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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Om normer och normkonflikter i finlandssvenskan : Språkliga studier med utgångspunkt i nutida elevtexter / On norms and conflicts of norms in Finland Swedish : Linguistic studies based on present-day student texts

Melin-Köpilä, Christina January 1996 (has links)
Finland is officially a bilingual country, with Finnish and Swedish as national languages. FinlandSwedes constitute about 6% of the population. This study treats Finland Swedish in relation to Swedish in Sweden, on the one hand, and, onthe other hand, to Finnish. The main question is whether Finland Swedish should be regarded asa variety on a par with regional varieties in Sweden, which presupposes a common written standard, or as a more independent standard language. A corpus of 289 school essays written by compulsory- and upper-secondary-school students inFinland has been compared with school essays written by Swedes in Sweden. The number of provincial features in the essays provide a quantitative measure of the regional and age-related variation among the students. The purpose of the study is to determine whether the two groups of students are developing inthe same direction, toward a common supra-regional standard language in which provincialismsare rare. My hypothesis has been that the Finland-Swedish essays will reflect a different standardlanguage than in Sweden, which would imply that several of the so-called provincialisms belongto an implicit Finland-Swedish written standard. The results indicate that the upper-secondary students, just as in Sweden, use fewer provincialfeatures than do compulsory school students. Students from bilingual municipalities use more Finlandisms than do their cohorts who reside in more Swedish-speaking environments. In generalthese Finlandisms are more closely related to Finnish than to dialects of Swedish, which meansthat the provincialisms of the Finland-Swedish students are in many cases different in nature fromthose of their Swedish counterparts in Sweden. A comparison between Finland-Swedish studentsand Swedish students in Sweden indicates that the students in Finland use more provincialisms, onthe one hand, and, on the other hand, continue to use them at the upper-secondary level as well,which is rare among Swedish students in Sweden. The conclusion is that in a certain sense Finland Swedish can be regarded as an independentstandard language developed out of the interplay with its own dialects and with Finnish. However,regionally varied influence from Sweden, combined with active language-preservation measuresin cooperation with Swedish language planning bodies in Sweden, ensures that Finlandisms, especially in professional expository prose, are normally few in number and can be regarded as negligible, even by Swedish readers in Sweden.

Motorbyte BV206 : Utredning och rekommendation

Eriksson, Linus January 2016 (has links)
Scandinavian Terrain Vehicles AB (STV) konstruerar och bygger bandvagnar för civilt bruk. I utbudet ingår även vad STV kallar Mid Life Improvement (MLI) vilket syftar i att renovera Hägglunds BV206. En del av MLI-programmet är byte av motor och växellåda där de gamla komponenterna från sent 80-tal till tidigt 90-tal byts ut mot ny motor och växellåda. Den nya kombinationen av motor och växellåda möter militär standard och blir därför en onödigt kostsam del då många av STV:s kunder skulle vara nöjda även med ett enklare alternativ. För att minska kostnaden för MLI-programmet och därmed potentiellt utöka kundkretsen undersöktes möjligheterna till att hitta nya leverantörer av motor och växellåda. Som alternativ undersöktes möjligheterna till drift genom diesel- eller Ottomotor samt transmission av typerna automatisk växellåda, hydrostatisk och elektrisk transmission. Sökning av komponenter utgick från att undersöka vilka komponenttillverkare som används av liknande applikationer. Genom en kriterieviktsmetod blev det rekommenderade lösningsalternativet motorn Cummins ISF 2.8 120 kW och växellådan Allison 1000SP. Kombinationen levererar som mest 1384 Nm och vid 5200 rpm 185 Nm till fördelningsväxeln. Resultatet styrks av att motorn enligt tillverkaren är lämpad för fordon såsom mindre lastbilar och terrängfordon samt att växellådor av samma tillverkare används till bland annat BAE Systems Hägglunds bandvagn BvS10. / Scandinavian Terrain Vehicles AB (STV) is a company that designs and builds tracked vehicles for civilian usage. One of their services is what they call Mid Life Improvement (MLI) which serves to recondition Hägglunds BV206’s. A significant part of the MLI-program is the exchange of engine and transmission where components from the late 80’s to early 90’s are replaced with new parts. The new parts consist of a combination of engine and gearbox that meets military standards and is therefore an expensive part especially since many of STV’s customers would settle with a more elementary alternative. To reduce costs within the MLI-program and potentially expand clientele STV sought to find new suppliers for engine and gearbox. Considered alternatives for replacement were Otto- and Diesel engines in coupled with a transmission in the form of either an automatic gearbox, a hydrostatic or an electric transmission. By examining which suppliers were being used by similar applications and selection through a weighted criteria method, the engine Cummins ISF 2.8 120 kW and transmission Allison 1000SP were found to be the best suited alternative. The combination delivers to the distribution gearbox a maximum torque of 1384 Nm and 185 Nm at 5200 rpm. The result is attested by the fact that the engine is according to the manufacturer suitable for applications like trucks and utility vehicles together with that the same brand of transmission is used by BAE Systems Hägglunds in their BvS10.

Academics and Politics : Northern European Area Studies at Greifswald University, 1917–1991

Nase, Marco January 2016 (has links)
The decision to institute Area Studies in German universities in 1917, was born out of a perceived need to widen the intellectual horizon of the public and academia alike. At Greifswald University this ambitious reform programme saw the foundation of a Nordic Institute, charged with interdisciplinary studies of contemporary Northern Europe. Its interdisciplinarity and implicit role in public diplomacy made the Nordic Institute, and the institutions that succeeded it, an anomaly within the university, until the institute was fundamentally reformed in the early 1990s. The study explores the institutional development of the institute under five different political regimes – Kaiserreich, Weimar Republic, Third Reich, GDR and FRG. It does so through the lens of scholars as utility-seeking actors, manoeuvring between the confines of an academic environment and the possibilities afforded by the institute’s political task. It becomes apparent that the top-down institution of interdisciplinary scholarship produced a number of conflicts between the disciplinarily organized career path on theone hand, and scholars’ investment in broader regional research on the other. Personal conflicts in a confined and competitive environment, and a persistent shortage of funding provided further incentives for scholars to overcome perceived limitations of the academic sphere by offering their cooperation to the political field. Individual attempts to capitalize on a reciprocal exchange of resources with the political field remained a feature under all political regimes, but the opportunity to do so successfully depended on the receptiveness of the political field. Cooperation, where it was established, also proved to be difficult, with the interests of political and academic actors often diverging, and the political side’s interest becoming dominant. The study examines the underlying motivations of scholars to seek assistance from outside the academic field, but also the problems connected with that approach, and demonstrates the specific problems faced by Area Studies in a German context.

Bortom avbilden : Sydskandinaviska hällbilders materialitet / Beyond depiction : the materiality of south Scandinavian rock art

Ljunge, Magnus January 2015 (has links)
Avhandlingen kretsar kring frågan om hur ett förhistoriskt bildskapande var av betydelse. Studien är riktad mot den materiella bilden och syftet är att diskutera betydelser av hällbilders materialitet och hur relationen mellan människor, hällbilder och platser var meningsfull. Utgångspunkten för undersökningen definieras som konceptuell, där en definition av begreppen bild och materialitet ligger till grund för studiens teoretiska och metodiska utformning. Studiematerialet utgörs av den sydskandinaviska hällbildstraditionen, med ett fördjupat fokus på området kring Motala Ström utanför dagens Norrköping. Undersökningen består av tre delar. I den första delen genomförs en diskursanalys, där frågan om hur hällbilders betydelse skall förstås diskuterats i relation till tidigare forsknings syften och resultat. Ett samband visas mellan hällbildsforskningens vetenskapliga illustrationspraktik och sätten hällbilder ansetts vara av betydelse. Ambitionen att avbilda hällbilder så exakt som möjligt är bunden till tolkningen av hällbilder som avbilder. Upptagenheten med avbilden har resulterat i att betydelsen av hällbilders materialitet generellt har varit åsidosatta. En utblick mot hur andra historiska och förhistoriska bildtraditioner varit av betydelse visar att avbildens symboliska betydelse inte alltid kan förutsättas vara den primära. Tvärtom tycks bildens betydelse vara flexibel och föränderlig, särskilt när dess materialitet möjliggör en upplevelse under lång tid. I den andra delen fördjupas studien genom en undersökning av Motala Ström-områdets hällbilder. Hällbildernas materiella kvaliteter definieras i relation till tre skalnivåer, landskapet, platsen och hällen. De materiella kvaliteterna har generella likheter, men varierar även från plats till plats. Upplevelsen av likformighet och variation präglar hällbildernas alla delar. Materialiteten är essentiell för upplevelsen av hällbilder som föreställande. Den nutida upplevelsen av bilder ligger till grund för en kategorisering av hällbilder i föreställande bilder och icke-föreställande former. Kategorierna form och bild ligger till grund för en kvantitativ sammanställning av inventerade hällbilder i socknarna Östra Eneby och Borg. Områdets hällbildsförekomster är strukturerade på ett tydligt sätt i landskapet. De allra flesta lokaler består av ett fåtal hällbilder (färre än 30) och präglas av formmässighet. Ett tjugotal lokaler består av fler än 79 hällbilder, och de präglas av variation och bildlighet. Den nutida upplevelsen av föreställandegraden hos hällbilder har relevans för betydelser under den aktiva hällbildstiden, då hällbilderna brukades på olika sätt i landskapet. På de stora platserna fungerade bilden som ett instrument att tänka med och en konceptualisering av tillvaron, medan de små formaliserade platserna uttrycker en praktik som markerade närvaro i landskapet. Hällbilders placering studeras vidare genom en fenomenologiskt inspirerad undersökningsmetod, där platsbesök bearbetas genom sytematisk fotografering och rendering av 3D-modeller. Tolv lokaler undersöks och det visas att hällbilders materialitet på ett direkt sätt strukturerar upplevelsen, där de antingen skapar en visuell tillgänglighet eller saknar visuell potential. Ett intentionellt bruk diskuteras, där möjligheten att upptäcka bilderna eftersträvats på stora platser och varit mindre viktig på små platser. Det har skapats visuella noder i landskapet, kreativa punkter där världen konceptualiserades. Kring noderna finns en större mängd mindre koncentrationer där estetiska teman upprepats som en del i ett inmutande och markerande i av landskapet där visuella normer upprätthölls.   Avhandlingen avslutas med att hällbildernas sociala och kronologiska sammanhang diskuteras. De sydskandinaviska hällbilderna dateras vanligen till bronsåldern (1 700-500 f.kr.), och produktionen anses ha pågått från början av perioden fram till inledningen av äldre järnålder. Slutet av den aktiva hällbildstiden föreslås som den mest arkeologiskt relevanta eftersom den motsvarar landskapets lämningar. Den aktiva hällbildstidens slut präglas av relationen mellan en materialiserad bildtradition och ett omfattande bildskapande i olika material. Till skillnad från den äldre bronsålderns bildskapande, som var ikonografiskt och repetitivt, så expanderar bildens möjligheter i slutet av aktiv hällbildstid. Bildens format, material och betydelse förändras och varieras. Bilden utvecklas inte enbart i sten utan också i brons och keramik och dess betydelse går från att vara strikt ikonografisk till att bli instrumentell. Hällbilderna spelar en stor roll i utvecklingen av en ”pictoral turn” som uttrycker sociala förändringar i samhället då bronsåldern övergår i äldre järnålder. Bildskapande blir i en del i utvecklingen av ett mer heterogent och regionaliserat samhälle. / The thesis revolves around the central question of how pre-historic images were meaningful. The focus is put on the material image, with the aim to discuss the meaning of south Scandinavian rock art as a relation between materiality, people and places. The empirical focus consists of the south Scandinavian rock art tradition, with a deepened analysis of the rock art area around the river Motala Ström, in south east Sweden. Initially, a connection between the practice of illustrating rock art and the interpretation of its meaning is presented as characteristic for previous research. The ambition to depict rock art as exactly as possible, has led to an archaeological focus on depiction as the primarily meaning of the images. An outlook, consisting of a historical and theoretical perspective on images, shows that the symbolic meaning of depiction cannot be presumed as most valid per se.   The material qualities of rock are defined in relation to three levels of scale; the landscape, specific places and the rock panels. These levels constitute the materiality of rock art and cannot be separated from its meaning. The material qualities have general similarities, but they also vary from place to place. A quantitate compilation of the documented samples of rock art in perishes Östra Eneby and Borg, shows that they are structured according to a principle of variation and likeness in the landscape. The placing of rock art is studied further by a phenomenological method, which reveals the construction of visual nodes in the landscape were imagery was used in creative ways to conceptualize the world. Around these visual nodes, a vast number of small concentrations of rock art is scattered in the landscape. The small places express an attitude towards the landscape, were aesthetical themes and ideals was maintained. The end of the active production of rock art is defined as the most relevant for an archaeological study, due to the material setting of the contemporary landscape. The presence of rock art represents the final stage of production. The end of the rock art tradition is characterized by a relation between a materialized art history and an extensive practice of making images in different materials. The image is materially expanded, being made not only in stone by also in bronze and ceramics. The meaning of images is transformed, from being strictly iconographical to becoming an instrument for thought. Rock art played a major part in the development of a “pictoral turn”, which expresses social changes in the society of the late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age.

Litteraturrecensioner i Expressen och BLM 1964-2004 : En studie av genreförändringar i två skilda pressorgan

Skoglund, Astrid January 2007 (has links)
<p>The aim of this study is to describe how reviews of literature in Bonniers litterära magasin and Expressen changed during the period 1964-2004. The investigation is based on 20 reviews of novels and short stories, which are analysed with a method described in Hellspong and Ledin (1997) and inspired by Halliday. The theoretical frame of the investigation is founded on critical discourse analysis (Fairclough 1992 & 2001) and Habermas´social theory of the public sphere.</p><p>The investigation shows, among other things, that the reviews became shorter and easier to read in both paper during the period. The investigation also shows that the genre´s style, composition and contents are relatively stable, and that current ideologies in society have a tendency to be reflected in the reviewers´evaluation of the books. To generalize, the reviews thus developed from a poetic genre in 1964, to become political in the 1970s, academic in the 1980s, feminist in the 1990s and finally an intermedial genre in 2004.</p>

Gotlandic Villas : Implications of the distribution of high status finds in Gotlandic Iron Age houses known as “kämpgravar”

Nilsson, Jonathan January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to on one hand give a good overview of finds found in gotlandic stonefoundationhouses (kämpgravar) that were commonly built during the Iron Age and on the other hand investigate the possibility of separating some houses from others and trace social stratification and hierarchies based on the finds. The items of special interest for this goal were those that could be connected to wealth such as drinking objects, Roman objects and objects made of silver and gold. This investigation has shown that on Gotland it actually existed some, often enormous, houses that had a special tendency to hoard exotic valuables. The real standout houses on this subject are the one in Stavgard and the recently excavated building in Hellvi. A secondart goal was to investigate the possibility to date the buildings based on the finds, which was found to be very problematic. (Two years master’s thesis in Archaeology) / Det huvudsakliga målet med denna uppsats är dels att ge bra överblick över fynden som påträffats i de gotländska stengrundshusen (kämpgravar) som byggdes flitigt under järnåldern och att dels se om det är möjligt att separera vissa hus från andra och spåra social stratifikation och hierarkier baserat på fyndmaterialet. De föremål som var av speciellt intresse för detta mål är de som kan kopplas till rikedom såsom exempelvis exotiska dryckesföremål, romerska föremål och föremål av ädelmetall. Undersökningen har visat att det på Gotland faktiskt fanns en del, ofta enorma, hus som hade en speciell benägenhet att hamstra exotiska dyrgripar. De riktiga utstickarna på det här temat är huset känt som Stavgard och även den nyligen undersökta byggnaden i Hellvi. Båda hade rika mängder av dryckesobjekt såsom glaskärl och dryckeshorn och en del, för ön, unika romerska föremål. Ett sidomål var att även undersöka möjligheten att datera husen baserat på fynden, vilket visade sig vara högst problematiskt. (Master-uppsats i Arkeologi)

Singular ortnamnsböjning i fornsvenskan : Starkt böjda namn med utgångspunkt från sörmländskt material / The inflection of singular place-names in Old Swedish : A study of strong-declension names based on documents from Södermanland

Brylla, Eva January 1987 (has links)
This study focuses primarily on the inflection of singular place-names belonging to strong declensions and how their inflection developed in the Old Swedish period. It is based mainly on sources from Södermanland. Examination of the dative inflections of masculine and neuter place-names suggests that by and large place-names underwent the same course of development as appellatives, the dative having almost completely disappeared as a formal category by the end of the Middle Ages. In some cases dative endings were, however, retained in place-names: for example, certain name elements tended to keep the ending when they occurred as simplexes, but lost it in compound names. The dative may then have become the general form of such names. A special study was made of iō-stem place-names. Even in the nominative, forms ending in -e and -a predominate. The -e ending derives from the dative/accusative form, which may have become a new basic form at an early date. Reinterpretation of the dative/accusative resulted in someplace-names passing into the weak declension. Via the dative/accusative singular ending, place-names also adopted the generalized -a form which developed in plural habitative names. In the Middle Ages a mode of inflection peculiar to place-names appeared. In Latin texts, Swedish place-names occur in a generalized form, used regardless of case. A suitable form was chosen, often an accusative which had converged with the nominative. Generalized forms of this kind are found in both Latin and Old Swedish texts. The Latin scribal tradition was a contributory factor in their introduction. The author discusses whether place-names can be shown to have changed paradigm earlier than appellatives. Secondary -s genitives in particular, which occur earlier in place-names than in appellatives, suggest that they did. The fact that place-names exhibit secondary -s genitives in early sources may be partly due to their naming function. / <p>Doktorsavhandling vid Uppsala universitet.</p>

Geophysical studies of the upper crust of the central Swedish Caledonides in relation to the COSC scientific drilling project

Hedin, Peter January 2015 (has links)
The Collisional Orogeny in the Scandinavian Caledonides (COSC) project aims to provide a deeper understanding of mountain belt dynamics through scientific deep drilling in the central parts of the mountain belt of western Sweden. The main targets include a subduction related allochthon, the basal orogenic detachment and the underlying partially subducted Precambrian basement. Research covered by this thesis, focusing primarily on reflection seismic data, was done within the framework of the COSC project. The 55 km long composite COSC Seismic Profile (CSP) images the upper crust in high resolution and established the basis for the selection of the optimum location for the two 2.5 km deep COSC boreholes. Together with potential field and magnetotelluric data, these profiles allowed the construction of a constrained regional interpretation of the major tectonic units. Non-conventional pseudo 3D processing techniques were applied to the 2D data prior to the drilling of the first borehole, COSC-1, to provide predictions about the 3D geometry of subsurface structures and potential zones of interest for the sampling programs. COSC-1 was drilled in 2014 and reached the targeted depth with nearly complete core recovery. A continuous geological section and a wealth of information from on-site and off-site scientific investigations were obtained. A major post-drilling seismic survey was conducted in and around the borehole and included a 3D reflection seismic experiment. The structurally and lithologically complex Lower Seve Nappe proved difficult to image in detail using standard processing techniques, but its basal mylonite zone and underlying structures are well resolved. The 3D data, from the surface down to the total drilled depth, show good correlation with the initial mapping of the COSC-1 core as well as with preliminary results from on-core and downhole logging.   Good correlation is also observed between the 2D and 3D reflection seismic datasets. These will provide a strong link between the two boreholes and a means to extrapolate the results from the cores and boreholes into the surrounding rock. Ultimately, they will contribute to the deeper understanding of the tectonic evolution of the region, the Scandinavian Caledonides and the formation of major orogens. / Collisional Orogeny in the Scandinavian Caledonides

Gentagelsens verden i Inger Christensens digtning / The World of Repetition : A Study in the Writings of Inger Christensen

Lindegård, Per January 2016 (has links)
This dissertation investigates different sorts of repetition in the text ”Watersteps” and the four central lyrical works of the Danish poet Inger Christensen (1935–2009), it, Letter in April, alphabet and Butterfly Valley. The poems are analysed through close reading against a backdrop of the philosophical investigations of repetition by Søren Kierkegaard, Gilles Deleuze and Jacques Derrida as well as the phenomenology of Maurice Merleau-Ponty and the lifeworld philosophy of the late Edmund Husserl and Martin Heidegger. Inger Christensen is known for constructing different systems as framework for her texts. Repetition is a dominant element in these systems, and in her texts repetition is pervading  in her prose as well as in her poetry. The repetitions have important functions structuring the texts and creating new meanings. Using a term of Novalis you could say that they function as tools of a writer who is ”inspired by language” (”ein Sprachbrgeisterter”). The repetitions are literal (or just slightly changed) and thematical. They are nearly always not just a repetition of a former expression or theme. The investigation shows that something new is produced in the process of repeating. While repetition pushes expressions and themes forward in the texts, the signification and meaning of these are changed at the same time. The process often includes displacement and condensation supplying the text with never ending possibilities of creating new relations and new meanings. The combination of system, repetition, and the meaning of the text shows the relationship between subject, world and language. They are independent phenomena at the same time as they are deeply involved in each other. The constant interaction and the tension between them are demonstrated in the texts both formally and semantically. Reality is suspended between them in eternal mobility; identity becomes relative. The living subject is defining and redefining itself by being part of the world mediated to it through language, and these two are in turn constantly redefined in the process of repetition. In this way the subject, and certainly the poet subject, is always expressing the world or, in reversed order, the world expresses itself through the subject.

Choosing an educational course : A decision theory perspective on the Swedish public sector

Christensson, Andreas, Hedman, David January 2019 (has links)
The public sector has undergone extensive changes in recent years following the implementation of New Public Management. Studies on the subject are still retained in previous grounds made in other circumstantial prerequisites. Therefore, this study aims to increase the understanding of decision processes in public authorities to provide a nuanced picture of the phenomenon and further complement the established literature on decision-making theory. In doing so, we answer the question of how and why and it is decided which educational course an employee at a Swedish governmental agency attends.Through the use of a snowball sample approach, we reversed tracked the decision process and examined the underlying incentives of the process. By using both interviews with identified relevant actors in combination with related documents, we achieved a triangulation effect of our data. The results demonstrated a variety of applicable approaches to the decision made by the different actors throughout the decision process in their contextually dependent circumstances. Moreover, the results indicate that previous decision-making literature is insufficient on its own. Instead, we claim that a broad understanding is required to grasp decision-making behavior and advocate for a combinatorial and holistic approach which adhere to the varying decision-making behavior.

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