Spelling suggestions: "subject:"sanitary"" "subject:"anitary""
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[pt] Esta dissertação pretende apresentar as vantagens e desvantagens existentes na celebração de Parceria Público Privada na área de saneamento básico, especificamente na vertente esgotamento sanitário, cujo território de investigação foi a cidade de Vila Velha, estado do Espírito Santo, e se respaldou em pesquisa de cunho descritivo, através da modalidade de estudo de caso, com a finalidade de verificar a partir da análise documental, se os indicadores de saúde, epidemiológicos e socioeconômicos existentes antes e depois da parceria, tiveram avanços ou retrocessos, diante do novo modelo de gestão. A partir da análise realizada, foi possível considerar que a parceria no caso capixaba, surgiu como uma alternativa positiva em um cenário de alto endividamento do estado, cujos recursos orçamentários estavam cada vez mais escassos, dificultando o cumprimento das metas do Plano Municipal de Saneamento Básico que era executado pela Companhia Espírito Santense de Saneamento - CESAN. Isto porque este tipo de arranjo legal apoiado na lei 11.079/04 tem potencial para captação de investimentos, permitindo a obtenção de recursos sem o endividamento do setor público, pois promove a profissionalização na gestão do serviço, gera novos postos de trabalho, mas sobretudo, amplia o atendimento da população na área de saneamento básico. Entretanto, faz-se necessário que haja um bom planejamento, transparência, responsabilidade na celebração da parceria, bem como na prestação dos serviços, pois caso contrário, poderá ser mais oneroso do que os contratos padrões, devido aos custos mais elevados de empréstimos do setor privado quando confrontados às taxas do governo em longos períodos de concessão. / [en] The term sanitation, from Latin origin (sanu), means the act of sanitizing or making something healthy. However, this understanding has long been broadened to be understood through the idea of being a necessary action to improve the quality of life of the population of a given geographical area. Yet, it should be noted, albeit on a preliminary basis, that sanitation must be understood as a set of measures that must be adopted to improve the quality of life of people through the rational use of spaces, thus preserving the conditions of the environment. This preservation, in turn, directly results in the prevention of diseases and the improvement of public health conditions. The World Health Organization - WHO, defines sanitation as the control of all factors of men s physical environment which have a deleterious effect on their physical, mental and social well-being (Ministério da Saúde apud Moraes 2003, p.72). In other words, sanitation can be understood as the set of socioeconomic actions that aim at continuous improvement in search of a healthy, that is, beneficial, wholesome and pleasant environment. For Federal Law No. 11,445, of January 5, 2007, which institutes the National Basic Sanitation Policy, it consists of a set of services, infrastructure and operational installations for the supply of drinking water, sanitation, urban cleaning and solid waste management and rainwater drainage and management. This law seeks to provide guidelines that guarantee the implementation of local basic sanitation, highlighting the universalization / equity of access to sanitation (that is, the democratization of improved quality of life), efficient management through the interconnection of the various infrastructures and services related to water resources, as well as socioeconomic control.
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En sammanställning av problem i hushåll i Linga Linga, Moçambique : Samt utvärdering av möjliga tekniska lösningar / A summary of problems in households in Linga Linga, Mozambique : As well as an evaluation of possible technical solutionsEriksson, Erica, Johansson Gunnarsson, Sofia January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med projektet var att via en fältstudie på plats i Linga Linga, Moçambique, finna tekniska lösningar till problem kopplade till det privata hushållet. Via observationer och intervjuer identifierades de huvudsakliga problemen, varefter fokus lades på att finna lösningar till problematiken med stora mängder rök vid matlagning, att inomhustemperaturen blir väldigt hög, att det inte finns möjlighet att kylförvara mat samt att det råder stor brist på ordentliga toaletter. De lösningar på problemen som via en litteraturstudie identifierats utvärderades utifrån vad som ansågs rimligt att genomföra i Linga Linga, med avstamp i ekonomisk kostnad, materialtillgång och tekniska svårigheter. Slutsatsen blev att en enkel anordning kallad Mewar Angithi är lämplig för att minska mängden luftburna partiklar. Att kyla husen kan eventuellt vara möjligt med en Eco-cooler, men effekterna av denna är oklar. Att kyla mat visade sig tekniskt svårt utan ett kylskåp, och ett kylskåp är inte en ekonomisk möjlighet för gemene man på Linga Linga. Däremot finns olika lösningar på att förlänga hållbarheten på frukt och grönsaker. Slutligen identifierades ett par olika varianter av toaletter som skulle vara lämpliga att implementera i byn. / The aim of this project was to find technical solutions to problems linked to the private household through a field study in Linga Linga, Mozambique. Through observations and interviews, sixteen problems were identified and presented in a table. Large amounts of smoke while cooking, high indoor temperatures, lack of possibility to store food in refrigerator and absence of proper toilets was evaluated as the most crucial problems with the possibility of being solved without involvement of external actors. Solutions on the mentioned problems was searched for mainly in scientific research with a proven effect, but when no scientific results were found, a broader view was adopted. The solutions found in the literature study were evaluated based on what was considered possible to implement in Linga Linga, concerning economic cost, availability of materials and technical difficulties. The conclusion was that a simple device called Mewar Angithi is suitable for reducing the amount of airborne particles. Cooling the houses may be possible with an Eco-cooler, but the effect of this device is unproven. To store food cold proved to be technically difficult without access to a refrigerator, and a refrigerator is not economically possible for the residents in Linga Linga. However, there are different solutions to extend the lifetime of fruit and vegetables. Finally, a few different variants of toilets were identified that would be suitable to implement in the village.
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Разработка проекта программы подготовки к подтверждению компетентности в санитарно-промышленной лаборатории ПАО «МЗИК» : магистерская диссертация / A project development of a preparatory program to certification of competence in the sanitary and industrial laboratory of PJSC "MZIK"Дмитриев, К. С., Dmitriev, K. S. January 2020 (has links)
В работе произведен анализ нормативной документации в области аккредитации испытательных лабораторий. Описаны основные этапы подготовки испытательной лаборатории к подтверждению компетентности. Разработан проект программы подготовки санитарно-промышленной лаборатории ПАО «МЗИК» к подтверждению компетентности. Магистерская диссертация включает в себя 93 страницы, 8 рисунков, 6 таблиц, 6 приложений, 28 литературных источников. / The paper analyzes the normative documentation in the field of accreditation of testing laboratories. The main stages of testing laboratory preparation for confirmation of competence are described. The program project of preparing the sanitary and industrial laboratory of PJSC "MZIK" to certification of competence is done. The master's thesis includes 93 pages, 8 figures, 6 tables, 6 appendices, 28 literary sources.
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Treatment of sanitary sewer overflow using fixed media bioreactorsTao, Jing January 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Life cycle assessment of the unbleached bamboo sanitary pad : A case study performed at HempurMirzaie, Azita January 2021 (has links)
Women's most common menstrual product is sanitary pads. Most disposable sanitary pads are constructed of up to 90% non-biodegradable plastics and bleached wood pulp. Throughout the sanitary pad's life cycle, there is a risk of exposure to toxic emissions harmful to humans and ecosystems. In contrast, disposable sanitary pads' health and environmental consequences have received little attention due to cultural stigma associated with menstruation and a lack of information regarding the chemical components used in sanitary pads. A case study has been performed at the Hempur company in Stockholm, Sweden, to evaluate potential environmental impacts of a sanitary disposal pad made almost entirely of unbleached bamboo pulp and polylactic plastic (PLA). The study's objectives were accomplished using a comparative life cycle assessment methodology to identify potential trade-offs between Hempur disposable sanitary pads and a conventional disposable sanitary pad consisting of non-biodegradable polymers and bleached wood pulp. Thus, understanding the study's results allows the implementation of recommendations to improve the environmental performance of Hempur sanitary pads. The study results indicate that Hempur plant-based sanitary pads, even though shipped to Sweden from China, have lower adverse environmental impacts —on average 40% less than conventional sanitary pads created using traditional materials and manufacturing sites in European countries. More than 80% of the overall impacts of the conventional sanitary pad were attributed to bleached wood pulp and low-density polyethylene. The upstream operations of Hempur sanitary pads were identified as the least environmentally friendly phase of the product due to the use of unbleached wood pulp and polylactic plastic, which together account for between 40% and 80% of all impact categories, most notably water scarcity and abiotic element depletion. Other factors and assumptions identified during the sensitivity analysis suggested the potential for reducing the environmental footprint of Hempur sanitary pads. By transitioning from coal to hydropower to generate electricity for bamboo pulp manufacturing, Hempur's upstream operations will dramatically improve their environmental performance, resulting in a reduction in global warming and acidification. Finally, this study suggests that other alternatives for PLA and use bamboo in the core part of Hempur sanitary pad should be considered and assessed. In this study, however, parts of the life cycle inventory process were omitted due to a lack of data on the materials and process method, which may affect the precision of the results.
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Zdravotně technické a plynovodní instalace v polyfunkčním domě / Sanitation installations and gas installations in the multifunctional buildingKousal, Tomáš January 2018 (has links)
The master thesis deals with sanitation installations and gas installations in the new multifunctional building situated in Kroměříž. The theoretical part is focused on analysis of the topic. It describes in detail possibilities of rainwater management and it compares its design by both valid standarts and valid regulations. Technical part solves sanitation installations and gas installations of assigned building with the chosen option.
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[pt] O trabalho dissertativo aborda o Movimento Sanitário Brasileiro (MSB), cujo um dos frutos foi a constitucionalização do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), como um autêntico e singular exercício de Resistência na ótica de Baruch de Spinoza, a partir de uma análise histórico-filosófica, ao longo das décadas de 1970 e 1980. Inicialmente tratou-se da gênese do MSB, a partir dos Departamentos
de Medicina Preventiva (DMP) e da Medicina Comunitária; da abertura política e das lutas de resistência por democratização, juntamente com a ampliação dos espaços institucionais, oportunidade abraçada pelos sanitaristas da época, que passaram a atuar nestas instâncias e com a formulação do II Plano Nacional de
Desenvolvimento (PND); terminando por brevemente pontuar aspectos do Sistema Nacional de Saúde, então vigente, e das propostas do MSB. Quanto à segunda parte, a qual se deu ênfase, foi intitulada As lutas institucionais do Movimento, quando se investigou as Conferências Nacionais de Saúde (CNS),
especialmente a Oitava Conferência, cuja substância serviu de base às ações constituintes na Assembleia Nacional Constituinte (ANC), não sem antes atravessar a Comissão Nacional da Reforma Sanitária (CNRS) e a Plenária Nacional da Saúde, alcançando a constitucionalização na Carta Cidadã de 1988, que não absorveu todas as proposições do MSB, mas possibilitou a emergência do SUS, expressão-mor da Reforma Sanitária Brasileira (RSB). / [en] The argumentative work addresses the Brazilian Sanitary Movement (MSB), whose one of the fruits was the constitutionalisation of the Unified Health System (SUS), as an authentic and unique resistance exercise on optics of Baruch de Spinoza, from a historical and philosophical analysis, over the decades of 1970 and 1980. Initially this was the Genesis of MSB, from the Departments of Preventive Medicine (DMP) and of community medicine; the opening policy and the struggles of resistance for democracy, along with the expansion of institutional spaces, opportunity embraced by health professionals of the era, which passed the Act in these instances and with the formulation of the Second National Development Plan (PND); ending by briefly score aspects of the National Health System, then in force, and the proposals of the MSB. As for the second part, which emphasized, was entitled Institutional Struggles of the Movement, when it investigated the national health Conferences (CNS), especially the eighth Conference, whose substance constituent shares was based on the National Constituent Assembly (ANC), but not before going through the National Commission of Health Reform (CNRS) and the National Plenary of Health, reaching the constitutionalisation in Letter a citizen of 1988. that is not absorbed all the propositions of the MSB, but made possible the emergence of the SUS, Chief expression of Brazilian health reform (RSB).
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L’assainissement écologique des eaux usées domestiques : scénario d’aménagement type pour les résidences isolées de pays développés nordiquesBeaudry, Pierre-Luc 07 1900 (has links)
L’aménagement des systèmes d’assainissement conventionnel des eaux usées domestiques entraine actuellement la déplétion de ressources naturelles et la pollution des milieux récepteurs. L’utilisation d’une approche écosystémique plus globale telle que l’Assainissement Écologique, visant la fermeture du cycle de l’eau et des éléments nutritifs (phosphore et azote), contenus dans les excréments, par leur réutilisation à travers l’agriculture, permettrait d’améliorer de façon écologique cette situation. Toutefois, ce paradigme émergent est peu enseigné aux professionnels de l’aménagement responsables de sa planification, surtout au niveau de son application dans les pays développés nordiques. C’est pourquoi, afin d’améliorer la planification de ce type de système, il faut informer ces derniers des pratiques les plus adéquates à adopter. Pour y arriver, un scénario d’aménagement type a été développé à partir d’une revue exhaustive de la littérature et de l’analyse des données en se basant sur les recommandations de l’approche en fonction du contexte étudié. Ce scénario aidera les professionnels à mieux comprendre l’Assainissement Écologique et son aménagement. Il représente alors un point de départ pour les discussions interdisciplinaires et participatives que celui-ci requiert. En conclusion, il y a encore de nombreux manques d’informations concernant l’utilisation de traitements alternatifs dans les climats nordiques et l’acceptation de ceux-ci par les usagers. De plus, les cadres législatifs demeurent un obstacle considérable à l’aménagement d’un tel système. Cette recherche permet cependant de démystifier l’approche auprès des professionnels et pourrait aider à modifier certains cadres législatifs afin d’y intégrer sa philosophie. / At the moment, the planning of conventional sanitation systems for the treatment of domestic wastewater is responsible for the depletion of natural resources and pollution of receiving waters. A more holistic approach, respecting the local ecosystem, such as the new paradigm of Ecological Sanitation would greatly improve this situation. The idea pursues the closure of water and nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus found in the human excreta) cycles through their reuse in agriculture. However, this new approach remains relatively unknown except for a few planning professionals responsible for the implementation of sanitation systems especially in the context of northern industrialized countries. Therefore to enhance the design of this kind of system, there is a need to educate and inform these professionals on more suitable treatment options to adopt. To achieve this, a planning scenario has been developed using a literature review and analysis of the data using a grid based on the recommendations of the paradigm when planned in this particular context. This scenario will help the professionals to better understand the philosophy of this approach and its implementation. It will represent a starting point for the interdisciplinary and participatory discussions that this approach demands. In conclusion, there is still a lack of knowledge surrounding the use of certain alternative options and their degree of acceptance by the public. Moreover, the legislation surrounding sanitation represents a significant obstacle to the implementation of this sort of alternative system. Still, this research helps the planning and design professionals demystify the new paradigm and may even be helpful in the modification of laws for the integration of its philosophy.
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Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Emission during Cured-in-Place-Pipe (CIPP) Sewer Pipe RehabilitationBourbour Ajdari, Elena 13 May 2016 (has links)
The maintenance or replacement of deteriorated pipes and culverts is a constant and significant concern for municipalities and transportation agencies in the United States (Donaldson and Wallingford, 2010). Trenchless technologies and especially the Cured-in-place pipe (CIPP) method have become increasingly common ways to preserve infrastructures owing to their feasibility, cost-effectiveness, and fewer social impacts (Jung and Sinha, 2007). Therefore, there is a growing need to understand the direct and indirect effects of pipeline rehabilitation activities on the environment. Nearly all past CIPP studies have focused on its mechanical properties, and its environmental impacts are poorly investigated and documented (Allouche et al. 2012). Sewer pipelines and storm-water culverts are administered by municipalities and transportation agencies who bear the responsibility for rehabilitation and renewal of these infrastructures. In consequence, they rarely allow sampling and research projects in the field due to liability issues. This is a main obstacle to conducting comprehensive, precise, and unbiased research on CIPP environmental impacts and to date, the degree of relevant health effects and related environmental impacts have remained unknown.
Numerous building indoor air contamination incidents indicate that work is needed to understand the magnitude of styrene emission from CIPP sanitary sewer repairs. The main goal of this study was to better comprehend Volatile Organic Compounds emission at three CIPP sanitary sewer installation sites in one U.S. city. Results showed that CIPP chemical emissions may be a health risk to workers and nearby building inhabitants. Additional testing and investigations regarding chemical emissions from CIPP should be commissioned to fill in the environmental and public health knowledge gaps. The acute and chronic chemical exposure risks of CIPP chemical steam constituents and styrene to sensitive populations should be further examined.
Other goals of this study were to estimate the magnitude of solid waste generated as well as the amount of certain criteria air pollutants and greenhouse gases emitted from onsite heavy equipment for both CIPP and open-cut sites in a U.S city. The results indicated that the amount of open-cut related solid waste, criteria air pollutants, and greenhouse gases were greater than those during CIPP activities. Additional work is needed to quantify pollutant emissions from CIPP and open-cut activities and consider emissions from a cradle-to-grave standpoint.
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Factores que influyen en el nivel de exportaciones de aceite de pescado con partida arancelaria 1504.2010.00 entre Perú y la República Popular de China durante el período 2007-2017Ayala Oyanguren, Angélica María, Orihuela Ticona, Yesnny Shanneley 30 May 2019 (has links)
La presente investigación se realizó con el fin de encontrar los factores que influyen en la exportación de aceite de pescado (1540201000) a China, durante los años 2007 al 2017. Por tal motivo, se analizó todos los factores que se consideraron influyente al tema, siendo estas: las Medidas Sanitarias y Fitosanitarias, el Valor FOB y los Fenómenos Ambientales-El Niño.
Debido a esto, se investigó sobre las Medidas Sanitarias y Fitosanitarias presentadas por China, para poder exportar y entrar a su país con este producto, ya que debido al Tratado de Libre Comercio, en el 2010, este tipo de medidas fueron más rigurosas, lo cual fue una barrera comercial para los exportadores porque eran nuevos requerimientos por obtener.
Así también, se revisaron los valores FOB exportados a China del aceite de pescado, que vienen influenciados por la poca o la mucha producción de dicho producto, dependiendo de la temporada.
Además, se analizó el impacto que causan ciertos fenómenos ambientales, tales como el Niño, que afecta directamente a la producción, a la biomasa de la anchoveta y su consecuencia con las exportaciones al mercado de China.
Para la realización de esta proyecto, se utilizó el método de investigación cualitativo, tomando en cuenta información de expertos relacionado al tema de empresas exportadoras de aceite de pescado a China, y entidades como IMARPE, SANIPES y la Sociedad Nacional de Pesquería, con la finalidad de poder obtener una información más confiable para el desarrollo de la tesis, así mismo se utilizaron herramientas metodológicas como datos estadísticos de SUNAT y MINCETUR. / The present investigation was conducted in order to find the factors that influence the export of fish oil (1540201000) to China, during the years 2007 to 2017. For this reason, factors that were considered influential to the subject were analyzed, being these, the Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures, the FOB Value and the Environmental-El Niño Phenomena.
Due to this, it is investigated which are the Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures presented by China, to be able to export and enter their country with this product, since due to the Free Trade Agreement, in 2010, this type of measures were more rigorous, which was a commercial barrier for exporters because they were new requirements to obtain.
Likewise, the FOB values exported to China from fish oil were reviewed, which are influenced by the low or high production of said product, depending on the season.
In addition, we analyzed the impact caused by certain environmental phenomena, such as El Niño, which affects production, anchovy biomass and its consequence with exports to the Chinese market.
To carry out this project, the qualitative research method was used, taking into account information from experts related to the topic of fish oil exporting companies to China, and entities such as IMARPE, SANIPES and the National Fisheries Society, with the purpose of of being able to obtain a more reliable information for the development of the thesis, likewise, methodological tools were used as statistical data of SUNAT and MINCETUR. / Tesis
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