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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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國民小學校長讀書會團隊學習與學校效能關係之研究 / A study on the relationship between elementary school principals’ book club team learning and school effectiveness.

張秀瑩, Hsiu-Ying Chang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探究國民小學校長讀書會團隊學習與學校效能之關係。本研究採用問卷調查之研究法,問卷調查樣本以臺灣地區基隆市、台北市、台北縣、桃園縣、宜蘭縣、新竹縣、新竹市及苗栗縣八縣市公立國民小學校長為研究對象,共計抽取391位公立國民小學校長,樣本回收247份,回收率為63.17%;樣本可用227份,可用率58.1%。研究工具包含自編之「國民小學校長團隊學習調查問卷」及採用之「國民小學學校效能調查問卷」。本研究統計方法為描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關分析、多元逐步迴歸分析、結構方程模式(SEM)分析等方法進行分析討論。根據研究結果與分析後歸納之研究結論如下: 一、國民小學校長團隊學習之內涵包括績效滿意、責任義務、目標承諾、一般承諾、互補技能與團隊衝突。 二、國民小學學校效能之內涵包括學校建築環境設計、學校行政領導、教師教學效能、學生整體表現、社區家長支持與學校組織氣氛。 三、校長團隊學習的得分程度佳,並以「責任義務」得分最高,而「績效滿意」得分最低。 四、學校效能的現況得分程度佳,並以「學校行政領導」能力表現最佳,以「教師教學效能」能力得分最低。 五、校長背景變項中,性別、最高學歷及學校區域在校長團隊學習的得分差異達顯著水準,但在年齡、校長年資、學校規模未達顯著差異。 六、校長背景變項中,性別、年齡及最高學歷對學校效能的得分差異達顯著水準,但校長年資、學校規模及學校區域未達顯著差異。 七、校長團隊學習與學校效能間呈顯著正相關。 八、校長團隊學習對學校效能具有中度預測力,且以責任義務最具有預測力。 九、校長讀書會團隊學習對學校效能的模式經驗證後適配度佳,具有顯著影響力。 最後,本研究依研究結果分別提出以下建議: 壹、對教育行政機關的建議 一、宜有計畫推行、倡導並輔助校長讀書會的成立。 二、教育行政人員一同加入參與校長團隊學習,達到資源互助與共同成長。 三、協助校長讀書會之成功經驗出版或網站建構。 四、舉辦增進校長學校經營效能之團隊學習進修活動。 五、建立完整之國小校長在職訓練發展制度。 六、針對校長讀書會給予經費上的補助。 貳、對國民小學校長的建議 一、校長參與讀書會團隊學習時,應對績效滿意、責任義務、目標承諾、一般承諾、互補技能與團隊衝突有所關注。 二、參與校長讀書會團隊學習首重責任義務。 三、校長應有計畫,且有恆心、毅力的參與校長讀書會團隊學習。 四、各個校長讀書會團隊間應頻繁接觸,以增進交流、對話並學習。 五、建置校長讀書會經驗分享平台,以幫助個人與團隊之成長與發展。 六、注重專業知能與實踐能力,以持續進修達成自我能力之躍進。 七、邀請資優的退休校長或表現優良的現職校長積極參與校長讀書會以分享豐富經驗。 / The main purpose of this research is to study the relationship of principals’ book club team learning and school effectiveness in elementary schools. The research methods used was questionnaires investigation. The research instrument was distributed to 391 public elementary school principals inclusive of Taipei City, Taipei County, Keelung City, I-Lan County, Taoyuan County, Hsin Chu County, and Miaoli County. There are totally 227 valid samples used in this study. The data obtained was interpreted using descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffé posteriori comparison, Pearson’s product-moment correlation, multiple regression and SEM through the use of LISREL 8.71. The conclusions drawn from the study were as follows: 1. The principals’ book club team learning includes: Commitment to Purpose, Commitment to a Common Approach, Complementary Skills, Accountability, Team Conflict, Team Performance and Satisfaction. 2. The school effectiveness includes: School’s Environment and Facilities, School’s Administrative Leadership, Teacher’s Teaching Effectiveness, Student’s Comprehensive Performance , Parental Support from Community, School Atmosphere. 3. All the elementary principals’ book club team learning got positive outcomes, and “Accountability” dimension ranks the highest, “Team Performance and Satisfaction” dimension ranks last. 4. All the elementary school effectiveness received positive outcomes, and “School’s Administrative Leadership” dimension ranks the highest, “Teacher’s Teaching Effectiveness” dimension ranks last. 5. The elementary school principals’ background demography district incurred a significant difference with all the principals’ book club team learning. 6. The elementary school principals’ background demography incurred a insignificant difference with all the school effectiveness. 7. The principals’ book club team learning for elementary school principals are positively correlated with the school effectiveness. 8. The principals’ book club team learning could positively predict the school effectiveness, especially “Accountability” dimension. 9. The model of the principals’ book club team learning to the school effectiveness for an elementary school principal is proper. In the last, based on the research results, the researcher proposes some suggestions for “Educational Administrative Agencies” and “the principals of elementary schools”, hoping to benefit the professional competence of principals and school principals in-service education in the future. Key words: principals’ book club, team learning, school effectiveness

國民中學校長性別角色、轉換型領導與學校效能關係之研究 / The study of relationships among pricipals' gender role, transformational leadership, and school effectiveness in Taiwan's junior high school

林蕙質, Lin, Hui-Chi Unknown Date (has links)
長久以來,傳統性別角色刻板印象的框限,造成兩性資源分配的不當,女性在職場中多數扮演從屬的角色。以國民中學而言:女性教師是校園的多數,卻面臨校長大多為男性的結構性特色。有感於兩性平權逐漸成為公共論述的重要議題及兩性平等教育正在各級學校中深耕,本研究試著從國中校長的性別、性別角色出發,探索其與領導型態、學校效能之間的相關性,期能有深度的發現並能於研究過程中獲致深層的省思。 本研究所關心的問題有:1、校長的性別角色、轉換型領導型態及學校效能三者,是否會因校長性別之不同,而有差異?2、校長的轉換型領導程度與學校效能,是否會因環境變項之不同而有差異?3、校長的轉換型領導程度是否會因不同的性別角色而有差異?4、學校效能和校長的性別角色有多少相關?5、學校效能是否會因轉換型領導程度的不同而有差異?6、人口變項對校長性別角色、轉換型領導程度及學校效能究竟會造成何種影響? 為了解前述問題,本研究除探討相關文獻外,以問卷調查為主要研究方法。問卷之對象以台北縣所轄公立中等學校內,實際擔任國民中學教學工作之編制內合格教師為母群體。樣本之選取係先以同規模之學校為叢集,並分別自四種規模之學校中隨機抽取70%之校數,再以每所學校分派6-7人為研究樣本。 本研究所採用的主要研究工具有「性別特質量表」、「轉換型領導量表」、「學校效能量表」等三種;欲採用之統計方法有:信度分析、因素分析、平均數的差異考驗、皮爾遜積差相關、單因子變異數分析(one-way ANOVA)Sheffe的事後比較。據此,本研究計有如下發現: 一、校長性別與性別角色、轉換型領導、學校效能關係方面;不同性別之校長所表現出的性別角色行為、轉換型領導程度、學校效能均未達顯著差異。 二、環境變項與校長轉換型領導及學校效能關係方面:地區別、學校規模別與校長轉換型領導、學校效能間存在顯著差異;校齡與二者之間均未達顯著水準。 三、校長性別角色與轉換型領導、學校效能關係方面:兩性化特質的校長其轉換型領導程度與學校經營效能均最高,其次依序為:女性化、男性化、未分化特質者。 四、校長轉換型領導程度與學校效能關係方面:校長的轉換型領導程度與學校效能之間,存在顯著正相關。 五、人口變項與校長性別角色、轉換型領導及學校能關係方面:在人口變項中與校長,往別角色、轉換型領導、學校效能之間存在顯著差異的有:服務年資別、年齡別;沒有顯著相關的為:性別、擔任職務別。 根據如上發現,本研究分別對教育行政機關、國民中學校長暨未來研究者提出建議。 / Due to the traditional stereotype of gender role, there are many discriminatory attitudes toward the female which cause the female still plays a secondary role in their professional fields. In the educational field of junior high schools, although the female teachers take the major proportion of the staff, the administrative structure of school is still of pro-male nature. Because of the importance of equality between men and women, this thesis begins from the analysis to the gender role of junior high school principles, then discusses the relationship between the gender of principle, the leading model and school effectiveness. The thesis hopes to derive some magnificent conclusions from the above analysis. The major concerns of this thesis are: 1.whether the gender role of principle, the transformational leadership and the school effectiveness will be influenced by the gender of principle? 2.whether the degree of transformational leadership and school effectiveness will be influenced by surrounding elements? 3.whether the leading degree of the transformational leadership will be different because of different gender role? 4.How much the degree of relationship between school effectiveness and gender role of principles? 5.whether the school effectiveness will be different because of the degree of transformational leadership? 6.what influence will the population variables cause to the gender role of principals', the degree of transformational leadership and school effectiveness? In order to resolve the above questions, the research method this thesis takes are literature review and opinion's survey with questionnaire. The subjects of questionnaire are the public junior high school teachers within the territory ofTaipei County. The survey tool this thesis takes are‘table of gender characters’,‘table of transformational leadership’and‘table of school effectiveness’. The statistic methods this thesis takes are reliability analysis, factor analysis, t-test, product-moment correlation, one-way ANOVA ,chi-square test. Therefore, the thesis concludes that: 1.In the respect of gender and gender role of principles, transformational leadership and school effectiveness: the gender role behaviors, transformational leadership and school effectiveness have not reached magnificent difference. 2.In the respect of the relationship between surrounding variables, transformational leadership and school effectiveness: there is significant difference exists in scale of school, location of school, degree of transformational leadership, however, no significant difference has been found in the age of school. 3.In the respect of gender role of the principles, transformational leadership and school effectiveness: the principles with characters of androgynous have the highest degree of transformational leadership and school effectiveness, then the femininity, the masculinity and the non-differentiation. 4.In the respect of the relationship between transformational leadership and school effectiveness: they are positive relevant to each other. 5.In the respect of the relationship between population variables, the gender role of principles, transformational leadership and school effectiveness: there is magnificent difference in the age of serving as teachers and age of teachers, however, there is no magnificent difference in the gender and duty. According to the conclusion, the thesis offers some suggestions to educational administratives, junior high school principles and respective researchers.

私立技專校院董事會運作功能、學校組織文化與學校效能關係之研究 / Study on relationships among directorate operation function, school organizational culture, and school effectiveness of private technological universities and colleges

沈秀春, Shen, Hsiu Chun Unknown Date (has links)
私立技專校院正面對新世紀的挑戰。社會、政治及經濟環境的快速變遷,學校如何能永續發展是必須面對的現實課題。私立技專校院董事會是否健全與對於校務運作的支持,對於學校組織文化和學校效能產生一定的影響力。本研究之主要目的即在瞭解臺灣私立技專校院學校董事會運作功能、學校組織文化與學校效能之關係,並透過對私立技專校院董事會運作功能、學校組織文化與學校效能之調查與實證分析,瞭解三個變項間之關係。 本研究採用調查研究法,以台灣地區73所私立技專校院的董事會、校長(副校長)、行政人員與教師為研究對象,以立意取樣方式分四個階層進行抽樣,共計發出657份問卷,有效回收問卷共計538份,有效回收率為81.9%。調查結果以T檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關、逐步多元迴歸及結構方程模式等統計方法進行資料處理。 本研究之主要發現如下:1. 私立技專校院董事會運作功能良好,並以「校務規劃」為最佳;2. 私立技專校院組織文化得分良好,並以「組織運作」為最佳;3. 私立技專校院的學校效能得分良好,並以「教學品質」為最佳;4. 董事會運作功能、學校組織文化與學校效能三者間具有正向關聯;5. 私立技專校院董事會運作功能及學校組織文化對學校效能有正向預測作用;6. 私立技專校院董事會運作功能、學校組織文化投與學校效能三者關係之模式適配度檢定獲得支持,能解釋主要變項間之關係。 根據以上之研究果,本研究提出數項建議以供私立技專校院董事會、私立技專校院、教育工作者、教育行政機關及未來研究時之參考。 / Due to the rapid change of social, political and economical environment, private technological universities and colleges are facing a new challenge in the new century; the sustainable development of schools has become an important issue. The directorates of private technological universities and colleges have been playing a critical role in schools’ organizational culture and effectiveness. The main objective of this study was to explore the relationship among directorate operation function, school organizational culture, and school effectiveness. Base upon survey and empirical analysis, this study tried to understand the relationship among directorate operation function, school organizational culture and school effectiveness. The objects of this study were the members of directorate, president (vice president), administrators, and teachers of 73 private technological universities and colleges in Taiwan. Based upon survey study, a total of 657 persons were chosen to join this study with a purposive sampling method under four levels and 538 valid questionnaires returned, the valid response rate was 81.99%. Statistical method such as T-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product moment correlations, stepwise multiple regression and structural equation modeling were used for data analysis. The major findings of this study included the followings: 1. the operation function of private technologies universities and colleges was found performed well, especially in “school planning” dimension. 2. The organizational culture of private technological universities and colleges performed well especially in “organizational operation” dimension. 3. The school effectiveness of private technological universities and colleges performed well especially in “teaching quality” dimension. 4. There were positive correlations among directorate operational function, school organizational culture and school effectiveness. 5. Directorate operational function and school organizational culture were showed to have positive predicting power toward school effectiveness. 6. The model fit of relationship among directorate operation function, school organizational culture and school effectiveness were statistically supported Based upon the findings, several recommendations were made as references for the directorate of private technological universities and colleges, private technological universities and colleges, educational administration institutions, as well as for further research.

Comparison of value-added models for school ranking and classification: a Monte Carlo study

Wang, Zhongmiao 15 May 2009 (has links)
A “Value-Added” definition of school effectiveness calls for the evaluation of schools based on the unique contribution of schools to individual student academic growth. The estimates of value-added school effectiveness are usually used for ranking and classifying schools. The current simulation study examined and compared the validity of school effectiveness estimates in four statistical models for school ranking and classification. The simulation study was conducted under two sample size conditions and the situations typical in school effectiveness research. The Conditional Cross-Classified Model (CCCM) was used to simulate data. The findings indicated that the gain score model adjusting for students’ test scores at the end of kindergarten (i. e., prior entering to an elementary school) (Gain_kindergarten) could validly rank and classify schools. Other models, including the gain score model adjusting for students’ test scores at the end of Grade 4 (i. e., one year before estimating the school effectiveness in Grade 5) (Gain_grade4), the Unconditional Cross-Classified Model (UCCM), and the Layered Mixed Effect Model (LMEM), could not validly rank or classify schools. The failure of the UCCM model in school ranking and classification indicated that ignoring covariates would distort school rankings and classifications if no other analytical remedies were applied. The failure of the LMEM model in school ranking and classification indicated that estimation of correlations among repeated measures could not alleviate the damage caused by the omitted covariates. The failure of the Gain_grade4 model cautioned against adjustment using the test scores of the previous year. The success of the Gain_kindergarten model indicated that under some circumstances, it was possible to achieve valid school rankings and classifications with only two time points of data.

Sustainable school improvement : a case study of the needs of two Bangladeshi schools

Konok, Md. M. Islam 03 August 2011
The purpose of this study was to identify the major school improvement needs and related strategies for two Bangladeshi secondary public schools based upon the perceptions of in-school professionals, parents, and students. To implement the study, I employed the constructivist/interpretive paradigm with a case study as my research design. The data collection techniques of document analysis, Nominal Group Technique (NGT) meetings, and individual interviews were utilized. For the purpose of NGT meetings, from each school, one teacher group, one parent group, and one student group were interviewed. After the completion of NGT meetings, individual interviews were held with one participant selected from each NGT group. I also interviewed the headmasters of the two schools. This study revealed that in a Bangladeshi educational context, major catalysts for improvement were market mechanisms and educational policies. The most significant finding of this study was that considering contextual applicability before implementing new initiatives was a critical strategy toward achieving sustainable school improvement in Bangladesh. The data indicated that in these schools, desired improvement efforts mainly consisted of two clusters: identifying the key school improvement needs and developing the strategies to meet those needs. The data revealed that the identified school improvement needs can be grouped into providing the resources and improving the school culture. To enhance school effectiveness, these Bangladeshi schools need to recruit more specialized teachers, implement effective instructional methodologies, elevate the image of teaching profession, and provide teacher-led professional development. Participants identified other suggested school improvement needs to be: low student-teacher ratio, good textbooks, more extracurricular activities, and more instructional materials (such as, computers, projectors, televisions, sound system, and so on). This study also revealed a strong perception that the role of collaboration in improving school culture is crucial. Participants explained that in order to successfully implement improvement initiatives, major challenges to the process need to be addressed. Participants identified three important barriers to implementation. These included lack of attention to the voices of all stakeholders during policymaking, the misuses of private tutoring or coaching, and lack of commitment among some of the teachers in their teaching. Findings affirmed that these barriers could be addressed by including all stakeholders voices in educational policy-making, addressing the misuses of private tutoring or coaching, and making teachers more accountable. A number of implications for theory, practice, policy, and further research arose from this study. Participants noted that teachers, parents, students, teacher-training authority, Bangladeshi Government, Non Government Organizations, school administrators, and district administrators were co-responsible within their own capacities to provide the necessary support and resources for school improvement in Bangladeshi context.

Sustainable school improvement : a case study of the needs of two Bangladeshi schools

Konok, Md. M. Islam 03 August 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to identify the major school improvement needs and related strategies for two Bangladeshi secondary public schools based upon the perceptions of in-school professionals, parents, and students. To implement the study, I employed the constructivist/interpretive paradigm with a case study as my research design. The data collection techniques of document analysis, Nominal Group Technique (NGT) meetings, and individual interviews were utilized. For the purpose of NGT meetings, from each school, one teacher group, one parent group, and one student group were interviewed. After the completion of NGT meetings, individual interviews were held with one participant selected from each NGT group. I also interviewed the headmasters of the two schools. This study revealed that in a Bangladeshi educational context, major catalysts for improvement were market mechanisms and educational policies. The most significant finding of this study was that considering contextual applicability before implementing new initiatives was a critical strategy toward achieving sustainable school improvement in Bangladesh. The data indicated that in these schools, desired improvement efforts mainly consisted of two clusters: identifying the key school improvement needs and developing the strategies to meet those needs. The data revealed that the identified school improvement needs can be grouped into providing the resources and improving the school culture. To enhance school effectiveness, these Bangladeshi schools need to recruit more specialized teachers, implement effective instructional methodologies, elevate the image of teaching profession, and provide teacher-led professional development. Participants identified other suggested school improvement needs to be: low student-teacher ratio, good textbooks, more extracurricular activities, and more instructional materials (such as, computers, projectors, televisions, sound system, and so on). This study also revealed a strong perception that the role of collaboration in improving school culture is crucial. Participants explained that in order to successfully implement improvement initiatives, major challenges to the process need to be addressed. Participants identified three important barriers to implementation. These included lack of attention to the voices of all stakeholders during policymaking, the misuses of private tutoring or coaching, and lack of commitment among some of the teachers in their teaching. Findings affirmed that these barriers could be addressed by including all stakeholders voices in educational policy-making, addressing the misuses of private tutoring or coaching, and making teachers more accountable. A number of implications for theory, practice, policy, and further research arose from this study. Participants noted that teachers, parents, students, teacher-training authority, Bangladeshi Government, Non Government Organizations, school administrators, and district administrators were co-responsible within their own capacities to provide the necessary support and resources for school improvement in Bangladeshi context.

School Effectiveness: A Qualitative Investigation Of Multiple Cases At Primary Schools In Izmir

Sivri, Hakan 01 June 2011 (has links) (PDF)
This study aimed to explore the characteristics of successful primary schools in the province of Izmir. In this study, qualitative research technique is employed through the perspective of multiple case studies. It was conducted in 9 distinguishingly effective primary public schools located in various districts of Izmir. The participants of the investigation were school administrators and teachers of the investigated schools. Reviewing the relevant literature of the field, a model of school effectiveness characteristics (consisting of five factors) was exploited in order for conceptualizing the research. This frame of effectiveness characteristics were identified as achievement &ndash / oriented policy, orderly and secure climate, strong educational leadership, maintaining parental support and thorough monitoring of pupil progress. Throughout the study, multiple case study method was adopted, and semi-structured interview technique was employed as the main data collection instrument. Content analysis technique was utilized to unfurl the data gathered through the interviews. The results of the research revealed that achievement orientation, strong educational leadership, school climate, monitoring students&rsquo / progress, parental support, and supportive physical environment are among the identified characteristics for school effectiveness.

Comparison of value-added models for school ranking and classification: a Monte Carlo study

Wang, Zhongmiao 15 May 2009 (has links)
A “Value-Added” definition of school effectiveness calls for the evaluation of schools based on the unique contribution of schools to individual student academic growth. The estimates of value-added school effectiveness are usually used for ranking and classifying schools. The current simulation study examined and compared the validity of school effectiveness estimates in four statistical models for school ranking and classification. The simulation study was conducted under two sample size conditions and the situations typical in school effectiveness research. The Conditional Cross-Classified Model (CCCM) was used to simulate data. The findings indicated that the gain score model adjusting for students’ test scores at the end of kindergarten (i. e., prior entering to an elementary school) (Gain_kindergarten) could validly rank and classify schools. Other models, including the gain score model adjusting for students’ test scores at the end of Grade 4 (i. e., one year before estimating the school effectiveness in Grade 5) (Gain_grade4), the Unconditional Cross-Classified Model (UCCM), and the Layered Mixed Effect Model (LMEM), could not validly rank or classify schools. The failure of the UCCM model in school ranking and classification indicated that ignoring covariates would distort school rankings and classifications if no other analytical remedies were applied. The failure of the LMEM model in school ranking and classification indicated that estimation of correlations among repeated measures could not alleviate the damage caused by the omitted covariates. The failure of the Gain_grade4 model cautioned against adjustment using the test scores of the previous year. The success of the Gain_kindergarten model indicated that under some circumstances, it was possible to achieve valid school rankings and classifications with only two time points of data.

Gestão da mudança, da cultura e do clima escolar: análise das ações de uma equipe gestora em prol da eficácia escolar

Vicente, Luciana Coutinho Daniel 16 August 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-03-30T10:55:25Z No. of bitstreams: 1 lucianacoutinhodanielvicente.pdf: 724091 bytes, checksum: 9f7acc49ec04c049dd14c3ea48f45aee (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2016-04-24T02:50:10Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 lucianacoutinhodanielvicente.pdf: 724091 bytes, checksum: 9f7acc49ec04c049dd14c3ea48f45aee (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-24T02:50:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 lucianacoutinhodanielvicente.pdf: 724091 bytes, checksum: 9f7acc49ec04c049dd14c3ea48f45aee (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-08-16 / Ações gestoras e sua influência na mudança, na cultura, no clima e nos resultados da escola são temas desta dissertação que objetiva analisar as possíveis causas da melhoria do desempenho dos alunos de uma escola da rede pública estadual do Rio de Janeiro, referência nacional em gestão escolar no ano de 2012. A pesquisa se deu através de entrevistas semiestruturadas e observação direta da infraestrutura, dos projetos e ações pedagógicas, dos resultados das avaliações externas e outros registros da escola pesquisada. O trabalho tem como foco uma escola, e analisa uma situação, identificando quais ações gestoras levaram à superação de obstáculos, resgate da autoestima dos estudantes, confiança da comunidade escolar e consequente avanço nos resultados de desempenho. A pesquisa identificou ações gestoras favorecedoras da aprendizagem e da boa convivência, focadas no apoio familiar, no acompanhamento sistemático do rendimento dos alunos e no entrosamento com a comunidade escolar. Ações essas que buscam não somente os bons resultados nas avaliações externas, mas que apontam para uma preocupação com o clima organizacional da instituição. A partir desta análise feita na escola, pretende-se desenvolver uma rede de colaboração entre gestores das escolas do âmbito da Regional Noroeste Fluminense que propicie a troca de experiências exitosas, o diálogo acerca dos problemas comuns, além de ser capaz de suscitar novas estratégias em prol da eficácia escolar. / Management actions and their influence on changing, in culture, environment and the school results are the themes of this dissertation which aims at analyzing the possible causes of improving the performance of students in a public school in the state of Rio de Janeiro, national reference in school management in 2012. The research was done through semi-structured interviews and direct observation of infrastructure projects and pedagogical actions, external evaluations results and other records from the school searched. The work focuses on a school, and analyzes a situation, identifying management actions that led to overcoming obstacles, the students' self-esteem rescue, confidence of the school community and the consequent advance in performance results. The research identified management actions which foster learning and good relationship, focused on family support, systematic monitoring of student performance and rapport with the school community. These actions seek not only good results in external evaluations, but also point to a concern with the organizational environment of the institution. From this analysis the school aims to develop a network of collaboration among managers of schools under Regional Noroeste Fluminense, which provides the exchange of successful experiences, the dialogue about common problems, besides being able to generate new strategies in favor of the school effectiveness.

Eficácia escolar e liderança pedagógica dos diretores escolares da rede municipal de educação de Belo Horizonte no contexto da gestão democrática

Gonzaga, Stelita Alves 09 July 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-04-08T15:04:46Z No. of bitstreams: 1 stelitaalvesgonzaga.pdf: 1180871 bytes, checksum: a641ef83b9f9ee8eceff999c3995699b (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2016-04-24T04:07:15Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 stelitaalvesgonzaga.pdf: 1180871 bytes, checksum: a641ef83b9f9ee8eceff999c3995699b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-24T04:07:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 stelitaalvesgonzaga.pdf: 1180871 bytes, checksum: a641ef83b9f9ee8eceff999c3995699b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-07-09 / A importância da gestão pedagógica nas escolas municipais e da liderança do diretor nesta dimensão tem sido cada vez mais reconhecida pela Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Belo Horizonte (SMED). Estes fatores, associados à eficácia escolar, implicam na garantia de aprendizagem dos estudantes dentro da faixa etária correta para o ano de escolarização, aferida por meio de indicadores de desempenho escolar. Este reconhecimento é identificado por meio das iniciativas da SMED, principalmente no período de 2009/2012, que irão incorporar e consolidar procedimentos que assegurem o compromisso do diretor com os resultados de desempenho escolar. Contudo, não há o rompimento com o princípio da gestão democrática na Rede Municipal de Educação, que assegura a participação da comunidade escolar nos processos de gestão e a prerrogativa de seleção do diretor por meio exclusivo de eleição direta. O presente estudo de caso procurou identificar e analisar em que medida a liderança do diretor neste contexto pode contribuir para a eficácia escolar e, em seguida, propôs um documento orientador à própria SMED, no sentido de contribuir para a convergência deste processo. O referencial teórico aprofundou os conceitos de liderança do diretor e eficácia escolar e subsidiou a análise dos dados empíricos das escolas municipais, utilizando o diagnóstico do PDE Interativo, ferramenta disponibilizada pelo Ministério da Educação (MEC). A proposta deste Plano de Ação Educacional consiste em apresentar um instrumento de monitoramento da gestão pedagógica das escolas que consiga recuperar para o diretor, no momento da avaliação, a dinâmica dos processos escolares e transformar o próprio monitoramento da SMED em processo formador do gestor escolar. / The importance of pedagogical management at municipal schools and its relation with the principal’s leadership has been increasingly acknowledged by Belo Horizonte’s Municipal Educational Secretariat (SMED). Those factors, when associated with school effectiveness, imply the assurance of students’ learning within their rightful age group for their current schooling year (which is benchmarked through indicators of school performance). This acknowledging process is identified through SMED initiatives (especially those that took place between the years of 2009/2012) that incorporate and consolidate procedures that assure the principal’s commitment to school performance’s results. However, there is no rupture with the principles of democratic management at Municipal Educational Network: it assures scholar community’s participation at management processes and the principal’s prerogative to be selected exclusively through a direct election. The present case intends to identify and analyze how far a principal’s leadership can go to contribute for school effectiveness in that context. Next, it propounds SMED a guiding document, contributing to the process’ convergence. The theoretical referential deepens school effectiveness and director’s leadership concepts, as well as subsidizes the empirical municipal school data analysis (it uses the Interactive PDE diagnosis, a tool the Ministry of Education, MEC, makes available). This Plan of Action proposition is about presenting an instrument to monitor municipal school’s pedagogical management. This instrument should be able to recover the school processes dynamics and transmute the very own SMED monitoring efforts into a former process to school principals.

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