Spelling suggestions: "subject:"scale factor"" "subject:"acale factor""
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Data extraction for scale factor determination used in 3D-photogrammetry for plant analysisAchanta, Leela Venkata Naga Satish January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Computing and Information Sciences / Mitchell L. Neilsen / ImageJ and its recent upgrade, Fiji, are image processing tools that provide extensibility via Java plug-ins and recordable macros [2]. The aim of this project is to develop a plug-in compatible with ImageJ/Fiji, which extracts length information from images for scale factor determination used in 3-D Photogrammetry for plant analysis [5]. Plant images when processed using Agisoft software, gives an image consisting of the images processed merged into a single 3-D model. The coordinate system of the 3-D image generated is a relative coordinate system. The distances in the relative coordinate system are proportional to but not numerically the same as the real world distances. To know the length of any feature represented in 3-D model in real world distance, a scale factor is required. This scale factor when multiplied by some distance in the relative coordinate system, yields the actual length of that feature in the real coordinate system. For determining the scale factor we process images consisting of unsharpened yellow colored pencils which are all the same shape, color and size. The plug-in considers each pencil as a unique region by assigning unique value and unique color to all its pixels. The distance between the end midpoints of each pencil is calculated. The date and time on which the image file gets processed, name of the image file, image file creation and modification date and time, total number of valid (complete) pencils processed, the midpoints of ends of each valid pencil, length (distance) i.e., the number of pixels between the two end midpoints are all written to the output file. The length of the pencils written to the output file is used by the researchers to calculate the scale factor. Plug-in was tested on real images and the results obtained were same as the expected result.
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General Relativity and Dynamical UniversesFransson, Kajsa January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this report is to explore different models of cosmology, depending on components as matter, radiation and dark energy. To be able to investigate the behaviour and age of these model universes, it is necessary to solve the Friedmann equation. Therefore a substantial part of this thesis is a study of general relativity, including mathematical tools as Riemannian geometry and the concept of curved space-time. / Denna rapport ämnar att utforska olika kosmologiska modeller beroende på innehåll som materia, strålning och mörk energi. För att undersöka beteendet och åldern av dessa modellerade universa så är det nödvändigt att lösa Friedmann-ekvationen. Därför ägnas en betydande del av detta arbete åt att studera allmän relativitetsteori, med matematiska verktyg som Riemanngeometri och konceptet krökt rum-tid.
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Standardized Assessment of Psychopathology by Relatives of Mentally Disordered Patients: Preliminary Results of Using the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale to Compare Schizophrenic and Affective DisordersNitsche, Ines, Kallert, Thomas W. January 2007 (has links)
Background: For optimizing the validity of diagnoses of mental disorders, several sources of information should be used to assess psychopathological symptoms. Among these are relatives of patients with mental illness. The very low number of empirical studies examining the assessment of psychopathology by relatives of adult, nondemented mentally ill patients stands in significant contrast to the clinical importance of this source of information, however. Sampling and Methods: Using the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS), researchers asked 163 relatives of patients with the main clinical ICD-10 diagnosis of schizophrenic, recurrent depressive or bipolar disorders to rate the current symptoms of the patients at the time of outpatient community-oriented treatment. Results: On average, severity of symptoms was rated as absent or minimal, although anxiety, depression and passive/apathetic social as well as emotional withdrawal, motor retardation, poor attention, and disturbance of volition were clearly rated above the PANSS mean total score for all patients. A six-factor structure identified by factor analysis better illustrates the significant differences in the assessments of the three main diagnostic groups than the three established PANSS scales. With the exception of ‘problematic social behavior’, differences among the diagnostic groups appeared in all factors and were particularly pronounced for ‘delusional beliefs’ and ‘motor impairments’. Conclusions: The results of this study showed that the use of standardized instruments such as PANSS for the assessment of psychopathology by relatives is not only practical, but produces adequately reliable results. The use of PANSS for this purpose, however, requires interviewing of relatives by trained experts able to explain technical terms. Because this study did not sufficiently explore the validity of this approach, further research on this specific issue is urgently needed and should, for example, assess the concordance of ratings between professionals and relatives as well as correlation with suitable external criteria. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.
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Studies of effective theories beyond the Standard ModelRiad, Stella January 2014 (has links)
The vast majority of all experimental results in particle physics can be described by the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics. However, neither the existence of neutrino masses nor the mixing in the leptonic sector, which have been observed, can be described within this model. In fact, the model only describes a fraction of the known energy in the Universe. Thus, we know there must exist a theory beyond the SM. There is a plethora of possible candidates for such a model, such as supersymmetry, extra dimensional theories, and string theory. So far, there are no evidence in favor of these models. These theories often reside at high energies, and will therefore be manifest as effective theories at the low energies experienced here on Earth. A first example in extra-dimensional theories. From our four-dimensional point of view, particles which propagate through the extra dimensions will effectivel be perceived as towers of heavy particles. In this thesis we consider an extra-dimensional model with universal extra dimensions, where all SM particles are allowed to propagate through the extra dimensions. Especially, we place a bound on the range of validity for this model. We study the renormalization group running of the leptonic parameters as well as the Higgs self-coupling in this model with the neutrino masses generated by a Weinberg operator. Grand unified theories, where the gauge couplings of the SM are unified into a single oe at some high energy scale, are motivated by the electroweak unification. The unification must necessarily take place at energies many orders of magnitude greater than those that ever can be achieved on Earth. In order to make sense of the theoru, ehich is given at the grand unified scale, at the electroweak scale, the symmetry at the grand unified scale is broken down to the SM symmetry. Within these models the SM is considered as an effective field theory. We study renormalization group running of the leptonic parameters in a non-supersymmetric SO(10) model which is broken in two steps via the Pati-Salam group. Finally, the discovery of the new boson at the LHC provides a new opportunity to search for physics beyond the SM. We consider an effective model where the magnitudes of the couplings in the Higgs sector are scaled by so-called coupling scale factors. We perform Bayesian parameter inference based on the LHC data. Furthermore, we perform Bayesian model comparison, comparing models where one or several of the Higgs couplings are allowed, to the SM, where the couplings are fixed. / <p>QC 20141020</p>
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Grau de saturação de fósforo em solos tropicais altamente intemperizados / Degree of phosphorus saturation in highly weathered tropical soilsCampos, Murilo de 28 August 2014 (has links)
O fósforo (P) é um elemento essencial para o desenvolvimento das plantas e precisa ser suprido em quantidades adequadas para obtenção de altas produtividades das culturas agrícolas. O conteúdo de P no solo e consequente perda deste para as águas superficiais são importantes fatores relacionados a eutrofização de ambientes aquáticos. Nesse trabalho foi obtido o Grau de saturação de P (GSP) em 29 solos tropicais altamente intemperizados e seus valores foram correlacionados com atributos químicos, físicos e mineralógicos dos solos. Antes de calcular o GSP, foram determinados parâmetros como Índice de sorção de P (ISP), Capacidade de sorção de P (CSP) e fator de escala ?. Os solos foram divididos em grupos, e os solos de cada grupo receberam doses diferenciadas de P para obtenção do ISP devido a variação na capacidade de adsorção,. As doses utilizadas foram 200, 500, 1000, 1500 e 3000 mg L-1 de P. Os períodos de reação avaliados foram 1, 3, 7, 21, 42, e 84 d. A porcentagem média de P adsorvida no final do período de contato (84 d) variou de 23% a 49% do P adicionado inicialmente. Os Latossolos, os Gleissolos e os Nitossolos apresentaram os maiores valores de ISP, enquanto os Argissolos e os Neossolos tiveram os menores valores. Os maiores valores foram encontrados nos solos com elevados teores de argila, matéria orgânica (MO) e óxidos cristalinos e mal cristalizados de Fe e de Al. O ISP foi maior no final do período de contato (84 d), o que realça a influência do tempo na adsorção do P. O fator de escala ? e o GSP foram calculados em todos os períodos de contato. Os valores de ? aumentaram e os de GSP diminuíram em função do tempo devido à maior interação do P com o solo. Os menores valores de GSP foram obtidos nos solos com alta capacidade de adsorção de P, ao passo que os maiores valores de GSP foram dos solos com menor capacidade de adsorção. O maior GSP (31%) foi obtido no Neossolo Litólico. O valor limite de GSP considerado nesse trabalho foi 23%. As relações entre GSP, CSP, ISP e alguns atributos dos solos foram abordadas por meio da análise de componentes principais. Com o agrupamento de todos os solos, os teores de óxido mal cristalizado de alumínio (Alox), argila, MO e de óxido cristalino de alumínio (AlDCB) foram os que melhor se correlacionaram com o ISP e a CSP. Avaliando somente os Latossolos, os teores de argila e de óxidos cristalinos e mal cristalizados de ferro e de alumínio (Feox, FeDCB, AlDCB e Alox) representaram os componentes principais ligados à adsorção de P. Com a adição dos demais solos, os teores de fósforo extraídos por solução ácida de oxalato de amônio (Pox), Alox, argila e MO formaram os componentes principais para ISP e CSP. O GSP não correlacionou significativamente com nenhum dos atributos. A partir do dendograma, os solos foram separados em dois grupos. O grupo I foi composto por solos pouco suscetíveis a perdas de P em função dos valores de CSP e de GSP. Já o grupo II reuniu os solos mais suscetíveis. Equações de regressão linear múltipla foram utilizadas na predição do ISP e CSP e duas delas obtiveram um alto coeficiente de determinação (R2 = 0,94 para ambas), podendo ser utilizadas para estimar a CSP e o ISP nos solos. / Phosphorus (P) is an essential element for plant growth and must be supplied in adequate quantities to the growers obtain high yields of agricultural crops. The content of P in the soil and its loss to surface water are important factors related to eutrophication of aquatic environments. In this study, we obtained the degree of P saturation (DPS) in 29 highly weathered tropical soils, and their values were correlated with chemical, physical and mineralogical soil attributes. Before calculating the DPS, parameters such as P sorption index (PSI), P sorption capacity (PSC) and the scaling factor ? were obtained. Because of the variation in the soils` ability to adsorb P, they were divided into groups, and the soils from each group received different P rates for obtaining the PSI. The rates were 200, 500, 1000, 1500 and 3000 mg L-1 of P. The periods of reaction evaluated were 1, 3, 7, 21, 42, and 84 d. The average percentage of P adsorbed at the end of the contact period (84 d) ranged from 23% to 49% of P added initially. The Oxisols, the Gleysols and the Alfisols showed the highest values of PSI, while the Ultisols and Entisols had the lowest values. The highest values were found in soils with high clay contents of organic matter (OM) and crystalline and poorly crystalline Fe and Al oxides. ISP was higher at the end of the contact period (84 d), which highlights the influence of weathering on P adsorption by soils. The scale factor ? and the DPS were calculated for all periods of contact. The values of ? increased while DPS decreased as a function of time because of the greater interaction of P with the soil. The lowest values of GSP were obtained in soils with high P adsorption capacity, whereas the highest values of DPS were obtained in soils with lower adsorption capacity. The largest DPS (31%) was obtained in the Typic Udorthent. The limit value of DPS considered in this study was 23%. Correlations between DPS, PSC, PSI and some soil attributes were addressed by principal component analysis. By grouping all soils, the levels of poorly crystalline aluminum (Alox), clay, OM and crystalline aluminum oxide (AlDCB) were the atributes best correlated with both PSI and PSC. When evaluating only the Oxisols, it was observed that the contents of clay and crystalline and poorly crystalline iron and aluminum oxides (Feox, FeDCB, AlDCB and Alox) represented the main components related to the adsorption of P. When the other soils were added, the contents of P extracted by an acid ammonium oxalate solution (Pox), Alox, MO and clay composed the main components for PSC and PSI. DPS did not correlate significantly with any of the attributes. From the dendrogram, the soils were separated into two groups: group I, consisted of soils with little susceptiblity to P loss based on the PSC and DPS, and group II, that met the more susceptible soils for P losses. Multiple linear regression equations were used to predict PSI and PSC, and two of them had a high determination coefficient (R2 = 0.94 for both). So, they can be used to estimate the PSC and PSI at the soils.
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Grau de saturação de fósforo em solos tropicais altamente intemperizados / Degree of phosphorus saturation in highly weathered tropical soilsMurilo de Campos 28 August 2014 (has links)
O fósforo (P) é um elemento essencial para o desenvolvimento das plantas e precisa ser suprido em quantidades adequadas para obtenção de altas produtividades das culturas agrícolas. O conteúdo de P no solo e consequente perda deste para as águas superficiais são importantes fatores relacionados a eutrofização de ambientes aquáticos. Nesse trabalho foi obtido o Grau de saturação de P (GSP) em 29 solos tropicais altamente intemperizados e seus valores foram correlacionados com atributos químicos, físicos e mineralógicos dos solos. Antes de calcular o GSP, foram determinados parâmetros como Índice de sorção de P (ISP), Capacidade de sorção de P (CSP) e fator de escala ?. Os solos foram divididos em grupos, e os solos de cada grupo receberam doses diferenciadas de P para obtenção do ISP devido a variação na capacidade de adsorção,. As doses utilizadas foram 200, 500, 1000, 1500 e 3000 mg L-1 de P. Os períodos de reação avaliados foram 1, 3, 7, 21, 42, e 84 d. A porcentagem média de P adsorvida no final do período de contato (84 d) variou de 23% a 49% do P adicionado inicialmente. Os Latossolos, os Gleissolos e os Nitossolos apresentaram os maiores valores de ISP, enquanto os Argissolos e os Neossolos tiveram os menores valores. Os maiores valores foram encontrados nos solos com elevados teores de argila, matéria orgânica (MO) e óxidos cristalinos e mal cristalizados de Fe e de Al. O ISP foi maior no final do período de contato (84 d), o que realça a influência do tempo na adsorção do P. O fator de escala ? e o GSP foram calculados em todos os períodos de contato. Os valores de ? aumentaram e os de GSP diminuíram em função do tempo devido à maior interação do P com o solo. Os menores valores de GSP foram obtidos nos solos com alta capacidade de adsorção de P, ao passo que os maiores valores de GSP foram dos solos com menor capacidade de adsorção. O maior GSP (31%) foi obtido no Neossolo Litólico. O valor limite de GSP considerado nesse trabalho foi 23%. As relações entre GSP, CSP, ISP e alguns atributos dos solos foram abordadas por meio da análise de componentes principais. Com o agrupamento de todos os solos, os teores de óxido mal cristalizado de alumínio (Alox), argila, MO e de óxido cristalino de alumínio (AlDCB) foram os que melhor se correlacionaram com o ISP e a CSP. Avaliando somente os Latossolos, os teores de argila e de óxidos cristalinos e mal cristalizados de ferro e de alumínio (Feox, FeDCB, AlDCB e Alox) representaram os componentes principais ligados à adsorção de P. Com a adição dos demais solos, os teores de fósforo extraídos por solução ácida de oxalato de amônio (Pox), Alox, argila e MO formaram os componentes principais para ISP e CSP. O GSP não correlacionou significativamente com nenhum dos atributos. A partir do dendograma, os solos foram separados em dois grupos. O grupo I foi composto por solos pouco suscetíveis a perdas de P em função dos valores de CSP e de GSP. Já o grupo II reuniu os solos mais suscetíveis. Equações de regressão linear múltipla foram utilizadas na predição do ISP e CSP e duas delas obtiveram um alto coeficiente de determinação (R2 = 0,94 para ambas), podendo ser utilizadas para estimar a CSP e o ISP nos solos. / Phosphorus (P) is an essential element for plant growth and must be supplied in adequate quantities to the growers obtain high yields of agricultural crops. The content of P in the soil and its loss to surface water are important factors related to eutrophication of aquatic environments. In this study, we obtained the degree of P saturation (DPS) in 29 highly weathered tropical soils, and their values were correlated with chemical, physical and mineralogical soil attributes. Before calculating the DPS, parameters such as P sorption index (PSI), P sorption capacity (PSC) and the scaling factor ? were obtained. Because of the variation in the soils` ability to adsorb P, they were divided into groups, and the soils from each group received different P rates for obtaining the PSI. The rates were 200, 500, 1000, 1500 and 3000 mg L-1 of P. The periods of reaction evaluated were 1, 3, 7, 21, 42, and 84 d. The average percentage of P adsorbed at the end of the contact period (84 d) ranged from 23% to 49% of P added initially. The Oxisols, the Gleysols and the Alfisols showed the highest values of PSI, while the Ultisols and Entisols had the lowest values. The highest values were found in soils with high clay contents of organic matter (OM) and crystalline and poorly crystalline Fe and Al oxides. ISP was higher at the end of the contact period (84 d), which highlights the influence of weathering on P adsorption by soils. The scale factor ? and the DPS were calculated for all periods of contact. The values of ? increased while DPS decreased as a function of time because of the greater interaction of P with the soil. The lowest values of GSP were obtained in soils with high P adsorption capacity, whereas the highest values of DPS were obtained in soils with lower adsorption capacity. The largest DPS (31%) was obtained in the Typic Udorthent. The limit value of DPS considered in this study was 23%. Correlations between DPS, PSC, PSI and some soil attributes were addressed by principal component analysis. By grouping all soils, the levels of poorly crystalline aluminum (Alox), clay, OM and crystalline aluminum oxide (AlDCB) were the atributes best correlated with both PSI and PSC. When evaluating only the Oxisols, it was observed that the contents of clay and crystalline and poorly crystalline iron and aluminum oxides (Feox, FeDCB, AlDCB and Alox) represented the main components related to the adsorption of P. When the other soils were added, the contents of P extracted by an acid ammonium oxalate solution (Pox), Alox, MO and clay composed the main components for PSC and PSI. DPS did not correlate significantly with any of the attributes. From the dendrogram, the soils were separated into two groups: group I, consisted of soils with little susceptiblity to P loss based on the PSC and DPS, and group II, that met the more susceptible soils for P losses. Multiple linear regression equations were used to predict PSI and PSC, and two of them had a high determination coefficient (R2 = 0.94 for both). So, they can be used to estimate the PSC and PSI at the soils.
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Modelování inerciálních snímačů / Modeling of Inertial SensorsTrličík, Jakub January 2013 (has links)
This master thesis deals with measurement and modeling of MEMS inertial sensors. This paper describes basic principles of inertial sensors along with their most often errors. The next part shows results from inertial sensor market analysis, which enabling a selection of sensors to be measured. The following two chapters present methods for inertial sensor modeling and testing. The biggest part of text is dedicated to presentation of measurement results showing us static measurement of Allan variance, Earth rotation, temperature dependent bias and dynamic measurement of gyroscope sensitivity testing over temperature. In the last part of the thesis is presented a design of sensor error model by autocorrelation function and Allan variance and also an evaluation of achieved results.
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Transient thermal management simulations of complete heavy-duty vehiclesSvantesson, Einar January 2019 (has links)
Transient vehicle thermal management simulations have the potential to be an important tool to ensure long component lifetimes in heavy-duty vehicles, as well as save development costs by reducing development time. Time-resolved computational fluid dynamics simulations of complete vehicles are however typically very computationally expensive, and approximation methods must be employed to keep computational costs and turn-around times at a reasonable level. In this thesis, two transient methods are used to simulate two important time-dependent scenarios for complete vehicles; hot shutdowns and long dynamic drive cycles. An approach using a time scaling between fluid solver and thermal solver is evaluated for a short drive cycle and heat soak. A quasi-transient method, utilizing limited steady-state computational fluid dynamics data repeatedly, is used for a long drive cycle. The simulation results are validated and compared with measurements from a climatic wind tunnel. The results indicate that the time-scaling approach is appropriate when boundary conditions are not changing rapidly. Heat-soak simulations show reasonable agreement between three cases with different thermal scale factors. The quasi-transient simulations suggest that complete vehicle simulations for durations of more than one hour are feasible. The quasi-transient results partly agree with measurements, although more component temperature measurements are required to fully validate the method.
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Návrh a identifikace rozšířeného modelu MEMS gyroskopu / An Extended Model of a MEMS Gyroscope: Design and IdentificationVágner, Martin January 2016 (has links)
The thesis is aimed on measurement and modeling of MEMS gyroscopes based on input-output characteristics. The first part briefs the state of the art. The second part is dedicated to measurement methodology. Critical points and sources of uncertainty are discussed and evaluated using measurements or simulations. The last part shows key characteristics of MEMS gyroscopes based on the survey of a group of different sensor types. The results have revealed significant influence of supply voltage that causes bias drift of the gyroscope and bias drift of the internal temperature sensor. The error can be comparable to temperature drift; however, this effect is not addressed in the literature. The second observed effect is temperature dependency of angle random walk. In the last part, a general model of a MEMS gyroscope is rewritten to reflect observed effects. Moreover, the structure is selected to be easily extendable and the coefficients are expressed to allow a comparison of nominal parameters of different sensors.
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