendors using interviews. A piloted checklist was
used to collect data on the sanitary characteristics from 200 randomly selected street food
vending facilities. Most of the street food vendors were black (99%), females (73%), and above
35 years (55%). Only the minority of street food vendors had attended a high school (47%) and
the vast majority (77%) of them had not attended any food safety training course. The majority
(64.7%) of respondents knew that food should not be handled when they have diarrhoea, even if
their hands were washed regularly, neither when they have flu, colds, cough, or catarrh. The
minority (43%) of street food vendors knew that the use of separate cutting boards for meat and
salad, and washing them between uses are the safest ways to avoid cross-contamination. The
majority (79.4%) of street food vendors were aware that microorganisms could cause foodborne
diseases that may lead to death. The vast majority (76%) of street food vendors had low food
safety knowledge and only 14% of the street food vending sites had high compliance with
sanitary conditions. In conclusion, most street food vendors possessed inadequate food safety
knowledge in key food safety parameters and most of the street food vending facilities were noncompliant.
Furthermore, most of them operate under poor sanitary conditions. Street food
vendors should be provided with compliant waste disposal and standard kitchen facilities with
water resources to ensure hygienic preparation and serving of food. / Life and Consumer Sciences / M. Cons. Sci.
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Influence de l’état de dispersion de nanotubes de carbone sur leur relargage et aérosolisation lors de la sollicitation tribologique de nanocomposites MWNT/polymère / Influence of carbon nanotubes dispersion states on their releasing from MWNT/Polymer nanocomposites under tribological sollicitationsPras, Maxime 28 March 2013 (has links)
Les composites renforcés avec des nanotubes de carbone présentent un réel potentiel en terme de renforcement mécanique, d’amélioration de conductivités électrique et thermique des matériaux cependant les effets toxicologiques des nanotubes de carbone sur la santé humaine sont toujours à l’étude, et tout laisse à penser que ceux-ci feront prochainement l’objet de normes et autres législation. C’est pourquoi les fabricants de composites renforcés nanotubes de carbone ont tout intérêt à prendre les devants sur de futures législations en contrôlant le relargage de nanotubes isolés lors de différentes sollicitations de ces matériaux telles que la casse ou l’abrasion. Un bon état de dispersion des nanotubes au sein de la matrice est un paramètre qui améliore les performances du composite et que l’on suppose faire baisser le relargage de nanotubes de carbone isolé dans l’environnement. Le but final de cette étude est donc ici de savoir si la qualité de l’état de dispersion des nanotubes influe sur la nature des particules relarguées suite à une dégradation d’un composites. Il faut savoir si l’on a relargué des nanotubes isolés, ou bien des particules de polymère dans lesquelles des nanotubes seraient complètement enrobés, d’où l’intérêt de bien maitriser cette étape de dispersion. Pour contrôler la dispersion des nanotubes de carbone dans un système polymère, différentes méthode peuvent être utilisées, notamment la microscopie électronique (MEB et MET), mais également des méthodes telles que la caractérisation des propriétés mécaniques, la conductivité électrique, thermique ou encore la rhéologie des suspensions. Ces différentes méthodes étant plus ou moins efficaces et simple à mettre en œuvre pour indiquer si les nanotubes sont individuellement dispersés, en fagots, voire en agglomérats. Une fois l’état de dispersion des composites biens caractérisés, il s’agit de le corréler avec une prédisposition plus ou moins prononcée de ce nanocomposite au relargage. La théorie prédit que l’interface entre un nanotube et le polymère est supposé bien plus forte que celle entre un nanotube entouré par d’autres nanotubes au sein d’un agrégat. Des observations microscopiques de fractures ainsi que la caractérisation des particules relarguées lors des tests en abrasion standardisés (mesures granulométriques combinées à des observations par microscopie électronique) menées sur ces matériaux modèles permettent alors de confirmer les prédictions théoriques et de caractériser les particules relarguées en termes de taille, nombre et nature. Les résultats ne permettent pas d’affirmer que des nanotubes de carbone isolés sont relargués pendant la sollicitation mécanique des nanocomposites, quel que soit l’état de dispersion des nanotubes de carbone. En revanche, les interactions entre les particules de matrice polymère et les nanotubes de carbone observés sur celles-ci, apparaissent extrêmement dépendantes de cet état de dispersion. / Carbon nanotubes (CNT) reinforced polymer-based composites represent a significant opportunity in terms of mechanical reinforcement and electrical and thermal conductivity improvements. However specific issues for nanotubes and related composites on human health are still under studied. It is strongly expected that standards and regulations on carbon nanotubes and on carbon nanotubes composites should appear soon. Due to their high aspect ratio they could migrate into breathing apparatus (because of their small diameter) and remain stuck to the walls (due to their length) causing damages like pulmonary fibrosis or cancer. Exposition of human people to carbon nanotubes must be controlled and an occupational exposure limit must be defined. That is why suppliers of carbon nanotubes have large interest to predict rules in controlling carbon nanotube release during the use of materials prepared from nanotubes, especially under abrasion or other cyclic mechanical solicitations. A key point is to check if a good dispersion state is a required condition to decrease isolated carbon nanotubes release. As the dispersion state of carbon nanotubes in polymer-based nanocomposites was known and controlled, standardized abrasion tests were performed in a glove box in order to simulate the wear use of a nanocomposite during its lifecycle, i.e. to generate particles. Released particles were collected on TEM grids and by particle sizing devices and these ones were analyzed in term of number, size and nature thanks to different characterization methods. Granulometric data, TEM micrographs and EDX measurements were all performed and founded to be influenced by several parameters amongst which the carbon nanotubes dispersion state. Carbon nanotubes were found in the abraded particles but never isolated from other polymer particles but could be linked to released polymer particles via Van der Waals interactions and physical entanglement. It clearly appears that the dispersion state of CNT has an influence on the shape and the aspect of released particles.
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El impacto de los controles sanitarios en el proceso de la cadena logística de exportación de pota durante el periodo 2016 – 2020 / The impact of sanitary controls on the process of the logistic chain for the export of squid during the period 2016 – 2020Leonardo Principe, Eleni Zoila, Machuca Ordinola, Angela Valeria 30 October 2021 (has links)
El trabajo de investigación consiste en determinar el Impacto de los controles sanitarios en el proceso de la cadena logística de exportación de pota durante el periodo 2016-2020. En los últimos años las exportaciones pesqueras tuvieron un crecimiento constante, representando el 52% de exportación del sector pesquero, según MINCETUR. Sin embargo, las medidas sanitarias aplicadas por el mercado de destino son exigentes y representan una limitación al comercio internacional. La investigación ha sido desarrollada bajo un enfoque mixto. En primer lugar, bajo el enfoque cualitativo se analizó las entrevistas semiestructuradas realizadas a los actores y expertos, quienes brindaron información relevante, así como de la aplicación de la legislación sanitaria vigente. En segundo lugar, bajo el enfoque cuantitativo, las bases de datos remitidas por SUNAT, SANIPES y VERITRADE. Así como, los resultados de las preguntas cerradas de las entrevistas semiestructuradas. Por lo tanto, se concluye que los controles e inspecciones sanitarias han impactado en el proceso de la cadena logística de exportación de pota. Porque las medidas sanitarias aplicadas por las entidades de control han permitido posicionar el producto en el mercado europeo generando oportunidades para el sector pesquero. Sin embargo, estas medidas han generado un aumento en los tiempos incurridos en el proceso de la cadena logística de exportación, así como en los costos de exportación que son transferidos a los precios finales de exportación impactando en la competitividad de los exportadores peruanos de pota. / The research work consists of determining the Impact of sanitary controls in the process of the logistical chain for the export of squid during the period 2016-2020. In recent years, fishing exports had a constant growth, representing 52% of exports from the fishing sector, according to MINCETUR. However, the sanitary measures applied by the market are demanding and represent a limitation to international trade. The research has been developed under a mixed approach. In the first place, under the qualitative approach, the semi-structured interviews carried out with the actors and experts were analyzed, who provided relevant information, as well as the application of current health legislation. Second, under the quantitative approach, the databases submitted by SUNAT, SANIPES and VERITRADE. As well as the results of the closed questions of the semi-structured interviews. Therefore, it is concluded that sanitary controls and inspections have impacted on the process of the logistical chain for the export of squid. Because the sanitary measures applied by the control entities have made it possible to position the product in the European market, generating opportunities for the fishing sector. However, these measures have generated an increase in the time incurred in the process of the export logistics chain, as well as in the export costs that are transferred to the final export prices, impacting the competitiveness of Peruvian squid exporters. / Tesis
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