Spelling suggestions: "subject:"2chool educationization"" "subject:"2chool education.action""
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Interculturalidade e políticas públicas : desafios da educação escolar na Terra Indígena Raposa Serra do SolHolanda, Fábio Campelo Conrado de January 2015 (has links)
O problema central da tese consiste na verificação de quais são os desafios da educação escolar na Terra Indígena Raposa Serra do Sol, impondo-se para o desenvolvimento da pesquisa, além do estudo preliminar de alguns conceitos afetos à Ciência Política e outras áreas do conhecimento, a análise do conflito fundiário em Roraima com enfoque no referido espaço geográfico. A compreensão do Estado no contexto da pluralidade cultural impôs o enfrentamento das noções de cultura, identidade sincrética e interculturalidade, bem como das políticas públicas que lhes são reflexas na área da educação. A investigação das relações de poder por via do histórico da legislação indigenista no Brasil também foi uma das premissas desenvolvidas no trabalho, demonstrando gradual preocupação com os ideais de etnodesenvolvimento. O objetivo geral da tese foi analisar a relação entre a evolução local da educação escolar indígena e o conflito fundiário envolvendo suas etnias, influenciando os processos de escolarização. O objetivo específico foi identificar quais seriam os desafios desta modalidade educacional no âmbito da TIRSS após a histórica resistência do Governo Estadual ao empoderamento dos povos indígenas ali inseridos. A justificativa para o recorte espacial proposto decorreu das particularidades que esta terra indígena tem em relação às demais em Roraima, caracterizando-se pela reunião de variadas etnias em uma região sabidamente multiétnica e marcada por intensas fissuras políticas, tendo sido erigida recentemente como paradigma para as políticas públicas de demarcação de terras capitaneadas pela União. Quanto às três hipóteses debatidas ao longo da tese, a primeira foi a circunstância política das organizações indígenas locais terem envidado todos os esforços nas últimas décadas para a garantia da posse da TIRSS, retardando o amadurecimento dos processos de escolarização baseados em uma lógica intercultural. A segunda hipótese foi a de que as políticas públicas voltadas à escola e tendentes ao etnodesenvolvimento da TIRSS reclamam o aperfeiçoamento do atual projeto político-pedagógico (ministrado, inclusive, aos não índios), indo além da finalidade profissionalizante e visando à formação de interlocutores capazes de promover um diálogo intercultural e hábil à constituição de identidades sincréticas. A terceira hipótese foi a de que a particularidade da existência de múltiplas etnias no espaço físico da TIRSS traduz-se num incremento ao desafio de promoção de uma educação escolar diferenciada, dadas as assimetrias políticas e o cenário multicultural que lhes são peculiares. Amparado pelas referências bibliográficas, análise de documentos das organizações indígenas e entrevistas abertas com outros agentes sociais relacionados com o tema da educação escolar em Roraima, foi possível arrolar um decálogo de desafios para a constituição dos processos de escolarização intercultural, concluindo-se que a escola indígena não responde às expectativas das comunidades, apenas reproduzindo os sistemas, procedimentos e conteúdos da escola oficial, com a ajuda, por vezes, dos próprios indígenas. Conquanto se constate o início de sua estruturação em Roraima, o modelo proposto atualmente está aquém do necessário para a realização do impositivo diálogo intercultural envolvendo os povos indígenas e a chamada sociedade nacional, existindo ainda preconceitos e discriminações que impregnam as relações sociais em seu caráter difuso, com reflexos nas práticas escolares. / The main problem of the thesis is to verify what are the challenges regarding school education in the indigenous Land of Raposa Serra do Sol, for which it is mandatory the analysis of land conflict in Roraima with focus on the related geographic area; besides the preliminary study on some changing concepts regarding Political Science and other fields of knowledge. The understanding of the State within the context of a cultural plurality imposed confrontation of cultural notions, syncretic identity and interculturality, as well as of public policies which are reflected in the educational field. The investigation of power relations through the indigenous legislation timeline in Brazil was also one of the premises developed in the academic paper showing gradual concern with the ideals of ethnodevelopment. The overall objective of the thesis was to analyze the relation between the local evolution of the indigenous school education and the land conflict involving its ethnicities, influencing the education processes. Its specific objective was to identify what would be the challenges of this education system concerning TIRSS, after the historical resistance of the State Government to the empowerment of the indigenous people included in it. The justification for the proposed spatial cutout was due to the peculiarities that this indigenous land has in relation to the other ones in Roraima which is characterized by the combination of various ethnicities at a region known as multiethnic and marked by intense political fissures; it has been recently established as a paradigm for the public policies of land demarcation commanded by the Union. Regarding the three hypothesis discussed through this thesis, the first one was the political circumstance of the local indigenous organizations which put all their efforts to guarantee the ownership of TIRSS in the last decades, delaying the maturing of education processes based in an intercultural logic. The second hypothesis was that all public policies aimed at education and with a tendency to the TIRSS ethnodevelopment, demand the improvement of the current political-pedagogic project ( ministered to non-Indians as well), going beyond the professional purpose and aiming at the training of interlocutors capable of promoting intercultural and skillful dialogue for the establishment of syncretic identities. The third hypothesis was that the peculiarity of the existence of multiple ethnicities within the physical space of TIRSS is translated into an enhancement in the challenge of promoting a differentiated school education due to the political asymmetries and the multicultural scenario which are peculiar to them. Supported by the bibliographic references, analysis of documentation from the indigenous organizations and open interviews with other social agents relating to the theme of school education in Roraima, it was possible to list a decalogue of challenges for the establishment of intercultural education, then concluding that the indigenous school does not meet the expectations of the communities, only reproducing the systems, procedures and contents from the official school, many times with the help of the natives themselves. While one be certified on the starting of its structuring in Roraima, the current proposed model falls short of what is needed for the official intercultural dialogue to take place involving the indigenous people and the so-called national society; prejudice and discrimination still exist which impregnated the social relations due to their nuclear basis, reflecting in the school practices.
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Interculturalidade e políticas públicas : desafios da educação escolar na Terra Indígena Raposa Serra do SolHolanda, Fábio Campelo Conrado de January 2015 (has links)
O problema central da tese consiste na verificação de quais são os desafios da educação escolar na Terra Indígena Raposa Serra do Sol, impondo-se para o desenvolvimento da pesquisa, além do estudo preliminar de alguns conceitos afetos à Ciência Política e outras áreas do conhecimento, a análise do conflito fundiário em Roraima com enfoque no referido espaço geográfico. A compreensão do Estado no contexto da pluralidade cultural impôs o enfrentamento das noções de cultura, identidade sincrética e interculturalidade, bem como das políticas públicas que lhes são reflexas na área da educação. A investigação das relações de poder por via do histórico da legislação indigenista no Brasil também foi uma das premissas desenvolvidas no trabalho, demonstrando gradual preocupação com os ideais de etnodesenvolvimento. O objetivo geral da tese foi analisar a relação entre a evolução local da educação escolar indígena e o conflito fundiário envolvendo suas etnias, influenciando os processos de escolarização. O objetivo específico foi identificar quais seriam os desafios desta modalidade educacional no âmbito da TIRSS após a histórica resistência do Governo Estadual ao empoderamento dos povos indígenas ali inseridos. A justificativa para o recorte espacial proposto decorreu das particularidades que esta terra indígena tem em relação às demais em Roraima, caracterizando-se pela reunião de variadas etnias em uma região sabidamente multiétnica e marcada por intensas fissuras políticas, tendo sido erigida recentemente como paradigma para as políticas públicas de demarcação de terras capitaneadas pela União. Quanto às três hipóteses debatidas ao longo da tese, a primeira foi a circunstância política das organizações indígenas locais terem envidado todos os esforços nas últimas décadas para a garantia da posse da TIRSS, retardando o amadurecimento dos processos de escolarização baseados em uma lógica intercultural. A segunda hipótese foi a de que as políticas públicas voltadas à escola e tendentes ao etnodesenvolvimento da TIRSS reclamam o aperfeiçoamento do atual projeto político-pedagógico (ministrado, inclusive, aos não índios), indo além da finalidade profissionalizante e visando à formação de interlocutores capazes de promover um diálogo intercultural e hábil à constituição de identidades sincréticas. A terceira hipótese foi a de que a particularidade da existência de múltiplas etnias no espaço físico da TIRSS traduz-se num incremento ao desafio de promoção de uma educação escolar diferenciada, dadas as assimetrias políticas e o cenário multicultural que lhes são peculiares. Amparado pelas referências bibliográficas, análise de documentos das organizações indígenas e entrevistas abertas com outros agentes sociais relacionados com o tema da educação escolar em Roraima, foi possível arrolar um decálogo de desafios para a constituição dos processos de escolarização intercultural, concluindo-se que a escola indígena não responde às expectativas das comunidades, apenas reproduzindo os sistemas, procedimentos e conteúdos da escola oficial, com a ajuda, por vezes, dos próprios indígenas. Conquanto se constate o início de sua estruturação em Roraima, o modelo proposto atualmente está aquém do necessário para a realização do impositivo diálogo intercultural envolvendo os povos indígenas e a chamada sociedade nacional, existindo ainda preconceitos e discriminações que impregnam as relações sociais em seu caráter difuso, com reflexos nas práticas escolares. / The main problem of the thesis is to verify what are the challenges regarding school education in the indigenous Land of Raposa Serra do Sol, for which it is mandatory the analysis of land conflict in Roraima with focus on the related geographic area; besides the preliminary study on some changing concepts regarding Political Science and other fields of knowledge. The understanding of the State within the context of a cultural plurality imposed confrontation of cultural notions, syncretic identity and interculturality, as well as of public policies which are reflected in the educational field. The investigation of power relations through the indigenous legislation timeline in Brazil was also one of the premises developed in the academic paper showing gradual concern with the ideals of ethnodevelopment. The overall objective of the thesis was to analyze the relation between the local evolution of the indigenous school education and the land conflict involving its ethnicities, influencing the education processes. Its specific objective was to identify what would be the challenges of this education system concerning TIRSS, after the historical resistance of the State Government to the empowerment of the indigenous people included in it. The justification for the proposed spatial cutout was due to the peculiarities that this indigenous land has in relation to the other ones in Roraima which is characterized by the combination of various ethnicities at a region known as multiethnic and marked by intense political fissures; it has been recently established as a paradigm for the public policies of land demarcation commanded by the Union. Regarding the three hypothesis discussed through this thesis, the first one was the political circumstance of the local indigenous organizations which put all their efforts to guarantee the ownership of TIRSS in the last decades, delaying the maturing of education processes based in an intercultural logic. The second hypothesis was that all public policies aimed at education and with a tendency to the TIRSS ethnodevelopment, demand the improvement of the current political-pedagogic project ( ministered to non-Indians as well), going beyond the professional purpose and aiming at the training of interlocutors capable of promoting intercultural and skillful dialogue for the establishment of syncretic identities. The third hypothesis was that the peculiarity of the existence of multiple ethnicities within the physical space of TIRSS is translated into an enhancement in the challenge of promoting a differentiated school education due to the political asymmetries and the multicultural scenario which are peculiar to them. Supported by the bibliographic references, analysis of documentation from the indigenous organizations and open interviews with other social agents relating to the theme of school education in Roraima, it was possible to list a decalogue of challenges for the establishment of intercultural education, then concluding that the indigenous school does not meet the expectations of the communities, only reproducing the systems, procedures and contents from the official school, many times with the help of the natives themselves. While one be certified on the starting of its structuring in Roraima, the current proposed model falls short of what is needed for the official intercultural dialogue to take place involving the indigenous people and the so-called national society; prejudice and discrimination still exist which impregnated the social relations due to their nuclear basis, reflecting in the school practices.
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Corpo e movimento na educação infantil: concepções e saberes docentes que permeiam as práticas cotidianas / Body awareness and movement in Pre-school Education: how teacher´s perceptions and backgrounds relate to daily practices.Nara Rejane Cruz de Oliveira 01 April 2010 (has links)
As preocupações com o corpo e movimento não são recentes na Educação Infantil. Recomendações sobre a educação corporal são reconhecidas desde as primeiras sistematizações pedagógicas, especialmente a partir da Idade Moderna. No Brasil, tais preocupações aparecem especialmente a partir do século XIX. Nos últimos quinze anos, pesquisas sobre Educação Infantil no Brasil apresentaram avanços em relação à temática. Entretanto, no cotidiano das instituições é perceptível que professores possuem dificuldades consideráveis em pensar o movimento em sua totalidade. Nessa perspectiva, o objetivo dessa pesquisa foi investigar qual a concepção de corpo e movimento que norteia as práticas pedagógicas dos professores de Educação Infantil, bem como a relação estabelecida entre tais práticas e suas vivências/experiências corporais anteriores. A metodologia, de abordagem qualitativa, privilegiou o trabalho campo por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas, realizadas com professores de Educação Infantil nas cidades de São Paulo/SP e Jundiaí/SP. A análise dos dados, referenciado na perspectiva teórico-metodológica da Rede de Significações, foi realizada a partir das categorias: concepção de corpo e movimento dos professores, concepção de práticas cotidianas de movimento na Educação Infantil, os espaços físicos e seus usos. Os dados analisados indicam que, os professores atuantes nas instituições de Educação Infantil investigadas, em sua maioria, reconhecem a importância do movimento e em certa medida, procuram desenvolver práticas pedagógicas que o contemplem, apesar de certas dificuldades, como: falta de um entendimento mais amplo sobre o movimento e a reprodução de práticas corporais relacionadas aos saberes oriundos da dimensão pessoal, a partir de suas próprias experiências corporais na infância. Essa constatação aponta para a necessidade de uma formação profissional que garanta subsídios para que os professores possam de fato refletir e construir suas práticas cotidianas fundamentadas em um olhar crítico sobre a criança e sua corporeidade, na perspectiva da totalidade. / Concerns about body awareness and movement are not new to Pre-school Education. Recommendations about body awareness education have been acknowledged since the first pedagogical systems were put into place, predominantly from the start of the Modern Age. In Brazil, such concerns started to become apparent particularly from the start of the XIX century, and in the past fifteen years research on Pre-school Education has presented advances in this area. However, in day-to-day school life, the considerable difficulties that teachers have in thinking about movement in its entirety can be recognized. From this perspective, the objective of this research was to investigate which idea of body awareness and movement guides the pedagogical practices of Pre-school Education teachers, as well as the relationship established between these practices and the previous body awareness experiences of such professors. The methodology, from a qualitative approach, used field work that was carried out through semi-structured interviews by Pre-school teachers in the cities of São Paulo/SP and Jundaí/SP. The data analysis, from a theoretical-methodological perspective, on the Net of Meanings, was carried out taking into consideration the following categories: teacher´s perceptions of body awareness, perceptions of everyday movement activities in Pre-school Education, physical spaces and their uses. The data analyzed indicates that the majority of teachers currently teaching pre-school education - that were investigated - recognize the importance of movement, and to a certain degree, attempt to consider this concept in the development of pedagogical practices despite coming up against certain difficulties, such as: the lack of a broader understanding of the movement and reproduction of body actions from a personal viewpoint related to their own childhood experiences of such actions. This discovery underlines the necessity of professional education that guarantees support for teachers, enabling them to reflect on and construct their daily activities based on one critical look at the child and his/her body as a whole.
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Em busca da escola de todos : investigando a fala de educadores regulares frente à escola inclusiva / In search of the school for all : investigating the speech of regular teachers on inclusive schoolNunes, Priscila Rodrigues, 1981- 25 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Silvio Donizetti de Oliveira Gallo / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-25T16:10:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Nunes_PriscilaRodrigues_M.pdf: 775976 bytes, checksum: 931deaa224675eea7cd544b1e570a79b (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: O objetivo dessa dissertação é apresentar a fala franca de quatro professores das séries finais do ensino fundamental quanto à escolaridade de pessoas com deficiência em suas salas de aula. Pautamo-nos teoricamente em Michel Foucault fazendo uso do conceito de parrhesia. A maneira que abordamos os professores deu-se por conversa informal mas com a proposição de algumas questões específicas sobre a temática investigada. Para tal realização, no primeiro capítulo, trazemos aspectos históricos da constituição de Campinas, as desigualdades que a acompanham, dados de seu atual desenvolvimento bem como da estrutura do ensino fundamental hoje. No segundo capítulo buscamos compreender a deficiência com base na historicidade do conceito de anormalidade elencando também alguns marcos da pessoa com deficiência entre Europa e Brasil. A seguir, trazemos nossa fundamentação teórica, em especial o conceito de parrhesia e as entrevistas dos professores para compor o terceiro capítulo. O quarto e último capítulo é reservado para nossos apontamentos frente às entrevistas. Pudemos concluir, com base no franco falar dos professores aqui abordados, que mesmo com a presença de leis federais, estaduais e municipais específicas para os direitos escolares das pessoas com deficiência, para eles, a escola ainda não possui condições de oferecer atendimento adequado ao desenvolvimento desses sujeitos / Abstract: The objective of this dissertation is to present the "fearless speech" of four teachers of the final years of the elementary school concerning the education of people with disabilities in their classrooms. We take our theoretical basis from the concept of parrhesia developed by the French philosopher Michel Foucault. As our method of investigation, we approached the teachers by means of a private conversation bringing specific questions about the desired theme. In the first chapter, we discuss some aspects of the historical formation of Campinas, the inequalities that accompany it and the significance of its development indicators, before discussing the current structure of primary education in the municipality. In the second chapter, we seek to understand disability based on the historicity of the concept of abnormality, by highlighting some of the milestones in the history of the disabled person between Europe and Brazil. In the third chapter, we bring our theoretical reasoning, particularly the concept of parrhesia, to illuminate the interviews of teachers. The fourth and last chapter is reserved for our personal notes on the interviews. We concluded that, in spite of the imposition of specific federal, state and local laws on educational rights of disabled people, the "truthful speech" of the teachers point rather to the inadequate conditions of the elementary school to provide care to these subjects in the current state of affairs / Mestrado / Filosofia e História da Educação / Mestra em Educação
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A comparison of burnout among honors, regular education, and special education K-8 teachersSharpe, Christopher 21 March 2017 (has links)
<p> This study employed a quantitative, ex-post facto non-experimental design to examine the effect of whether teaching honors, regular, or special education classes in either an elementary or middle school setting influenced the experience of teacher burnout. Participants included 69 teachers from two counties in a Southern state. The study survey consisted of one measure: Maslach Burnout Inventory – Educator Survey (MBI-ES). A multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) revealed that there was no significant main effect for both teacher specialty and grade-level taught in regard to the experience of teacher burnout on the MBI-ES. Additionally, when both teacher specialty and grade-level taught were looked at separately in regard to the experience of teacher burnout, there was no main effect. Educational leaders at both the district as well as the school level may use these results to provide in-service training to help teachers develop coping techniques to deal with the experience of burnout symptoms. Furthermore, this study suggests recommendations for future research in the area of teacher burnout such as use of a mixed method research design as well as the inclusion of high school teachers.</p><p>
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Sixth-Grade Students' Compositional Processes in Traditional and Digital WritingCooperman, Sheila 14 February 2018 (has links)
<p> This exploratory case study was designed so that I could investigate the writing processes of sixth-grade students when composing traditional and digital compositions. With the increase in multimodal composing in classrooms, understanding how students compose and what traditional print text skills can be appropriated for digital composition is important. This knowledge will guide educators in how to effectively develop pedagogies to support digital writing development. I used a teacher-research paradigm to guide this study. I found several key factors that influence student writing through document analysis, participant interviews and stimulated recall sessions. Knowledge of purpose impacted student awareness of audience that in turn impacted revision processes. In addition, I discovered that students’ traditional writing knowledge was insufficient when composing digitally. While students possessed declarative knowledge for what they wanted to compose, they were unable to produce the types of digital compositions that met the rhetorical demands of the task. While digital writing motivated the students, they did not possess the knowledge to produce a digital composition that maintained the integrity of their compositions. During interviews, it became evident that the participants lacked rhetorical knowledge about digital composition and reverted to the knowledge they possessed about print writing. Utilizing the more familiar rhetorical knowledge they possessed about composing traditional text created digital compositions that did not utilize the affordances that digital writing offers to create meaning. These finding can impact the way digital composition is taught in school to ensure that students possess the necessary rhetorical skills for creating digital compositions.</p><p>
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Experiences of Middle and High School AVID Students from an Urban South Texas School District Who Played College Ready-the GameReynolds-Perez, Cecilia Cissy 22 February 2018 (has links)
<p> The college education gap between Latinas/os and whites has grown to 29 percentage points (Kolodner, 2017). I am a product of this gap. As a high school principal, I believe the solution to this problem lies within the creative minds of school principals/leaders. When a resource was not available to address the college readiness gap at my campus, I created one. The resource I created is <i>College Ready-the Game</i>. You can create one too! </p><p> The purpose of this qualitative study is to discover the experiences of middle and high school AVID students who played <i>College Ready-the Game</i>. John Dewey’s theory of pragmatism guided the study. The intent behind the development of <i>College Ready-the Game</i> was to create a vocabulary resource that students can <i>learn by doing</i>. </p><p> The methodological framework was based upon tenets of Action Research. Patterns of experiences from participants of the same social group (students in the AVID program) that had played the college-ready game were observed through an interpretivist lens. Data from interviews were unitized and sorted into categories. </p><p> Secondary AVID classrooms who most widely use the game were chosen for the selection of participants. The classrooms are located in Title I and Non-Title I campuses to help ensure diversity of the participants. </p><p> The emergent patterns of responses conclude the following: • Game-play of <i>College Ready-the Game</i> sparked conversations that developed college-ready vocabulary. • <i>Physical movement, competition, and repetition</i> of <i>game-play</i> motivated students to learn college-ready vocabulary. • <i>Community of inquiry</i> and a <i>college-going culture</i> were established through game-play. • <i>Bank of college-ready vocabulary</i> empowered students to participate in <i>college-talk</i> and earn <i>social and cultural capital</i>. • The <i>social and cultural capital </i> led the students to the critical <i>predisposition</i> stage to pursue college with their counselors, peers and parents. </p><p> While the study adds to the literature of college readiness, future qualitative studies are recommended to uncover the experiences from a variety of student and parent populations, such as speakers of other languages. Longitudinal quantitative studies are recommended to discover the effects of students who play <i>College Ready-the Game</i> throughout their school years. </p><p>
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Evaluating the Effectiveness of Project ReCharge| A STEM Based Energy Efficiency CurriculumPozarski Connolly, Catherine J. 14 March 2018 (has links)
<p> This research evaluates the effectiveness of Project ReCharge, an energy efficiency, STEM curriculum designed for middle and high school students. The project includes a five-unit curriculum, and monthly professional development spanning a year. The project was implemented in ten schools over three years. Four areas were explored in the study including (1) changes to student content knowledge, (2) changes to student attitudes towards STEM subjects and careers, (3) changes to teacher self-efficacy and beliefs, and (4) changes to teacher content knowledge. A content test for teachers and students, the STEM Semantics Survey, and STEBI-A were used to collect data on 4123 students and 47 teachers. Data were collected in a quasi-experimental design utilizing parametric and nonparametric techniques. Analyses suggest student content knowledge increased significantly from pretest to posttest for all years (Pretest: <i>M</i> = 11.38, <i>SD</i> = 4.97, Posttest: <i>M</i> = 16.67, <i> SD</i> = 5.83, <i>t</i> = 45.05, <i>p</i> < 0.001, <i> d</i> = 0.98). Increases to student attitudes in STEM varied by year and grade, but overall increases were found in science (<i>N</i> = 2362, <i>z</i> = –2.618, <i>p</i> = 0.030, η<sup> 2</sup> = 0.002), and math attitudes (<i>N</i> = 2348, <i> z</i> = –2.280, <i>p</i> = 0.023, η<sup>2</sup> = 0.002). High school students tended to show more increased attitudes in more subject areas than middle school students. No changes to teacher self-efficacy and beliefs were found, and increases to teacher content knowledge only occurred in the third year (<i>N</i> = 22, <i>x</i><sup>2</sup> = 5.158; <i>p</i> = 0.076, η<sup>2</sup> = 0.319).</p><p>
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Bridging the Gap| Growth Mindset Research and Educators' PracticeTecker, Sheryl S. 13 March 2018 (has links)
<p> This research addresses the problem of low math achievement of middle school students through the use of a Growth Mindset intervention and related strategies. While the research on Growth Mindset interventions and strategies show positive results in controlled settings, there is a need to better understand Growth Mindset implementation from the perspectives of teachers and students in classroom settings. This study looked at Growth Mindset implementation with 449 students and seven teachers in sixth-grade math classrooms from two middle schools in one suburban school district. This study examines teacher and student perspectives of the effectiveness of four Growth Mindset instructional strategies and achievement results after a Growth Mindset intervention conducted by the classroom teachers. Teachers learned to implement four Growth Mindset strategies through an online professional development series provided by the district and shared their perspectives in an online discussion group and subsequent survey. All the sixth-grade students completed a survey and the researcher conducted two focus groups to identify students’ perspectives of the classroom goal orientation and the Growth Mindset strategies. The impact of the Growth Mindset intervention was measured using benchmark test scores and trimester grades, which assisted the district’s goal to improve mathematics achievement in middle school. The results demonstrate that teachers and students perceive both mastery and performance classroom goal orientations and find two Growth Mindset strategies, celebrating mistakes and providing challenging math tasks, to be well received by both groups. Findings also indicate that after the Growth Mindset intervention student achievement on the benchmark test did not improve, however, students’ grade point average did improve compared to students from the previous school year in the same district.</p><p>
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The Exploration of Student Shadowing and School-Based Instructional Rounds on Deeper Learning in the Middle and High School Classroom| A Transformative Approach Discussing Professional Learning with Teachers and AdministratorsKloes-Corwin, Regina 09 May 2018 (has links)
<p> Professional learning environments and professional development practices among educators throughout the United States have experienced a great deal of attention in the need for changes toward collaborative learning models and professional learning opportunities that engage in hands-on work focused on student learning and the growth of teachers’ practice to help students develop their ability to think critically. This qualitative phenomenological study explored middle and high school teachers’ and administrators’ previous professional learning experiences through the practice of School-Based Instructional Rounds and Student Shadowing. The research focused on exploring the impact, if any, on transforming teaching strategies that provide deeper learning experiences for students in college and career readiness. A transformative framework under the theory of Mezirow’s transformative learning theory and Knowles’s adult learning theory using a constructivist paradigm and grounded theory approach informed the exploration of worldviews from the data of this research study. </p><p> The participants who took part in School-Based Instructional Rounds included 8 high school and middle teachers and administrators in 3 school districts representing 4 Southern California schools. In-person interviews support the research findings in this study. The participants represented in the Shadow a Student Challenge consisted of school leaders and a teacher who work in public and private middle and high school districts in the states of Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Rhode Island. Document analysis and personal interviews support the research findings of this study. Professional learning experiences of School-Based Instructional Rounds and Student Shadowing were explored within the lived experiences of teachers and administrators professional learning practices. Perceptions of deeper learning opportunities in middle and high school classrooms were examined, connecting professional development and the transformation of deeper learning instructional practices. This study will contribute to the body of literature on the value of implementing School-Based Instructional Rounds and the Shadow a Student Challenge as hands-on professional learning practices for teachers and administrators toward supporting the adoption of engaging, meaningful, and relevant strategies for 21st-century learning skills in middle and high school classrooms.</p><p>
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