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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Structural and functional studies of bacterial outer membrane lipopolysaccharide insertion and Schmallenberg virus replication

Dong, Haohao January 2015 (has links)
Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is an essential component of the outer membrane (OM) of Gram-negative bacteria and plays a fundamental role in protecting the bacteria from harsh environments and toxic compounds. The LPS transport system is responsible for transporting LPS from the periplasmic side of the inner membrane (IM) to the OM, in a process involving seven LptA-LptG proteins. The current model for lipopolysaccharide transport (Lpt) suggests that LPS is initially extracted by a four-protein complex, LptBCFG, from the inner membrane to the periplasm, where LptA mediates further transport to the OM. Another two protein complex, LptD/E, catalyses the assembly of LPS at the OM cell surface. However, the details of this transport mechanism have remained unknown, mainly due to a lack of structural information. In chapter 1 and 2 of this thesis, I report materials and methods for all LptD/E, and Schmallenberg virus (SBV) nucleoprotein (NP) experiments and the theories and software that were used in determining structures of LptD/E, SBV NP and the SBV NP/RNA complex. In chapter 3 of this thesis, I report the first crystal structure of the outer membrane protein LptD/E complex. LptD forms a 26-strand ß-barrel in a closed form and LptE is a roll-like structure located inside LptD to form “barrel and plug” architecture. Through structural analysis, function assay and molecular dynamics simulation, we proposed a mechanism in which the hydrophilic head of LPS molecule, including the oligosaccharide core and the O antigen, directly penetrates through the hydrophilic ß- barrel whilst the hydrophobic lipid A tail is inserted into an intramembrane hole, with a lateral opening between strand ß1 and ß26 of the LptD. LptE may assist this process. In chapter 4, I report the crystal structure of the SBV NP in two conformations: tetrameric when the protein was purified under native conditions, and trimeric when denatured and refolded during purification. The SBV NP has a novel fold and we have also identified that the N-terminal arm is crucial for RNA binding, and the N- and the C-terminal arm is essential for RNA multimerisation with adjacent protomers and for viral RNA encapsidation. Chapter 5 describes the crystal structure of SBV NP in complex with a 42 nucleotide long RNA (polyU). This ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complex was crystallized as a ring-like tetramer with each protomer bound to 11 ribonucleotides. Eight of these nucleotides are bound in a positively charged cleft between N- and C- terminal domains and three are bound in the N-terminal arm. I also compared the structure to that of other NPs from negative-sense RNA viruses, and found that SBV NP sequesters RNA using a different mechanism. Furthermore, the structure suggests that when RNA binds the protein, there are conformational changes in the RNA-binding cleft, and in the N- and C-terminal arms. Thus our results reveal a novel mechanism of RNA encapsidation by orthobunyaviruses NP.

Etude du facteur de virulence NSs du virus Schmallenberg / Study of the NSs virulence factor of Schmallenberg virus

Gouzil, Julie 27 January 2016 (has links)
Introduction : En 2011, un arbovirus émergent appelé virus Schmallenberg (SBV) et appartenant à la famille des Bunyaviridae a été identifié en Allemagne et s’est répandu en Europe. Le SBV infecte les ruminants domestiques et sauvages. Chez l’adulte, la virémie est transitoire et l’infection est souvent inapparente. En revanche, chez les femelles gestantes, le SBV peut franchir la barrière transplacentaire et infecter le fœtus, pouvant provoquer des avortements et des malformations du système nerveux central. Parmi les protéines virales synthétisées par le SBV, la protéine non-structurale NSs est un facteur de virulence majeur. Elle entraîne notamment la dégradation de sa sous-unité Rpb1 de l’ARN polymérase II pour inhiber la transcription cellulaire. Ce travail a pour but d’étudier les propriétés biochimiques et fonctionnelles de NSs et d’identifier les déterminants moléculaires régissant ses principales activités.Méthodes et résultats: L’analyse in silico de la séquence peptidique de NSs réalisée à l’aide d’algorithmes de prédiction a permis de designer plusieurs de mutants de délétion de la protéine. L’observation de la localisation cellulaire des mutants dans plusieurs modèles humains et ovins confirme la prédiction d’une distribution principalement nucléaire pour NSs. De façon intéressante, une séquence interne à la protéine (33-51) sert de motif d’adressage spécifique au niveau des nucléoles (NoLS) et nous avons pu démontrer la co-localisation de NSs avec plusieurs protéines nucléolaires. De plus, l’infection de cellules humaines et ovines par le SBV entraîne la translocation de protéines nucléolaires (B23 et fibrillarine) vers le nucléoplasme, témoignant d’un stress nucléolaire viro-induit. Pour évaluer l’impact de la localisation nucléolaire de NSs sur ce phénomène, un virus recombinant dont NSs a été délétée de son motif d’adressage nucléolaire (SBVΔNoLS) a été produit par génétique inverse. Le SBVΔNoLS n’induit plus de redistribution de B23 confirmant le rôle de NSs dans l’induction d’un stress nucléolaire au cours de l’infection. Ces résultats ont été confirmés dans des cellules souches neurales humaines, qui constituent un modèle pertinent par rapport aux lésions provoquées par le SBV dans le système nerveux.En parallèle de ce travail, nous avons recherché des partenaires cellulaires de NSs par la méthode du double-hybride en levures. Huit partenaires cellulaires de NSs ont été découverts, dont la chaîne légère de la dynéine de type 1 (Tctex-1) et la Major Vault Protein (MVP), qui sont toutes les deux impliquées dans le transport de protéines grâce à leur association aux microtubules. Une des hypothèses avancées est que ces protéines pourraient servir de cargos pour promouvoir le transport nucléo-cytoplasmique de NSs.Conclusions et perspectives : Ce travail de thèse a permis de démontrer que la protéine NSs du SBV est localisée principalement dans le noyau cellulaire et dans les nucléoles, grâce à une séquence d’adressage spécifique. L’infection virale induit un stress nucléolaire dépendant de NSs, qui a pu être reproduit dans un modèle de cellules souches neurales humaines. Les perturbations nucléolaires induites par NSs pourraient contribuer au blocage de la transcription cellulaire observé au cours de l’infection et, de manière subséquente, moduler la réponse antivirale de la cellule et/ou induire la mort cellulaire en lien avec la pathogenèse virale. Ainsi, ces perturbations des nucléoles pourraient être à l’origine d’une dégénérescence des neurones et des anomalies développementales observées chez les fœtus infectés. Au niveau moléculaire, nous souhaitons préciser l’implication de la protéine nucléolaire B23, relocalisée vers le nucléoplasme en cours d’infection, et/ou d’autres composants du nucléole dans l’initiation de ce processus. Enfin, l’hypothèse d’un transport rétrograde actif de NSs du cytoplasme vers le noyau médié par son interaction avec MVP ou Tctex1 est en cours d’investigation. / Introduction: In 2011, an emerging arbovirus named Schmallenberg virus (SBV), and belonging to the Bunyaviridae family, was discovered in Germany. Then, SBV has rapidly spread to Europe infecting wild and domestic ruminants. Adult infection is basically mild and associated with a short viremia (2-5 days). However, in case of pregnant females’ infection, SBV has the ability to cross the placental barrier to infect the foetuses, which can lead to stillbirth and central nervous system developmental abnormalities (arthrogyposis, hydranencephaly). Among bunyavirus-encoded proteins, the non-structural protein NSs has been shown to be an important virulence factor. Indeed, it is able to degrade the Rpb1 subunit of RNA polymerase II, leading to the inhibition of cellular transcription. The work of my thesis aimed to study biochemical and functional properties of NSs and to identify the molecular patterns ruling its main activities.Methods and results: An in silico amino acids sequence analysis was used to predict some common features of NSs and to help the design of several NSs mutants. As predicted by several algorithms, NSs and its mutants are mainly localised to cell nucleus in different cell types (from human and ovine origin). Interestingly, we highlighted an internal sequence (residues 33 to 51) containing a nucleolar localisation signal (NoLS), and have shown that NSs co-localises with several nucleolar proteins. Moreover, infections of human and ovine cell lines with SBV lead to re-localisation of nucleolar proteins to nucleoplasm (B23 and fibrillarin), demonstrating a viral-induced nucleolar stress. To assess the role of the NSs nucleolar localisation in this phenomenon, a recombinant virus, with a mutated version of NSs devoid of its NolS motif (SBVΔNoLS), was constructed by reverse genetic. Infection with SBVΔNoLS does not induce nucleolar stress, suggesting that the nucleolar stress induced by SBV occurs only if NSs is addressed to the nucleolus. Moreover, these results have been confirmed in human neural stem cells, which coud be a more relevant cellular model to mimic SBV infection in foetuses.Another way to study NSs functions was to identify its cellular partners by means of a yeast-two hybrid screen and using NSs as bait. Eight putative interactors of NSs have been discovered, including the dynein light chain type 1 (Tctex-1) and the Major Vault protein (MVP). These proteins are involved in cellular protein transport, notably by their associations with the microtubules network. Thus, NSs might interact with Tctex-1 and MVP to favour its shuttling from cell cytoplasm to the nucleus.Conclusions and perspectives: Altogether, these data indicate that SBV-NSs protein is mainly localised into cell nucleus and nucleolus, by means of its internal NoLS contained in the 33-51 NSs domain. SBV infection induces a nucleolar stress, particularly in human neural stem cells. NSs-induced nucleolar disruption could promote NSs inhibitory function on cellular transcription, and subsequently modulate cellular antiviral state and/or induce cell death. Regarding the pathogenesis in SBV-infected foetuses, nucleolar stress could be responsible for neurons degeneration and subsequent developmental abnormalities. At molecular level, our aim is to define the role of nucleolar protein B23 on viral replication, which is strongly relocalised to the nucleoplasm during SBV infection. Finally, hypothesis of NSs retrograde transport from cell cytoplasm to nucleus and the possible contributions of MVP and/or Tctex-1 needs to be further investigate.

A Multi-Pathogen Screening of Captive Reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) in Germany Based on Serological and Molecular Assays

Sánchez Romano, Javier, Grund, Lisa, Obiegala, Anna, Nymo, Ingebjørg H., Ancin-Murguzur, Francisco Javier, Li, Hong, Król, Nina, Pfeffer, Martin, Tryland, Morten 01 March 2023 (has links)
Captive reindeer in German zoos and wildlife parks live outside their natural geographic range and are exposed to a variety of viral, bacterial and protozoan pathogens, some host-specific and some which they are not exposed to in their native habitat. Reindeer blood samples and ticks collected in 2013 from 123 reindeer at 16 different zoological facilities were available from a previous study. The aims of this study were to assess the serological status of these animals with regards to various microorganisms as well as to test ticks (Ixodes ricinus) and blood samples for the presence of Anaplasma spp. DNA in order to evaluate the exposure of captive reindeer in Germany to a variety of pathogens. A total of 119 or 118 serum samples were screened (ELISA) and antibodies were detected (seropositive/tested, prevalence, confidence interval) against alphaherpesvirus (24/119, 20.3%, CI: 13.9–28.3), bluetongue virus (BTV; 4/119, 3.4%, CI: 1.0–8.7), malignant catarrhal fever related gammaherpesvirus (MCFV-related gammaherpesvirus; 7/119, 5.9%, CI: 2.7–11.9), pestivirus (5/118, 4.2%, CI: 1.6–9.8), Schmallenberg virus (SBV; 70/118, 59.3%, CI: 50.3–67.8), smooth Brucella spp. (1/118; 0.9%, CI: 0–5.1), Neospora caninum (5/118, 4.2%, CI: 1.6–9.8), and Toxoplasma gondii (62/119, 52.1%, CI: 43.2–60.9). These results suggested the exposure of reindeer to all tested pathogens. Moreover, real-time PCR for Anaplasma phagocytophilum targeting the partial msp2 gene was performed on DNA extracted from whole blood samples from reindeer (n = 123) and from ticks (n = 49) collected from 22 reindeer in seven different facilities. In addition to the real-time PCR, a semi-nested PCR for the partial groEL gene, and a nested PCR targeting the partial 16S rRNA gene were performed. DNA of A. phagocytophilum was detected in 17 reindeer (13.8%) and 15 ticks (30.6%). Three of the five reindeer with ticks having A. phagocytophilumDNA also had such DNA in blood. These results indicate that captive reindeer can be exposed to several ruminant pathogens that they hitherto had no known exposure to through their natural geographical distribution and habitats as shown for Culicoides-borne BTV and SBV. Further, captive reindeer may serve as reservoir hosts for pathogens circulating in local domestic, captive, and wild ruminant species and populations and arthropod vectors.

Virus Schmallenberg : Pathogenèse de l’infection chez les ruminants domestiques et circulation chez les ruminants sauvages / Schmallenberg virus : Pathogenesis of the infection in domestic ruminants and circulation in wild ruminants

Laloy, Eve 29 September 2015 (has links)
Le virus Schmallenberg (SBV) appartient au genre Orthobunyavirus, au sein de la famille des Bunyaviridae. Ce nouveau virus, découvert en 2011 au nord-ouest de l’Europe, affecte les ruminants domestiques. Il est responsable de signes cliniques discrets chez les adultes et de malformations congénitales chez les nouveau-nés. Ces travaux de thèse s’inscrivent dans les projets d’étude de la pathogenèse de l’infection à SBV et de l’épidémiologie de la maladie, dans le cadre d’un programme de recherche européen sur le virus. Ce manuscrit inclut de nouvelles données, telles les cinétiques de la virémie et de la séroconversion chez les ovins et caprins, après infection expérimentale par SBV. La possibilité d’infection par SBV par voie vaginale est démontrée expérimentalement chez la chèvre. Après infection expérimentale de chèvres gestantes entre 28 et 42 jours de gestation, une mortalité fœtale ou des lésions du système nerveux central des fœtus peuvent survenir. Enfin, la sensibilité de plusieurs espèces de ruminants sauvages et exotiques de parcs zoologiques vis-à-vis de SBV est démontrée pour la première fois. / Schmallenberg virus (SBV) belongs to the genus Orthobunyavirus in the family Bunyaviridae. This new virus was discovered in 2011 in Northwestern Europe in domestic ruminants. Infection by SBV is associated with mild clinical signs in adult and congenital malformations in the progeny. In the scope of the European research program on SBV in the pathogenesis and epidemiology areas, the works included in this thesis provide new data about SBV infection in livestock and wild and exotic ruminants. The kinetics of viremia and seroconversion after experimental SBV infection are described in sheep and goats. This manuscript includes evidence of SBV infection via vaginal route in goats. Experimental SBV infection in pregnant goats between 28 and 42 days of gestation can lead to death or central nervous system lesions in fetuses. Evidence of susceptibility to SBV in several species of wild and exotic ruminants kept in zoos is described for the first time.

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