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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudio de las emisiones de terpenos por la especie nativa Schinus molle l. (pimiento), sus variaciones temporales y su contribución al mejoramiento del inventario de emisiones de la Región Metropolitana

Morales Gallegos, Johanna Ivonne January 2013 (has links)
Memoria para optar al título profesional de Químico / La vegetación terrestre emite compuestos orgánicos volátiles (COVs) denominados COVs Biogénicos o COVsB, entre los que se encuentran hidrocarburos como isopreno, monoterpenos, sesquiterpenos y una variedad de especies oxigenadas; su liberación responde a factores de estrés abiótico y biótico. Dichos compuestos constituyen una parte importante y fundamental de la química troposférica ya que, junto con los óxidos de nitrógeno (NOx), contribuyen a la formación de oxidantes fotoquímicos tales como el ozono, con diversos efectos en la salud humana y el ambiente. A nivel urbano, las estrategias para mejorar la calidad del aire se basan en los inventarios de emisión, a los cuales también contribuyen los COVsB. En este estudio se identificaron y caracterizaron las emisiones biogénicas de dos individuos de la misma especie arbórea nativa Schinus molle L. (pimiento) en distintas etapas de crecimiento. Se determinaron sus factores de emisión (FE) y su índice potencial formador de ozono (IPFO). El muestreo se realizó en una cámara de encierro estático mediante la adsorción en tubos TENAX y la utilización de sensores de humedad relativa, temperatura y radiación fotosintéticamente activa. La cuantificación de los COVsB se realizó mediante un cromatógrafo de gases con detector FID (GC-FID) acoplado a un equipo de desorción térmica (ATD). Los resultados mostraron como principal compuesto emitido al isopreno con un FE máximo de 3,85 ± 4,56 μg ghs-1 h-1 y un IPFO de 439 correspondiente al individuo adulto en otoño; los monoterpenos emitidos mayormente por ambos individuos fueron 1,8-cineol, β-mirceno y limoneno con mayores FE desde el individuo adulto. Los FE experimentales se compararon con los FE utilizados en el inventario de la Región Metropolitana, cuyos valores, asignados por similitud taxonómica, mostraron diferencias significativas de hasta 3,9 x105 veces superiores. Se concluye que las asociaciones taxonómicas sobreestiman las emisiones biogénicas, lo que implica la necesidad de revisar las estrategias usadas para mejorar la calidad del aire de Santiago por la vía de la reforestación urbana / Terrestrial vegetation produces volatile organic compounds (VOCs) called Biogenic VOCs or BVOCs. Among these compounds are hydrocarbons such as isoprene, monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, and a variety of oxygen species. The release of these compounds acts in response to abiotic and biotic stresses. These compounds represent an important and fundamental part of tropospheric chemistry because together with the nitrogen oxides (NOx) contribute to the formation of photochemical oxidants such as ozone, which causes several effects on human health and the environment. In urban areas, strategies to improve air quality are based on emission inventories, where the BVOCs are also considered. The aim of this study was to determine the biogenic emissions of two individuals (one young and one adult) of the native species Schinus molle L. (pimiento) in the metropolitan area of Santiago. The emission factor (EF) and the ozone forming potential index (IPFO) were determined. Sampling was carried out in a static chamber by adsorption on Tenax tubes and relative humidity, temperature and photosynthetically active radiation sensors. Gas samplers were analysed using a gas chromatograph with FID detector (GC-FID) automatically connected to a thermal desorption unit (ATD). The main compound emitted by both the adult and young individuals during fall and spring seasons was isoprene with a maximum EF of 3.85 ± 4.56 μg ghs-1 h-1 and a corresponding 439 IPFO to the adult specie in autumn. Monoterpenes emitted mainly by both individuals were 1,8-cineole, β-myrcene and limonene with higher EF from the adult individual. The experimental EF was compared to the taxonomically assigned EF for the Metropolitan Area inventory. Assumed EF values were up to 3.9 x105 times higher than the experimental EF. It was concluded that taxonomic associations overestimate biogenic emissions, which implies the need to review the strategies used to improve air quality in Santiago in the form of urban reforestation

Extracción y caracterización del aceite esencial de molle (schinus molle l.)

Llanos Arapa, Shepanie Karen 17 January 2013 (has links)
El estudio estuvo orientado a la extracción de aceite esencial del fruto del Schinus molle L. de la Región Tacna, así como a la caracterización físico-química e identificación de los componentes principales de dicho aceite; probándose también su actividad antimicótica ante Penicillium italicum. Los puntos de recolección de materia prima fueron el CPM de Los Palos en la Provincia de Tacna, y el distrito de Tarata en la Provincia de Tarata. Se determinó el contenido de humedad (18,158%), cenizas (3,785%) y proteínas (5,28%) para los frutos de Los Palos; y el contenido de humedad (21,875%), cenizas (3,353%) y proteínas (5,56%) para los de Tarata, además de el tamaño y estructura de los mismos. Se secó la materia prima a condiciones de 11,1-27,9ºC; 66-84% HR; 948,4-954,1 mb y bajo sombra. Se tomaron muestras de 100 g que fueron trituradas gruesamente y sometidas a arrastre de vapor de agua, cada corrida de extracción duró una hora, obteniéndose aceites esenciales con rendimiento promedio de 6,575% (v/p) para las muestras de Los Palos, y 7,705% (v/p) para las de Tarata. El tratamiento estadístico demostró que el lugar de origen de la materia prima no tiene influencia significativa sobre el rendimiento del aceite esencial de molle, ni sobre sus propiedades sensoriales. Las características físico-químicas del aceite esencial del lote Nº 01 (Los Palos) fueron: índice de refracción (1,478), densidad (0,846 g/cm3), densidad relativa (0,847), punto de congelación(-35ºC), índice de acidez (6,023 mg KOH/g) e índice de éster (17,008); y para el aceite esencial del lote Nº 02 (Tarata) fueron: índice de refracción (1,477), densidad (0,831 g/cm3), densidad relativa (0,832), punto de congelación (-35ºC), índice de acidez (12,718 mg KOH/g) e índice de éster (23,148). Ambos aceites se analizaron por cromatografía de gases con detector FID, identificándose los monoterpenos: limoneno, α-pineno, β-pineno, β-mirceno, y α-felandreno. Las propiedades sensoriales de los aceites fueron: color transparente y ligeramente amarillo, olor herbáceo, penetrante y ligeramente mentolado, y sabor de tipo herbáceo, persistente y ligeramente amargo. Las pruebas de actividad antimicótica indicaron que los aceites esenciales de ambos lotes inhiben el desarrollo del hongo Penicillium italicum.

Eficacia de extractos insecticidas de hojas del pimiento boliviano (Schinus molle Rev L.) en la vaquita del Olmo Xanthogaleruca (=Pyrrhalta) luteola Müller (Coleoptera : Chrysomelidae)

Puga Rencoret, Karla Ivonne January 2009 (has links)
Memoria para optar al Título Profesional de Ingeniero Forestal / Se evaluaron extractos insecticidas de hojas de Schinus molle Rev L. (Anacardiaceae) con solvente agua y etanol para el control de la vaquita del olmo, Xanthogaleruca (=Pyrrhalta) luteola Müller (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), en concentraciones de 2,0; 2,5; 3,5; 4,3 y 4,7% p/v para los extractos etanólicos, y 2,5; 3,0; 4,3 y 5,6% p/v para los extractos acuosos, bajo condiciones de laboratorio. Los extractos se aplicaron sobre hojas de olmo (Ulmus sp., Ulmaceae) para la alimentación de individuos adultos de X. luteola, y se determinó posteriormente la efectividad de los extractos de S. molle y su CL50. Los resultados indicaron que ambos extractos insecticidas fueron eficaces sobre X. luteola, al causar mortalidades mayores a 97% con el solvente etanol y las concentraciones más altas (4,3 y 4,7% p/v), y cercanas a 27% con el solvente agua y las concentraciones 4,3 y 5,6% p/v. Mediante el análisis Probit se obtuvo que la CL50 del extracto etanólico fue de 1,88% al 2do d (día) y fue menor que la alcanzada por el extracto acuoso, con una CL50 de 8,52% al 4to d. Adicionalmente, se evaluó el efecto antialimentario de los extractos etanólicos y acuosos de S. molle sobre adultos de X. luteola. Los extractos acuosos inhibieron totalmente la alimentación de X. luteola, mientras que los extractos etanólicos no tuvieron efecto antialimentario.

Nanomedicines à base de produits naturels pour le traitement de la tuberculose / Nanomedicins based on natural products for the treatment of tuberculosis / Nanomedicinas a base de productos naturales para el tratamiento de la tuberculosis

Armendariz-Barragan, Brenda 23 February 2018 (has links)
Actuellement, la tuberculose (TB) est la deuxième maladie infectieuse au monde avec une forte prévalence et un taux de mortalité annuel élevé. L'Organisation Mondiale de la Santé (OMS) a récemment dévoilé sa nouvelle stratégie, appelée «Mettre fin à la tuberculose», pour la prévention, le contrôle et l'éradication de cette maladie. Les résultats doivent mener à une éradication totale d'ici au 2035. Dans le cadre des objectifs spécifiques de cette stratégie, l'OMS a intégré la recherche de nouvelles connaissances et innovations scientifiques qui améliorent et augmentent l'efficacité des traitements qui sont utilisés contre cette maladie.Deux des stratégies pharmaceutiques qui ont été les plus étudiées pendant ces dernières années ayant comme objectif principal d'augmenter l'efficacité globale des régimes thérapeutiques utilisés dans la tuberculose comprennent: i) l'incorporation de médicaments antituberculeux de première et de seconde ligne dans des systèmes de libération contrôlé, en particulier les nanoparticules polymères (NP); et, ii) l'utilisation de produits naturels (par exemple, des extraits de plantes ou des composés isolés) comme adjuvants, c'est-à-dire des substances qui, lorsqu'elles sont administrées conjointement avec des médicaments existants, augmentent leur activité.Dans ce contexte, ce travail de recherche a conduit au développement de deux stratégies pour rendre le traitement de la tuberculose plus efficace. D'une part, on a proposé le développement d´une nanomédecine à base de NP biodégradables contenant un principe actif antituberculeux de deuxième ligne, la clofazimine (CFM). D´autre part, on a conçu le développement des systèmes adjuvants provenant d'extraits végétaux obtenus à partir de l´arbre Schinus molle, lesquels ont été aussi incorporés dans des NP (biodégradables et non biodégradables). Dans cette deuxième stratégie, l'objectif principal a été l'obtention de potentielles nanoformulations qui permettent une application sûre de ces extraits par diverses voies d'administration (p. ex. par voie intraveineuse, pulmonaire ou orale).Dans ce travail, le Chapitre I est une revue de la littérature sur l'étude des produits naturels (spécifiquement des extraits de plantes) qui ont été proposés comme des agents potentiellement antibactériens contre Mycobacterium tuberculosis [etc...] / Tuberculosis is a chronic infection located in the lungs during the early stages of this disease. The World Health Organization, annually, registers about 9 million new cases and 1.5 million deaths. In addition, the development of multi-drug resistant strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis has complicated the global control of tuberculosis. An effective control for this epidemic can be based on two main pharmaceutical strategies. First, the development of novel formulations based on controlled release systems for antitubercular drugs which could be used for establishing more effective therapeutic schemes. A second approach can be focused on development of natural products nanoformulations (e.g. natural extracts) for their application as adjuvants for tuberculosis treatment. In this context, the present research work was focused on the design and development of a nanomedicine based on biodegradable nanoparticles and an antitubercular drug of second line (clofazimine). In addition, organic extracts obtained from Schinus molle were formulated into nanoparticles in order to use them as adjuvants in tuberculosis treatment. The characterization of the nanoformulations established a direct relationship between the physicochemical properties (i.e. particle size, surface charge and release profile) of the active-loaded polymeric nanoparticles (with drug or extract) and the increase of the antitubercular activity in vitro. Particularly, additional in vitro tests showed that nanoencapsulation of S. mole extract decreased their toxicity as compared to a non-encapsulated extract. In conclusion, nanoformulations loaded with clofazimine or extract of S. molle showed to have a high potential to be applied in efficient therapeutic schemes for tuberculosis treatment

Envolvimento do sistema monoaminérgico no efeito antidepressivo do extrato das folhas de Schinus Molle L. em camundongos

Machado, Daniele Guilhermano January 2007 (has links)
Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências Biológicas. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Neurociências. / Made available in DSpace on 2012-10-23T03:32:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 243258.pdf: 1269501 bytes, checksum: f303d1819c487d037bf1be8c850acd98 (MD5) / Schinus molle L. (Anacardiaceae), among other uses, is popularly employed for the treatment of depression. In this study, the antidepressant-like effect of the ethanolic and hexanic extracts from leaves of Schinus molle was investigated in the mouse tail suspension test (TST) and/or in the forced swimming test (FST), two predictive models of depression. The ethanolic extract (600-1000 mg/kg, p.o.) significantly reduced the immobility time in the TST, but not in the FST, and produced a reduction in the locomotor activity in the open-field test (OF).The immobility time in the TST was significantly reduced by the hexanic extract (dose range 30-600 mg/kg, p.o.), without accompanying changes in ambulation when assessed in an open-field test. The efficacy of this extract was found to be comparable to that of fluoxetine (10 mg/kg, p.o.). The anti-immobility effect of the hexanic extract (100 mg/kg, p.o.) was prevented by pretreatment of mice with -chlorophenylalanine (PCPA, 100 mg/kg, i.p., an inhibitor of serotonin synthesis, for four consecutive days), NAN-190 (0.5 mg/kg, i.p., a 5-HT1A receptor antagonist), WAY100635 (0.1 mg/kg, s.c., a selective 5-HT1A receptor antagonist), ketanserin (5 mg/kg, i.p., a 5-HT2A/2C receptor antagonist), MDL72222 (0.1 mg/kg, i.p., a 5-HT3 receptor antagonist), prazosin (1 mg/kg, i.p., an á1-adrenoceptor antagonist), yohimbine (1 mg/kg, i.p., an á2-adrenoceptor antagonist), SCH23390 (0.05 mg/kg, s.c., a D1 receptor antagonist) or sulpiride (50 mg/kg, i.p., a D2 receptor antagonist). Rutin (1 mg/kg, p.o.) isolated from the ethanolic extract and the fraction I (6-17; fatty acid esthers), isolated from the hexanic extract significantly reduced the immobility time in the TST, without altering the locomotor activity in the open-field test. However, the fractions II (33-34; composed by a mixture of fatty alcohols) and III (43-45; mixture of triterpenes), isolated from the hexanic extract did not cause changes in the immobility time in the TST. It may be concluded that the hexanic extract of Schinus molle produces an antidepressant-like effect that seems to be dependent on its interaction with the serotonergic, noradrenergic and dopaminergic systems. These results provide evidence that the hexanic extract from S. molle shares with established antidepressants some pharmacological effects, at least at a preclinical level. Moreover, the fatty acid esthers (fraction 6-17) may be responsible for the antidepressant-like action of this extract in the TST. The ethanolic extract of Schinus molle significantly reduced the immobility time in the TST. Rutin, isolated from this extract, may be also responsible for the antidepressant-like action.

Desenvolvimento de comprimido associação dose fixa à base de Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi e Pantoprazol como alternativa terapêutica para o tratamento das doenças relacionadas à acidez gástrica

RIBAS, Augusto Cesar de Oliveira 27 May 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Fabio Sobreira Campos da Costa (fabio.sobreira@ufpe.br) on 2017-07-13T14:23:21Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 811 bytes, checksum: e39d27027a6cc9cb039ad269a5db8e34 (MD5) Dissertação de Mestrado Augusto - Versão Final - 05.07.16.pdf: 2539433 bytes, checksum: 5317f34435773775b8fcf0c7526d78d5 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-13T14:23:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 811 bytes, checksum: e39d27027a6cc9cb039ad269a5db8e34 (MD5) Dissertação de Mestrado Augusto - Versão Final - 05.07.16.pdf: 2539433 bytes, checksum: 5317f34435773775b8fcf0c7526d78d5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-05-27 / O pantoprazol é, atualmente, um dos medicamentos mais utilizados para tratamento das doenças gástricas por seu mecanismo de ação conhecido e eficácia comprovada na inibição da secreção de ácido no lúmen estomacal, contudo o tratamento prolongado e os efeitos causados pelas gastropatias exigem tratamentos específicos e mais abrangentes. O material Vegetal Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi, conhecida como Aroeira, já é utilizada popularmente em feridas cutâneas pelos seus efeitos cicatrizantes e anti-inflamatórios, possui vários estudos comprovando sua eficácia na diminuição das lesões promovidas pelas doenças gástricas. Sabendo-se da existência das formulações Associação em Dose Fixa (ADF), que integram em uma mesma fórmula farmacêutica um insumo farmacêutico sintético e um insumo farmacêutico fitoterápico, o objetivo deste trabalho foi elaborar um forma farmacêutica sólida ADF utilizando doses terapêuticas do pantoprazol e do extrato da Aroeira. Para isto, foi realizada a obtenção do granulado seco de aroeira pela metodologia de secagem por convecção. Assim, os ativos foram misturados a excipientes e transformados em comprimidos, por compressão direta. Os comprimidos obtidos foram submetidos a controle físico-químico e foram realizados testes de doseamento, dissolução e estabilidade acelerada que avaliaram as condições da formulação. Como esperado a dissolução demonstrou liberação do pantoprazol em meio básico e degradação em meio ácido, levando a necessidade de utilização do fármaco em formato de grânulos gastroresistentes. Já os testes de estabilidade realizados nos tempos 0, 3 e 6 meses atestou no curto período a manutenção das características básicas de liberação e teor dos comprimidos que foram mantidos durante o estudo em câmara climática de zona IV. Foi possível, desta forma, estabelecer os parâmetros básicos para o desenvolvimento desta formulação ADF contribuindo para a descoberta de alternativas terapêuticas aos tratamentos convencionais. / Pantoprazole is today one of the most used drugs for the treatment of gastric diseases because its known mechanism of action and proven effectiveness in inhibiting acid secretion in the stomach lumen, but prolonged treatment and the effects caused by gastropathy require specific treatments and more extensive. Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi plant, known as Aroeira, is already commonly used in skin healing by its anti-inflammatory effects, having several studies showing efficacy in reducing gastric lesions promoted by the disease. Knowing the existence of the formulations Association-Dose-Fixed (ADF), which are part of the same pharmaceutical form, a synthetic active ingredient and an active herbal principle, the objective of this study was to develop a solid dosage form ADF using therapeutic doses of pantoprazole and the Aroeira extract. For to obtain the dry granulated were used the method for drying by convection, where the active excipients were mixed and tableted by direct compression. The tablets obtained were subjected to physic-chemical control and tests to determinate their concentrations, their accelerated stability and their dissolution quality who served to evaluate the conditions of the formulation. The obtained values maintained their therapeutic range described in the literature. As expected the dissolution demonstrated release of pantoprazole in basic medium and degradation in acid medium that leads to the need to use the drug in gastroresistant granules format. Since the stability testing at 0, 3 and 6 months attested short period maintaining the basic characteristics of release and content of the tablets that were maintained during the study in climate zone IV camera. It was thus possible to establish the basic parameters for the development of this formulation ADF contributing to the discovery of therapeutic alternatives to conventional treatments.

Estudo de formação e estabilidade de nanopartículas de poliácido lático para liberação controlada do óleo essencial de Shinus Molle L. / Study of the formation and stability of poly lactic acid nanoparticles for the controlled release of essential oil Shinus Molle L.

Silva, Geisiane Rosa da 03 July 2015 (has links)
A nanotecnologia é uma ciência interdisciplinar onde se desenvolve nanomateriais para uso em diversas áreas como a farmácia, cosmética e agroindústria. Um de seus objetivos é aprimorar propriedades de ativos para novas aplicações, por exemplo, através de sistemas para liberação controlada através do uso de biomaterias. Dentre estes biomateriais destaca-se o poliácido lático (PLA) que é constantemente aplicado como matriz polimérica de várias nanoestruturas para o encapsulamento de ativos. Na área cosmética, ativos como os óleos essenciais são de grande interesse. O óleo essencial de pimenta rosa (Schinus molle L.) é composto por terpenos que apresentam, entre outras, atividade antioxidante e inseticida. No presente trabalho desenvolvemos um novo sistema de nanopartículas de PLA em solução aquosa, para liberação controlada do óleo essencial Schinus molle L. visando a utilização cosmética. As nanopartículas de PLA foram avaliadas quanto a estabilidade através da técnica de espalhamento dinâmico de luz (DLS). A formação foi estudada através do uso de difração de raios X (XRD) e espectroscopia vibracional (FTIR). A morfologia foi observada por microscopia eletrônica de varredura (SEM) comparando-se alguns dos resultados obtidos por DLS. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o sistema é estável por aproximadamente 100 dias quanto ao tamanho, polidispersão e carga de superfície, mesmo com a variação de pH da solução em relação ao tempo. A estabilidade do nanossistema foi atribuída ao tensoativo dodecil sulfato de sódio (SDS), além da própria semicristalinidade e alta massa molar do PLA. Os componentes do sistema apresentaram interações químicas comprovadas por FTIR. O estudo por SEM mostrou que as nanopartículas obtidas têm aparência esférica, com a matriz polimérica contínua e com vários tamanhos constituindo assim um sistema polidisperso, como observadas também por DLS. A eficiência de encapsulação de 83% avaliada por calorimetria exploratória diferencial (DSC) e a liberação do ativo analisada por gravimetria mostraram-se satisfatórias. O sistema de nanopartículas obtido é estável e, por tanto, com potencial adequado para aplicação em produtos cosméticos. / Nanotechnology is an interdisciplinary science through which nanomaterials are developed for use in areas, such as pharmaceutical, cosmetology and agribusiness. One of its objectives is the improvement in the properties of active compounds for new applications by, for example, systems that use biomaterials for controlled release. Lactic polyacid (PLA), one of such biomaterials, has been constantly applied as a polymer matrix of various nanostructures for the encapsulation of active compounds. In cosmetics, active compounds, as essential oils are of great interest. The essential oil of pimenta rosa (Schinus molle L.) is composed of terpenes, which display antioxidant and insecticide activities. This dissertation addresses the development of a new system of PLA nanoparticles in an aqueous solution for the controlled release of essential oil Shinus molle L. to be applied to cosmetology. The stability of PLA nanoparticles was evaluated by dynamic light scattering (DLS). The formation of the system was studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and vibrational spectroscopy (FTIR) and its morphology and polydispersivity were verified by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), comparing some of the results obtained by DLS. The results show that the system is stable for approximately 100 days regarding size, polydispersion and surface charge, even when the pH of the solution varies over time. Stability was assigned to surfactant sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), PLA\'s semi crystallinity and high molecular weight. The chemical interactions of the system\'s components were evidenced by FTIR. SEM revealed spherical nanoparticles with a continuous polymeric matrix and polydispersivity, also observed by DLS. Satisfactory results were provided by the 83% of encapsulation efficiency calculated by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and the drug release analyzed by gravimetric technique. The nanoparticle system obtained is stable and, therefore, suitable for application to cosmetics.

Estudo de formação e estabilidade de nanopartículas de poliácido lático para liberação controlada do óleo essencial de Shinus Molle L. / Study of the formation and stability of poly lactic acid nanoparticles for the controlled release of essential oil Shinus Molle L.

Geisiane Rosa da Silva 03 July 2015 (has links)
A nanotecnologia é uma ciência interdisciplinar onde se desenvolve nanomateriais para uso em diversas áreas como a farmácia, cosmética e agroindústria. Um de seus objetivos é aprimorar propriedades de ativos para novas aplicações, por exemplo, através de sistemas para liberação controlada através do uso de biomaterias. Dentre estes biomateriais destaca-se o poliácido lático (PLA) que é constantemente aplicado como matriz polimérica de várias nanoestruturas para o encapsulamento de ativos. Na área cosmética, ativos como os óleos essenciais são de grande interesse. O óleo essencial de pimenta rosa (Schinus molle L.) é composto por terpenos que apresentam, entre outras, atividade antioxidante e inseticida. No presente trabalho desenvolvemos um novo sistema de nanopartículas de PLA em solução aquosa, para liberação controlada do óleo essencial Schinus molle L. visando a utilização cosmética. As nanopartículas de PLA foram avaliadas quanto a estabilidade através da técnica de espalhamento dinâmico de luz (DLS). A formação foi estudada através do uso de difração de raios X (XRD) e espectroscopia vibracional (FTIR). A morfologia foi observada por microscopia eletrônica de varredura (SEM) comparando-se alguns dos resultados obtidos por DLS. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o sistema é estável por aproximadamente 100 dias quanto ao tamanho, polidispersão e carga de superfície, mesmo com a variação de pH da solução em relação ao tempo. A estabilidade do nanossistema foi atribuída ao tensoativo dodecil sulfato de sódio (SDS), além da própria semicristalinidade e alta massa molar do PLA. Os componentes do sistema apresentaram interações químicas comprovadas por FTIR. O estudo por SEM mostrou que as nanopartículas obtidas têm aparência esférica, com a matriz polimérica contínua e com vários tamanhos constituindo assim um sistema polidisperso, como observadas também por DLS. A eficiência de encapsulação de 83% avaliada por calorimetria exploratória diferencial (DSC) e a liberação do ativo analisada por gravimetria mostraram-se satisfatórias. O sistema de nanopartículas obtido é estável e, por tanto, com potencial adequado para aplicação em produtos cosméticos. / Nanotechnology is an interdisciplinary science through which nanomaterials are developed for use in areas, such as pharmaceutical, cosmetology and agribusiness. One of its objectives is the improvement in the properties of active compounds for new applications by, for example, systems that use biomaterials for controlled release. Lactic polyacid (PLA), one of such biomaterials, has been constantly applied as a polymer matrix of various nanostructures for the encapsulation of active compounds. In cosmetics, active compounds, as essential oils are of great interest. The essential oil of pimenta rosa (Schinus molle L.) is composed of terpenes, which display antioxidant and insecticide activities. This dissertation addresses the development of a new system of PLA nanoparticles in an aqueous solution for the controlled release of essential oil Shinus molle L. to be applied to cosmetology. The stability of PLA nanoparticles was evaluated by dynamic light scattering (DLS). The formation of the system was studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and vibrational spectroscopy (FTIR) and its morphology and polydispersivity were verified by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), comparing some of the results obtained by DLS. The results show that the system is stable for approximately 100 days regarding size, polydispersion and surface charge, even when the pH of the solution varies over time. Stability was assigned to surfactant sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), PLA\'s semi crystallinity and high molecular weight. The chemical interactions of the system\'s components were evidenced by FTIR. SEM revealed spherical nanoparticles with a continuous polymeric matrix and polydispersivity, also observed by DLS. Satisfactory results were provided by the 83% of encapsulation efficiency calculated by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and the drug release analyzed by gravimetric technique. The nanoparticle system obtained is stable and, therefore, suitable for application to cosmetics.

Invasive potential of the Peruvian pepper tree (Schinus molle) in South Africa

Midoko Iponga, Donald 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Conservation Ecology and Entomology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Natural and semi-natural ecosystems and human communities worldwide are under siege from a growing number of destructive invasive alien species. Alien species are those whose presence in an area is due to intentional or accidental introduction as a result of human activities. Some alien species become invasive, and some cause tremendous destruction to the ecosystem and their stability, but we do not yet understand fully the many factors that determine the levels of invasiveness in alien species. However, management of alien plants requires a detailed understanding of the factors that make them invasive in their new habitat. The aim of this study was to explore in detail the processes and potential for invasion of Schinus molle (Peruvian pepper tree) into semiarid savanna in South Africa and to examine the potential for this species to invade further in these ecosystems, and in other South African biomes. In this thesis I explored the patterns and processes of invasion of S. molle in semiarid savanna using small-scale experiments to investigate physical and ecological barriers to invasion that prevent or accelerate the invasion of this species. I examined factors such as pollination; seed production; seed dispersal; seed predation and viability, all known to contribute to invasiveness. I highlighted the critical role of microsite conditions (temperature, humidity, water availability) in facilitating S. molle seedling establishment in semi-arid savanna and demonstrated that microsite type characteristics need to be considered for management and monitoring of the species in South Africa. I demonstrated the ability of S. molle to out-compete indigenous woody plants for light and other resources and also showed that disturbance of natural ecosystems was not a prerequisite for invasion, although human activities such as tree planting have played a major role in disseminating this species in South Africa. Predicting the future distribution of invasive species is very important for the management and conservation of natural ecosystems, and for the development of policy. For this reason, I also assessed the present and potential future spatial distribution of S. molle in South Africa by using bioclimatic models and a simulation-based spread model. I produced accurate profiles of environmental conditions (both biophysical and those related to human activities) that characterize the planted and naturalized ranges of this species in South Africa, by linking species determinants, potential habitat suitability and likely spread dynamics under different scenarios of management and climate change. All those components provided insights on the dynamics of invasions by fleshy-fruited woody alien plants in general, and on S. molle invasions in South Africa in particular. I developed a conceptual model that described S. molle population dynamics leading to an understanding of the processes leading to the invasive spread of this species in South Africa. This work also emphasized the need for policy review concerning the invasive status of S. molle in South Africa, and recommendations are made for future research. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die natuurlike and half-natuurlike ekosisteme sowel as menslike gemeenskappe wereldwyd word bedreig deur ‘n groeiende hoeveelheid indringerplantspesies. Indringerplantspesies (daardie spesies wie se teenwoordigheid toegeskryf kan word aan opsetlike of toevallige inbringing deur menslike toedoen) is ‘n bedreiging nie net vanweë die massiewe verwoesting van die ekosisteme en ekosisteemstabilitiet nie, maar ook omdat ons nog nie ten volle verstaan hoe hulle van skaars in hul natuurlike omgewing tot dominant in hul nuwe habitat gaan nie. Bestuur van indringer plante vereis ’n begrip van biologise en ekologiese faktore wat lei tot hulle indringing in die nuwe habitat. Die primêre doel van hierdie studie was om in detail uit te vind wat die prosessesse en potensiaal is vir die indringing van S. molle (die Peruviaanse peper boom) in droë savanna en om indringingspatrone in droë savanna met huidige en potensieële toekomstige patrone in ander Suid-Afrikaanse biome te vergelyk. In hierdie tesis ondersoek ek die patrone en prosesse wat verband hou met die indringing van S. molle in droë savanna deur gebruik te maak van kleinskaalse eksperimente om fisiese en ekologise hindenisse te ondersoek wat indringing van S. molle in Suid-Afrika voorkom of versnel. Dit sluit faktore in wat bekend is om by te dra tot indringing van plant spesies, soos bestuiwing, saadproduksie, saadpredasie en kiemkragtigheid. Ek het die kritieke rol beklemtoon van mikroomgewingskondisies (temperatuur, humiditeit, waterbeskikbaarheid) in die fasilitering van S. molle saailingvestiging in droë savanna en het gedemonstreer dat die tipe mikroomgewingskarakteristieke in ag geneem moet word by betuur en monitering van die verspreiding van S. molle in Suid-Afrika. Ek het die vermoë van S. molle om inheemse plante te uitkompeteer gedemonstreer, en het gewys dat versteuring van natuurlike ekosisteme nie ’n voorvereiste vir S. molle indringing was nie, hoewel menslike aktiwiteite soos boomaanplantings ’n groot rol speel deur by te dra tot indringing van hierdie spesie in Suid-Afrika. Voorspelling van toekomstige verspreiding van indringerspesies is baie belangrik vir die bestuur en bewaring van natuurlike ekosisteme, sowel as vir ontwikkeling van wetgewing. Daarom is die huidige en potensiele toekomstige ruimtelike verspreiding van S. molle in Suid-Afrika bereken deur inkorporering van bioklimaatsmodelle en simulering gebasseer op ’n verspreidingsmodel. Ek het derhalwe akkurate profiele van omgewingstoestande (beide fisiese en daardie wat verband hou met menslike aktiwiteite) wat die aangeplante en natuurlike omvang van die spesie in Suid-Afrika kenmerk geproduseer deur spesiedeterminante, potensieële geskiktheid van habitatte en moontlike verspeidingsdinamika onder verskillende bestuursscenarios en kimaatsverandering te koppel. Al hierdie komponente verskaf insig in die dinamika van die indringing van houtagtige plante met vlesige vrugte oor die algemeen en S. molle in besonder in Suid- Afrika. Hierdie werk beklemtoon ook die behoefte vir hersiening van beleidsrigtings wat betrekking het op die indringerstatus van S. molle in Suid-Afrika en maak aanbevelings vir toekomstige navorsing.

Avaliação imunotoxicológica da anacauíta (Schinus molle l.) em cultura celular

Duarte, Jonathaline Apollo January 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Marcos Anselmo (marcos.anselmo@unipampa.edu.br) on 2017-06-12T14:17:48Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) JONATHALINE APOLLO DUARTE.pdf: 1033426 bytes, checksum: 65249cf69187d253ce4462e7152ce8db (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marcos Anselmo (marcos.anselmo@unipampa.edu.br) on 2017-06-12T14:18:00Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) JONATHALINE APOLLO DUARTE.pdf: 1033426 bytes, checksum: 65249cf69187d253ce4462e7152ce8db (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-12T14:18:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) JONATHALINE APOLLO DUARTE.pdf: 1033426 bytes, checksum: 65249cf69187d253ce4462e7152ce8db (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016 / O emprego de produtos naturais para o tratamento, cura ou prevenção de doenças pela população é datada desde os tempos mais remotos, e apesar dos inúmeros avanços na ciência, o uso de plantas com finalidade medicinal, ainda representa na maioria das vezes o único recurso terapêutico de muitas comunidades e de diversos grupos étnicos.Atualmente é possível verificarmos que apesar de todos os avanços nas indústrias farmacêuticas para a produção de fármacos sintéticos, a população ainda recorre às plantas medicinais.Entretanto, existe uma infinidade de plantas que ainda não são conhecidos os seus possíveis efeitos farmacológicos e/ou toxicológico. Diante desse contexto, a Schinus molle L. (Anacardiaceae), popularmente conhecida como anacauíta, é uma planta rica em óleo essencial, a qual vem sendo usada como uma opção de tratamento para diversas enfermidades, e apesar de seu amplo emprego na medicina popular, a literatura carece de informações voltadas para seu perfil imutoxicologico. Assim, investigouse os efeitos do óleo essencial frente a parâmetros citotóxico, mutagênico e genotoxico em cultura de linfócitos e macrófagos humanos. Inicialmente, determinaramse as DL50 para ambas as células estudadas, através do teste de proliferação celular, para então desenvolver os demais testes. As DL50 encontradas foram de 30.07μg/mL para linfócitos humanos e de 42.07μg/mL para macrófagos humanos, assim, foram definidas as concentrações a serem testadas, sendo essas DL50, DL50/10, DL50/100, DL50/1000 e DL50/10000 para as células em questão, e foi constatado que o óleo essencial foi capaz de promover citotoxicidade em concentrações superiores a DL50/1000, para ambas as células testadas. Entretanto, o mesmo proporciona efeito genotóxico em culturas de macrófagos, somente para as duas concentrações maiores e quando avaliado os frente a parâmetros mutagênicos, constatouse que, o mesmo não promove alterações cromossômicas assim como, também não alterou o índice de divisão celular, embora tenha sido capaz de proporcionar frequência de micronúcleo concentração dependente nos macrófagos. Contudo, é importante salientar a importância de conhecimento dos constituintes do óleo essencial da Schinus molle L., para maiores esclarecimentos referente a sua toxicidade, uma vez que, essa planta é amplamente empregada na medicina popular para as diversas finalidades. Dessa forma, os resultados encontrados nesse trabalho, tem a contribuir com a literatura. Para tanto, estudos complementares são necessários para auxiliar na construção completa do perfil toxicológico do óleo essencial da planta em estudo, buscando a segurança da população que a utiliza. / The use of natural products for the treatment, cure or prevention of disease by population is dated from the earliest times, and despite the numerous advances in science, the use of plants for medicinal purposes, yet is most often the only therapeutic resource many communities and various ethnic groups. It is currently possible to see that despite all the advances in the pharmaceutical industry for the production of synthetic drugs, people still make use of medicinal plants. However, there is a multitude of plants that are not yet known its possible pharmacological effects and / or toxicology. In this context, the Schinus molle L.(Anacardiaceae), popularly known as anacauíta, is a plant rich in essential oil, which has been used as a treatment option for various diseases, and despite its widespread use in therapy, the literature lacks information geared to your immunotoxicology profile. Thus, we investigated the effects of essential oil cytotoxic front parameters, mutagenic and genotoxic in cultured human lymphocytes and macrophages. Initially, the LD50 were determined for both the cells studied by the cell proliferation assay, and then to develop other tests. The LD50 was found to 30.07μg/ml for human lymphocytes and 42.07μg/ml for human macrophages, thus the concentrations to be tested have been identified and these LD50, LD50/10, LD50/100 LD50/1000 and LD50/10000 to the cells in question, and it was found that the essential oil was able to promote cytotoxicity at concentrations above LD50/1000, for both test cells, however, it provides genotoxic effects in macrophage cultures, only the two concentrations and larger when measured against the mutagens parameters, it was found that it does not promote chromosomal abnormalities as well as, did not alter the rate of cell division, although it was able to provide frequency micronucleus concentration dependent on macrophages. However, it is important to stress the importance of knowledge of essential oil constituents of Schinus molle L., for further information regarding its toxicity, since this plant is widely used in folk medicine for a variety of purposes. Thus, the results found in this work, is to contribute to the literature. Therefore, further studies are needed to help complete construction of the toxicological profile of the essential oil of the plant under study, seeking the safety of the population makes use of this. / Schinus molle L

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