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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Упоредна анализа колаборативног и самосталног писменог изражавања уосновношколској настави енглеског језика / Uporedna analiza kolaborativnog i samostalnog pismenog izražavanja uosnovnoškolskoj nastavi engleskog jezika / Comparative Analysis of Collaborativeand Independent Writing in Primary-School EFLTeaching

Tripković Ana 26 July 2016 (has links)
<p>Циљ ове докторске дисертације је да<br />се упоредно анализира колаборативно и<br />самостално писмено изражавање у<br />основношколској настави енглеског језика.<br />Вештина писменог изражавања сматра се<br />комплексном когнитивном језичком<br />вештином, а истовремено игра веома битну<br />улогу у глобалној заједници, тако да је<br />неопходно да се више пажње посвети<br />подучавању писања. Годинама се писање<br />подучавало као производ, а не као процес.<br />Наиме, наставници су наглашавали важност<br />граматике и правописа, а недовољно пажње<br />се посвећивало садржају написаног и<br />организацији идеја. Да би се унапредило<br />писмено изражавање ученика они морају<br />више да се укључе у процес учења.<br />Интеракција се истиче као кључни део<br />учења и тако долази до све чешће<br />колаборације на часовима. У активностима<br />које се баве колаборативним писањем<br />процес сарадње подједнако је битан као и<br />процес писања.<br />Сарадња међу вршњацима и<br />потпомогнуто учење постали су саставни<br />део наставе енглеског језика, али је циљ овог<br />рада био да се провери њихова ефикасност у<br />завршним разредима основне школе.<br />Спроведено је истраживање у току 2014.<br />године са ученицима осмих разреда основне<br />школе. У току истраживања ученици су прво<br />самостално писали саставе, а потом су<br />радили писмене активности у групама. Кроз<br />анализу грешака тих састава дошло се до<br />закључка да ученици у групама, кроз<br />колаборацију, праве мање грешака и пишу<br />кохерентније саставе.<br />У другом делу истраживања ученици<br />су кроз анкете показали своје ставове према<br />оваквим активностима. Претпоставља се да<br />колаборативне активности повећавају<br />мотивацију, ентузијазам и самопоуздање<br />ученика. Како би се употпунило<br />истраживање о ставовима ученика, поред<br />анкетирања, у истраживачки процес била је<br />укључена још и техника групног<br />интервјуисања. На основу добијених<br />резултата може се закључити да нешто више<br />ученика воли колаборативне активности<br />него што их не воли, али је велики број<br />ученика несигуран о својим ставовима. Да<br />би се унапредили ефекти колаборативног<br />учења неопходно је подучити ученике како<br />да ефикасније раде у групи.<br />Наставници играју велику улогу у<br />процесу учења код ученика и умногоме<br />зависи од њих да ли ће ученици процес<br />писања прихватити као забаван или напоран<br />садржај часа. У последњем делу<br />истраживања проверени су и ставови<br />наставника према колаборативном и<br />самосталном писању и може се тврдити да<br />већина наставника има позитиван став према<br />овим активностима.</p> / <p>Cilj ove doktorske disertacije je da<br />se uporedno analizira kolaborativno i<br />samostalno pismeno izražavanje u<br />osnovnoškolskoj nastavi engleskog jezika.<br />Veština pismenog izražavanja smatra se<br />kompleksnom kognitivnom jezičkom<br />veštinom, a istovremeno igra veoma bitnu<br />ulogu u globalnoj zajednici, tako da je<br />neophodno da se više pažnje posveti<br />podučavanju pisanja. Godinama se pisanje<br />podučavalo kao proizvod, a ne kao proces.<br />Naime, nastavnici su naglašavali važnost<br />gramatike i pravopisa, a nedovoljno pažnje<br />se posvećivalo sadržaju napisanog i<br />organizaciji ideja. Da bi se unapredilo<br />pismeno izražavanje učenika oni moraju<br />više da se uključe u proces učenja.<br />Interakcija se ističe kao ključni deo<br />učenja i tako dolazi do sve češće<br />kolaboracije na časovima. U aktivnostima<br />koje se bave kolaborativnim pisanjem<br />proces saradnje podjednako je bitan kao i<br />proces pisanja.<br />Saradnja među vršnjacima i<br />potpomognuto učenje postali su sastavni<br />deo nastave engleskog jezika, ali je cilj ovog<br />rada bio da se proveri njihova efikasnost u<br />završnim razredima osnovne škole.<br />Sprovedeno je istraživanje u toku 2014.<br />godine sa učenicima osmih razreda osnovne<br />škole. U toku istraživanja učenici su prvo<br />samostalno pisali sastave, a potom su<br />radili pismene aktivnosti u grupama. Kroz<br />analizu grešaka tih sastava došlo se do<br />zaključka da učenici u grupama, kroz<br />kolaboraciju, prave manje grešaka i pišu<br />koherentnije sastave.<br />U drugom delu istraživanja učenici<br />su kroz ankete pokazali svoje stavove prema<br />ovakvim aktivnostima. Pretpostavlja se da<br />kolaborativne aktivnosti povećavaju<br />motivaciju, entuzijazam i samopouzdanje<br />učenika. Kako bi se upotpunilo<br />istraživanje o stavovima učenika, pored<br />anketiranja, u istraživački proces bila je<br />uključena još i tehnika grupnog<br />intervjuisanja. Na osnovu dobijenih<br />rezultata može se zaključiti da nešto više<br />učenika voli kolaborativne aktivnosti<br />nego što ih ne voli, ali je veliki broj<br />učenika nesiguran o svojim stavovima. Da<br />bi se unapredili efekti kolaborativnog<br />učenja neophodno je podučiti učenike kako<br />da efikasnije rade u grupi.<br />Nastavnici igraju veliku ulogu u<br />procesu učenja kod učenika i umnogome<br />zavisi od njih da li će učenici proces<br />pisanja prihvatiti kao zabavan ili naporan<br />sadržaj časa. U poslednjem delu<br />istraživanja provereni su i stavovi<br />nastavnika prema kolaborativnom i<br />samostalnom pisanju i može se tvrditi da<br />većina nastavnika ima pozitivan stav prema<br />ovim aktivnostima.</p> / <p>The aim of this doctoral thesis is to<br />perform a comparative analysis of collaborative<br />and independent writing in primary-school EFL<br />teaching. Writing skill is considered to be a<br />complex cognitive language skill which has an<br />important role in the global community.<br />Therefore, it is essential to devote more time to<br />teaching writing. Writing used to be taught for<br />years as a product and not a process. Teachers<br />emphasized the importance of grammar and<br />spelling and not much attention was placed on<br />the content of the written text or the<br />organization of ideas inside it. In order to<br />enhance written expression, students need to get<br />involved in the learning process. Interaction is<br />emphasized as the key part of learning and it<br />increases collaboration during the lessons. The<br />collaboration process is equally important as the<br />writing process.<br />Peer collaboration and scaffolding<br />became the integral part of the English language<br />classroom and the aim of this thesis was to<br />check their effectiveness during the final years<br />of primary schools. The research was conducted<br />in 2014 with the students of the 8th grade.<br />During this research students had to do<br />individual writing and then they had writing<br />activities in groups. Error analysis of the<br />students&rsquo; essays proves that students in<br />collaborative writing make fewer errors and<br />write more coherent compositions In the second part of the research the</p><p>students expressed their attitudes towards<br />collaborative activities using questionnaires. It<br />is assumed that collaborative activities increase<br />motivation, enthusiasm and confidence among<br />learners. In addition to this survey, group<br />interviews were used as another research<br />technique. According to the results it can be<br />concluded that students prefer collaborative to<br />individual writing, but also that a lot of students<br />are uncertain about their attitudes. Furthermore,<br />in order to enhance collaboration during the<br />lessons it is necessary to teach students how to<br />effectively work in groups.<br />Teachers play an important role in the<br />students&rsquo; learning process and it largely depends<br />on them whether students consider writing to be<br />an interesting or exhausting part of the EFL<br />lesson. The last part of the research deals with<br />teacher&rsquo;s attitude to collaborative and individual<br />writing and the results show that most teachers<br />do have positive attitude towards collaboration.</p>

Trabajo colaborativo en la web: entorno virtual de autogestión para docentes

Guiza Ezkauriatza, Milagros 18 January 2012 (has links)
El treball de recerca presentat és l'anàlisi, disseny, desenvolupament, implementació i valoració d'un Entorn Virtual d'Autogestió per Docents (evadeix). Realitzat aplicant la metodologia de recerca i desenvolupament amb un enfocament qualitatiu / quantitatiu en dos estudis. El primer estudi correspon a l'anàlisi de la problemàtica. Per això s'apliquen entrevistes obertes a 24 professors participants, seleccionats mitjançant una mostra estratificada. El resultat de l'anàlisi les entrevistes demostra que els professors de més antiguitat són els que més apliquen el treball col.laboratiu,. En el segon estudi: es dissenya, desenvolupa, implementa i valora EVAD, on els professors d'una nova mostra estratificada realitzen treballs durant 6 setmanes, utilitzant Google Docs, Blackboard i Wiki. Es realitza una anàlisi cualitativoa / quantitatiu als fòrums: Blackboard, aplicant els mecanismes inter psicològics de (Casanova, 2007) per detectar si es va donar el treball col.laboratiu entre ells. Resultat: EVAD si pot fomentar la comprensió i aplicació del treball col.laboratiu / El trabajo de investigación presentado es el análisis, diseño, desarrollo, implementación y valoración de un Entorno Virtual de Autogestión para Docentes (EVAD). Realizado aplicando la metodología de investigación y desarrollo con un enfoque cualitativo/cuantitativo en dos estudios. El primer estudio corresponde al análisis de la problemática. Para ello se aplican entrevistas abiertas a 24 profesores participantes, seleccionados mediante una muestra estratificada. El análisis cualitativo/cuantitativo a entrevistas demuestra que los profesores de mayor antigüedad son los que más aplican el trabajo colaborativo,. Segundo estudio: se diseña, desarrolla, implementa y valora el EVAD, donde los profesores de una segunda muestra estratificada realizan trabajos durante 6 semanas, utilizando Google Docs, Blackboard y Wiki. Se realiza un análisis cualitativo/cuantitativo a los foros de Blackboard, aplicando los mecanismos inter psicológicos de (Casanova, 2007) para detectar si se dio el trabajo colaborativo entre ellos. Resultado: el EVAD si puede fomentar la comprensión y aplicación del trabajo colaborativo / The research work presented is the analysis, design, development, implementation and assessment for a Self Taught Virtual Environment for Professors (STVEP or EVAD). Research and development methodology with a qualitative/quantitative approach was applied in two studies. The first study was to analyze the problem. This was done using open interviews with 24 teachers participating, selected using a stratified sample. The qualitative/quantitative analysis shows that senior teachers are the ones that mostly apply collaborative work. Second study: to design, develop, implement and evaluate the STVEP, where teachers of a second stratified sample perform work for 6 weeks, using Google Docs, Blackboard and a Wiki. A qualitative analysis of Blackboard forums, by applying inter psychological mechanisms from(Casanova, 2007) showed that the virtual environment promoted collaborative work amongst themselves. the answer to the research question was answered affirmatively

Expression und Funktion von Caveolin bei glialen Zellen, insbesondere Oligodendrozyten / Aufgabe und Funktion von oligodendroglialem Caveolin und Caveolin-haltigen Mikrodomänen (CMD) bei der NGF-Signaltransduktion / Expression and function of caveolin in glial cells, especially oligodendrozytes / Role and functions of oligodendroglial caveolin and caveolin-containing microdomains (CMD) in NGF-signalling

Schmitz, Matthias 04 May 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Mechanisms of Neuroligin Function in Inhibitory Postsynaptic Differentiation / Mechanismen der Neuroligin- Funktion in inhibitorischer postsynaptischer Differenzierung

Poulopoulos, Alexandros 28 April 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Neuroligin 2 Induced Allosteric Transition of Collybistin Underlies Inhibitory Postsynaptic Differentiation / Neuroligin 2 induzierter allosterischer Übergang in Collybistin liegt der inhibitorischen postsynaptischen Differenzierung zugrunde

Soykan, Tolga 03 June 2011 (has links)
No description available.

The culturally adaptive functionality of self-regulation : explorations of children's behavioural strategies and motivational attitudes

Torres Núñez, Pablo Enrique January 2017 (has links)
The present study aimed to explore the culture specificity of student self-regulation and its supporting motivational attitudes. Specifically, it enquired about similarities and differences between Chilean and English 8 to 9 year-old students in terms of their expression of self-regulatory behaviours, the psychological factors underlying these behaviours, and the functionality of these behaviours for task performance. It also compared student adoption of achievement motivational attitudes as well as the functionality of these attitudes for investment of effort and self-regulatory activity between cultures. Finally, the role of classroom cultures for self-regulation was studied. In particular, it examined the effects of classrooms and the quality of teacher talk (teacher-to-student communicative interactions/demands), such as teacher ‘regulatory talk’ and ‘socio-motivational talk’, on student self-regulation. A quantitative approach to the analysis of qualitative data (i.e. videos of student behaviour engaged in 11 to 13 experimental tasks, semi-structured interviews, videoed literacy lessons) was adopted. Eight classrooms situated in different schools from Chile and England were part of the study. In total, 8 teachers and 49 students – one teacher and six to seven students per classroom – took active part in the study. Qualitative data was primarily analysed using observational scales (for student behaviour), thematic analysis (for interview data), as well as socio-cultural discourse analysis (for videoed lessons). Statistical techniques, such as Mann Whitney U test, Factor Analysis, Multinomial logistic regressions, and Multilevel regressions were then applied on numerical transformations of the data. Overall, results suggest that self-regulation and achievement motivational attitudes vary to important extents according to culture. Most interestingly, these varied between cultures not so much in terms of the degree to which children used or adopted them, but rather in terms of their functionality. Some key findings supporting this conclusion were: i) Strong similarities between English and Chilean children’s levels of self-regulatory behaviours; ii) substantial differences across country samples in relation to the psychological factors underlying the expression of specific self-regulatory behaviours; iii) the finding of evaluative actions being self-regulatory in England but not in Chile; iv) a higher variety of self-regulatory behaviours being predictive of task performance in England than in Chile; v) the fact that learned self-regulatory behaviours accounted for effects of effective metacognitive control on task performance in England but not Chile; vi) some important differences in the achievement motivational attitudes expressed by Chilean and English students; and vii) culture-specific functionalities of various achievement motivational attitudes with respect to student effort and self-regulatory behaviours. Moreover, results suggest that some aspects of children’s self-regulation and motivational attitudes develop as tools to adapt to classroom cultures, specifically to the learning interactions/demands socially afforded by teacher talk. Among key findings supporting this conclusion were: i) effects of classrooms on children’s cognitive, social, and motivational self-regulation behavioural strategies, and ii) clear effects of teacher ‘regulatory talk’ (e.g., teacher ‘self-regulatory talk’ predicting more planning and asking for clarifications in students) and ‘socio-motivational talk’ (e.g., teacher ‘talk against self-efficacy’ predicting higher dependency-oriented help-seeking in students) on those behaviours with respect to which classrooms were found to matter. Thus a theory about the culturally adaptive functionality (CAF) of self-regulation and motivational attitudes supporting self-regulation is developed throughout the thesis.

Combating the Matthew effect for English language learners : making thinking visible in the secondary English classroom

Westbrook, Joanna Tonita 03 1900 (has links)
This study sets out to answer the call for explicit instruction in critical thinking for ELL. Using action research and qualitative methodology, I examine the effect of implementing the cognitive apprenticeship paradigm with ELL studying in a mainstream secondary English class using the American curriculum. I center instruction on authentic texts and scaffold critical literacy and thinking tasks for instructional interventions. The data generated by the study includes written responses and reflections by the participants. This data is analyzed using research into cognitive theory and critical thinking pedagogy. The results support the cognitive apprenticehip model as one means for improving the higher literacy of ELL, regardless of level and background. The findings of this study contribute to the discussion of how to bridge the achievement gap between ELL and their native speaking peers and provide an avenue to advance their academic success. / English Studies / M.A. (with specialisation in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of other languages))

The approaches that foundation phase grade 3 teachers use to promote effective literacy teaching : a case study

Lawrence, Jeanette Wilhelmina 02 1900 (has links)
The changing role of literacy in primary education, with its emphasis on the acknowledgement of the learner’s values, beliefs, culture, background and language is the focus of this study. The research was concerned with understanding the literacy practices of Foundation Phase Grade 3 teachers who are able to intentionally promote and mediate literacy acquisition among their learners. A qualitative design was used to describe the approaches of effective literacy teachers. The research study discovered that while the teachers made use of a number of teaching methods that underpinned a de-contextualised and constructivist approach, a socio-cultural approach to literacy was lacking. The results call for a broadening of the definition of literacy; one that acknowledges the socio-cultural background of the learners in developing a literacy disposition that prepares learners for a changing world. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Didactics)

The impact of constructivist-based teaching method on secondary school lerners' errors in algebra

Owusu, James 02 1900 (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate the comparative effects of Constructivist-Based Teaching Method (CBTM) and the Traditional Teaching Method (TTM) on Grade 11 Mathematics learners’ errors in algebra. The constructivist learning theory (CLT) was used to frame this study. Mainly, CLT was used to influence the design of CBTI to hone participants’ errors in algebra that militate against their performance in Mathematics. The study was conducted in the Mpumalanga Province of South Africa with a four-week intervention programme in each of the two participating secondary schools. Participants consisted of n=78 Grade 11 Mathematics learners and one Grade 11 Mathematics teacher. A non-equivalent control group design consisting of a pre-test and post-test measure was employed. The Grade 11 teacher in the control school employed the TTM while the researcher implemented CBTM in the experimental school. The main aspects of CBTM entailed participants’ construction of their own knowledge from the base of prior knowledge and through group learning approach and exploratory talk in which discussions included argumentation, verbalising explanations, justifications and reflections. Participants in experimental school became familiar with the basic principles of CBTI such as group work, which enhanced the construction of conceptual understanding of algebraic concepts. This reduced most of the errors they commit in algebra and elevated their performance in Mathematics. The principal instruments for data collection consisted of a standardised Algebra Concept Achievement Test and lesson observations. The pre-test was used to determine participants’ initial errors in algebra before the intervention. A post-test was given at the end of intervention to ascertain change in participants’ errors in algebra over a four-week intervention period. Using descriptive and inferential statistical techniques, the study found that participants in experimental school significantly reduced their errors in algebra than those in control school. The study showed that CBTM was a more effective pedagogy that improved the errors Grade 11 learners commit in algebra than the TTM. / College of Education / M. Ed. (Mathematics Education)

Ecrire sa pratique, développer sa pensée et son langage : le cas d'adultes en VAE : enjeux, modalités et pratiques d'accompagnement / Writting practice for developp mind and language

Fauvelle, Elizabeth 17 October 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse a voulu mettre en regard les clivages entre culture instituée transmise par l’École, et culture(s) intime(s) des personnes (candidates à la VAE) en cause dans la recherche, dont son auteure. Cette mise en regard est nourrie par un but : montrer dans quelle mesure le travail d’écriture sur la pratique, à la fois individuel et collectif, permet-il d’articuler la singularité des sujets, des trajectoires, des expériences, des situations et des activités, à la généralisation du discours institutionnel relié aux procédures normées du dispositif VAE. Mais ce travail d’écriture permet-il aussi de construire des savoirs à partir de l’expérience, objet et source de développement, et de faire progresser langage et processus de pensée ? Notre troisième question : comment ce travail d’écriture à partir de l’analyse collaborative de la pratique conduit-il à faire se rencontrer l’enquête de la vie courante et l’enquête scientifique, dans l’effort partagé pour organiser l’expérience par sa reformulation, sa théorisation et son objectivation ? Trois hypothèses majeures, en lien étroit avec la théorie développé par Lev Vygotski sur le développement des fonctions psychiques supérieures, ont conduit la recherche : les interactions langagières produites lors d’un accompagnement en ZDP, dans une dynamique heuristique, éthique et collaborative, développeraient en synergie, des échanges inter et intra-psychiques ; ces interactions langagières favoriseraient les processus de conceptualisation, de réflexivité, d’internalisation, de langage intérieur et de positionnement de soi en tant qu’auteure de sa parole ; ces interactions transformeraient alors les rapports au monde, à autrui, au savoir et à l’écrit des scripteurs, ainsi que leur reconnaissance identitaire en tant qu’individu, et en tant que professionnel. / This thesis wanted to put on the opposite between established culture, transmitted by School, and private culture, the VAE candidates’ concerned by this research, as well as the author’s. This putting on the opposite is fed by a purpose: to show to what extent the individual and collective work of writing on practical, allows to articulate first the peculiarity of the subjects, the trajectories, the experiences, the situations and the activities, with the generalization of the institutional speech linked with the standardized procedures of the device VAE ? In a second time does this work of writing allows to build knowledges from the experience, object and source of development, and to make progress language and process of thought? Our third question: how does this work of writing from the analysis collaborative of the practice, lead to make the investigation of the common life meet the scientific investigation, in a shared effort to organize the experience by its reformulation, its theorization and its objectification? Three major hypotheses, in narrow link with the theory built by Lev Vygotski on the psychic development of the superior functions, led the research: the linguistic interactions produced during a support in development area potential , in a heuristic, ethic and collaborative dynamic, would develop in synergy, exchanges inter and intra-psychic ; these linguistic interactions would help the processes of conceptualization, reflexivity of insourcing, inner language and positioning of itself as author of his word; these interactions would transform then, relations to the world, to others, to the knowledge and to their writings, as well as being recognized in their individual and professional identity.

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